Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 01 – L014B

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of learning from past events and moments in the Bible and showcasing humility and servitude to oneself and others to achieve their goals. They stress the importance of respecting parents and not rushing to do something for them, as well as setting rules and regulations for one's life. The conversation also touches on the mythical meaning of " miskeens" in the context of the conversation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are you initiated by the Regina Smith? or him?

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A number 83.

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One 100 namikawa. Albany is law.

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And recall when we took the covenant from the children of Israel

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from these verses, another aspect of the history of the Bani Israel is mentioned.

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So far, we have studied about the various events, the various incidents that took place in the history of Bani Israel in wish there was a lesson for the present day Bani Israel as well as the Muslims.

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From these verses, a las panatela mentions about the covenants that were made between the Bani Israel and Hamas.

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The promises that electric from the Ministry and how they went against those promises, how they broke the covenants that they made with a loss.

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And the purpose of this is not just to inform us of what happened. But rather, in these verses, there is a big lesson for us that we make promises with Allah soprano data as well. When we claim to be believers, there are some things that we must do as believers. So we need to analyze ourselves. What are we doing? Where do I fall? Allah tells us and sort of use of it number 111. locker, the canopy kasasa him are able to tune Leonel. And there were certainly in their stories and lesson for those of understanding.

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So those people who study with the Quran with understanding, they do so with the intention of gaining lessons for themselves, reflecting upon their own behavior, and not just studying the verses as a mental exercise. So when we study these verses, again, don't just say, Oh, look at them, what did they do?

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But instead we should see, what do I do?

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as a believer? There are certain things that are imposed on me as well. What do I do?

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What is a hardener, meetha Kobani Islam, meaning old Kuru. Also remember this urbani is surreal. When we took the covenant with you, the word mythique is used for a covenant, as we have studied earlier, that it is from the root letters Well, they're off from the word without, which is used for a rope with which a prisoner is tied or with with someone is tied. And so me fap is called me because the person who makes the covenant, who makes the promise, who makes the contract is tied up

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is tied up with what he must do with what He has promised to do.

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What he has promised to do, it is mandatory upon him to do so now. And remember that mythique is a covenant that is formal, that lays responsibility. And it is also made firm by an oath that is worn upon it.

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So it's not just an art, it's not just any promise, but it is a mitzvah what is a hudna mythical Bani Israel.

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And this covenant in particular, it enjoined upon the Bani Israel it clauses as we will see in the verse

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when he is ill children of Israel is like he was a title of Yaqoob and his son and his children does not only refer to the sons, the males, but instead it refers to the entire tribe of the Bani Israel.

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So, here we will see the clauses of this particular contract of this particular promise that was taken from the Bani Israel.

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And we will see that many of these commands are also those which have been given to us as the Muslim owner.

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We will see a lot of similarity a lot of resemblance between the teachings that were given to the Bani Israel and that have been given to us today. Why? Because the source is the same.

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Allah Subhana Allah is the one who commanded them, and he is the one who has also commanded us. Now how was this covenant taken from the Bani Israel

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through the Torah, through the Scripture, and also through the messengers?

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So what are the clauses of dismissal

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the first class letter

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Guna in the law, you shall not worship except Allah. This was the first clause of the promise. Letter buena. buena is from Reba, I bear that. And revita is worship. And literally, the word provided is to show humility and servitude to someone

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to become small, in front of someone to become humble. In front of someone. The word is from the same route, which is used for asleep, because a slave is humble and small, in front of his master, he does whatever the master tells him to. So over here, everybody is worship. What does worship mean? that a person obeys a law, that a person does not disobey a law

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that a person humbles himself, in front of Allah, that a person listens and follows the commands of Allah.

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And remember, that everybody is to show humility and servitude to someone out of love, and out of respect, not out of dislike, not forcing oneself, but out of love, out of respect. And when this happens, that a person is humble in front of the other, out of love and respect, then humbling oneself becomes easy.

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When a person truly loves someone, when a person truly adores someone, and he respects them, he automatically humbles himself in front of them.

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So if a person truly loves Allah, Julie respects Allah, then indeed he is going to humble himself in front of Allah.

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So over here, the bunnies are told, let our Guna you all shall not worship, you must not worship who in the law except Allah. Meaning, you shall only worship of law,

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you shall not worship an angel or a messenger, a prophet, a rock, a tree, a stone, no, you shall only worship

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and remember, worshiping Allah does not just refer to performing rituals, but it includes all acts of obedience, whether it is giving charity, whether it is sacrificing something, whether it is performing sites, or record or making their art or seeking protection, or offering some sacrifice. Riba includes all of that.

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So letter buena, Illa, meaning you're living, you're dying, your charity, your sacrifice, everything should be for a last panel data only.

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Only him none but him.

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We see from this verse from this part of the verse, that the greatest rate that anyone has that anyone deserves from us is a loss of

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the greatest rate is the rate of Allah. Why? Because he is the one who created us. Nobody else created us but him.

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He is the one who provides for us, no one else provides us except for him. He is the one who has given us everything under the harder cocoon one lady and kubla Khan and Lady janilla Kumar Alba, fuchsia

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and Nadine Haleakala calm como, Mathilde, rb, Jamie.

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So if he is the only one who has created us, bestowed us with everything that we have, then he should be the only one who we should worship and dedicate everything that we have for him.

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So we see over here, that the bunny Australia, they were also commanded to worship Allah unknown, none but him.

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And this message was not something that is new. It was a message that was given to every single oma delivered by every single messenger. Every messenger brought this message. We learned from sort of the natural eye number 36. While our partner frequently met in Wasilla, or near Buddha law, her watch

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and we certainly sent into every nation, a messenger saying that worship Allah and avoid the avoid the false gods. So we see that every people

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Every community was told to worship Allah alone. Why? Because the purpose of our existence is that we worship Allah will now Hanako Jin will insert a lallier boo and I have not created human beings and jinn, except that they should worship me.

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So the first clause was that they should worship Allah alone.

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The second clause, were bill Wiley, they in Arizona,

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and with the two parents do utmost good.

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With the two parents with both parents do utmost good.

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And while he then, is the dual of the word, it is the destinia of the word Where did where lid,

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while he then is to wallet, it's from the roof letters well, less than one of the means to give birth, to be get to be the parent of someone, where lead is one who gives birth, or one who is the parent of someone.

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And while he deign to who gave birth to or two, who are parents to someone.

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So while he then refers to the mother, and the Father, the two parents, the two who gave birth to

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the two who gave birth to you. So very widely then with the two parents, meaning the mother and the father, what should you do? Your son?

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You should do utmost good.

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The word your son, we have done the word mercy Nene earlier wasn't as Eden, Marcin Merson is someone who does your son, and your son is from her son has seen noon. And her son means beauty, to be handsome, to be beautiful.

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And if someone is to beautify something, to make something beautiful.

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And when it comes to actions, your son is to beautify one's actions, one's behavior, one's dealings. How is that done?

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Remember, your son is not other

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other justice is that someone does good to you. And you do good in return? Both are the same. Both are equal. That is that

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if sad is that someone does good to you. You do extra good to them.

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If Stan is what does it include,

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to do extra good,

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which is why the word Your son is understood in several ways.

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First of all, your sign includes doing good generally.

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Secondly, it includes giving more than what the other person deserves.

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giving more than what the other person deserves. For example, a person has been okay to you. I mean, there is no better relationship between you to your son is one that you give a smile to them. Don't just pass by them.

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Because one is that you don't say anything bad and you don't say anything good. Why because the other person has not done anything good to you has not done anything bad to you is that you take the extra step and you do more than what they deserve you give them a smile.

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Similarly, a person has never said Salaam to you, what should you do? You go say Salaam to them.

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It is to do good, more than what the other person has done to you.

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Then thirdly, your son is that when someone does bad to you do good in return.

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When someone does bad to you, what does exam mean? Do good in return, do good in return to the bat that someone has done.

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For example, a person has been very harsh to you has shouted at you and when you see them, what is your son, but you smile.

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This is what your son is.

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And remember that air sign is done through several ways. It is done through speech.

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It is done through speech through power kind words.

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Similarly, your sign is done through actions.

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Your sign is done through actions.

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Their sign is done through a person's wealth by being generous to the other. It is done in several ways. So over here, the bunnies trader tool. Were bill Whaley daily Arizona with the parents do axon. What does it mean by that? We all know that our parents have done a huge favor.

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Since they've given birth to us, they have taken care of us. They have spent countless nights a week, they have spent countless hours looking after us. They have sacrificed so many things for our sake, they have spent the hard earned money on our clothes, on our diapers and our food.

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So we know that our parents have done immense good to us,

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your son is not to return that good, but to do more than what they deserve. Now, one thing that we must understand is that we can never ever return the favor that our parents have done to us. Never, never, ever, hardly ever, people get the opportunity to serve their parents, the way that their parents have served them. And even if people get the opportunity, what happens many times, people don't do the best that they can. Whereas the parents, they will go to so many lengths in order to take care of their children, they will sacrifice so much out of happiness. You see, when a child has to do something for their parents, it seems like a chore. But when the parent has to do something

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for their child, they do it out of so much joy.

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They do it out of so much, you know happiness. So over here, law tells us don't just return their favor. But what we're supposed to do is we're been validating if Santa with the parents do their son do extra good, because they have been extra good to you.

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We see that the first right is of who have unless.

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And the second rate is a rule that we see over here of the parents. Now the question is, how do we do a son, with our parents?

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As we learned earlier, that your son is done through several ways through speech through actions through wealth, so first of all, their son to parents is done through one's speech?

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Through the words that we speak to our parents, what does it mean? That when we speak to our parents, be respectful, use honorable words, lower our voices in front of them, not shout in front of them, not answer back. Similarly, when we speak to them, don't be very commanding, as if you're instructing a servant, as if you're instructing someone was much younger than you.

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Similarly, not shouting at the parents not saying off to the parents. This is all included in

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through speech.

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Allah tells us in the Quran in surah, Bani Israel is number 23. Walk our dog buka. I lead our Guru in a year, and your Lord has decreed that you do not worship except him. Well, Bill Wally Dany Arizona, and two parents good treatment meaning Allah has also enjoined upon you that with your parents, you must treat them good. In my opinion, one Noreen deckel, Kibera a huduma Oklahoma, Fiat akuna, Houma, ofin,

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whether one or both of them, the mother, or the father, or both mother and father, reach old age, when they become old when they're with you. Do not say to them as much as

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do not even say off to them.

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When do we say of

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when we have to hear too much when we're given too many instructions, or when we're not allowed to do something that we want to do? A lot elders Don't even say of

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one Latin or woman and do not repel them. Do not call them. We'll call the Houma Cole and Karina, but speak to them a noble word, respectful words, when it comes to talking to your parents. What do we learn from this? When it comes to even speaking with our parents, we should speak in a respectful manner.

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Many times we see girls or children who are in their late teens or in their early 20s or late 20s. And they're treating their mothers or their fathers are servants.

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They want food to be cooked. They want their laundry to be done. And their mother is literally like a servant at home, doing everything in the house and when the children come, they can't even give a smile to them.

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They go straight to their rooms, close their doors. I don't want you in. I'm doing my own work.

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When it comes to speech, your son is that we should speak to them with respect

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Not shouted them. speak to them with a voice that is normal, with words that are respectful, being decent, being considerate, when it comes to talking to them.

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What else is included in to the variance when it comes to speech, what comes to your mind?

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don't have the voice is very important. Talk to them, as you're talking to your parents. Someone who is older, someone who deserves respect, someone who has done HUGE favor esteem.

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If someone does any favor to us, we respect them so much. The way the parents have favored us have been kind to us. Nobody has done that.

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What else is included?

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saying good words, sweet things to your parents? Not harsh words. Again, you have cooked this food, I don't like it. Why do you keep cooking this, this is not respectful. Good words.

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to parents through speech includes talking to them.

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Just talking to them,

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just talking to them. That is also a sign to parents. Especially when they're alone, what happens we get so busy in our lives, we don't have time to even give them a call.

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Even when we're at home, they're trying to make conversation with us. And we say you're in another world. I'm in another room.

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And we don't even try to talk if you don't even try to talk. How are you going to develop a relationship?

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Asking advice from them.

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Express your appreciation expressed that you appreciate what they have done for you.

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taking their permission is what comes in talking to them. So first of all, explain to parents is through speech.

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When it comes to talking to them, using honorable words, being low in our voices, not shouting at them. Not saying off. Not saying words that would hurt them. Not saying words that would displease them, that would upset them. Because your side needs to be considerate of the other. Being civil, being kind being generous.

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Then explain to parents includes doing your son to them how through actions when it comes to actions.

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For example, cooking for them, not expecting them to cook for us. Cleaning for them, not expecting them to clean everything for us.

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All of us were sitting over here for quite a while.

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All of us have gone through many years in school.

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We have been exposed to cooking, we are able to clean, we are probably more physically able to do the work that our parents the age in which they are in are not able to.

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They spent their youth training for us cooking for us. And we in our youth expected they still cook for us and clean for us. We don't even want to help them when they're working. So if signing actions includes cooking for them, cleaning for them, ironing their clothes for them, not asking them to do everything for you.

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It includes pressing their feet, giving them a massage, driving them, booking their appointments, making the offer them

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making the offer them is also included in expressing your son to parents, when it comes to actions. What comes to your mind.

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How can you do your son to your parents? through your actions? How can you do that?

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responding to them, sometimes our calling and shoveling out our names. And we're just visiting what we're doing. We can't even say yes, I'll be there in five minutes. Making them your friends. That is also very important.

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going out with them having some fun with them doing something together, just as friends do.

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For example, if they're not doing something properly, they're doing their work to them in the most respectful way. Body language, body language. This is also in actions. For example, our posture, the way we stand against them the way we look at them.

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That matters a lot.

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Sometimes our looks can just hurt them so much our expressions can hurt them. There is a verse in the for unsane verse in sort of any Israel and number 24 in which Allah says what field lahoma Jenna has only Minerva and lore to them. The wing of humility, out of mercy. What does that mean? That become humble in front of them. Don't stand up arrogantly in front of them. Yeah, say whatever you want. I'm not gonna listen to you. No.

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That's not your son. It's an towards parents is the

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humble and pasture.

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Similarly, walking behind them or walking with them, not ahead of them so that they're racing to catch up with us. Sometimes as a family, people go maybe to the grocery store to the mall, the children are like, fine, we'll see you later. And the poor mother is walking by herself with the forefathers walking by himself with the grocery bags in his hands. And the child is busy with his iPad or his phone,

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making the offer them, which is the next part of the eye that I quoted in sort of Bani Israel is 23 to 24, who are poor rugby or ham Runa cannot be any soccer and say, My Lord have mercy upon them, as they brought me up when I was small.

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When I was small, they had so much mercy on me, they were so kind to me, they were so affectionate towards me, they took care of me, you will take care of them, you have mercy on them. Because really, we, we cannot return the favor that they have done to us ever. Just the fact that your mother gave birth to you, you can never ever suffer so much pain to pay her back. Never, you can never give birth to your mother, you can never become equal to your mother never.

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So we'll call Robert ham, who may come out of any severe praying for them when the parents are alive, and also after they have passed away.

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That's also a very good point that many of us were living over here, our parents are not in the country, they live in another country. And doing exactly that would be keeping in touch with them.

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Similarly, another thing that we can do is giving sadaqa for them, I mean, further kajaria, so that they get the reward, do something good. So that a las panatela gives that reward to them. Because whatever as a child, whatever good deed you do, the reward goes to the parents as well

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as other criteria for your friends.

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Another thing that we must do when it comes to doing excellent parents through our actions is obeying them,

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obeying them,

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listening to them, doing what they tell us to do, doing what they ask us to doing what they request us.

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Many times, our parents tell us some things which don't make sense to us, which are completely against what we want to do. That happens with everybody.

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It happens with everybody, there is always something that our parents want us to do. And we don't feel like doing it, or we don't like to do it, we don't see the logic in it.

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But if you take your parents advice, as long as obviously it is according to the Sharia, of course, that's a condition that is understood, you will never regret,

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you will not regret.

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Many times, you will find people who will say I did this because my parents wanted me to and I don't regret. I see the benefits still today.

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Because our parents know us better than we know ourselves.

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So listening to them, taking their advice, doing what they want us to do. And even if sometimes it doesn't make sense to you, you know, just make your intention that Oh Allah, it doesn't make sense to me, but I'm doing it because I just want to make my mother happy through this action.

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You have told me to do X and to my parents, as excellent, my parents aren't listening to them. And you make this beneficial for me.

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So obeying our parents, listening to our parents doing what they asked us to do, doing grocery for them, doing their work for them, doing their chores for them, not expecting them to do everything for you. This is also included in your sign.

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Another way of doing your sign is through wealth,

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through the wealth that we have been given. So if the person's parents are needy, if a person's parents are needy, it is mandatory on the children to spend on the parents.

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If they're needy, it is mandatory on the children to spend on the parents and fulfill their needs. And even if the parents are not needy, still, it is the responsibility of the children to spend whatever they can on their parents, whenever they can on their parents. Sometimes, our parents, they don't want anything from us. They have everything. And if you get something for them, they're like, why are you doing this? I can get it myself. But why do you do it? To show that you appreciate them to show that you care, to show that you love them to show them that you saw that thing and you thought of them to show them that you saw that thing and you thought that they would benefit from

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it. So that's why you got it.

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Of course they could afford it maybe they have much more money than you do. But getting something that they like even if it's something as a candy or a chocolate bar or some retail, you know something that they like

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something that they enjoy getting that spending on them

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This is also something that we can do. There is an eye on sort of Bukhara 215.

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Yes, aluna cama De Palma and factum, in hiding fairly well he they,

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they ask you or Prophet sallallahu sallam, what they should spend

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the Sahaba, they would question the profits are allowed. So then what should we spend? Who should we spend it on when it comes to charity? What would it say? Whatever you spend of good is, first of all, for the parents,

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first of all, for the parents.

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Now, it is understood, obviously, that if a man is responsible for his parents, and his wife and his children, then he should be just when it comes to spending he should spend on his parents, and he should also spend his family mean, he should not neglect either. Because many times when people begin to spend on their wife and their children, they completely forget their beds. Similarly, when they begin to spend on their parents, they completely forget about their wife and their children. The person should be just so doing exante parents is also done through well.

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Just think about it, what is it that your mother likes? What is it that your father likes, could be something very small, something that costs only $10 $5, you could buy it from the dollar store, you can sometimes do it. It's a way of expressing

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whatever that Allah has given you use that to show that you appreciate them.

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Over here in particular Whalley, then when it is one who gives birth to you. So while he then in particular refers to mother and father,

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but obviously, if it's if this is the etiquette towards one's biological parents, then, you know, by extension, it applies to grandparents, parents and law, so on and so forth. But mainly over here it is for the parents.

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I was just thinking when we have to respect your parents through our actions, a lot of people said like neglect for them in this world, like while they're alive, and after they passed on. And I just remember one time I went to the graveyard with my mom, and she wanted to see my grandmother's grave. And so with her, she had a water bottle, and she was sitting by the grave, and she had her hand on the grave, and she poured water on it and just picking the weeds and the thorns were like poking her hand and everything. And I was watching her, and she was crying, and she was making the law. And I just thought that she can do this after her mom has passed away, because she did that while her mom

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was alive. Like in the world, she gave her mom water, she cleaned for her, she cooked for her, she respected her. She sat there and talked to her. And now she's not in this world. And my mother is still doing the same thing. So something in the lumber, and it gives us a very important lesson that while they're alive, while they're with you, do what you can do it. Don't wait. You know what I'm older than I'll do this. When I'm done with my work, then I'll do this. You know, when I have children, then I will do this Don't wait. You never know when your chance might end.

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As those people whose parents are not alive, and they wish to do something for their parents, they wish to see their parents make them smile, but they can't.

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Or bill Wiley painting Arizona, do what you can to make them happy today. You never know when your chance might be open.

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Then another way of doing your son to parents is through one's status through one's position.

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What does that mean? When people they grew up, they go into their own professions begin certain privileges, they enjoy certain positions, certain ranks, for example, a person becomes a doctor, a person becomes an engineer, different positions that people enjoy whatever position that you enjoy, use that to benefit your parents

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use that to benefit your parents. For example, if a person is a doctor, and their mother is sick, what is

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that a person goes to the mother's house and sees her over there instead of her going up to a clinic and waiting over there for hours and hours in the lineup and then seeing the doctor finding. I mean if her child is a doctor, the responsibility of that child is that we should go and see his mother when she's sick. So through whatever that we enjoy, whether it is wealth, or any position, any status, any special membership or someplace anything that we have. It is our responsibility to help our parents to do good to my parents to that benefit that Allah subhanaw taala has given us there is a hadith that is mentioned in ohare in which to live and Irma. He said that I asked the prophets of

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Which action does Allah love the most? Which action is it that Allah loves the most? And he replied, prayer at its proper time.

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Praying Salah, at its proper time is the action but Allah loves most, then are the lemon aroma. He asked then what and the profits that are the hardest and replied, kindness to parents. First is the help of a law, then is the half of the variance.

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So will will validate me,

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I was thinking one way of doing a sign with the parents also is to give value to what they spend on you. For instance, they buy you something put it to good use, they send you to a certain school where they're paying fees for you make the most of being there being in that class. Like there are students who come to our class Alhamdulillah. Sometimes they don't necessarily want to come to this class, but they're here because their parents want them to. And if you're not making the best use of this time, while you're here your parents have still spent on. So do assign with them. Part of doing a song with them would be to make the most of the place and their time and give them worth of their

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not wasting their money. They're sacrificing so much to send you so that you can study so that you can benefit. Similarly, children are sent to college abroad to study and what do the children do, they don't study, they don't make the most advantage. And the parents back home, they have spent so much money just to get their children a good education. And if we don't value the fact they've spent so much on us, this is not your son.

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Now that our focus is on rabada, which is one of the deeds that colossal panda loves grainfather on time, it's the best feed in the sight of Allah. The second best is doing your son to the parents. Don't make your mother stand in the kitchen for hours and hours just making food to satisfy your palates. Do something to help her as well. Make her work easy as well, so that she can also do it.

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Because one person could be standing there alone, and spending hours and hours and if she has a helper, that work could be done in less time. So help your parents don't neglect them. Don't forget to do something for them.

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In Shall we continue the rest of the let's listen to the recitation.

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What is

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in law

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to soccer

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the lesson

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100 Namie FERPA Bani Israel and recall when we took the covenant from the children of Israel, in joining upon them, that first of all, let our Luna de la you all shall not worship any except of law.

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Secondly, we're bill Worley they need Santa and with the parents do

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treat the parents with kindness.

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And we were discussing about what your son is towards parents, their son towards parents is expensive, expressed in several ways through one's words, through one's actions, through one's well, and also through the position or the status that a person enjoys.

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Now, the question is that why should a person do exam upon his parents? Why?

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Why is the right of the parents after the right of a loss of data?

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The first thing we're told is do not associate any with Allah give the right of a lot to him. And secondly, give the right of the third student Why do xand with events.

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A loss of panel data made them a way for us to come into this world. So basically, if it wasn't for our parents, we wouldn't be here. So the parents, they're the ones who looked after us, so therefore, they deserve

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Allah subhanaw taala loves us and cares for us. And our parents are the ones from all of the human beings who love us most and who also care for us.

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even though a person may think that no, my mother doesn't love me as much as my friends love me, but this is the love that your friends have for you. It is temporary. It's incomplete and the love that the parents show to their children, it cannot be compared with a lot that a person's friends can show to him.

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We learn from the Quran, instead of the Look man, I number 14.

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Allah subhanaw taala says, what was signle insane everywhere today hemella to omo who workman Allah what mean? What you saw the roof era enniscorthy initially, while he while he is a young Muslim,

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and we have enjoined upon men care for his parents, meaning we have made it mandatory upon the human being to care for his parents. Why? Because his mother carried him when he was in the womb of his mother, increasing her in weakness upon weakness, months and months, days and nights. A mother spends burying the child inside her body, increasing her only in weakness. And then his weaning is in two years after the birth of the child, she's feeding the child, two years. So Allah says, Be grateful to me, and also to your parents. So what do we learn from this ayah that we are supposed to do our son towards our parents? Why out of gratitude,

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to express gratitude to them for all the favors that they have done to us. Even if we may disagree with them on many things, even if we dislike them, just the fact that they have done huge favors on us. They deserve some kind treatment from us. They deserve some from us, because they have done huge favors to us.

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And many times people don't understand this, until they themselves become parents. When they become parents themselves, then they realize the importance of their parents or how much effort the parents have done upon them.

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So we learned over here that doing your son towards a variance is something that is mandatory. And the opposite of your son towards parents is do things. The opposite meaning of a person does not do xand towards parents, it could be two things. One is that a person is bad towards them. He treats them harshly, he is rude towards them. He treats them with harshness and crudeness. So one is that a person is bad towards his parents instead of doing your son.

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And the other is that a person does not do his son, he neither does your son, nor does he treat them harshly. What does that mean?

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What does that mean?

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He is neither doing Exxon, nor is he treating them harshly. But what is he doing?

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Nothing. Even that is against the command of a loss.

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A person cannot be indifferent towards his parents. indifference towards parents is not doing a sign up on them, which is against the commandment.

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So we cannot say, I'm not rude to her. I'm not rude to him, I'm not answering back.

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But if you don't talk to them for days and days, that is also against this command of a loss.

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So what we have been told that we have to do, and if we don't do a sign, it could take shape in two ways. One is that a person is harsh towards them is bad towards them. And the other is that a person neither does a sign, nor does he do evil towards them. So in other words, he's indifferent. being indifferent towards parents is also something that we're not allowed to do.

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And just a few statements of some of the companions with regards to doing your sandwich parents.

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Even our basketball did argue, he said, Don't shake off your clothes. Meaning don't shake your clothes in the presence of your parents, so that the dust falls upon them.

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Just imagine

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they consider this to be excellent as well.

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Because right now, we cannot really imagine this. But previously, when people used to live in the desert, you go outside and you come back home full of dust. So a fan is what they don't even check your clothes in the present so that the dust reaches them. They get covered in dust.

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What is that compared to shouting at parents

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but they consider this to be against itself.

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Similarly, I should have around her she said that the one who looks at his father with a harsh Look, the one who looks at his father with a harsh look, is not being righteous is not being inclined towards his father.

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So what does it mean? That even when it comes to looking at our parents, we should look at them with love, with respect, with kindness, with interest,

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show that you're interested in them.

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Many times parents are talking and we're looking here there.

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Many times this happens show that you're interested.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala says whether

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and the possessor of close relationship. What does he mean by that? This is the third clause of the contract, promise that was taken from the Bani Israel, that they must also do a fan to words, their close relatives. The word the means possessive. One who has something, one who owns something so possessor of what, one who has what alcova quarterback is from the reporters off the

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or means closeness.

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What does it mean?

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closeness, newness.

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So the quarterback, or they are who those who have closeness to you,

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those who have closeness to you.

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Meaning, those who are close in relationship,

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those who are close in relationship. And primarily, this word applies to those relatives, who are close to a person how by blood

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from either the mother side, or the father side.

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So for example, the torba includes siblings, it includes children, it includes grandparents, it includes uncles, and aunts, and cousins, all those who are related by blood, either from the mother side, or the father's side.

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This is what we'll cover first.

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And it is said, that closeness in relationship, it goes up for generations. And it goes down for generations. What does it mean by that?

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So they'll cover includes your parents, your grandparents, their parents and their things.

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So if a person in his lifetime, he has the company of his parents, his grandparents or his parents, grandparents,

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then what should he do?

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He should also do your sign upon them. He shouldn't think they're not my parents. They're not my grandparents. No.

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The Oba includes closest in relationship goes up for generations. And it also goes down for generations. What does it mean by that? That it includes a person children, their children, their children and their children, for generations, up and down.

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and by extension, the Oba includes not just the four generations that are above or below, up or down, but also their siblings and their children. For example, your parents, their siblings, so your uncles and aunts, as well as their children, children, their children, their children and their children.

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A question is, how are you going to do your son towards your relatives? How?

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Through speech, first of all, how

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talking to them,

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talking to them? Sometimes you might say, that antiquated never seen her, no matter how am I supposed to talk to her, even if it's something as small as if your mother is talking to her on the phone. And if it's eight or Ramadan, you can just speak to her for less than a minute and say, Ramadan, Mubarak, or even

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just something as fun as that.

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But to show that you are using your words, to, you know, be good to them in some way or the other.

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Then by respecting them.

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Many times, when it comes to talking to our aunts, or talking to our uncles, again, we don't speak to them with respect.

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It's possible that they may be doing something that is wrong, that may be something that is forbidden, but still because they're your relatives. They deserve respect. Because they're older, they deserve respect. Similarly, when it comes to talking, don't argue, don't compete. This is also absent.

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Similarly in Epstein is that if a person

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And learns about something good, something beneficial, what should he do?

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He should share with the relatives, he should share with his children, they should share with his siblings. And this is relevant to all of us over here sitting in this classroom. Because we learn something every day, something new, something beneficial, it is our responsibility as xand towards our relatives that we must share that with them.

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So one is a sign towards relatives through speech. The other aspect is through actions, what is included in action.

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Giving them that comes in wealth,

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actions, helping them out, sometimes you have younger cousins who need help with schoolwork, helping them out, visiting them, visiting them. Sometimes our relatives live in the same city in the same city, we don't see them for months and months. I've seen it with my own eyes. We don't speak to them, we don't visit them. Why? Because they never come to see us. They never call us that's not

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a fantasy is that you do more than what the other person is doing.

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What else is included in your standards, relatives through actions,

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body language, also sometimes helping them out with some physical work. For example, if your cousin is getting married, and your aunt needs some help with backing the gifts or you know doing some shopping or something, then you should help them out. Because if we don't help out who is going to help out, especially living in the West, where we don't have many relatives to help us out. Where the Muslim community itself is small. I mean, we need the support of other people. People become so lonely, they become depressed over here, despite the fact that they have their relatives living the same city, in the same province in the same country. But because people don't need each other.

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People don't help out each other, they don't participate in each other's lives in each other's things that are going on. People, you know, they really suffer. What else is included in actions.

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Sometimes, if they're sick, if they're not feeling well, their sign includes cooking a meal and taking it for them really doing their grocery for them. This is a sign to his relatives, through actions

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to wealth, giving gifts, this is also included and also through the status that a person enjoys. Now, primarily there corba refers to those relatives who are related to you by blood

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through the mother's side, or through the father's side.

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But by extension relatives includes not just those who are related by blood, but also those who unrelated to us through marriage.

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So first of all, it refers to those relatives who are related to us by NASA, by blood. Secondly, through marriage. So it also includes in laws. It also includes in lawns and by enlarge it doesn't mean that the girl has to do everything for her in laws. It's also the boy who has to do everything for his in laws. It's both ways. Okay.

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You might say we are guilty right and industrious. Many of you are mothers as well.

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So if Sam towards parents and then they'll corba towards those who are relatives, then the fourth clauses that are signed towards the uttama towards the orphans while he uttama though the atonement is a third of the way the a team

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it is a plural of Yeti and Yeti mugs from Yeah, the mean.

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Yeah, me up.

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YouTube literally means to get caught when something is cut off.

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And what YouTube is also used for someone who is alone.

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Individual alone.

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So who is the Yeti? Yeti was an orphan.

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Why is an orphan Kalia team?

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Because they don't have parents. They're alone. And sometimes what happens is the orphans they are cut off from the relatives or from the society. They're just sent to the orphanage. They're not a part of the normal society. Technically, the idea team orphan in Islam refers to that child. It refers to that child who hasn't yet reached the age of puberty.

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Who hasn't reached puberty yet? and his father has passed

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So whoever your team,

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a child hasn't yet reached the age of puberty, and his father has passed away.

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And this child could be male or female, it could be a girl or a boy.

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So what do we learn from this? That if there is a child who, whose father passed away, but then when he turned 20, when he turned 25, will he still be considered an orphan? No.

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An orphan. A child is called an orphan only until he hasn't reached puberty once he reaches puberty is not an orphan anymore.

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Okay. Also, if there is a child and his mother passes away, is he a teen? No. Because a a team is who a child whose father in particular has passed away.

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Sometimes we consider that it is both mother and father have to be that in order for the child to be called an orphan know, if the Father has died, then the child is an orphan.

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And some scholars do say that your team also applies to a child whose mother has passed away.

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But the majority opinion is that it refers to the one whose father his pastor,

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because if you think about it, when a child when the Father has passed away, what happens if the mother doesn't work, she becomes a single mom, she becomes dependent on others, many times the family procedure into marrying again, which sometimes it is in her own benefit. So what happens to the children, what happens to the children, they're looked after by the grandparents, or then the uncle, or then some other family. They're bossed around from one family to the other.

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So yatala are Who? The orphans. So over here, Allah tells the bunny Australian that they're also supposed to do a sign to words yet.

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We see over here that the first strike was a who

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have lost planet Allah.

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And Allah subhanaw taala has done huge favors to us. The second rate is mentionable

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of the parents and the parents, although they have done huge favourites opponents. The third rate is of relatives and their relatives as well. They show a lot of favorite us in many different ways. Our siblings, our children, our uncles or grandparents, they do so much to support us so much they help us. But now Allah says, Do sand towards orphans,

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do expand towards orphans, who are orphans, weakest members of the society who have not done any favor upon us. But what does Allah want us to do? Give the rights of those who give us and also to those who do not give us

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give to those who can benefit us and also give to those who cannot benefit us?

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Now the question is, why should a person do their son on end?

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Why should a person do x an annuity or an orphan?

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It benefits us in the hereafter. Why? Why does the team deserve kind treatment? Why?

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Because they don't get a lot of favors from people. For example, if there's a child who is going up in value, and his father is there, his mother is there. They're going to make sure that he gets proper education, that he gets proper training. He's been loved. He's being cared for. All of his needs are being met. If you want something, if he wants a toy, he is given that toy. If he wants to laugh, if he wants to play, there is somebody there to play with him to laugh with him to give him attention. An orphan is a child who is lonely

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and orphan is a child. Nobody really looks after him. Is there a mother to look after him? Is there a father to get his favorite toys? Take him out taken out for a dry, laugh with him play with him? No. So it is the responsibility of the entire Muslim community, to give love to the orphan, to give love to the orphan.

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You know, sometimes when you see children, in their own families, they're literally people are fighting to play with the child. The mother wants the child the father wants a child. The uncle wants the child. The grandparent wants the child. The aunt wants the child. They have so much love for the child the child deserves so much attention. One person is feeding him and other person is massaging him and other person is getting his favorite food, taking him out for a walk and an orphan child. Does he get all that attention?

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Who is there to give him that attention

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if he is fed, that is a big deal, let alone somebody just looking at him with love.

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So it is the responsibility of the entire Muslim community to look after the orphans,

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and in doing so, and towards the team towards the orphan, besides doing a sign with the pole, with the feral, with the male with words with actions with wealth, what is specially included is, first of all, dealing with them with gentleness and kindness and generosity.

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Many times orphaned children, because they have not been given proper upbringing, they have not been provided with proper upbringing, you will see that they are rude in their behavior, or they don't listen or sometimes they become stubborn. It happens or they're not been given that much love, they become rebellious. And what do people do? The foster parents are the people who have adopted him, they think that it's okay for them, to pick the child, to scold him to shout at him to punish him and so on and so forth. Where as we learn from the Quran instead of to her einem runnign. Allah says unmanly idema, finance that alcohol

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as for the orphan, do not oppress him

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Do not oppress the orphan and in oppressing the orphan. What is included is not letting him speak or shouting at him, or hitting him beating him up.

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Amalia tema, filata. Calm to the first way of doing it, Sandra was the orphanages dealing with them kindly, with gentleness with generosity.

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There's a hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that I and an orphans Guardian mean the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the guardian of an orphan. What does it mean by the guardian of the orphan,

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the one who looks after the orphan, you can see in terms of we understand who adopts an orphan,

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such a person, whether he is a relative or a non relative, but doesn't matter

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whether he is related to the orphan, or he's not related to the orphan.

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So I and an orphans Guardian will be like these two in general.

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And Maliki when Anissa was narrating this Hadith, he indicated his index and middle fingers.

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Now, these two fingers, they're so close to each other, they're joined to each other.

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So the prophets that a lot of them and the person who looks after the orphan properly, how will they be in Jannah.

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next to each other.

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This is the reward of looking after the orphan.

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And unfortunately, this culture or this tradition, has been completely eliminated from the Muslim community.

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You hardly ever see a house in which an orphan is being taken care of.

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You hardly ever see a house in which an orphan has been adopted, hardly within the Muslim community, you don't see that. But the reward of that is so great, it is huge. And there is no shortage of orphans. Today,

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there is absolutely no shortage of orphans today, there are many, many orphans. And there are so many ways of helping orphans today, you know, so many companies through which you can sponsor an orphan $1 a day, things like that really is $1 a day difficult for many of us, it's not. So first of all, what is included in doing your son towards the orphanage dealing with him kindly.

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The second is protecting and taking care of the wealth of the orphan,

01:03:58 --> 01:04:16

protecting, looking after, and taking care of the wealth of the orphans. Because remember, that whenever a person dies, his wealth is to be distributed amongst the heirs properly. And one of the main heirs is the children of the deaf person.

01:04:17 --> 01:04:21

So what they have inherited must be given to them.

01:04:22 --> 01:04:50

And if they're too young, for example, if a child is only seven years old, only 10 years old, even if he's only 15 years old, can you look after an entire business, they look after the bills and the house and everything you cannot. So what is the responsibility of the community that they should preserve that well, they should look after that wealth until the orphan has grown up and he is able to manage the wealth himself instead of taking it all and using it themselves.

01:04:51 --> 01:04:57

So we see over here that a lot of panel data has protected the rights are the orphans

01:04:58 --> 01:05:00

and it is the responsibility of

01:05:00 --> 01:05:08

Found the Muslim community to take care of the orphans. What do you think about this, looking after the orphans, what comes to your mind?

01:05:09 --> 01:05:10

You haven't said anything with regards to.

01:05:12 --> 01:05:26

So this teaches us that we should be more grateful towards our parents, towards our relatives, that they're alive to look after us. They're alive to look after us. Just imagine if they weren't there, what would we do?

01:05:27 --> 01:05:48

I'm sure many of you have heard about children who have grown up in foster homes, how they are pushed and rotated from one home to the other, to the other to the other, between family members, and between those people who are not even related. And what happens to these children, they're exposed to so much violence, so much cruelty, and it affects the personality of the children.

01:05:49 --> 01:05:56

This is also very important that during our sanctuaries, the orphans, includes teaching them to be

01:05:57 --> 01:06:11

teaching them the deed, because there are so many Muslim orphans, that are not taught today. And they're being looked after by people who are not Muslim. Why? Because there are no Muslim people who are there to look after them.

01:06:12 --> 01:06:17

How many people do you know who have orphans in their house?

01:06:18 --> 01:06:20

Is there anybody who knows about a family who's looking after an orphan.

01:06:23 --> 01:07:03

So there is a sister in Calgary that her husband passed away when her children were young. So she has this feeling that she wants to help orphans. So what she did was that there's a lot of orphanages in Ethiopia, whether they're Muslim, but what happened is that the Christians are caring of them. So basically, they're just going away from the beam. So this is her, she has this plan, like she asked people to donate, but nobody has enough money. So what you do is that we work in cleaning, to just raise the money. And when we got the money, we sent it to Ethiopia,

01:07:05 --> 01:07:06

we could do something like that, as well

01:07:07 --> 01:07:39

do something, raise money to help the orphans because sometimes we are unable to help them. Because the situation that we're in, because we cannot have an orphan living in our house for whatever reasons, getting an orphan child all the way from Ethiopia, going through all that, you know, paperwork, it's difficult. And how many children really can you have in your house, it's difficult, but you can do something, to provide them a nice warm meal, to provide them with a well with clean water.

01:07:40 --> 01:07:45

So, there's so many things that we can do, when doing your son towards the orphans.

01:07:47 --> 01:07:53

We see very few Muslims involved in such activities. The prophets are a lot of sort of himself was an orphan.

01:07:55 --> 01:08:06

When Allah says while massaging, and those who are needed, this is a fifth class of the mythique that also do exam towards the needy people.

01:08:07 --> 01:08:17

The word Messiah keen is a plural of miskeen and miskeen is from the root letters seen calf noon, seen calf noon second,

01:08:18 --> 01:08:20

second a means to become still

01:08:21 --> 01:08:28

What does it mean to become still second muskan sukoon all of these words are from the same room.

01:08:30 --> 01:08:41

So miskeen is a person who is poor, and his poverty has made him still his poverty has made him a mobile,

01:08:43 --> 01:08:51

he has needs that are unfulfilled and because of those unfulfilled needs, he is a mobile.

01:08:52 --> 01:09:02

You see, when a person has Well, when a person has money, he can afford a car, he can afford to travel. And so, he goes from one place to the other.

01:09:04 --> 01:09:10

Similarly, a person when he has Well, he increases in his wealth, he grows in his wealth.

01:09:11 --> 01:09:18

But miskeen is a person who is still why because of lack of wealth, because he does not have money.

01:09:20 --> 01:09:25

Now there is another word which is used for a needy person, which is the word that is for please

01:09:26 --> 01:09:33

forget it is also used for poor person. But for someone who doesn't have anything at all. For

01:09:34 --> 01:09:39

someone who doesn't have anything, he doesn't have any means to fulfill his needs.

01:09:40 --> 01:09:59

But miskeen is a person who has some thing, some of whose needs are fulfilled, but all of his needs are not fulfilled. This is where muskiness but when only the word miskeen is used like over here, then miskeen includes the 4k as well as in the scheme.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:09

includes the person who has nothing. And it also includes a person who has some, but not everything. All of his needs are not fulfilled.

01:10:11 --> 01:10:12

So who is the miskeen?

01:10:13 --> 01:10:14

Can you give me some examples?

01:10:15 --> 01:10:19

From this definition? Can you think of some examples, so muskiness

01:10:20 --> 01:10:32

doesn't have enough money to buy food, okay, for example, a person is able to pay rent for his house, but he doesn't have enough to pay for guess what else.

01:10:33 --> 01:10:55

Sometimes people are working as laborers with a very low wage, and they have a huge family to support. And the money that they make is really not enough. Really, it isn't. Sometimes the person is making only what is equivalent to a few $100. And all they can afford is maybe just basic food.

01:10:56 --> 01:11:13

I've heard stories myself where people have not had meat in days and days and days. Why? Because they cannot afford to buy any meat. They cannot afford to buy milk. Forget yogurt, forget cheese, forget salads, forget cookies. basic food.

01:11:15 --> 01:11:21

miskeen also includes a person for example, who does not have a job, who has been fired, but cannot find work.

01:11:23 --> 01:11:30

Similarly, it includes a person who, because of his old age, or because of his sickness, he is not able to work.

01:11:31 --> 01:11:35

Since similarly, it includes the woman who does not have somebody to support her

01:11:36 --> 01:11:55

doesn't have a son doesn't have a husband doesn't have a father. This also includes miskeen, as long as some of the needs are unfulfilled. So over here, Allah tells us that also do a sand towards who towards them a second, you should take responsibility of taking care of them.

01:11:56 --> 01:12:11

And remember, your son is not just done by giving some of your wealth, it is done by talking to them, by listening to their story, by giving some importance to them, by showing that you care,

01:12:12 --> 01:12:41

sometimes visiting them in their own house. There are so many families over here. So many old women over here, even in this country, who are just stuck in their houses, they're old, they're alone, and nobody visits on for days and days old age, nobody to drive them around, and they're stuck at home miskeen in mobile. So what is your son, go meet them, Go clean their house, go to groceries over there someday. This is what your son is.

01:12:43 --> 01:13:15

waku and you all say this is a sixth clause of the of the contract, that you all say nasty to the people who smell good. Gulu is from code what is called mean speech. So you must speak to leanness and the word analysis includes all people, all mankind, not just a man, not just a women, not just the elderly, it includes the children as well. And analysis includes those people who are believers, as well as those who are not believers.

01:13:16 --> 01:13:26

And NAS includes everybody. So when you speak to people, no matter who they are, how should you speak? how

01:13:27 --> 01:13:39

it should be beautiful speech, the rehearsal is from hassy noon, and her son is beauty. So, what does it mean by speak good to people.

01:13:40 --> 01:13:41

What does it mean by that?

01:13:42 --> 01:13:48

You see, speech is beautiful, or speech is good, what it is good in two ways.

01:13:49 --> 01:13:57

First of all, when it is good, in its style, in the manner in which a person is speaking,

01:13:58 --> 01:14:01

the manner in which a person is talking.

01:14:02 --> 01:14:04

Can you think of some examples,

01:14:05 --> 01:14:13

good speech when it comes to style. When it comes to manner, when it comes to the way of speaking, what is included in that?

01:14:14 --> 01:14:17

Same please and thank you, that is a person that is good.

01:14:19 --> 01:14:22

being respectful, in the way of talking, what else

01:14:23 --> 01:14:41

being soft spoken, not being too harsh, not being too loud, not shouting out the words, being gentle. Being soft spoken, it doesn't mean that you should whisper that the other person finds it so difficult to listen to you being eloquent. What else is included?

01:14:42 --> 01:14:45

This includes listening. What else?

01:14:47 --> 01:14:59

If a person doesn't understand once instead of getting upset, repeat what you have to say. So basically, speech is beautiful when it is good, first of all, in style. And secondly, in content.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:39

In style, and also in content. So for example, in style that a person speaks with gentleness with softness, not with harshness, a person is not rude when he's speaking, the loudness or the volume of the voice is also appropriate, not too low, not too loud. Because sometimes if we're shouting or screaming, we could really turn the other person away, we could turn him off. Similarly, sometimes when people speak, sometimes in talking, they're being very sarcastic. Right? So sarcasm also should be limited.

01:15:40 --> 01:15:45

Similarly, sometimes, when people are talking, they're joking all the time, everything is a joke.

01:15:46 --> 01:15:53

Everything becomes non serious. The other person is trying to talk to you about something that is very serious. And he's just joking about it.

01:15:54 --> 01:15:57

So in style, this is very important.

01:15:58 --> 01:16:06

Similarly, when we're talking, we shouldn't whine too much. We shouldn't complain too much, or talking like children.

01:16:08 --> 01:16:35

Because it could be very annoying to others. Sometimes, it is a habit of you know, children, and whenever they see their parents, they start whining. Everything is perfectly fine. But as soon as your mother even if you're 15 years old, people just switch to whining mode, they switch to being a child mode, and to start speaking my children. So in style, secondly, in content, what does it mean by good speech when it comes to content?

01:16:36 --> 01:16:40

How is speech good in its content?

01:16:42 --> 01:16:54

Okay, no vulgar language, no swearing, use kind words, use appropriate words. You can't say, I hate you with a smile on your face, no kind words.

01:16:55 --> 01:17:15

Similarly, truer words, just words. Similarly, in a language that the other person understands, this is so important for those people who are bilingual, whose grandparents speak another language, and they speak another language. But sometimes we're talking to our grandparents

01:17:16 --> 01:17:23

in the language that they understand. And all of a sudden, we switch to English, and they don't have any idea about English language.

01:17:24 --> 01:17:57

Sometimes, even if the parents, or the grandparents or the aunts or some relatives, if they do understand the language that you speak, they find it difficult to understand. So being slow when it comes to talking, not speaking too fast. Because if we talk too fast, sometimes we don't understand. And when they ask us to repeat, we get upset. Sometimes this falls under style, that when there are so many people sitting and you want to talk to one person exclusively, and you begin whispering in their ear, this is what this is how

01:17:58 --> 01:18:02

other people feel bad about what's going on what's being whispered.

01:18:03 --> 01:18:12

Sometimes we say something that is very negative, very upsetting, and we say, I was only joking. Come on, don't be so serious. You didn't mind right.

01:18:13 --> 01:18:21

Similarly, in content, what is included is being clear when it comes to speaking, not being ambiguous.

01:18:22 --> 01:19:09

Some people they want their speech, or they want their language to be decoded all the time. They can't talk clearly. To say what you mean. Conan, Conan said either to say it out, make your life easy and make my life easy. Similarly, relevant speech, when it comes to talking, speech should also be relevant. What we're talking about should also be relevant. Sometimes the person is asking us about where did you put that particular dish? And you're like, didn't you cook the food? They're asking you about something else. And you say something completely different. So only Nancy hustler. It includes beauty in style, as well as content, both should be good, both should be appropriate.

01:19:10 --> 01:19:19

There's a hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Men mankind, a human who believe he will Yeoman FET failure. Cool. Hi, Ron, Olia Smith,

01:19:21 --> 01:19:29

whoever believes in a line the last day, then he should either say that which is good, or he should remain silent.

01:19:30 --> 01:19:35

Either you should say something that is good, or you should remain silent.

01:19:36 --> 01:19:37

And this teaches us one more thing,

01:19:38 --> 01:19:52

that sometimes we're just talking and talking and talking, and the other person does not want to listen at that time. He's tired of listening the entire day. And we're talking and talking and going on and going on. So what happens that become very annoyed.

01:19:54 --> 01:19:59

Similarly, we're talking about things that are very irrelevant or when we're talking to other people.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:29

We're talking about things that are not true. Or it has backlighting in it, as lies in it. So this is also against gudinas. Arizona. Also, we have to consider that sometimes we're very, you know, nice and sweet, and, you know, appropriate when it comes to talking with strangers, or when it comes to talking with our friends, or just people who are at the workplace. But when we're at home, it's a different person.

01:20:31 --> 01:20:41

We speak to our friends in a completely different way. And if let's say we're talking to our friends on the phone, and another call, just like what we screen out, we shout out.

01:20:42 --> 01:21:00

similarity. Sometimes we're involved in something that is very important, we're doing our homework, trying to memorize a lesson. And what happens, somebody calls us, or a sibling comes to us, or a mother calls us or a child comes to us is going to disturbing me again, or we say something very nasty.

01:21:01 --> 01:21:21

So we have to make sure that when it comes to speaking, good, who are the recipients of our good speech, not just strangers, but a nurse, and a nurse includes those people who live in our house as well? Those who are our family members, or those who are, you know, younger than us, or in any other way?

01:21:23 --> 01:21:35

Her question is that sometimes when you're driving your go somewhere, and you stop at the traffic lights, and there are people who are begging, what should you do? whoever they are, they're begging, they're needy, they have some needs that is unfulfilled.

01:21:36 --> 01:22:07

A lot of Ireland what that need is, it could be a need of buying drugs or something like that. So one of the best things that you can do is when you're going to a particular area where you know, you will find homeless people have some food with you. For example, a packet of cookies, a packet of chips or something like that, and give that to them. Don't be harsh, kulula, nasty Hersman even when you're talking to them, even if they're begging and begging and harassing you. Don't be harsh when it comes to talking.

01:22:08 --> 01:22:54

And also one more thing, that speech includes general conversation. And it also includes, especially when a person is conveying the message of the to others. When it comes to talking to others about the deen discussing something during the hour, then we should be especially careful about our speech. Remember that in doing Dawa, it gives us no justification to be rude to the other elders in the Quran, where dad in whom bility arson, and argue with them in a way that is best suited to 125. What does that mean? Don't be harsh, don't be rude. Don't be violent, be respectful. Don't insult them, don't humiliate them. Because the moment you insult the other person, even if what you're

01:22:54 --> 01:22:58

saying is true, they have taken their defense and they're not going to accept what you're saying.

01:23:00 --> 01:23:37

So Michael, what you said about you know, we see people like that are needy and asking for money. A lot of people just don't get money because they think that all they're gonna do is like buy drugs or alcohol. So one day, I'm traveling somewhere, and we saw this guy and he was begging for money. And so my dad just kept on driving and knew my little sister, like no one Turn around, turn around, because we felt bad. And so what he did was like, eventually, like after we begged him, he turned around, and then it took us like 10 minutes to find the guy again. And so then my dad, he rolled down his window, and he was like, there was a McDonald's across the street. So here's like, follow

01:23:37 --> 01:24:05

us to the McDonald's. And then we get to McDonald's, and he told me and my sister to stay in the car. And then he got off and he went and like bought him whatever he wanted to eat because he had a sign saying I'm hungry or something like that. And then the guy who was just truly hungry like he told my dad, he had a like in three days and he was like praying for who's like May God bless you and things like that. So don't hold back because of something like that because a lot only like looks at our intentions.

01:24:07 --> 01:24:16

That Allah says what he was saying and perfectly established us for now and this was a six times that you must also establish the Salah.

01:24:17 --> 01:24:35

And remember establishing Salah includes performing the follow regularly, properly with consistency at its proper time in the proper manner. So whichever form of Salah was prescribed upon the Bani Israel, they were ordered that they must establish the Sunnah as well.

01:24:36 --> 01:24:41

And Salah includes the mandatory solar as well as the voluntary solar.

01:24:42 --> 01:24:59

We learned sort of earlier in one eye number 43 where Maria Maria has said that she was addressed yeah Maria makuuchi Dr. Becky was Judy will carry mercury or Maria Medina Hassan was from Bani Israel. Be devoutly obedient to your Lord.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:24

prostrate and bow with those who bow. So, we see that there was also a concept of praying together in the ministry. So, a famous Allah established a certain meaning worship together in congregation what else are they required to do? What is that guy and also give this a and this was the the eighth Class A famous I was the seventh one and the eighth one

01:25:27 --> 01:25:43

is from the root letters they calf yeah or well and literally means purification and it also means good. As we have discussed earlier, the cat is the portion of wealth that Allah Subhana Allah has made mandatory on a person to give.

01:25:44 --> 01:25:49

Allah has made it mandatory on a person to give that particular wealth away.

01:25:50 --> 01:26:46

And Allah soprano data has decided as to who gets that, well, who gets that portion? So the bunny is trying we're also told give the cat to who do those people who deserve it. But what happened? This was the covenant that a las panatela took for them. What was their reaction? Unless as some matter when needed, but then you altering the way? What does it mean by filmer? That after sometime after accepting this mythique and after abiding by it for some time? What did you do the one later? Later later is from well, lamb Yeah. Wild lamb? Yeah. The one there yet I wonder, which means to turn away from something. But in particular, this word is used for physically turning away from something.

01:26:47 --> 01:26:48

What is it used for?

01:26:49 --> 01:27:00

Physically turning away from something and it's also used for turning away from something and leaving it behind one's back? What does it mean by that?

01:27:01 --> 01:27:26

It's not in front of you. You don't see it anymore. And you have walked away from it. So thumb matter when NATO but then you all turned a way Illa Alina men come except just a few of you. So you see over here Allah does not generalize those people who lived by them he felt they were appreciated.

01:27:27 --> 01:27:30

Except just a few of you, who remained firm underneath.

01:27:31 --> 01:27:43

But the question is, some matter when later on you turned away. Who does you refer to? You refer to the Bani Israel including the Bani Israel at the time of the profit sort of audience.

01:27:44 --> 01:28:00

Including the money Australian at the time of the profits are not isn't as well as those afterwards. Because the mythique it was still in effect. But they did not live according to the minister in academia.

01:28:01 --> 01:28:08

And Allah says what unto Marylebone, while you all are those who turn away. Maria Luna is a Florida more

01:28:09 --> 01:28:10

from iron raw, but

01:28:11 --> 01:28:16

and more is one who does evolve one who turns away from something

01:28:17 --> 01:28:19

when you turn away from something.

01:28:20 --> 01:28:30

Now we see over here, that Allah is used returning away. And there is another word involved, which is also used for turning away, right? What's the difference between the two?

01:28:31 --> 01:28:43

As we discussed earlier, the one that is that a person turns away from something physically, and he leaves something behind his back, he walks away from it, he doesn't face that thing anymore.

01:28:44 --> 01:28:54

So love is when a person turns away from something, either physically or with one's heart. What does he mean by that with one's heart

01:28:56 --> 01:28:59

that a person is not interested in something anymore?

01:29:00 --> 01:29:03

He has no interest in it anymore.

01:29:05 --> 01:29:16

So what does it mean by this? Some matter when later on, in academia, men come what untoward? You don't. And you all are ones that turn away. What does it mean by this?

01:29:18 --> 01:29:56

That you physically turned away? Meaning you left it behind your backs, you walked away, and we're under more illusion, and you have no interest in it, either. Because sometimes you need something but you're still interested in it isn't. You leave something, but you're still interested in it. You still think of doing it sometimes. Over here, you left it? You abandoned it. You walked away from it. And you are also not attached to it with your heart. You have no interest in it anymore. Either. We're uncomfortable.

01:29:58 --> 01:29:59

What do we see? What can we learn from this?

01:30:01 --> 01:30:04

We learned many, many lessons from this race.

01:30:05 --> 01:30:20

The main thing that we see over here is that a truly religious person is the one who gives the rights of Allah. And he also gives the rights of people of the creation of

01:30:21 --> 01:30:23

the first half is a rule of laws

01:30:25 --> 01:30:29

that are Bududa in law, and then the rest of the people come.

01:30:30 --> 01:30:55

Many times, we think that being religious is being religious is just worshiping, just going to the masjid, and not caring about the poor and needy, not being respectful to our parents. And many times there are others who think being religious is about serving humanity. I mean, prayer, it's not that important. We see this extreme within the Muslim ummah.

01:30:56 --> 01:31:07

But we see over here in this ayah, that there is a perfect balance. That truly religious person is the one who gives the right of Allah. And he also gives the right of people.

01:31:08 --> 01:31:31

We see many people who established a solid, they're very particular, but they don't care about their parents. They don't care about giving charity, they don't care about helping the orphans, helping the homeless, having a food drive, feeding the hungry. Similarly, we see people who care a lot about the orphans, who are very involved in social work. But when it comes to them, they think that it's unimportant.

01:31:32 --> 01:31:42

When it comes to studying the Quran, they think it's unimportant. They think that what they're doing is the most important thing. But we see that both are equally important.

01:31:43 --> 01:31:47

Similarly, many people, they focus a lot on giving sadaqa and giving charity.

01:31:48 --> 01:31:56

But when it comes to giving the cats calculating the cat, they don't do that. They just make a rough estimate and they give that

01:31:57 --> 01:32:11

for the cat. It's the amount of wealth that matters, there is no specific time, as long as a person has a particular amount of wealth for a particular length of time, then he has to give Zakat on it regardless of the age.

01:32:12 --> 01:32:18

Also we learn from this ayah that Allah Subhana Allah is very just

01:32:19 --> 01:32:22

and he appreciates the good that people do.

01:32:23 --> 01:32:46

Over here, Allah says somerleyton in left column income, then you alternative way except a few of you. So even if there are a few people who are obeying Allah, who are worshipping Allah, who are following the commands of Allah, they are rewarded, even if there are a few, because a lot of panel data is very just

01:32:48 --> 01:32:56

the next verses they talk about another contract. Another new fact that was taken from the Bani Israel.

01:32:57 --> 01:33:01

We will listen to the recitation of it number 83. And then we'll continue to do

01:33:03 --> 01:33:03

what is

01:33:14 --> 01:33:14


01:33:34 --> 01:33:36

two in Bali

Al-Baqarah 83-91 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 83

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