Wisam Sharieff – Arafah Series #13 You Cant Ask For Enough

Wisam Sharieff
AI: Summary ©
The speaker is discussing a potential opportunity to pay off debt and receive a source of finance. They emphasize the importance of living in their means and not risk their soul. The speaker also mentions a desire to make an offer to someone.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yo Ma Rafa you can ask for enough hola hola in me as I do tell the Buddha what to call one Alpha One inner hola hola in me as I do tell you what to call one alpha one oh Allah I asked for complete health spiritual hedaya what to call one Arca well over Allah give me debt free living so that I live within my means don't make me want more

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Don't Make Me Want more than I can afford, oh Allah surround me by the companionship that I will have in paradise introduced me to my 10 friends that I will have in paradise as well and give me a good source of finance so I don't have to sell my soul for risk. Let me live in opulence and let me live in abundance. Make the DUA an offer

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