The Deen Show – Thank God for the blessings

The Deen Show
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of remembering the one who made one one born. They stress that the gifts and hands that one receives are priceless, and that money can replace them if one gives it. The speaker also criticizes the notion of being too arrogant to thank the person who provided them with gifts.
AI: Transcript ©
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How you gonna forget about the one who made you?

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The one who fashioned you in your mother's womb

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brought you into existence when you weren't even a thing worth mentioning.

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You forgot about

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the time that nobody even knew about you. You didn't even exist.

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When you spent some time in your mother's womb

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came out there, look at you now.

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You forgot to give thanks to the one who made this happen. How long grateful is

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it if someone took you in, fed you clothed you gave you money filled up your bank account.

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You would at least say thank you and you would be indebted to this person.

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But the one who gave you priceless gifts, those eyes that you see with are priceless. The hands that you touch with are priceless. The heart

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that pumps constantly keeps the body alive.

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It's priceless.

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We cannot enumerate the priceless gifts that money can buy. That money can replace that you've been given. Are you too arrogant to think the one

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who has provided you with all these things to show thanks and gratitude

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