Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P26 262C Tafsir Muhammad 25-34

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of "slack" in the context of Islam, with the speakers emphasizing the importance of avoiding false expectations and the need for people to keep their true intentions hidden. They stress the use of language and language marks to identify individuals and their true deeds, highlighting the difficulty of protecting one's actions against the enemy and avoiding the danger of shaming. The segment also touches on the concept of "good des" and the importance of following a good deed to avoid wasting one's time.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the Levina indeed those people who ilta do they turned away Allah Abadi him upon their backs, meaning they turned away

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from the Command of Allah, Allah at bury him on their backs meaning to show their backs you know, complete turn mimbar the matavai in Allahumma al Huda after guidance had become clear to them. Meeting the Command of Allah was very clear, yet they turned away yet they refused. And again we need to think about ourselves how many commands are there in the Quran which are very obvious clear in their meaning mean there is no ambiguity so those who turn away how do they turn away? Why do they turn away what makes them turn away? A che U turn Oh So what Allah home che Bong has made it easy for them Shavon has enticed them what Amala home and he has given them long hopes. So wala seen

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while lamb Balsam well at law calm and fusuma camera, what does the swale mean? When the knifes makes something bad? Easy?

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Something bad enough makes it easy? was a young beautiful when the knifes make something bad seem very good. This is this week. So shaitan has made this bad deed of turning away from Allah's command. Good for them what um, Lana home. Amla Hamza mean lamb I'm a what is m l mean? False hope talk, Longo. So, I'm Lila also it can be from the letters meme langwell All right, um, Lala, whom he has basically prolonged hope for them.

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Meaning when the Quran is clear, the command is morcom. without ambiguity, they turn away from obedience. Why did they make this wrong choice? Because their knifes made this wrong choice seem very good to them. And because their false hopes,

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their false hopes allowed them to ignore the consequences. Because you when you're doing something wrong, you think about the consequences, right? Like for example, if you are sitting in the car without your seatbelt on,

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right? Constantly pinch you whatever an officer sees me, what are there is a police car, you worry about the consequences. And that fear makes you put the belt on even if you don't want to, doesn't it?

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But sometimes a person is like no, you know what? No officer is gonna see me. No police car ever comes here. Nobody's gonna see me I'm still on the street. Right? I'm still on the street. I'm not on the main road. So it's this long false hope that allows a person to overlook the fear of consequences and so he ends up doing wrong. A shaytaan who said what hola hola hola home? What do we learn from this? When a person deliberately turns away from the Command of Allah knowingly, then he is under the effect of who? Under the effect of who shall upon their Lika that is so meaning they're turning away from Allah's command shaytans influence on them be unknown, because indeed they all

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know they suddenly ladina for those who carry humanas that Allah, those who dislike what Allah has revealed, and who are they the believers? No, it's those who deny whether it was from the Al Kitab or it was from the machine. Basically, the hypocrites are being mentioned that this said to the hypocrites would say to the disbelievers that son Altero comm we will obey you feeble armor in some matters. Don't worry, we're with you. In America, indeed we are with you.

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Do things I want you to notice. Firstly, those who deny have been described as those who dislike what Allah has revealed and this a second time this has been mentioned, which means that a believer can never dislike what Allah has revealed. Yes, he can find it difficult. And that is fine because we are weak. But that difficulty should not be because dislike Allah's commands. There should always be love for Allah's commands. Always This is what differentiates a believer and the opposite. And secondly, we see the way of the hypocrites that why is it the chaplain has influenced them so much to such degree that they're turning away from the most obvious commands? Because they have been

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offering support to the enemy. How they have been saying to the enemy that said, We'll do your own fee barbell armor. We will listen to you in some matters, and yes, we're Muslim. However, we will listen to you. Meaning in some matters, we're not going to do what

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Religion wants from us. We're going to do what you want. Well, Allahu er Allah mu is Serrano home, and Allah knows what they conceal is Surah Sina rah rah if I want to hide secrets? Basically, these verses are talking about them when I 15, that when I feel clean in Medina, what would they do? They would go and offer their friendship to the hula in particular. And they will say that we're with you.

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Yes, we're Muslim, but we're with you. In some matters, we're never going to listen to the Prophet salallahu Salam, we are going to do exactly what you want us to do. Now, this doesn't mean that we're not allowed to obey a non Muslim, you know, if he's a person of authority, and he's telling us to do something that is appropriate. Like for example, if a person happens to have normal some parents and the non Muslim parents are telling him study, and he says, No, you're non Muslim, I can't listen to you. No, this is not what this means. What this means is that in matters where the prophets command is clear, Allah's order is clear.

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And there are people who deny who want the opposite from you

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than a believer will choose who Allah and I'm gonna fill will choose who sent Altero comm V Baldoyle. Armor he will not choose Allah. Allah says Allah Who Yarlung Islam Allah knows what they conceal. In total Bacara we learn about this were either la colina, Amano Carlu Amana were either Hello ADA shell Fenian Kalu inna Mar calm intro to Nyssa I 143 also Allah says with the Vienna Vienna Dalek wavering between the two, right? Why because they wanted to establish good relations with other groups also to ensure their safety. Allah says their hidden secrets are not hidden from Allah. For K for so how meaning how will their predicament be either to affect human Mala Iike to

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when the angels will take them in depth, yobbery buena will do her homework at Barrow home, they will strike their faces and their backs. This is the punishment for default. At the time of death as their souls will clean to their bodies. The angels will strike them yelled Ramona, would you go home? What about our home? In total? An arm i a 93 to set a hoodoo and full circle. There Lika why severe punishment at the time of death be unknown because it did they it terbaru they followed mascota Allah that which angered Allah.

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A Scapa sin Hatha is hot is to upset someone who was greater than you. They did what angered Allah. This is why punishment will carry who ended disliked ribuan who His pleasure meaning the actions that when that bring Allah's pleasure, they dislike those actions. Who are these people limoneira feel clean apparently they show Islam but on the inside their loyalties are elsewhere for Botha atma home so he has rendered their deeds worthless. Those who do not like what Allah likes than their deeds are also ruined.

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I'm happy we're loving a few Karoubi him marathon um or hassy but he thinks who Alladhina feel Karoubi him Mara those people in whose hearts as a disease do they think that um, that les Ucrete Allahu Allah will never bring out a blonar home. They're hidden hatred. Alon is a board of the word vision board Lane noon and live in his basically hidden grudge, unrevealed jealousy

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or unrevealed. rancor spite for someone. It line is basically when something is completely covered, because of clothes or because of armor. So a person is completely covered. Why? Because of their clothing or because of their armor. So they conceal their hatred and their dislike for Allah for his messenger for his book, and they hide it so well do the thing that Allah will not expose it, he will expose it. And this is something that we should really worry about. Because we think that if something is in our hearts, then it's hidden. It will not remain hidden, it will come out. If we have love for someone it cannot stay hidden. If we dislike someone that dislike cannot remain

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hidden, it'll show we think we can hide. But situations will come where our inner reality will be exposed. And so it is necessary for a person to keep the class for Allah in his heart. In surah earlier Imran is 179 We learn makan Allahu Leah the remote Minalima and Tamara Lee. Allah will not leave the believers in the condition that you're in right now. No had they amazing hubby salmonella Yep, he will distinguish the impure from the pure. And how is it that a person's

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In a reality is revealed. How through hardship, you know, like they say you don't really know someone until you've traveled with them.

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Right? Why? Because when a person is traveling, then what happens? You know, all the covers off fakeness, you know, they're basically removed. You can fake, you know, pleasantness for some time. But then when you're super tired, because you've been sitting in the plane for like, 10 hours, what's going to happen? The next time you hear baby cry?

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Alright, what's going to happen? Where's your fake smile? Where does it go? So this is something that we should be concerned about, what is it that we're keeping in our hearts, and Allah will send difficulties to test us to reveal our true reality, even though he knows about it. He knows about it, but he will put us in situations that will expose our true reality. Why? So that we know ourselves also.

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Because what happens is that sometimes we are oblivious to our own deficiencies.

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We think, Oh, I'm patient, I have suffered. I know how to control my anger. But what happens when you're thirsty and hungry and sleep deprived or fasting?

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And then somebody's not letting you sleep? And they're screaming at the top of their voice? Because they happen to be three year old.

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Then what happens to the sub and controlling the anger? Where does it go? So Allah will put us in situations to expose us because until and unless we see our deficiencies, we cannot work on them. We cannot fix them. I'm happy we're letting if you cannot be modelled on Allah, you have reached Allahu avana. Home.

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This is a threat. While ownership Oh, and if we wanted let Elena go home, we could show them to you. The Prophet sallallahu sallam was told if we wanted we could show them wonderful clean to you.

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We could show you these people who are not sincere believers fell out of the home, then you would recognize them BC ma home by their mark, meaning Allah would put a mark on the hypocrites. So the prophets Allah wa Sena would know this is a hypocrite and this is a sincere believer. Meaning because of NIF out there would be a physical a visible sign on a person can you imagine a look could have done that? How embarrassing that would be?

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How embarrassing that would be further out of the home this email from SEMA from wealthy meme Watson is basically to brand something and from the SEMA is used for a mark.

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But even though there is no physical mark, there are distinguishing traits that are recognizable. Allah says well Atari for now home, you will definitely recognize them feeling Neil Cole, by the tone of speech.

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You will recognize the person who is insincere to you how, by the tone of his speech Latin l Cole. Lamb lamb had no land, his tone of voice, the style the way of speaking.

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Because we learned that I'm gonna if it is deprived of good o'clock,

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and will now affect what happens to him when he fights he uses what kind of words polite words,

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foul words.

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He is fetish indecent in his speech. This is how nofap is. You see, differences arise.

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We need to see how do I talk when I'm upset? What kind of words do I choose? When I disagree with someone? How do I speak to them?

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And especially given the person whom I'm addressing the status they have? How am I talking to them? Because the moon African, when they would speak to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they wouldn't show respect to him either. And they would do this in the name of confidence, bravery, you know, I can even stand up to him. I can even say this to him on his face.

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And many times I'm gonna Philippine would do that. And here again, we need to think about ourselves. How do I speak to people that I have differences with? What is the manner of my speech? What is the style of my speech? Is it condescending or is it respectful? Is it rude? Or is it appropriate? Is it harsh? How am I talking? Well lo Yarnall armella Calm Allah knows your deeds you can't hide your deeds from Allah.

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Well unblu Anna calm and surely we will definitely test you had the naira level Mujahideen and then come until we know those who strive among you was Sabreen and those who are patient

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Whenever blue.com and we will test your affairs above Florida the word cover what does hover mean news information. It's to know the reality of something. When now blue bar calm we're going to test your about your news, meaning your affairs. We're going to test you again and again. You will not be left untested and untried.

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What does this mean? What does this mean then? Get ready, be prepared for you will be tested. Allah already knows your state, but he will test you to reveal your state so that you can correct yourself.

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When unblu or Nico had the narrow level Mujahideen I mean come who are Mujahideen florala Mujahid the one who strives will solve it in who are solving those who observe sub.

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So difficult situations that will distinguish between those who strive and those who don't. Those who are patient, and those who are impatient. Whenever you were a hubiera calm

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and we are going to test your news, because what happens is that we have certain opinions about ourselves, but Allah who will test us to see who was really true in His Word, who was really sincere in his heart and who is not.

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So we really need to make dua for Taqwa.

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We really need to make dua for Islam who Kulu that Oh Allah, correct my heart for me because that is where change begins. That is where faith comes from. And that is where Shabbat comes from.

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If the heart is not reformed, a person's actions are not reformed. In the Levina CAFO Indeed, those people who have disbelieved will subdue arencibia Allah He and they have also prevented people from the way of Allah was shall good Rasul Allah, and they have opposed the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when mimbar the after matavai Yun Allahumma. Al Huda mal that Dube Yun Allah whom it became clear to them, what became clear to them alHuda the guidance, meaning the truth, the guidance that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam brought was evident to them, it was clearly truth before them, such people who are still striving to harm the cause of the messenger. Allah says Leia

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Lulu has che learn never yellowblue rule they can harm Allahu Allah Shaya a thing, meaning they cannot cause any harm to Allah subhanho wa Taala not even the slightest. Moreover, what will happen is that they will be harmed, how that was a you beautiful, and soon he will nullify he will render worthless our mana home their deeds, all of their efforts will be wasted, what they consider to be good will be ruined. And whatever they have done so far, in order to oppose the messenger will result in nothing. Three things are mentioned over here three crimes and what are they go for? Solid and Chicag gopher denying Allah and His Messenger sloughed stopping people from Allah and His

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messenger. And then Chicag shellcode from Shin cough cough and what is Chicag mean? Basically from the word chakra and chakra is to split right? When something was one entity, it split into two. All right, so it was together but it separated. So she called is when a person based on his differences with someone separate from them and he doesn't just separate he opposes also she called him buried we have read this earlier. So sharper Rasul Allah, they oppose the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And all of this is not based on ignorance, it is based on what on understanding on clarification, they see the guidance of the Prophet they see the guidance of Islam. But despite

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that, when they oppose Allah and His Messenger, they themselves deny they stop other people and then they oppose the deen all of their efforts and their activities. Will they harm Allah at all? No, they will not harm the deen even in the least rather such people will suffer harm themselves in that all of their efforts will be ruined. Why is this I mentioned over here, connect this with the previous item. What is the previous isa that we will try you we will test you. Meaning in the path of Allah there will be many hardships there will be many difficulties and these hardships you will face from who

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from people that are around you remember the context of the surah. The Muslims had just migrated to Medina, their families, their tribes were now turning against them. Right? So when you have so many people coming against you, you begin to feel weak. So this idea puts everything in perspective. Don't fear the enemy. Yes. they disbelieve, yes, they stop people from the way of Allah. Yes, they are in opposition. But why do you fear them? Why are you afraid of them? You don't need to be afraid. Because no matter what they do, they cannot harm Allah's Dean. No matter what they do, they will not be successful. So put things in perspective. Whenever you fear somebody put things in

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perspective. Who's greater, are these people greater? Or is Allah greater? Allah is greater, who's got everything in control? Allah has everything in control, so don't worry. Yeah, uh, you have Lavina Manu, all you who have believed, uglier Allah, you should obey Allah will appear over Sula, and you should obey the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Don't be like the enemy of the prophet who subdue and Seville Allah Shaku and they oppose the messenger.

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You do not be like them, what should you do you have Eman therefore you should obey Allah and you should also obey the messenger, while tubal clean who are Mala comb, and do not invalidate your deeds. Look at this letter, Tubal Cain, Abel Tal, a new word is being used for the destruction of deeds. We have read Ebola, we have read Ebola, and now we learn about Obatala in the same Surah over and over again, the concept is being mentioned, because it's very easy to perform deeds. Right? We think that's the hard part. Performing a good deed, we think that's the hard part, like the month of Ramadan, right? We think that's hard. What is harder is actually preserving your good deeds. That is

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much harder. Why? Because Chopin, first, he stops us from doing anything good in the first place. And then if we defeat him over there, he doesn't give up. He comes back. And he tries his best to destroy what we have earned. So be on guard and led to believe who do not invalidate your deeds. Now, what is a batalla apana belco Learn from the word from the word battle? What is battling as opposed to hack help is truth and established fact. Right? Something that has some basis, some proof, some evidence, and the opposite of that is baffling, meaning something that's not established, it's got no proof. Right? There's no way of proving true. All right, it's based on

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falsehood. Basically, Balcon is something that has no stability and no effectiveness.

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Alright, meaning from the outside from a distance, it appears to be very good. But upon closer inspection, what do you realize that this has no stability, it has no effectiveness. It's not really original. It's a fake. It's badly.

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Like for example, you look at something that's made of glass. Alright, apparently made of crystal and it looks really nice. Alright. And from a distance, it looks really nice. You go closer. All right. And you see that it's a fake, it's made of cheap plastic. Alright, so does it have any stability, you know that it's going to fall once in collapse? Alright, so badly, it's not original, it's not based upon solid proof that is the concept of button. So, it will fall it will fall is to make something badly.

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It foul is to make something badly, how to prove something badly. It is to destroy something. How that when something opposing something stronger, comes upon it and destroys it cancels it out. Like for example, okay, opposing forces and positive versus negative, right. So one force will cancel out the other, isn't it? One force will cancel out the other? Why will it cancel it out? Because the canceling force is stronger? It's heavier, right? It's more powerful. So lead to pollute our Malecon. Do not follow your good deeds with such deeds that will destroy your hard earned good deeds. Now, how is it that good deeds are destroyed? How is it that good deeds are wasted? Firstly,

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what we should understand from all of these verses a

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is that there are many things out there that can destroy our good deeds. We learned that some companions, they will be very eager to in asking the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam, about good things, about good things about the good things that will happen, reward that Allah has promised, the good things that will happen towards the end of time, the victories of the Muslims will be granted. All right. But there were some other companions who would ask the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam, about shelf about evil, about the dangers, why, in order to protect themselves.

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So for example, there's so many a hadith in which we learn people coming to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and saying, What's the best good deed? Right? Then what's the next best then what's the next best? So many Hadith we find like that people are eager to learn about the good things, the good deeds, but there were some companions were very concerned about the dangerous. Why? In order to know what is it that will cancel out our deeds. So remember that destruction of deeds is of two types. There is about Kali and there is a about Jews II,

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there is when all of a person's good deeds are wasted, or some good deeds are wasted. What are those factors that can destroy all good deeds of a person what are they should let in a Shakta Layer button armor Look, no matter what a person has done, all his good deeds are wasted because of which crime shank likewise, Gopher, likewise neufeldt

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these are actions which destroy all of a person's good deeds. Likewise, we see over here, people in Alladhina Cafaro was so Doran to beat Allah was Shaka Rasul, all of these will cause their deeds to be wasted. Right? Then there are those deeds, which result in airbelt, just IE, that some good deeds are wasted because of them. Some good deeds are wasted because of them. Like for example, a person gives sadaqa a person is giving in charity, but as he's giving charity, there is react in the heart

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or others are watching me.

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Right, that RIA will cause that act of charity to be wasted. You understand, it will not cause all of his charities to be wasted. But that particular act of charity to be wasted.

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A person performs the duty for example, the next day, talks about it in front of others. Why in order that he may be heard in order that his good deeds may be known. There is nothing wrong in informing people about your good deeds as long as it's for a good reason. Like for example, you want to encourage them by giving your own example, but if a person is bragging, then this is what this is going to cause his good deeds to be wasted. So corrupt intention.

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Another thing

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corrupt manner.

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Meaning a person is performing an apparently good deed but he's not doing it in the right way.

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He's not doing it in the right way.

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Like for example, you he wants to spend some time engaged into the Corolla.

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All right. And in that he is the way he's doing the, the manner in which he's doing this is not from the Sunnah. It's not established on the Quran and Sunnah. You understand? And he's saying those words, thinking that he's gonna get a certain amount of agile because of saying those words, and because of the way that he's saying them and the way that he's moving with them, all right, this is corrupt manner, and because of that, that hour long activity is not going to bring him any reward, what is his action called?

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What is this action called a good deed apparently good deed but not done the right way. And innovation, a bedarra and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he who innovates something in this matter of hours, meaning in the religion, then it will be rejected by Allah, meaning that particular action will be rejected, it will not be accepted. So we have to pay attention to the methodology also.

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Then another thing that causes deeds to be wasted is following a good deed with a bad one.

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That a person performs a good deed and immediately after

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he performs a bad deed that will cancel out his good deed. Because remember that good deeds are going to be weighed, right? Not just good deeds, but also since there is going to be scales well wasn't to Yoma in ill health.

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Right. So if the sins outweigh the good deeds,

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It's done the good deeds are basically wasted.

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran that lead to Palooza Ducati calm will many while other do not follow your act of charity with mon and other what is mon reminding the other person of the favor that you've done to them and other hurting their feelings in that way. In total hoodoo wrought iron number two, Allah says that all believers letter for us whatta calm focus out in VG Do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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well attach her ruler who will Toluca hurry Barbara calmly Bowden. And do not speak loudly to him as you speak loudly to other people. Meaning maintain respect show respect to the prophets of Allah or do Salam? And if you do not do so, and Tabitha are Maluku one two letter Sharon, your deeds may be wasted, and you may not even realize so disrespecting the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa salam.

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This is also something that can cause good deeds to be wasted. So over and over again, this concept is mentioned the surah and Allah says Yeah, are you Hello Dina Amano. uglier Allah who will clear over Sula, Walla, WA Lu or Amana? Con, be careful. Be careful about your deeds. Don't let them go waste in Alladhina Cafaro Indeed, those people who disbelieve will subdue and Seville Allah and they prevent others from the way of Allah sama matal and then they die in that state. Well humko foul while they are deniers plural of the word Cafayate fella yoga fear Allahu La whom then Allah will never forgive them.

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phileo fear Allahu Allah home if a person dies in this day that Allah will never forgive him. But if a person while he's alive, he repents that Allah will forgive him, but if a person dies in that way layoff in Allahu Allah home let's listen to the recitation of these verses

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love you know

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who the shame on who sell one

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then he can be

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all only levena carry

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laws and open your comfy bound.

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While long we our level is strong. Okay, you either tell us that

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we we'll remove

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the early cabbie.

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Hopalong how Okay, do you wanna

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bump ah,

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and has he been letting UniFi polo been in Melbourne and lay your free Jong long along?

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Walla Oh, you can find out Austin BCE

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fielack new

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Walla novella one has done Mujahideen Amin coup most forbidding no one else bow welcome in

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levena CAFO.

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li long and she was a beautiful man

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to go play no man

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sir being

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fairly long Hoonah

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