Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 19 – L192B

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The story ofieldingielding Muhammad is important to the listener in some way, and reciting it out loud is important to the people of Makkah. Abraham Lincoln's worship of idols is important to the people of Makkah, and practicing certain behaviors is crucial to avoiding harmful actions. The importance of the mother in the relationship with the child is emphasized, and the need for people to provide support is emphasized. Facebook's "ashvini" concept is used to cure illness, and people should consider factors beyond their own, such as their environment, their personalities, and their beliefs.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are we lacking in the shade line over James Smith? for him?

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lesson number 192 sort of the shadow is number 69 to 104.

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What do I lay him never evil on him and recite to them the news of Ibrahim. Ernie you sent him after the story of musasa. The story of Ibrahim what he said and as mentioned,

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if you think about it chronologically, Ibrahim Hassan came first.

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But the story of Mossad Islam is mentioned first. Why? Because it was more relevant to the situation that the prophets Allah sent him and his companions were in in Makkah, that they were also facing the opposition of people. The people who were very strong, very wealthy, very mighty who recognize the truth, but still they were not willing to accept.

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And now the story of Ibrahim s&m has mentioned that all prophets are allowed to send them what to do or lay him recite upon them upon who, upon the people of Makkah.

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And the word otaku from della della yet, Luton, one dilemma to read something out loud, to oneself or to someone else. Generally, what happens if we're reading something to ourselves, we don't read it out loud. But when it comes to reciting the Quran, whether you are reading it to yourself, or you're reading it to others, how are you supposed to recite it out loud, so that you can hear it, others can hear it, and did ours also to read with understanding.

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So recite to the people never able to hear the story of Ibrahim and he said,

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the word never is used for news, but what kind of news is it that which is important, and that which is relevant to the listener?

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It relates to the listener in some way or the other, that when he learns about that news, he will benefit in some way

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because it's relevant to him. Relevant is dunia is Dean, his alpha in some way or the other.

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And it is also such news that gives conviction, do the receiver.

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Like for example, you may have heard about something but you don't know if it's true or not. But when someone who is truthful and honest, when they come and tell you in detail about that same thing, then what happens?

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That report, it gives you conviction and certainty.

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So the story of Ibrahim or Sam, how is it relevant to the people of Makkah? Think about it. How is it relevant? Why does the loss of panatela say never? How is it relevant to the people of Makkah?

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the Kaaba was built by Ibrahim Hasina. His son is Merida and Sam lived in Makkah, he is the one who populated Makkah, and the people of Mecca. They were familiar with Ibrahim or listen with his married or Islam. And on top of that, they claim to be on the religion of Ibrahim Raisa.

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So this is how it was relevant to them. That through this incident, they're made to understand who Ibrahim and Islam actually was, what was his religion? What were his struggles? What did he strive for? What was his fate? What were his wishes.

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So this is how the incident of Abraham Madison was relevant to the people of Makkah.

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And this incident, should also make them develop yaqeen should also give them certainty, about what about the truthfulness of Muhammad so

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that when they hear this incident, when they hear this story, when they hear this report, this should make them believe with conviction about the prophethood of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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So what is the story of Abraham or his son and his scholarly OBE when he said to his father, who was his father, as a so he said to his father will call me he and his people matter Boone? What is it that you worship? What do you worship? What's your religion? What do you prostrate before he said this to who he questioned

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his father, his immediate family, and also his nation, the people whom he lived amongst?

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We see over here that Ibrahim in Assam does not just due to our to his people, nor does he only do damage to his family.

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He gives importance to both of them. Because first of all, charity begins at home, right? You're supposed to spread good inside your house. So he begins with his father. But that's not the only people whom you should be getting hired to.

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Because many times when it comes to religion, we think we are only responsible for our own family members for our own children. But we see

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Over here it will Ah, here it is. Sam is not just concerned about his family, but also about his nation. So he questions boards matter Boone, what is it that you worship? At the beginning of the soul we learned about the prophets that alone Isn't

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that how much well wishes even he had for the people that if they would not believe La,

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la akuna macmini. This is a kind of well, wishing that the Prophet sort of artists and him had the same kind of well wishing, who has had musasa, which is why no matter what hardship he had to undergo, he did his best to convey the message.

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And the same while wishing who else said Ibrahim, I said

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that, because of this well, wishing he doesn't just leave the people let them do whatever they want to. They're doomed to Hellfire anyway, no, he cares for them. He's concerned for them. He wants guidance for them. So he goes and asks them, he makes them think, and how does he do that to them? by questioning matter, Boudewijn? What is it that you worship? Why does he question them? Did he not know already? Did he not see already that the people were worshipping idols? Of course he knew he witnesses every day, then why is it that he asked them

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to provoke thinking, to make them think? Because when you question somebody, what happens? They have to give you an answer. And when they have to give you an answer, they have to think about what they're doing.

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They have to analyze what they're doing. And sometimes when they're analyzing what they're doing, when they're thinking about their actions, then they realize how foolish they are, or the errors, the obvious errors that they were making, that they were completely neglecting.

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So the approach that ebrahimian has said I'm using is of questioning because questioning provokes the thinking of the listener. It forces him to use his mind

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kalu they said the response of the people was narrable to a snam and we worship idols. Islam is a plural of Sunnah we worship idols and how do we worship them that funnel one Lula hierarchy fee and we remain to them devoted now while no law lamb lamb Lee, what does lady mean shadow and Lala is to do something during the day Why? Because that is when the shadow is and from that, the word vonleh is also use for

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what is it useful to remain in a state to remain in a situation to continue to do something?

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So they say that we worship idols and funnels and Lu, then we remain Lucha for these idols are caffeine as ones were devoted. We remain devoted to our idols all day long throughout our lives, we don't just come and prostrate to them once in a while. No, we remain constantly devoted to our idols are given as a Florida our gift and goof is to stay devoted to something uninterruptedly like erotica says that a person stays in the masjid and he worships how uninterruptedly he does not take a break. He does not go anywhere, he stays there.

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So look at the response of the people, then we don't only worship the idols, but we remain in their worship all day long.

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What was the question that Ibrahim on Islam asked them? matter Buddha? What is it that you worship? And what could be the answer? It's not simple. But they don't just stop there. They don't just say no to Islam, and they give an additional response, which is that fenelon Lula hierarchy?

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What does it show their determination in worship? their determination in worshipping their idols, that this is what we believe. This is what we do. And this is what we will do it as if they understood that if I hear this and I was trying to make them understand something, he was trying to question their faith their devotions.

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So how do they respond to him? That we don't just worship them that final one Lula ha caffeine. So don't even try to admonish us because we are going to remain worshipping these idols for the rest of our lives.

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So Ibrahim already said he does not despair. He does not give up that. Oh, my God, look at the response. It's so firm. They're so firm on their ship. Forget about it. I cannot change them. No, he remains focused. And he goes on, and he questions the more color he said, Haley is Morocco.

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Do they listen to you? Is that the owner when you supplicate? He does not say, Oh, these people are so firm on their shape, there's no benefit in talking to them. They've set a wallula hierarchy thing. So what's the use? No, he does not give up, he questions them further. And we see this determination in Busan, Islam as well.

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That how one fit our own tried to distract him by mentioning one thing. And then the other thing, how constantly masala was getting back to the message.

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So Ibrahim and I said, I'm also for a * yes, morona come is that the room? At the time when you make dua to them? At the time when you worship them? When you pray to them? Do they actually listen to you? Do they hear you? Do their ears work? Do they listen?

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Any questions on further OEM for owner comb? Or do they benefit you? Or heal the room? Or do they harm? Can they listen to you? And if you worship them? If you ask them for something, do they actually benefit you? And if you don't worship them, if you abandon their worship, do they actually harm you? kalu they said no. They understood obviously, what was the answer? No. They don't really listen to us. They don't really benefit us. They don't really harm us. It was obvious to them they understood.

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But instead of accepting their mistake, they remain stubborn, just like

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so what was their response? That been? rather what giardina Anna gallica alone. But we found our forefathers doing this? Galaga falloon, this is what they used to do. We found our forefathers doing it. This is what they used to do, and we follow their footsteps. What does this word signify over here?

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But over here, it gives the meaning of that? Yes. We know they don't listen. Yes, we know that they don't benefit, nor do they harm. But the thing is that we worship them because we found our forefathers doing this. We know it makes no sense to you. But the only reason why we worship them is because we found our forefathers doing it.

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And this is the reason that many people give for many wrong practices that they observe. Whether it is culture, or it is in the name of religion, people adhere to them religiously. And when they're made to realize what they're doing is wrong, what they're doing is senseless. It goes against common sense, it goes against your benefit. What will they say? No, this is what we always do. This is what we're supposed to do. So don't ask questions. Don't try to change the weights.

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And you will notice how this is not just something that people say about the religion.

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But this is also something that is about culture. Like for example, if a certain person is getting married, there are certain customs and traditions that have to be followed.

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And if a person questions, why do we have to do this? What's the benefit? Why do we have to do it? What are they told, this is how we do our weddings. This is the rule. This is the culture. And this is what we're supposed to do, whether it makes any sense or not.

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This recently, somebody was telling me that in their culture, when people get married, first of all, they're not allowed to get married outside of that particular family, or that particular race. And this is something that is just the norm. This is the culture, you don't get married outside of your family outside of your race.

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And they were telling me that their marriage was the first one that was outside of the family, and how it was opposed by even their parents. And how when people get married in their family, the rule is the man he is brought into the girl's family and then he is given gifts and whatever gifts he is given he has to go and give them to his parents, he cannot keep even a single penny of it. Why? Because the parents have to give gifts to who? To his in laws. Whatever money the bride and the groom get, who does it go to? To the parents of the groom? Why? Because they have to give gifts to who to the bride's family. It's weird. People just have these traditions, they have these cultures

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and despite the fact that they have become educated and they have become aware of so many things. Still they follow these rules blindly. Why

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would you not have no good idea for alone? This is how we found our forefathers. This is what they used to do. And as we will also do, we will change our ways. Now I'm not saying that every practice of the forefathers is wrong. No, there are many things that the forefathers of particular people have been doing was very good. It was very beneficial. And those things they must be practiced. However, other things that go against common sense that go against benefits that are harmful, that just add more difficulty to a person's life. Why should a person adhere to them socially

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Strictly making his life difficult and making the lives of other people difficult.

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So, we should use our mind that Allah Subhana Allah has given, but we're just gonna have Anna. gallica.

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Ibrahim ready to send me doesn't give up over there either. He doesn't say Okay, that's it finished? No, he says Allah, Fr eight americanum darboux. He says, Then do you see what you have been worshipping? If you say that you found your forefathers doing this, then Have you ever analyzed what is it that you're worshiping? I follow a tome Have you considered? Have you reflected? Have you ever thought about this? That what is it that you're worshiping? Do you realize that what you have been worshipping is only lifeless and worthless objects unto you? What about oh come and your forefathers and up to the moon? The Ancient Ones that afternoon florala.

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So have you ever thought have your forefathers ever thought? Have you ever thought what you worship? Have you ever thought what your forefathers used to worship? The thing is that no matter how ancient a person is, no matter how ancient his ancestors are, no matter how ancient his cultural traditions are, no matter how much people practice them, and follow them and religiously adhere to them. If something is wrong, it is wrong.

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It does not deserve to be followed.

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And a person must use his mind before he follows anything.

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So everyone here in Islam asks them, have you ever used your mind? Have you ever thought about this? Why are you blindly following them? For in the home? For indeed they are the worldly? illa bellami indeed there meaning indeed these idols that you worship, and your forefathers have been worshipping? What are they? They're an enemy to me. I consider them as my enemy Illa of the enemy except for the Lord of the worlds He's not my enemy.

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Why does he say that these idols are an enemy to me, what did the idols do to him? We just learned earlier that the idols don't harm you.

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So why does Ibrahim or s&m say that for in the home or the worldly, they are an enemy to me, because they are the idols are a means of ship. They are what it means of ship. They are something through which a person does ship, a person associates partners with a loss.

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And therefore, these idols they become a source of punishment for a person. And this is why he considers these idols to be what his enemy

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What does this teach us, that no matter how innocent, something might appear to be, no matter how harmless something might appear to be, it is our duty, it is your enemy, if it leads you away from Allah,

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if it leads you to Allah disobedience,

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Ibrahim Hassan, he says for in the home or the worldly. Every person in that nation was worshipping these idols, his own father.

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Everyone was involved. It was the religion of the entire country. It was imposed by law.

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But still we see that Ibrahima ism, he does not think that I'm going against everybody, no, he sees that these idols they are taking me to punishment, therefore, they're my enemy, he considers them to be his enemy. What happens when we see something against us when we see something harmful for us for our the, what do we say? Everybody does? Everybody has it? Everybody says it, everybody goes there. This is our standard. This is the reason why we say it is okay. But we should analyze things, not based on how acceptable they are, how common they are.

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But we should analyze things based on their and that where do they lead us to? What is their essence?

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So he says, For in the home or the will lead in Laravel? Except for the Lord of the world, he's not my enemy. Who is he? He is my Lord. He benefits me.

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Now, sometimes it's possible that you find no harm in a certain thing. But in reality, it is harmful to you. And how do you know it's harmful to you? Because it's taking you away from a loss.

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It's taking you away from the religion from obedience to a muscle

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and every such thing we should consider it to be what

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our enemy whether it is made of wood or it is

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made of stone, or it is in the form of a gadget. Or it is in the form of an online account of some sort. Anything that distracts you from a loss that makes you sin

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that makes you do wrong things that provides you the opportunity to witness wrong things to see wrong things. Whether it is in the form of a television, or a telephone, or a computer or anything that becomes a means of committing sin for you. Then consider that to be your enemy.

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How do you treat your enemy? Do you keep it in your house?

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Do you spend a lot of time with it? Do you check with it? No. What do you do? You keep yourself away from your enemy.

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To Ibrahima, as he says in the home or the worldly, these idols, these statues, what kind of lifestyle do they represent? a lifestyle that takes people away from us.

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And on the Day of Judgment, everything that takes a person away from Allah, a person will regret having spent time with it. We learned earlier about how on the Day of Judgment way Omar Abdullah Allah Allah de and what is he going to say? That Yeah, way that I later need to learn and Halina. I wish a war to me. I wish I had not taken so until as my friend because so and so was in reality who my enemy and I befriended him because of nonlinear unethically, bother his journey. He led me astray from the vicar of Allah after the Kabbalah had come to me. He made me forget the Quran. He made me forget about what I had learned. He made me leave the practice that I had adopted after I had

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learned about BARDA his journey. But do we ever think that in dystonia, that a particular friend or a particular gadget, a particular show or a particular program, a particular thing could be in reality, our enemy? We don't even think that way? We don't even consider them to be our enemies? So we must see that what is it that takes us away from Allah? What is it that makes us commit sin, anything of that sort? consider that to be your enemy, no matter how innocent it may appear to be, no matter how common it may be.

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And Lady hydrocone, the one who created me, for who I am, Dini, and then he guides me. Who is he? Rob bellami, the Lord of the worlds, Ibrahim on Islam, he describes zoo, Allah subhanaw taala is, who the Lord of the world is. And he is describing him to, to his people.

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First of all, he makes him realize who their idols are, who are those things when they're worshiping? They don't listen to you, they don't benefit you, they don't harm you.

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And the one whom I worship, Who is he, the Lord of the worlds, and who is he and Lily Hakone. He is my Harlock for who I add, and then he guides me, he guides me to what to good things in this dunya. And also, he guides me to the dean, because he is also an Hardy, he is also the guide.

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When musasa when he described rubber, I mean, he described his attributes at a large scale. What did he say? That He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is in between and then he said Rob will magically will magically be, but we see what I'm hearing is that he is describing what would it mean and a more personal level

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that Allah is the one who Halekulani for Houdini. He created me and He guides me as well.

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into Arla, I do two three, what do we learn under the halaqa? For some, one lady Katara for Heather, that Allah is the one who created and then he proportion and he is the one who Katara he destined and further he also guided into the top 50 we learn musar listen me Saqqara, buena Lady apoco lashay in canto so that our Lord is the one who give everything its form and then he also guided

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whether the and the One Who who are you, Terry Mooney, he feeds me, where's Feeny? And he gives me to drink because He is my brother. He is the one who provides me and your idols, what do they give you? Nothing. You have to give food and drink to your idols. But my Lord, He gives me to drink and he gives me to eat.

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And he also enables me to eat and drink. Because if you look at it in order to eat and drink, what do you need, first of all, the food and the liquid

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And then on top of that, you also need the ability to eat and drink. Because it's possible that the food is right there, the drink is right there, but you're unable,

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you're unable to lift your hand, you're unable to chew the food, you're able to swallow the food, you're unable to digest the food properly. It's possible that what you eat will be harmful to you. So who is the one who feeds you? Who is the one who gives you to drink unless upon God?

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And then he says, What either Maria. And when I fall ill when I become sick, for who is Feeny than it is he who cures me.

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He is fine art was either married to Mario from the roof address, mean Robert muddled what is called me, sickness, illness, and it's used for both of the heart, spiritual as well as physical.

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Over here, obviously, it refers to physical illness.

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So what either Maria, when I become sick, notice he doesn't say when he makes me sick.

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Why, because he will is not to be directly attributed to almost why out of respect. And if you think about it, when do people generally become sick,

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because of their own negligence.

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So what I do when I fall ill when I fall sick, for who I ashvini then he gives me Shiva, because he is who I sheffy the one who gives you that he is the one who cures

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and if you think about it, there are many others who may be a means of Shiva, who may be a means of obtaining cure, like for example, you go to a doctor, you take a particular medication, however, in whose hand is the Shiva, Allah subhanaw taala. Because it's possible you take one medication after another, but nothing happens. You go to one doctor after the other, but they cannot figure out what the problem is. So who can actually give the ship at a loss of one third of what either Morocco for way ashvini

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one lady and the one who you meet Tony, he will cause me to die. So my your healing and then he will bring me to life again. Look at how in the way he is describing a las punctata he teaches them so many things.

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That Allah is the source of all good.

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And Allah is the one who has all power. And Allah will also resurrect the dead. He teaches them to hate, he teaches them belief in the afterlife as well.

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One lady you meet and He will give me that somebody your Genie and He will give me life because who is Allah? He is illuminate he is he

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one lady and the one who ultimately I wish I hope I desire of tomorrow is from from our for me, Lamar is a strong desire of the knifes strong inclination of the nups.

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So I yearn for this, I hope for this I desire for this. I look forward to that I have fairly hopefully, that he will forgive for me my sins when yoma Dean on the Day of Recompense, I hope that my Lord, He will forgive my sins on the Day of Recompense. Because who is Allah, He is all fitted them be workability will be. He is the one who forgives sins and He is the one who accepts repentance. So I hope that Allah will forgive me.

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So look at the way that Ibrahim retsina describes Allah soprano. At a very personal level, that Allah is the one who feeds me, he is the one who gives me to drink, he is the one who causes me to sleep and he is the one who causes me to wake up. He is the one who will give me death and he will also give me life. And he is the one who forgives

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it if you think about it, these attributes these qualities, creating, looking after providing putting to sleep waking up. If you analyze human beings, which human figure has these attributes has these qualities at a human level, obviously,

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the mother, she gives birth. She's the one who feeds, she's the one who nurses. She is the one who protects looks after when the child is ill. She takes care of the child. She's the one who puts the child to bed and she's the one who wakes up the child.

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Why? Why don't you do all of that? Because she loves her job.

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All of these actions, all of these attributes, what do they affect?

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immense love and care. If a mother has so much love for the child, Allah subhanaw taala he loves his creation more than 70 months.

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So who is the mean? The one who fulfilled all of my needs. He is mine.

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Lord, He is the one who deserves worship. And he's the only one whom I worship and your idols. What do they do to you? What benefit do they bring to you? They don't do anything. They don't assist you in any way. They don't care for you anyway. In fact, they're a burden on you.

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If you think about it, because the mother does everything for the child, the mother means a lot to the child as well. Children, if you look at it, when they're very, very young, when they're very small, who do they look up to? their mothers all the time?

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If you ask little girls, sometimes what would they like to become? They say, a mother. They say I want to become my mom when I grew up.

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Why? Because they admire their mothers, whatever their mothers do, that is exactly what the children do.

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And whenever they have a problem, whenever they're afraid, whenever they're happy, whenever they want to hug, who do they go to? To the mother, even though they may have many other people, many other people may provide them a lot of love.

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However, ultimately, who does a child go to for comfort and love

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to the mother? Because the mother does everything for him.

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So naturally, when Allah subhanaw taala is the one who provides for everything,

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the one who takes care of us in every respect.

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What should be our behavior? Who should we run to? Who should we rely upon? Who should we go to? Allah soprano? Who should we trust upon Allah soprano,

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this is only natural.

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And a person when he reaches maturity, when he truly recognizes Allah subhana wa tada when he truly becomes conscious of him, then he will turn to Allah for the smallest things even

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for the smallest things, even who will return to have also panel data just as a child but the smallest thing who does return to the mother. So a true believer, the one who recognizes Allah, who will return to Allah soprano, for the smallest things, even this is why we see that as However, they will pray to Allah for even a broken shoeless.

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Even at that time, they will turn to Allah for the slightest of things. Why? Because then a servant has truly recognized his Lord, that one, my lord takes care of me in every respect, only he can assist me, only he can provide for me.

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And if you look at the situation that evil humanism was in, that he did not have support from anyone, neither from his family, nor from his friends, or the rest of the people. When you're doing something, don't you want support? Of course, when you're going through something, don't you want to share your feelings, of course with Who were those who are closest to you. For those who are unmarried, they love to share their stories and everything with who, with their mothers, and even when they're married, they love to share everything with their mothers. So everyone here is gonna look at him. He's alone. Nobody gives him any support, neither from the family nor from outside from

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the family. So who does he turn to? Who is his means of support? Allah subhanaw taala.

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We see this in Musa and s&m as well, that although he was surrounded by people, the entire Bunny is right who was with him, but still who does return to a loss.

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This is when a servant has truly recognized his Lord. And this is a sign of intelligence. This is a sign of wisdom.

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To Ibrahim our listener, he had this quality. If you look at it from the beginning that led Halekulani, the one who created me for who I am Dini, and the one who guides me,

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the one who created me, he knows me. He knows what I need. He knows where I'm weak. He is the one who guides me he is one who shows me the way he is and who assists me in every aspect.

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So we should also think like this whenever we're alone, whenever we feel that nobody's giving us support, think about it. The one who created you is the one who guides you

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is the one who will support you, if you remain obedient to Him. If you are a servant to him, then he will guide you. Because Allah Allah woman halaqa, the one who created as he not know, of course, he knows. If you look at it, Ibrahim in Islam, it says though, he's sharing his inner feelings about who Allah subhanaw taala is what kind of relationship he has with his Lord. And through this description he is doing now because remember that when you have love for someone in your heart, then that love will show it will come out. And that's one of the most effective ways of doing that. Many times we have to come up with a lot of stuff and we have to think about it a lot and then we put it

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forth and still there is no spirit. But what is it that will truly bring spirit to the message when there is love inside? So Abraham Renison, um he had that recognition in his heart. He had that love and that strong bond

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In his heart, this is why it came out, in his words as well.

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That unlike the hydrocone, for who is Dini, one lady who emoni were skinny, he is the one who feeds me. He is the one who gives me to drink. If you think about it, after guidance, what is the greatest need of men? Food and drink? It's the greatest need. So who fulfills that need for me? My lord?

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What either Morocco for who he when I'm sick. He's the one who gives me cure. When people are ill, what do they want?

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What do they want that other people should come and take care of them? that other people to just fix their problems for them, make my pain go away. Fix me. This is what people say right?

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But who is the one who can really give you Shiva, Allah subhanaw taala The one who recognizes his Lord who will return to Allah even in his sickness.

Ash-Shuara 69-104 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 69-80

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