Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-039B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 284 Part 2

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of negative thoughts and the use of Az prep for determining one's success. They stress the need to create a "hasha" to avoid becoming a sinful person. The history of Islam, including the discovery of the Prophet sallahu Alayhi wa, is also discussed, with the speakers emphasizing the importance of facing one's limitations and avoiding negative thoughts. The speakers stress the need to learn to manage negative thoughts and feeling fear in order to manage them.
AI: Transcript ©
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So remember that as long as these thoughts are not brought on the tongue, there is no sin. Okay? As long as these thoughts are not brought on the tongue, there is no sin at all. In another Hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah has ignored from my community for my OMA, what comes to their mind, as long as they do not act on it or pronounce words to that effect. Meaning, if you feel something in your heart, could be a feeling, it could be a thought it could be an idea. It could be a question, it could be something that you're wondering about, and you know that it's wrong, you know that it's bad, you know, that it's inappropriate. All right, then, as long

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as you don't speak about it, and you don't act upon it. What do we learn from the Hadith in Allah, the gel was le Almighty, Allah subhanaw taala has pardoned the ummah of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe salam for that. And this is such a huge blessing. Because imagine if we were punished for what comes in the heart, because what comes in the heart is not always in our control. So for instance, let's say there's a woman, and she is annoyed with her husband, she feels very angry. And this is something normal that happens in every relationship. And now what's happening with this woman in her head, right? She is yelling at him. And she says things like, I have never received anything good

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from him. And she has thoughts like, you know what, I think I'm just going to end this marriage, it's not worth it. Now, this is just in her head, okay, these thoughts are just simmering in the head. And the reality is that her husband, for example, has been very generous and helpful towards her. He's a good man, and there is no legitimate reason for her to end the marriage. And these are matters against which the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam clearly warned. So for example, can a woman raise her voice and insult her husband and yell at him? No, this is no shoes. This is not permissible. Likewise, when the husband is good to his wife, and there is no legitimate reason to

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end the marriage, then also in Hadith, we learned that this is wrong. And for a woman to say that I have never received anything good from you, to her husband. This is extreme ingratitude against which the prophets of Allah who earlier said him gave a severe warning. Now what's happening with this woman, she is angry, and in her head, she's having all of these thoughts. Alright. So as long as these thoughts remain in the head, she is not sinful. But if she says them, if she begins to act on them, then she is sinful. So when you have negative thoughts, then let them remain thoughts. Allow yourself to calm down, allow yourself to step away from people. So that in your space, you can

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calm down, avoid confrontation in a situation when you are angry. All right. Another example. For instance, someone is very angry with their parents, all right, frustrated, you know, again, in their head, you know, they're saying things like, off, they don't know anything off, so irritating, and things like that. So again, these thoughts, please let them remain as thoughts do not act on them, do not say them. Because once you bring these thoughts to your tongue, I write these statements to your tongue. Once you act on them, then you are responsible. So when you're having negative thoughts, then what should you do, go for a walk, go step away from people go take a shower, and

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come before the people that you're upset with when you are calm. Because especially when it comes to your parents, you can't even say off to them, right? If you say off to your parents, if you raise your voice at them, if you're harsh with them, then this is a sin and you are responsible. This is something that is a sin in the sight of Allah. So these kinds of thoughts, learn to just keep them in your head, don't express them. Now, what about therapy, sometimes in therapy, you know, of course, if you don't express what you are feeling inside of you, then what's the point of therapy, if you constantly have to filter etc, then you are not going to be able to get the help that you

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need. So one thing is that, you know, say what you feel not as a statement of fact, but as an opinion in the sense that, for example, you can say, I feel at times that my parents are being unfair. Okay. I feel at times that my parents are being unfair. This statement is fine. Okay. But if you say something like, my parents are so unfair, this is wrong.

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Okay, because that is your judgment, that is your opinion, you understand? So create a layer of separation between yourself and negative thoughts. And you can create that separation how? By saying something like, at times I feel or I feel I'm having the feeling that such and such, okay? Don't express it as a statement of fact, all right, don't give your judgement to say my parents are unfair, this is a judgment to say that my husband is a horrible man, this is a judgment, okay, you're stating it as a statement of fact. So, be careful about this all right. So, these are you know, one category of thoughts. Now, there is another category of thoughts and these thoughts are

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thoughts that become Rasm. Azzam is determination, right, where you have the intention to do something, okay. It's not just an idea, all right. It's not just a thought that comes and goes, No, you think about it, and now you're planning how to do it what to do when to do alright, this is awesome. So when a person intends to do something wrong, or they intend to do something good, now this is an intention for which there is either reward or punishment. Okay. So in Hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah azza wa jal says that if my slave intends to do a bad deed, intense just the intention is there. The Azzam, the irata is there, all right? Then

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Allah subhanaw taala tells the angels that do not write it down, unless he does it. If he doesn't, then write it as it is. But if he refrains from doing it for my sake, then write it as a good deed. Subhan Allah, He will be handy if a person intends to do something bad. So for example, you have the intention, firm intention, okay, but the moment you see someone that you're mad at, all right, and you've been thinking in your head, what you're going to say to them, how you're going to yell at them, the moment you see them, you have the intention, you're going to give them a piece of your mind. But then what happens after about an hour, you're like, No, I think I'm overreacting or this

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is not the best way to deal with the situation, I have to deal with it in a more responsible way, in a better way, so that, you know, I have a better outcome. And you change your mind you decide not to, for example, yell at them. You intend to commit a sin, for instance, and then you realize this is wrong. This is something not permissible. This is something that Allah subhanaw taala has clearly forbidden, I should not do it. So Allah subhanaw taala tells the angels, that if my slave intends to do a bad deed, then don't write anything down. If he does it, then write one syndrome. And if he leaves, it changes his mind does not do it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala then write that as a

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good deed. Can you imagine it started out with a bad thought, write a bad idea, bad intention to do something sinful. And then you realize, and you change your mind, you end up getting a good deed Subhan Allah. On the other hand, the Hadith continues. If he intends to do a good deed, and does not do it, then write a good deed in his account. And if he does it, then write it for him in his account as 10 Good deeds up to 700 times. Allahu Akbar. This is a Hadith from Sahih Bukhari. So when you oppose your UNOPS, when you discipline it, remember, this is something that is very dear to Allah. And especially when it comes to our thoughts, sometimes, you literally have to battle against

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them, not just for a second, not for a minute, at times for days, you have to battle against them. You know, you feel surrounded by these thoughts where you feel like you cannot get out of them. And remember that the fact that you recognize that these thoughts are unhealthy, or that these thoughts are not good, that itself is an evidence of your Eman. This is good news of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us, right? So don't hate yourself for such thoughts. And remind yourself that Alhamdulillah this is all that shaitan can do. He can only put negative thoughts, that's all that he has the power to do. All right, Alhamdulillah the Chatbot can only do that he cannot do anything

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beyond that. Alhamdulillah and always try to create a layer of separation between yourself and negative thoughts and if you have a bad idea

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To, you know, to say something or to do something bad, then change your mind when you realize that this is wrong, then seek forgiveness from Allah azza wa jal and Allah subhanaw taala will write that as a good deed for you. Now, in a hadith we learned, and this hadith different versions of it have been reported in different books of Hadith. There's a version Sahih Muslim, that we learned that a Buddha called the Longhorn who, he reported that when this idea was revealed that the law he manifests in my YT when I fill up, we're in Tobu, Murphy and fusi come out to who you have SIP Combi Hila fail Filoli mania shot where you're at the Bermeja sha Allah who are locally che included when

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this idea was revealed the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam felt it very hard. And they came to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and literally sat on their knees and they said, O Messenger of Allah, we were assigned some duties which were within our power to perform. We were commanded to pray, we prayed. We were commanded to fast we fast, we were commanded to do jihad. And we do that we were commanded to give sadaqa we do that. But now this idea has been revealed to you. And this matter is beyond our power. Meaning, the thoughts that we have in our hearts, they are beyond our control, we can't control them. And so they expressed the burden that they felt that we

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don't know how we can control our thoughts, especially mafi and fuzzy community. The reason why you conceal some thoughts is because they're not appropriate to express. But if Allah can hold us, if Allah can call us to account for what we conceal in our hearts, what do we do? You can't exactly yank out a bad thought from your heart. You don't have control over it. You wish you could, but you don't have that. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Do you want to say what the people of the two books said before you the people of the book? What did they say? We learned earlier in Zulu, Bukhara? They said Samira Nawaz Lena, we hear and we disobey that yes, we know what Allah has

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said, but we're not gonna do it. The prophets of Allah who already said I'm set to the Companions You should rather say, Samira, now we're Athar. Now who franja qurbana were illegal mislead that we hear and we obey, we seek forgiveness Our Rob and unto you is the return. In another version of Hadith we learn the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told them to say so mirror now what Adorno was alumna that we have heard and obeyed and we have submitted ourselves. So the Companions, they said, Samir, now will Athar know from Nicaragua. Now we're illegal mislead. And when they kept repeating the statement, that era we hear and we obey, and we ask You for Your forgiveness. And our Lord to you is

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the return we cannot run away from you when they said this over and over again. And the statement flowed smoothly from the tongues of the companions. Allah subhanaw taala revealed the following two verses and what are these verses? Amma Nova Sulu Bhima on Zilla la humilde Rapi well me known, the messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and so have the believers. Allah subhanaw taala attests to their faith. Quinlan am Anna Billa he will Mala Iike T we're going to be where we solely learn Ofori Kobina I hadn't met Rosalie Allah subhanaw taala praises their Eman that all of them have believed in Allah and His angels and his books and his messengers, saying that we

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do not differentiate between any of the messengers will call you Samira. Now we're Alterna and they said, We have heard and we have obeyed all Franciacorta been our illegal mislead your forgiveness we seek our Lord unto you as the destination and then Allah subhanaw taala revealed the following Gaya law you can live Allahu nipson Illa was Arha la hamaca Sabbath, y la hammock, the Sabbath and then some doors are mentioned Robin Allah to a hidden in the Siena Oh o'clock now, and when they recited when the Companions recited these verses, and they recited this Dora that our Lord do not punish us if we forget or if we make a mistake, Allah subhanaw taala said Neram Yes, In another Hadith we

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learn Allah's parenthesis but fall to I have done so. Meaning Yes, I will not punish you. If you forget or if you make a genuine mistake when they prayed or a banana Willa Tamela Elena Islam Kumar Hamilton who are Latina and Commelina our Lord do not lay on us a burden like that which you laid on the people before us. Allah subhanaw taala said narrow Yes, I will not do so. Let fall to I have done so as an I have accepted your door. I will not burden you with something that the people before you were burdened with. And when they recited Robina Willa to Hamel, Nirmala taka

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The learner be our Lord. Do not put on us a burden greater than we have the strength to bear. Allah subhanaw taala said click lol do I have done so? When they said we're fine now we'll fill in our Hamner. Antimo Lana, from sunnah our little colonial caffine when they prayed for forgiveness, Allah subhanaw taala said cutfile to. So this means that, yes, Allah azza wa jal is fully aware of what we keep in ourselves and what we reveal. And yes, he has the power and the right to hold us responsible for our thoughts and intentions. But out of his special favor, on the OMA have Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah has pardoned us for what we keep in our hearts. And Allah will only hold us

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responsible for what we say with our tongues and what we do with our limbs. So, the Allah ma say that this idea, Leela Hema for Samoa to muffle Otto into MFI and fusuma to Julio Hasebe Combi Hila. This idea has been abrogated by the following two verses, because in this aisle, we are told that Allah will call you to account for what you conceal in yourselves, right. But then in the next two verses, we learned that this will not happen. So somewhat really messy, that this is abrogated, other alumni say that it is not abrogated, and what is meant by you Hasebe comb is not necessarily your octave come that he will punish you. Okay. Calling someone to account does not necessarily mean

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that person will be punished, rather what that means is that the person will be questioned, right? And then it is up to Allah, Allah can punish or Allah can forgive, as we learn in Hadith, that on the Day of Judgment, a man will be brought to his Lord, and Allah subhanaw taala will in avail him in the sense that nobody will be able to know or hear what is going on. And then in that privacy, Allah subhanaw taala will make that person confess his faults and loss. Pantai will ask him, do you recognize this? And the man will say, Yes, My Lord, I recognize it. And Allah subhanaw taala will ask him, did you do this? Did you do this? Did you do this? And the person will go on confessing and

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confessing and confessing. And then Allah will say, I conceal them for you in the world. I conceal them for you in the world and think about it. Negative thoughts, bad ideas, bad feelings, horrible, horrible thoughts. All right. As long as they stay in the heart, they're concealed. And you can only conceal them if Allah subhanaw taala enabled you to conceal them. Because some people are very impulsive. A word comes in their head, they say it a thought comes they say it, they have no self control. And some people Subhanallah you have no idea what battles they're fighting inside with themselves. You have no idea how much they're struggling inside. Allah knows. And Allah helps them

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conceal all of that. So Allah will say to that person, I conceal them for you in the world, and today, I forgive them. And then that person will be given his book of deeds in his right hand. And this is the believer, who will be then sent to Paradise, Allahu Akbar. And in sort of the hedges, I have 47 We learn Allah subhanaw taala says regarding the people of paradise that one Czarna Murphy's saluting him in reelin if one and Allah Surah remota carboline. And we will remove whatever is in their chests of resentment. You know, sometimes you have resentment for someone that you are trying to take out of your heart, but you are not able to. Yes, you don't say it. Yes, you know, you try

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your best to be polite and nice and everything but that resentment is there. It's like, deep in your heart and you want to take it out, but you will not able to. So we learned that on the Day of Judgment, Allah will remove all of that resentment. So their hearts will be clean. And so they will enter paradise as brothers all believers will be like brothers in the comfortable with each other, no hatred, no animosity, no ill feeling for one another. And they will be able to face each other with the cobbling because when you have resentment for someone, right hurt after hurt after hurt, disappointment after disappointment after disappointment, then, you know, you kind of tell yourself

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that fine, I'm just going to stay away from this individual. I just don't like them anymore. Right. And you know, sometimes the resentment that you develop in your heart for someone, sometimes it's because of you know the actions of the other individual right, and sometimes the other person has no idea or things are beyond their control their ability you expected

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A great deal from them. And so there was disappointment. All right. So the point is that you have resentment in your heart. And if you have it and you're trying to take it out, you're not able to Allah subhanaw taala will remove that before admitting the believers into paradise. Now, this is not a pass that now you can keep all wrong thoughts and ideas, dwell in your heart, you can let them stay in your heart. No, we should challenge negative thoughts, we should not dwell on them. And we should seek refuge with Allah subhanaw taala. And we should ask Allah subhanaw taala to cleanse our heart. And when there is, you know, an obsessive negative thought, then we should seek help in order

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to learn how to manage those thoughts. And there's so many ways, and hamdulillah there's so many ways that are effective actually, in learning how to manage these negative thoughts, especially if these thoughts become, you know, obsessive, they keep coming back again and again and again. And it's necessary to learn to manage these thoughts, because eventually thoughts affect behavior, right? So for example, if you keep repeating in your head that my husband is a horrible man, my husband's a horrible man, he's so this he saw that, then what's going to happen? You're going to believe this to your core, and it's going to impact how you interpret your husband's actions and his

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words, and eventually, you know, it's going to affect your behavior also, you're eventually going to say something, you're eventually going to treat him in a way that is wrong. Right and not just your husband anybody in sort of Mohammed i a 29. We learn um, has he been Latina feel Kulu be him Maradona, Alain, Johan Julia, who are the one at home or do those in whose hearts as disease think that Allah will never expose their feelings of hatred. So if there is feelings of hatred that we are in holding very dear in our hearts, and we are feeding every day, and we are not learning how to manage those feelings, then what's going to happen eventually they will be exposed. So cleanse your

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heart and fear Allah in regard to what you keep in your heart. Right? Challenge negative thoughts. And you know, other people's behavior is not in your control. What is in your control is yourself. And remember that on the Day of Judgment, the Day of Judgment is a day when yo Malaya and Pharaoh Murwillumbah noon 11 at Allah hubby Kelvin sadeem It is the day when wealth and children will not help a person. The only thing that will help a person is their sound heart. And what is the sound heart, it will claim says that a sound heart is the heart that is free of Schick free off resentment, free of spite, free of jealousy, free of selfishness and pride and love of the world and

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love off power and authority. So it is free of every calamity that distances it from Allah, and from every doubt that contradicts what Allah has informed off from every desire that opposes the Command of Allah, and it is free of everything that could cut it off from Avila xojo. So to keep our heart sound, we need to seek the help of Allah, what is a Luca Kelburn Salema or Allah, I ask you for a sound heart. And there must be some kind of self accountability, that you monitor what's going on in your heart, you see what's happening in there. And if there is a bad negative thought you seek refuge with Allah, you ask Allah subhanaw taala to cleanse your heart. All right. And we learn about

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this idea that, you know, the Sahaba they felt, you know, when they learned about this, if they felt fear, they were worried that how can we bring ourselves to conform with what this is teaching us that? How can we ever have control over what we conceal in our hearts in it, we would like to manage it, but we don't have full control. And this shows that as long as you're striving as long as you are doing what is within your power to manage these negative thoughts at hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah. This is a good sign right now, when the Sahaba expressed their fear, perhaps you know this is something that we can also relate with. In South Dakota we have learned many commands related to you

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know, not just marriage and divorce but also food. And then towards the end of the sutra, we also learned about commands related to interest, halal income, right. And as we learn about these commands, any we know that we're supposed to follow them but

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At times a person feels a kind of fear or hesitation that how is this going to be possible for me, this is too hard.

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So, you know, for instance, if a person is, you know, their finances are mixed with interest, for example, in whatever way and they realize that, you know, they need to get rid of interest they need to leave it because Allah subhanaw taala has declared war against people who deal with interest, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he mentioned that you know, such people are cursed those who take it those who give it those who bear witness to such a contract any all the people involved with riba have been cursed. But look at your personal financial situation, you're like, how am I supposed to get rid of Riba? How is it ever going to be possible for me? I don't know. This is a little too

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difficult. So these other teaching is a very important lesson. It's normal to feel afraid. It's normal to feel, you know, some kind of worry that how is this going to work for me? But the way we respond is not with severe now where I say now that I have heard, but I'm going to disobey, no way will your ear the biller? This should never ever be our response that I know but I'm not going to follow. This is what the people of the books said. And this is something that we don't want to do. The prophets of Allah who earlier said I'm taught us to say something different. And that is Samara. Now will Alterna was alumna Samira now will alternate with Rana Cara bunna. Ye Lakin. Mostly, we

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have heard, we have obeyed and we have submitted ourselves. We hear we obey. We seek forgiveness. I will rub ask Allah subhanaw taala for assistance. Don't criticize the commands of Allah. Some people do that. They say, Oh, this is impossible. This is too difficult. You know, I could never do this. Do not say such statements. When you hear a command of Allah, whenever that command is, and you have some hesitation in your heart, you have some fear, some worry. First of all, express your submission to Allah. And then ask Allah subhanaw taala for help. So be careful about what you say. Never say in response to a command of Allah. This is impossible. I can't do this. This is not for me. Yes, I

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know. But I don't do it. Don't say such statements. And instead say statements like this Samira, now will garner will francha Kalapana man now we'll set the kna we believe and we affirm it will be to Billahi Raba I am pleased with Allah as my Lord say such positive statements.

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