Wasim Kempson – Tafsir Series – Al-Baqarah [2_23-25]

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the use of the term "verile" in Arabic to describe various characteristics, including being a servant, being a slave, and receiving the message "verile." The use of "izer" in Arabic is also discussed, where individuals bring doubts and try to convince others to change their views. The importance of knowing the exact amount of time a person needs to study the Quran and the benefits of learning it are also discussed. The transcript also touches on the use of "will" in Islam, the concept of "immaterial" in the Bible, and the importance of giving glad tidings to those who believe in Allah's.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim hamdulillah

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Hamden Cathedral even Mubarak and few

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are solo to set up a short film and be at USAID mursaleen. While early he was a big man,

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a brother and sisters, we're continuing

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the Tafseer of skeletal Bakara.

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And we have reached a number 23.

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Now it's important that we, if we can try to remember the previous ayat, and then where this is, this is where they fall. So that we get

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clarity of we follow Allah panda is essentially telling us so the previous to a yet, if we can recall, is Allah subhanaw taala, addressing mankind to worship Him.

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And then Allah azza wa jal reminding us that he created those who came before us and reminded us of all the blessings from the blessings that he subhanaw taala gives us and then he said penalty either prohibited,

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prohibited that we set up rivals or set up partners with a loss of panatela. And in these two verses, there is an establishment of the kalama of La ilaha illAllah

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La ilaha illAllah. In that book, by that we're going to start page 157.

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So, the law was made up of affirmation and negation. These 221 and 22 likewise are lies which is affirming that we worship Him alone. And that will likewise we negate setting up any rival with Allah subhanaw taala.

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Now Allah subhanaw taala in verse number 23 talks about if a person refuses La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah,

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anyone who has any doubt or anyone who starts to think about who decides to take another path,

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Allah subhanaw taala now challenges and also defends our beloved Nabi sallallahu wasallam because one who rejects and also rejects and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So Allah subhana wa tada says in verse 23, we're in goon tomb v Ray bimm.

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two we saw Miss Lee, what the rule show her the

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But if any of you anyone is in any doubt, concerning that what we have sent down to our slave to our servant to Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then produce a surah

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to be surah, then bring a chapter similar to it, like it.

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Then call your witnesses, as we will explain later call your witnesses or call your helpers that you have taken besides Allah subhanaw taala if indeed that you are truthful.

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So we'll deal with this or speak about this.

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What Allah subhanaw taala says we're in control. And if you are in

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doubt in quantum theory,

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those people who have set up partners with the last panel tell those who do not take a look or earn as their guidance or revelation from Allah subhanaw taala.

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Then, if you are in any doubt,

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bring something like it.

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First point want to mention here is that as allies or dimensions is that this verse, this verse is dealing with a reseller is dealing with the messenger ship of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because it is talking about the message that was given to the prophet Elijah to sell them in that Allah Subhana Allah says that if you are in any doubt that we gave to or sent down to our slave, not to our Prophet, not to our messenger,

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Allah Abba Dena, to our slave, which is a translation of the word apt to mean slave or servant.

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Slave is true.

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And here it is Allah subhanaw taala addressing hydro * killer, the best of mankind, the best of

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anyone who walked upon the earth as an Abbot.

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Therefore, meaning what? That this is a maka moon. This is a very, very high status, not a lowly status, not something to be looked down upon. That is worthy, but in this context here is not to be understood.

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By possible Western meanings by what a slave is, but rather here, our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the most perfect slave to Allah subhanaw taala because this is why we were created created. Allah subhanaw taala didn't create jinn or mankind alertly Abu, they worship Him alone, and that we become slaves and servants and recognize this and submit to Allah subhanaw taala. So he Allah subhana wa tada addresses, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this manner, which is a very high status.

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On top of that, that affirms messenger ship, which is also a station or a place that is given to very, very few people whom Allah subhanaw taala chooses to receive revelation from Allah, Allah Allah. So the Prophet alayhi wa sallam in this verse has two descriptions, in that he is called a servant, a slave, and that he is receiving revelation from Allah subhanaw taala, that his or her soul, that he is a messenger, or his inner beat, likewise, the same is a prophet.

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He has both of these titles and nebby and I received which we may mention, at another time, if there are any fact any differences between these two terms, a messenger and a prophet,

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SAW Allah soprano to either affirms these two characteristics to the Prophet Ellis of Solomon, at the same time defending him, those who claim that he is not a prophet, those who claim that he made these things up he Allah subhanaw taala is affirming and establishing that he in fact is not a liar is not a magician or poet, that he is a messenger and a slave of Allah subhanaw taala.

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So, if you are in any urabe urabe mean that

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another word in Arabic You can use is Chuck Chuck means doubt. Bribe means doubt. Is there any difference between the two? Yes, indeed there are a difference between these two words. Even though you may translate the words is one word in English, I mean doubt not sure.

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shuck is

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if you like just meaning doubt. However, aid is a different type of doubt. * is not only about remember,

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array was mentioned at the beginning of sort of Alibaba. The early Kalki tabular array Buffy

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but here I will explain the difference between Raven shock wave is a type of doubt which that the person feels stressful over.

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It's not just that a person has doubts about something that when they're doubtful over that, that they're not comfortable with that why because it is a type of doubt which involves denying clear and certain proofs.

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If a person has you know, Chuck doubt about 5050 5050 matter, okay that can happen. But when something is clear, certain for sure. And then the person starts to bring doubts about that, then there is a

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stressful ness about that form of doubt. So this is the difference between the two. So when Allah subhanaw taala says we're in quantum theory and if you are in doubt, the type of doubt that you are in involves that you are in you're denying something which is categorical you're denying the truth

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that what we revealed Myrna Zellner either already know that we revealed two hours even our servant

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if there was a solution for you, if you think that there is a solution, if you think that you can do something to be surah Tim Islam then bring a chapter like it.

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Now this challenge, this had the challenge in Arabic UCS had the this challenge Allah subhanaw taala mentions in various places in, in the Quran. And for example, in sort of a sauce, which is the 28th chapter in verse number 49.

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What a lot alasa panel to other challenges,

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challenges mankind to bring something like it, I should actually correct myself isn't suited to hood, all sorts of causes, but rather sort of hood inverse number.

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Number 14

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what Allah subhanaw taala says that if mankind and jinn were to produce something like this caught an eye the entirety of the Quran never would they be able to bring something like it learn to tune or be late tune or be Miss Lee well okay and about

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that they would never be able to produce something like it. Even if they

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helped one another.

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This is one form of challenge to the people. And then there was the

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challenge which is in Surah, to Yunus

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in verse number 37, and 38. So the first challenge is to bring bring up or unlike it,

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then the challenge was to bring

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10 chapters 10 sorters, like it only 10.

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So a lot of penalty Edison says in sort of two unison verses 37 and 38 factor we actually saw it emitted in the ICD is what the myths been 10 chapters like it,

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from your own selves forged, and allies are dimensions that they will be bringing anything that they do bring, will be modified here, that they will be forged, and that they will be made up.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala Finally, here in sort of terracotta menchaca, just bring one chapter like it, and remember

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that you can have all the help that you want to bring with yourselves, whether Rocio had come, bring your witnesses, bring your helpers, bring ever whatever you want

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to help you to bring this.

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But remember, and in the next year,

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Allah subhanaw taala he mentioned and reminds them

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for ilam for idol,

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that if you are unable whirlen de facto and that you will never be able to do or bring something like one chapter for duck one hour and let it work we'll do one well Hydra or a dirty little caffeine, then fear the fire. Fear the fire whose fuel will be people and stones which has been prepared for the disbelievers.

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the Quran is a miracle.

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And it was the greatest miracle that was given to our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The greatest miracle and the Prophet alayhi wa sallam was given many, many miracles. However, urn was the greatest miracle. And we'll talk about shortly. From what aspect to what do we mean?

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How is the Quran miraculous, from every aspect that you can think about the operand that it is miraculous?

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So whoever reads through the Quran carefully,

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you will find that the Quran establishes the column of Allah that is, establishes an authority.

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Okay, there's not a book that has any doubt within itself, or is posting challenges, waiting for people to give answers that there is a challenge, but tells the people without any doubt, no under

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strange circumstances that you may be able to bring something about in no uncertain terms, you will never be able to bring something like this.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us in many places and when you read the Quran, you feel and you can understand the authority,

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the authority of the court and even when you read the translation of the meanings of our court and it is something which establishes an authority. This is the book where there is no doubt or a guidance for the mood in a guidance for those who have Taqwa it is a guidance for the 13 there's an authority immediately when Allah subhanaw taala talks about the Day of Judgment, when Allah subhanaw taala talks about the stories of the prophets, whenever there are commands. Whenever there are prohibitions, there is an authority about that even Subhan Allah.

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Allah or urn doesn't just address the believers. Yeah, a human lives in Romania time here, nurse, Eliza gel is talking to all mankind.

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believer, non believer, Eliza delivers addressing them in pseudotumor, that when Allah subhanaw taala talks about the permissibility of what we can eat Alize we're just telling the Christians there's allowed for them to eat our meat as well. So there's an authority that allows for dollars given Ackermann rulings to those who have

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who follow other religions.

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So the Quran is perfect, fulfilled and complete in every way. And Allah subhanaw taala mentions in Surah, two on an Automat kalama Torah be considered, Adela and the word of your Lords has been fulfilled in truth and justice.

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That the Quran is complete and full in guidance in everything that you can imagine. It is entirely and completely eloquent. Not like the speech of any man.

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Even the the speech of a person and it is their own mother tongue.

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That they will pause and that they will think, and that they will correct themselves. And this is our own our own tongue. Where the Colombo velocity has no it has no, there's no such comparison.

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There is no over repetition, there is no shortage, there is the perfection in everything that has been given to us. And everything that needs to be explained, has been explained in the most perfect, perfect way with perfect proportionality. Not too much, not too less, just perfect. This is exactly how much of this how many times that you needed Musashi Salaam to be mentioned in the Quran was the perfect amount that you need to know. And the stories of all of the other prophets, which are mentioned frequently. And at times that they are repeated. And sometimes you find the story of Musa alayhis salam, no doubt you find it in Surah tillbaka. And you can find it all the way and sort of

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spread around unlike this in the most perfect manner.

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A person may claim that you should put suit you know, a chapter or it would have been better if you put the whole story in one go from beginning to end, it's easier for me to follow the story.

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But you must remind yourself

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that Eliza gel doesn't just want to revert to a book of stories. I lost planet Allah has revealed a book of guidance to us and this is a fundamental difference between when any one Bashar or any one human being is writing a book that they have to or they feel that they write things in this order. So that the story flows and and it sounds cohesive, if you like, whereas the book of lost power is not written for that product for that purpose.

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and earn is given to us as a book of guidance for us to ponder over to think about for us to have, when you hear the story of Musa alayhis salam and that you know that there is something more to come, that you have within yourself, a desire to read more so that you can come to another part of the story of more slowly so that the story becomes complete later on.

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But Allah subhanaw taala in the most perfect way talks about

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the rewards that Allah subhanaw taala has prepared for the believers. And what Allah subhanaw taala has prepared for those who have disbelieved that listening to lock earn as one listens to it opens, the one who has ears that are open and hearing and and a heart that feels and listens, that it makes them eager and want to attain the paradise. It makes them eager and want to earn the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala even things that Allah subhanaw taala reminds us of that are not mentioned specifically.

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However Allah subhanaw taala puts the Shulk this desire this want this you know you're missing something within yourself that you will seek more so that you can try to attain it. When I lost a pinata Allah tells us fella Nemo knifes from yellow homing karate

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that no person knows what is kept hidden from them of the joys as a reward for what they used to do.

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That even that you engage yourself in tm and and fasting and so many things that Allah subhanaw taala has reminded us that no person can imagine and will know what Allah Allah Allah has hidden from them either when they reach Byelaws panda is mercy the paradise that they will find their happiness they will find so many things which that they cannot imagine.

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This is

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when one just ponder over the Coloma will also pinata and that topic itself is is long and maybe deserves a lecture about set of lectures and if something really if you like we can you will go through your whole life recognizing and knowing that the more you read the Quran, you will find that it is not like the the time Previous to that to do something that you ponder over and you find something new for yourself.

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minute edges is a miraculous thing. Maybe you once you read one particular story book or something, you read it you know what's happening, you know what you're going to get out of it. Okay? Whereas the urn somehow analyzed not like that. It is not like that at all. You haven't you have an urge to read the Quran, because that

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you know that your heart needs to listen to the Quran. I don't really understand what I'm, you know, even I'm reciting. However, I know myself I need to read this ayat because I feel a tranquility and I feel a softness and I have a feeling that when I read a quote and that I don't have any other feeling, except that when I am reading the words of Allah subhanaw taala

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the Prophet sallallahu it is

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Selim said in a hadith which is as a Muslim, that every prophet was given a miracle, the type of which brings mankind to faith. What I was given is a revelation that Allah subhanaw taala sent down to me, yet I hope that I will have the most following on the Day of Resurrection the day of OPM.

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So, this is the book of Allah subhanaw taala neurosurgeon is challenging mankind and reminding them and telling them that they will never be able to bring something equal to it.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala

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tells us those who believe that they will bring something like it

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and that they won't, but remember be reminded for Taku now, that fear the fire

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allottee will do Han Soo will hijack in which its fuel will be men and stones, or a dead little caffeine and that is going to be prepared for the disbelievers.

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So Allah subhanaw taala says for those people who will attempt and dry or disbelieve or turn away, that they will end up being in the Hellfire and they will be part of the fuel of the hellfire.

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And also as an occur the issue, a creed issue, and that is that we believe that the Hellfire has already been created and prepared. There's not something that on the Day of Judgment, then the Hellfire will be prepared. Rather, as we are sitting here now that Hellfire has been prepared for those who disbelieve in Allah subhanaw taala has revelation.

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Likewise, we also believe that the Hellfire will never end it will never end even though there may be some opinion, which is a minority opinion to say that it will eventually come to an end, however, the vast majority, and it seems without it seems quite categorical.

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That that the Hellfire is endless, it will continue forever. And the verses in Salton Nisa in verse 168, where Allah subhanaw taala talks about the jahannam where lies which Allah says that concerning Johanna Holly Dena fee her Abba, they will reside that abode, therefore, will be their abode forever, eternally. And also insalata.

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In verse number 64, and Surah Surah telegin in verse number 23. So these are three verses in which is quite, quite categorical that that the Quran states that jahannam is eternal, and that it does not come to an end.

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Now, when Allah subhanaw taala challenges those people who to bring us or even if it is the shortest surah even if it is the shortest surah the shortest chapter, okay?

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So, this is a narration

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in which I'm going to pronounce about the yellow one,

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that he met, mostly lemat will kozub will say limited,

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was an individual who claimed Prophethood and he claimed that revelation came to him as well, at the time of the prophet Elijah said of Sodom, and likewise, after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he claimed to be a prophet and receiving revelation. So I'm going to ask for the Allahu, and that he met musei Lemma. And we'll say limahl kozub the liar. He said to him, what has recently been revealed

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to you

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from your prophet.

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I'm going to read a short yet eloquent surah.

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So he said, What is it? So he recited while also in

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the midst of the Lydian M and what I'm gonna solve it What was the what was visible?

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Maasai llama he thought for a while, pondered. And he thought he said a similar surah was revealed to me

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a symbol of surah very short Sora

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amaura he said rhodiola and who said so what is this has been revealed to you? And he said these words.

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Yeah. Robert. Yeah. Robert, in them and Ernie was Saddam was a local Jew from Monaco.

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This was the revelation. This was the lies that he came up with to try and challenge

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a Weber is a kind of a wild cat.

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A wild cat

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and he translate it he's saying oh Weber a Weber you about two years.

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And the chest. And the rest of you is unworthy and thin.

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This is what he came with, to try and get out. And this is the time when you know these were our ups and that they were proud of their language. But this is the best that he could come with.

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Weight Loss of panatela came with weight loss of in Cerner, lovely horses, and as a member of chauffeur era malata. He said, that if Allah subhanaw taala was to reveal the hood, and evidence against mankind that this fool would be enough. Paying attention and explaining this water to oneself and pondering over its meaning, gives you the keys to success in this life, and in the Hereafter,

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on how Allah subhanaw taala explains or exposes that starts talking about a wild animal with ears and chest and nonsense, absolute nonsense.

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I believe Khalid, who are the alojado that he killed Muslim Taka dab a number of years after the death of the Prophet sallallahu itemset.

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So here last a panel to Allah is

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telling us about a punishment that will be dealt and given to a people who try to challenge the court and

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from any aspect.

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There have been many attempts, even to this day now, in Muslim lands, for example, where a book called l for con, l for con has been printed in Arabic. It's not an it's the words of a human being put together and distributed. The layman Muslim sees Africa I think oh

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and maybe and they begin to read and then when you look at it, you can see some phrases which have been cut and paste pasted from L or n the way it is, but then when you see surah to salib

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do you know for sure is not an the chapter of the cross, sort of to sleep

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was this. This is not this was never revealed to the prophet Elijah.

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However, they put that in and then

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this was there to try and confuse, confuse Muslims and draw them away from the arena of Allah.

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So Allah subhanaw taala talks about the punishment of those

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who rejected or and tried to bring something forth.

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So after mentioning the torment,

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what he saw pantallas prepared for the enemies and what they will face. They reject the messenger so seldom, if rejected or an reject a larger levada then Allah Subhana Allah mentions the glad tidings

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so it's very important that there was a balance

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that allows our panel to Allah tells us well by sharing levena men who are Amina solly hat and allow sponsors and give glad tidings to those who have believed and do righteous actions

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and hello whom Jen in tragedy

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and how

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they will have Jeanette that they will have gardens from the paradise under which flow them

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rivers will flow underneath them, we'll explain what that means, cool lemma Rosa min Femara and this is written by szeptember in Salatin mclubbe that every time that they are given a fruit as that is

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called who has the levy rose on I mean, they will say this is what we were given before. World War Two v Mota shabbiha and that they will be given things which I like it well our home fee has word moto hora, and that they will have pure wives while home fee her Holly Dune and that they will reside there eternally.

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This is verse number 25.

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So Allah subhanaw taala mentions now the reward of those who have believed in Allah subhanaw taala Bashir to give glad tidings that will make you happy.

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There are a number of descriptions of the paradise

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in which we will mention you know, shortly some of them that the sand like is made from scented misc, and its stones or from pearls and jewels.

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However, Allah subhanaw taala says, well, but she really in many ways she is like, and go and give glad tidings. Whether

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This is to an abuse, I'll allow him to give glad tidings to the people whoever is reading it. So when we read that, well, but she didn't live in a manual. Well, I mean of solid, give glad tidings to those who have believed, the who those who have believed in Allah subhanaw taala and the last day, and the books and the angels and the messengers believed in all of that was all he had, and also do righteous deeds, you don't separate the two. It's not about you, just having Amen And that's it. No, you must do righteous actions.

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I'm hora hora de la Juan said concerning the rivers that are in the paradise that the rivers of Paradise spring from beneath hills or mountains of mist, so, the glad tidings are given to those who have emerged and do righteous actions that they would have been nert and that they were under which rivers that they flow,

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who lemma Rosa poo min min Femara in this call, that every time that they will be provided with a fruit there from they will say

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call to her the lady Rosa Kona, I mean, they will say this is what we were provided before meaning

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that when they are given the sustenance and these beautiful things in the gentlemen, that he will eat from it,

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and they will

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not have tasted such a fruit before. However, then the fruit will be brought for them again, because they will enjoy it so much. And when they consume when they eat that fruit again

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that they will have

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a different taste, they will taste as though it is the first time that they have tasted it.

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Of course, when you come and you have a meal or fruit or something that the first time that you tasted it, you can never replicate that first feeling that you have for that and is the dunya

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the first time that you have something

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the first time that you get a new product, whatever it is, that moment you get it that beginning time is

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a special feeling, then after a period of time you have it with you, or you have something for a second time or third, it's not like the first time or the beginning time when you had that

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the the joys and the blessings that you have in the paradise will be renewed each time

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they will be renewed each time. So, there will be no lessening of any of the near term of the blessings that are large elevado He will give you in,

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in the paradise.

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So, servants they will come and that they will bring you food, they will bring you fruits and then they will say to you eat for the color is the same.

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But the taste is different. What you see is the same however the taste is different.

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And they will be given things in resemblance.

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then allow the panel to either

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after mentioning and talking about the fruits and some of the blessings that the believers that they will receive.

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In the paradise. Allah subhanaw taala then goes on to another form of name another form of blessing that is given to the believers in the hereafter.

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As Allah Allah says, Allah whom fee has word room O'Hara, and that they will have their in as well.

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That they will have pure wife's

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peace pure from what your from external and internal impurities, external impurities, things like there is no such thing as answering the call of nature.

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There is no such a thing as a person for example, perspiring and that smell, not smelling nice.

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But any form of perspiring will be the smell and the scent of misc

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and any form of internal impurities, like jealousy, or hatred, or anything like that, that the last panel to earlier will have everybody who is in the paradise purified, clean,

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no evil, no inclinations towards any form of evil.

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So Allah subhanaw taala mentions here in this verse, a number of number of blessings are now that is the the blessings of fruit and sustenance that a person will be given and also the blessings of companionship,

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the blessings of companionship, in the gender and

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whenever you have an image whenever you have a blessing, how great that the network becomes even in this life, when that Nima is shared

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with others.

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For the good people I'm talking about this people have a sound heart of a sound mind, when they have good things that they want to share this with people.

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And at times, that the person will sacrifice the nightmare, they won't have it themselves, they will give it to somebody else, so that they can share in the reaction of that person.

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However, and the gender, that both and everyone will share in the name itself,

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and the pleasure and enjoyment of everybody having that number at that time.

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So there's like Nehemiah upon and whatever perspective that you look at, that there will be blessings on that, and that there will be no shortage, there will be no lessening of that blessing from you receiving at one time and then you getting it another time.

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So Allah Subhana Allah will ensure by His mercy subhanaw taala, that

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the believers will have a continuous and everlasting and eternal now in blessing that will never lessen in

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in that what they receive.

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So, these are things which are loss of penalty Island, previous versus warning, which is the fear and he Allah subhanaw taala then instills the larger of the hope in mankind.

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Or the especially the of course, specifically the believers and that what the would, would love to have in the hereafter. May Allah Subhana Allah make us from the inhabitants of jannatul photocell Allah

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He will stop inshallah to Allah because then we're going to another set of verses where Allah subhanaw taala mentions another

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metaphor, if you like example, which we'll discuss in our next lesson, but even Illa just like a one off header or sallallahu wasallam robotic Li Nabina Muhammad one early he was off the edge me

West London, Cultural Centre

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