Tim Humble – Seekers of Knowledge 013 – Tafseer of Surah al-‘Aadiyaat

Tim Humble
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the history and potential of surah's surah, including its potential for war use and its potential for use in war. The surah is described as being either makia or Macedonia, and its potential for use in war is discussed. The speakers also discuss the concept of "well" and "imagery" in various media accounts, as well as the use of "monster" in various religious practices and religious beliefs. The transcript provides context and examples for further research.
AI: Transcript ©
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does it mean? Well, Salatu was Salam. ala rasulillah Hina Bina Vina Mohammed while early he was so happy he edge mind sort of idea that is a surah, about which the scholars differ whether it is makia or Melania. And the majority said that it is a source that is machiya makia. And it's reported from evenness. And it's one of the two opinions reported from ebony Ibis. Grab the alarm and hoonah. Now some of the scholars said that it is madonia.

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And usually,

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we talk about this monkey Ahmed Ania, how do we classify the soul? Or was it revealed in Macau? Was it really Medina, and usually, it doesn't have too much of an effect on the Tafseer of the surah itself. But this is one surah, where the Tafseer is quite strongly affected by whether it is makia or madonia. Or there are changes in the Tafseer of the surah, according to the different opinions that were taken. And the reason for that is that the surah talks about it yet.

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And an idea of horses, specifically steeds of war, those horses that they would rush at the enemy, and they would ride them at very, very high speed into the enemy camp. Usually, as we're going to hear soba had just before the time of federal right the time of federal they would do a dawn raid riding their horses in the enemy camp. Now, all this talk about dawn raids, and the enemy camp, and horses of war makes you think of Al Jihad feasterville illa Jihad for the sake of Allah. However, Jihad for the sake of Allah was only legislated in the madonie period in the madonie period. So that led some of the scholars to say that this surah is madonia it was revealed in Medina because it

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talks about the horses of war. And it talks about attacking the enemy at dawn. And it talks about the sparks that fly up from the hooves of the horses as they you know that they gallop towards the enemy. That is something that was for the Muslims was only experienced in Medina.

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what we say about this is that in reality, this surah insha, Allah is makia. And this issue of the steeds of war, the horses of war, is something that was known to the Arabs. since records began, they were more than aware of,

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of the horses of war of fighting that took place on horseback. They have great pride in their Arabian steeds, their Arabian horses that they would fight on horseback with. So there is no need to see that this was something unknown to the Arabs until the Muslims moved to Medina. It was something that Muslims didn't experience as Muslims until Medina, but it wasn't necessarily something that was unknown to the Arabs. However, there's a counterpoint to that, which says that well, when the Arabs used to fight each other on horseback, they used to find when they used to read each other's camps and what have you. They were not doing something praiseworthy to Allah. So how could a lot is so a

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gentle make a custom swear an oath, by something that wasn't praiseworthy to him? In reality, we need to go back to a principle. And that is that how we distinguish whether a surah is makia, or Macedonia shouldn't be based on the content of the soul. To be honest, the content of the soul might be an indicator it might help us to understand but it should be based on an aeration it should be based on evidence. And actually, when we look at this, we actually can make a number of points as to how this surah could be makia. It could have been revealed in Makkah, the first one is that the the the horses that fight in war, the horses that are written into war, the steeds of war, those Arabian

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horses that were so well known for their ability to very, very quickly move into the enemy camp and to spin around so quickly and move around so quickly with the people on the horseback that there were such effective tools of war. This is something that was known

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To the Arabs, and the Arabs took great pride in it. And so there is no that's the first point Buddha there's no reason why that could not be mentioned. Second of all, from among the prophets before were those who rode horses into war. We've spoken about Suleyman as the story of Solomon and his Salomon Brothers from the prophet SAW, there is no reason why we couldn't even refer this back to the time of the the prophets also.

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It could also be an indication of the future, because Allah azza wa jal speaks about things that will happen in the future and things that happened, or in terms of the time of revelation were happening in the future. So it may be that Eliza gel tells of the future of the Muslims who would ride the seeds of war into the enemy camp.

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So there is no issue

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or there is no need for this to necessarily mean that the Sora was only revealed in Medina because this only happened to the Muslims. in Medina, rather, the stronger opinion is that this Sora is makia. And here is where we have another kind of a different way of approaching it, which actually became quite problematic. And that is that some of the scholars actually went away from the whole concept of the horses here. And they said, because the surah is makia, and that's what the strongest evidence is, and it couldn't have been talking about the horses. We said that's not true, but they said it couldn't have been talking about the horses. So they started interpreting it as it as

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referring to camels as referring to parts of the Hajj, ie the Hajj that was prior to it being an obligation in Islam. And as we'll see that Tafseer becomes quite complicated and quite burdensome to follow. So what we said is, the simple answer is that it refers to the horrors of war, and that there's no reason why it wouldn't even though the Muslims hadn't experienced this as Muslims, it could be referring to what was going to happen in the future. It could be referring to the the greatness of those animals and the greatness of them being used in that way, in the sight of Allah azza wa jal, which is something known to the Arabs and it also could be something referring to the

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previous nations and the prophets and the righteous who also fought on horseback. So there is no reason why it can't refer to any of those things in sha Allah. So Allah azza wa jal begins the surah when the T Baba had

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about and align, so a gel swears here though Wow, his little cousin, Allah swears an oath. And as for us, we only swear by Allah azza wa jal, we're only allowed to say well, I, I swear by Allah to lie, I swear by Allah, but Allah azza wa jal swears by whatever he wishes from creation, but there is one condition Alakazam lie akuna illa

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Allah azza wa jal only swears by something which is great in his eyes. And this shows the greatness of the horses that were used in war in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala. Those that are idea feasibility law, those that attack and the idea here,

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idea here, it means that they are running fast. They are charging, if you like, galloping, and these horses that are galloping into war feasability law, this is something huge in the sight of a light soldier, something great in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala and as we said, it was something that was alim angle Arab, it was something that was considered to be magnificent, even in the sight of the Arabs in general, that they consider this to be something magnificent, and they took great pride in raising these horses in training these horses, and in fighting on them. This was a source of great pride and they took great pride in the Arabian breed. They took great pride in the Arabian

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breed of horses, and these horses were among the best of all horses prepared for war fighting and, and for raids. They were extremely quick and extremely. They even described describes some of the scholars wrote books on the topic of the Arabian horse, and its virtues and its character and the different parts of the horse and so on. And one of the things that they said is that its speed of movement, the fact that it could quickly charge and then quickly seem to flee and then suddenly turn on the person that that it was seeming to flee from and then the pert the the rider would appear with a spear or with a sword

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What strike back at the person so there was it was they were really considered to be among the greatest and the most noble of horses and Allah subhanaw taala swore by them, and that is also a sign of the Father, the virtue of horse riding the virtue of the horses, the virtue of the Arabian breed, particularly, that Allah subhanaw taala swore by these horses that charge, an idea that they are charging, and that they charge feasibility law they charge out for the sake of a lie, so which so it's not for the sake of recreation or for the sake of fun, but for the sake of making the word of Allah the highest and the word of those who disbelieve the lowest, and that is part of or that is

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what makes it great in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala.

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As for the theme of the surah in general, the soul that talks about the situation of mankind, talks about the situation of mankind, if that person and those people don't have email, they don't have faith, and how they have drawn how they are in a state of ingratitude, and how the nature of man is to be stingy, and to be attached to wealth, and to be attached to the worldly life. And not to think about what is going to come in the next life. That is all part of the theme of the of the of the Sora.

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Quote from Nima rejection of allies blessings will help no matter how keen people are to gain their wealth and to hold on to it. And that this is kind of the nature of people if they don't correct their character through Islam and a man

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will do it, Baba. So I'll add yet we said it refers to inhale first to the horses that are idea. They are charging.

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And they are running very, very fast. They're charging. So they and this is how they would attack the enemy is how they would attack the enemy. At dawn as we're going to come to that they would be running at a very very fast or galloping at a very fast pace. This is an idea. So what is Baba?

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What is Baba, Baba here refers to the sound that comes from the horse, when the horse is is kind of worked up and the horse is charging like that, and they they get the horses ready, and then they they cause the horses to gallop high speed and a sound comes from the horse.

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So here

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refers to the sound that comes from the horse, when the horse is galloping at that very high speed and it has been that the rider has kind of caused that horse to charge. There is a sound that comes from the chest of the horse or it comes from the throat of the horse and that sound I don't know if we call it you might be called winning. But in any case, it's a sound that comes from the horse when the horse gallops and when the horse charges that is the sound. That is what is meant by well idea t Baba.

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And this description of Allah deity Baba Ha. It is like the scholars samen acmella Asafa is one of the most

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it's one of the best characteristics of the horse. And ultimately, all these people that kept horses in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at the time of the Arabs at that who died of tribes who lived at that time, and they all kept horses. Why did they keep horses they didn't keep horses for you know,

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a little content, the park or a hack or something like that they kept horses for war. They kept horses to charge, they kept horses to gallop at high speed at the enemy. They kept horses for those horses to be an idea to Baba. That's why they kept the horses and that's why they took such pride in the horses that they kept on they were faster than the camels. They were faster than the other riding animals that they had. And they were able to charge an enemy and strike fear into the enemy. And so this was considered to be one of the most the best and the most perfect characteristics that the horse had while I do it by the hand and that is why Allah subhanaw taala swears by in this sort

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of psalter idea, but

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it's also traditional that the horse would be the one that was used in the surprise attacks. And that's another concept of well it it Baba, that the horse would be the one used in the surprise attacks. When

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you know just before the dawn when people were

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May be sleepy or not really coming out of their house not really on guard not really alert, and they will attack attacking them at very high speed with horses. That's one of the things that the horse was known for, like they call it

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sort of attacking, or surprising the enemy.

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As for fighting on camels, this was known when there was a lot of travel involved when there was when the battle was very far away, and long distances were to be traveled. Because generally, you don't typically travel very long distances on horseback, without at least changing the horse, or without at least, you know, having more than one horse to travel on. But the camels are capable of traveling on very long distances. So here when for example, when a lot as we just said format or GIF format, or GIF to LA human halen while I recap that you didn't talk at all, as Joe talks about the the war booty, he said that you didn't need any hail or any recap. You didn't need any horses, and

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you didn't need any camels. You didn't need any horses, you didn't need any camels, horses, meaning you didn't attack your enemy suddenly and rapidly, and surprise them and then take that war booty. And you didn't travel a long distance in order to you know, on the back of camels in order to get that war booty Allah subhanaw taala gave it to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam without any need for the horses or for the camels. So the concept here is that the horses was the concept of attacking the enemy quickly, and with a surprise attack and striking fear into them. And the camels have the concept of traveling a long distance to meet the enemy, generally speaking.

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Now, now that we're talking about camels, there are some of the scholars who as we said, they said that ally deity Baba, or will it it Baba refers to the camels refers to refers to the camels and not the horses? And in all honesty, it seems and Allah knows best, it seems an LPs and allies or generals best that this isn't the clear Tafseer of the surah. The surah is clearly referring to the horses, but that the the camels were kind of given as an alternative Tafseer because of this problem of the mucky and the madonie surah. And if it was in Makkah, then how could it refer to horses when the Muslims didn't fight on horses until they got to Medina, and it kind of complicates the Tafseer

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in reality, because a lot of the descriptions mentioned in the beginning of the soul, I don't really easily apply to camels, you can't really see how they would apply to camels. For example, will it it, Baba, okay, the camels can be at the at the camels can be either they can charge at the enemy. That's possible. But the word drawback here is the noise. Like we said, perhaps the winning, or I don't know if there's a better word, the noise that our horse makes when it is galloping at high speed, that camels don't make that noise. So they started to say, well, maybe Baba, it means tell the bar and not talked about, that maybe there's a letter that actually means another letter, and it

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becomes quite complex and quite burdensome to make that Tafseer. So that's why we're going to say really, that also the camels charging at the enemy. The question is, what enemy were the camels charging at them, because there also wasn't an enemy in the time of Makkah. So really, it becomes problematic. Again, some of them said, it's talking about when they charged from alpha to modelica, or from was delaford and Minar, during the days of the hydrogen, and they would all kind of travel at a high speed, but it really doesn't. It's very, very burdensome, in a way to make that tough seal involving the camels. And it makes much more sense to say that it made that analyze which one was

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best to say that it refers to the horses, and then to see that that doesn't matter if those horses were not written by the Muslims until Medina, it was well known to the Arabs it was well known to the Prophet sighs and then his companions and it was something they later unexperienced in Medina.

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As for the word, Baba, we said that the correct is that is the sound that comes from the horse when it gallops at high speed and charges towards the enemy. And it's a sound that comes either from the chest or from the throat of the horse. And here are some of them. Some of them had other opinions. Some of them said that Baba had it means to move. It's a kind of, kind of gut like for example of Baba hai refers to the galloping itself.

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Or that Baba refers to the hooves of the horses and the noise that it makes.

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And for he said that it refers to the breathing of the horse. But as we said, that imagery as a material poverty, Primal love to Allah, He said that it is a sound that comes from the chest or the throat of the horse, when it gallops at high speed

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fell movie Alrighty, so perhaps again, there are those who continued on the theme of the camel but we're gonna we're gonna actually leave that aside because if we start going into the themes of making the Tafseer as though it refers to the camels, it becomes very problematic. So we're just going to stick with the concept of the tipsy refers to the horses and that is of heart that is what is apparent from the Tafseer of this and it's what makes the more sense imagery of I'm allowed to actually joined between the two and said it can refer to either the horses or the camels. But as we said, referring to the camels becomes very problematic because there is mention of things that don't

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exist for camels like Baba ha like as we're going to come in the in the

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in the next if and Moriarty hardhat and that also doesn't always very difficult to apply to camels. So we need the camel one aside, we're going to stick with the theme of the horses inshallah. Anna.

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Well, the idea Auntie Baba fell, Moriarty called her and Moriarty called her here, it refers to the shoot horse, and the sparks that come from the shoe of the horse as it strikes against the stones like Flint. So if you imagine if you have to, if you have the Flint, and together you and you strike it, a spark comes that when those horses would be written so fast, that their shoes would strike the stones and set off sparks, like sparks like fire

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fell more yet, the Moriarty here.

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As they said, that shout out the the sparks fly out card to her.

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And these sparks fly out. And it's it's like the, the the hubs, they strike the storms. pod here refers to them striking the stones, and the sparks are flying as their shoes strike against the storms, the sparks are flying.

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Now here that's generally that's what the most common type seal of the eye is. But there are other explanations of, of the I.

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The one of the explanations is that Phil Moriarty or the hat, it doesn't refer to the shoes making sparks. But it refers to the fact that the horses are the thing which sparks the war that they they sparked like we talked about, like starting a war, the start of the war or lighting the fire of war, that they are the first kind of step to starting the fire of war. So it's as though they are the spark, which lights the fire of war. That's one opinion. And it's also said that it refers Furthermore, the it doesn't refer to the horses themselves, but it refers to the riders, and that the riders, when they finished reading the enemy camp, they go back, what do they do when they reach

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their own camp, they light a fire, they light fires, so that it said that the sparks of a sparks from the fire of the people who ride the horse when they return back to their camp. It's also said as car or region, the planning and the the the kind of thinking that goes behind the strategy. Maybe that's a good word, the strategy of the the sort of the good generals, or whoever it is that is starting the war. And all of these are are things that are said it's also said the tongue, the spark that flies from the tongue and starts the war. So somebody says a word and it starts award this was very famous among the Arabs of all in the time of Jay Leah that somebody might just say a word it

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might start a war. So the sort of the sparks from the tongue that start a war, but the most apparent is because the horse because especially because of the fire here, while at Baba fell, Moriarty called her family irati so that all of them refer to the horse. And so this refers to the sparks that come from the shoes of the horse as they strike against the stones in the desert.

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As for imagery, right, I'm allowed to either he held up all of these are true that it applies to all of them. It applies to the fact that this this is the spark which starts the war.

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It's the, it refers to the fact that the owners of the horses, the riders, they come back from reading the camp and they go home, and then they light the fire in their own camp. It refers to the strategy of the men who plan the war like sparks, and so on. And it refers to the tongue and all of these things, even the Jedi, he said, you can take all of those, but again, we're going to see that analyzer General's best it appears that because of the way the surah is the context and the way the IR come one after another, and the fact that the first IR refers to the horses, and the third IR refers to the horses, it doesn't really make sense for us to take that second iron out of that

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context and give it a different context. Instead, it makes sense for us to keep it as it is, and to say that it refers to the sparks that come from the shoes of the horses, as the gallop into war.

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Fell Marathi, so the hat fell movie or rt sabaha.

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So this refers to an era waqt a saga, and the horror here is and whom I do, attacking the enemy.

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Those who swiftly attack the enemy, those who attack the enemy sabaha they attack the enemy at the time of the dawn. And the dawn raid is famous in military strategy, right? It's been famous well before the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the strategy of the dawn raid attacking the enemy's camp at dawn in the twilight, just as the we're not talking about sunrise, which we're about the time of around the amount of federal just before the amount of federal that kind of time, that time is a perfect time to attack the enemy. And it's something great in the sight of a law and it's done for the right reason. And that's why Allah Subhana Allah swore by it failed will hear it

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so that those who strike their enemies, or those who attack their enemies who come down upon their enemies, so perhaps at the dawn time,

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at the dawn time, and as we said the fire here, what it does is it ties all of the meanings together while I do it, Baba fermo fell Moriarty pada fell Marathi soba, and it ties them all together. So these movie right? They are the horses that charge against the enemy. They charge against the enemy and they attack the enemy at dawn. And it's narrated from the Prophet sallallahu. And he was telling them that around that time of dawn that he would listen for the amount of federal and if he didn't get here and then at that time he would launch his attack against the enemy's camp sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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for a third nebby he NACA for a thorough Navy, NACA, then we cause the dust to be

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to rise up and knock here a nakara here or NACA? It is an oboe. It's the dust. For a thermal Navy, NACA we stir there by or it stirs up there by the dust the dust is stirred up or is is caused to rise up the clouds of dust which rise up from it. Now the question here is the etea for a thorough net, be he

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we cause by it, the dust to be to to rise up or to be stirred up the clouds of dust to come up. Now if you imagine the horses galloping at high speed in the desert, you imagine a big cloud of dust especially when you talk about war. You imagine a kind of a

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a group of soldiers who are on horseback and then suddenly they charge their horses at the enemy and the horses gallop at full speed in the desert you imagine all the dust being stirred up from the ground into clouds of dust. That is the meaning here that I thought maybe he nakara

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so the question is, what is the thing that stirs up the dust here?

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And there are different opinions from the scholars of Tafseer about this. Some of them said for a Thornaby it means the hooves of the horse, the hooves of the horse, kick up the dust or cause the dust to form into these clouds of dust that formed from the hooves of from the hooves of the horses.

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It's also said it's the charging of the horses that I thought maybe I we caused by the charging of the horses to dust to be stirred up or to be kicked up.

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So what causes the dust to be kicked up we said the who's of the horses or the galloping of the horses or a so bad

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The dawn when the dawn comes, it brings with it the stirring of the dust, which is the the horses that are that are

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charging at that particular time.

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Or it said that it refers to the place,

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the place where the horses charge, that when the horse is charged that place it stirs up clouds of dust. And these are all opinions which are relatively relatively similar. Again, when we talk about, you know, the camels and the issue of people who who held the steps here of this sort of to refer to the camels. This becomes problematic because the cameras don't pick up the same amount of dust that the horses do.

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So that's also another reason why we continue to say that this refers to the horses for a thorough navvy Naka stir cause it to stir up stir up the clouds of dust.

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Flower sapona v. Jen Mara

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was hopped on abbyy jamara

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here for sapona v gemera. Again, there are some different opinions about what exactly this refers to even though the words are clear.

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For assault on that, we bring them into the middle or they come into the middle genma as a group, but what is it that refers to it coming into the middle as a group, again, it said Allahabad, the dust, the clouds of dust meet in the middle as a group I when the enemy charges and the or the enemy rushes to defend itself and the Raiders are charging on their horses. They meet in the middle in a cloud of dust.

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It said that it refers to the place where they meet that they all meet in the center and it said that it refers to the riders that the riders they all meet together as a group

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in the in the center and he said that it refers to the enemy and the Raiders the people who are riding on the horses and the enemy sort of clashing in the center with clashing with each other in the center. All of these are also relatively close together in meaning in insanity Robbie he let cannot This is

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what Ally's agenda is referring to with the cousin the oath or the swearing that took place earlier. Well idea t Baba fell more Yogyakarta fell Maria it super hard for a third of NaVi Hina car, kawasaki NaVi Gemma, all of that comes down to this in an insanity Rob beee. Let canwood man is in insert. So this is allow Allah swore by the horses.

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Allah swore by the horses that charge Allah subhanaw taala swore by those who

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as the horses that strike up the sparks with their hooves. Allah subhanaw taala swore by those that attack their enemies in the dawn

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is those that are used to attack the enemy at the dawn,

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those that kick up clouds of dust and those that were they they come together and they meet on the battlefield in in the center of the battlefield. All of that are lost war by and then Allah said that in other words, this is the reason for the fought for for the oath in insanity or abila canwood indeed mankind is towards his Lord can lead.

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Mankind is towards his Lord Canute and the word cannot hear it means Kung Fu. It means someone who is extremely ungrateful. And the meaning of being ungrateful here is not necessarily Kufa as in corporal Billa azzawajal as in disbelief in Allah, but it's true for NEMA or Kufa, Binyamin is being ungrateful for our laws blessings. Now, it could refer to the disbeliever. But here because it says in an insane man in general, that it's talking about the nature of mankind, and that the nature of mankind is to be ungrateful, and that is something which is mentioned in many, many Ayat of the Quran is repeated in many places, in the Quran, with different words, to show the ungrateful nature

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of man. If he doesn't, or she doesn't correct himself or herself with the proper Islamic character.

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And by filling their heart with a man and obedience to Allah subhanaw taala and avoiding disobedience to Allah azza wa jal, then if they don't correct themselves with that they will always be cannot care for ungrateful.

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It said that this was one of the languages or this was this is the word for being ungrateful in a particular tribal usage of Arabic. So, Arabic was used by different tribes, and all of those different tribes, they had particular words for things, and the Koran brought these different words and used Eliza gel uses these different words in the Quran, according to some of the different words that are used by the Arabian by the different Arabian tribes. And it said that Robbie and Miller, two of the tribes they both use the word Carrefour, and they both use the word can Ode to mean careful to mean ungrateful.

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Some of them like Al Hassan Rahim, Allah, Allah, He explained this and he said, You have to do massage

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near near Amala he said, the person counts all the bad things that happened to them, and forget all the good. That is the meaning of Canute, the person all the bad things that happened to them, they count them, or this happened to me, then this happened to me, then this happened to me, then this happened to me all the bad things that ever happened to them, they count them, but they don't remember all the good things that happened in internally, Robbie, he like an old man is so ungrateful towards his Lord. He counts all the bad things but never thinks about never thinks about the good things. And that is why when something bad happens to a person should really say to that

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person. Just remember all the good things that happen and just think about a tube for example, I set up a YouTube when all these difficulties and calamities and trials happen to a YouTube or you would remember that the good times were more than the bad. And even it is mentioned that he wouldn't even supplicate to Allah azza wa jal, because he would say that Allah azza wa jal has given me so much good. Allah has given me such good, so much good in terms of the times that I've had, the blessings that I've had, I feel shy to complain about the situation that I'm in. And yet that's not the nature of mankind, unless they correct themselves with the character of Islam and a man then situation of

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mankind is they remember all the bad things that happen, they don't remember the blessings that happened.

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It's also said about the word can or that it means rejecting the truth, or that it means stinginess, or that it means disobedience. And these are all opinions which are not perhaps the main or the most common, but they're all things to bear in mind being ungrateful, disobedient, stingy, rejection of the truth, but the main meaning here and the meaning you want to focus on is to be is to be ungrateful. And the way that you get away from being ungrateful is you remember the blessings of Allah azza wa jal like the statement of Allah subhanaw taala Yeah, you hiding in North Korea near metal light,

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or you who believe. Remember the blessings of Allah upon you remember the blessings of Allah azza wa jal upon you and the statement of Eliza jofan maybe never materialized because I had this as for the Blessings of your Lord speak about when you remember the blessings of liars origin this leads you away from and this is part of what correct your character so that you're not from the people who are cannot who are ungrateful.

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What in what Allah vatika Lesha heat

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here, there are two different opinions. And both of them are quite strong. So they're both well worth bearing in mind.

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Indeed, he is over this a witness

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who is referred to by he here who is the witness. So there is an opinion that the witness here is Allah and that is the opinion of the majority of them of a city in Allah Valley color Shaheed meaning in no law her Allah velika la Shaheed a law is a witness to this. This is the statement of the majority. And there is a clear Arshad that means there is a citation of the Quran. That is reported as being a citation, but it doesn't fit the most half that we have. So this is what we call the Clara shadow Akira which is not we don't consider it to be part of the Quran, per se. It's not part of the Quran that we recite, but it's reported as being as having been recited at one point or

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And that is what in Allah, Allah velyka A Shahid Indeed, Allah is a witness over this. If a clear Arshad that is authentic, it can be used in Tafseer. As a that's a point of benefit, that if you try a shadow, if you pour out of the Quran, which doesn't matter most have, it's not the standard. It's reported at somebody read it, but it's not like that. It's not.

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It's not part of the main body of the Quran, or the main re citation of the Quran that we know and we recite normally, then it can be used in Tafseer, even if it can't be used to recite as part of the Quran, but it can be used in tifosi. So there is a Quran in Allah, Allah Delica bless Shahid, Indeed, Allah is over this, a witness either alive so a gel is a witness to the ungrateful nature of mankind.

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And they said, The reason for this is that generally pronouns in Arabic, and this is something which I believe it's worth stopping to think about because it's quite confusing for us. Because in English, it doesn't happen that much English, usually the pronoun is fairly rigid, you know who you are, when you say he is pretty clear who you're referring to. But Arabic has a lot of flexibility when it comes to pronouns, and there's a lot of times that the pronoun

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is is changed at one idea to another idea to another idea, and

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it doesn't mention the the who is being spoken about, but it's clear that the pronoun is changing from person to or from one thing to another thing. So here, generally, there's a principle, which is that unless you have a reason to believe otherwise, the pronoun refers to the fee nearest previously mentioned. thing. So here, if we look in Al insana, Li Robbie, he like handled.

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Who is the first who is the nearest if we go backwards? back to the previous if we go backwards? What's the nearest thing that was mentioned? The nearest thing that was mentioned is the ROB Allah subhanaw taala in El insan, Lee Rob Bihi Lee Robbie. So the nearest one mentioned is the Rob lincolnwood. We're in. We're in the hole we're in Allah,

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Allah vatika leisure heat. So that was the reason why they held this opinion. Others said

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as we said, the majority said that it is a lie. It refers to a lobbying the witness. Others said that it refers to a person being a witness over themselves. They said that Shaheed we're in a radical Shaheed, meaning we're in an insider, ally vatika Lesha heat, that man is a witness all over himself as to his own gratefulness. First of all, what does it mean to be a witness all by himself? What does that even mean? It's like the statement of allies or jealous share he didn't either and foresee him will confirm that they testify against themselves to their disbelief. And that means that their actions and their statements and their behavior acts like a witness against them in in

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Robbie la canwood. Once in a while and valleca Lesha heat it The man is a witness. Through his actions and his speech and his behavior and his character. He's witnessing his own and gratefulness. He's testifying to his own ungratefulness it's like to see your actions testify to who you really are. Your behavior is a test it is a testimony or that statement of yours is a testimony to who you really are, or a testimony to what you really believe. So it's like that to say that in Santa Shaheed, he's a witness against himself, I his actions and his statements and his behavior is a witness against himself.

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But we had a principle we had a principle that pronouns usually refer to the nearest mentioned thing. So we went backwards we said the nearest mentioned thing is our Rob supernote Allah Allah is the is the is what is being spoken about. The last thing that was spoken about is the rub, so that it should refer to the rub. However, there's another principle which is also useful when it comes to pronouns, which talks about something called tauheed model j abama. Ola military. And this principle basically says that if there is an ayah talking about something, and then another is talking about something and then a third eye and then a fourth is still talking about

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The same thing that the most appropriate thing to do is to is to interpret. In this example, the third is in the same way as the first one and the second one under. And the fourth one, for example, as an example, I am number one talking about inside. I am number two talking about insert. I am number three, we're not sure I am number four talking about insert. Therefore, it makes sense to interpret the third idea in the same way as the others. In other words, if you've got a bunch of pronouns, and all of them refer to something, the one that you're not sure about, it's more deserving to carry it or to interpret it in light of the others that came around it that came before

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and came after. So if we look at the first is in an insanity abila keynotes talking about the inside

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what you know, Allah, Daddy kulesza, he, this is the one when we're not sure about what in the whole, the whole Bill hiree Lesha deed, and indeed, his love of wealth is severe. So it's very strong love of wealth, that's also talking about inset. So, the first idea is talking about, about mankind, and the third eye is talking about mankind. So they said in this case, the second Ayah should also be talking about, about mankind.

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However, here, I think analyzer journals best that both of these can be true, and there is no reason why we can't accept both of them. A lot is a Shaheed over what the person is doing a lot of witnesses and sees and hears everything that person is doing and how grateful they are ally knows it, and allow witnesses it and ally sees it. And also the person is a testimony to their own ungratefulness they actually testify to their own gratefulness through their actions and their behavior and their character.

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And this testimony is what we call a Shahada really sad in *. It's not a testimony with the tongue. It's a testimony by the condition of a person. It's not like you're the person is not actually standing up like if it refers to a man or mankind. Mankind is not standing up and saying, I bear witness that I'm ungrateful. But his actions are speaking for him, listening while he's had his condition, speaks on his behalf.

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And that's what it means when they talk about listening when your condition speaks on your behalf. Your condition speaks on your behalf. Your situation speaks for itself, like we say in English, it speaks for itself. So your situation speaks for itself. That's what they said we're in Oh Allah, Allah, Allah Shaheed, his situation, speaks for him as a witness to how ungrateful he is. And this matches the next idea, we're in a holy hillbilly hiring Lesha deed

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we're in a holy * bill Haile Lesha deed that he is to for his love of a hail. Now here is where we have a really important lesson to learn, which is how people can go wrong when it comes to Tafseer.

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And that is that there is consensus that the word higher here doesn't mean good. The word higher here means el mal pillage ma every scholar of Tafseer. They said the word carrier here it means Alma, it means worth. Sometimes somebody might look at it and say he loves good, or people love good. You know, people have a good nature. Everybody loves to do good things, people love to do good things. And you know, everyone's got a bit of good in them. That's not what the ayah means. That's not what the ayah means, because someone could read the AI as the words without going back to the Tafseer of the set of the early generations. And they could say that we're in a holy hobo highly

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Russia did. Or it means that all people love a little love good. All people want good everyone has good in their heart. But that's not what the means. The hug Bill Haley hug Billy man, every one of them loves wealth very much. And again, there are two different Tafseer here that we want to focus on. One, which is a sheet that will help be healing man, and that's the most apparent one that insan mankind has just got this incredible attraction to wealth, and just has so much love of wealth and gathering wealth. And the second opinion is that refers to alcohol refers to stinginess, it refers to stinginess, and actually the two of those go together. The eye itself indicates that the person

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loves wealth, and you can use the word chedid. Also for stinginess here,

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That's also true because if you love wealth so much, you will not want to give that off. And this is one of the many, many ayat that talks about the virtue or, or that educators the reality of mankind and wealth. And by that we understand the virtue of the people who spend their wealth for a lot. Because actually, most people, and the nature of, of a matter of mankind is that they are completely attached to their wealth, and stingy and they don't want to let it go. They don't want to spend it. They don't want to use it. They don't want to give it to anyone. They spent so long gathering it together. They don't want to let it go.

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They don't want to let it go. And yet you have some people who are generous. They have trained them their their souls by the grace of Allah, to be generous that when someone asked them, yeah, of course, we'll take Yeah, no problem, have it. And that person really has completely trained themselves by the grace of Allah to be different to the nature of man. The nature of man is to be stingy, to love wealth, to gather wealth to be attached to the world, Allah Kamata kapha, we've already spoken about it extensively. here another is in the same regard what not only have been highly appreciated as extreme love of wealth, and extreme keenness to hold on to it and extreme

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stinginess in spending.

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What can cure that? What is the when will a person who like we said and this is exactly like alkota Catholic we've already covered al hakkoda Catholic had resorted to mama Papa, you have been become your hearts have become busy gathering everything together until you go to the graves you visit the graves IE until you die. Here the same concept comes up. We're in a holy * Bill Haley Lesha deed has extreme love of wealth FLR your eye level either birth your honor.

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When will that person come to nor the reality of the wealth that they gathered? When will that person come to nor the reality of the wealth that they refuse to spend it for Allah and they held on to it? And they had that extreme love for

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FLIR in arborfield Murphy

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will that person not know and hear the art here the Hamza it's asking a question but it's in car. It's a it's criticizing. It's rebuking the person will that person not know

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when the graves are overturned? What I feel right here is to flip something upside down for it's the top to become the bottom and the bottom to become the top for something to be overturned.

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FLIR l'amour either berthier on Africa,

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will then that person not realized until the time comes, when the graves are overturned. I what is inside of the graves is brought outside. What was inside is brought out on the resurrection, while sila Murph is pseudo. Now here we're hosts sila Murphy's Law is very, very powerful statement, that allies origin makes allies origin links between the graves, what is in the graves being brought out, and what is in the chest being brought out.

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What is in the grave coming out, and what is in the chest coming out. I what was concealed in the graves becomes apparent. All the bodies that were just bones that were just dust in the graves come out as people resurrected, and all of the secrets that you kept inside of your heart and all of the things that you kept whether your knee at your knee, or whether it was evil thoughts or whether it was sins or whether it was disobedience that was hidden from everybody and was hidden inside of your chest. Allah subhanaw taala brings out he brings out what is in the grave, and he brings out what is in the chest FMLA and what you that berthier on there feel kubu waha Silla nerve is sudo.

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Allah subhanaw taala takes out what was hidden from the graves and takes out what was hidden from the chests, and what people and what people wanted to hide from others. So just like allies will will take the bones and the dust from the grave and resurrect mankind. Likewise, Allah azza wa jal will take out the secrets from the heart and will take out the new Yak the intentions that were in the heart. And one of the things some of the scholars said about this is they said this is one of that strong evidences that you should only keep good in your heart and or encouraged.

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Not maybe evidence, one of the strong encouragements or that that you should only keep good in your heart. Never ever, you know, keep any kind of secret ill feelings or never ever, you know fill your heart with disobedience and never ever fill your heart with, with jealousy and with hatred, because your mo tiama it will come up, whatever is hidden inside of there, it will come up FLIR Allah will either berthier American COBOL while cinema is pseudo, so, the graves will be turned will be turned inside out, the graves will be turned inside out be scattered out will be brought out what was inside and what was hidden will be made open and apparent, while CMF is so Dora and Priscilla here,

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the scholars of Tafseer had different ways of explaining it, they said abreeza were all the hearer or mu user, they said it is abreeza it will be it will become apparent over here. What was hidden will become visible, more user, the distinction will be made. And that was their opinion and even Jerry or I'm allowed to Allah mu user. The distinction will be made between those. There'll be a distinction between those whose hearts were pure and sincere and those whose hearts were not were wholesale mF is pseudo. There's going to be distinction made between the hearts even though we can't perceive the difference between those two hearts the heart that was sincere the one that wasn't we

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might not be able to see any difference or perceive any difference, but Allah azza wa jal will distinguish between them and Allah will bring out the difference between them and Allah subhanaw taala will bring out the secrets from them. In naraba home, be him Yo mama even the hubby indeed the Lord is towards them. On that day, aware of everything, either Allah azza wa jal is aware of everything that they used to do. Everything that they used to say, everything that they used to hide, and Allah azza wa jal will recompense each person for what they used to do. A lot won't oppress anyone, even an atom's amount, or an atom's weight of oppression alone will not oppress

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anyone with power, not even the lights of a mustard seed, allow a lot of press anyone, but Allah azza wa jal tells them that on that day, Allah azza wa jal knows what they did, knows what they said, knows what was inside of the depth of their hearts and ally xojo will reward them or punish them accordingly without oppressing anyone. That's what a lot is a gentleman easy for us. To to mention from sort of idiot analyzer journals best was Salatu was Salam ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajmeri

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