Yaser Birjas – Be Patient And Do Not Be Hasty

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the struggles of being a Muslim and the need for fear and guidance to stay strong. The history of the prophet's actions, including his desire to bring victory to their lands and visit Yemen, were not a small act of war. The message involved sending a message to Yemen, which led to the throne being declared by the prophet, and its implications for the world, including the belief that everything is based on pride and loyalty. The speaker emphasizes the need for fear and guidance to stay strong and protecting against natural hazards.
AI: Transcript ©
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So how many of you believe that it's

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easy to be Muslim today? Raise your hands.

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Anyone believes it's easy to be a Muslim

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Come on, put your hands down, Ajamal.

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Of course, it's not easy.

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It's hard. But how many of you believe

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it's impossible to be a Muslim today? Raise

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your hand. It's impossible to be a Muslim.

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Hamdulillah, look at you.

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Regardless of what we go through, regardless of

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what they throw on your way,

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and at you as a Muslim or even

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labeling Islam with anything negative,

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we still insist.

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It's a resilience in this faith that keeps

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it moving forward, alhamdulillah,

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and we've seen that every single day and

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every single night in Gaza.

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We've seen it in Surastin al Quds Al

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these places, alhamdulillah.

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We've seen it in Kashmir, we've seen it

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in a different place in the world. No

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matter what they try to do, the word

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will persist to exist.

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But how difficult was it for the sahabr

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how much patience

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you need to endure

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in order for you to be part of

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this solid movement of keeping this faith and

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this Deen alive.

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Hadith number 41

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in the in the other salihin in the

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chapter of As Sabr, chapter of patience,

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He said we complained to the prophet

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regarding the persecution

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inflicted upon us by the by the disbelievers

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while he was lying in the shade of

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Al Kaaba.

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Let me put the story for you in

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context again.

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So, there were 3 of them, that was

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and the third one was,

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what's his name,

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Sohayi Berumih Radillahan, Sohayi Bin Sinan,

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Khabab ibn al Arat,

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Bilal al Araba, and sohaib ibn Sinan.

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Anyone knows what is the common thing between

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these three people?

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They were slaves or former slaves,

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which means they were what?

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The most vulnerable.

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They have no support,

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no family to protect them, no clan, no

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tribal system to guard them from this, so

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they were free game.

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And that's why, unfortunately, most of the persecution

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was inflicted upon these weak and vulnerable in

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the community. Why is that?

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To make lesson for the strong one to

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be afraid of, and that's why what's happening

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in Palestine Gaza, it's a show of might

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and power against the most vulnerable.

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But imagine the people of Gaza have an

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equal might against these people who are trying

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to execute them. Imagine what would happen,

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people fighting with sandals at jama'ah

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and and and causing so much pain in

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one of the mightiest militaries of the world.

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So, here the same thing, they go to

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the weak, Khabab al-'Arat,

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and Sohayb, they were former slaves, and they're

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taking advantage of them.

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there was a moment when even this sahab

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as much as they enjoyed being Muslims,

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as much as they enjoyed

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the luxury

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of being alhamdulillmuhadid

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in a moment of difficulty and hardship,

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Still though, it was painful.

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So one day they went looking for the

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and they found him lying down in the

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shade of Al Kaaba.

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What's on their mind right now

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when they see the prophet

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lying down in the shade of Al Kaaba?

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What do you think comes to their mind?

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He's safe,

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he's from Banu Hashim,

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he's from Quraish,

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and no one's going to touch him so

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he's not going to go through what we

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go through.

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So, yeah, that's why he finds luxury

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in lying down the shade of Al Ka'bah,

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like unfortunately many of us doing in this

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society over here, lying down in the shade

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of our homes,

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feeling safe.

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So, this sahab came to the prophet

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So, the prophet was using his clog as

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a pillow

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resting in the shade of Al Kaaba.

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And, that shows you the humbleness of the

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the humility of the Prophet

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how natural he was.

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He wasn't

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someone looking for prestige or name or fame

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creating a flamboyant

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culture for himself to be followed. No. He

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was just like anybody else.

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So, Sahaba look at him, Rasool Allah, peaceful

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in that moment.

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So he said, O Messenger of Allah,

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why don't you sublocate for

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our prevalence over the opponents? Why don't you

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pray for our victory against them?

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Shouldn't you be calling Allah to give us

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victory against our enemies?

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Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam, he sat up.

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He fixed his posture, he sat up and

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he started looking at him, having a conversation

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with him now. And then he told them

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something, Faqal, he gave them the answer by

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creating a parallel. He didn't say yes or

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but he created right now a parallel for

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them. He said

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He said

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among those people before you,

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like basically if you think it's hard on

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listen to this. Because those who were before

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you, a man would be seized

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and held in a pit dug for him

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in the ground,

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and he would be sold he would be

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sold into 2 halves from his head,

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like they would be splitting him into halves.

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And we've seen what happens in Gaza right

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now in Islam.

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Not just halves, into pieces.

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And they have

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all the support of the world for this

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for this genocide and this crime of Allah

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and Muslim.

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But still the people of Ghazda, they say

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we're here, this is our land, we go

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And they say Allah

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has his hikmah, his wisdom.

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And here, and

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here's another example.

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Says others,

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his flesh torn away from his bones with

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an iron comb like they removed their flesh

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off their body, basically tortured.

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And the first one would be dead instantly,

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but this one is gonna be tortured. And

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he said All of this he said in

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spite of this

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he would not win away from his faith.

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And then he said

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and has given salallahu alayhi wa sallam the

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good news for the future.

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said I swear

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I swear to you

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by Allah,

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Allah will bring this matter to its to

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its consummation until

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a rider will travel from San'a to Hadhramaut

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in Yemen feeling none except Allah and except

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the wolf for his sheep.

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He said

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So here the prophet has given the good

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news with absolute

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Because look, I swear to God, I swear

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to you, it's gonna be come, it's gonna

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come, it's coming.

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Like victory is coming until, he said

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a traveler alone, a solo traveler will be

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traveling from San'a to Hadramaut Al Yaman.

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Anyone knows why the prophet

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chose Sana'a and Hadhramaut? They're

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both areas, regions in Yemen,

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and Yemen is in the southern belt,

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southwest of the Arabian Peninsula. Anyone knows why

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Sana'a and Hadar Amout

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in particular?

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Very rough

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until today, Ajamal. Fear about Jaman right now.

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Until today, one of the roughest terrains in

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the Arabian Peninsula, mountain area, so hard to

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get up there.

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in our time and age, there are certain

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areas in that region that cars cannot go

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So, it's very difficult and rough, and these

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2 are protected by natural, of course, kind

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of terrain,

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and it was always been dangerous. He said

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to Allah, the day will come when a

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traveler will be traveling alone, fearing nobody but

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Like if there's no

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highway robbers or being killed or being harassed,

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fearing only Allah with

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and the wolf to prey on his sheep,

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which is a natural predators basically in the

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forest and so on.

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But then the prophet he

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but, he says you are into you are

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in too much of hurry, like you're just

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being so hasty.

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What does that mean Ajima?

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It requires a lot of patience.

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The question for you right now, did this

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promise of the prophet come true?

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Did it come true?

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Absolutely. At the time when the prophet described

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that about Yemen, Yemen was a territory of

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what? Which region? Anyone knows?

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The Persians.

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Actually it was for the Persians. It was

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a settlement for the Persians.

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I don't know if you know that but

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back in those days

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when the Christians came and took the area

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from the Jews,

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and the Christians, their allies were the Romans,

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and the Jews from before were allies with

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the with the Persians.

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So, the the south held from the Persians,

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the Persians, they came and drove the Christians

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out out of it after Abraha failed his

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in in Mecca. So it became a Persian

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territory for a very long time,

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and it seems to be the same thing

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until this day, al Amaztam.

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So, eventually,

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it became a settlement until the prophet

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sent his invoice Muadh radiallahu ta'ala

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to be governor of Yemen, and he sent

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them a messenger to invite them to Islam.

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And the 2 governors at that time over

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from Persia,

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they became Muslims,

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They became Muslims and the prophet kept them

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their governors until he said

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Just a historical thing, I don't know if

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you remember but when the prophet

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he sent his messengers and his envoys to

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invite the kings of the world to Islam,

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he sent a message to Yemen, a message

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to Persia,

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the Persian empire,

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to the Romans, to Egypt,

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and major basically places.

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So, when the Persian,

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Kisra, he received the

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prophet invoice and message to invite him to

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What did he do? Do you know what

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he did to him?

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He ripped the letter,

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so insulted, like how dare this Bedouin from

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the desert come and talk to me like

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this. So he rips the letter and he

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kills the envoy.

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Now technically, even until this day, if you

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cut an envoy for different state or different

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nation, what does that mean?

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It's an act of war.

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It's an act of war, which is why

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the prophet

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he became at war with the Persians.

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But that did not happen until when? After

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the prophet

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passed. Ubaka Sadiq, he took the offense on

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the Persians at that time. So when this

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happened, the Persian, Kisra,

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he sends to his governor in Yemen, he

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goes go and bring me that Bedouin and

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bring him to attend before me.

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So, he sends him 2 of his

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invoice from there. They come to Madinah looking

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for the prophet

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They thought they're gonna be easy and they're

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gonna be taken as a prey and bring

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him to their king. And when the Prophet

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he saw them,

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they were clean shaped by the way, he

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goes, who told you to do that to

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Because that's our tradition, Rabbonah.

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And the prophet

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said, well, I can rub me, command me

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to grow my beard and trim my mustache.

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And eventually, he says,

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So, if it's not

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the law or at least

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the the the the obvious decency that you

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don't kill envoys,

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I would have killed you for just even

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daring to come and ask me escorted to

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your king.

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So he let go of them. Eventually, later

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on, Yemen became a Muslim territory,

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and what the prophet promised that would happen

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He became safe,

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relatively speaking, for a very long time.

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And all the things the prophet promised when

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he was in Mecca,

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when he was in Medina came to be

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So what we learned from this hadith al

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whatever we go through these days,

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the online harassment, you know the Islamophobia,

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people yelling at you, insulting you, even sometimes

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trying to be physical and so on, all

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of this

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for being Muslim.

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The question that you ask yourself, why?

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Why they have so much hate

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for for you being

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Muslim? I believe

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it's because of the main principles of Islam

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that is running contrary to their values. And

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what I mean by that? You see, when

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the prophet he first received

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he barely received read in the name of

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your Lord who created, nothing more. There was

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no yet instruction of abandoning alcohol, don't commit

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zina, don't do this, don't None of these

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things were revealed yet, just that you are

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going to be a prophet. That's it.

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And he went to Warak ibn Nawfal.

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What did Barakah Munawfal tell the prophet

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about the future? What did he tell him?

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He said I wish I was young

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enough when your people drive you out of

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your town, I would be there for you

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to support you. And the prophet was shocked.

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He goes, oh,

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like my own people?

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Living in a tribal system that everything about

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the blood ties is the most sacred thing

00:14:06 --> 00:14:08

for them. He couldn't even imagine that his

00:14:08 --> 00:14:10

own people will drive him out of his

00:14:10 --> 00:14:10

own hometown.

00:14:11 --> 00:14:13

So the prophet was told in the moment

00:14:19 --> 00:14:21

No one ever brought message like yours to

00:14:21 --> 00:14:22

the people

00:14:22 --> 00:14:23

but they will gain their hostility.

00:14:25 --> 00:14:27

What does that mean? Your message

00:14:28 --> 00:14:30

running against their awful values

00:14:30 --> 00:14:32

because the value of the dunya, the value

00:14:32 --> 00:14:34

of the nafs is what? It's low values.

00:14:35 --> 00:14:37

It's all about living this life

00:14:38 --> 00:14:39

and no boundaries, no haram,

00:14:40 --> 00:14:42

and that's why you see people flourishing on

00:14:42 --> 00:14:42


00:14:43 --> 00:14:45

Entertainment industry, all the kind of haram you

00:14:45 --> 00:14:48

can imagine, and people making 1,000,000 and 1,000,000,000

00:14:48 --> 00:14:49

of dollars out of this.

00:14:51 --> 00:14:53

You come and tell them this is haram,

00:14:53 --> 00:14:55

you can't have banks that that charges interest.

00:14:56 --> 00:14:58

What happens here? The whole world collapses.

00:14:59 --> 00:15:02

The financial system, those people who get bonuses

00:15:02 --> 00:15:04

by the 100 of 1,000,000 of dollars, it's

00:15:04 --> 00:15:05

gone for them already.

00:15:07 --> 00:15:08

Fairness and justice,

00:15:09 --> 00:15:11

weapon industry collapses,

00:15:11 --> 00:15:13

you know, because you can't exploit these nations

00:15:13 --> 00:15:15

just for the sake of selling, you know,

00:15:15 --> 00:15:17

arms and so on. All these things, of

00:15:17 --> 00:15:19

course, they don't want you to be there,

00:15:19 --> 00:15:20

to be dominant, to be ruled.

00:15:21 --> 00:15:21

That's why

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sometimes it's very easy just to show that

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and unfortunately, usually it shows it comes out

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in a form of ideology,

00:15:30 --> 00:15:32

although it's much more than just ideology. But

00:15:32 --> 00:15:33

here the prophet

00:15:33 --> 00:15:34

is telling them

00:15:35 --> 00:15:36

look, be patient.

00:15:38 --> 00:15:39

Be patient. He said, I promise

00:15:40 --> 00:15:40

you Allah

00:15:41 --> 00:15:43

will give victory to this faith. And I

00:15:43 --> 00:15:45

promise you today, regardless of what we see

00:15:45 --> 00:15:48

in our time, how weak the ummah is,

00:15:48 --> 00:15:49

how vulnerable it is, Allah

00:15:50 --> 00:15:52

the promise of Allah will be fulfilled.

00:15:53 --> 00:15:55

And Allah says to

00:15:57 --> 00:15:58

prevail over all other

00:15:59 --> 00:16:00

religions or other

00:16:00 --> 00:16:03

ideologies because that's the ideology of justice. And

00:16:03 --> 00:16:05

the first thing is to worship 1 and

00:16:05 --> 00:16:06

only 1 Allah

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and then give respect and justice to mankind.

00:16:09 --> 00:16:10

May Allah

00:16:11 --> 00:16:13

protect us from any fit in of this

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and and give us true patience as we

00:16:15 --> 00:16:17

go through in Mirallaha.

00:16:18 --> 00:16:19

Any questions?

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