Tim Humble – Seekers of Knowledge 003 – Tafseer of Al-Faatihah #02

Tim Humble
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of fear and death in the present times and emphasize the need for a equal feeling of fear and hope. They stress the importance of knowing the meaning of "weirdness" and finding one's own trust and love in actions, emphasizing guidance of success and being a Defined person. The guidance of success is given by the Prophet and is a long, straight path with two walls on either side. The importance of researching and practicing to understand the meaning of "the" and the need for people to practice it.
AI: Transcript ©
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wa Salatu was Salam ala Abdullah he was also de Nabina Muhammad Wiener early he also be he he married a mother.

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Before we continue with our class on TFC

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I want to step back to what we covered last week, on two points, inshallah to Allah. One is a bit of additional information. And the second point is a point of clarification, or maybe even just expanding a little bit on something that a lot of people found difficult to understand. So as regards the additional information, I didn't mention or I wanted to mention or clarify further with regard to the statement of Allied soldiers al Maliki Yeoman Dean, or as we said, Maliki young Dean, two styles, different styles of reciting the Quran.

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One of the things we can take from this is the power and might have Allah subhanaw taala. We mentioned the dominion of Allah azzawajal. And we mentioned his control over the heavens and the earth. And we mentioned the fact that everyone who owns anything in the heavens and the earth only does so because Allah azza wa jal gave it to them out of his dominion. And when he gave it to them, it didn't decrease his dominion by anything, except like the needle that is dipped into the sea.

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And of course, when you dip a needle or a pin into the seat, there's the sea decrease in volume of water. No, doesn't decrease in anything.

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But it also indicates Al qudra, it indicates indicates power. That Allah subhanaw taala is Al Qadir the all powerful machteld You're

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the one with all mighty power, because this is part of also the root the meme and the lamb and the and the calf. So this meme and lamb and calf also indicates power as well and might that Allah soprano to Allah is all mighty. And that is another reason to fear Allah azza wa jal now, it's on the topic of fear that I want to make a little bit of a clarification. Perhaps we can say a correction, because we mentioned the issue of fear and death. And this confused a lot of people and probably the reason it confused them is I didn't explain it very well. So what I decided to do is because I saw to three people, at least coming with questions on the topic of how you respond at a

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moment of death with fear and hope, I want to go back and redo something that was written by chef, Dr. Hardy, the set.

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He said, and this is directly quoted from his website, but he has a very nice discussion on this topic. Under the topic of the Hadeeth, la yamu, 10, hadoken illa, who are yours You know, one Nebula, the Hadith in Sahih, Muslim, let not one of you die, except that he is thinking the best possible thoughts of Allah subhanaw taala. And then the sheikh went on to mention the difference of opinion among the scholars with regard to fear and hope. And the first thing that he mentioned is some of the scholars said, when a person is in a situation of a coup was, well, fear. Some of the scholars said when someone is feeling they're in a state of strength, and health, and things are

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working well for them, things are working out for them, that in that particular situation, the person should have an increase in fear. They should have more fear than hope. Fear should be predominant. In the situation where someone is feeling.

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Well, healthy, things are going well for them they're enjoying themselves at this time, they their fear of a loss should be predominant without losing hope completely. He then mentioned the same opinion the other way round as it relates to death. That is the moment of death or as death approaches. Here are some of the scholars who said that their predominant emotion here should be hope

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because of this howdy flyer mutanda Hello

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Come in La Jolla, San Juan Nabila Let no one of you die, except that he has the best possible thoughts of allies origin. And the ship mentioned the disagreement among this and the Hadith regarding or some of the earth are regarding the Sahaba. And how they mentioned their fear of a lot the time of death.

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So he mentioned this is a mess Allah which there is disagreement among the scholars in under scholars had different ways of looking at it. And then he said, and among the people of knowledge are those who say, it is the right thing to do is always to be equal in fear and hope, regardless of whether you are in good health or on death's door. So some of the scholars they said you never go away from being equal in the two, even if you are on death's door, or if you're in the best of health and happiness, you always have an equal measure of fear and hope. This is another opinion from among the scholars. But what appears to be correct here. And the chef said something important,

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he said lachenal, Kalam sitel really be for has, he said, to take this properly. The discussion here is on which of them is predominant, and not on one of them being absolute zero, it's a matter of which of them is predominant, and which of them is the overriding emotion at the time. So it seems to me from the discussion analyzer General's best, that there are times where you should have one of those two, which is predominant, and perhaps even so predominant that it is the it is the main thing that you are focusing on.

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So particularly when one of these will give two examples, one of these examples is when you personally see that you have too much of one of them, and it's causing you harm. So for example, you feel so relaxed about your piano, and about dying, and about the grave, have nothing to worry about. At that time, I think it is appropriate that you don't try and have this sort of equal balance, but that you make a distinct effort to to have an increase in fear at that time. And really to terrify yourself and make yourself feel scared by reading the ahaadeeth that terrify a person, like the Hadeeth of the person who does the actions of the people of gender, until there is nothing between

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them and gender, but the length of a forum, then the decree of Allah what Allah has written for them, that person overtakes them, and they go to Johanna, these kinds of things that make you scared, perhaps a person would speak a word. And that single word that he thought nothing about would take him into the depths of jahannam, 70 years deep, because of a word that he said, he never thought he never even thought of it. He doesn't even remember it. And it takes him 70 years into Johanna, these kinds of a hadith. And you feel yourself like that. When you feel yourself down, and you feel yourself low. And you start to feel like I just don't feel like I can do it. I'm not

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getting anywhere. I'm not you. I'm trying to learn and I'm not learning and I'm trying to practice I'm trying to pray, but I keep missing. And you just start, you know, you're just find yourself getting down and depressed, and maybe a little bit of that despair kind of feeling or extreme sadness, then in this time, you should overly emphasize hope

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you should overly emphasize hope. Because at this time, what you're trying to do is to bring yourself back up to a balance.

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But it seems to me and Eliza Jen knows best that at the moment of death, if we gather together all of the ahaadeeth then perhaps the best way that we can gather these are Heidi and these artha is to say that fear should not be absent, or that it should not be your predominant emotion. The thing that is ahead of you and the thing that is the most you're focusing on at the moment of death is your hope in Allah and your personal thinking good of Allah and expecting a loss forgiveness. And Allah is paradise and allowed to make it easy for you because of the Hadith Let no one of you die except that he thinks he is thinking the best of Allah. But that doesn't mean that you have zero

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fear at all. Because you still remember the punishment you remember the Hellfire and so on. But it's not your predominant emotion at that time because as we said, as it comes to the point where you can no longer do good deeds. You can no longer you no longer have sort of extra prayers to pray or extra estate file to make and so on. Then at that point, what becomes more important is your good thoughts of a lot. But that doesn't mean that your fear is absolutely zero absolutely absent. And that's why the sheriff said let him and Calum fit. Tell the levy for has

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The discussion among the scholars here is one of which one should be predominant. Not that the other one is totally zero and it has no nothing at all. Maybe that is inshallah clearer than what we explained last week. And hopefully that will explain, but also to explain to people that it's not a matter of the scholars agreed upon unanimously among the scholars or those who said no, the two should be equal at all times, no matter what your condition, no matter what your condition is.

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We can now continue in sha Allah who to either

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with the statement of Allah subhanaw taala, he can our Buddha can so

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first of all this word he

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it means you,

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it means you.

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But normally in Arabic we don't use typically, with a verb like that we wouldn't use iaca we would just take the calf and put it on the end of the word. So why do we not say nabooda when isteri Luca

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nabooda nambucca one is starting Okay.

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Why do we say he kinda would, what

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kind of Stein here when we separate this calf and we put it in front of the word like that? What it does is it gives us the meaning of and hassle it gives us the meaning of only

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the meaning that this is only for Allah subhanaw taala So to give you an example, and it's usually just

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a light hearted example outside of the Quran

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if you said to your wife one day Oh, hey bookie, I love you.

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But before you used to say to her, he Yeah, he or

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she should say to you, who is the other woman?

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Because he asked you alone? I don't nobody else. Yeah, you alone.

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But if you said to somebody or a Booker I love you, it doesn't you I love you, when you when you when you and you you know there is no there is no limitation put on that.

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But when you say he Yeah.

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You alone.

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So when we say he cannot put you alone or Allah you are alone we worship

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what is

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necessary and you are alone we seek for help, or we seek help from so here we have a yakka which means alone and it cancels out everything else. So if we say er Can I but this is effectively

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what's the word like an example or another way of expressing La ilaha illAllah?

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Er Can I put you are alone we worship. We worship Allah and we don't worship anyone except Allah iaca not a boat. So the next question we have to ask ourself is what is not good? Not good is the verb which means we worship and it comes from the Arabic word Riba or the Arabic word a birder comes from it depending on where do you think words come from verbs or nouns come from one or the other way around? In any case, the noun is a bad worship. So we have to ask ourselves, what is a data? Why do we have to know what is a bar that because if we said to Allah, a bar is only for you or Allah,

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a bar that is only for you and nobody else? So if we don't know what a bar there is, we might get ourselves into trouble by doing something that is a bar that and doing it to other than Allah. So we need to know what is a bad so that when we say Oh Allah a bar that is only for you, our a bar that is only for you he can avoid

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then we know what a bar there is.

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So first of all, the essence of a bad what's the what's the what really makes a bad a bad?

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We call it worship, but what makes an act of worship and act of worship? The scholars they say, and among them who said this element maybe we'll pay him or him all out Adam Schiff want to say me and him a low tide I mentioned it in his Tafseer on a number of others, that the essence of a bar that is complete

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And complete love.

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This is the essence of Eva.

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Kemal Azul, complete humility and completely lowering yourself before allies origin.

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And if you want an example of that, think of the soldier,

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the most noble part of your body, your face, your forehead, you know that the place behind which is your mind, you know your your expressions, your personality, the way you behave. The face is the most normal part of the person. And you take your face and you rub it in the dust. before Allah,

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this is a very you're lowering yourself making yourself lonely showing your humility, your desperation, your need, before Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And you're not doing so simply because of fear alone.

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That but it is the love of Allah complete love for Allah azza wa jal, a willingness to do anything that Allah tells you. And that nothing I nobody ever is to given preference or precedence over Allah Subhana Allah, and on top of that, completely lowering yourself. So lowering yourself

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and being lowly. And in a state of humiliation, a state of desperation, a state of extreme need, and displaying that, that nature before Allah with complete love. That is the essence of what a body is.

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That's the core of what worship is. But that doesn't give us a really strong definition that we can kind of rely upon. It just gives us the the nature of worship, the nature of worship is complete submission, complete humility and complete love.

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And complete love brings about complete submission.

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Because the complete love that you have for Allah is what makes you utterly and totally submissive to Allah.

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Someone ever said to you that you know, I will give you the dunya and everything that is in it, but you have to give up genuine,

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not one of you will take that. Not one of you will take the inilah heat island one of you will take because of that, almost and that that love of Allah that transcends all other kinds of love. And it doesn't resemble any other kind of love. Because if you think the love you have for your parents, for your friends, your spouse, it's not that kind of love is not that kind of ultimate and unrestricted and absolute love. It's a kind of love that is a love of the dunya it's a love because of who they are what they've done for you and because of

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you know the relationships that exist between you. And it's a limited kind of love. But the love that is for Allah azza wa jal is unrestricted and unlimited and absolute. And it's different.

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But what is a valid in a real so how would we understand what falls under a bad? One of the best definitions is that a burden is is one mirror, liquidity magnet, La Jolla, LA, mineral mineral acquired you will

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avoid Hera. What about you know

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that it is a comprehensive term. When we say comprehensive term, what do we mean we mean something that lots of things go into it. It's not just one thing. It's not just sajida it's not just prayer. It's not just, it's not just fear and hope. It's not just sacrifice. It's not just sincerity. It's lots of things for everything that Allah loves and is pleased with because Allah commands in the Quran what he loves and is pleased with a lot doesn't command you to do anything that he doesn't love.

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A lot doesn't command you to do anything that he doesn't love everything that a lot commands you to do in the Quran.

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From his

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Shabbat, he commands His commands that form the you know the word Jeep and the muster hub.

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All of that is what Allah loves,

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and is pleased with

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whether statements or actions, so it could be a statement or an action.

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And statements and actions are not just things you do with your hands and your tongue. Even your heart has statements and actions

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So in other words,

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it could be one of five things.

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It could be a statement of the heart.

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What's the statement of the heart? cold call? What's the statement of the heart? A statement of the heart is your belief. Something you believe in, it's like my mission statement. You know, like, when the company in the corporate offices, they have our mission statement yet, your mission statement that you have in your heart, you know, what you believe in about Allah and your purpose in life and you know, the core beliefs you have about Allah about his prophet, His angels, his books, and so on. These core beliefs that you have, these are statements of your heart.

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And then there are actions of the heart things your heart does, like love. Loving Allah fearing Allah, hoping in Allah having sincerity. All of these are actions that your heart does.

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Then there is the statement of the tongue.

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The statement of the tongue is where you show your belief that is in your heart with your tongue, by seeing La ilaha illAllah Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. That is a statement that you make with your tongue.

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And it reflects the statements of the heart.

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And then there are actions you do with your tongue like Vicar

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and you are and reciting the Quran. These are actions that you do with your tongue.

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And then there are actions of the limbs, actions of the limbs, like giving charity,

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like performing the hajj.

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And there are some acts of worship that comprise of all five like the Salah, and that's one of the virtues of the prayer that it comprises of all of them.

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Your fundamental belief in your heart, and your horseshoe or your your you're

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sort of the stillness of the heart in front of Allah subhanaw taala your fear of Allah you standing before a law, your consciousness of Allah

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and you witness your face on your tongue during your Salah you see eyeshadow and La ilaha illAllah and you remember Allah by reciting the Quran in your limbs move up and down.

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So Salah is a complete a battle that takes place in all of the realms of a battle all of the possible places where a burger takes place but a bar there is something that is done with the heart and the tongue and the limbs.

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Whether as we said it is open or hidden meaning whether it's something you do which is visible or invisible.

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What's an example of visible a bad visible a bother giving sadaqa performing your prayer going to Amara these are visible a bar that a bagotville Hara the visible the invisible a bother like your Nia is invisible right.

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your sincerity your class, your love and fear and hope in Allah. These are invisible Eva that all of them are for Allah subhanho wa Taala alone.

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All of them are for Allah Subhana Allah

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There's another aspect of Alibaba which is really important to bear in mind. And the reason I mentioned it is there is a lot of or there are a lot of

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there's a movement in our time among certain people to redefine a bada.

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And it's not a new movement, to be honest, it has new faces every now and again. Somebody else sells their soul and you know, decides to propagate this to someone but it's an old problem with new faces.

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And that is redefining Ava to make it okay to give off certain types of a bother to other than Allah.

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And it's really important therefore that you're really comfortable with what Ava is and how to define what a badger is and what a vida isn't. So there is a third thing that will help you we talked about complete submission and complete humility and complete love. And we also talked about everything that Allah loves and is pleased with from the actions that understatements whether internal or external COVID all of that the actions and the statements of the heart the actions and statements of the tongue and the actions of the limbs.

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Whether it's visible or invisible.

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There is another aspect to Harry Potter

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which is that the essence of a bar that is doing something because a lot told you and commanded you to do it, whether or not you understand the reasoning or the detail behind it.

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And that's important.

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That's important.

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Many, many times we seek to find out why. You know, like, Why Why is vote for a cat? And why is it when I make Waldo

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and then for example, if a person is making water and then they they break their woodland and they start washing their hands again why is that when their hands already wet?

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Why is it if I've just washed my hands and then I forgot to wash my feet and I go back again? I start washing my hands again what's Why is that? Why is it seven times around the cab?

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The reality is that a bada is what you do, commanded by a lot, even when you don't understand even when you don't have all of the answers for why you do it like that. The greatest reason you do it like that is because Allah commanded you and you have submitted to Allah azza wa jal. Yeah Can I put you alone we worship Therefore, it is

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impossible in Islam, and absolutely prohibited for you to divert any act of worship to other than Allah. So

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Allah said what he can nest that in what he yakka nesta in and you alone we seek help from

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Nestor in comes from the word is Tiana and st Anna whenever you get an Arabic word that starts is that, like that? Is that like that?

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Is that means usually means seeking something asking for something?

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Whenever you get those Arabic words,

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that start is that usually means not always, but usually it means seeking something. So it's the and that means seeking alone seeking help.

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Now, let me ask you a question is seeking help from a law a kind of worship? Based on what we said?

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We all agreed Yeah, we will happy to seeking help from allies and active worship, then why mention it after seeing your candidate? Why not just suffice with er Can I would

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if there are certain stocking

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there's has to be a reason why.

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There is a specific kind of worship mentioned after the general so like they say,

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out Full House LLM or recurrent costs by the land that first of all a las panatela mentioned the general worship and then he mentioned the specific That happens a lot in the Quran. And that will help you when you're reading the Quran to understand the Tafseer that sometimes Allah mentioned something general then mentions something specific. When can I do when Linda he Ramallah he kept he was also the he was he buried a woman

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for in alohar I do will carefully whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and his messengers and gibreel and Mikael is gibreel not an angel,

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really is an angel is jabril not a messenger in the linguistic sense of the word, breeze, a messenger in the linguistic sense of the word.

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Mecca is an angel. So don't be worried or don't be confused. If you're reading the Quran. And you see that Allah mentioned something and then mentions examples of it

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afterwards in the same sentence. So here we have the general which is worship, and we have the specific which is seeking help. So there has to be a reason because we said Allah subhanaw taala doesn't mention things without any reason. Allah subhanaw taala mentioned esteana here for a number of reasons, but I'm just going to highlight a couple of them. The one that remembers Sara dimentions Rahim, Allah to Allah is that our need of seeking help from a law in order to worship Him.

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It's like saying, Oh Allah, and without your help, I will not be able to worship you. You alone we worship and without asking your help, I will not be able to worship you. That's one reason.

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Another reason is the frequency with which people fall into seeking help from other than our

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By here we have to stop and ask ourself about seeking help, because seeking help in reality is not of one ruling, there are many rulings related to seeking help. First of all, let's divide seeking help into two

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because this will help us to understand in a way that is, will will stop us inshallah to Allah from getting confused. So, if we divide seeking help into two, and we see that there is a kind of seeking help,

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which is unquestionably and undoubtedly something that you would only seek from allies.

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And there is a kind of seeking help, which you could potentially or possibly seek from others.

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As for the seeking help, which is for allies, so, a gel alone, unquestionably, then this comes under the issue of what they call TIFF we el amor Illallah.

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So, the first is have Wiebe and Mr. Illallah, leaving things to a lot like believing that our law is the only one ultimately that will help you and putting your trust in Allah. So panel dad,

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that kind of seeking help, we have no doubt about whatsoever, that it is absolutely for our allies.

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For us to place our trust and reliance and dependence. dependence is a good word. So maybe we can call this one, the seeking help of dependence,

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that dependence and seeking help there is only for our lives,

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then there is the normal kind of seeking help.

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And here we have

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different we can branch it off into two as well.

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seeking help

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from someone

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in something that they are able to do,

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seeking help from someone in something they're able to do.

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And usually this call is mentioned on this a living person, any seeking help from a person who is in front of you in something they are able to do.

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Will you help me to move this table please.

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That's an example of me asking someone that person is alive and healthy and well and able to do something they are able to do.

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When I start to ask someone for something,

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and ask them for something that is only from the things that only allies or gel can do, or I asked them for something, after they've passed away like asking help from the dead and so on.

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And again, we're falling back into shift. So

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we have to be careful in two ways. Number one, we have to be extremely careful that

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our trust and reliance and dependence is upon Allah.

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And we have to be careful that the things that are unique for Allah subhanho wa Taala we only asked from Allah

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the types of health that are unique from Allah subhanaw taala like asking a lot for gender like asking Allah for children like asking Allah subhanaw taala to bring relief to your discipline, to distress and so on.

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And if we ask people, we only ask people for what they are able to do people who are we don't ask people in the unseen we don't make to our to the dead, we ask people for what they are able to do what is within their normal abilities that Allah has given them. But even that,

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even not is something that should not be done frequently or should not be overdone. It should not be overdone.

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This asking of people because you ask people until you stop doing things for yourself. And you stop trying and working hard for yourself. And also you stop asking Allah subhanho wa Taala because of your dependence on other people. So you see somebody in debt, and he's asking people for money. Well, money is within their ability, right? He's asking someone who has money for money that's within their ability.

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But he asks any asks and he asks until number one, he becomes lazy and he stops working for himself. And if he continues, it may reach the level where he no longer asks a lot he no longer makes to add to Allah because of

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All he knows is that when I get problems financially, I just go to the people and I put up my hand and somebody will give me.

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So it's important that even in this type of permissible esteana

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that what we do is, first of all, we never neglect asking your love first and people second.

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This is in the things that they are able to do. We realize those people are only a set of their a cause for Allah Subhana Allah to bless me, they're not the ones that best. And number two, we avoid being dependent on people. As a Muslim, your greatest dependency issue, your dependency should be upon Allah subhanaw taala not upon, not upon the people, and should not be a person who's known for asking people for things, or be a person who doesn't look at what's in the hands of others. And this is a reason to be from the 70,000 nt agenda. Be ready Hey sabun while I that without any account in any punishment, one of the things that this is that is covered within this is that you are not a

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person that is dependent and asking other people even in the things that they are able to do.

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But you try as much as possible to ask Allah azza wa jal and Allah alone, even in the things that you're allowed to ask other people.

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And when you have to ask for some things in which of us is that who doesn't have to ask sometimes for something, then there isn't shallow to add no harm. If you're asking someone for something that they are able to do and is within their abilities that they have analyzed as best he can our Buddha can stay. At this point I want us to remember the hiding of Abu hurayrah in Sahih, Muslim Qasim to salata. benei avena Idina Spain. I divided the prayer between me and my servant into two halves.

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If my servant says Alhamdulillah Europe in the Idi Amin called Allahu taala hamadani Abdi

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my servant has praised me by saying Alhamdulillah

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when the servant recites R Rahman r Rahim, Allah Subhana Allah says ethna ie Abdi my servant has glorified my praises

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when the servant recites Maliki to me Dean

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alarms origin sees Majid any ID my servant has glorified me.

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When the seven says he cannot Buddha, what kind of stirring Allah says, This is between me and my servant Messina that they do have been emptiness fame, half of it is for me, and half of it is for my servants.

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What does this also tell us about the words er kind of stain? It tells us that they are implicit. They're an implicit you're effectively saying, I'm asking for your help or law.

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There's a law in there. It's the first time that you asked for something for yourself. You praise Allah Alhamdulillah Europe in Ireland in our Rahmani Raheem, Maliki Oh, indeed, he cannot good. You praise Allah.

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What can I stay in here? You implicitly or implicitly means you didn't openly and obviously ask a lot, but in a subtle way you asked Allah, meaning or law if you're the only one that can help me,

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then help me

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then help me.

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So that is why Allah azza wa jal said that this is between me and my servant. in half, half of it is for me and half of it is for them, while the Abdi myself and my servant will have what he asked for.

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And then you see, he did not say rah,

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guidance to the straight path,

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Idina, there are two types of hedaya two types of guidance.

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There is the guidance of

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a tofield of success.

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And the guidance of success can only come from Allah.

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And then there is the guidance of earshot,

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hidayatullah earshot somebody's pointing you in the right direction

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and guiding you, you know, guide me the right the right way to go. And this comes from Allah and it comes from others besides allies origin and that is why when allies origin said

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in akella de managment you don't guide who you love.

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The guidance here is the guidance of tofi the guidance of the success to be able to take Islam and become a Muslim.

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When Allah azza wa jal said to the Prophet sky's the limit, he is a guide. Heidi, he's a guide. In another eye of the Quran, Allah azza wa jal addressed the Prophet size Helen and he called him a guide. This is the guidance of Allah Ershad pointing and showing the way this is the way this is the path will you take the path or not?

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That is from Allah. I can show you the path but only Allah azza wa jal can give you the ability to walk upon it.

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So here which kind of guidance are we asking for a data Serato Mr. team are shaping the theme in rock and roll data and SF see it he said both. And this is why we don't say if Dena lis erotic Masaki with a lab

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we don't put the lamp in there

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because we hear that the guidance is universal.

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That Oh Allah show me the direction of the path and give me the ability to walk upon the past.

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ie dinner

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a dinner co author Mr. King

00:41:40 --> 00:41:42

I've got a little bit of homework for you guys.

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Small very small child.

00:41:47 --> 00:42:00

I want you to try and look up and research for me. Why this part of sort of to Fatiha er cannot go do what you can to stay in a dinner sirata Mr. Kane is in the plural.

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Why do we not say iaca are good you alone? I worship? What yakka as the rain and you alone I asked for help in Dini guide me to the SIR author Mr. King. Why is it we and we and we Why is the plural and why not the singular? have a little look try and find out I'll tell you what I have researched next lesson insha Allah Allah let me see how many points we should at least get two points if not three out of it. Two or three reasons why.

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Allah azza wa jal says a dinner and not a Dini guide me just me. Whereas generally you would think it would be I because we is quite you know quite what's the word? It's less humble right? guide us

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why would be no guide me? guide me it's more humble right so why guide us why as here it's dry you're begging Allah you're pleading with Allah. So why use a term that generally is a term of pride and a term of your guide us? We Why not say I? If I is more humble and is no lowly.

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So have a think about it, have a look into it, see if you can find in some of the books of Tafseer

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why it says we come up with what two or three reasons you should at least get to inshallah and then let me know what you found inshallah to Allah will ask at the beginning of the class. In the next class, I'll tell you what I have and we'll see if we have anything different in

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a syrup. There are some different clear art of Sirat it's red with a solid and a scene and a solid NSI halfway between the two.

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So it's red Sierra, with Assad and Sierra with a scene and Sarah if I can try and do it properly ziraat bit halfway between Assad Anna Zion,

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between outside and Zed ziraat.

00:44:14 --> 00:44:20

All three are Kira from the art of this of Sirat wherever it comes in the Quran.

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Idina CRR Palma stocking. Assad is a path.

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It's a path.

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And it's called moose ducky.

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Which means one that has is the karma is strict.

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And the opposite of Mr. Cain is more wedge,

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like bending or deviating going off to the left and the right or bending off curving off to the left and the right

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So the ciroc of Allah azza wa jal is Mr. King. It is sirotkin Mr. King, it's most appealing because it's straight in itself.

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The Prophet size lm he told us tarak to come and La la vida de la. Ladies later how can I hurry Holla Holla Holla I have left you on a straight path, it's night. It's like it's day. Nobody deviates from it except that he is destroyed. It's a clear straight path. And it's also called was stuck in because it is the path of the people who are most attacking

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the people who are upright.

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In levena, Rob Boone, Allahu Docomo, those people who see our Lord is Allah and then they are upright, they straight

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they stand up straight. So it is the karma in the Arabic language is at least the way that it is to be straight and upright.

00:46:13 --> 00:46:21

That's what Mr. Kane means to be straight to be upright. So this Sirat is was 13 in itself,

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itself it is stuck in it's straight, it doesn't have any left or right to any bends or curves, it's clear and easy to follow. And it is also a Sirat, which makes which the people on it all upright, almost stalking the people on it must have been

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a maybe I will if I can remember to link in the video I will try to remember to link like maybe a lecture about st calm about being upright as a Muslim, because we don't have time in the lecture to go into what it means to be upright as a Muslim. But in general, we're going to cover

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certain things. Being upright as a Muslim requires staying within the limits of a lot. The who dude have a license to do the law. These are the limits of a lot. So one of the things we know about the ciroc is that the ciroc has limits and if you go outside of the limit, you go off the path and you go on to the side of the path. That's where you deviate. And that's where the shape on waits to take you away from the straight path.

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From the path from the ways or the important points around being Mr. scheme is not deviating. And there are shell teen on the corners of the path calling you to deviate from this must have been the straight path.

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And there is a hadith in which the prophets Allah Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I'll briefly describe it he says horrible love method and sirata Mr. keema Allah gave you the example of a straight path.

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When you enter the path,

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there is a gate

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and the path it has two walls on either side, and in the walls are doorways and over the doorways are curtains hanging down. When you enter the path a caller from the gate cries out, or servants of Allah enter a law straight path and do not deviate. Don't go left don't go right. And when you're about to lift up one of those curtains or voice cries out or servants of Allah left. Don't open it. For if you open it, you will surely enter it.

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The walls are the limits of Allah.

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The doorways lead to what Allah made her on.

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The call at the gate is the book of Allah the Quran is what calls out to you follow this Scirocco. Mr. Kane.

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That's what the Quran calls out to you. And the call that calls out to you when you lift the curtain to go to the Haram is the warning system, the warning sign and why you can be clearly Muslim in the hearts of everyone.

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So this tells us that once you deviate from that straight path, either onto another path, the path of the shell team.

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When you're out the mustafi man, that tiberiu wallet, I tend to be a super photographer, Robbie come and Sabina Surrattsville and

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this is a last straight path. So follow it and don't follow the other paths that go on the side. Because they will take you away from and separate you away from a law strip path. So this is the example when the Prophet size and drew a straight line and he drew lines coming off on the side.

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A law straight path and on the

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corner Darryl Shelton that call you. They tell you actually there's a shortcut here. It will get you quicker. It's better for you. Don't worry you can make Toba and join the main path later on to take you that way.

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And when you go you realize the shaytaan betrayed you and took you on another path and only with Toba and turning to Allah you will back again a dinner Scirocco Stuckey, we need it all day every day. That's why we make this to our all day, every day. You know, Sarah Thomas talking.

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And also from the things that take you away from the path of your desires in the falling into the harem, opening the curtains, your heart warns you, when you're naturally practicing Islam, when you're in your natural state of fitrah, your heart tells you be careful. Be careful, it's not right. Now, I'm not saying that your heart is the only thing that tells you the first thing that told you was what the Quran at the gates the Quran Told you it was wrong. But your heart reminds you, but if you keep on ignoring your heart, it will become like the alarm clock that you keep on ignoring in the morning, it's off, its off, and then you don't hear it anymore. You stop hearing your heart.

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But once your heart is natural in its place of worshipping Allah and sensitive to the laws and commands of Allah, even your heart will warn you before you fall into the heart.

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Even your heart will warn you.

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So, you follow the straight path. And the objective on this string path is not to reach the end in this dunya but the objective is to die while being on the straight path. And that is why up until the moment that you die you keep on seeing in Dino co author was talking because my destination does not lie in this dunya

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the end of this path does not lie in this dunya so my objective is to die on the path not to reach a particular destination in this life.

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So now we've had the path in a general sense adnoc rothermel stuck in what Allah azza wa jal then explains and describes the path to us. He gives us a description of the path that will

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further explain to us what it is that we are asking a lot for in Dino shiratama stuck in Sierra Vina and I'm telling him why you're about to be on a water body.

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Guide us to the straight path.

00:52:37 --> 00:52:41

The path of those you bestowed your favor upon

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in reality he man and Islam or a fever from Allah.

00:52:50 --> 00:52:56

While I came to La Habra, la como Lima was a Yana houfy, coo coo

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coo coo for a while foo coalition. Ola aka Homer washy don't follow the lamb mean Allah He will love it. When Hakeem allowed me to love a man and he made it beautiful to you. And he made you hate.

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He made you hate disbelief and defiance and disobedience. They are the rightly guided as a grace from Allah and a faith. Your Eman is a favor from Allah and Nima from Allah. So everyone walking on that path is not on that path because they deserve it. They are on that path because Allah gave them a favor, something extra a blessing on top of what they deserve.

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She gave them a favor.

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Everyone on that path is someone that Allah gave a favor to.

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And Allah in another part of the Quran describes who they are. And this is an example of Tafseer help or an E book or an making Tafseer of the Quran with the Quran

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making Tafseer of the Quran using using the Quran, it is they who will be along with the people that are law Blake bestowed his favor upon from an OBE in the prophets was a deity and the truth for people like Abu Bakr Siddiq, and like Maria a sadaqa.

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Rob the Allahu I'm legendary, and the shuhada the martyrs

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like Omar Abdullah Hata, Benares might have been our fan and I live in Abu Talib rhodiola like when the prophets lie Selim climbed a mountain of hurt, and he said Be silent or hurt. There is no one upon you except for an A B and A C, D, and two martyrs

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and he was climbing with Abba.

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current and former on earth man,

00:55:03 --> 00:55:10

he said Be silent to her there is nobody on you apart from a prophet and acidic and two martyrs.

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And the city are clean and the Shahada and the soil he in and the righteous, like the Sahaba of the love where I'm home, the only people

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along with those mentioned in the stories of the Quran, who we have a guarantee from Allah that they were righteous.

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And let me ask you a question. Does any of you have a guarantee from Allah that you're righteous? Do I have a guarantee from Allah, I'm righteous, nothing.

00:55:39 --> 00:55:44

I have only hopes. That's it. That's it. Hopes that's it.

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I have no guarantee from Allah azza wa jal that Allah accepted from me that a lot considered me to be among the righteous, nothing. The Sahaba were told by Allah, Allah, Allah Who Am humara do And Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with him. And Allah said, we're cool and wide Allah personnel, all of them Allah promised paradise, they have that guarantee. So if you want to know who is on the sirata, Mr. Hakim, then they've been and so you follow them.

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And the sidiki we gave the example of Abu Bakr Cydia. We said that Allah said about money. I mean, the Quran will do that she was a Siddiqa.

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We have

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the Shahada, those who are allies, so a gel accepted and again, many people claim to die Shaheed many people it's claimed about them they died Shaheed Fulani, Shaheed Fulani, shahidullah Shahada, who has a guarantee from Allah,

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the likes of Omar and Osman Ali, a guarantee from Allah that Allah accepted their Shahada, their martyrdom.

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And the sila hain who has a right who who can say they're from the Salah, he except for the Sahaba Viola.

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So if you want to know who to follow to be on the Sarah thermostat team, you follow the prophets and you follow the Sahaba of the Allah. And those righteous people that were mentioned in the Quran.

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They're your guides, that's who you follow. That's who you take your deen from, because they are the ones who are under sirata Mr.

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So now we have understood through the Quran, who to follow in order to worship Allah. In other words, the only way to worship Allah properly is to follow the way of the prophets and the messengers, specifically our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam them and to follow the Sahaba of the Allah and who was the Dean of the Shahada Sana Hey, by the text of the Quran

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that's the only way that's the only way to be on the straight path. And whoever follows other than them will lie they are not on the straight path. They are either from above to be either him or a Bali.

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So who are eligible to be a human who are calling into concrete

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elements do be it him must do but comes from a call Bob which means anger. And most goob is someone that someone is angry with.

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Someone that someone else is angry with.

00:58:25 --> 00:58:26

That person is most.

00:58:28 --> 00:58:36

So here it is someone that Allah is angry with. That's the linguistic meaning Alma de la him.

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So we asked a lot, a lot don't put us on the path for us on the path of the prophets, put us on the path of the Cydia clean the Shahada, Soylent Green, don't put us on the path of

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the people you are angry with.

00:58:53 --> 00:58:57

While our bioline know the people who are astray,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he attempts to have this, that the Jews are el mundo de la by the text of the Prophet so I sent him by the nos from the Prophet sighs Hello, that the Jews are Alma de la him, and that the Christians are appalling.

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But here there's a question.

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We know that it's not only the Jews and the Christians.

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And the reason we know this is first of all, that

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this vile remark to be a symbol of God in covers everyone who is not on the path. And we know that there are many, many, many other groups religions, belief systems that are not on the path with and alongside the Jews and the Christians.

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So what feature is it of the Jews that made the Prophet slicin them say that they are about to be Allah him? And what is the feature of the Christians that made the prophets I seldom say that they are a believer. The feature of the Jews that made the prophets I seldom see that they are a little dubious

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him is to know the truth, to have knowledge, but not to practice it

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to know the truth, but not to implement what you know.

01:00:14 --> 01:00:41

And the feature of the Christians that made him highlight them is to be ignorant of the truth. In other words, what is the reason you are not on the Serato stocking? There are only two reasons that you that someone is not on the Serato stocking. Either they know that it's the Serato Mr. Hakim, but they're out of their own desires and they own you know, stubbornness they are not getting on the path.

01:00:42 --> 01:00:46

The other one has no idea which syrup is Mr. King?

01:00:47 --> 01:00:49

I don't know Is it this one or this one?

01:00:51 --> 01:00:56

That is ultimately the source of every misguidance and every evil

01:00:57 --> 01:01:21

is either avoidable when it is oppression and ignorance. oppression is like the scholars say watershape theory mulberry, putting something in the wrong place. You know Islam is the truth. I knew choose not to implement it not to act upon it not to accept it. You are allowed to be any whatever religion you are

01:01:22 --> 01:01:49

a theist, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, whatever. If you know that Islam is the truth, and you choose not to follow it, then you come under el mundo de la. And it was characteristic of the Jews because the Jews of Medina knew the prophet SAW Selim was a prophet, and openly made no secret of the fact that they knew that he was a prophet, but they chose not to becomes.

01:01:51 --> 01:02:02

As for the Christians, they were all over the place. They didn't know what was the truth, which one was the Surat, and this is every kind of ignorant person. That's what ignorance does to you. You don't recognize the truth when it comes to you.

01:02:04 --> 01:02:19

And so we have to be careful of this. Why mentioned the Jews in the Christians? Why did the prophets I send them not mentioned any other religion? Why not mention the machete keen, who are more misguided than the Jews and the Christians? Why why mentioned them? Why not mention the washing machine?

01:02:20 --> 01:02:24

Because of you the danger of you following them?

01:02:25 --> 01:02:41

The danger with the Jews and the Christians is the prophets. I seldom said let's say tiberian Sun and Americana public, you will certainly follow the way of the people who came before you. The reason the Jews and Christians are highlighted here is not because of them, but because of you.

01:02:42 --> 01:03:12

Because of the danger of you falling into the same mistake, because the Prophet told us a lot what it was and then you are going to follow the ways of the Jews and the Christians. You're going to follow the same way you're going to follow them. And again, the meaning of Jews and Christians here To be clear, is not the followers of myself who are truly following Moosa are the followers of Raisa that were truly following irisa because they were upon the sirata was stalking him. Miranda been with the prophets.

01:03:14 --> 01:03:18

But it was those who attributed themselves to Moosa.

01:03:19 --> 01:03:58

But in reality, they were gaining knowledge but not doing anything with it. They would have knowledge and do the opposite. And many examples from this one that you can see of them coming to the Prophet. So I said, where they had huge amounts of knowledge, they had knowledge that the average people didn't have. But they didn't implement it. They didn't act upon it. And the Christians, again, that were following ERISA in his time, and he sort of said that they were upon the truth. But they deviated to the point where they no longer had any knowledge of what was right. Or what was wrong. When you ask the La da da Serato, Mr. Team serata, Latina, namta, la innovative

01:03:58 --> 01:04:15

moto ba, ba lean, mean, you asked Allah and Allah said that the Abdi where the abdomen said this is for my servant, and my servant will have what he asked for. We need a lot of guidance 24 hours a day, in every second in every minute.

01:04:17 --> 01:04:19

If Allah leaves us for the blink of an eye,

01:04:20 --> 01:04:27

we'll lose ourselves. That's why we say falletta kidney Li NFC confeitaria Don't leave me to myself for the blink of an eye.

01:04:29 --> 01:04:59

We need a lot all the time. And that's why we ask Allah for his guidance to show us the right way, but not just to show us the right way to give us the total fee, to be able to follow the success to be able to follow that right way by the permission of a line surgeon. And we say mean and mean it means steep accept. And remember that's an etiquette. And we'll finish with this, that the etiquette of law is you don't say except in sha Allah, Allah inshallah.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:01

Like accept it from me.

01:05:02 --> 01:05:04

You see it with conviction, me

01:05:06 --> 01:05:07

with conviction,

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accept it from me. Because you cannot force Allah subhanaw taala to accept it from you. But at least you should ask as though you mean it. When you say in sha Allah with a DA it's very common we hear people say Oh brother, you know, Allah bless you in sha Allah, Allah will give you a Sha.

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Allah guide you in sha Allah. The meaning of that in Arabic is that you don't really care whether Allah gives it or not. That's what the Arabic comes across as Allah if you want to give him give him if you don't want to give them don't give him

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that's how it comes across in Arabic so you don't see when you make dua, you don't have this kind of like shakiness like each Elijah, you see me accepted all.

01:05:52 --> 01:06:15

And you ask a lot of criminality, except this two other began with the praise of Allah and glorifying Allah affirming your worship of Allah that's tawassul through your good deeds, right? Yeah, can I put that is tawassul we had tawassul through our last names and attributes, then we had our su through your good deeds, er can Abu there was so through your good deeds.

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And then you asked Allah to guide you. And then you asked Allah for the straight path, reminding yourself what that straight path is, who is upon it, and who is not upon it, and asking Allah implicitly to save you from knowing something but not acting upon it, and from being ignorant of the truth. And these are the sources of misguidance and the sources of evil among all of the people in this world. I'm going to conclude with just to recite to you,

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or just to read to you, sorry, what should have a mean said at the end of his Tafseer of the surah.

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He said, in any case,

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this surah is a great one.

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It's not possible for me, or for anyone else, to gather together all of its meanings. Its great and wonderful meanings. This is only a drop in the ocean. And whoever wants to expand upon it and to know more about it, than he must read the book Medallia just Sally Keane, Bailey Mandeville came to him a long time. And in reality, I say to you that if that tipsy of sharing with me was a drop in the ocean, then this of mine is like, I don't know, it's a drop of a drop. It's just a few points and a few little things for you to note and to think about. But otherwise, this surah is too great to explain it in three lessons or 30 lessons or 300 lessons. There is just too much the whole of the

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Quran is here. All of the meanings, all of the benefits, everything is there. And there's too much to be able to explain but it's just a little drop in the ocean just to give you something to reflect upon and to think about sha Allah to Allah next lesson, we're going to be starting the model with at

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the three pools as people call them, and inshallah we have to do a bit more because we have to do you know, at least a couple of pages every day. So we're going to try to do you know, perhaps six or seven of the the last sutras of the Qur'an, if we can do 10 it will be excellent, but I'm not sure, based on my current record that I'm going to manage that. But a shout out to Allah will do as much as we can. I believe we have to go a little slowly in the beginning, just to get us into the topic. But as we go further, we can perhaps be a little bit be a little bit quicker return on data analyzer journals best last quick request, we have started uploading videos on a dedicated YouTube channel.

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I've never had it before.

01:08:47 --> 01:09:25

I've never done that before. I've always used Islamic centers. We still use Canada's YouTube channel because I'm a lot higher on other people. But I started using my own it's the moment is just got the Tafseer videos on but you can find it on youtube.com forward slash Mohammed Tim MHAW ADT aim so do have a check check it out. And if you can subscribe and share it with people inshallah to Allah and what we'll do is we'll upload this video we do correct the videos when we upload them so if you do want to listen to it again, the videos that they have any errors or mistakes in as much as possible I tried to edit them out to channel particle analyzer general special sauce of Salaam Arabic

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Mohammed while and he was happy

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to come along later on for watching. Please subscribe, share and you can visit Mohammed tim.com

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