Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J04-047B Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 92

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of reward and balancing love for one's life, even if one loves something small. They stress the need for discipline and training, and emphasize the importance of giving what one loves in order to avoid going back to the present. The speakers also emphasize the importance of avoiding denying one's love and purifying intentions for receiving what one loves.
AI: Transcript ©
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Land tunnel will build a habitat on fecal matter a boon Never will you attain the good reward until you spend from those things which you love walmartone Phil Coleman che in and whatever you spend for in Allaha be here I leave then indeed Allah is Knowing of it. After mentioning the fate of those who die on disbelief, Allah subhanaw taala addresses the believers and encourages them to do good. We learned in the previous verses, that of those who disbelieve offer the Earth's full of gold on the Day of Judgment in order to ransom themselves from the punishment, it will not be accepted from them. So all those who believe you should spend now you should do something good. Now you have Eman

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so join Ahmed Saleh righteous action with iman because LANTERNA lol Billa hatherton fecal matter hipbone you can never reach you can never attain bid at all until you spend out of what you love. The word lantana Lou tenerlo is from noon yeah lamb and nail is to reach to attain and lantana Lu means you will never attain you can never reach you can never attain what I'll be Albear righteousness or piety Albir the cinema say is paradise over here it is Janna because you can never attain paradise until you spend out of what you love and unbid over here also includes what leads to Jana any, you can never attain that thing which will lead you to Jana until you spend out of what

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you love. And what is it that leads to Jana it is alarming to Siler, it is righteous action. It is those deeds which Please Allah, and we have studied the word bit in detail earlier. Remember that bit is from the root letters bow rah rah. And bed means goodness, and it doesn't just refer to one type of or a particular good deed only rather bid includes all types of good deeds as we learned in Surah Baqarah verse 177 that lays l Bilwa. And Tolu would you have cable machine Okay, well Marguerite, voila, Kindle Bill woman Armineh biller? Well, yo mill here while Mala Iike while keytab wanna begin the piety is of the one who believes in Allah bit is to believe in Allah and to believe

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in the last day and to believe in the angels and to believe in the scriptures and to believe in the prophets. And then whatever Talmud Allah Allah who be and then the person also gives from his wealth in spite of love for that wealth to who though will CORBA close relatives while your tama and orphans will Messiah keen and those in need webinars Seville and the Traveler was Sam Ileen and those who bag with the record and in the freeing of people, and then we'll Acoma salah, He also established a Salah we're at the Zika and gives the cow well more fauna BrdU either are hadoo and fulfilling covenants and promises we'll saw Bettina Filbert set you will Dada and being patient were

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handled births. So there is not just one particular good deed but it includes various forms of goodness, right. And if you think about it, all of these deeds that are listed in Sousou Baqarah, verse 177, every single one of these deeds draws a person closer to Allah and hence paradise. So learn Tenaa Lu, you can never attain the reward of Albir which is Jana, and you can never attain the de Raja, the rank of Albert. And that also means the rank of abroad and the rank of the righteous people the people have bid the bid and you can never be counted among the righteous until you give of what you love. had that done fecal matter hipbone any and until you reach this level of Eman that

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you spend what you love and Magda hit boon to a bonus from her Baba who is well known and he what you love is what you like for yourself what you want for yourself what you enjoy what you are attached to, and what is it that people love? It is wealth because Allah subhanaw taala says and so little Fajr is 20 What do hipbone Elmaleh have been Gemma and you love wealth with immense love. So had that on fecal matter hipbone until you spend out of what you love and mimma can be understood as from what meaning out of what you love you

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Any, you're not expected to give everything that you love away, but you should give something that you love away for the sake of Allah so that you can reach the level of the righteous you can be of the little bit so that you can attain the reward of Albir which is paradise, right? And Minmatar hipbone also means what you love, meaning what you love the most, any out of all of your belongings, the thing that you love the most, you have to give that away for the sake of Allah in order to attain the reward of bid which is Jana, and we see that a robot Hetal de la Mourinho, there's numerous, a hadith that mentioned his beautiful story that I will tell how to de la hora and who he

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went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that Allah subhanaw taala says that Lenten Allah will be Rohita to and fecal matter he boon and there is no property of mine which is more beloved to me, than my land of Badal Ha, and Badal ha was basically his garden, which was literally across from the masjid. And it was such that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also visited it very frequently he would rest there because it was beautiful. There were dead palms, there was fresh water, very good property, very good orchard, and I will not have said that this is the most beloved of all of my belongings, all of my

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properties. And he said we're in the at the caribou. Behat Illa. Allah here Zoa Jana, and I want to draw close to Allah by giving it away. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said back in buffin, any excellent and he congratulated him he was very happy with Ableton hora de la Horan, whose decision and the prophets of Allahu alayhi wa sallam told him to divide that property among his closest relatives. And that is what I will tell her Did he can you imagine? He said that I want to give the best and my most favorite property? Why, in order that I may attain unbid, I may attain the good reward the reward of Elbit which is Jana, and why did the prophets of Allah who already has

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said him, tell him to divide it among his relatives because there is double reward in giving to relatives one reward is of being generous towards them, you need the reward of sadaqa, the reward of charity, the reward of giving and the other reward is off sealer of joining ties of kinship. And we have numerous stories among the Sahaba you know, for example, the story of a Buddha, Radi Allahu anhu, who gave up his entire orchard for a tree in paradise Subhanallah there is a story about a Buddha the Allahu Anhu that he wants saw two people quarreling in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, these two were basically neighbors. And one was saying that I want to build a wall

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between our properties. But there's a tree right where I want to build a wall and that tree is yours. So please give the tree to me so that I can build a wall from behind it. And the owner of the tree and he of course did palm trees are not such that you can just cut them the it takes years and years for them to mature and then to produce fruit. So the owner of the tree was refusing will say no, I'm not going to give it to you. And the other said, Okay, sell it to me. And he said, No, I'm not going to sell it either. I'm gonna keep it. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam interceded, and he said, Give it or if you don't want to give it, then sell it. And you will have a

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tree in Jannah. And the man refused. He said, I don't want it. And he was so angry. He said, I don't want the tree in Jannah I want this tree of mine. The stuff that Allah so a Buddha radula horn who was listening, and he went up to the owner of the tree, and he said that see this garden of mine? Would you like it? Why don't you take it and give me your tree? And he said, Sure, he agreed. So I will the Hora de la Horne who then went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and asked him that is the deal still there? And the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said yes. So would that give that tree to the other man who wanted it in order to build a wall? And subhanAllah look at what he gave

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up his entire garden. Why, so that he could have a tree in paradise? And you know what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said at his funeral, when will the * Longhorn who died? He said Can Minar it's been more I looking over the landfill, Jana, that how many among hanging bunches in paradise are meant for him. There are so many hanging bunches of fruit in paradise that are waiting for him. Subhanallah why? Because this man made such a good decision.

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He had something that was very precious, and that he loved a lot. But he gave it he spent it he gave it away. Why? So that he could get something better in paradise. We learned that our leaving Hussein, he heard the Hadith that one of the scholars was narrating the Hadith, which is he who emancipates a slave that Allah will set free from *, every limb of his body for every limb of His slaves body. So when he heard this hadith, he got up, he went home and freed his slave, and not just any slave, the slave that he loved the most. And you see if there are people who are working for you, then you know there are some people who understand the work who do such a good job, you don't

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want to send them away. But I live in Hussein, he went home and free to enslave. Why, because he wanted that Allah should set him free from *. We learn about Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, how he loved soccer sugar, basically. And what he would do is that he would go and buy sugar, and he would give that a sadaqa. Okay, so someone said to him that why don't you just give money, so the pasta people can buy whatever they want? Why do you give them sugar, he said, that I know that giving money is more beneficial, but I love sugar. I love sweets. And Allah subhanaw taala says, lentinan will Billa had that and feel permeameter a boon you can never attain the reward of piety of righteousness until

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you spend out of what you love. So I love sugar. And I want to give that Subhanallah each one of us should act on this if, even if it's just once in our lives. You see, we're not required to give everything that we love or only those things that we love the most every single time. But there should be at least one occasion in our lives, where we give something that we love the most. Why? To practically demonstrate that Oh Allah, I love you more than I love these things. I want the Ophira I want Janna more than I want the dunya. And otherwise also, it should be from our giving habit that we give of what we love, not just good things, but those things which we love. Because the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that by the one in whose hand is my soul, no slave can truly believe until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself of good things. And he this is a mark of faith that you give to others what you love for yourself. And those who give what they don't even like for themselves are reprimanded in the Quran in surah baqarah ayah 267 Allah subhanaw taala says Well, I am mum will hubby the men who don't feel Cornwallis to be Afeni he INLA and told me to fee and do not aim toward the defective there from spending from that while you would not take it yourself except with closed eyes. And you don't give to others. Something that you dislike so much

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that you would only take it with closed eyes and you don't even want to look at it. It's embarrassing to take it but you are only taking it because you are desperately in need. So don't put others in that situation. Give them what you love. And remember that giving what you love is a bit it is a righteous action. It is a good deed that takes one to paradise. As a last panel Tada says in total Baqarah verse 177, will Atal mela Allah who be and he gives wealth in spite of love for it. He He gives it in spite of love for it to who to the close relative to the orphans, to those in need to the traveler to those who beg and for the freeing of slaves in Surah insan ayah number eight, Allah

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subhanaw taala says Well, three mon Uttara Allah who be miskeen and way a team and what a Syrah and they give food in spite of love for it to to the one in need to the orphan and to the prisoner. So this means that giving what you love does not just look like giving a big check to the masjid or giving a huge donation online to a good cause. But giving what you love what this is teaching us is that we give what we like to eat ourselves, we give what we like to wear, to who to a relative to a traveler to a visitor to a guest miskeen and wear a T Man, what a Syrah right to a prisoner even and you know, the iron truth and son were a Syrah many orlimar say that a sealed the prisoner is

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actually the woman because many women are like imprisoned in their homes not that they

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Are you know literally imprisoned there? No, but that sometimes because of little children, they're not able to go out any how often it happens that everyone's going out to eat or everyone's going on a late dinner party and moms with little children are at home because they have to make sure that their children are sleeping on time. You know, they have an early bedtime or sometimes their children are unwell. So they're not able to go out as much as others do. So you're going and enjoying you know, dessert and ice cream and you know, such fun food. What about the person back at home? You know, you love to eat such things. What about them? Alright, so lengthen and will better

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Hatha tune fecal matter hipbone, we learn about how a woman wants came to her, I shall deliver more and her begging, and I shall deliver more, and her look for something in her home, and all she could find was three dates. So she gave those to the woman. And the woman had her two daughters with her. So she gave one date each to her two daughters. And then she was about to eat the third one herself, but her daughters began looking at her. So she split her date into two pieces and gave each daughter one piece, and they ate it up. And the mother didn't eat anything. So I shall deliver. And I was amazed at how this woman didn't need anything. And she gave whatever she had to her daughters. And

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she mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Verily, Allah has assured paradise for her because of this act of hers. Subhan Allah, so mad to hit Boone, what you love, includes all my boob thinks, all those things which you love. And you could love something because of what it is, you could love something because of the situation that you were in, right? Like you're hungry, everyone has eaten, and what is in front of you is all you have, and your love for that food is more than any other food. Right? So matter a boon includes all my book things. And you know, some orlimar say that this means that whatever you

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love, you should give from that. So for example, if you have a car that you love, you love it a lot. So make sure you spend from it. How do you spend from it? How do you turn fecal matter hipbone from a car, what that means is that you make it a point that you give a right to people in that car. All right, because then you are spending from what you love. You're not just keeping what you love for yourself, that you only use that car for yourself, you're the only one who sits in that car, you're the only one who goes places in that car. No, at times you drive people around, you include people in this blessing that Allah subhanaw taala has given you. So give from what you love, the things

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that you love. And also from the time that you love, for example, you'd love to spend your time doing something that you want.

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But for instance, you're looking forward to having an evening off at home so that you can just relax, you know, watch something and eat some nice dinner and you just want to be comfortable. But then what happens your neighbor comes and asks you for some help, or somebody else calls you and they ask for a ride. So people need favors from you. And when they need favors from you that requires giving from your time now if they were to call it any other time, you'd be more than willing to help them but this time that you want it for yourself, right you want it for yourself. This is hard to give so hard that on fecal matter hipbone you have to give from what you love. So do

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not restrict giving to money only that you only give for money or you only give from food you only give from drink, no expand the in fact the giving by giving from your time giving up your seat, right your front seat. Many times that happens at you know siblings will argue over who gets to sit in the front. So you got there first. And that's the rule of the family that you get to sit in the front if you get there first. But you can see the desire to sit in the front in your sister's eyes and your brother's eyes. So give it and when you will give it up for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala that is how you will attain the reward of unbid which is Jana, he know it's these little

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little actions that enable us to do big things. Right. And we learn in some of the Hachette I in number nine about the unsalted that way you fiero narla and fusi him while Oh, can I be him Kasasa that they give preference to others over themselves, even though they themselves are in need. And this is referring to the incident of this family of the Assad who were hosting a guest of the Prophet sallallahu Huerta he was

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on them and they had him over at night for dinner. And they realize that they have just had enough food to feed their children so they decided to put their children to bed early without dinner and offer whatever food they had to the guest and they put out the lamp so that it would be dark and they just pretended to eat in front of the guests so the guests would not feel that he was the only one eating while you through narla and fusi him wallow Caribbean costs also, he imagined when you're hungry you want to eat and you only have enough food for yourself or your family and then somebody else comes and they come with a big appetite and you have to share that food or you have to give

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most of it to them or they have to eat it all instead of you. How do we feel at that time we feel so small hearted like so constricted inside so unhappy and annoyed and irritated. This is a very bad sign that if you feel unhappy to share you feel uncomfortable to give this is not a healthy sign where you if you don't Allah and fuzzy him what oh, can I be in Kasasa? Well, my you are sure Hanif see for Hola ecoman monthly Hoon, and whoever is protected from the stinginess of a soul. It is those who will be the successful any. Typically we like to keep the things we love to ourselves, right? We don't want to lend it. We don't want to share it. We don't want to bring it out for use

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when others are around. This is a very dangerous sign. This means that the knifes needs some serious disciplining, it's out of control, lengthen our old biller HETA two and fecal matter hipbone and you see the way that you discipline, the knifes the way that you train the knifes is by giving from what you love. This is how you train your knifes you give from what you love, what you love for yourself. You see until we our children, our parents keep our naps in control. Right? We cannot get every toy that we want. We cannot get every dress or piece of jewelry that we desire. We cannot eat whatever you know the third cupcake or the third serving of ice cream, etc. They keep us in check. But what

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happens to us as we grow older, when we have our own money, when we cover our expenses and when we take care of our needs we like to spend on whatever that we desire. So the knifes need some discipline, Allah subhanaw taala says and sort of the shrimps i a nine that are the aflofarm Hamza Cara, he has succeeded who purifies it meaning who purifies the nups which means that the one who does not purify the knifes is in great danger and the knifes is such that if you let it be then it will get out of control the desires will be never ending, but if you tame it if you control it, then that is possible. Right? Like a goose lady said that when Neff suka Leafly that the knifes is like

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the nursing baby. If you leave it any if you let him be shoved Barla her below Bari he will grow up old loving to be nursed, we're into 3 million filthy me, but if you wean him he will be weaned. Alright, so the NAPS has to be tamed work is needed. How do you discipline? How do you tame your naps by giving what you love. So every single one of us needs to practice what this is teaching. Any one of these days when you feel that you love something, then give it for the sake of Allah give it for the sake of Allah to a relative. Okay, if for example, you buy a very nice sweater, right? And you're really looking forward to wearing it and you love it. You like how it feels you like the

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color you like the style, you like everything about it, you want to wear it, you know when you're going to wear it, and then what happens your sister comes over and you know after a very long time you want to give her something. So you give her that sweater that you love for yourself. Practice this give what you love to a relative to a masjid. You know, for example, money you've been saving, give a portion of that. Give what you love to a sibling. Give what you love to your child. Give what you love, to your cousin to your friend to your spouse, every single one of us should act on this if Lenten adult biller had that on fecal matter hipbone. Now the thing is that there are many reasons

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to give or give up what we love. Okay? Sometimes what we love is not liked by Allah, what we love is not something that Allah loves. So we have to give it up. Okay. Like for example, it's possible that you know, there's a certain let's say, app that you use, and it wastes a lot of your time and you realize that you actually end up committing some sin. You have to give it up. Sometimes what we love is distracting us from

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luck. So then we have to, again, leave it, sometimes what we love is occupying a huge place in our heart or our time, right? So again, we have to either give it up or give from it. Because the things that we love can actually hold us back from realizing our dreams, both religious and worldly. All right. And sometimes what we love is not bad for us at all, it could be something completely permissible and enjoyable, like the sweater that you just got. But if giving it to someone else means greater benefit for you in the hereafter. Okay, then what will the wise person do, they will make that investment, they will give it so that they can have what is better in the hereafter.

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Right? Now, sometimes the things we love actually make us arrogant. Okay. So for example, you bought that sweater, right? And you know that it's gonna look really good on you. So you know, you're going somewhere, and you're gonna put it on so that you look your best. And you can immediately think about people whom you can impress, and then people who you really want to impress with your choices, and with what you're wearing. So you know that there's some kind of showing, you know, some kind of bad feeling coming in your heart, some kind of arrogance coming in your heart. I'm not saying that wearing nice clothes always makes a person arrogant. No, but you know yourself, that sometimes, you

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know that the moment you wear something, you start feeling rich, and showy, and, you know, fancy. And it's possible that these things don't affect the state of your heart at all. But it's possible that they also do affect the state of your heart. So if you find that certain things are making you arrogant, okay, then you have to discipline your knifes, you have to, and you have to then give it away in order to tame your knifes, right? And another thing is that when you give of what you love, then you actually liberate yourself from the things of this world, leaving things we love is actually very liberating. We are more free now to do what we want. And we have more space now. We

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are more flexible now. You know, for instance, Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, may Allah subhanaw taala give me the karma. I love coffee. And I have loved coffee for many, many years, many years. And I was dependent on coffee, and I mean good coffee, okay, like freshly grounded at home, and, you know, properly brewed the way that I like. And while it's something that I enjoyed a lot, it's also something that really crippled me because my day could not begin except with a good cup of coffee, didn't matter whether I was at home or I was traveling in the plane, or on the road, I took my coffee with me everywhere that I went, and I want it to be free from that coffee, literally. And

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Alhamdulillah since I have left it 100 Allah when Allah he'll hand since I have left it, I actually feel so liberated. So liberated because I know that when I wake up in the morning, I can begin my day right away. I'm not dependent on that cup of coffee to do anything else. So when we are too attached to things, the things of this world, we are actually shackled. We are restrained by these things, right. And when you give them up, then you have more space in your life. And you have more freedom to act freedom to do things you're more flexible. So lentinan will be raw you can never attain common bill, any a high level of beer the reward have been had that until you reach such a

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level of faith that you are able to tune fecal matter hipbone you're able to spend what you love, that you become so detached from the things of this world, that you have no difficulty giving them away. You are so strong in your love for Allah in your European that the Hereafter is better that you have no hesitation in giving what you love. Because Allah subhanaw taala says well Afra to hirundo Abacha the Hereafter is better and more enduring. And then it is said Walmart don't feel calm and che in and whatever you spend have anything for in the lobby here Eileen, then indeed Allah of it is ever knowing. Notice how it has been said for in the law be here I leave it hasn't been set

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for in the Lucha or the Mumbi. Right then indeed Allah of it is knowing not then indeed Allah is Knowing of it, of it to be here that it's any what you're spending. It's mentioned for

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First, why, because it's been given importance, meaning whatever you give Allah subhanaw taala values it, no matter how little it is any for you, it might be a big deal for others, it may be something so insignificant, right? Any for another person. It's possible, you know, like you give that sweater to your sister and she says Oh, nice. And she, you know, puts it on very casually, or she forgets about it, she forgets it in her car. And she doesn't wear it for the entire winter because she forgot it in her car. And then when she was spring cleaning, then she found the sweater. And now it's all musty, and you know, weird smelling. It's possible that others don't value what you

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give them. But Allah subhanaw taala knows what you're giving and the feeling with which you're giving and the sacrifice that you're making. Allah subhanaw taala does not ignore. So what you're giving for the sake of Allah is not going to go unregarded or devalued or wasted away. No. And you know, sometimes you give something that you really love to someone, and then you see that they don't care for it. Right? They actually neglected they misuse it until you see it damaged. And you feel like they did not appreciate your gift. Allah subhanaw taala does not like that. He appreciates whatever you give for his sake. And this is why it's so important that you purify your intention,

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give it for his sake, don't look at the recipient that now they should turn around and say thank you know, don't expect anything from the person that you're giving to expect everything from Allah give it for his sake. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that indeed, Allah accepts charity, and he accepted with his right hand to nurture it for one of you, just like one of you would nurture his full baby horse until the morsel of food becomes as large as Mt or heard Subhanallah it's possible that at the dinner table, you know, you've got your eyes on a certain piece of meat, or maybe a certain potato, right? That's what you want. But you know, you want to give it what you

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love. So you offer it to the person sitting next to you. And they say, Okay, you put it on their plate, and they don't eat it. Alright, they don't eat it, it does leave it on the side, or they eat half of it. So you feel like I should have eaten it myself. What a waste. No, it's not a waste, not for you, at least because when you give up something for the sake of Allah, something that you love, then Allah subhanaw taala will nurture it, he will cause it to grow and increase on the Day of Judgment, you will find rewards as large as mount or hurt. Allahu Akbar, to give something don't be like those people who give charity only at the time of death. In the previous verses we learned

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right about those who make repentance at the wrong time, any at the time of death, or those who repent on the day of judgment by offering ransom of the Earth's fill in gold. It will not be accepted right now is the time to act and so to Mona Fatone, verse number 10. Allah subhanaw taala says what unfilmable Mimoza canal calm mean cobbly And yet deer herder Komal Mote fire cooler Rob Biloela, a herd attorney Illa, Algerian Corrib for us sadaqa welcome Mina, Sally, and spend out of what We have provided you before death comes to one of you and he says, Oh my Lord, why did you not give me some more time so that I could give charity and I could be of those who are righteous. So

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don't wait for that time to give now, the prophets of Allah who earlier said him said that a servant says Malli Malli my wealth, my wealth, but out of his wealth, three things are only his, whatever he eats, and makes use of or by means of which he dresses himself and it wears out. Okay. So what you eat what you wear, what you spend on yourself, basically, or he gives us charity, and what you give us charity, he said this is what he stores for himself. So this is the second type of wealth. And he said what is beyond this is of no use to you because you are to depart and leave it for other people. So something that you love, if you use it, okay, it's yours. If you give it in charity,

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you're saving it. Right? But if you just hoard it you keep it to yourself you neither use it nor you give it away, then this is not yours. It's not going to stay with you. It's going to go to someone else sooner or later. So learn tonight will be Rohatyn, fecal matter a boon spend on what you love. That is how you attend the good reward walmart.com and che in for in the lobby here I leave and whatever you spend of anything than indeed a lot of it is ever knowing. May Allah subhanaw taala accept our

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So the court I mean

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