Tim Humble – Ruqya Course 1 – Introduction

Tim Humble
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of introducing knowledge and practicing consistency in the timing of R Publicity Conference sessions. They emphasize the need for consistency in the timing of sessions, keeping certain topics and knowledge written down, and the importance of belief in the success of people achieving their beliefs. They also discuss the importance of reciting the Prophet's words to alleviate pain and anxiety, avoiding fear and confusion, and trusting in Allah's presence. The speakers emphasize the need for people to avoid feeling overwhelmed and be cauterized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa nosily when suddenly more Allah, Allah burrows you're attending alameen Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi be admiring.

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We begin this two day program. As we begin all of the things that we do of importance by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. And by sending salutations upon His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and upon his family and upon his companions.

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And I'd also like to start by just welcoming all of you. And by thanking all of you for coming and taking the time, some of you have come from very far away.

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And you should take a glad tiding

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in this regard, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever seeks out a path in which he is learning or striving to learn beneficial knowledge in the religion, allies or gender makes his path to gender easy.

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And the angels lower their wings, out of pleasure and out of contentment over what that individual is doing. So you should take glad tidings that you've come here with the permission of Allah subhanaw taala, to learn beneficial knowledge of us together to learn something which is going to benefit us in this dunya and in the era be in the light of Baraka with Allah. And we'd also like to extend our thanks to the brothers, the organizers regarding the masjid and the facilities dissolve and Willa hailer they have given their facilities and their time in order for us to be able to hold this event here today. So we ask Allah azza wa jal to make it on the scale of their good deeds on

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the Day of Judgment, just as we extend our thanks to the brothers who have come with all of their equipment, the audio equipment and the camera equipment, so that this message and saw that this knowledge can be shared with as many people as possible with the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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I'd like to start by just introducing myself.

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And the reason I'd like to introduce myself is I think it's very important that we take a principle when we learn knowledge of the religion, and it is that principle from vote or and mentor, hold on Edina. Look at who you are taking this knowledge from. So it's important that you know the people who are talking to you here today, where they come from the limits of what they know the kind of experience they have, so that you can evaluate that and so that you can bear that in mind when you get the information that you receive from us today in the light Allah. So as for myself, I think most of you will know me already. Most of you will have seen me here in Dudley or in Birmingham,

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previous lectures, and my name is Mohammed, Tim humble I became Muslim at the age of 14 years old. And I went to the Islamic University of Medina in 2004, spent two years graduating from the faculty of the Department of Arabic language. And then from the faculty of Hadith, from which I graduated in 2011. I first learned the knowledge of Rukia, from our Shanghai, even vysya to add half of the Holo to either one of them is a professor of Tafseer and a teacher of Akita in the University of Medina.

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And I think I mentioned the story before, but I'll just sort of mentioned it to you again, be an ally to Allah, that my first introduction to Rukia was when a friend of mine asked me a question. And I was in the Islamic University, so they used to like to ask questions to pass them on to the shoe. So he asked me a question about his sister who became very sick. When she had gotten married. Within a few days of her marriage, she became very, very ill. And so he asked me why she or what I knew about this and what could be done. And I went and I began to research the topic. And as I began to research the topic, the topic of magic came up the topic of the gene came up the topic of the

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evil eye came up, and I put this question to share it with Vaizey having a holla who himself was rocky for many years, and he began to teach me some old

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The introductory sciences and the knowledge that you need to perform Rukia and be in the light as some of that will be here in the course today including some excerpts from his book, seeking a cure from the Noble Quran.

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I started practicing Rokia in around 2007. And of course, you know by now that I've delivered a number of lectures on the topic, and I hold regular Rukia clinics, usually in Newcastle upon Tyne and also elsewhere, and travel for the purpose of teaching and informing people about this topic and about other topics. Very recently, I completed a sitting with our chef ideal Empire and

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having a whole lot of data from reality. And these tools over a period of about a week, and she had happy Lola is one of the people in Riyadh who is responsible for catching magicians in Saudi Arabia. That's his job. He is the head of one of the departments in Riyadh, for catching magicians and magic. And he is one of the people that I have met that I have not met many people, perhaps I've not met anyone who has more knowledge of magic and how it happens, then this sheer habit of a long title. So again, we're going to integrate into the course some of the information from the shape and some of his videos, which we're going to see in short, long time either, as we progress on through

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the day in the life.

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Salam Alaikum wa rahmatullah just building on what our Brother Mohammed Tim has said, just introducing myself, not as Mashallah knowledgeable as I studied as his brother. With regards to Rokia and hamdulillah. Our Brother Mohammed was probably when into a different way that I went into it. About five or six years ago, a close family member of mine was afflicted, and this forced me into the field of lochia. It forced me into looking and studying and investigating the topic of black magic, evil a jinn possession.

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Subhana Allah Back then, I think this topic of rokeya wasn't as well known. And it wasn't as widespread within our communities that people had this knowledge of looking for.

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an aunt of mine was afflicted. And the first thing to do was to ask those brothers who we knew to be upon the the Tao of the Quran and the Sunnah, where to go from here. So I'd hamdulillah a brother from the local community, he came and he performed up here, and this really blew me away seeing the power and the strength and the effects of the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Later on, and hamdulillah I received my ijazah to do lochia from a chef in Pakistan, a cabal Salafi urines, a very well known rock er clinic, and Hamdulillah, I attended the same course as our brother with Shahada not been happy the whole lot. And I think you brothers will probably know me from the diaries of an exorcist series, the intention of which is to bring rock gear to the forefront of our minds, so that our brothers and sisters we are aware, and we know about this topic, and so we can counter the effects of this evil and hamdulillah I perform lochia regularly, sometimes five, five times in a week, five sessions in a week. And one of my teachers actually sat next to me half of the

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whole lie the brother, Mohammed, Tim, he was a brother who really encouraged me to to really step up and start performing this on on a wider scale and hamdulillah this type of attitude in the light Island is what we would like to pass on to you brothers and sisters here today. What do we expect from you? What do you what do we expect from you as attendees of this course, and inshallah some ground rules as well. Just in respect of the masjid if we can make sure that there's no eating or drinking aside from water in this hole? The brothers here Alhamdulillah they haven't charged us a penny they've done this completely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. So if we can respect these

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facilities, please, if we can, please ensure that when we give you a break, it will be 10 minutes 15 minutes to stretch our legs, get some fresh air, if we can ensure that we stick to the timetable, please, so that there are no disruptions, we do have quite a lot of material to get through in Sharla. And handed in unnoticed A lot of you brothers have pens and paper. It's very important to make notes on this subject. Because you may have questions you may have issues that you might not have known about. Or you yourself might have something that you want to share with us something that you know that we don't know. So I'd handed in. If we can keep things written down. This will enable

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us to better digest it

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Keep this knowledge in sha Allah. Brothers and sisters, you're more than welcome to disagree with us. This is a field we're in. We can't say absolute truth lies with me or absolute truth lies with you. But please, if you want to disagree where appropriate, appropriate, please do so with good etiquette. Please remember that this is a gathering of knowledge, we need to have the correct etiquette and mannerisms. inshallah,

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we want to make this a knowledge based on gathering on, sorry, a gathering based on knowledge. We don't want this to be just a load of stories, a load of gin stories, etc. No, we want to look at the URL behind it as well. This is a science as our brother has mentioned. So there is knowledge behind this science. So we want to look at the knowledge inshallah, and upon that, then we can base our own experiences. And finally, please do not keep this knowledge to yourself. This is beneficial knowledge, this is knowledge with subpanel law, you might take it to one person, and that knowledge might change his life, you might take this to one person, he might begin practicing rockier, and he

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will change other people's lives for the better with the permission of Allah. So please don't keep this knowledge to yourself. Please go out and spread this knowledge, what you know what you feel confident to spread, please go out and spread this knowledge in Allahu taala.

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Let's take a moment just to look in sha Allah, Allah out what we're going to cover over the next two days.

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One of the interesting things about Rukia is that you can explain it so very quickly. And you can also explain it in so much detail as well.

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The most basic concepts of Rukia can be explained in a few moments. But insha Allah, Allah, what we want to give you is a real foundation. We're not going to give you everything. And there will be people sitting here today, I believe, who will have knowledge in this field in certain areas that we don't have. Please don't understand that we're sitting here today, as teachers as shoe size people who are giving you knowledge, we're going to give you some knowledge. Some of you may know it, some of you may not know parts of it, but inshallah who Tyler we believe and I certainly believe that there are many people today who will have parts of this knowledge that we don't have. And so what

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we're trying to do is to give you a good foundation in a wide range of topics related to Rokia, including the jinn, including the evil eye, including the practice of reciting upon someone, including amulets and talismans and, and magical symbols and how magic is performed. And through this in sha Allah to Allah, everyone has a basic form of knowledge. And from there you can progress, you can benefit from others, you can benefit from the shoe from the talavera alien, both in this country and outside and inshallah to Allah really develop your knowledge of this topic.

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In terms of the course, essentially what we've tried to do is to break the course into two parts, in the sense that the beginning of the course will be primarily theoretical, we're not going to be talking a great deal about Rukia as an action as a practice today, perhaps a very limited amount. But what we're going to be talking about today, and more than anything else, is the theory behind it. The theory behind the gin, we're going to be talking about what magic is the essence of magic what a magician is how you can tell a magician from an ordinary person, how you can tell a magician from a so called holy man, how you can understand the essence of the magical contract that exists

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between the magician and between the jinn, amulets, talismans magical symbols What do they mean? What are all these squares and circles by the end of this course be is Neela heater Allah you will be able to open any tower with an insurer ensure Allahu taala you will be able to understand what that tower with is saying what it is meaning and how it involves shake and seeking help from other than Allah subhanho wa Taala as for tomorrow, be in the Allahu taala we're going to go more into the depth and the practice of Rukia the rocky who is the rocky What does a rocky have to have within himself who can be qualified? What are the qualifications and the characteristics you need to be a

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rocky the family of the rocky the household of the Rocky? How does the rocky deal with himself in his household with his family with his a bar that is coming close to Allah azza wa jal How does he stop himself being harmed and there is no way to stop yourself being harmed, accepted

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by seeking refuge with Allah azza wa jal how are we going to talk about all of these different things, the Rukia session? How do you begin about performing Rukia upon somebody? What about if that person is a woman? How do you deal? How are things different in that situation? What are the do's and what are the don'ts, prophetic and herbal medicine in Rukia just an introduction to some of the medicine of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that benefits us in the topic of Rukia some of the herbal medicine that benefits us, in short, Allahu taala in the topic of rokeya, innovations and bad practices Subhan Allah as the more you know, the more knowledge you get in this field, the more

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you will realize just how much misguidance there is in the field of Rokia and how many individuals there are, who will come and they say I'm a rocky, I'm a more average IQ of people. I'm a healer. And those people are from a variety of different groups. Some of them are seeking the help of the shaytaan. Some of them have been fooled by the jinn and confused some of them simply do not know the difference between the truth and the falsehood. Some of them are simply fraudsters in it for money. Some of them are people who were sincere but the shavon has taken away their intention. And some of them are practicing Rokia upon the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on

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the guidance of the seller. sider, Rahim, Allah Allah. So we're going to talk about those as well. And then we're going to conclude. So we have 12 modules packed full of beneficial knowledge, the inilah is packed full of beneficial knowledge be in the light either. Now again, we emphasize and I want to emphasize again, that you, people will have you brothers and sisters, you will have knowledge that we want to benefit from as well. We're here to facilitate rather than to teach, we're here to facilitate for you to inshallah, who to Allah Allah to get everyone on the same page to get some underlying principles, some basic knowledge and then in sha Allah to Allah for all of us to

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come together and to benefit each other and to cooperate upon Allah bill what taqwa to cooperate upon piety, and upon the fear of Allah azza wa jal.

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The first principle that we want to share with you today is an introductory principle that is not directly related to Rokia. But I always begin, always begin my talks on Rukia. And on the Djinn, and on black magic, and all of the other topics that we're talking about today by talking a little bit about the hype, about the unseen. Because this knowledge that we are talking about here today, a significant portion of what we're going to be talking about is from the knowledge of the unseen, and belief in the unseen is a fundamental characteristic of a Muslim, Allah azza wa jal at the very beginning of sort of Bukhara, what is he described the muffler on the successful people, and levena

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you may know what I believe is those people who believe in the unseen, so your belief in the unseen, that there are things that you can't see with your own eyes and you can't hear them with your own ears and you can't touch them or get hold of them. But you believe in them because Allah azza wa jal, Allah, Allah mahaveer told you about them. And the Messenger of Allah Assad Calma Stokes sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told you about them. So belief in the unseen is a fundamental characteristic of a Muslim. How many people today and I'm sure this will be a recurring topic over the next few days, say there is no such thing as gin possession, or they say that all these people

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are afflicted with mental illnesses, or they deny it to some extent or another.

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One We are from a people who believe in the unseen that Allah azza wa jal and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us about and we believe that the knowledge of the unseen rests with Allah azza wa jal alone, as Allah subhanaw taala tells us at the very end of sort of look, man, Indeed, Allah alone has the knowledge of the hour, and he sends down the rain and he knows what is in the wounds and no soul knows what it will earn tomorrow and no soul knows in what land it will die. Indeed Allah is all knowing and all acquainted.

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So this knowledge of the unseen it rests with Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, and Allah azza wa jal has informed us what he wished to inform us about. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has informed us what Allah azza wa jal commanded him to enter

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former's about regarding this topic. But the important point that we want to really focus upon here is that the knowledge of the unseen, the source of our knowledge of the unseen is what? The Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam it's not dreams, it's not holy people. It's not through Ilham, like a kind of a revelation that you just appeared into your mind, the knowledge of the unseen, it comes from the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we understand it in accordance with the understanding of the Center for sila Rahim Allah, those pious predecessors from the companions and those who follow them in

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good. That is how we understand the ayat of the Quran. And we understand the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as it relates to the unseen. So we are not going to take this knowledge from here and then anywhere, but we're going to have a firm foundation when we're talking about things of the unseen, a firm foundation from the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Of course, there is no doubt that some of what we're going to talk about today is going to be based on experience is going to be based on herbal medicine is going to be based on some of the actions of the Sahaba and some of the actions of the tablet. And that's okay,

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but we're going to distinguish between the difference we want to distinguish between what we have learned from experience and what we have learned from the source of revelation from the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And throughout this course, I want you to divide what you learn in your mind, between those things that have a clear evidence for them from the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and those things which we suggest to you from our experience, or which we suggest to you from some of the fatawa of the lemma, or which we give you from some of the practices of the seller, Rahim Allah. So I want you

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to distinguish between them so that you know, what comes from the Quran and the Sunnah cannot be discussed, rejected, argued about criticized in any way shape or form, the only opinion of the believers when Allah azza wa jal and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speak of a matter is to say we hear and we obeyed. What comes from the Quran and the Sunnah you do not have the right to disagree over. You do not have the right to question. You do not have the right to say well I think when Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speak of a matter when Allah azza wa jal decrees that matter. Our job is to say we hear we obey, and we submit to it with a complete

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submission. As for the experience of the Rocky, you are free to form your own opinion about it, you're free to wait up against the evidences of the Quran and the Sunnah, whatever you find is in agreement with the principles and the evidences of the Quran and the Sunnah, then take it, whatever you find is other than that, then feel free to criticize feel free with the manners and with the right etiquette to question and to form your own opinion about but as for what we're going to tell you from the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then this is different from what the rocky has experienced, and many problems people have in Rukia can be solved

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by splitting this knowledge into these two parts. Because a rocky comes in he says, I know the pub, I love the gin. I know all of the tribes have the gin and I know the water gin and the edge in and I know this gene and that gene and I know this one and that one and this herbal medicine and that one, these are all things that are beneficial knowledge from the experience of the Rockies and from whatever knowledge Allah Subhana Allah has blessed him with from his taqwa insha Allah. But this is different from what Allah azza wa jal is messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, or you who believe do not put anything in front of a lion his message to me not put anything in front of the

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statement of Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam don't say the prophets I seldom said to read the more I would attain my rocky says the more I would attain any the two last two suitors of the Quran. This is for the beginners, you should be reading this ayah this ayah from Surah Allah this ayah from Surah to Toba, this ayah from Surah to sha Allah this ayah from here in this ayah from their speeches, Colonia AFI This is beneficial knowledge but don't put anything anything in front of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Sunnah of the prophets lie Selim comes first in every single way. So we are going to benefit from experience. The

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed the companions to do so in the topic of Rukia. He said, Show me

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Your record show me your Rukia and whatever was from it that did not contain Shirky allowed it sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he allowed the companions to benefit from their experience. But at the same time Do not put this experience equal to call Allahu Akbar Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah said and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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Connie, why are we conducting this course?

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a shotgun even a buzz, Rahim Allah He said, as the level of a man it decreases then the fitness and facade within the society they increase. This is one of the vices This is one of the traps and the tricks and the plots of shaytaan is to indulge the people in set out is to invite the shelter to possess the people, as the people that image decreases and their distance from Allah subhanho wa Taala increases their level of openness, how open they are to possession, how open they are to see how this also goes up. And what we find is that this has led to a dramatic increase in the number of people who are suffering from the touch from the jinn possession, the number of people who are

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suffering from magic, the number of people who are suffering from evil eye, this has increased and is going to continue to increase because people they are becoming more distanced from Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So of course, if there's more people suffering, then we need more people to treat them. We need more people who are willing to do this for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala to treat and how their brothers and sisters as our Brother Mohammed happy the lies mentioned that we have those people who are just fake, there are many fake Rocky's in inverted commas who are using methods which are innovated they are using methods which contain shift, they are making pacts with the shell deed. These people they only distance our brothers and sisters further from Allah subhanho wa Taala. They distance them further from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we have those people

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who they are taking advantage of our brothers and sisters who are suffering. So our brothers and sisters are suffering and they go to somebody who they trust somebody who they have turned to, they first turned to Allah, then they turned to this person to seek a cure but Subhan Allah, they charge them X amount of money, and we will talk about the issue of charging but if they're lying to Allah, but they charge them and extortionate rates. So these people are, you know, they weighing in their gold, they're weighing in their jewelry, they're weighing in their possessions, and then Subhanallah they're using this money to pay this individual, but this person is not even doing it according to

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them. And to the Sunnah of the messenger salallahu alayhi wasallam. We also have this cult of the Rockies, these Rockies who have they have like a monopoly on the field of lochia. So when our brothers and sisters we were not practicing Rokia previously, they were those Rockies who were established and they had a monopoly on this field of rock here, and Subhanallah they make a rockier look out to be like open heart surgery, something which if you're not a companion, or you're not at the level of a companion, then you can't do so Pamela, and this is so that they have this grip on the field of Rokia. So that's how Lola their income is is protected, their honor, and their status

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is protected. But somehow the law what we will see today, once we've established these fundamentals, once you've established these ground rules is that anyone any believer who believes in Allah and the messenger it has emerged and he has acquired a trader and he has to work with Allah subhanho wa Taala, then

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anyone can at least do Rokia upon themselves and they close family members, if not on the wider community and inshallah This is something that we will discuss later in the law.

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I wanted to now talk for a moment about the virtues of Rokia.

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And the reason that I want to talk about the virtues of Rukia and the virtues of being a hierarchy is that there is another if you like another, another cult or another wave of opinion that spreads around the people. And that is that this knowledge, leave it to the reciters leave it to those people who don't know anything about the religion, nor tirely but in no serious student of knowledge. He should

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Be learning fifth, he should be learning tip c he should be learning the Arabic language Why are you leaving the people? Why are you wasting your time with this citation over the people. And this is very, very, very common and unfortunately cut down Allahu wa Masha a thorough, we have even heard this from some of our shoes. Some of them are shy. So I just wanted to take a moment for us to look about auto look at the virtues of this action, the virtues of this road here. So when someone comes to you and says, Why do you busy yourself with this? Why are you wasting your time with this and these people? Why are you spending all of your time to help these people in this way? This is

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something that you know, you could just leave it to give them a tape. Give them a tape of sorts of Bukhara and tell them to go figure it out? No problem. Why? Why? Why give you a time for this knowledge. And we're going to talk about it through five points, five points, five separate virtues will lie. If one of these virtues alone was in Rukia, it would be enough for you to make Rukia one of your primary aims. But for all five of them in sha Allah to Allah you will see the virtue of this action and the virtue of this knowledge in sha Allah to add

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the first one of these virtues yet one is calling people to donate, giving the hour to the Quran and the Sunnah, propagating the Dawa of the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. Usually what happens is the person who is suffering, he goes to everybody else, he goes to the person who will give him an amulet, he will go to the magician, he will even go to the non Muslims seeking what seeking a quick fix. He's been to everybody else and nothing else has worked. So he comes to you. And he is in the most desperate of situations. Perhaps he is already associated partners with Allah in His seeking of a cure. Maybe he sacrificed for others besides Allah, maybe he has a diabetes

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around his neck, whatever it may be. But he's been to everybody. And at this moment right now, perhaps he is on the doorstep of the fire of Jan. And he is in a desperate situation. So Subhanallah your Rukia The first thing is that you should be calling this individual to the no hate of Allah subhanho wa Taala In my opinion, the rockier session which does not involve the hour at the beginning is deficient. If he comes in and you just open the book of a lion, you begin reciting This is good. But there is something missing. You have missed out on a golden opportunity to give this man dour and give him Dawa, to do hate to call him to the worship of Allah to call him to rely

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solely upon Allah subhanho wa Taala while La Jolla a one when this person is in this state, this Tao this 10 1520 minutes that you give him is more beneficial than 1000 lectures, he is going to sit there and he will be hanging off every single word that you say. He will be listening so attentively, when you call him to go ahead, it's going to take root in his heartbeat is the light and Allah is the Turner of the hearts that we make. And at this moment in sha Allah, your words are going to be extremely heavy, extremely effective in calling him to do hate. Look at the virtue of calling to do hate. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said Ali radi Allahu Allah and

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he sent it to some people. He said, Go to the open places and invite them to the worship of Allah alone. And he said by Allah, that Allah guides, just one of them is better for you than read camels. If Allah just guides one of them through you are Ailee it's better for you than red camels, red camels were worth a fortune in those days. So if Allah subhanaw taala blesses you to put you in this situation, blesses you to put you in the position of the prophets and the messages while apart beisner frequently on magic Russell and na Abdullah, which

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we sent to every nation, a messenger saying, Tell them to worship Allah call the people calling the people worship Allah and stay away from that which is worship besides them. You are treading on the footsteps or treading on the path of the prophets and the messengers. Call the people to donate. You are calling the people to the

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Hate and this is a time when they will listen this is a time when they will be attentive. So, do not let a single rokeya session pass you by, except that you are calling to do hate. This is the first virtue of giving up doing rockier. The second virtue of Rokia and one is you will be reciting the Quran and you will be in a state of the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said the best of you are those who learn the Quran and then they teach it. What about the one who he sits there and he says, He recycle a two factor and he recite it and he is reciting it himself. For every single letter that he recites. He is getting 10 good deeds

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and the messenger Allah is salami said that Alif Lam. Meem is not one letter rather Elif is a letter lamb is a letter and meme is a letter. So you open the book of Allah and you recite Surah Fatiha. Imagine how many good deeds you are getting just by reciting the Quran. Imagine how many good deeds if you do recitation for one hour Subhan Allah imagine how many good deeds will be written for you with Allah subhanho wa Taala the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, he said, shall I not inform you of the best of the deeds and the purest of them with your Lord, the deed that is better for you than spending gold and silver, and which is better for you than to meet your enemy and that you strike

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their neck and they strike your neck. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it is the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala imagine this now, you are in a constant state of remembrance of Allah, you are calling this person to doe heat. You are calling this person away from schilke. Maybe that Tao will change that person's life. And as a result of that, maybe they weren't praying and you give them the hour they start to pray five times a day you will also receive their reward. On top of that you open the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala and you are making Vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala perhaps the angels will descend and listen, and it will be written for you every single letter

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that you recite his 10 good deeds, would you recite this much for an on a normal day? Perhaps we wouldn't. But as a result of doing maratea on ourselves and our families and on the wider community. We are reciting a lot of Quran as the Salah would say if you want to know what your relationship with Allah is like, then look at your relationship with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Maybe right now our relationship with the book of Allah the Quran, it is not as it should be. But imagine using this book of Allah giving the power to it, calling others to it and then using the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala to seek a cure for our brothers and sisters who are suffering. This now

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takes me on to the third virtue of Rokia. It is helping your brother or sister in Islam.

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And this one Hadith which is recorded in Sahih Muslim, it is enough for us that Allah subhana wa tada said, Sorry that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever relieves some grief from a believer in this world, a local relief for him some of his grief in the hereafter. Whoever alleviates the financial or the difficulties of a needy person, Allah will alleviate his difficulties in this world and in the hereafter. Whoever conceals the fault of a Muslim Allah will conceal his faults in the world and hereafter. Now look, Allah continues to aid as seven so long as the servant aids his brother, do you want Allah Subhana huzzah Allah to aid you on yomo clean when

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the fire is in front of you, when the fire is in front of us, and Jenna is on one side and jahannam is on the other side and our good deeds are weighing us down. And we need the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Perhaps because we aid our brother in the dunya Allah subhanho wa Taala will aid us on that day and cause us to enter into genital fear Allah and I will now hand over to our brother to mention some other virtues.

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We've heard three virtues The first of which is calling the people to tell hate the job of the messengers it was set out to set up the Rocky is doing the job of the messengers it has

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the virtue of reciting the Quran and the remembrance of Allah and the best form of the remembrance of Allah is to recite the Quran and the Rocky. I don't think there are many people with the exception of perhaps a Koran teacher who recites the Quran as needed.

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Much as Araki recites the Quran, and then the virtue of helping your brother and that allies that will help you. But that's not the end of the virtues of Rukia and the virtues of being Araki from the great virtues of being a hierarchy and the virtues of Rokia is that Rukia is from the greatest forms of jihad fie sebelah

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from the greatest forms of jihad, Fie, Sabina IGNOU Tamia, Rahim, Allah said, for the Rocky is Mujahid, for the sake of Allah, He is a soldier for the sake of Allah. And this is from the greatest forms of jihad. So he should be careful, less the enemy overcome him because of his sins. And even Tamia Rahim Allah said, it is not right, that someone is scared of learning this knowledge of Rokia. It's not right for someone to be scared of learning this knowledge of Rukia and practicing it because it is an act of worship and it is Jihad for the sake of Allah, to Allah, the Exalted the servants of Allah who stick to his limits are within the safe keeping of Allah, his protection, his

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care and his preservation. Why is Jihad from the Why is rokeya from the greatest forms of jihad recepie Linda, what is Jihad feasibly, to make the word of Allah azza wa jal the highest and to make the word of those who disbelieve the lowest This is the purpose of jihad waala he the Rukia fulfills this purpose, as the other forms of jihad fulfill this purpose. The Rock he puts himself in danger, he puts himself in difficulty he puts himself in struggle and strife for the sake of making the word of Allah azza wa jal, the highest, I'm making the word of those who disbelieve the last, the rocky fights against the shape on if you think it is virtuous to take a weapon and fight against the

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enemies of Allah in this earth than to fight against the shaitaan and his plot is from the greatest of the forms of jihad feasability law and to fight against the shaytaan that has overtaken your brother and to fight against him physically with your hands and with your mouth and with your voice and with the recitation of the Quran and to struggle and to strive and to suffer in this way. This is from a Jihad fi sebelah and it is as even Tamia Rahim Allah said it is from the greatest of a jihad,

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the prophets and the sila Hoon, the pious people who followed the prophets, they fought against the enemies of Allah azza wa jal, they fought against the enemies of Allah from the jinn and they fought against the enemies of Allah from the men. And likewise, they repelled the enemies of Allah with whatever they were able to repel them with. And likewise, we see that they repel the enemies of Allah from the shale teen and from the jinn, and that they consider this to be from the greatest forms of jihad ficep vilella. You look at the example of a Salah Hassan, the example of our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they performed Rokia they extracted they fought to

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remove the shaytaan from the body of the people to fight against the enemies of Allah, those that we can see and those that we cannot see. So Rukia is from algae had visibility. And the final one that I want to finish with is the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam regarding a group of people on the Day of Judgment.

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and from them, ie from my own will be 70,000 people who will enter Paradise without any account and any punishment, no account not even looking at your deeds. Without any account and without any punishment, they will enter Jenna on the fast track. While everyone else is waiting to talk about their minor sins and their major sins, they will enter gender in the fastest way. Those 70,000 people who will enter gender without any account and without any punishment whatsoever. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described them he said, whom will Levine Elias Darko, they are those people who do not go around seeking

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Some of you may listen to this, and we're going to probably talk about this in the topic of Rukia, that this doesn't mean that you shouldn't seek Rokia or that people shouldn't seek Rukia from you. But the highest level the level of those people who have ultimate trust in Allah azza wa jal is that they rely on Allah soprano to Allah and Allah azza wa jal alone, like

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Those companions who said the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took back from me that if I fell for my camel I would not reach out my hand for someone to pick me up. This is the level of the people have complete total hate and complete tawakkol upon Allah subhanaw taala complete reliance in Eliza widget como la Vina Elias taco they are those people who do not unnecessarily without any need go from person to person to person. You help me actually help me actually help me okay I need you to do read on me Please do something for me. Humala Dean Allah estacada Best of the Best of the Best of those people who they trust in Allah azza wa jal completely they do not seek

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rookie Wallah yet aka your own and they do not heed omens. blackcats mirrors walking under a ladder the layer to tie your own they say, Allah Houma ala Pyro Kala Hydra, Hydra quwata illa Allah there is no Omen except from you your Omen, and there is no good except from you. And there is no god worthy of worship except you.

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What if tune and they do not get cauterized what Allah robinia token and upon their Lord they trust. This description of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not a comprehensive description. It is it does not mean that everyone who doesn't go to beg people for Rukia and doesn't believe in omens and doesn't get cauterized will be from these people. But it is a description of a kind of person. What kind of person that kind of person who is tawheed is as complete as a human being can have to hate,

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after the messengers and the prophets, Allah hemosol to Salah, a person whose trust is absolutely and totally upon Allah azza wa jal.

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Why did I mentioned this in the virtues of Rokia? Who is the most deserving person of being from these people? The Rocky is from the most deserving people of being from the 70,000. And in case you're thinking that this number of 70,000 is too small. First of all, remember that the bounty of Allah is expansive, and that you should never ever limit the bounty of Allah. like them. bedwin who came to the Prophet slice lm and he said me Allah have mercy on me and you alone. He said, You have made something that is very expensive, very, very small. You have constricted, something that was huge.

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Don't constrict the mercy of Allah azza wa jal. Secondly, there is a narration that says with every 1000 of the 70,000 there are 70,000 more, and in another narration with every single one of the 70,000 there are 70,000 more

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ask Allah subhanaw taala to make you from those people. And the Rocky is the most deserving of the people if he is a prompter, he'd from being from those people over 70,000. Why, because he is the least likely of anyone to go and seek Rokia, he is the least likely of anyone to see an omen in anything, he is the least likely of anyone to have any deficiency in his tawakkol upon Allah, because he lives and he dies upon the tawakkol of allies origin. He spends time with Sheltie and enemies attacking him from every side that he can't even see. If it was not for the tower call of Allah subhanaw taala the rock he would lose his mind after one rockier session. You can't see your

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enemy and he is attacking you from every single side. And the only thing that you have is the trust in Allah Subhana Allah. So the most deserving of people have been from these 70,000 and the 70 1000s who accompany them from those people are the Roca those people who perform Rokia because they are the ones who have that ultimate trust in Allah azza wa jal, they live upon it, they die upon it, and they are those people who are the least likely of anyone to beg others to perform Rukia for them, and they are the most likely to trust in Allah azza wa jal without anyone and anything else. So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us from the 70,000 and then we go over these five points, go over

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these five points. First of all, that you are a die a die a calling the people to tow hate, that you are a person who spends their day and their night in the remembrance of Allah azza wa jal your tongue is wet with the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala the best form of remembrance of Allah Subhana Allah which is the Quran, you spend your day and your night in helping your brothers. You spend your day and your night You are a Mujahid, for the sake of Allah azza wa jal from the greatest forms of jihad.

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And be it Nila heeta Allah will

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complete trust and withdraw and trust in Allah azza wa jal be Eve Nila heater Allah you will be from the 70,000 who will enter gender without any counter without any reckoning. And this is enough of a virtue that we can reply to those people who say, leave this to the Pura. Leave this to the Imam of the masjid who just comes and reads the prayer five times a day. Don't busy yourself with this busy yourself with filk busy yourself with Tipsy 111 knowledge of Islam is comprehensive. We need to give a time for everything. What I can say I can wasa there is a time for this and a time for that. But give some of your time for this Rokia so that you can achieve these five virtues with the permission

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of Allah subhanaw taala. We're going to finish

Highly recommended introduction to the topic of Ruqya and related discussions.

– Introduction to the teachers/speakers
– The purpose of this ruqya course
– An overview of the course modules (videos) and what will be discussed
– Belief in the unseen
– The course content and what is being taught is primarily based on the Book of Allah SWT, & the Sunnah, and also based on experience
– Sihr (magic), Jinn possession and evil eye
– More people are suffering and therefore more people who genuinely wish to benefit their brother or sister, practising correct methods of ruqya are needed.
– The Huge Virtues of helping others through Ruqya

Recorded by Ruqya Support on 06 July 2013

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