Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 26 – L267B

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The importance of manners in Islam is discussed, including good manners, etiquette, behavior with others, and surahs. The surah is a small Torah covering only 18 verses, and the command is taught to all believers. The speaker emphasizes the importance of following the command and not disregarding one's will, as it is required for proper actions. The speaker also discusses the importance of following laws and behaviors, reciting the Prophet's words, following laws and behaviors, and avoiding false assumptions. The importance of following the Prophet's instructions and not reciting things that are not part of actions is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are you Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim lesson number 267 Soto to Herat is number one to 10 and how do you rot? What does it mean?

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rooms what kind of rooms huge, massive small rooms

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and the surah is known as a larger lot because in it are mentioned to her did a lot of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam because each of the wife of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had her own private residence, a small room to herself, it wasn't huge, but it was her own private space and inshallah we will learn about it in this order.

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So the hydrolat is emergency surah and it is also known as pseudo to Allah, what does Aflac mean? manner so what does it show to us this surah teaches us manners, etiquette, what kind of etiquette that a believer must observe with Allah that He must observe with the messenger that he must observe with the fellow believers and he must observe with his superiors, and also the Muslims in general.

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So this solo basically teaches us of law and o'clock character good manners are a very, very important part of our Deen. There is a lot of emphasis on good manners. What do we learn from several a hadith about a flock, that it's very heavy in the scale, very heavy in the scale.

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A person could be very bias, he could be the observer of many rituals, meaning he's praying Salah, he's giving Zakat, he's very charitable. But if in his manners, he's not good in his flock, he's not good, then all of his good deeds could be wasted, they will not bring him any benefit.

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So there is a lot of emphasis on a flock and we see that these three silvers sort of Muhammad and her delight, these are my denisovans and as you know, that sort of Muhammad was revealed towards the beginning part of the Medina era, and sort of the virtue was revealed towards the mid part in a way ending, but towards the mid part, and certain Herat towards the mid end period as well. Why? Because up until now, the Muslims, they were taught about the, the commands the laws of the shittier. Early on in the medieval period, we learned that the commands with regards to inheritance with regards to fasting with regards to Hajj, all of these commands were revealed. But our Deen is not just about

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do's and don'ts. It's not just about rituals. It's also about how you behave with others, what kind of etiquette you have with your Lord, what kind of etiquette you have with your superiors with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam.

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Because if a person does not observe proper etiquette, then he cannot receive full benefit either, and the deeds that he's performing, what is the carrier of those deeds, what is the packaging of that deed? It's the, it's the manners in which you do. So, manners play a very important role and this entire surah is dedicated to that.

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And we see that a little further, it concludes with the mention of the noble qualities of the Sahaba. And especially, their character is highlighted. They have many noble qualities with regards to their acts of worship with regards to different things, how they support you, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, how they grew stronger, but in particular, what else has highlighted their character, that how is their character wilhelma lubaina home, they are affectionate, loving, merciful, well wishing towards one another. And in through their heads a lot, we see that such etiquettes have been taught to the believers, that the believers who are the integral movement

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we learned in the soda that all believers they are brothers to one another, there is a bond of brotherhood, there is a bond of love between believers. Therefore, anything that causes that brotherhood to get affected, all those manners, all those behaviors should be eliminated. Whether it is making fun of others, whether it is backbiting, whether it is slandering, or it is spying or accusing, taunting anything like this should be eliminated from the lives of the believers because it affects brotherhood.

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So mainly two types of a flock are taught in the surah o'clock manners with Allah and His messenger. And secondly, with the rest of the believers.

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And this surah it's a very short Torah. It only has 18 verses

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Yeah, you Hello, Dina Amano. All you who have believed lead Toka demo. Do not put yourselves before do not get ahead of lead to cut demo, baby.

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yetta he left he will assume that he do not put yourselves before Allah and His messenger and instead what duckula ha but fear Allah and remember that in the law her semir are the Indeed Allah is hearing and he is knowing.

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Notice the solar begins with the address of yeah a un Latina amanu. Eman is being mentioned the believers are being called and this address what does it show that a very important instruction is being given? Why is it important? How is it important because believers are being addressed that if you're truly believers, then you must observe this. So either a command is being given or prohibition is being mentioned. If you truly have Eman, then you must observe the command. And if you truly have Eman, then you must stay away from this prohibition. Therefore, listening to this command, understanding this command observing this command is a requirement. It's necessary, it's

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mandatory and if a person neglects it, if a person does not pay attention to it, if a person does not observe it properly, what does that show deficiency in email?

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Because this is what perfects email, if this did not perfect email if this did not complete email, then yeah, you Halina armineh would not have been said then only the command would have been given. But when especially Yeah, a U haul levina armano has been said all you have believed that all believers pay attention, listen, attentively, understand clearly and observe properly as well.

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So what is the command being given over here that led to a demo, do not get ahead, do not put before beignet tequila, he before Allah beignet a day? What does it mean? between two hands, literally, and what is between your two hands is before you it is in front of you. So let's go to our demo, beignet the meaning do not get ahead before before Who? Allah and His messenger.

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What does it mean by law to cut demo demos from the root letters of that mean? for them? what is called a four step Why? Because as you take a step, you move forward, you proceed.

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And I've done a yoga demo. The aim is to put something ahead. It's not to go forward. But what does it mean to put something ahead to send something ahead.

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So to undimmed should have a rule it should have an object, isn't it so? Because you're putting something before Allah and His messenger?

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So what is it that you're not allowed to put before a line as messenger yourself? Meaning stay behind Allah and His messenger? Do not try to get ahead of them in any way whatsoever. Don't try to lead Allah and His Messenger, but rather be followers of Allah and His messenger.

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Don't follow your own desire your own will, but rather follow the will of Allah and His Messenger, do what they command you. Stay obedient, remain obedient. Don't renounce obedience lead to the Moon Bay near the law, he was

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in Arabic in a sec full afternoon, you are demo beignet a day mm. Eg that so and so you caught demo before his email before his leader? What does that mean? That when a person out of his own will begins to invent things, begins to invent what should be done what should not be done matters of armour and Nike, without the command the instruction of the leader, meaning the leader has not said do this, but he does it anyway. The leader has not said don't do it, but he stays away from it anyway. Meaning he's not obedient to the leader. Rather, what does he do? He just follows his desires. He does not listen. But instead he does whatever he wishes to do. He does whatever he

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wishes to do. So over here, what are we being told that if you are believers, then don't put yourselves before Allah and His messenger? Do not come forward. rather stay back. Do it DVR lead to a demo Albania de la He will surely follow them.

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Because getting ahead of a lion is messenger means that a person is not listening to Allah and His messenger.

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He is not following the command rather he is just fulfilling his wishes. He is preferring his own wish. Over

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Their command. He is giving preference to his own opinion over their legislation and he is ignoring what they have commanded.

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Even our best of the learn who he explained this as Latta kulu. He laughs Al Kitab he was so naughty. Do not say anything against that contradicts the Quran and the Sunnah. Meaning your statements, your actions should be according to what? The Quran and the Sunnah, not contradicting them, because if you contradict them, then what does it mean? You're putting your own will above the legislation of aligners messenger. So, let Apollo 11 kitabi was so nutty, where the command of Allah and His Messenger has come, then what are we required to do? Do it? We are not to raise objections, we are not to present excuses, and we are not to renounce obedience either, but rather we are to

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remain obedient so merna what Aparna

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so now to call them obey the law, he want us to leave? Now with regards to Allah soprano dialect clearly understood, don't put your own will, above the command of Allah, meaning follow what Allah subhanaw taala has commanded. That's understood why, because he is the Holic he is the Malik in this dunya India, he is the one who is the highest, the one who has the supreme power, so he has to be obeyed, and he has to be submitted.

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But with regards to the messenger, why is the same command given that don't even try to get ahead of the messenger? Don't even disobey the messenger? Why? Because who is the messenger? He is the one who brought the message. He is the one who has stopped you, your dean.

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And if you disregard what the messenger is telling you, in other words, you're disregarding what Allah is telling you.

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So obedience to Allah and His messenger is important. Both are important, both are necessary.

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And if you think about it, the commands of Allah and the commands of the messenger together, what do they make? The Deen the entire religion. Therefore when it comes to the deen, what are we to do? Follow the deen whether it is in the matters of if the life differences when it comes to differences when it comes to disputes, who are we to refer to the Quran and the Sunnah? When it comes to matters of obligations, matters of prohibitions, then again what are we to refer to the Quran and the Sunnah into the shoot our last panel Tara says well mark the left and FIM and che in for hakuho Elan law not to your heart not to yourself, whenever you have a difference, then refer to Allah not that you

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follow your own desires. Because Allah subhanaw taala says and so to have wala, Fie hooked me I had, Allah does not include anyone in his circle, whatever commands Allah has given, that has to be observed. And whatever Allah subhanaw taala has taught us whatever he has commanded us that is, in fact, best for us. Because in total, so number nine, Allah says in the Quran, yeah, the lady here

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that this Quran guides to that which is most suitable. So if you prefer your will, above the command of Allah, then what are you doing? You're leaving out that which is most suitable. I tested with the Luna lady who had an ability, who

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would you take an exchange that which is lesser for that which is much better? You're giving up that which is much better and taking that which is much less than? That's what you want for yourself? No. So if you want the best for yourself, then what do you have to do? remain obedient to Allah and His messenger.

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And we see that Yeah, you are letting me know this isn't addressed to who just some believers know all believers. So every single believer, whether he is highly qualified, highly educated, highly intellectual, or very old, very great in his status in his community, of highly reputable, highly respected by his people, no matter who a person is, he has to remain under who Allah and His Messenger, he has to follow the messenger, he cannot get ahead of the messenger in any way. Because unfortunately, sometimes what happens, some people are given so much authority, they're given so much rank, so much status, that even if their statement contradicts the statement of the messenger,

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still it is given preference. Still, it is followed. But we see that where the statement of the messenger has come, then can we choose anyone else's statement? Can we go for that?

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We cannot, because we have been told stay behind a line is messenger, no matter who you are a scholar, a scientist, whoever you are, you have to stay behind a line as messenger. You cannot try to get ahead of them, let them obey the law. He was truly what the law and fear Allah with regards to what with regards to your words with regards to your actions with regards to how you behave, Fear Allah and out of the sphere, remain obedient. And remember that in the law has Samir on early Indeed Allah, He is hearing and he is knowing he hears what you say your words and he knows about your actions as well.

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Now, in this ayah mainly we see that believers have been told to follow a Lynas messenger and not try to get ahead of them. Why is this necessary? Why is it necessary to remain obedient and not come up with your own things? Why do you think so?

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Because it leads to unity very good, because if each person begins to follow their own desires, if each person begins to make up their own laws, and does not remain obedient to Allah and His Messenger, then what will that lead to? This unity? Each person will think my way is better. And we see this is exactly what's happening. That where people don't prefer the statement of aligners messenger, but rather they give preference to other people's statements. Then what is happening what is that leading to so much disunity, so much discord in the oma?

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We are to follow for our own good, because we are limited in our knowledge, in our experience. We don't know what's best for us, we don't know what's bad for us. Therefore, we are to remain obedient to Allah and His Messenger for our own good because whatever Allah commands that is best for us. The Dean that align His Messenger has taught us that Venus complete every single thing that was a benefit to people. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam conveyed that to us, everything that was beneficial for us. He told us about that. If it was necessary, he informed us if it was not that necessary. This is why he didn't tell us so our religion is complete. And if we begin to try to get ahead of a

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line is messenger by inventing things in the religion? This is as though a person is implying that I know more. I know better.

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Unfortunately, we see that many things are clear in the Quran and Sunnah. But still, what do people ask what is your opinion? What do you think? But the fact is that when the statement of Allah and His messenger is clear, then our opinion, our thinking, our suggestions, our likes and dislikes don't matter. Our opinions don't carry any value in the command of a line is messenger are there?

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How could we ever think that our ideas could be better than the commands that our Creator has given us? Or that our way could be better than the one who had the best character? How could we ever think like this? So when a person tries to get ahead of a Lynas messenger, in a way he is criticizing the DEA, in a way he is implying that the deen that has been taught by Allah and His messenger is incomplete, it is deficient, it is backward, and that we know better and that we can perform better because of our intelligence because of our knowledge. And this is pride and pride does not refer to those who are subordinates, those who are followers, those who are to remain under it does not

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affect them. So any command of the dean whether it is related to worship, or it is related to dealings, manners, a person what should he do, he must observe what Allah and His Messenger have done and not exceed those limits. So we see that when it comes to the deen, we have to accept and acknowledge the absolute authority of Quran and Sunnah. Because unfortunately, in the name of being progressive, in the name of being modern, what is happening these days, that question the authority of the Quran, question the authority of the Sunnah. Why do we have to follow the Quran? Why do we have to follow the sooner we are in this century? We have so much knowledge and today people are

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different. So how can we follow the Quran and Sunnah? Why can we not question the Quran and Sunnah? No, we cannot because we are followers. We are believers, we are supposed to be Muslim who is Muslim, the one who has submitted the one who is led not the one who is followed. Therefore, as Muslims we are to acknowledge we are to accept the absolute authority of Quran and Sunnah we cannot question it, we cannot challenge it and we cannot oppose it in any way whatsoever.

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Because challenging the Quran and Sunnah, opposing the Quran and Sunnah, you know, disregarding it all of this contradicts the behavior of who, the one who is a Muslim now

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Over here lead to a demo beignet the law he was sued. I mentioned to you that led to a demo is a fairly which requires a buffer and what does that mean for yourself? So don't put yourself before a line is messenger rather put yourself behind them. Now when it comes to putting yourself before a lion is messenger this can be done in two ways. First of all, in phone and secondly, in fairing, what does it mean by code? That for instance, a person says, that which contradicts the statement of Allah and His messenger?

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A person says, or he does that which contradicts the statement of Allah and or his messenger.

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Like, for example, Allah subhanaw taala has given us several commands in the Quran, isn't it? Neither person says, it doesn't make sense to me, why do we have to follow that? Why do we have to do this? The research shows that we should not be doing this research shows that in fact, this is harmful for us. This is what putting your statement before above the statement of Allah and His messenger. Similarly, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam He has also given us certain instructions. For example, we learned from our Hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, let the other mod Ramadan, Avi someo min Willa Yamini, Abu huraira, the learner reported that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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said do not observe fast for a day or two days ahead of Ramadan, meaning when the month of Ramadan begins, then you start fasting. Not before that.

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And I might have been the acid he said regarding this that whoever fasts on a day of doubt has disobeyed the commander of costume, meaning he's not sure whether Ramadan has started or not any fast anyway, this is what disobeying the messenger, because the Prophet sallallahu Sallam clearly said, Do not fast, a day before the month of Ramadan begins, when you're certain that the month has begun, then start fasting. And if a person keeps the fast of doubt, meaning he's not sure, then this is what he said, I'm not even Yes, I said, I also have a cousin, that in fact, he has disobeyed the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So in COVID, first of all, that whenever the statement of Allah comes,

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the statement of the messenger comes, regardless of what it is, what are we supposed to do? Believe except for No.

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Similarly, there are things that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us, such as the sun, when it sets, where does it go? It goes, and prostrate to Allah subhanaw taala. So it goes to the Arusha line over there, it frustrates to our last panel. Now a person might say, but the sun is here, it doesn't go anywhere. This is what putting your statement above the statement of the messenger sallallahu wasallam.

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Regardless of what science tells us today, regardless of what people tell us to do, regardless of what research shows today, we have to remain obedient. We cannot prefer our own statements. Because remember, knowledge of people, discoveries of people, their research that keeps evolving, that keeps changing. They think that one thing is good today, and they will say it's bad tomorrow, they tell you brush your teeth sideways, and they tell you brush your teeth up and down, right? This is what happens with people.

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So with regards to so many things, whether it is science discovery, whether it is how people should do certain things, different different things, different matters. People, their knowledge keeps changing.

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That many times people will disregard the command of Allah and His Messenger simply because I said, I don't understand. It doesn't make sense to me. But we see that many things in the dunya when you have to do even if they don't make any sense to you.

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Like for example, you might think that writing out your test paper in pencil is much easier, is much better. Because if you make a mistake, you can easily erase it, and you can write it but what is that you have to use a blue pen? You have to you cannot use a pencil, right? It doesn't make sense to you. But you have to do it. And if you don't follow the rules, is your test assignment going to be accepted? It's going to be rejected. So why is it that when it comes to the dounia we comply so much, but when it comes to the dean, we think that we are the greatest authority. And you see when it comes to people, when it comes to the people of this world, especially when it comes to their

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laws when it comes to their ways of life. Even they keep changing. If you think about it just a few generations ago, the norms that people had they have changed completely. A few generations ago, premarital * being a single mom being a single parent was something unimaginable even a non Muslim communities just a few generations ago, but today it's considered acceptable

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A few generations ago, being homosexual was something unacceptable. But today, it's something to be proud of. So if you disregard the religion of Allah and start following the desires of people, then where will you stand? What will you follow? What will be your way of life? What will tell you what good is and what bad is, you will not have any identity, you will not have any principles. So, let him obey the law, he will also lead this is first of all in statements in words, when it comes to statements, then you should be obedient and don't say anything that contradicts their statement, don't do anything that contradicts their statement.

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Secondly, this is with regards to feral as well, with regards to action as well. What does it mean by that, that when it comes to action, when it comes to, for example, certain acts of worship, do not exceed in action that has been determined by Alana's messenger.

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For instance, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has told us about how to perform Voodoo. Correct that what the most known way is how many times a person should wash his hands, his arms, his face, runs his mouth, wash his feet, all of them, wipe his head, the number has been told as well, that has been fixed as well. But a person says, You know, I wash my hands three times in my face three times in my arms three times I want to wipe my head three times as well. Is that permissible? No. What are you trying to imply then, that you want to obtain more cleanliness? Then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam liked than the Prophet sallallahu Sallam preferred?

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similarity when it comes to the life, the number of the circuits that have to be taken that has been said, How many is it? Seven person says, Why do I do seven, I'll just do nine, you know, I'm really enjoying it, I'll do 10 I'm really enjoying it. And he gives explanations such as well, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was so righteous, he was already forgiven, he didn't need to perform all these good deeds, I need to do more. This is not correct, because if more was necessary, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would have informed us he would have instructed us

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then in action, this is also included what that person does an action that contradicts the action of the messenger previously, what did we learn the command the statement old now this is the action of the messenger,

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the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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So one is exceeding in action doing more than him. And the other is doing contrary to that. For example, The Prophet said, a lot of them explicitly told us eat with what right hand that was his son, that was his way. But a person says no, I'm left handed, therefore I'm going to eat with my left hand. No, he forbade eating with the left hand contradicting the messenger inaction is also not permissible. This is like putting yourself above the messenger.

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Similarly, doing something that Allah and His Messenger have not commanded, doing something that they have not legislated, rather inventing things in their religion. So this is what VEDA innovation is also what putting yourself before above a line is messenger and that do is not permissible.

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And we see that certain Bedard certain innovations, they are considered as obligations in our Muslim community, that if someone does not do them, if someone does not observe them, he is considered as someone who is very sinful. It's as though he's leaving out something that is very, very righteous. But this is all self made. It's all self invented. whenever it comes to the matters of Deen, we always have to see what is the evidence behind that? What is the source? What is the proof? If the profits are a lot of them did it if Allah commanded it, do it. But if there's no evidence, then how can we invent things? How can we invent things?

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And remember that there are three types of three types of innovations

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First of all, interpleader secondly, in acquire in statements, and thirdly in our in actions,

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when it comes to acleda, when it comes to belief, even we cannot invent things, we cannot invent concepts. That Oh, by the way, you know, there are these spirits and you have to believe in them. No, we cannot invent things. Even when it comes to Akita. We believe what, what Allah and His Messenger have informed us

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We don't invent Okay, we don't fabricate because sometimes just to frighten children, such concepts are fabricated and what happens is I grew up thinking that there are certain things or there are certain beings and you know, they can harm us they can watch us they can do this and that to us, this is all wrong inventing even things in Akita is not appropriate and specifically with regards to Allah subhanaw taala

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do things are not permissible themselves and inshallah you will learn about the details in Arpita, which you should begin very soon, themselves from methyl methyl to be similar septum seal is to compare or strike examples for Allah strike descriptions for Allah soprano or give descriptions for Allah.

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Like, for example, we learn about the hand of Allah, we learn about the face of Allah, we learn about the new of Allah, isn't it? Now, to start describing it, or the hand of Allah is like this, and the face of Allah is like this, giving descriptions and comparing to creation, this is not permissible, because of a person begins to start describing them without knowledge, this is what innovating inventing something, trying to get ahead of a line is messenger, if it was important for us to know about those descriptions, you think of mine as messenger would not have informed us of course, they would have So, where they did not tell us we are not allowed to invent we are not

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allowed to make up things ourselves.

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And the second thing is directly What does it mean to completely negate to leave out to cancel out to interpret incorrectly. So for example, a lot of panel data tells us about his hand. Now person says Oh, hand have a lot of natural hand No, no, no, it means his his wealth, it means his power, it means his ability, it means his strength. So, this is like negating the fact that Allah has a yet you get it for the last panel data tells us that he does have a yet so we cannot disregard that. So both of these things are not permissible.

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Now, secondly, there is in a qual in statements in words.

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So when a person says things which are not part of the

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when a person says things which are not part of the is that permissible, it is not permissible. Like for example, he says, recite the surah. These many times for these many days, recite this surah, every single night, recite through the scene every single day, every single night, and he presents it as a part of Diem. He says it as though it is a part of Deen, this is also not permissible.

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And especially fixing the number fixing the time and ascribing a reward to it as well. This is something that we are not allowed to do that a person says if you read this sort of every single night, you will never suffer from poverty. If you recite this surah these many, many times for these many days, then your ls it will go away. If you read the name of Allah, this particular name these many 1000s of times, then your exam will go perfectly fine. This is what innovation.

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What kind of innovation is it in acquire? The problem is that people use Dean as if it is some kind of magic. That just as you want your problem to be solved. Do you want a shortcut? People go to a magician does tell us what to do. Tell us what to drink, give me a potion, let me drink it, and all my problems should be solved. This is how people want to use them. But the dean is not magic. The Dean is not something so cheap. No, the dean has to be observed it has to be followed. And many times people say things as if they have been informed through way, as if they have been informed through revelation that do this and such and such will happen now. And the justification that is

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given is what's the harm in reciting the Quran? What's the harm and reciting the name of Allah. There's no harm. In fact, it is a good deed is a very virtuous act. But when you fix the number of times, and you fix the occasion, and you ascribe a reward or a particular consequence to it, this is where you go wrong.

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Because the prophets are a lot of them. For instance, he would recite certain ads regularly. For example, certain monkey would recite every night sort of deception that he will decide every night. And sometimes when I would really affect him, he would keep reciting it. For instance, the part of the ayah into the room for him or that book.

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He read

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it over and over and over again because it really affected him. It really touched him. It had a great impact on him. So, in a routine of a person is doing something he's enjoying it that's different. But if he says no, you have to do it and this is a part of Deen and if you don't do it such will happen. And if you do it such will happen. This is a big mistake.

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Thirdly, there is also in our in actions to do those things that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam never did himself. The second was what in equivalent statements to say, to say that which is not part of the in actions, what does it mean to do those things that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam never did that a loss of pregnant it never commanded. For example, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he performed Hajj in Aruba.

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He performed the love. But he didn't cling to the kiswa of the Kaaba, like people do today, clinging to it, holding on to it. And he didn't cut pieces of it. No, unfortunately, what do people do? They go to the huddle. They go to tawaf, and they cling to the Kaaba. And they cut pieces of it, they take threads out with the right stuff on the cover on the casework, the carbon, the covering of the Carver, and some people even bury their dead with the pieces of the kiss on the curb, you know, well, that has been stolen. You pay your debt with that.

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So the wife, the profits are a lot of them performed. And he told us what to do how to do. But there are certain actions which he did not do. So we are no one's to invent them. We are to follow and obey. So lead to a demo, don't try to get ahead. This is in terms of actions in terms of speech, in terms of acts of worship, in terms of the number of times we worship as well. With regards to acquire, this also includes saying things with regards to the unseen that Oh, I know what's happening over there. I know what's going to happen. This is like you're trying to get ahead of a Lynas messenger the Prophet sallallahu Sallam never, you know said that so and so knows a loss of

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panatela is not given you that knowledge. How do you know? How do you know the matters of the unseen? How can you say that? And with regards to the Sahaba in the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam led to a demo, there's one more meaning that they were not allowed to do something before the profits on the line isn't any before he commanded before he instructed. They were to follow him. We learned that some people slaughtered their animals before the Prophet sallallahu Sallam prayed on the day off. So this is why this ayah was revealed and the people who reprimanded that don't try to get ahead of alone as messenger, that you're doing something before you're doing

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something early, without his permission. Similarly, when the Sahaba would pray with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they were not allowed to get up from sudduth from ruku before him right before the email. Similarly, when it came to walking, they would walk with Him or behind him not ahead. So lead took a demo very near the law, he was sued he and look what has been said what the cola fear alone, have fear of Allah, because fear dukkha is what amends the actions of a person. When he has fear of Allah, then he will be careful about what he's saying what he's doing. So what takala And remember, in the law Samir, and arnim, Indeed Allah is hearing and he's knowing he sees what to do.

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man, you're walking

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on the moon

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in a lot

Al-Hujurat 1-10 Tafsir 1

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