Tariq Appleby – Jumuah 8 Nov 2019

Tariq Appleby
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In Alhamdulillah, Allah Jo and st IE no one is still Pharaoh 102 Bella Himanshu Rotarians and fusina woman say he RTR Marina de la vida mo de la la la mejor lil fella de la y shadow Allah in La la la la sharika was shadow Ana Mohammed Abu humara. Soto yeah you are Latina mano de la haka Ducati while otter moto Illa and two Muslim on Yeah, you wanna sutopo raba como la de la kokum enough Silva Haida wahala caminhada jaha Baba Sam in Houma region k 01 is a What up la hi lady, Luna B he will have in the law Kenya is a commodity but yeah, Valentina mundo de la havapoo COVID sadita UCF, la cama cama de la comme de Nova con one a la hora Sula, who offers 1000 alima I'm about to fall in our stockpile

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Heidi thicket of law. Well hello howdy howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or Sharon Morimoto to her wakulla modesetting VEDA wakulla with Allah Allah wakulla boletin phenol. With your brothers and sisters, we continue with our series on words of beautiful deception. We said that we would be discussing 41 statements that we almost every day that although the meaning or the apparent meaning is correct, what people intend by them is something completely different. And our first footbaww was about the statement of those who say the Quran is enough, the Quran is sufficient. And we looked at this particular statement and we said well, it is true that the book of Allah subhanho

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wa Taala is sufficient, but that book of Allah subhanho wa Taala directs us to obey and emulate and follow the messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we went into detail in that hood but this was by inshallah huhtala will be a continuation of that, because they are the statements that people make regarding the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam there even though those statements they apparent meaning is correct, what people intent by them is something very, very different. And the first of them is people say we need to give preference to the Quran over the Sunnah.

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And although that is true, that Allah subhanho wa Taala speech is greater and more important than the speech of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there's no doubt that in terms of virtue, when you read the Quran for every house that you recite, then you will get in good deeds. Nevermind the fact that it is this speech of Rob bull al Amin. So in that, in that particular sense, there is no issue with the statement that the Quran has precedence over the Sunnah. But what this person intends by this particular statement is that whatever I do not find in the Quran, but yet I find it in the Sunnah. I will give preference to the Quran. So either the Quran does not have this

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particular ruling or does not speak of this issue. But the Sunnah does so I say no, I'll only follow what is in the Koran, even though the Sunnah clearly talks about this particular issue. I'll mention a few examples in a few minutes. The second thing that people say is well, what if there is a contradiction between the Quran and the Sunnah? Well, let us be honest, and let us be clear, that if a hadith is found to be authentic from the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, then it does not contradict the Quran, the Quran, that contradiction, that apparent contradiction is in the eye of the observer, the person that is looking at the issue, but not in reality, because how is it

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possible that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the one that is receiving the what he was receiving the Koran speaks in a manner that contradicts the very widely that he receives? If the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam duty is to explain and to clarify, it is not to contradict, it is not to challenge the Quran or the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we must understand this issue and understand that well, there is a hadith is authentic, then it does not contradict the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala is no faceva, the great scholar of Hadith, he said that even when it comes to to authentic hadith, he says if you find two authentic hadith that seem to contradict one

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another, then bring them to me and I will reconcile between the two of them, because in the foremost for the most part, you and I feel that there is a contradiction. Why because you and I are not scholars, you and I have not we don't have an in depth knowledge of the Arabic language. We do not understand the Quran.

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It's tough See, we do not understand Heidi and the sciences of Heidi, we do not understand or Sunil fick and how the scholars go about extracting the laws from the Quran and the Sunnah you and I don't share that and I include myself. We don't understand we don't have that depth of knowledge. How many of so hon Allah just think of this amount of shafia Rahim Allah. He spent his early childhood with a tribe of Bedouin, who spoke perfect, pure, amazing Arabic. That is why out of the four Imams, Mr. Musharraf here his language is unlike the other three. Because of this upbringing, just that language alone made him distinct and made him different. Nevermind his knowledge of the Book of

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Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam you and I don't possess these tools. So when we go when we look at Sahih Bukhari and we read the Hadith on page 270, we say, Oh, this idea is interesting. And they do 100 pages later, or 200 100 years later, we did another study, then we say, Oh, so behind the law, there seems to be a contradiction here. Are we reading the Quran and Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned something then we read, the sooner we say, oh, but you know, this doesn't gel. This seems to go against one another. Of course, it would appear to us like that. We don't know. We don't have that kind of understanding.

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How many of us have read the Quran from cover to cover with a teacher?

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Not to our

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but Tafseer how many of us have studied Buhari almost in from cover to cover? Or even below humara Maria de Sala hain, but yet we find in the Muslim communities around the world that people will say, Oh, no, this Hadid contradicts the Koran. You know, one chef Subhana Allah. I was listening to a lecture this morning and the chef was saying that the gyptian scholar was speaking to one of the you know, the Prime Ministers of Egypt. This was a few decades ago. I don't know if it's Abu, you know, Jamal, Abdul Nasir or you know, Anwar Sadat, to someone off to him, but he was speaking to him and, you know, the the prime minister was mentioning the ayah in the Quran. You know, yeah, you were

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larina Armando to LA Whoa, Lt. Rasulullah remain calm. So the prime minister was using this Heidi, oh, you will believe obey Allah and obey the messenger and those in authority over you, you understand what the Prime Minister is trying to do? He's trying to, you know, reassert the fact that he possesses authority, but the chef's say the Mashallah half eaten Ayah a Tamil ha you know, you memorize it, but continue you know, what is the what is the rest of the is a wine 10 as atom fish a in photo do who Allah Allah, He will soon? And if you differ on any matter, then where do you take it? to those in authority? No, you take it to Allah and His Messenger, if you have a difference of

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opinion, you take it to Allah and His Messenger, not to the prime minister or the president or the king.

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You don't even you know, Subhana Allah, this issue is needs to be understood. You know, well, I, I don't consider myself a scholar, either. I'm not I haven't I haven't met anyone who's who considers the same. But the reality is, that we understand that when we go to a specialist, you go to a doctor, why do you give that person so much? You know, why do you give he his or her opinion, so much weight, because you respect the expertise you expect the, the the number of years that it took to become a qualified specialist or surgeon, you respect the person, you know, having a reputation in the community, and you know, for being a great doctor, and you respect all of that. And when that

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person tells you and diagnose your disease or your illness, you accept that, but it's very different when it comes to Islam. Everyone now, you know, it was like this in the past but even now, with the internet and social media, every single person is a Masha Allah is a Mufti Have you seen this? Every face in Russia ally everyone has an opinion. Someone post something on Facebook, Masha, Allah, Allah, you have the you know, the the opinion and then the counter and then the counter refutation and you know, and evidence is being discussed. It's amazing, so behind Allah, but we distract from our main point, the person who says that I won't accept a hadith because it seems to contradict the

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Quran or that the Quran does not discuss it. That person obviously does not understand what we discussed in our first cookbook, how Allah subhanho wa Taala has detailed the roles of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Quran, and has detailed our response to the prophet SAW the law of it, he was still a man, his actions and his statements. So when this person says that if it isn't in the Koran, then and but it's in the Sunnah, I'm going to give preference to what is in the Quran. Let me give you an example in sort of Tunis, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned

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The women that you and I, as Muslim men are not allowed to marry our mothers and our sisters and our daughters, etc, etc. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, while heilala Kumara, whatever I have not mentioned, that is permissible for you. So what is not mentioned is the fact that if you're married to a woman, you cannot also marry her paternal or maternal aunt, a mother's brother or her father's brother, you cannot join in marriage between a woman and her aunt. This is not found in the ayah. But where is it found? It's found in the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. Save imagine we now say that, well, I'm going to give preference to the Quran is very clear. These are

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the people I cannot marry, I'm not going to accept this particular Hadith. Those are allameh, who hold a different opinion on this issue is a very complex In fact, I come from a class right now in sha Allah, where we were talking about the reasons the scholars differ. We were studying a book, and we were talking about the reasons why scholars differ. And it's complex. And it's intricate.

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So to say that, you know, while there's a there's a motherboard is an island who holds a different opinion, based on this, Heidi, while there are reasons for that it's not because he rejects the sooner, which is what this person who's making the statement is doing is a big difference between the person who says I give preference to the Koran over the Sunnah, because I wish to reject the Sunnah. And the person who says, I believe that that is what the prophet said. But I don't believe that that is what it means. Do you understand the difference? There is a big difference between the person who says I reject the Sunnah. And the person who says I don't, I don't agree with you on the

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meaning of this Hadith, there is a big difference between the two. So in conclusion for this issue, it is important to understand that the Quran does not make a distinction between what is revealed in the Quran, and what is sent down to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam and what he adds to the legislation of Islam. Another example and we'll end with this one before we move on to the next statement, and that is that the Quran is very detailed about those things that you and I are not allowed to eat. Allah subhana wa tada speaks about blood and carrion. And he speaks about that which has been slaughtered for other than Allah and the flesh of the swine or pig. And Allah talks about

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alcohol etc. So in the Quran, is a very limited number of things that are impermissible for you and me to consume. But yet in the Sunnah, we find that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam adds to that list of things that are not permissible to consume, for instance, the meat of a domesticated donkey, it is not mentioned in the Quran. But yet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has prohibited the consumption of the meat of the domesticated donkey. So you and I cannot eat that. So someone comes along and says, well, it's not in the Koran. So it's halal. But yet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam prohibited it he says no, I give preference to what is in the Quran. And

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we discussed in our previous Copa, how dangerous this particular methodology can be. Because imagine how much of the Sunnah and how much of what the Prophet taught and what he commanded and what he prohibited will be rejected on the basis that it is not found in the book of Allah subhanahu Island.

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Just imagine when we discussed this in that previous goodbye. Someone said, well, the Quran does not speak about the times of sada we know that we are required to pray five times a day, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Why are the bingeable to Yemen? What did he say? You are going to people of the book, the first thing you need to teach them is that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that I am the messenger of Allah. And if they answered that, if they respond to that, for our I leave home, then teach them and give them an intimate knowledge of the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala has written five daily prayers upon them right off to the Shahada

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focus on that, that they need to pray five times a day and then tell them that they need to pay this.

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So this is what the profits a little Larson thought. But those five daily prayers if we look at the Quran, it is not clearly mentioned in the Book of Allah subhanho wa Taala that we should pray five times a day is it not clearly, it doesn't stipulate clearly that they are hubs us on our team in Philly, only one Layla. One can deduce from certain is that they are five daily prayers, but it's not clear and they are not named either.

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Whereas in the hadith of gibreel, not the hadith of narrated about you know the the five pillars of Islam but in the hadith of gibreel, in which he comes to teach the Prophet, the times of the prayer, then we have a the naming of the prayers, the times of the prayers later

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We will learn about the rocket act of each solar super high school inverter is four, etc, etc. Imagine how much of it, sir, that you and I are today practicing would be lost if we said, If we don't find it in the book of Allah, we don't accept it.

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We don't practice it, it's not part of Islam, we will not implement it, because the Quran does not mention it.

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This is why the study of Hadith in our times is one of the most important things. And this is why the Shia and many other groups and atheists and others if they can't be successful in attacking the Quran, the main focus for the last two or 300 years has been on the Sunnah. And it has been on the companions of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, like Abu huraira, because they understand very well perhaps sometimes in a way that you and I as Muslims don't understand that if you take away the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his legacy and his Sunnah, that Islam has basically no meaning, because there's nothing for us to fall back on in terms of our the correct understanding of

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what it means to be a Muslim. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding of this.

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We have another issue with pass will take too much time. But I'll just introduce it now. And if we brought, you know, to back together again, we can continue it. But that is a statement that many people make when they say that not all of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is applicable. It's not not all of its legal, you know, some of the things that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did, you know, we don't need to do them. And some of the things that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam, you know, did we should do them? And so this is very arbitrary. someone decides on the own, okay, that I decide, on my own that I don't want to follow that because that's a

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word of the prophets personal preference. It's culture, you know, and the example that we're going to use for this is the beard. So people, you talk to people about the beard, about growing a beard? And they say, Well, no, that's so no. And what do they mean, when they say it like that? I don't have to do it. It's not it's not rewarding for me to do it either. I don't have to do it. That's the first thing that they mean when they say, Oh, no, it's just this or no, it's just this. Oh, no, that's okay. But what do you mean? Well, I don't have to do it. Okay. Well, there's a disagreement about these compulsion. But let's move on to the second thing. There is no reward in doing it. It's

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not part of Islam. It's not as there is no Islamic ruling on it whatsoever. Then what do we do with the Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said cassava revoir fully trimmed the mustaches and let the beards grow. Because they the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is giving a very clear command. It's no longer left now to ask, deducing from the profits personal preference, that growing a beard is something good. You understand? It's not like eating and drinking. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to like to eat certain foods? Do we say that it is so not to eat those foods. It's Mr. Hogg. Not necessarily unless it is your intention, that by eating this

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food in this way, I'm emulating the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I wish to follow him. And I want a lot to reward me for following the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam in this way, but just eating and drinking and walking, and standing and going upstairs and going downstairs. This by themselves does not constitute following something that is recommended. But when the Prophet speaks about them, when he encourages when he commands, this is something very, very different. So you and I need to be very careful that we don't fall into this, you know, this category of people who arbitrarily decide, oh, this is something I'm going to follow, or I decide on my own, that growing a

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beard or you know,

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dressing a certain way, let me give you an example of dress. There is no such thing really as an Islamic dress that we can all agree on. If you go to Sudan, they dressed in a certain way. You go to Indonesia and Malaysia, people dress a certain way you go to Saudi Arabia, or Egypt, people have a certain dress, whether it be the lay people or the LMR. So saying that there is an Islamic dress and you have to dress like this, one can make a statement like that. What we can say is that there is an Islamic dress code, my clothes to cover my aura, they should be not so tight as to expose my aura. They should if I'm a man, they cannot be soaked. You know? So though that's an Islamic dress code.

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So that's important. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did say, so whether you want to wear a shirt, so you want to wear Juba, that's your choice. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, we have your clothes, those that are white and shroud your dead in them.

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So now we know that wearing white is something which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam emphasized, it is something that he spoke out specifically, you and I would not have known that wearing white is particularly pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala or something recommended until the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam uttered those words. But now that we know, then we should follow that and we shouldn't say well, it's just a Sunnah. I remember having this conversation with one of my teachers long before I went to study in Medina.

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My teacher was saying and he was also a graduate from the faculty of Hadith. And he said, Well, he that's one of the most painful things to hear coming from the mouth of a Muslim. I said, What is it? He said when he's when that Muslim says it's only a Sunnah I will end with this of a backer of the Allahu Allah who said, that I fear that if I abandon anything which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did, that I would go astray by the alpha myself and for you, my dear brothers, is that Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah grants us to know and to have a deep knowledge of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we are in this month. We are in this month of Robbie will Oh well, where

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people are celebrating the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his birthday. I spoke about that last week in a previous goodbye. I don't want to repeat myself now. But what I do want to say is that each and every one of us owes it to ourselves, to focus on the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to immerse ourselves in his Sierra and he soon like imovr hubbie Rahim Allah says about this, he says that it is it is important imperative for a student for a Muslim to immerse themselves in the in the Quran, and in Bukhari and Muslim and in reality salia hain and he mentioned other books. But for us, these all of this is available to us. And it's available in the languages

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that we speak the book of Allah subhana wa tada and Bukhari and Muslim and riada sila hain and many other books. There is the book shama eleuterio, movie, we speaks about the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his physical appearance and his likes and dislikes and his dress, every detail about him. We owe it to ourselves, not to engage in this debate that we have every single year in this month in the weeks before it. But for us to really take action now, as individuals, as men and as women and as fathers and as mothers, that we focus on the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in all of its detail. While he I swear by Allah, oxy will be loved. There isn't a

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person in the history of mankind that has had his life detailed, like the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and if Allah has commanded you and me to follow Him, and to emulate him and to be like Him and to obey Him, then we The more we know about him, the better we will be able to implement that command. So this is my dog for myself and for you, but Allah subhanho wa Taala, makers of the followers of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have called May Allah subhanho wa Taala increase our love for him solo la vida you will send the eldest of a high note Allah because of those who practice the Sunnah and teaches so now disseminate his Sunnah am Allah subhanho wa

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Taala Grant has to be in his company in general fear dos barakallahu li walakum pukalani, Louvain whenever anyone can be Murphy human as it were decretal Hakeem Apollo Mathis marone Westerfield la Halle walakum What is it a Muslim Minami Colombian fester, Pharaoh in the Horn of Africa Rahim.

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Al hamdu Lillah.

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Wa salatu wa salam ala of gallien Muslim Fany Mohammed wider Allah He was lucky he woman died but the best Salawat that you and I can send upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is to say Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed didn't come out so later Allah Ibrahim Allah Allah Ibrahima innaka. Hamid Majeed. Well Derek Allah Mohammed Ali Mohammed in gamma bar Abdullah Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim in Dhaka. habido Majeed Allahumma is Al Islam on Surah Al muslimeen. Allah marries al Islam on Surah Al muslimeen Allahu maricel, Islam on Surah Al muslimeen of Allah help our brothers and sisters around the world in every difficulty that they find themselves have Allah grant them the

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safety and security and prosperity that we enjoy here in Malaysia, of Allah grant them everything that we enjoy and more Allah grant them victory over their enemies and relief from the pain and the suffering of a lot those of our family members and loved ones and friends that you have taken away and taken from this dunya Oh, well I have mercy on them and forgive them And grant them the highest places in genda. Oh Allah, our relatives that are ill

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hospital and other at home, overground them shifa from those illnesses. Allah grant them relief from the pain of Allah raised $1 just because of the difficulties and Allah wipe away the sins because of their sickness robina attina for dunya hasta Nova Villa de hacer Nova Kenya who was on the law was a lover I learned to be, you know, Muhammad Ali. He will be here tonight.

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