Wasim Kempson – The Life of the Prophet Muhammad – 07 Patient, Peaceful Preaching

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary ©
The history and use of the symbol "has been met" in Islam is discussed, along with the challenges of achieving spirituality and the importance of training and groundwork for unity in the community. The speakers emphasize the need for everyone to strengthen themselves and take time to strengthen their bodies to unite their families. The use of translators and the lack of knowledge of the Arabic language is also highlighted, along with the importance of understanding the sun and the importance of avoiding distraction from issues. The speakers suggest that people may try to claim ownership of Islam and use it to gain political power.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Ashraful MB he was a de mursaleen. While early he was a big man.

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Indeed, who praises you to Allah?

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May the peace and blessings of Allah Subhana Allah be upon his final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So we are still in the meccan period.

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And before we start talking about some of the

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events which really changed to some extent the position of the Muslims in Mecca and that's concerning the Islam of Ramadan hot lava Lilo and who and also Hamza, even Abdulmutallab radi Allahu anhu. But before we get to that is a few things.

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That's important for us to to think about Charlotte Island,

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tried to utilize and benefit from the Sierra directly.

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The one will notice from the very beginning to the very end of the Macan period that the Muslims didn't physically fight back, didn't openly fight back against the kurush

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even though that they had full right to, in that, that they were being oppressed and persecuted and treated in the hostile, harshest of manner. Some of the younger companions of the Allahu anhu

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who saw what was happening, went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and asked about the situation they were in, if they could do something about it.

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On one occasion of the Romani been alpha, the Allahu anhu, and some of the Muslims. They went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Yana viola, or prophet of Allah, that we were honored when we were once polytheists. And ever since we have felt or entered into Amen, we find ourselves being humiliated.

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Now, we're not understand that they had any doubts about the man or about their decision. But they wanted to have the opportunity or have the chance to

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defend themselves against the polytheists, who are essentially their persecutors

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at this time, and Wu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam informed the Muslims, he said that I was ordered to forgive, so do not fight them.

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Now, there's a number of reasons and discussions concerning this, ie that the Muslims for 13 years did not fight back physically.

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Even though they had full rights that the men their wealth, Muslims were martyred. Why should one put up with this?

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Now, number one, the makan phase was a phase in the life of an abuse Allahu alayhi wa sallam, which without doubt at this time, was a period of training and preparation, training and preparation, training and preparation for things to come, that what was going to happen in the years later. And when you look at it, the trials that the Muslims that they faced in Medina, the the new trials of example, the hypocrites and engaging with different communities, that looking back on that what they went through and the marking period, no doubt that it put them or put them in a position

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that they were able to deal with those trials later.

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So they will became very patient people. They became a people who didn't lose their temper quickly. And they fell in line with the orders of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, even though that they had their own

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opinions concerning certain matters, the fact that the Prophet sallallaahu Edison said that this is what we're going to do, and this is how we're going to behave that they followed that.

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So they were

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training themselves being patient holding on to their anger and following the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam even though that they themselves were facing or subjected to great

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or extreme and harsh treatment. Yet they were still ordered not to take up any arms.

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So a training face for them. Also, it can be mentioned that in a society like that, it will seem that peaceful preaching if you want to call it or

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okay like this being called No problem, peaceful preaching that it was

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seen as having a stronger impact, as opposed to non peaceful actions.

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That here it is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was bringing families together wanting to bring people together to unite people. If then you were then to stop fighting people will be very difficult to uphold

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the kinship between families, because you might find in one particular family, father and son on different sides.

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But here it is Islam and I legitimately wanted to bring the people together. So fighting

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would have been counterproductive, completely.

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Another reason we can be mentioned

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is that

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there were people who until now hadn't embraced Islam from them.

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Mr. Malhotra, the Allahu anhu. And other companions who were to accept Islam much later on. Abu Sufyan at the time was from the leaders of the Quran against the Muslims, he or you embraced Islam, after the fact of Mecca. If it was that the Muslims were then to start fighting against these individuals who are yet to embrace Islam, maybe these people would have been killed, and they wouldn't have become the great leaders that we know. And that we have, especially Mr. Malhotra, the alojado.

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Likewise, we mentioned previous I think in previous lessons that the Muslims were, again few in number, and that they were constructed within the boundaries of Mk. And that Islam hadn't

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gone really beyond Macau, there were a few tribes who were almost sitting on the fence really looking and, and really thinking about what was happening here. And that really whoever is going to prevail, will follow them. Okay, so there were groups and there were tribes there were they were like this as well. And honestly, as many of the element that they said that there was no pressing need to start fighting at this time. For the goals at this particular stage of the hour, they were being fulfilled, that the word of Allah subhanaw taala was being propagated that people were becoming aware of Islam, even though that they were in a very difficult position.

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Islam was still spreading.

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So it was overall a time of training, a time for groundwork for principles that could be applied in the future establishing men that would then later on take the message of Islam beyond the Arabian Peninsula. So, when you look at these 30 years and what the Muslims what they, what they went through,

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you will find that there were many things or a number of things which gave them strength

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and the single most important source of

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strength that they had, was the revelation of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Here it is that they had accepted Islam, entered into the deen of Allah subhanaw taala recognized Allah azza wa jal is the only one deserving of worship, and that our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was indeed the Messenger of Allah, and that he affirmed and confirmed all the previous messengers and prophets. And the here it is that he was receiving revelation from Allah subhanaw taala. Not in one go Joomla tournois Haida No, but came down bit piece. Slowly Allah subhanaw taala was revealing and addressing mankind, which was a time of great in itself, great excitement for them.

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Imagine that,

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and how, you know, we have the book of allies have done with us in going to the bookshelves and you can see copy after copy and a lot of Joel has completed his revelation and sent it to us preserved that hamdulillah from cover to cover from alpha to unece. But at the very beginning the companions they were waiting for the revelation to come. And Allah subhanaw taala in very early revelation, you see how Allah azza wa jal is nurturing them and advising them and teaching them the type of people that they should be they should be serious servants and slaves of Allah subhanaw taala

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that great sacrifice and struggle was something that was required of them.

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When our last panel to address our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yeah 100 Muslim men. Oh, you wrapped in garments come in Laila in kalila that allies of Dennis telling him to stand to pray all night. Miss Fufu Erwin cosmin who kalila or if you cannot stay the whole night except a little half of it or a little less than that. Or was it early? Or do you move on that water till 430

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Tila and recite the Quran aloud in a slow, pleasant style.

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This is how our last panel data was instilling the belief in the believers. And this is something fundamental to all of us. The establishment of Eman, remaining and being steadfast and taking things stage by stage.

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That the type of people we are and even an abuse will allow it Some said to the Sahaba in the containment strategy rune, another companion, he came to the Prophet as a subsidiary Rasul Allah, that we are being punished, we're being tortured. You know, what can happen, you know, we are who we are. And then the Prophet Ellison gave him an example that in the previous nations, a man would be taken and laid down, and that a sore would be then placed on the top of his head to be, you know, and then cut in half. And they would remain firm these people.

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Not until this stage that it was really like like this, although there was, of course, great torture and punishment hadn't reached something like this, but the Prophet has reminded them that Don't be hasty. Don't be quick. You need to take your time you need to strengthen yourself. And this is what a lot of panatela wants from us. If Allah azza wa jal indeed wanted something else, he would have commanded and maybe Salalah has to do something different, to raise arms to defend themselves in whatever manner was necessary.

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But here it is that the Muslims now we're being strengthened internally.

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That the then later on when they became tested with all types of tests, not necessarily the physical test, because maybe the physical tests that the muhajir on, that they faced in Makkah, individually, for some of them, it was far greater them in Macau than it was in Medina, maybe for some of them are high June, there was early Muslims the persecution that they faced for 13 years. When they went to Medina. By and large, it was much easier for them. However, the trials and tribulations that they faced, were not necessarily physical, physical oppression or physical tests. Rather the tests they would go through with the tests, which would actually test the core of your Eman choosing between

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dunya between choosing between Arcola, but they were people who went through what they went through and became like mountains, fixed into the earth, that will not able to be shocked by any of these pleasantries that one may find in this worldly life.

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So the tests that you go through any one of us that we go through, even if it is the case that we are being physically tested with an illness, or some kind of kind of ailment, yes, it will test you physically. But here at Eliza Jane is testing out he men and our faith to strengthen us. So that when times maybe in the future, that we go through more severe or lesser trials, that what we went through earlier will enable us and prepare us for those times in the future. So the book of Allah subhanaw taala, was a source of great strength and guidance for them. And a lot of panels Allah revealed, many are yet talking about establishing the prayer, praying at night, rising at night

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establishing the vicar of Allah subhanaw taala, they got the example of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he faced what he, what he faced the Sahaba the alignment and wanting to follow that and be like him,

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all of this training them preparing them for the great mission that they would have in the future.

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The survival of the allowing, being trained to to love one another, to support one another, to become a single unit,

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composed of many people

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as one oma and it is these kind of principles that we need to to benefit from, because we don't, we're not short in number. We're not short in resources. So what is it that we're lacking? we're lacking love for one another. I mean, we love

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the love in which the Prophet alayhi wa sallam said let me know what you have bullied him, I believe

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that none of you will truly believe until he loves for his by the way loves himself.

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All of us we will differ and we'll have we have different levels concerning this. You know making a sacrifice that a person will prefer to give rather than receive that the pert the people will prefer to remain unknown is not about being known. These are the kinds of sahab these are the kind of people that they were and a true Islamic bond, a true Islamic brotherhood existed between them.

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So an abuse of the law, why New Zealand would would tell them to cooperate with one another, to support one another, especially in times of difficulty

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and not to expect anything in return. Do it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala

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that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say don't hate one another. Do not be

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Jealous of one another, and do not try to deceive one another, but rather be slaves of Allah brothers onto each other.

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These are the kind of advices that the Sahaba of the lion and that they would have and that they would live with one another. And it is these examples, these narrations that we try to emulate and try to live, not just to listen to it and just to take what I can from it, but rather,

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what is the reality? And what is it really like to support and have this unity between between the Muslims?

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Allah subhanaw taala he tells us and he addresses and the bee sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was well enough Sakuma and levena you're the owner of boom biloba dirty Will you redo Naja and keep yourself oh Mohammed sal Allahu Allah send impatiently with those who call upon the Lord in the morning and in the afternoon is seeking his seeking his face, and that you should not let your eyes overlook them, desiring the pumpkin the glitter of this world and do not obey those whose hearts we have made heedless of our remembrance, and the one who follows his own lusts, and whose affair or their deeds have been lost.

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So Allah azza wa jal is addressing and abuse Allah who is telling these are the kind of people that you should be with. And likewise we take, we take practice from this as well, the kind of people we should follow the kind of people that we should be around.

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Even at times, when an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam maybe addressed a particular companion in a way which wasn't befitting

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our boss or whatever. And

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the story, this is what happens when the profits are lost and found and turned away because they came to him a blind man, I Abdullah Al Maktoum. He came to the Prophet Alayhi Salaam while he was preaching to some quarshie chiefs chiefs.

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What are you the rIq Allah Allah who is

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but what could tell you that maybe a chance he may come to pure from sin or that he might receive admonition and admonition might profit from him. So NW Sasa was advised by Allah subhanaw taala to to address him and maybe not to

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all laws which were approached him in the in this manner. So here last panel tile is revealed or earn addressing

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an abuse Allahu Allah Selim concerning specific incidents, so that he that he would become individual, that we all know that he became sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So this is something that all of us we really need to pay attention to.

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And that is the establishing ourselves firmly into the deen and not rushing, and not being quick, into things that are beyond our capabilities or beyond our,

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our status, the moment that's not to be taken us to be lazy, don't care. And these kinds of,

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you know, what may come into a person's mind. And I would say also, that if somebody says to you, let us stay agile, do not be too quick, Don't be hasty. Do not do things, take things slowly. It shouldn't come into a Muslims mind that that person is telling you to be lazy, it shouldn't come into your mind to say that, you know, don't care. No, that the person who's speaking to you and giving this advice to you, you should, you should, number one, take it as a sincere advice, a sincere advice, a dino naseeha. But that person may be well talking from some, from some knowledge and from experience and from wisdom, especially if that person is known for their knowledge,

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especially if that person is known for their position or their, their wisdom, take it from them. And that's not to be taken in a negative way.

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So when you find youngsters who want to, to establish things very quickly, beyond their understanding beyond their perception and comprehension, and then when you want to advise them or the or the there's an attempt to advise them, that they close up. And they show little wisdom, they show little acceptance. This is unfortunately, only due to their own ignorance.

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Because it is only ignorance that will drive a person or push a person to behave in such a way that if a person is sincere in advice coming to you, a person is sincere or known for their knowledge and to give you authentic knowledge. And then for that person to reject that and believe that they know better and that you don't know what maybe there's elements of arrogance and pride in that. That person doesn't even maybe know that they're being arrogant or being proud. But it is unfortunate due to their ignorance everything becomes confused like this.

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How many confused individuals that they that we have in our oma? Yes, they have good intention, they want to do the right thing. But due to their general due to their ignorance, they make the situation that we are in even weaker, they weaken our ranks they cause for 10 the cause non Muslims to have a negative view of what Islam is about.

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They say this is what an nibio sallallahu is, and this is what he came with. And this is what he would be like

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talking from

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absolute no knowledge at all.

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And this is a shame This is unfortunately what we're facing. So you look at the Sahaba on the Allahu anhu when years of training or preparation of strengthening themselves having an attachment with the book of Allah subhanaw taala knowing what Ally's virgin wanted from them, how to follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu and knowing what the Sunnah was, okay, as opposed to a person in principle saying, Yeah, we follow Allah and His Messenger Elisa to set them.

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And then you mentioned Hadith to them. And they say, well, you don't know you're talking about

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or for example, you say to them, okay, you know,

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in understanding the Quran and the Sunnah, okay, which obviously, the language that was revealed, it is in what language is an Arabic language. And you say that, you know, in understanding these areas, and in understanding

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that ahaadeeth for example, it may be the case that we go to a statement of a companion of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam to explain the, the meaning the intended meaning behind the verse, or you go to the many students of universal or the Allahu anhu.

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Or even Mr. O'Donnell the Allahu anhu, they had many from the tablet in explaining, giving Tafseer of diet. And then when these Farsi, they were passed on through the generations, and they were compiled into books, and then we have things like poverty and even goofier and uncool to be all these great deficit. Likewise, in the interpretation and understanding of that Hadith, in Bukhari and Muslim, you know, were compiled and preserved to us. And then we have a moment no your mo law in explaining Sahih Muslim, we have even * Rahim Allah and explaining so it

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is important for us to have these understandings of the texts.

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Because people who reject all of these things, and we have people say, you know, don't tell me what scholars see. I'm not interested in that. I just want to know what Allah says, and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then request that person. Are you telling me you don't take from scholars and interpretation? No, don't talk to me about scholars. Just talk to me about an ensign. So then you asked that person, right? Do you speak the Arabic language? No, I don't speak the Arabic language. Okay, how is it the new understanding the Quran and the Sunnah? Well, you know,

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the translation, isn't it? Okay, well, who translated them? Did the Prophet alesund put the Quran into English? What did the Prophet Adam speak English for? So if we can understand No, that's not the case. So you don't want to take from scholars However, you do want to rely on translators?

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So who are the translators? Are they scholars are they people may make mistakes as well. quite possible. So even their own statements don't even make sense that we don't take from scholars we can't do this more than who translated the text that the revelation of you to understand in the first place because it is unfortunate that you don't know the Arabic language. So how is it the you're referring to end going back to these sacred sources, you are relying on somebody translating them for you. So the statement I'm not taking the scholars is in itself. Absurd is invalid statement. Because they're relying on people to translate for them. It is unfortunate we have young

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Shabaab who may have good intentions, who may want good for the deen of Allah subhanaw taala. But they don't know their position within the deen of Allah subhanaw taala allows region hasn't given them the basilar the insight to know their position to know that they're,

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you know, to know that they're just I don't know.

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Maybe that's not a correct example because maybe they would take that as an insult but in the grand scheme of things that you know, they're just all of us will just tiny small people, you know, even greater amount themselves would say that the more that I learned, the more I realized oh no, I don't know anything. So these people into you know, speak for themselves as though they're talking they know everything mapped out if it doesn't know how to contextualize, report himself where he is, or where she is. Made us pound to Allah give us to walburg May Allah give us humbleness, in dealing with knowledge because the more you deal with knowledge, it makes you more humble. The louder the

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greater, or the more ignorance you have, the more pride and the more arrogance you will have.

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So the next thing I'm going to mention in the chatroom will complete the time we have together now inshallah with these

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A few points is that after talking about the Sahaba of the lion, whom

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and how they were nurtured in such a manner, how Wu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would then having in presence of the companions, how he would deal with the polytheists or deal with those people who would verbally reject Him.

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Now on w sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is something that allies have revealed to us, first and foremost, on our last panel to Allah would give us examples and show us how to debate and how to talk with these people. So Allah azza wa jal tells us odorless abelia bakeable Hekmati. belmondo a bottle Hasina.

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miletti here

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the call to the path of your Lord with hikmah with wisdom with the book of Allah is the agenda with the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu is that's how you adjust people.

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Okay? Bill Hekmati. Well, Mo Eva tel Hasina and with a fine, a fine argument of fine talk I find admonition not to be course not to be harsh not to be swearing and cursing. Don't be like this. This is not how an abuse Allah license ever gave that to people cursing and swearing like this.

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If they are to reject watch, Delhomme bility acid and if it is the case that you're going to debate with them, debate with them in a fine way, there was never time that the Muslim should lose control of themselves or lose control of what they're talking about lose control of their tongues in a manner which will reflect Islam in a bad way.

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Yes, of course, no one can take away and the creation can do anything to the pristine

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or the perfection of Islam. However, it is reality when you see non Muslims and then they see the behavior of Muslims they will say well you follow Islam. So they will make a judgement and Islam said it's very important for us to behave in a particular way

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did not Allah subhanaw taala when some of the companions when they would say bad things about

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the gods

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of the kurush and then Allah subhanaw taala revealed verses that do not curse or swear the gods of the people who call upon besides Allah subhanaw taala that they in return then would say something bad about Allah subhanaw taala you may feel this a muscle has the benefit of doing that, but then the reaction makes a great mF sitter, it brings up a greater harm. And this is also very important topic for us to understand in understanding what brings about benefits and what will bring about harm and weighing up the situation and having the wisdom to to understand and gauging the situation at hand. So at times a loss a penalty would reveal is to bring about comparisons, okay, that they

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look foolish, for example, would bring their arguments and then Allah subhanaw taala would

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bring about arguments and comparisons.

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Likewise, Allah subhanaw taala would

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give examples to them for them to they would be forced to admit a forced admission from themselves. So Allah subhana wa either would say to them, um, what do you mean, if he in Mohali Koon? Are they aware they created by nothing? Or were they themselves the creators?

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Okay, these gods or whatever you're talking about? Two questions have been posed to them. Did they come into existence without a creator? Or they did? Did they create themselves which one of them they're forced to admit? Well, it was neither of these. Therefore, establishing that layer stack with a burden that it doesn't deserve any form of worship. Likewise, staying and ignoring other arguments, staying in your lane, if you like, when you're talking with people, or you're addressing people giving out to people, that when you talk to people, they may at times try to diversify onto other points, okay. The the central message that that the Prophet Edison was given to the Qureshi

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was to worship Allah azza wa jal, and to stay away from associating partners.

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Now in modern day times, if you'd like to how do we do them? Well, we're calling people to the worship of Allah subhanaw taala. To stay away from worshipping anything that would take them away from worshiping Allah we didn't know they may not worship idols in the physical idols sense, but they may take their how're their own desires, they may take individuals or anything that may take them away from Allah subhanaw taala. We need to engage with those things and how people will be taken away from Allah, Allah in these forms.

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So when you talk to people about the beauty of Islam that worshiping Allah is within us fulfilling our purpose of our creation? Okay, what about hijab?

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Okay, let's start from the beginning. We need to go back to tauheed talk about the oneness of Allah subhanaw taala talk about the existence of a creator if a person is denying the existence of a creator or if they're, for example,

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Example a believing person in the creator? How do you understand the creator? Okay, but what about a beard?

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Let's go back to what we were talking about let's, let's focus on the center of all of these issues. And that has to hate. Okay, well, what about forced marriages then?

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No, I'm a Muslim. And let's start from our fundamentals of our beliefs. Okay, this is what I'm going to focus on. And not to engage. Doesn't mean to ignore. But it means to deal with the main topic. And those if you like, secondary issues, which can be dealt with in the correct manner. Okay, and in the appropriate way. But let's not make those What are secondary doesn't mean second doesn't mean unimportant. But the secondary issues, as opposed to what is, you know, the primary issue is to hate worship. And the last point is admitting to Allah believing in the Quran following and following an abuse element implementing Cerner, these are primary issues. And then internally, we can start

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talking about hijab and start talking about beard and talk about marriage and women in Islam and all these kinds of things. But if we're gonna start talking about these for the branches of the issue, without understanding the core issue, then forever, we will be going around in circles. So you find a knockout and always deals with the core issue. And our newbies, I said, it would always be dealing with the core issues with the people to bring them back to the starting point.

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And not being distracted with side issues, not to say that they are unimportant, but understanding the sight issues of secondary issues without understanding the core and primary issues, then will always pose a problem for such individuals.

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Even at times that the corporation themselves, that they would be asking the Prophet sallallahu Allium, send them, you know, bring miracles, show us miracles, you know, cause a spring to gush from the earth. Or make for yourself a garden of dates, and palms and grapes and cause the heaven to fall upon us. They even asked for their own destruction. So panela, they asked to bring along bring the angels face to us, let us see them.

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Let the Prophet Salas and let him have a house made of, you know, made of gold and pearls. And all of these things are by the side. Because the fact that they were asking for these things,

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just like the majority of people,

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if it is you find them in this manner. start speaking about hijab, and they have a particular approach on it. Why this? And why has to be like this, and why is there a disparity between men and women? And why about this about inheritance, and even if you give answers to them, they won't be satisfied.

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It's not something that they're looking for true answers for, but they're just being antagonistic. They're just looking to maybe look to distract the argument and take it away from really what we should be discussing. The people like the kadesh, they said to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam make the mountains move, okay, and make the earth cloven asunder. And the Prophet Solomon said to them, the prophets previous and prior to me that people asked them similar miracles and asked for such things. However, this is not what I have been sent to you with. I came to you from Allah subhanaw taala, bringing only with me that what Allah azzawajal sent with me, and I have indeed conveyed to

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you that which I have been sent. If you would accept what I've been sent within, you will have your share your good of this life, and in the Hereafter, and if you reject it, I will be patient and wait for the commander of Allah subhanaw taala until judge Eliza, judges between me and you, we should really pay attention to this kind of response, that people talking about secondary issues. By and large, a lot of them unfortunately, especially with the media, they're not looking to really have a true understanding what it means for a woman to wear hijab, or the status of a woman in Islam. But that is there to ridicule. But it is there to mock it is there to show up, that they may choose

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individuals who they know for sure will not represent Islam properly.

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Because you know this, it's an institution and if there are certain individuals and certain people who have an agenda, they would make sure that the questions and the people supplying the answers will fulfill and support their agenda. You're not going to start bringing people who are educated, you're not going to invite people who have good answers to what are really weak, weak questioning.

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So it's very important for us to understand how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would give our how he'll be compassionate and how he sallallahu ala Selim would be focusing on the core issues when calling the people to Allah subhanaw taala. Yes, calling people to the court and telling people away stay away from associating

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partners with a loss of penalty, but never was that done in an abusive way. Never was that done in a harsh manner.

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A loss of penalty even says to NW sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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that if you were harsh, and you were recourse, that the people would run away from you.

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So if you see Islam being delivered, and taught, in a way, which makes the people

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not necessarily flee, because maybe people don't want to hear the message and they want to go away from it. But not only that, but they flee from the message because the way it's being delivered

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is not something which is even easy on the heart, that the way that you're trying to force it down our throats, or it's very antagonistic and very, you know, no lack of compassion, and no wisdom in that. No, that that is not the way from the way of our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yes, the message may be correct, but delivering the message in the correct way, is of the utmost importance. mailserver gela give us Heckman give us wisdom in calling to the path of Allah subhanaw taala he will stop inshallah to Allah monster will continue in our next lesson but a colo Vika masala La Silla robotic and unamuno Mohammed in water early wasabi

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