Tariq Ramadan – Chronicles of Ramadan #25 Victims

Tariq Ramadan
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses their approach to responding to victims of dependents, citing their understanding of the spiritual journey and the importance of showing solidarity and dialing out negative language. They emphasize the need to repair the system, address racism, and show solidarity towards the victims in order to appease them. The speaker emphasizes the importance of showing solidarity and dialing out negative language to appeal to the people.
AI: Transcript ©
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We talked about one side of

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what we are dealing with when it comes

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to injustices.

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We talked about our relationship and to the

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the way we have to deal with powers.

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Now the other side is to deal with

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victims of injustices.

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And very often, as believers,

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people of good

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what we think we have to do when

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it comes to victims is to show solidarity,

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our heart, our generosity.

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And this is all fine, but at the

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same time, this is not enough.

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And even at the heart of our spiritual

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what we have is to remember

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that this zakat

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comes first before a szedakah. A szedakah is

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what you give out of your goodwill kind

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of charity that you are giving to people.

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Zakat has nothing to do with this. Zakat

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is the right of the poor on your

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money. It's a question of right. It's not

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a question of,

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It's It's a right that the poor,

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the poor people have

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on the money of the rich people.

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Meaning that our understanding of the world when

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it comes to the victims is not only

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to think about in which way we are

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going to please them, to help them, to

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show solidarity

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towards them in order to appease them in

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the world. No. They have dignity,

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meaning they have right, and they have legitimate

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claims and demands that we have to respect

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and that we have to

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acknowledge as our fellow human beings.

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And this is the way

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we understand the the spiritual journey, the way

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we deal our our fellow human beings. Because

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they are our fellow human beings and they

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have the same dignity as ourselves,

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we have to deal with them in a

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way where

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we have to

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We have to repair

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the system, the social system,

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the power, and the discrimination

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that they are facing within their society.

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So it's not only, oh, in the name

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of the victims, I show solidarity and charity.

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In the name of victims, I have to

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speak out. I have to denounce

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the social system,

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the real the reality of discriminations

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and racism

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within the society.

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It's a question of right. It's not the

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question of human solidarity

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Solidarity is good. But if it is at

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the price

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of rights and justice, there is something wrong

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in our solidarity.

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Because we are not helping the people

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to get their rights.

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They are comforting them in their situations

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with no rights,

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and that's not right. That's not the way.

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That's not what Islam

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is teaching us as believers in this world.

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So if you want to repair

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the world and to change

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the status of the victims,

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it's important for us to start with the

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deep understanding of why Zakat is become is

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coming first before a sadaqa.

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The rights of the poor

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in the name of their dignity

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is requesting

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and asking you

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to deal with rights,

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to deal with justice,

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and then you will see with solidarity.

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Don't forget to tell the people you love

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that you love them. Life

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is fragile.

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