Tom Facchine – Muslims In The Public Eye

Tom Facchine
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The speakers discuss the importance of representation in media and how it can be a tricky beast. They stress the need to be careful about the representation and how it can affect one's life and one's ability to relate to people in a certain way. They also mention the need to consider the balance between real and reality when representing oneself in media.
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representation is a tricky thing. It's not what we call an inherent good, like, not all representation is good you can be as the Muslim community, especially in North America and Europe, we can be represented, we might have tons of representation, and we might be bad representation might look, make us look horrible might misrepresent us. Or it might be coming from a place of power that is trying to represent us in a certain way, right, that has an agenda behind it. So we just have to be super careful. And it's hard, because there's a, it goes back even to how we think about art, right? Somebody wants to make a movie or a TV show or something like that were an animated

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series. And on one hand, we have describing reality and relating to people, right, because as Muslims, we're not perfect people, especially converts, you know, we all had a life before, you know, and not even just like the narrow definition of who's a convert, but the broader definition of somebody who was even born in a Muslim family. And at some point, something clicked, and then they changed their lives around, you know, we all have a story. And we all come from somewhere, right? And we can't necessarily pretend to be just like only pious people, and like, we didn't have pasts. And we didn't like learn lessons or things like that. So there's something to be said for being

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relatable, and being able to relate to people who are in a certain situation. Now, maybe they're caught up in the gang life or drugs or a certain state, maybe they're just far from the deal. But it's always got to be connected to trying to bring them out of that, it's always got to be a transformation story, right? Something that's going to call them to something greater. And that's where if you look at media, and you look at art in North America, it's like if you were to put on to polls description, right, or being descriptive of what's real, and aspiration, right, what should be okay, the scale is tilted. Right? We got all these shows and movies and series about and it's like

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super real, and like blood and gore, and all this other stuff. And all the horrible tough things about society. We've got it covered. Yeah, I mean, it's that is well represented in media. But where are the role model? Where are the examples? Where are the stories of transformation where somebody can see themselves in somebody and say, well, that's where I want to get to, that's where I want to become. So as Muslims become more and more in the public eye, and we start to get more and more media representation. And we even start to as a great thing, start to take control of that media representation by producing things ourselves, and having even our own platforms is all the things

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but we need to think very carefully about that balance and bringing it into balance, not just because because at a certain level, the real pays, right? You want to put all the things that like relate to absolutely everybody, if you it pays, and you might unintentionally give the message to people that this is okay, you can glorify and I can relate to this as an Italian American because we got all the mafia movies, right. And so in the mafia movies, there's always this, this sort of thing, well, does it glorify it? Or does it describe reality? Sometimes it does both. Right? So is it something that we have to be we have to think very, very carefully about as a Muslim community

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when we represent ourselves to a broader audience, and we want to tell real stories, we want to tell them real and we want to be able to relate to people who are in a certain situation or in a certain demographic, but we also want to call them to something better and call them to something higher and ask them and show them a way forward to change

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