Saad Tasleem – The despicable state of the Ummah today

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the hadith of Prophet sallali alaihi wa sallam, which describes a time where individuals will be attack and harm each other. The speaker explains that the Prophet's message is that a time will soon come when the nations of the world will gather around them and attack them, and that the message is shocking because the state of mind and spiritual state are the primary factors affecting one's life. The message also states that people will lose their strength and honor due to the dunya of the afterlife.
AI: Transcript ©
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Because I actually wanted to today

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go over,

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a very chilling hadith of the Prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wasallam.

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And this is the hadith of Sauban mentioned

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in Suran Abu Dawood.

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And in this hadith we hear about

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a time to come. But the way the

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Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam phrase this hadith

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is that he said, a time will soon

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come, meaning it is upon you, meaning it

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is close.

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He said

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a time is upon you

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when the nations of the world

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will gather around you,

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and they will attack you,

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and they will invite one another

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to attack and harm you. Just as someone

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who would sit down to eat

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at a plate of food, and they would

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invite others to come join in them in

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this feast.

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And the companions radhiallahu anhu,

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they were shocked to hear this,

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that a time like this would come. And

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so they asked the Prophet

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They said,

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Is it because we are so few

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in that time, and we are so few

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in number?

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The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, bal antum

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yawaydin kir.

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No. On that day, in that time, in

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that moment,

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there's going to be many of you,

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but you will be and now he mentions

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the state

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of the Ummah.

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He says you will be like the filth

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that floats on top of water,

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meaning there's no value to you.

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You float about, there's nothing there to you.

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will remove

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your fear from the hearts of your enemies.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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said, walayatadayfannalahu

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And he will put into your hearts,

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al wahin. And you know it's very interesting

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because the word al wahin or wahin

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literally means like fatigue.

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And Allah speaking about childbirth

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It's fatigue

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and being tired and worn out.

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And so the companions are asking this when,

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this this fatigue, what is that?

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They said,

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Like what is this wahil that would cause

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us to be in this despicable state?

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And the prophet subhanahu alaihi wa sallam,

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he said, This wahil

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said, This wahil

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is this love, and this desire, and this

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for this worldly life,

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and the hatred

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for death. Now the prophet

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says this, that this is shocking for the

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because the state that the companions were in

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at that moment was the opposite of this

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Meaning they were not infatuated

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with the dunya.

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Their end all and be all of their

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existence was not worldly life, and worldly gains,

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and worldly benefits, and worldly comforts.

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Their end all and be all was not

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every desire that we have needs to be

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fulfilled in this life.

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They yearned

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for the akhirah.

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They yearned for the afterlife. They knew that

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this life is temporary, that this life is

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fleeting. This life is a test from Allah

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This life is a life in which we

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the akhirah.

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It is because of that state of mind,

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that state of being, that spiritual state that

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they found this hadith

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to be shocking.

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That a time will come

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when the ummah will no longer

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yearn for the akhirah. They will be infatuated

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with this dunya. And one of the things

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that will happen at that time is that

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we will lose strength.

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We will lose, Mike. We will lose honor.

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