Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P29 293B Tafsir Al-Muzzammil 1-4

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The Surah after the discovery of the Surah is the holy month in the Moroccan era, with the title of the holy month being the holy month in the Moroccan era. The importance of staying up in the night to pray for a good night and reduce the amount of time spent on sleep is emphasized, along with the need for motivation and courage to stay sleepy and pray for a third option, which involves praying for half of the night to recite the Bible. The importance of word recitation in speech, including the difficulty of understanding the accent and the importance of proper English language learning and development of speed in speech recitation is emphasized, along with the need for proper English language learning and development of speed in recitation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Surah Tala Muslim mill,

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sutra Musa mill is a murky Surah part McKee and part Madani, the first part of the surah was revealed in Makkah and the last part of the surah was revealed in Medina and others say that the surah is mucky. Part of it was revealed in an earlier stage and the rest of it was revealed later on. And there is a nourishment in which we learned that sod been Hashem he asked our shuttle de la Mourinho that tell me about the night prayer of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how would he pray in the night? And she said, Do you not recite the surah? Yeah. Are you home Muslim?

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That Haven't you read surah Muslim. If you had read it, you would have known what the night prayer of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was like, because Allah subhanaw taala instructed the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam to perform the night prayer and different details regarding it are given in the sutra. So from this, we learn that this sutra is about what about what about the night prayer? I feel a little one has said that Allah made the MO laid obligatory at the beginning of the surah. So when the first part of the sutra was revealed, with those verses, the night prayer was made obligatory. So the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions prayed

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pm will ladle every night, for one year, every night, for one year this happened. And then Allah subhanaw taala revealed the last part of the surah after an entire year. And the last part of the Surah, as we will see, makes the night prayer voluntary, that it's not followed. Rather, it is voluntary. Now remember that the five prayers that were legislated towards the end of the Moroccan era when the Prophet sallallahu sudden went for the journey of Miraj. However, before that, there was prayer, meaning people did pray, there was sunnah there are numerous narrations that tell us about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam performing Salah in Makkah. Like for example, that

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story where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was praying in the HUD home near the Kaaba, and when he went in sujood. What did the machete King do? They brought the intestines of a camel. Alright, and they threw it on top of him when he went into June. So this means that there was prayer, even at the early part of the Moroccan era, right. So yes, it was the five prayers were legislated later. And here we see that this can be understood that in Makkah, also in the early era, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was instructed to perform the night prayer. That was obligatory, and then after some time, it was no longer obligatory it was made voluntary Bismillah R

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Rahman r Rahim. Yeah, a U haul Muslim male.

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All Muslim men, all you who is in the state of the zimmel who has wrapped himself up in his garment in his blankets? Yeah, uh, you haven't Muslim men. This is a very affectionate address from Allah to His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is a very prevalent way, you could say amongst the Arabs, that how they would address someone not by their name, or their cornea, or by the state that they were in. Not derogatory. This was simply out of love. Once it loved a loved one who was sleeping in the masjid and he was upset with Fatah model that on one hand, they had had a an argument. So he went to the masjid and he was sleeping over there. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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came looking for him. And since he was sleeping on the ground, there was some mud on him. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said yeah, about to rob. Hi. Oh, you literally father of mud, meaning one who is covered in mud, you muddy one.

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And then once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam slept in the house of Fatman rd of the Allahu Lauren home. And their children Hassan and Hussein were also there. And in the night one of them woke up and he was asking for water. So the prophets of Allah who are to send them went got water for his grandson, in order to give him and the other one started asking for water. There's something very common, right? One child is asking for something and because he's asking for it, the other one wants it to right before that no idea that water even existed, but now since my brother wants it, I want it to when I want that

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cup. All right, and I want it first. And I want that same cup. So anyway, same thing happened here for the Prophet salallahu. It isn't said no. He gave it to the one who asked for water first, and felt a little bit alarmed. And she said, seems like you'd like him more. He said, No, it's because he asked for water first. So what happened? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to Fatima that you will have the rocket, this sleeping guy. And these two children, you will be with me on the day of judgment. We will be together on the day of judgment. And again, you see, he referred to our little divan who not as Ollie, your husband, my son in law or my cousin. No, he said had a rocket.

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This sleeping one. Why did he say that? Out of love.

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So when Allah subhanaw taala says, yeah, a U haul Muslim male, or you who is wrapped up in his garment, you know, under the covers, snuggling away. This is a very loving address, a very affectionate address. Now what does Muslim male mean Muslim male from the word decimal, ze imeem lamb, and decimal is to basically wrap oneself up in a clock in a blanket or in a garment. Why do you cover yourself in your blanket or you take your shawl and just wrap yourself around it? Why? For the sake of comfort? Right, you're cold, you wrap yourself up in order to get warm. You know, when you're nervous, you're scared you get cold. When you have work to do, do you get cold, like in the

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night and you have an assignment to submit that there's literally 15 minutes left and your he started getting cold? Right? Why? Because you're worried.

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So zone one is to take cover? Or to wrap something. Why? Out of fear or due to some weakness?

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Because zoom email from the same route is used for someone who is afraid

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for someone who is

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who is afraid.

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When do people get under the covers?

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When do they snuggle in the night. And when you go to your bed and you wrap yourself up in your blanket? What comes to your mind? What comes to your mind all the work you have to do? Right? All the assignments you have to submit all the problems that you're facing in your life. And when it is time to wake up. What is it that makes it difficult for you to get out of bed?

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Because you know that now it's another day full of work. I don't want to do it. And so to avoid it, what do you do you say five more minutes. Sit 10 more minutes. There's still a lot of time funder is now like you know it ends so late. Go ahead. Snooze. Exactly. Keep hitting snooze.

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When you dread your work when you're afraid of the problems that you have in your life.

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Exactly. This is why when a person is suffering from depression, they like to sleep a lot. They like to keep the curtains closed and darkness in the room so that they can sleep more and you will see in your life also that when is it that you want to sleep more and more and more?

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When is it that you find it difficult to wake up? Is it because you are not eating enough or you are it's because he's gonna do all that work? Just don't.

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So you want to stay sleeping?

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once when he was sleeping, the angel brought him where he and he recited. Yeah, uh, you hold Muslim mill. All snuggling one. Call me lane.

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Get up in the night, stand in the night. Stand the night meaning spend it in standing. Instead of lying down and snuggling. You should spend the night standing. Why stand to pray. You're afraid of your problems. There's too much to do. All your work is frightening and overwhelming. You need some strength. You need some determination. You need some motivation. You need some courage. Then don't spend the night sleeping. You have to get up and pray for me, Elaine, and what do we think? Sleep more and some more so that you can have the strength to do your work. Whereas sleep extra sleep is not going to bring you any more strength isn't it because what's going to happen as you will wake up

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late. You have lost the time of Baraka. You're going to rush in the morning

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And because you started the day rushing, you're going to be panicking the entire day. You're always late, late, you're just almost barely getting things done. So the secret to getting your things done, your work done is not getting extra sleep, it is actually giving up some of your sleep.

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And this is a reality. You see, this is a sutra that was revealed earlier in the McKee era. And one of the first things a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was told is to get up in the night and pray, meaning cut down on your sleep. Whatever is important in your life demands that you sacrifice your sleep for it.

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You know, for example, when a woman becomes a mother, yes, she gives up many things. But one of the first things that she gives up his what? Her sleep, right? I remember when my first child was born, I don't think I got a full night's sleep for the first six to eight months. And finally, when I did, it was like, wow, I used to sleep like that.

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Really, there was no concept of sleeping at night and then waking up at first, you know, it was just every two hours or one hour.

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And once he slept for like four hours, and I'm like, Is he alive?

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And I've heard many women say that. So this is, you know, a rule when you have something important to do in your life. You must give up your sleep.

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Some of it at least, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has told call me Lail stand in the night.

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In that kalila except for a little meaning, how much do you stand in the night not all night long, just a little? How much is that? NIS for who half of it meaning half of the night. Oh, or only close, reduce cut short men who from it from what from the half of the night, or Leland, a little meaning one option is that you stand in prayer for half of the night. And if not half of the night, then pray in less than half of the night. So a third of the night or a quarter of the night, you get it Nyssa who half of the night when Cosmin who Cadila or reduce a little from half of the night. So pray for a third of the night or a quarter of the night. Oh, or Zadar Leahy zyk add to it. So the

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first option is half of the night. The second option is subtract a little from half of the night. And the third option is add do half of the night. So pray up to two thirds of the night.

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What are the three options given half or less than half or more than half, less than half would be third of the night, quarter of the night. And more than half would be two thirds of the night or three quarters of the night.

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So whatever is possible for the night, but on average half of the night a little more, a little less no problem. But what to do in prayer, just prayed Nephal after Nephal 100 in a row know what a deal and recite Al Quran, the Quran, the Rutila with 13 with a measured recitation. The goal of the night prayer is what recitation of the Quran so much Quran has been revealed. How will you keep it you see the prophets of Allah who are whose son was receiving revelation in parts, right? And you see when you learn something new one day and then after two days, you learned something else that is new, and then two days later, something else you don't like when you go to class one day and then after two

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days, another class and the next week, another class and with every class, you get readings and then so much gathering up.

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Right? So how will you remember all of it? Many times, learning new information becomes difficult. Why? Because you haven't mastered your previous one or you learn new information and because of that you forget what you learned previously. So then what's the solution? keep learning and keep forgetting. What's the solution? Learn more, and master and review what you learned previously. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is told over here to review the Quran in the night

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because so much Quran has been revealed how will you keep it by reviewing it in the night? And when the Quran was being revealed? It wasn't just that the Prophet sallallahu

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Saddam had to recite it. No, he had to implement it. So so many things you are learning how will you remember them? By reviewing the Quran in the night? Do you have this fear? I've learned so much of the Quran How am I going to make time for it? How when am I going to review it? When the prophets of Allah who already was Salam is advised over here, review it in the night.

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You see, the Quran is easy to learn. Because what occurred yes sir, no Quran, Allah Vic. This is Allah's promise. It's easy to learn. But it is also easy to forget. It's also easy to forget. And the only way that you can keep the Quran is if you keep a living connection with the Quran, meaning it's not an old one. Yes, you were connected with the Quran like two years ago, Everyday everyday you were learning. And then now it's no longer the story. The story has changed. No. If you do that you're gonna forget the Quran. When you have a connection with the Quran, you remember the Quran. And when you disconnect from the Quran, when you stop reviewing it, stop reciting it, then what will

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happen? It's a natural consequence, you will forget it.

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This is a natural consequence of learning that when you don't review what you have learned, you will forget it. Just because something entered your long term memory doesn't mean you can recall it anytime. No, you can forget it very easily. So what is the way I review the Quran? For when do you do it? There's so much stuff going on in the day, isn't it? Every day there's something or the other to do? How do you reconnect with the Quran? When do you make time for it? In the night?

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This is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is told what are the real Khurana? Dattilo. Now the question is what is 30? Because it's not till our the word is 1313 from the word hottie la wa Alam Latina is to be in a good even order when something is arranged well. Okay, when something is arranged well, and it's also used for the beauty of something because when something is arranged, in an orderly fashion, it also looks beautiful. Like for example, if you have books, like you have like 20 books, and you want to keep them all in a shelf, and he put them all randomly. So one really big one, one really small, and then a medium one, then a really tall one, a really short one. Horrible.

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All right. But if you arrange them by size, right, in an orderly way, from the tallest of the shortest, then does it look beautiful? Yes, it looks beautiful. So retinol column, the rattle of columns of speech is to put together words, how

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randomly, no, in a beautifully arranged way, and to pronounce them clearly also,

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to put together and arrange nicely, the components of speech, and not just that, but to also pronounce them clearly. So there's two things here, there's beautiful pronunciation, and there's beautiful arrangement.

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And when the two come together in speech, then the delivery of that speech is beautiful.

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For example, sometimes you will hear something very beautiful, but you're finding it difficult to comprehend. It sounds beautiful, but you're finding it difficult to comprehend because you don't get the accent.

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You know what I mean? You don't get the accent.

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So, you know, it's important, you know, it's beneficial, but you know, it's difficult for you to understand the accent. So, you find it difficult to appreciate it. Sometimes the words are clear the accent is perfect, but what is being said, difficult to comprehend, though deal is a combination of both that how the arrangement of speech is beautiful, and the pronunciation meaning the delivery is also beautiful. So what does it mean? Ali Abdullah Horne, who said that the deal is that we do have a roof

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when Mardi Fatone woof.

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To recite correctly to recite the letters the words how to a cat who move correctly, but also to know where to stop. Where to pause. That is the theme.

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The theme is different from the dream the dream is to recite correctly. You know some recitations the reciter has recited with the tweet, can you give an example

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of a reciter who recites with her Saudi, alright, you know, when you're learning that you need your advice to listen to

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Module One recitation meaning recitation that has been recited with proper that you eat. But you will notice that in that there is no tune. You know what I mean? It's perfect recitation. Right? But it's lacking the machete style, or disobey style. You know what I mean? Now, this today's style, what is that? He will pause somewhere and then raise his voice somewhere, and then really elongate a mud somewhere. Right? So even when you did not know what he was reciting, did you cry? You probably did. Because the way he was reciting has made you cry, isn't it?

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So the dream is to recite correctly, and 13 is to recite correctly and meaningfully. It's a meaningful recitation, when you know what you're reciting, when you're thinking about what you're reciting, when you're reflecting on what you're reciting. Now, what happens generally, is that when we focus on the drill, we're like, don't think about it, just focus on the law and the salt and the humps and the dishonor that we focus on that that we do very good. But don't forget the comprehension. And other times people say, Well, you know what, the dream is important, but I like to recite beautifully.

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Right, so in that beautiful recitation, the iron is being compromised, or the highest being compromised, or the seen and the saw are being mixed up. You understand, or there's a color on letters on which there should be no color color. You know what I mean? So, the theme is what a beautiful balance, a beautiful combination of correct recitation, and meaningful, beautiful delivery. So well, let's be real Khurana. Tatianna recite the Quran with the routine. This is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is told that the goal of the night prayer is to reconnect with the Quran, not just to recite a certain number of pages, or a certain number of Jews or a

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certain number of sutras. I'll go live on this earth there'll be a lot more on who said that led the hook the Quran had the shirt.

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Do not recite the Quran quickly as poetry is recited. Actually, we read poetry very slowly.

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Alright, but you see some people when they're singing the sing very fast rap. Right so fast that you're like, How did they manage to get these words out of their mouths so quickly? Isn't it? So he said don't do that with the Quran. So when we're reciting the Quran, what happens is that with practice with fluency, we develop a lot of speed. And with that speed, we're citing so fast that it's not possible that we could comprehend and think about what we're reciting with our mouths. So he said, don't recite Quran quickly as poetry is recited, and do not spread it out like cheap dates are spread out. Meaning don't make it so slow and boring. It doesn't sound beautiful anymore. He

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said pause edits, wonders, move hearts by

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what people were in the RJ AB will help the Kobe Hilco group.

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Once a man said to me, our basketball, Dylan Weinhold that I read very quickly. And sometimes I managed to recite the entire Quran in one night.

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Wow. Imagine the stamina and the speed that I can actually recite the whole Quran in one night, I can do that very easily. And even our boss for the long run, who said reciting a single surah is more pleasing to me than doing what you do. When you recite. Make your ears. Listen.

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He said when you recite, make your ears, listen.

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When it comes out of your mouth, let it hit your ears and let yourself think about it and reflect over it. And he said retain it in your heart, meaning think about what you're reciting. So the goal is not just to recite the Quran in large quantities in the night prayer, but to recite it with the little t and we see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, sometimes he would recite one ayah all night long. Why? Because that same idea he would recite it over and over again. The Sahaba did the same. I believe in our basketball, Dylan Martin who said that I spent a night with my maternal aunt Maimunah, the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said that the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got up in the night to pray.

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And he described the night prayer of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and he said that I

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He guessed that he stood in every regard, as long as one would recite Surah Musa mil. So how long does it take to recite total Muslim? mil? How many verses? Is it? 20? Is it and the beginning verses are also short, short, short, and then the last one is very long. So how long would it take a person to recite Surah, Muzammil, not very long. So this shows that the prophets of Allah who already was salam, his goal in the night prayer was not just to recite a whole lot of Quran. But what was it to reflect upon the Quran that the

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13th is recitation with the double

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correct recitation with the above

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even our best for the lower and who said that to Lucara into fucker,

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meaning, you perform to recall prayer, and you think about what you're reciting. They are better than the prayer of all night long.

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Meaning if a person were to stand in prayer all night long, and he's not paying attention to what he's reciting, instead of that, if you were to pray, even to it, aka with beautiful concentration, and reflection, from that will be much better. So then what's the goal of the night prayer?

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What is it

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it's to reconnect with the Quran, not just the words of it, but the meaning of it.

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Why? You see the stars, when you sit, and you listen to the seed, or you read the seed, you read some beautiful article that has the seed. What does that do? Does that revive your faith, strengthen your faith, bring you the motivation to do something.

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Now this motivation must come from prayer. Also, it's excellent to go to gatherings of knowledge, to read books, listen to lectures, etc. To strengthen our faith, but we must do this individually also. And how do you do that individually by spending time with the Quran? And the best time to do that is in the night. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that it shall be said to the one who is Sahiwal Quran, the carrier the companion of the Quran, the one who has the Quran in his life, it shall be set to him on the day of judgment. If we're lucky, we'll still come out Kunta Turati Luffy dunya recite and ascend and recite with the Thiele as you would recite with our deal in the world.

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You understand? Because some people they take this Hadees just for those who memorize the Quran. And it's unfortunate that people who memorize the Quran not all but many, then do they recite with 13? No, not at all. Because they have no idea but what they're reciting.

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So the Sahaba will Quran will be told on the Day of Judgment,

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recite with 13 meaningful recitation just as you would in the world. And your rank shall be at the last idea that you recited. This is the reward for 13. So what will Khurana tell Tila

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