Waleed Basyouni – Journey To The Hereafter Part 1

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary ©
The importance of belief in the here after and the Day of Judgment is discussed, as well as the need for people to measure their progress in life. The death of people due to war is also highlighted. The importance of praying for death is emphasized, along with the importance of staying true to one's beliefs and not giving up. The segment also touches on the negative impact of praying for death on one's health and family, including potential sickness and negative consequences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Peace be upon profiting from

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his family, his companions and his fellow workers until the day of judgment and all the prophets and the messengers, and their followers, mighty brothers and sisters, first of all, I would like to say that

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I'm so happy and glad to be in Arlington, as usual from the lattices, like home for me.

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Whenever I find an opportunity to be with you, I don't really hesitate to do that.

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And really what makes this visitor even extra special to me, that's talking about a very important topic, a belief, even though I do have a very long trip will take place very soon. But I thought about, I really don't want to miss this opportunity to talk about this topic, which is related to the Hereafter, and to the journey of the believers, and talking about how the hearts and the minds of the believers are connected to each others. And in order for us to achieve, to achieve the Healthy Minds, to be able to have a correct way of seeing things and analyzing things and thinking in the right way, we should have a correct belief. First of all, we should fill our hearts with your

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dreams as well as number of human lives to say, in an eternal inability of God, the Sufi, assassin, ibaka, softly, if a person has a correct belief, righteous believe he will be he or she will be able to see things from dark perspective, the best politicians are the one who has a collective belief, the best businessmen, the one who has the corrected belief that this is the one who has corrected believes that this modern disease of the one was the correct belief that this you have had the this that teachers and so on, is always connected to the one who has a right to believe and no doubt, one of the most important parts of our belief, believing in the hereafter believing in the next life,

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believing in the Day of Judgment, believing in the last day in a non video mill, or one moment. As for me, I'm useful in Emacs, as a matter of fact, that even for iron Watson also for unreason, believing in Allah and the Day of Judgment, they always come alongside. You always say Allah, Allah and Muhammad Allah, for instance, Allah Subhana Allah said in the Foreign

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Ministry of Energy ladies sell

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to you How can you measure up we're not worried when King Roman

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he was an

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elder, what is it? It means the highest level of impact

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to the man and the man Assad and Emmanuel curry and the amount of tab is a carousel column this column of data, then we'll do a formula to hit both the Latin aloha the mastaba, D, F, and D.

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Jr, big relationship I'll be happy to have

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enough to hit and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in so many a hadith he would say, whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, he should or she should watch

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The goods to their neighbors say

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a woman not probably without an iPhone, he should be generous and very responsible, generous to his guests. Whoever believes in a lot of the digital he or she shouldn't be good or generous with the guest mechanic

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from Ukraine via

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a small black mechanic

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to Salford illa mahadi masala always had it all was mentioned a lot on the Day of Judgment together and Eman the leaving in the next life this evening in the in the hereafter. It is part of the belief I was trying to answer when Naveen I mean, oh, Naveen.

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He was

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pedantic what in

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the believers the own will believing in what Allah has revealed to you. And believe also in the belief in the books which is revealed to be revealed before you and we believe in the accuracy of certainty in the heart and the beliefs in their heart as they believe in the here after and living up

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the believers The one who performs a lot gives the cat what

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to paint

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and they also believe in the aka the hereafter sort of 27 verse three.

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Today I will start my lectures by talking about about death deaths

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in the diesel Allah anyone who was in them on accident in victory

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fury wire has been well over in a

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jam You know, he has him or do when his man has him. How can you have in the onion of this

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one kebab will have more is that the prophets Allah Larson said often Remember, the destroyer of pleasures, which is death, the destroyer of flesh in another nation the prophets of Salaam said to attack the pleasures The one who quickly destroy any pleasures or any

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pleasures you can use the bad villagers the bat, that the nuts for the thing which is not supposed to the person have it. Like for example the pleasure of committing with this firearm or dealing with this individual sullivant whenever you remember this while you are on a hardship, it will make it easier for you. And when you remember it in East arm when you taking your time to do Nia will be so narrow in front of you will look so small in front of you.

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They ask the American public what's the thing that American public fear the most? What's number field? number one fear in America you think

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anybody gets?

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No actually number one fear in America is public speaking.

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That's number one fear in Holland in America, public speaking. Number two is death. Number two is death.

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People feel that death is something really deserves to be respected, deserves to be to be afraid of death is something happening around us almost yet just for your journey.

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To see the victor from another perspective,

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there is 160,000 person Valley daily on the face of the earth. And those people without this room will die because of war. Those the one will also for zones like ours, or maalaea or earthquake collect or cycle on the transformer. I'm talking about average situation. There is 150,000 people daily biology.

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So don't think that there is no much death going on.

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There is a lot of people dying. And guess what every soul showed this as a loss. It could lose

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control you know, every social system I mean, COO, COO, coo coo,

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COO, coo Shania. Wherever you go to be, the death will catch you will hunt you down. You will die one day no matter what you try to do, no matter how what kind of health insurance. You are, suggest when it's arrived. It's arrived to you as a surprise.

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And nobody can delete can feel that she is safe from this and hustle and bustle needs to say, if there is something in this life, no human have a doubt about it, it will be this

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is something gives the human and the face of the earth. He doesn't or she doesn't bounce, which will be done. Have you ever seen anybody who said I will never die?

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Maybe some people will say, I will die, then I will reincarnate or I'll go to another lot. But everybody agreed there is death, something no fact nobody denied.

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But you sit in the same times we deal with it, as it is the most doubtful things in our life. As in something so doubtful in you never think that it will happen to you. It will never happen to you. I just absolutely not true.

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We as a Muslim, we view this as an occurrence, something will occur to you. Yeah. And this is very different from the other people's view. Because so many philosophers and if you study philosophy, they will tell you, death is the inhalation of the souls, when the soul will not be exist. Now we don't believe that when believe the death something will occur will happen to you. It's basically taking you from one level to another. That's why I lost as I said, I led the whole

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journey, new workroom, a lot of the one who created death and life created was death and life. So there are two Creations philostratus creations are created that as he created life. So you go from one level to

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another, Allah created human, from body and soul from body and soul. And he made for us from us three stages, we go through three stages. The first one from this dunya were most of the enjoyment most of the punishment, most of the suffering, and most of the reward is related to body, not the soul, as well as our will our junior.

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What are what

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they mean, on their bodies, in the grave, mainly on the souls

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and in the asset in the next life, distributed equally between souls and body, and Hellfire and paradise. So it's an equal balance, you go through three stages, which is fits every category that you can think of.

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We know that the knowledge of this death no one's no one except Alice Peridot. And even Malik once saw a dream. He saw the angel of death.

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And he told the angel of this room I'm going to die. And

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the angel of death said

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like this, Lima Malik and he pointed with his five fingers, and even Malaga skirts.

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And he went to ask what is it five that is five months like yours? what's exactly going to happen?

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And he asked, have been seen and he told him

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you know in my

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son in law, woman her methods are more.

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He said that we you said this to you. He means there is five things the only one knows when they are going to have in the house.

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One of them only these five things, one of them when and where you're going to die. So he telling you even me? I don't know when the death will happen. I don't know when you are going to die a man when you are going to die. Yeah, not

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a doctor. Did the

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walk into the hospital he said I had a girl. She is in her 20s

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she was like jumping in waiting for me to come because I will sign the paper for her to leave the hospital. says wait with me just I'm waiting for a test from the lab. And I will this charges season girl she said no. I want to go I'm sick and tired of you're on a go home. She's in her 20s

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he said I sign the paper. After I check that everything she's okay. He said we're logging in minutes, not 10 minutes. I was called by the nurses and come back and I see this girl which is was her face full of life to see the death in her eyes.

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And she died in front of me.

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She never expected to die there.

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once was visiting Oklahoma City

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Which is not far away from here. Just one instance of Oklahoma. And Oklahoma City

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told me

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that he got a phone call, a phone call of a woman that she doesn't sound like a Muslim. She calling and she said,

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I have my mother died and they went and buried him in the

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We've been for five years, with the city fighting over this piece of land, because we run very big our people in it or according to the five years debate over we win the case on Monday.

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This phone call I got on Thursday. I told I just got the perm permit and I was not ready to marry anyone sooner. My mother said she wanted to come to

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me, he raised more vows of others. She's a Muslim woman. She came. I said, No, we're not Muslims. But my mother is a Muslim.

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What's your story? She says my mother. She's a Chinese, Muslim Chinese woman who came migrates to America a long time ago, our father left Islam. She decided to leave her father and she went back to China. And she lists her kids with her ex husband basically, here.

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Because she doesn't see that except

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her daughter. She said we always have a good relationship with our mother. I invited her to come to visit us in Oklahoma. She says no, I don't feel good. I'm not saying well, she said Finally I convinced her to came she arrives to Oklahoma. On Wednesday.

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She walked out of the custom float out of the airport. We taking her to the car. She wouldn't steer it straight to the Yellow Pages should pick the elevators. She took where's the stem center of Oklahoma. She took the paper.

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And she told her

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daughter before she leaves the airport. If anything happened to me if I die, those are my brothers.

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Those who take care of me.

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told me when she told me that

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one called What's it

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called? What's that? Okay rule.

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She is the first one buried in our cemetery.

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She's the first woman to first Muslim first person to get into the cemetery. And I told the brother about her. He said over 200 people walk with me her janazah her son cane her other daughter Jane and this one. They were shocked. They said, all these people won't be coming. And it's all men. Those are her brothers.

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He said we walk into the janazah of a veteran.

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The first grace

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and her son give me a piece of paper he said this is the publication's that my mother used to read.

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Maybe it will be good for you to pray for her with her on words. He said Lucia what it will lie when they look to the paper. I stopped crying.

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And they were like moves What's in it? It was written in Arabic. It says a lot of muscle Oh, that alone.

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She frames for her children's to be safe and protected and to be counted.

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On I told him Do you know what's your mother all been praying for? She wants you to go back to that belief that you have in the beginning. Visit receive her wishes and live in which you begin you must know

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that you will be protected.

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Then he said on the spot. Her son said what I can do to make her now hear her just need to make her to tell the and now I can I will do whatever it takes. Then he said I offered him a snap and he accepted Shahada on the spot.

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her ex husband said

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I'd want to reserve the

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spot next to her. Then he told them all but this will cost you

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any money I will pay signals not money.

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What should you go back if you really believe that you be this religion is the truth. Come back to it.

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Then he says he accepted Shahada. And he said I should anonymous on the cemetery. When we pray that they're not the one who came from other side of the border in other became Muslim.

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And he said for a wonderful process or center. She is

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One of the best member of our community, even though she's not Muslim, yet, he said very active, very supportive, no barbecue, no events, nothing. We have a domestic animal, she's the first one to help your neighbor. You mean it's very close to the community.

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I mean, she came all the way, all the way from China to die.

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And Oklahoma.

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When how, where this is nobody knows how, or he or she will

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never use a library, almost

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murca and early enough in

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moods in the evening,

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not warmer accounted enough in

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some water in the

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has a book that is written dates for everybody when he or she will die.

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That's why

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nobody should wish, finding that this Allah Allah

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No one should pray for death. That's why it's so wrong when sometimes I see some non Muslims. When they think about Islam, they think that Islam is a religion, calling people to die, calling people to death for death. One of the beautiful words and I heard this from chef on the show when

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he used to say in and that he said, this is something not easy.

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And when you talk about death, indivisible, don't pray for the death. So this is not something like some people think that Muslims just waiting to die. That's not true.

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don't pray and don't ask for death. Don't ask for death. He sits on a lot of you it was said that no one should desire death. If he is good, he can increase in his goods. And if he's a wrongdoer,

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then he may repent or she may repent, repent, reported by Bihari Muslim,

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Avon parliament.

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Parliament upon a man Americana machine fella who is a kind of onions that

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were in town as

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a new startup

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is a good dog he will increase as the deeds if he is the other way around. He might it might be this time we'll give him time to repent or have the opportunity for him for defense or loss channel. What's your Hannah?

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lotta druvan no one has a sermon? No. The old interviews offer them from in Canada in

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a law firm actually, in the mechanics of

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what needs to be mechanic.

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He says,

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don't pray for death, don't wish death. If you have to say anything said a lot. If life is good for me, keeping me alive, if that's good for me, so letter, the letter, the art and maybe some alcohol and you send them with Muslim,

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Elias, even in Rome or in

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the past or some of them said that and movement in he lives. When he lives only living, he will contribute more good. He will add more value to himself to his family, to the community to the society that we live in. That's the moment as long as he lived, there is Baraka in his living, that his contributions that he or she will offer

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one of the Avon jaffrabad pilot in them and you start off from an old

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man over your honor

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and maybe

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some of them ration that the one who wished for this, just to you know what to get over with it. This is the person who a lot guarantee him forgiveness, if Allah did not guarantee your forgiveness, so you should not try or wish for death.

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There is exceptions Yes, there is exceptions. There is exceptions for the for for this case. One of the exceptions one of the exceptions.

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If the persons in the process of death would develop the sickness which is right before the amount of notice.

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Females notice somebody is about to die and he sees and he see that this is the death which is the two. This is the sickness which is lead to death or soften them a lot.

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Most certainly,

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certainly before

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the false associate or law, forgive me, put your mercy on me. And I want the company of the most height, I want the company of the Most High.

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some guerrilla methods, you can pray for death, pray for that, when you feel that you can flourish your whole entire life and you're about to your deaths and, and in the process of death, you see the task of sickness of just came to you and you're about to die, you can wish that this will come faster in this case. And because of that, they said, this is the meaning of the verse, we're almost talking about sort of uses

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kind of masana telephony muslimin while shifting, he was find a theme. So a friendly Muslim.

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Beside him,

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literally died as a Muslim. And it's nice to be in the company of the righteous people and the righteous people. And to know that I him Allah also mentioned that the person can pray for death in the time of fitna, and chaos where you don't feel you can protect your religion anymore. You cannot protect your religion any more.

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As I

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prayed for justice,

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in the time of a German

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in the great fiction, and the person involved in it, added on the line said, Nathan Mitchell cobbler has the

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Yeoman chairman and the Battle of generals he said I wish that I died 10 or 20 years ago, or 2020 years ago, 20 years ago.

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And also some good Emma said, because it is often said that there is a time will come when people will pass by the grave, and who say we wish to be in your place, which is a new place. They said and this is because of the fit and because of the trials that they will be facing, also of the person see a reason for him to die in a good in Invisalign. While he's doing good. He can ask for the stolen assets as the opportunity and the Shahada for his specialty, and the battle. He can pray for that. But you know what I will he pray that you die in this battle. And this has happened in so many companions like

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so many companies said, and if we pray that this would be the last

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battle or this is will be the last journey days of their life the last days of their lives. But in general we say that the person should not pray for death because of sadness or depression, or just because he doesn't want to live anymore. Now the moment those live on we should mean to means bit to him and to the people around him

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in a year,

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or cool Leona Nava,

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use a jelly sadly enough secret popular mochi mustaches and for intimate read through all of the slot,

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that the person should work hard, as much as he can, because that's what's going to make you successful or unsuccessful and the Day of Judgment kind of muscle if we would do that, I physically mean for him,

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when you reach 14 years old, be very careful.

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So you go from one level to another, not a Muslim or Muslim, a lot created human, from body and soul from body and soul. And he made for us from us three stages, we go through three stages, the first one from the studio, where most of the enjoyment most of the punishment most of the suffering and most of the reward is related to body not the sole accident, he will either fill out jr

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What are washed up

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on their bodies in the grave, mainly on the soles.

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And in the in the next life, distributed equally between souls and body and Hellfire and paradise. So it's an equal balance. He goes through three stages, which is fits every cat

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worry that you can think of.

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We know that the knowledge of this death, no one's no one except Alice, Peridot. And even Malik once saw a dream. He saw the angel of death.

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And he told the angels this word, I'm going to die. And

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the angel of death said,

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like this, Malik and he pointed with his five fingers, and even Mallika skirts.

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And he went to ask what's the is it five? That is five months, five years? what's exactly going to happen?

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Then he asked, the Vinci seen and he told him,

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you know, in my

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son in law, what

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matters more to me.

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He said that when he said this to you, he means there is five things the only one knows when they are going to have to go to another one of them. Only these five things, one of them when and where are you going to die? So he telling you, even me, I don't know when the death will happen. I don't know when you are going to die a manic when you are going to die? Yeah.

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A doctor, a good

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walk into the hospital. He said I had a girl. She is in her 20s

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she was like jumping in waiting for me to come because I will sign the paper for her to leave the hospital says wait with me just I'm waiting for a test from the lab. And I will discharge you so you can go home. She said no, I want to go I'm sick and tired of you're on a go home. She's in her 20s.

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He said I signed the paper after a check that everything is okay. He said we're logging in minutes, not 10 minutes, I was called by the nurses and come back and I see this girl, which is was her face full of life to see the death in her eyes.

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And she died in front of me.

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She never expected to die there.

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once was visiting Oklahoma City, which is not far away from here. That's one instance of Oklahoma and an Oklahoma City.

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You're not alone.

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told me

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that he got a phone call. A phone call of a woman that she didn't sound like a Muslim. She called him and she said

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I have my mother died in a very driven

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cemetery. This is what we've been for five years with the city fighting over this piece of land because we run very big. Our people in it are dead. According to the five years debate over we win the case on Monday.

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This phone call I got on Thursday. I told I just got the perm permit and I was not ready to vary anyone say no. My mother said she wanted me to come to

00:33:19 --> 00:33:26

any raise more vows of either she's a Muslim or not. She came. No, we're not Muslims. But my mother is.

00:33:28 --> 00:33:46

What's your story? She says my mother. She's a Chinese, Muslim Chinese woman who came migrates to America long time ago, or fatherlessness now, she decided to leave her father and she went back to China. And she lists her kids with her ex husband basically, here

00:33:48 --> 00:33:49

because she doesn't cheat it except

00:33:51 --> 00:34:07

her daughter. She said we always have a good relationship with our mother. I invited her to come to visit us in Oklahoma. She says no, I don't feel good. I'm not saying well, she said Finally I convinced her to came she arrives to Oklahoma on Wednesday.

00:34:09 --> 00:34:23

She walked out of the custom out of the airport. We taking her to the car. She went straight through the Yellow Pages should pick up the Yellow Pages. She was the center of Oklahoma. She took the paper

00:34:24 --> 00:34:26

and she told her

00:34:27 --> 00:34:34

daughter before she leaves the airport. If anything happened to me if I die, those are my brothers.

00:34:35 --> 00:34:36

Those who take care of me.

00:34:41 --> 00:34:43

told me when she told me that

00:34:45 --> 00:34:46

one called what's in tomorrow.

00:34:48 --> 00:34:48


00:34:50 --> 00:34:53

She is the first one veteran in our cemetery.

00:34:54 --> 00:34:59

She's the first woman to first Muslim first person to get into the cemetery.

00:35:01 --> 00:35:16

I told the brother about her. He said over 200 people walk with me her janazah her son came, her other daughter came and this one, they were shocked. They said, all these people were coming. And they told me, those are her brothers.

00:35:18 --> 00:35:21

He said, we walk into the janazah of a veteran,

00:35:22 --> 00:35:23

the first grace

00:35:25 --> 00:35:32

and her son, give me a piece of paper, he said, this is the publication's that my mother used to read.

00:35:33 --> 00:35:42

Maybe it will be good for you to pray for her with her own words. He said Lucia will lie when they look to the paper. I stopped crying.

00:35:43 --> 00:35:52

And they were like, moves What's in it? It was written in Arabic. It says a lot of muscle Oh, that alone.

00:35:53 --> 00:35:58

She trains for her children's to be safe and protected and to be counted.

00:35:59 --> 00:36:14

And I told him, Do you know what's your mother all been praying for? She wants you to go back to that. Believe that you have in the beginning. Visit receive her wishes and live in which you can use

00:36:15 --> 00:36:17

that you will be protected.

00:36:18 --> 00:36:35

Then he said on the spot. Her son said what I can do to make her natural hear her just need to make her to tell the and now I can I will do whatever it takes. Then he said I offered him a snap. And he accepted Shahada on the spot.

00:36:37 --> 00:36:38

her ex husband said

00:36:40 --> 00:36:41

I'd want to reserve the

00:36:43 --> 00:36:47

spot next to her. Then he told them all but this will cost you

00:36:49 --> 00:36:51

any money I will pay signals not money.

00:36:52 --> 00:36:59

What should you go back if you really believe that you be this religion is the truth. Come back to it.

00:37:00 --> 00:37:03

Then he says he accepted Shahada. And he said

00:37:04 --> 00:37:11

on the cemetery, when we pray that they're not the one who came from other side of the border in other became Muslim.

00:37:13 --> 00:37:33

And he said for a wonderful process or center. She is one of the best member of our community. Even though she's not Muslim yet. He said very active, very supportive, no barbecue, no events, nothing. We have a domestic animal she's the first one to help your neighbor, you name is very close to the community.

00:37:35 --> 00:37:40

I mean, she came all the way all the way from China to dine

00:37:41 --> 00:37:42

and Oklahoma.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:51

When how where this is nobody knows how or he or she will

00:37:53 --> 00:37:55

never use a lot of it almost

00:37:56 --> 00:37:59

merker and early enough in

00:38:00 --> 00:38:02

moods are in the evening.

00:38:05 --> 00:38:07

Not warmer cone and

00:38:09 --> 00:38:11

some water in the evening.

00:38:19 --> 00:38:24

book that is written dates for everybody when he or she will die.

00:38:26 --> 00:38:27

That's why

00:38:28 --> 00:38:31

nobody should wish death pile under this umbrella. It was

00:38:33 --> 00:38:35

a man named Dooku knows

00:38:37 --> 00:38:57

me No one shall pray for death. That's why it's so wrong when sometimes I see some non Muslims. When they think about Islam, they think that Islam is a religion, calling people to die, calling people to death for death. One of the beautiful words in I heard this of shuffling the ship when

00:38:58 --> 00:39:03

he used to say in half that he said this is something not easy.

00:39:04 --> 00:39:14

And when you talk about death into the foot, don't pray for the death. So this is not something like some people think that Muslim just waiting to die. That's not true.

00:39:16 --> 00:39:16


00:39:19 --> 00:39:34

don't pray and don't ask for death. Don't ask for death. He said some of you it was certain that no one should desire death. If he is good door you can increase in his good and if he's a wrongdoer

00:39:36 --> 00:39:41

then he may repent or she may be playing defense deposit by Buhari or Muslim,

00:39:42 --> 00:39:43

Avon Parliament

00:39:46 --> 00:39:52

Parliament's upon a man and the encana machine center who is a kind of engineers that

00:39:53 --> 00:39:55

were in kind of

00:39:56 --> 00:39:57

a new startup

00:40:00 --> 00:40:12

A good doctor, he will increase his good deeds. If he is the other way around. He might it might be this time we'll give him time to repent or have the opportunity for him for defense or loss channel. What's your Hannah?

00:40:13 --> 00:40:24

lotta druvan know, when as a man know, the whole interview sauce on them, some in Canada in the UK with a law firm actually in the mechanics of

00:40:25 --> 00:40:26

what needs to be mechanic.

00:40:28 --> 00:40:28

He says,

00:40:30 --> 00:40:45

don't pray for death, don't wish death. If you have to say anything said a lot. If life is good for me, keeps me alive, if that's good for me, so letter, the letter, the Army Navy summer law and you send them with Muslim and

00:40:46 --> 00:40:49

ally Aziza Minh Romo in

00:40:51 --> 00:41:13

the past, or some of them said that and movement in he lives when he lives only living, he will contribute more goods, he will add more value to himself to his family, to the community to the society that we live in. That's the moment as long as he lived there is Baraka in his living that his contributions that he or she will offer

00:41:15 --> 00:41:20

one of the Avon Jaffe, Belvedere pilot in them and you start from an old

00:41:21 --> 00:41:22

man over your honor.

00:41:23 --> 00:41:23

And maybe

00:41:24 --> 00:41:41

some of them ration that the one who wished for this, just to you know what to get over with it. This is the person who a lot guarantee him forgiveness, if Allah did not guarantee your forgiveness, so you should not try or wish for death.

00:41:47 --> 00:41:59

There is exceptions, yes, there is exceptions. There is exceptions for the for, for this case. One of the exceptions, one of the exceptions.

00:42:00 --> 00:42:06

If the person is in the process of death would develop the sickness which is right before the amount of notice

00:42:07 --> 00:42:18

fumarolic notes somebody is about to die, and he sees and he see that this is the death which is the two. This is the sickness which is lead to death. POTUS offered them a lot of

00:42:19 --> 00:42:19

money before

00:42:21 --> 00:42:30

the false associate or law, forgive me, put your mercy on me. And I want the company of the most height, I want the company of the most Hi

00:42:32 --> 00:42:33

are you one

00:42:35 --> 00:42:36

that only

00:42:38 --> 00:43:06

some girl and I said you can pray for death. Pray for the way you feel that you can flourish in your whole entire life and you're about to your deaths and and in the process of death. You see the task, the sickness of this came to you and you're about to die, you can wish that this will come faster in this case. And because of that, they said this is the meaning of the verse, we're almost talking about sort of use.

00:43:08 --> 00:43:39

Kind of like the ANA telephony. muslimin while I'm sure for me was find a theme. So a friendly Muslim, Stephanie beside the he literally died as a Muslim. And it's nice to be in the company of the righteous people and the righteous people. And to know that I am Allah also mentioned that the person can pray for death in the time of fitna, and the chaos where you don't feel you can protect your religion anymore. You cannot protect your religion any more.

00:43:40 --> 00:43:43

As I prayed for justice,

00:43:45 --> 00:43:45


00:43:46 --> 00:43:48

in the time of Gemini

00:43:49 --> 00:43:56

in the great fiction, and the person involved in it, added on the line said Nathan Mitchell cobbler has the issue.

00:43:58 --> 00:44:08

Yeoman chairman and the Battle of Germany, he said I wish that I died 10 or 20 years ago, or 2020 years ago, 20 years ago.

00:44:09 --> 00:44:55

And also some other method because it is often said that there is a time will come when people will pass by the grave and who say we wish to be in your place, which is a new place. They said and this is because of the fit and because of the trials that they will be facing, also of the person see a reason for him to die in, in Invisalign. While he's doing good. He can ask for this dilemma such as the opportunity in the Shahada for his mushahid and the battle. He can pray for death that you know what I will he pray that you die in this battle. And this has happened in so many companions like a motivational mom. So many campaigners said they pray that this would be the last

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

battle or this will be the last journey

00:45:00 --> 00:45:21

Days of their life the last days of their lives. But in general we say that the person should not pray for death because of sadness or depression or just because he doesn't want to live anymore. Now the movement goes live on we should mean to means good to him and to the people around

00:45:22 --> 00:45:24

in a yard

00:45:25 --> 00:45:26

or cool a woman

00:45:29 --> 00:45:50

in a jelly family NFC capabilities motion which is an intimate read through all of the salon over the harmony, that the person should work hard, as much as he can, because that's what's going to make you successful or unsuccessful and the Day of Judgment can have a subtle either a critical need for caution

00:45:51 --> 00:45:54

when you reach 14 years old, be very careful

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