Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 10 – L106E

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics related to Islam, including giving a cat to a poor person and setting rules for the entire community. They also discuss regulations and regulations related to housing, taxes, and housing. The importance of giving money to cover expenses is emphasized, and the speakers stress the need for voluntary charity and setting rules for individuals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim

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lesson number 106 silica Toba

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in the Masada cartoon. Indeed, the sort of court the expenditures are for who

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Lin fukuro he won Mr. Keeney

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are for the poor and for the needy.

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In this ayah those who deserve a share of the cat, they're mentioned

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what is a cat

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is a cat is one of the five pillars of Islam.

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It's an obligation.

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And in this surah, we have learned that we cannot differentiate between solid and Zakat

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that if a person prays the Salah he gives us a cat and that is a sign of his Islam. That's a sign of as a man, he should be accepted as a believer, but why no contender your brothers.

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So so that means that they cannot be differentiated, they're an obligation

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and Zakat, if a person does not pay on his well, and instead he hoards it then again, we learned of the punishment for this crime, do when you're primarily a finance major and never took a big bet? What do you know boom.

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So, if a person does not give us a cat, there are severe consequences in the hereafter.

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Now in this ayah we learn

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that when a person gives a cat who should he give it to?

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Who does the cat go to?

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Allah Subhana Allah says in the Masada to, indeed the sort of heart. So the court is a Florida Southern

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and what is Sadako charity. So the court is of two types, one is knuffel voluntary and the other is YG. Mandatory obligatory charity.

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Voluntary charity is that for example, a person every month, he gives a certain amount of wealth to the poor,

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a certain percentage he spends on the poor. He donates, let's say food items in the local food bank. That is what voluntary charity

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mandates mandatory charity wire tubes a cat is what the cat

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What is it the cat, which is given on a particular in a specific type of wealth

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on a specific amount of wealth at a specific time.

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Like for example, if a person has a lot of diamonds,

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he's not required to give us a katana.

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On precious stones and gemstones, there is no zakat.

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It has to be specific type II for example, gold, silver.

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Similarly, if a person has a house and he's living in it, and he only intends to live in that house, he doesn't intend to sell it and make money off of it, he's bought a house to live in it.

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So on that house as well, there's no zakat.

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But if he purchases a piece of land and he wishes to sell it in a few years to make money off of it, what does that mean he has to pay zakat on it. So, the client is paid only on specific type of wealth.

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Secondly, it has to be a specific amount because you have one goal drink one goal drink that weighs only a few ounces only a few one gold ring

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on that again there is no effect.

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It has to be a specific amount it has to reach the threshold which inshallah you will learn in the physical observations when you will study that subject.

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So specific type specific amount and also at a specific time.

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Right for example, you go and purchase a goal set

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a goal set for yourself, let's say a lot of bangles are hold set.

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Now. It doesn't mean you have to give us a craftsman first step when are you going to give it

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after one year has passed?

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So you've taken this akata Who will you give it to a random person? No, you have to make sure that it goes to the right people.

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So in this ayah what is mentioned those to whom does a cat is to be given.

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Who does it go to? First of all, lympho Cora for the boy, I want you to notice something in this ayah

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if you look at the ayah Lin for Cora, one masakan one army Lena one mu alpha t

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this is on lamb, in this lamb is known as Lamb of Tom leak of possession in the sense that it is supposed to be given to these people

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It is supposed to be given to these people. But then you read, we're filled with coffee.

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We're filled with coffee. And that is connected with Well, our demeanor. We're fee Sabina. So what does that fee indicate?

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In the cause of?

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Do you understand?

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So the cat is to be given to certain individuals. And at the same time, it is supposed to be given for certain causes.

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One is to give the cat in the hands of a poor person so that he can go buy food, buy clothes, etc.

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The other is to put the cat in a donation box so that the electricity bill, for example, can be paid.

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Now, whose pocket is it going to nobody's pocket, it's going in the cause.

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So the cat is not just for individuals. But it is also for causes.

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First of all, it is for who alpha alpha is a partner, who is someone who is extremely poor. It's basically derived from the word for color, which is a part of the spine. And facula is that which breaks the spine

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a back breaking thing.

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And follicle is what back breaking poverty. What does it mean?

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that a person is overwhelmed by that poverty. He doesn't have anything at all, he doesn't have any means to earn wealth. And he is so poor,

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that he does not have enough to even feed himself forget about feeding his family, he doesn't even have meal for one person.

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For me, it is described as someone who neither has wealth, nor does he have any casa, any means of acquiring wealth.

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So for example, someone who does not have any money in his bank account, and at the same time, he doesn't even have a job.

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At the same time, he does not get any money from the welfare.

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So basically, a person who does not have any kind of income, he doesn't have any wealth.

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Who is perfectly

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we learned that from a hadith that is reported in a widowed that a person who has 50 year hum

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or it's equivalent 50 that hunt or it's equivalent, he is funny, not Firstly, someone who has less than that, less than 50 or one, who is he?

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so, first of all, there's a cat is to be given to who those who are footballer the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, the southern part should not be given to the wealthy and the physically fit.

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Those who are wealthy and those who are physically fit, they don't get to share in for the court

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who gets a share someone who's extremely poor,

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one must Second. Second is that goes to the massage a massage is a part of miskeen who is miskeen

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someone who is poor as well.

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But how is miskeen different from fapy

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miskeen is from second which means to be stationary to be immobile to become still.

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So a miskeen is someone who is immobile, who cannot go here and there because of his poverty.

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He has some, but he does not have enough.

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Like for example, a person has enough money that he can buy food.

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But he doesn't have enough money to pay for the bus to get to the grocery store.

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Not that he is going to a grocery store that's very far off and he wants to make sure that he goes there No, he does not have enough to fulfill his needs.

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He does not have enough to fulfill his needs. So how is it different from miskeen who is 14 one who doesn't have any wealth nor any caste? miskeen is described as someone who has wealth

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and also has also has a means of acquiring wealth. He is employed, he has a job. But it's not enough.

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Like for example in South Africa, we learned

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I must Safina to for Ghana to Lima second year Madonna filbur.

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As for the ship, it belonged to to miskeen people who used to work in the sea.

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So what does it mean they were employed, they had some means of making money, but what they had was not enough.

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Understand what they had was not enough.

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So the cat is also to be given to those

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the profits out of artisan himself. The miskeen is not the one who goes around the people.

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And he asks them for a mouthful or to have meals,

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not the one who is going begging for food, or a date or two.

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So basically a miskeen is not a beggar. So there's a how to us then who is the miskeen.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, the one who does not have enough to satisfy his needs.

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The one who does not have enough to satisfy his needs.

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Let's say he has a few dates.

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He can buy his breakfast, but he does not know what he's going to eat for lunch, he does not have enough to satisfy his needs, and whose condition is not known to others. His condition is not known to others.

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Because of a clean, what does he do, he goes to people begging miskeen will not go begging, he will stay at home, he will not go back before people.

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His condition is therefore unknown to other people.

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And because it's unknown, other people do not even give something in charity. And at the same time, he does not beggar people.

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So what do we learn

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that the cat should be given to the fukuhara, those who come and beg, and also the Misaki, those who don't come in back, those who don't have enough,

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those who are needy, their needs are not fulfilled.

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But we have to see needs do not mean that a person must have a car.

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Or that a person must have a house that is fully paid off.

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This is not a need.

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What is a need? What is a necessity?

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that a person has basics, he has a shelter to live in.

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He has some means of going about the city.

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So for example, if he does not have a car, maybe the family has a shared car.

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It's not that the husband has car, the wife has a car, they have one car, for example to share. Yes, it's not the latest model is very old. But it's fulfilling their need. So miskeen is someone whose need is not fulfilled. So that is to be given to them. So it doesn't mean that if your friend comes and says that, you know, I want to buy a new car this year, and my car is very old, I'd like to get a newer model. I'd like to upgrade, can you give me a look at when

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you can do that.

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So okay. miskeen is someone whose needs are not fulfilled? Her need is the latest BMW, and she wishes to upgrade to this year's model. So therefore, I'm going to give her mindset that it's going to help her No, that's not correct.

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Who is it going to go to someone who does not even have a car, let's say?

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Or someone who's driving a car that is extremely old, that breaks down?

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The eating does not work, for example, it's supposed to be disposed off, but they're still driving it because they are very, extremely needy and they don't have enough. You know, they say hand to mouth.

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This is the state of that person.

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Then who else should the cat go to? One armeni gnarly

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and those who work? Are they hung up on it?

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What does it mean by this?

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Those who are appointed to work for the Zika?

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What does it mean by working for this account?

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working to collect it, to calculate it, to take it to the beta man and then distributed amongst people. So those people who have been officially employed by the Muslim government,

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who are they officially employed by who by the Muslim government to collect the Zika, to calculate as a cat to record the Zika to keep its accounts to guard it. And then finally, to distribute it. There are several steps that are taken for the car to be taken from one person to be given to the other.

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So those who are involved in such work, a wage is going to be given to them from which money from the gap.

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Only if he's for

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not only his forte,

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whether he is needy or not, the cat is still to be given to him. What did we learn earlier?

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That alpha Cora and Misaki they're being given Zakat, why? Because of their poverty.

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But allama Nina Allah, those who have been appointed to work for the cat, they are being given a portion of the cat why

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Because of their service, because of the work that they're doing, not because they're needy,

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not because they're needy, but because they're doing something

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because they are working.

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Now, there's a question over here,

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a person who is working to collect as a guide to calculate it, etc, etc.

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He is helping someone performance obligation.

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He's assisting someone performance obligation. So why should he take money for it? Why should he take money for it? Is that correct for him? Is that lawful for me?

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It is lawful for him, but how? Why?

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Okay, because he's giving his time. What else?

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last panel data sets? Yes.

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Why else?

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Okay, that's his means of livelihood. Good.

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Yes, very true. That when you're seeing wealth all the time, that you're going in calculating somebody's money than you're taking it and you're depositing it somewhere, and over there, you're guarding it, naturally, you will develop some kind of love for it.

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So if a person knows that I have a share from this, it doesn't matter, I'll get my share, he'll be content. There are more chances of him being honest.

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I, for example, somebody was mentioning to me that in a certain country, the police, their education is free, their residence is free, their healthcare is free, everything is free for those people who work as police officers.

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And the money that they're given, it's just like a pocket money literally.

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So that there is no corruption,

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there is no corruption in other places, we see that where the police officers they only get away to what happens they will charge people bribe, you give me this much money, I will not give you a ticket it happens. So, when people are given a share of it, there will be more honesty, they will not have any greed for that wealth,

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they will not be any corruption.

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Basically, the principle is

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that there are two types of fraud right. One is fraud

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that is an individual obligation.

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If a person is performing a full rein, he cannot take a wage for it, it is hard on him

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by for example, the mother says to the child you pray every salah and I will give you $5 for each Salah This is wrong, you cannot give a wage to someone for doing something that is an obligation on them just for the iron on

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the other type of fault his fault defy which is that if some people perform that obligation, it is enough for everybody.

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So if a person is given a wage for performing a faulty fire, that is permissible.

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If a person is given a wage for performing faulty fire that is permissible, for example, a person washes the dead

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or leads the janazah for the deceased

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or a person becomes the Imam of the masjid.

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Now the mount of the masjid he is performing his own Salah that's for the iron on him, but because he is leading the Salah, that is what for keyfile if some people lead It's enough because everybody cannot lead over there right? Only one person can lead. So, if he is staying over there to lead the Salah to teach people whatever, then in that case it is okay. Why? Because he is offering a service for the benefit of

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the whole community.

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While Amina Elena, they are performing a fortify a similarly, amin are they What are they doing?

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What kind of work are they doing? collecting Zakat, distributing it, this is for calfire. This is not for dying. It's not an obligation on that individual. But if he does it, it's an obligation on the entire community. And he's providing that service for the benefit of that entire community.

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So from this, it is derived that if a person is performing for the fire, then he can take a wage for it. Because sometimes people say if a person is an environmental monster, why is he taking a wage? He should feasibly do that. If a person is an instructor in an Islamic Institute, he should not take a wage, they should not charge any fees

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and they should spend out of their own pockets. They should do everything they love.

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Okay, they should do it but Allah subhanaw taala has said over here when I made dinner earlier, they get a share from what? From the cat. This is not telephone

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This is from the guide, we think the guide is only for the poor and needy for those people who are hungry and poor.

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But what do we learn from here, the cat is not just for the poor and needy. It also goes for those who are performing a 45

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or more of the learner when he was a halifa, he appointed someone to collect the soccer. So when he collected it, or model it on him, gave him a share of it.

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He said, No, no, I don't need it. I'm doing this only for the sake of Allah.

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ceremonially Darren has said, don't do that. I used to do the same thing.

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That when something would be brought to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he would give me a part of it, I would say, give it to someone else. I don't need it, give it to someone else. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told me that, take it, increase your wealth, and then give sadaqa from it.

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So what is a principle that if a person is performing if the fire let's say is an instructor at an Islamic Institute, he is working at the reception, he is working, let's say to clean or to manage, or to keep the accounts, whatever kind of work he is doing for an Islamic cause?

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That is what 45

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if he's doing it, he may take a wage for it.

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However, there are certain conditions, what are they?

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First of all, he must not set a condition in the sense that only if you give me $3,000 every month, then I will come and do your work. If you give me 2500, I'm sorry, I will not provide my services.

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A person should not set a condition.

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rather he should leave it to to the organizers, that whatever they can afford, they will give that

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a person should not set a condition only if you offer me this much, then I will work like for example, we will go to companies and they give their resumes. What do they say that this is the money that they expect? If they don't get that much or more they will not work over there. When a person is working, feasibly the law, he should not set a condition.

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Secondly, you should not take it by himself.

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He should not say okay, I'm collecting all of this crap. I'm so also supposed to get a share. Let me just take this much of it. Or a person is managing the funds of a Masjid. Let's say the Imam of the masjid. He's supposed to take care of the donation boxes. The empties out those boxes and he says, you know, I'm also supposed to get a share in it. Technically. I'm Amina Allah.

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Yes, I'm a volunteer, I don't get a wage. But however, technically I was sharing it, let me just take it myself.

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He cannot take it himself.

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If he does it, that would be theft.

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It has to be declared, it has to be fixed, it has to be known.

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And it has to be appointed by someone who is higher than him in authority.

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So for example, in an organization in Islamic organization, that's the people who are running a Masjid.

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Each person is given a wage. It's lawful for them.

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And it's not unrighteous of them. If they take a wage. Remember that it's not at all unrighteous of them. It's lawful for them completely.

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But the person cannot say, by himself, let me just go I need money. I'll just take it from the donation box, I have the keys to it.

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He cannot do that. It has to be declared it has to be agreed upon and it has to be fixed.

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Similarly, a person should not have any greed for that work.

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Then he looks at that well he has greed for it. And he says Oh, one day finally I will have it he should not think like this.

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So we'll Amina later. They get a share in it as well.

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We see that Leonardo when he was a halifa.

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He appointed one out of every 20 houses in the Muslim Empire as an Islamic school.

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Every 20 houses one was what

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and Islamic school to teach people how to read on how to pray for that because when the Muslims when they conquered Rome and Persia etc, etc. So many lands were conquered people spoke different languages. People did not know the foreign everybody did not know the Quran. And at that time, you didn't have mishaps available and CDs available and all of the stuff available that the person she wishes to learn you can just go on the internet and start learning No.

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So he appointed one out of every 20 houses to be an Islamic school.

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And those people who used to teach they were given a wage from the Betamax

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because they were performing What if for key fire, they were performing a foreign key fire

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And if this work is not done, if this work is not done, then how will Islamic knowledge spread? How? How will it spread?

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We see that so many scholars, they were not Arabs, they were not Arabs, originally Mr. Rouhani was not an Arab, he wasn't.

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So we see that, because he made the system, he set up the system.

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And people were given a wage from the vital man.

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This is why the work increased, its spread so much.

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We say that everybody should be a volunteer, that's good. Everybody should be a volunteer, but many times volunteers, they lose their spirit.

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It happens with so many people, they start their work with a lot of zeal. And eventually, they say, I don't want to do it anymore. Besides, I'm only volunteering, I can walk away whenever I want.

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But if somebody is employed, then what happens they become more serious about their work. And as we discussed earlier, there's more chances of honesty, there are more chances of honesty.

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So when I'm an ER llega, they also get a share from this account.

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Now, what if a person wants to do something for the sake of a loss penalty?

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Is that wrong? Should he definitely take a wage? No, it's not an obligation.

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However, those who are taking it,

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they should not think that those who are not taking it or doing something better, those who are not taking it, they should not think that what they're doing is much better than those who are taking away.

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Because a choice has been given a loss of panel data has said this year,

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just as when people are traveling,

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we are allowed to fast or not fast.

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So a person who was fasting in his journey, he should not consider himself to be more biased than those who are not fasting.

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Similarly, a person who is not fasting, he should not consider himself to be more biased than the person who is fasting. Why?

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Because both options are permissible. Allah subhanaw taala has got both of these options.

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Similarly, over here, a person is allowed to take a wage from an Islamic organization for the service that he's providing.

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And he's also allowed not to take the permission is there, whatever you are comfortable with whatever your situation allows, you do that, if you want to do it only for the sake of Allah and you don't want to take any penny for it. Why? Because you want all of your reward reserved for the Hereafter, you're more than welcome to do that.

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And hope for more reward from the last panel data as we learned, those who strive in the way of Allah with their wealth and also with their self. That's definitely adonijah that is higher. However, if a person is taking a wage, at the same time, he should not consider that. Maybe what I'm doing is not that righteous, it's okay because Allah has said a share over here will Amina Allah.

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So those people who are offering services for the dean,

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they are performing a funky fire, they are allowed to take a wage as long as what it conditions. It's not fixed in the sense that it's not a condition to their offering their services. Similarly, there should be no greed for it.

At-Taubah 53-63 Word-Analysis and Tafseer 60

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