Taimiyyah Zubair – Fahm al Qur’an Juz 19

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of pursuing Islam, learning about its teachings, following God's commandments, and using faith in Islam. They stress the need to avoid harms and regret behavior, as well as the natural rhythm of the night and day for healing and building a spiritual foundation. The importance of practicing peaceful words and praying in the night, as well as avoiding negative behavior and not criticizing people for past mistakes is emphasized. The history of Islam is highlighted, including the importance of learning the Quran in Arabic and the use of the word Islam in Arabic, as well as the need for people to be humble and aware of its history, as well as avoiding mistakes and staying calm during class.
AI: Transcript ©
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You know,

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him for a

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long, long, long.

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Long long. A long

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a long

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a long, long, long,

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long, long, long

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a long

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way. Love

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said I'm already co working with ally America too. How's everyone doing today?

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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah So did you add new glass to your routine yesterday because we have studied something new yesterday.

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Did you build on your the analysts?

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Yes Alhamdulillah and that's great. All right. So inshallah Today we are going to talk talk about something amazing as well. But before that, just wanted to share one more thing about there is that Alhamdulillah last minute Allah He listens to all our doors, and he accepts all others. But Topanga the way he accepts them is something amazing as well so just wanted to go over some of the points to do with that. So that inshallah we make our with full conviction and we stay happy about it, and then inshallah we never ever forget about making the rounds because that is one easy way to do worship Alhamdulillah we are asking Allah for our needs, yet we're getting rewards so that what can

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be better than that panel up. Alright, so I'm going to inshallah share a few points from that. And then we're going to move on and talk about our today's topic. Alright, so I really want all of you to jot down some references because inshallah we're going to add some more things more than what we have got

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you know inshallah in our book for the better part as well and also this there are part so let's begin properly inshallah.

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In that hamdulillah anathema the ruin is there enough, who was the federal one I will do Billahi min Soo Ji and Pacino. women say Dr. Molina, Maria de la velomobile Nana mama you Bill Ruffalo. Hi Deanna, but I shadow Allah. In Allahu after who actually Color Eyeshadow Anna Muhammad Abdul rasuluh all the way Lang Muna Shea upon ergy Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Rubbish Rafi sorry for your silly Omri wash. No La Plata melissani have only been added now I know a lot more popping up Ed. May Allah give us the correct understanding of the DI And may Allah enable us to benefit from these sessions and May Allah get us forgiveness or give us forgiveness will give us forgiveness. This Hamadan will

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enable us to get forgiveness, the Ramadan, amin, alright a few points to do with the IRA. So Allah subhanaw taala accepts advice in many ways. So these points are taken from to our Hadees mainly, one is from telemovie Hadees number 3968. The other one is from Muslim, not Heidi's number 11133. So 1011 1133. So these two are these, they tell us about all of these points. So let's look at them. So sometimes Allah gives us what we asked for. So let's say you make the IR or Allah give me risk. And Allah provides you with risk. Sometimes Allah gives you better than that. Sometimes you're making the offer or Allah give me job at this company. But Allah gives you a job in another company, which

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is better than this 1/3 sometimes Allah saves it for afterlife. So you don't get what you were making the offer, but it is saved for you for hereafter. And about that we also learned that you know, people would wish that you know, our the US wouldn't have been answered in dunya and we would have enjoyed more in alpha. And fourth Allah always sorry, sometimes Allah, a word a calamity. Fourth one, sometimes Allah awards a calamity. So maybe you're going through some or some calamity was supposed to come to you, or you were going through some tough times and you were making to offer something else. But that calamity which was not even related to your daughter, that is a word

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because we adore Subhan Allah and sometimes a lightspeed since so one of these five things happen every time you make. So can we abandon the island? No, we need all of these things. We need some time.

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Something right away sometimes we need something better sometimes we want or actually all the time we want something in the hereafter and then a calamity awarding part is something we really really really need. Even these days inshallah a bigger calamity, and then inshallah expiation of sins would be the best. May Allah forgive us all. So today's topic is shadow Vicar, the month of remembrance, what is remembrance? Why do we remember Allah? And what is this bigger all about? Many times, we don't understand this and but Subhanallah if you just remember one thing, that when you are in love, what happens? You want to listen to that person, you want to talk to that person, you want to think

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about that person, isn't it, and you want to and some people when they're, you know, when they just get married, or when they just get magnified? And they keep on checking the textbook or, you know, text messages, they keep on telling them emails, they keep on checking, did he respond? Did she respond? So this is like when you're in love you remember someone we claim we love Allah, but sadly, maybe it is not true. Because if we really love Allah, then we should remember him all the time. We should be happy to talk to him, we should be ready to remember him we should be you know, always there to to you know, defend him always there to please and always there to praise him. So this is

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remembrance of Allah in a nutshell. So let's move on. So who remembers Allah? According to the Quran? Allah subhanaw taala tells us the intellectual ones they remember law as it comes into the name Ron Andrew 191 and levena Yes, una lucha, a young Rocco Odin, why don't obey Him, who remember a long while standing, or sitting, or even lying on their sides. So they remember a lot all the time. And this again shows us if we love Allah, we will remember him. If we love someone, we remember him. Or we remember her. You know, sometimes we miss our parents and specially here away from them. So we we keep on remembering them, no matter what we're doing. Even if you're eating,

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they're like, I wish my mom was with me. And even when we're buying something, you're like, I wish I could show this to my mom, isn't it. And when we experience something, we want them to experience that as well. Whoever we are now when we remember them all the time, this is like a normal thing. It's not something strange. And this is the kind of love which we have for people. So how about for our Creator, he deserves a higher level of love. So we should remember him all the time. That is a requirement. So let's see what we learn from a Hades. So Subhana Allah when it comes to remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala This is something which is very important for a true believer. And a true

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believer is never unmindful of Allah, even for a moment. And he remembers Allah all times, all the time, especially while fasting, His heart is more inclined towards Allah. And he draws closer to his Lord, by consciously remembering Allah at every position. And also loss of our asylum. He used to remember a lot constantly as well. And he urged others to do the same. So once this man who came to Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam, and he said, Yasser Allah, I know that the commandments of Islam about upon me are many, like there are many deeds to do their many tasks do I know about them, but tell me the one that I may practice diligently throughout my life. So tell me something which is

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easy I can do in my life, what sort of law sallallahu Sallam replied, keep your tongue always moist with the remembrance of Allah. So this is something you can do easily and easy to do tasks and Alhamdulillah we have studied a lot of what are already in this Ramadan, especially we understood a lot with SR Dania. So you must have been making some to do items for yourself or some checklists for your action points. So sometimes they overwhelm us sometimes we think it's too much to handle then inshallah at least you know, add one more thing to routine which you were not doing before. add one more liquor, add one more way to remember Allah add few more Gar few more, a few more there is

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inshallah. So this is the this was the recommendation of pursuit Allah sallallahu wasallam there is another beautiful Hadith which talks about fuel car and their reward Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he said, Whoever said

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in Lama who was the hula sharika the whole world COVID our hand, well, who are the militia in Korea 100 times in one day, he will get the reward of really intense leaves and 100 good deeds will be written for him and 100 bad deeds will be forgiven, and he will be saved from the tricks of shaytan until the evening and on the Day of Judgment, no one will bring better deed than this part from one who has recited this even more times to Allah so no one would

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Have more good deeds than a person who has said it 100 times a day unless someone says it more than 100 times SubhanAllah. So this should be a must for us now, at least this record and 100 times is not a lot we can easily divide it over a day doesn't mean you have to sit in one go and say it in one sitting, you can divided over a day like 20 times in the morning 20 times after is over 20 times before us or whenever you get a chance inshallah. So the victor La Ilaha Illa, Allahu Allah, who will actually ricotta the homolka 101 wide acquisition. And also in the same narration, the pseudo la sellers and I'm told us about the significance of saying Subhan Allah He will be handling 100

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times. So when we say Subhan Allah, He will be handling he 100 times a day, our sins will be forgiven, even if they are equal to the product of the sea, the form of the sea Subhanallah ever seen the form on the seat? It's a lot right, so Pamela, but if you're going to make make this bigger, we're going to be forgiven to panela so let's just look at some to do items. Keep your tongue moist with a vicar of Allah. And it's not hard to do if you really love Allah insha Allah and the regular with your morning and evening with car. So I hope you all know about what you're going to start in book and app by alhuda so if you don't have the book, please get it and hamdulillah we

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have the PDF version available as well and we can request a sasara to upload it on our course portal. So that if you don't have it, you can get it from there. It is good to have the book form as well. You know, why not? And we also have the app so you can download the app Don't miss the car before sleeping and also as car after waking up until I'm gonna show you a few amazing ones in a bit. are also don't forget Pew uscar which are authentic after again they're three which I know of and after sala uscar don't ever mystamp of car before leaving home and entering home as car before meals and of guard before meals like Bismillah and after your meals there are different ones and

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hamdulillah Sr sodashi inshallah will share that with us as to sorry can you please share the link for the PDF here as well that will be really sweet a few which is awkward okay because yeah, the name of the app is what he are going to spend I'm going to show you the visual in a bit so you can ensure look for it online as well. And then do a search bar with different akar and memorize the new in Salah occur to power up your Salah because Angela, we know our Salah, and I hope that we pray Our Salah regularly and beautifully but inshallah in order to make it even more beautiful if you can memorize a few more uscar for your Salah, because even for solo solo last person did not stick to

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Subhanallah virada and some hanabi roggeveen he will do more than that. So we also need to step up a bit this Ramadan Rama has a few more car and you will notice the style of these car as well that you know in soju the earth car style is more like forgiveness type. Like we're asking Allah to forgive us even in our sujood and that is the most beautiful thing to do. And in ruku it's more of glorification type of cars inshallah, please include them and something which is most beloved to Allah is these four amazing occur. The most beloved words to Allah are for what are they Subhana Allah what hamdulillah were either ill Allahu Allahu Akbar. There is an Subhana Allah when we say

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them, there is no harm in starting with any of them so we can start with any of them. Are they our, you know in shall any task

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Subhan Allah he would handle in a way that you know in the lower level, and also they are a shield from Hellfire for us. What else do we need to pan Allah? So Rasul Allah sallallahu Sallam told to harbor hoodoo genetica manana. Take up your shields from the hellfire. And then he told them to say Subhan Allah when hamdulillah when ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar and about them, he said, verily, they will come on the Day of Resurrection as saviors and as guardian angels and they are righteous deeds everlasting. The ones we talked about in Surah Toka have one about the auto sorry had the deeds will which will remain are these deeds are uscar and about law, in the law, we know that it is

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the best form of wicked and about Alhamdulillah we know it is the best according to an authentic Hadees and Suppan why he will be handy he Subhana Allah and Ozzy is heavy on our skills. And this is another beautiful so now to revive. I'm just going to show you easy way on the next screen, just jot down the reference from here. You can look for the Hadees later inshallah. So whenever a solo boss or is that um, he would wake up or when he woke up, I won't say whenever. Okay, so once he mentioned Shara that he came to Irish or the LaWanda and I

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Her by with Rasul Allah service and I'm began when he woke up at night like, what did he do first when he woke up? So she replied, You have asked me about a thing, which no one asked me before, and then she gave the routine. So what was the routine? Allah what pretend times, so when you wake up as a rule, you can do this Allahu Akbar 10 times Alhamdulillah 10 times. So Panama he will be handling he 10 times Subhanallah medical produce 10 times are stuck for a lot and times they're either in the water 10 times and a lot more in the arrows will be coming the dunya with the EPA yamaoka Yama or Allah I seek your refuge from the construction of this world, the narrowness of this world and also

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the narrowness and construction on the day of standing such a beautiful era. So we're asking a lot for what no construction no heaviness, no hard life, no humiliation that's another meaning of the law save us from the humiliation of this world and the next and we have like set this to off from all of us. And handler such a beautiful way to begin our morning. Okay before we go to sleep, you know sometimes you feel sad, especially in Ramadan that you know, I would have stayed longer I would have done more than 100 bill there is a record for that. If you're going to say this before going to sleep. It is as if you're doing a bother all night. So what is the vicar alarm Islam to Nazi lake?

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Allah I submit myself to you. Well, we're just to what he laid and I turned my face to you. But for what to Omri LA and I entrust my affair to you this is a beautiful statement you know sometimes when we are too busy and you know we have so much to do, we can't even sleep you know it's on our mind but when we say this that I have all Allah and leaving my matters with you, you can help me sort them out. So Hannah, so that is a beautiful one. And then I'm just going to give you the screen just take a screenshot you can read the transition on your own sister thing is here's inshallah we're going to stop right here to panic Alomar behind deca eyeshadow Allah ilaha illa and as that will

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cover Adobe Lake as ceramide eco la Mandala you wabarakatuh

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settimane como Rahmatullahi wa barakato

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are the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala Saudi Hill Karim rubbish rightly saw the way a silly MD workflow looked at a melissani of Kahu Poli Allahumma Have you called me was said deadly Sani was through the Hema to Colby Armenia Robben Island mean

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just number 19 suitable for con we're color Levine Allah yo Joon Alico, Anna Lola en Zilla Allah in al-mulla equal to O Nara burner, la casa de stackable roofie and foresee him we're at our router when Kabira and those who do not expect the meeting with us say why we're not angels sent down to us? Or why do we not see our Lord, they have certainly become arrogant within themselves and become insolent with great insolence.

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We see in this verse, that people who do not believe in the Hereafter, who do not even imagine or expect that they will one day meet Allah subhanaw taala such people demand that if God is there, then how come we do not see him? That if angels come down to the messenger? How come they don't come down to us and tell us that he is the Messenger of Allah, or in fact, tell us directly what is being conveyed to us through the messenger. So it is made clear here that such people do not make such demands out of a genuine need or reason. They're actually demonstrating great pride. They're being very audacious and bold. They're not asking this from a place of genuine curiosity, but from a place

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of arrogance from a place of denial and contempt. Yo my your owner Mila eco tala Bushra Yama either lil moody mean way or ko Luna Hadler Maha doula, the day they see the angels, no good tidings will there be that day for the criminals? And the angels will say, prevented and in accessible, meaning Yes, one day they will see the angels. But that day is not going to be a day of good news. It's not going to be it's not going to be sad.

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at all, finally, you see the angels, rather the angels will bring upon them punishment and Wrath of Allah. And so they will be told, prevented and in accessible, meaning you can no longer do what you have been doing now Your time is up, and that Allah subhanaw taala is favor and his mercy are now prohibited upon you. And your entry into paradise is impossible, hedgerow Madura. And remember that this is going to be the day of death, because a person sees the angels on the day of death when the angels come to take their soul. Also on the Day of Resurrection, when people will be brought back to life, and in the great gathering in the hustle, and then forever onwards, but those people who live

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with such denial and arrogance, then when they will see the angels, the angels will not bring them good news, they will bring them punishment. And so they will be headed on Matura meaning that now they will be caught, they will have lost all their freedom, and they will be unable to escape. We'll call them now, Ilana army Lumina Amylin fudger Allahu hubba, a man sola, and we will regard what they have done of deeds, and we will make them as dust dispersed, meaning whatever great things that they accomplished in the world, whatever progress they made, however advanced they became all of their achievements, all of their accomplishments will be blown away turned into dust, meaning none

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of that is going to benefit them on the Day of Judgment. The thing is, that this world and everything in it belongs to Allah subhanaw taala, including us and whatever there is at our disposal. So if a person works in this life without a man, without following the way that Allah subhanaw taala approves off, then such work will be worthless on the Day of Judgment. Think about it. If you study the wrong book for an exam, if you do not follow the rules of the game, then you're dismissed, your efforts will not bring any benefit. So Abdullah bin robotiq said that these are deeds which are done for other than Allah, meaning such deeds will be blown away, they will be

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turned into dust that is dispersed Mujahid said that these are deeds that will not be honored by acceptance, meaning these are actions which Allah subhanaw taala will not accept. And these are not just people who live in disbelief and who associate partners with Allah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us, he said, I know other people from my oma, who will come on the Day of Judgment with good deeds like that of the mountain of plea Hama, meaning huge, massive collections of good deeds, but Allah will turn them into scattered dust. He said beware, they are your brothers of your skin, meaning they're human like you, they look like you. They take a portion of the night

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for worship as you do. But there are people who when they are alone, they indulge in the forbidden things, meaning they commit forbidden deeds in privacy, in privacy, they are worse than they are in front of you. Meaning they only fear you they don't actually fear Allah, when they do something good. It is just to impress people, it is not to seek the approval of Allah and this is why there is such you know, to face sadness that in front of people so pious and righteous but in privacy, so horrible, may Allah subhanaw taala protect us. So such deeds will be blown away on the Day of Judgment, they will be rendered worthless. It is said the companions of Paradise that day are in a

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better settlement, and better resting place what I say no mappila and you see maquila is the place or time of day Lula and pay Lula is to take a nap, meaning during the day, so we see that the people in paradise will take high Lula Why? Why will they take a nap? because why not? Why? Why do you take a nap on the day? Right? It's it's not because you are very sleepy or you're very tired. But this is just something that we enjoy doing when we are relaxed. So just like that, people in paradise will take a nap. And it is actually a Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to take a short nap in the afternoon, and assadullah horn who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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when he would visit his house, meaning the house of others. Then I'm Celine radula horn who used to spread a leather mat for him. And he used to take a midday nap on that lead on that mat meaning

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Even if he was not at home, he was somewhere else. If it was time for a nap, he would take a nap. But remember that a nap is a Lula is actually a very short nap. It is not that a person is now sleeping during the day for hours and hours. So we see that our beloved Masaru there'll be a Longhorn, who, when he saw that the shadows shifted from west to east, meaning that you know, meaning that people were now reaching the end of the day, Ibn Masaru little dilla horn who he would say to the people who are still taking a nap, that get up any time spent after this is for shape plan. So any person that he passed by who was still sleeping, he would wake them up. So it is good

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to take a nap in the in the afternoon. But remember that this nap should not be very, very long, because then it makes a person groggy and you know, it can also cause headaches, even when a person is fasting is how can we Abdullah said that taking Chi Lula is from the deeds of the people of goodness have a little higher, and it strengthens the heart because you see when you're well rested, even if you've taken a short nap, any it It allows you to feel at ease, so it strengthens the heart. You're mentally you know more fresh, and it gives power to pray in the night. Meaning you also find the physical strength to worship Allah soprano Darla. So it is very important that especially in the

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month of Ramadan, we take a short nap in the afternoon. Not a very long one, but a short one in sha Allah, and mentioned the day when the heaven will split open with emerging clouds and the angels will be sent down in successive descent, meaning the sky will open up and then the angels will come forth surrounding from all around. So where will people escape to? And will cuyama even unhappily rush man, true sovereignty that day is for a rush man, the Most Merciful Subhanallah only his judgment will prevail. The Day of Judgment is certainly very frightening. But the fact that the name of rock man is mentioned in this context brings so much comfort and hope that Allah soprano tada has

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mentioned his ultimate sovereignty and power over here with his name Allah Herman, the extremely merciful, meaning whose mercy encompasses everything and the 99 parts of his mercy reserved for that day. Remember, Allah subhanaw taala is more merciful to his servants than they are to themselves. So to be worthy of His mercy on the Day of Judgment, we have to do what pleases him right now. What can a Yeoman Island Katharina I see law and it will be upon the disbelievers a difficult day, meaning Allah is extremely merciful. But remember, that those who deny then his mercy is not for them. In this world, His mercy is for all but in the hereafter It is only for those who are worthy of it. And

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the day the wrongdoer will bite on his hands, why, out of regret out of anger, and we see that even in this life, when a person is extremely angry and regretful, they resort to self harm. So on the Day of Judgment, a person will bite at his own hands. What is the regret over he will say, Oh, I wish I had taken with the messenger away. I wish I had accompanied the messenger I had been on the path of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, oh, Woe to me, I wish I had not taken that one as a friend, he led me away from the remembrance after it had come to me. So choose your friends carefully, because we see that this person will have many regrets on the Day of Judgment, the first

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regret will be for not following the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that he will wish that he had followed the messenger that he had obeyed the messenger that he had not left his way. And remember, this is not just people who don't believe in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we learned that on the Day of Judgment, some people will be prevented from reaching the Prophet sallallahu earlier said, I'm at the healthcare author. And when he will try to intercede for them, it will be said that you don't know what they changed in the religion after you, meaning they learned about your way, but then they modified it. They did they change the religion. They added things to it as if they knew

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better than the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So such people will be in immense regret on the Day of Judgment. So we really need to see that how closely Are we following Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam? Is it that we are doing things as we please? Or are we doing things the way that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught and never even think of overstepping his way because we are told in the Quran led to a demo. Don't even try to get

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Ahead of Allah and His Messenger, meaning stay behind, stay behind the messenger, let him be your leader. Meaning when he is your leader, that means you follow Him, you don't come up with your own ways, you have to follow him. So people who get distracted from his way, sometimes even in the name of piety, then this will be a source of great regret on the Day of Judgment. So it is important that we learn about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, not just his life story, because when we think about the messenger sallallahu Sallam generally we only think about his Sera, which battles he participated in, or the you know, the companions, names, etc. Yes, that is important. But we also

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have to study his teachings, his habits, his manners, his etiquette, the way that he worshipped Allah, the way that he lived the Quran, and for that, it is necessary that we also study the Hadees. Because remember, the Hadeeth it is the words, which preserves the life of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, his actions, his behavior, his interactions with people. So in order to follow Him, first we must learn. And then secondly, we see in these in these verses, that this person will regret over having friends that led him away from the Vickers meaning that led him away from the Quran. The thing is, that as human beings, we all need friends, you know, we need that sense of

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belonging, we, we want those people to have conversations with, to have fun with, but sometimes a person can also get trapped within their social circle, where their friends, the people that are around them, are not really, you know, conducive to, to them, you know, achieving their goals, rather, their social circle is becoming any it an obstacle for them, that they're not allowing this person to follow the Prophet sallallahu wasallam to follow the Quran to remember it. Now, think about it. If for example, at work, there are certain people who you know, affect your, your, your productivity, meaning they constantly keep talking to you, they keep distracting you. And then you

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you see that that is affecting your work, which could put your, you know, job at risk, then you You do have to, you know, put some hard boundaries. If your child, for example, is getting distracted from his studies, because of a certain friend again, you will do something about that. But it's unfortunate that we have all the rules for our children, but no rules for ourselves. So, if someone is affecting your afterlife, if someone is preventing you from the Quran, and this is not not always directly, but indirectly also, if someone is taking you away from the Quran, from reciting it from following it, then there's a big problem here. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us

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that a person is on the on the religion of his friend. So each person should see who is it that he has befriended. Because remember, you are an average of the five people that you surround yourself with the most. So who is it that you surround yourself with? Each person needs to see that the people that I hang out with? Are they such that they helped me with the purpose of my life, which is to worship Allah subhanaw taala? Or are they becoming a hurdle

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And ever is shaped on to man a desert her and friends who are like shaitan are the same, they lie they betray, they use and then they leave they abandoned at the end, we'll call her Sue. And then to add to all of this, the messenger will say, the messenger will complain, the messenger will testify what that era be, oh my lord. Indeed, my people have taken this Quran as a thing abandoned, meaning they have abandoned the Quran. And Madura is not just something that is abandoned, but it is also an object of mockery, meaning the prophet will testify against the people who have abandoned the Quran, and this will be on the Day of Judgment. The Prophet sallallahu earlier said and we'll say can you

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imagine leaving the Quran abandoning the Quran is no small thing. In a hadith we learned that whoever places the Quran behind his back then then it will drive him to hellfire. It will push him towards hellfire. And imagine on the Day of Judgment, even the messenger will testify against such a person. The question is how does a person leave the Quran? How is it that a person makes a mockery of the Quran? How is it that he abandons it? It will kill him Rahim Allah writes that huddle Quran abandoning the Quran is in a number of ways. One is that a person does not listen to it, that they don't even bother to, you know, pay attention to its words, they don't believe in it, then it is to

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not live by it. Meaning to not regard it's lawful as lawful, it's unlawful as unlawful, because there are people who believe in the Quran, who do listen

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to it, but they only believe in it and listen to it, you know, for the purpose of worship, you know, for the purpose of just earning some good deeds not to follow. This is also a form of abandoning the Quran, then abandon the Quran is also to not be regard to its law to its rulings, believing that it is not necessary to follow the law of the Quran, that now it is irrelevant. And then it is to not reflect upon it. This is also a form of of that abandoning the Quran, to not bother to understand its meanings or to learn them. And finally, abandoning the Quran is also by not seeking she fell through it. Meaning when a person falls ill, whether it is, you know, a spiritual illness, immoral

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illness, you know, mental illness or physical illness, if a person's only seeks treatment through other things, and they don't seek treatment through the Quran, because they think oh, the Quran does not heal, then this is also a form of abandoning the Quran.

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The Quran is a healing and we must believe in that we must accept that and remember that when we tell people for example, the importance and necessity of you know, seeking therapy, for instance, then please please do not diminish the importance of the Quran. You know, people will say things like and unfortunately I have heard this for many professionals, people will say things like, if you have a broken bone, you will not tell a person to recite the Quran, you will tell them to go to the doctor. So just like that if a person has a mental illness, don't tell them to recite the Quran, tell them to go to the therapist tell them to go to the professional. This is a very unfair and

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wrong and disrespectful comparison. When we are suffering, whether it is from a spiritual illness or a physical illness, our first step should be to seek healing through the Quran. Because Allah tells us that the Quran is Shiva and to diminish and disregard the value of the Quran. Yanni This is extremely disrespectful. The Quran is not just empty words. The Quran is divine words, it is blessing words it is mobarak did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam not tell people to seek healing through the Quran? Did he not say ology hubbie? Kitab Allah? If the Quran heals physical ailments, then what do you think about spiritual or emotional wounds? The Quran certainly heals. If

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a person at the time of the Prophet sallallahu earlier said, you know, the companions were traveling and they came across the people, their leader was bitten by a venomous creature, and one of the companions just recited sort of the Fatiha and the man was healed and the Prophet sallallahu it isn't approved of this, you need to put on heals the physical body. What do you think? Will it not heal? What is in the mind? Absolutely, it will heal. So never ever diminish the power of the Quran by saying that or don't recite the Quran. Only go to the therapist. No, you go to the therapist. Absolutely you do you go to the doctor, absolutely you do you take the medication. Absolutely you

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do. However, part of your treatment plan must be the book of Allah. And if we think that the book of Allah does not heal, then this is a way of abandoning the Quran. We have so much faith in the DSM five, but we don't have faith in the book of Allah, any all of these sciences are new, they're they're still you know, they're still research being done. And we accept that and we try and we we are grateful to Allah subhanaw taala for all the things that we are learning the different techniques that we can apply, but we must not dismiss the value of the Quran because remember, the Quran is the words of Allah, who will heighten my edge Maroon, it is Colombo Ma. So understand what

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this is. And we don't want to be of those people against whom Rasulullah sallallahu earlier said him complains on the day of judgment that my people abandoned the Quran, they had more faith and trust in other things than the Quran. So encourage people make them understand the importance of therapy and medication. But don't do that by bringing the Quran down. That is unfair, and that is low. Emotion piddly he writes that every Muslim who is afraid of standing before his Lord should reflect over this verse, he should reflect deeply in order to save himself from this great calamity and make a way out of this extreme difficulty that has actually affected all Muslims in the world. And what

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is this great difficulty? What is this extreme calamity? It is the abandoning of the Quran that almost all Muslims are suffering from. So we all need to take a look at this idea, personally, that how much is the Quran really in my life? And remember

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That the healing from the Quran. It comes from its words meaning it's mere recitation, the healing from the hood on it comes from, you know listening to it, but the healing also comes from understanding the Quran reflecting upon it, because a lot of times, you know the problems that we are experiencing, they are, you know, to do with the way we think. So the Quran helps us think correctly. What Cavalli caja anally colina beginner I do one minute magery mean, and thus have we made for every prophet and enemy from among the criminals who oppose, who opposed the Prophet, but sufficient as your Lord as a guide and a helper. And those who disbelief say, why was the Quran not

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revealed to him all at once. Thus it is that we may strengthen their by your heart, see this, the Quran was not all given at once, because the Quran is meant to strengthen the heart. What does that mean? That the Quran brings strength through the heart to the heart, and we have spaced it distinctly meaning this is on purpose if Allah subhanaw taala wanted, all of the Quran could have been given to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in one day. But that was not the case. It was revealed all over the course of his life over 23 years. Why? So that it would bring him healing and strength. And don't we see this in the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam how he was

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at the beginning of the Prophet hood, how upset he used to be, how sad he used to be, how worried he used to be so much that Allah subhanaw taala mentioned in the Quran that perhaps you would kill yourself any he would almost die from the stress and the anxiety and the fear and what brought him strength. It was the Quran, it was a constant connection with the Quran. So really, we are doing ourselves a disservice, we are really being unfair to ourselves, if we seek treatment through this and through that, you know, through trial and error, and we fail to benefit from what is guaranteed, and that is the Quran. And they do not come to you with an argument except that we bring you the

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truth and the best explanation in response to it. And this is one of the wisdoms behind why the Quran was revealed gradually, because every time that people came up with, you know, a question, then revelation would be sent accordingly. Every time that the Prophet sallallahu earlier someone was in some difficulty, the guidance of the Quran was given to him to help him solve the problem. And the same is for us. The Quran is relevant till today. Well luckily, it is relevant to you, if you take it as a source of guidance. And when you will open it, you will feel as though the Quran is speaking to you. It's amazing one day you're sad, you open the Quran and the Quran brings you

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relief. One day you are wondering about how to deal with your children the way that they're behaving, and you learn such a beautiful solution from the Quran. No matter what problem you're going through in your life, you stay connected with the Quran. And Allah subhanaw taala will guide you the ones who are gathered on their faces to *. Those are the worst in position and farthest astray in their way. And We have certainly given Moosa the Scripture and appointed with him his brother had wound as an assistant. And we said go both of you to the people who have denied our signs that we destroyed them with complete destruction, and the people of nohr, meaning the same

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thing happened with them. When they denied the messengers, we drowned them, and we made them for mankind a sign and we have prepared for the wrongdoers a painful punishment, and we destroyed odd and smooth and the companions of the well, and many generations between them. And for each we presented examples. And each we destroyed with total destruction and their meaning the people of Makkah have already come upon the town, meaning of the people of Luke, which was showered with the reign of evil, so have they not seen it, but they are not expecting resurrection, meaning even when they come across the ruins of the people of the past, they don't learn a lesson. And when they see

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you, they take you not accept and ridicule Subhan Allah the Prophet sallallahu earlier said it was such a noble, respectable man, he was known as someone honest and trustworthy. And once and then when he started calling people to the worship of Allah. All of a sudden, people started calling him crazy, they would make fun of him. And this happens today as well. That there are individuals who are very respectable people are absolutely cool and perfect with them until they mentioned the Quran then they say, Oh, he's he's a little weirdo, saying is this the one whom Allah has sent a messenger. He almost would have misled us from our gods had we not been steadfast in worship of

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them, but they are going to know when they see the punishment who is farthest astray in his way. at many

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To harder illa Huwa ephah antetokounmpo alayhi wa keila Have you seen the one who takes as his God his own desire? then would you be responsible for him? Have you seen the person who worships himself? Meaning he is very, very obedient to his desire, so he fulfilled every wish. He is so obedient to his desire, that it is as if his desire is his God. He obeys his wishes as a god is obeyed. And remember, the urges of the knifes they only mislead a person, because enough Salah Amala to be su the laughs only urges a person to do what is evil, and it leads him on in corruption. Allah says in the Quran, Allah tiberian however, you lilica answer be Allah do not follow the desire

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because it will mislead you from the path of Allah. So remember, following every wish, and every desire is not self care. This is narcissism. It is selfishness, it is worshiping the desire. It is about being blind to the needs of others, being blind to one's obligations towards Allah subhanaw taala. It is putting one's desire over the commands of Allah. And this is what is being condemned over here, that a person does whatever they feel like they leave whatever they feel like they just do what they please. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that under the sky of all the gods that are worshipped besides Allah, the worst in the sight of Allah is the desire that is

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obeyed. So remember, the Muslim, the one who has surrendered to Allah is not the one who has surrendered to his desire, no, he has surrendered to Allah. This is why the Muslim will do things which the nuts does not like the desire does not like which in fact is contrary to to the to the desire. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam warned us that Hellfire is surrounded by all kinds of desires and passions, while Paradise is surrounded by all kinds of disliked and undesirable things. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that how many people are those who pursue their desires, meaning they are, they are engrossed in fulfilling their desires, and they will have on the

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Day of Judgment, nothing but *, nothing but *, which means that if we want to go to Jannah, then we have to bring ourselves to do things that we don't always like. But if Allah subhanaw taala likes them, then we have to do those things. Or do you think that most of them here or reason, they are not except like livestock, rather, they're even more astray in their way? Have you not considered your Lord how he extends the shadow, and if He willed, He could have made it stationary, then we made the sun for it and indication any, the the sun could have just been still, like, you know, fixed in one place. But the way that Allah subhanaw taala has created the system it is such

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that we see the sun moving, yes, we know that the earth is moving okay. But then you from our perspective, it's as though the sun is moving and because of that, you need the shadows and earth also shift the light also, dame's You know, it increases and decreases. And how beautiful is that, then we hold it in hand for a brief grasp meaning for the duration of the night. And it is he who has made the night for you as clothing, and sleep a means for rest, and has made the day a resurrection. And it is he who sends the winds as good tidings before His mercy. And we sent down from the sky pure water that we may bring to life there by a dead land and give it as drink to those

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we created of numerous livestock and men. And We have certainly distributed it among them that they might be reminded, but most of the people refuse except disbelief. And if we had willed, We could have sent into every city a warner, so do not obey the disbelievers would your head home be Jihad and Kabira and strive against them with it. A great striving with what with the court on because at this time remember this is a mucky Surah At this time the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had the Quran in his hand in his heart, not a not a weapon. So strive against them with this Quran. Meaning the striving of yours should be Kebede. It should be great. It should be a great struggle

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meeting the more people rejected, the stronger you should be in believing in the Quran. And in conveying the message of the Quran. Don't succumb before their threats and don't become afraid no strive with your utmost and convey to people as many people as you can. Don't just struggle to make the call on a part of your life but strive to take it to

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others as well, because people deserve to know. And we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did strive a great deal, he would go to the markets, he would walk through the tents in Minar, he would go to individuals, he would go to crowds, he would go and recite the Quran, and he would teach it to individuals, he even sent letters, he spared no effort whatsoever. And it is he who has released simultaneously the two seas, meaning all types of water, all bodies of water are not the same, one fresh and sweet and one salty and bitter. And we and he has placed between them a barrier and prohibiting partition, meaning when these large bodies of water meet, they don't mix

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immediately. They don't blend instantly, they they remain true to who they are for a very long time. So it is important for us to embrace this diversity within the creation that Allah subhanaw taala has created, because there is benefit in that salt water serves a purpose. And freshwater also serves a purpose. And it is he who has created from water a human being and made him a relative by lineage and marriage and ever is your Lord competent meaning with regards to his creation, but their worship rather than Allah, that which does not benefit them or harm them. And the disbeliever is ever against his Lord and assistant meaning to shape on. So we should support each other and good

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things. Not that we start listening to shows on and become an assistant to him. And we have not sent to you or Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam except as a bringer of good tidings and a warner say I do not ask of you for any payment. Only that whoever wills might take to his Lord a way that is all I ask of you with our color lol Higgledy ly a mood and rely upon the EverLiving who does not die. Put your faith in Allah. Allah does not die and exalt Allah with his praise. Whenever you worry, whenever you get sad, then Sabir should be healthy and sufficient is he to be with the sins of his servants acquainted? Allah knows what people are doing. He who created the heavens and the earth,

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and what is between them in six days, and then established Himself above the Throne, the Most Merciful, he is a rush man, first lb hubiera. So ask about him. One well informed, meaning when you want to know about Allah subhanaw taala. Don't go on asking people who don't know Allah. Ask those who know Allah who are well informed. And who is that that is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So remember, if we want to know about Allah, we have to see what is mentioned in the Quran about Allah azza wa jal, and how the prophets of Allah who it is that I'm described his Lord zoa Jin, we don't come up with our own descriptions. And when it is said to them, prostrate to the Most

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Merciful, Judah rush man, they say, woman rush man, and what is the Most Merciful? They don't recognize him? They say, should we prostrate to that which you order us, and it increases them in aversion, meaning they get offended when the name of Allah of Iman is mentioned. So the fact is that many people don't understand who a man is. Remember, a raha man is also one of the major Names of Allah subhanaw taala. In fact, it is the second most important Name of Allah, the primary name is Allah, and then it is a rough man. Because so often, in many places, that aim a rough man comes immediately after Allah Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem In the name of Allah. Who is he? He is a rough man

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of Rahim. So this shows us that when we think about Allah subhanaw taala, we should not just think that yes, that He is God, absolutely. He is God, He is the one who we worship. But the first thought that that should come to our mind about Allah subhanaw taala is that he is extremely merciful. He is extremely compassionate. And this is what we need to teach our children also, you see, typically, little children, we threatened them, we frightened them, that Allah will punish you a level throw you in *, Allah will, you know, do this and do that to you. And so people, you know, children, you know, they grew up with more fear of God than love for God. So we have to, you know, keep that

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balance. But, of course, Allah subhanaw taala has mercy. Remember, it is greater than his wrath, it overcomes his wrath. So make sure you emphasize on urashima more than rather, tell people about the hubbub of Allah subhanaw taala also, but tell them about his little hammer even more so that they have more hope to Baraka levy bless it is he who has placed in the sky great stars and placed there

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In a burning lamp, meaning the sun and luminous moon will who led jerilyn Laila, when the Hara Hill fatten, and it is he who has made the night and the day in succession, meaning one goals so that the other can come, for whoever desires to remember, or desires, gratitude, meaning the cyclical rotation of the night and day, the stark differences between the night and the day, they remind us of very important things. And they also teach us they also bring about feelings of gratitude in us. And just like that, when things change in our lives, you know, good times, they leave and some trial comes, and then trial goes, and then, you know, we experience a blessing, this constant shift, you

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know, this cyclical rotation of night and day of good times, you know, of ease and hardship, what is this, it brings about reminder, it teaches us very important lessons. And it also brings about shocker, feelings of gratitude. So there's a purpose behind all of this. And we see that specifically because of the night and day. You see, this creates the circadian rhythm within us, which not only allows us to rest and recuperate, but also allows us to make sense of time. I know we have this natural biological clock, and because of that, you know, the change in time, it helps us remember what we may have forgotten Lima or other areas.

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And also, we see that when, you know, we're getting so tired because of the fact that we've been working all day and then when we fall asleep, and you know, as, as we're getting into our beds, any, it's, it's really, you feel that gratitude that Alhamdulillah that Allah has, you know, brought the night so that we can rest that on him that Allah Allah has given us the chance to, you know, freshen up again. So, this is a blessing. And this is something that should teach us lessons. And it should also bring about feelings of gratitude. And also, you know, the fact that things change, the time changes, it allows us to remember things that we have forgotten. So because if things always remain

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the same, then we lose track of time we don't make we don't we don't have that sense of time. And these days upon Allah because we're indoors constantly we forget, we even forget which day it is, we forget even which date it is sopran Allah. So when we are connected with the nature, you know, we see the night the day we see the changing of the moon, we we have the sense of time, and that allows us to remember things that we have forgotten. In our head, these we learned that he who forgets the prayer should say it when he remembers it. And there's and that is the kafala for it. Meaning when you when you remember when you perform the prayer, we're about the right man and the servants of the

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Most Merciful or the bad, the slaves of the Most Merciful, the true worshipers of of man, meaning those worshipers of Allah who truly deserve his special mercy, his extreme mercy, who are they? What kind of actions do they do? Remember, all people are Allah zareba their Allah servants, but when Allah subhanaw taala mentioned someone as an ABD sometimes this is to really show that they are excellent worshipers. For example in the prophets of Allah who were to send them as described in the Quran is Allah Xia. That is to teach us to remind us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the best worshiper. So we should follow his example. Sorry, Baba Raj man, the true worshipers of a

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man who seek His special Rama, who will be worthy of his special Rama? What kind of rebounder do they do? What is their worship? Like? First of all, there are those who walk upon the earth easily, not lazy Lee as if they have no life. But with humility, not arrogance, but gently not roughly firmly with dignity, without, you know, creating noise or panic or causing harm to others. And he I'm sure that yes, it is walking, but driving is also similar. So I'm sure not an early honan because they're about to rock Manor, calm in their minds. They're mindful, they're focused. They're focused on Eliza her mom, you know, they have that hope inside of them. They expect Allah Rama, so

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their walk their behavior, their manner also reflects that. That's why they don't panic because they know a rough man is there he will take care of their situation. And when the ignorant address them harshly, they say words of peace, meaning they respond to ignorance with peaceful words, not ill speech or indecent words, so they're not rude or ill tempered in response to ignorant behavior. Remember, ignorance generally is of two kinds. One is that literally someone does not know. So when they don't know such as children and children,

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Sometimes in their data and their ignorance, they behave in a very foolish way. They they say things that are completely illogical. So when someone doesn't know any better than Why get frustrated and rude with them, because it's not going to help the situation anyway. The second type of journal is that a person knows but they're behaving ignorantly. Why are they behaving ignorantly because of being overcome by emotion, such as their anger or their jealousy. So because they're not in the right state of mind, then saying peaceful words will actually solve the problem. And responding to fire with fire will only aggravate the situation. This is why what either half of whom will Jaya

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halona call to Salah now they say words of peace. And this is something that we need to practice, especially these days when we are at home. Because people you know, either we are dealing with our children more than ever, who really are in many ways, Jay Hill, and he they don't understand they don't know. So there is no need to respond to their ignorant, you know, demands with harshness, and you know, with rudeness, and with, you know, anger because that's not going to solve any problem. And if people ever get overcome by their anger, or their jealousy or their panic, or they're worried because everybody is stressing out about their work, then again, don't add fire to fire, but rather

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say peaceful words to help calm the situation down. But remember, this does not justify the wrongs of the ignorant. No, it doesn't justify that. But when someone is behaving ignorantly, with you, then you save yourself and do not stoop to their level. Didn't the Prophet sallallahu earlier said them deal with people in that way? Absolutely. He did. When there was a man who came in urinated in the masjid held the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said peaceful words, when the man came and pulled on, you know, the shell of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu urges him did not aggravate the situation by becoming angry over there. So always focus on the solution, not

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the problem. Well let the Naya be tuned a little bit him so Jordan Wakayama, and those who spend part of the night to their Lord prostrating and standing in prayer, meaning they spend the night worshiping Allah subhanaw taala. Remember, pm is to worship in the night, any part of the night, and it could be any worship but especially Salah, because you see suggest and work Iam has mentioned such the prostration. And standing in prayer is mentioned which means that when we are praying in the night, these two parts of the prayer, the pm and the sedge the especially deserve our attention, meaning that our recitation should be long. And our such there should also be long, sometimes what

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happens is that we focus on the recitation so much, that for example, we are just aiming to complete, you know, the entire Jews in the Salah. So our such that becomes very, very short, that we're barely able to sit supine on a bill Arla you know three times very quickly. So soldier then notice how subsidize mentioned first frustration is mentioned first. Because in such that is when you connect with Allah, you make the wrong you ask. In Korean, you recite the Quran and in such the you beg Allah. So remember praying in the night, this is something that Allah subhanaw taala is praising over here. And this is the way of the righteous, the quality of the people of paradise. In

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fact, it is a prophetic way. And it is the best prayer after obligatory prayers. And it is a means of drawing close to Allah. It is a means of earning forgiveness, it is a way of showing gratitude. And the believers honor is in praying pm will lay. And remember that even if a person is able to recite a little bit of the Quran in the night, then it is worth it. We learned in the Hadees that if a person recites 10 verses in the night, then a pinbar of reward is written for him and looking for a reward is better than the world and whatever that is in it. So yes, there are some nights when we're really tired. Perhaps it is on the day when you missed your food. And you had a lot of work to

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do during the day. So by the time Russia hits, you are exhausted and you just want to sleep, just push yourself a little bit more pray to God pray for record and just recite 10 verses and what does that mean just recite call Hello, how cool are the global fellow called outubro bananas, even if you recite that a few times, and you have recited more than 10 verses, and for that the reward is impart a heap of reward better than the world and whatever that is in it. And if a person recites 100 verses in the night, then the reward of the entire night's worship is written for them. So make use of These Nights, because remember, the pm in the nights of Ramadan is even better. It brings

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forgiveness of sins. And when a man asked the Prophet sallallahu earlier said that if I were to do pm in the nights of Ramadan, then then who would I be amongst and he said

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antamina sindicato shuhada you would be among the truthful and the martyrs meaning amongst the best of Allah servants on the Day of Judgment. So every single night matters. And those who say Our Lord, avert from us the punishment of *, indeed, it's punishment is ever adhering. Indeed it is evil as a settlement and residents, so we should also make dua to Allah, that he or Allah, a journeyman or na or Allah save me from the punishment of *. The Prophet sallallahu earlier said, I'm told to seek Allah's protection from the punishment of *. And when you seek refuge from *, any three times even Hellfire says Allahumma urjit hooman ni O Allah save him from me Allahumma Jitney Mina na

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Allahumma jimny mina na, Allah Houma, a Jitney Mina na, and they are those who, when they spend, do do so not excessively or sparingly, but are ever between that justly moderate, meaning they're neither cheap, nor are they wasteful. And those who do not invoke with Allah another day tea or kill the soul which Allah has forbidden to be killed except by right and do not commit unlawful sexual * and whoever should do that meeting any of these sins will meet a penalty their consequences for this multiplied for him is the punishment on the Day of Resurrection, meaning that punishment will be ever increasing and growing one after the other, and he will abide therein

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humiliated, unable to come out. Except for those who repent, believe and do righteous deeds for them. Allah will replace their evil deeds with good And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful. And he who repents and does righteousness does indeed turn to Allah with accepted repentance Subhan Allah, you see sincere repentance, we see the benefit of that in these verses, that it converts sins into good deeds, meaning now a person is rewarded, as if they had performed good deeds of similar amount. So sincere repentance, what is that? It is when a person when they think of their sins, they don't say, Oh, I missed that, or that was fun. No, they say in Nadella. You were in it, you're on your

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own. You're a law, you raise that sin from me. They seek forgiveness, they cry, and they don't just stop there. They get busy and doing good things that I need to make up for all of that. So when they do good, then in the hessonite, you'd hipness, say, good deeds, erase bad deeds. And every time that a person repents, they seek forgiveness, they do something good, then we'd already had these that, you know, sins are like chain mail, that that is around a person. So every time that a person does something good, then a link from that chain meal is broken. So when a person increases and there is the fault in their good deeds, then that chain meal completely breaks down until that person is

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completely free. This is why we are taught that if you commit a sin, then replace it with a good one, a private one in private, and a public one in public meaning depending on the nature of the sin, if you did it privately, then replace it with a private good deed if you committed a sin openly, then commit a good deed openly meaning that is the kafala for it. That is the expiation for it. We learned that a man came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and he asked that Yasuda Allah, what do you think of a man who did every single sin, meaning every sin in the book he's done it? He did not leave any sin whatsoever? did not leave any desire big or small, except that he fulfilled it. Is

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there any Toba for him? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Did you accept Islam? He said, Yes, I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship but Allah, and that Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet sallallahu, it is and I'm said, do good deeds, and leave sins, and Allah will turn all your sins into good deeds, Allahu Akbar. And we learned that on the day of gentlemen, a person will be brought, and it will be set present all of his minor sins, and all of his minor sins will be presented. And it will be said, Did you do this? And did you do this? And did you do this? And the person will admit, yes, I did this, I did this, I did this. And

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he will be so afraid that these are just my minor sins, what about my major sins? And it will be said, that give him in place of every sin a good deed. So when he will see all of his sins, his minor sins being converted into good deeds, he will say yeah, Allah, I see some other major sins, which I committed, but I know that I have committed some major sins but there but I don't see them over here. So Pamela, why? Because Allah will convert the sins into good deeds, meaning now a person will be rewarded. This is the benefit of Toba. So repent.

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suffered a loss of a tubal LA. seek forgiveness make Toba every day, multiple times a day and never ever think about yourself at all. What sin did I ever commit? Don't lie to the court and forsaken. Don't claim yourselves to be pure. Allah knows who you are. And there are those who do not testify to falsehood, meaning they do not give false testimony. And they don't observe they don't look at what is untrue, false or does not attract them, even if it's for the purpose of entertainment. And when they pass near ill speech, a level. Well how do they pass, they pass by with dignity, meaning they don't participate in it, they avoid it in a dignified way without getting affected by it. So

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Allah subhanaw taala is praising such people. And those who, when they're reminded of the verses of their Lord, do not fall upon them deaf and blind. No, they listen attentively. They try their best to understand the verses of Allah, and they follow them to the best of their ability. And those who say, Our Lord grant us from among our spouses and offspring comfort to our eyes, and make us an example for the righteous are burner. herbelin amin as YG now with the re Yachty. Now, Kawata our union, would your little motor cleaner imama. So they pray, not just for themselves, but their loved ones also, that he or Allah, make them a source of convert, are you and for us, a coolness for our

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eyes? And what does that mean? That when we see them, when we see their actions, when we see the good deeds that they're doing, we are delighted, because remember, when you when you see your family doing good things, or bad or when you see them worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. And in sha Allah in the Hereafter, you see the reward that they are given for that this is what will bring you true joy, and absolute pleasure in it. This is this is real pride, you know, real happiness. You know what, yes, we are happy when we see our families, you know, achieving their worldly goals. We are very happy when we see our children, you know, accomplishing something, you know, get get a certain medal

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or win a certain contest and that is excellent. But our main concern should be that Yeah, Allah make them obedient, righteous servants to you, so that they don't just bring us comfort here, but they bring us true happiness and delight in the hereafter. Would your analogy with the Pina imama and make us a leader, an example of those who are righteous, meaning make them righteous make our children our families righteous? Why? Because if they're righteous, then they will also help us be righteous. Because you see children who are God fearing they also remind their parents, the dad, this is not allowed. Mom, this is not okay. And Cara Lee said that there is nothing more pleasing to

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the believer than seeing his wife and his children. were obedient to Allah, the Exalted and Allah subhanaw taala tells us, let's save yourselves and your families from the fire. This is why we must focus on our families as well and teach them and make the offer them especially you see them Salaam radula Mourinho she took her son on us to the service of the prophets of Allah, Who are they who was Allah, she wasn't just concerned about, you know, the good health of her son, but she wanted him to have the best company. So we should be concerned about the religious upbringing, the religious welfare of our loved ones also. And remember mean as well Gina as well just it includes husband and

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wife. And it also includes those who are like you, meaning your companions. So make dogs, not just for your self, or your children or your spouse, your family, your loved ones, but also your companions that are Allah people that I work with, make them righteous, make them a source of comfort for us. Not that we're always you know, caught up in arguments and fights and demanding you know, things from one another granted sukoon in our families, feel our you know, home with your worship, so that we we enjoy true pleasure forever and for always, and make us righteous servants to you. Those will be awarded the chamber a lot of Fatah meaning in paradise for what they patiently

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endure, you see suburb, Reba requires suburb and they will be received there in with greetings and words of peace abiding eternally there in good is a settlement and residents. So over here, many characteristics of a bad man are mentioned. And these are characteristics that we should review on a regular basis so that we also practice them in sha Allah say, What would my lord care for you? If not for your supplication? Meaning Allah, Allah is not in need of you. You are in need of Allah. So keep calling upon Allah keep asking him for you have denied so your denial is going to be at

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hereand So, the one who does not seek Allah than Allah also yet he does not need him Allah, Allah is actually angry with the person who does not call upon him. So, let us keep calling upon him, let us keep expressing our, you know dependence on Allah subhanaw taala and let us keep begging him or Zilla gel

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sutra to short off Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, pa seen meme, these are the verses of the clear book. The Quran is a clear book, meaning it is an apologetic, its truths. It is convincingly clear, it is manifest it is unambiguous in its message, perhaps, or Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you would kill yourself with grief, that they will not be believers. Look at his concern for humanity, if we will, we could send down to them from the sky a sign for which their next would remain humbled. Meaning we can see that we can show the miracles that they would be unable to refuse we can compel them to believe, but this is not the way of Allah. He does not force people. People have to

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embrace the truth themselves. And this is the test of life. And no revelation comes to them a new from the Most Merciful, except that the turn away from it, for they have already denied but there will come to them the news of that which they used to ridicule, did they not look at the earth, how much we have produced there in from every noble kind, anyhow, what diversity Allah has created on the earth. And it's amazing how even through cracks in you plants are growing fourth, indeed, and that is a sign but most of them were not to be believers, and indeed your Lord He is the Exalted in Might the merciful what inara Bukka la huella Aziza Rahim and mentioned when your Lord called Moosa

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saying, go to the wrongdoing, people, those who are doing low on themselves by committing sin because remember, oppression is not just harming other people. When a person commits a sin, the first one they oppress is actually themselves. And that is what fit our own and his nation were doing. They were wronging themselves. And of course there were also oppressing the money is evil.

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So he was told, when mentioned when your Lord called Moosa, saying go to the wrongdoing, people, the people of our own, will they not fear Allah Massara has said, I've said, My Lord, indeed, I fear that they will deny me. So the fear of denial, the fear of rejection is very normal. He said, and my chest will tighten, I feel extremely uncomfortable, and my tongue will not be fluent. Meaning I'm afraid that out of my fear, I will not be able to express myself clearly. So send for Harun send him instead. Subhan Allah musala his Salah was nervous, he was afraid. And this shows us that it is very very normal to feel nervous around people. You know, sometimes we experienced social anxiety, but

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sometimes we experience social anxiety in front of certain individuals and that is fine it happens. This is part of being human. But then how do you help yourself in a situation like that? Look at Musashi said he asked Allah soprano Tata for auto sale, Isla Harun send her own instead. And what what what happened? Allah subhanaw taala sent out on our listener as his assistant, so seek help through Allah subhanaw taala and look for people ask Allah subhanaw taala to send you people who will be a source of support and comfort for you. And he said, and they have upon me a claim due to sin, meaning I accidentally killed one of them. So I fear that they will kill me. Allah subhanaw

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taala said no, go both of you with our signs. Indeed we are with you listening in the American, Muslim your own. So both of them were sent together. Why? Because at times, you know, certain responsibilities, certain burdens are too heavy, to be carried by one individual alone. So it is very important that we share the burden, who share the responsibility with like minded people with people who are willing to support us. And when you don't find any supporters ask Allah subhanaw taala to send you people who will aid you who will support you just like just like Mossad he surrounded,

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fit to fit our own, go to fit our own and say we are the messengers of the lord of the world's commanded to say son with us the children of Islam, he fit our own said, Did we not raise you among us as a child, and you'll remain among us for years of your life. Have you forgotten that? And then you did your deed which you did and you were of the ungrateful Do you remember what you did? You killed one of us and you just fled Masada is sent out. He doesn't get defensive here. He doesn't get angry over here. He admits he said I did it. Then at that time Why?

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I was of those astray, meaning it was a mistake, it was an accident. And then I fled from you when I feared because you were not just unfair. So I feared you. And that is why I fled. Then my lord granted me wisdom and prophet who had appointed me as one of the messengers, meaning this is Allah's favor on me. So upon Allah, you see some people, they constantly remind you of the favors that they have done to you. And they constantly remind you of the mistakes that you make, what that you made, sometimes mistakes that you made in your childhood, and to try to bring you down and to try to make you feel bad by reminding you of your mistakes. And this is really the worst thing that can be done.

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If someone has changed. What they need is encouragement and support. Not that we keep bringing them down by shaming them by reminding them of their past. So when you see positive change in people, please refrain from judging and criticizing them, give them hope and encouragement. And here we see that our own only reminded Masaya some of the favors that phenomena had done to Mussolini, Sam, and he and he forgot about his own crimes. So most artists, and I've said and Is this a favor of which you remind me that you enslave the children of Israel ill? Meaning why was I raised in your house anyway, because you were killing my people. If you weren't killing my people, I would not have been

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in your house. So we see here that forgetting one's own crimes, and remembering one's favours on others, any This is a fit our own act, this is from the behavior fit our own. So in general also, we should refrain from reminding people of the favors that we have done them, even to our children. Why? Because this is a reprehensible thing. People don't like it. And Allah does not like this. The Prophet sallallahu earlier set him set that there are three people whom Allah subhanaw taala will not even speak to on the Day of Judgment, he will not even speak to them, he will and in another Hadees we learn that there are people who Allah will neither accept their obligatory deeds nor

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voluntary deeds Subhan Allah, and who are these of them his alma Nan, meaning the person who does a favor to others, and then keeps reminding them for the rest of their life? Do you remember? Do you remember? Do you remember, you owe it to me, you owe it to me. And this is reprehensible unless punctata hates this sad for their own meaning now that he was speechless, he said, and what is the Lord of the worlds any receive it constantly for our own is avoiding the message that most artists and amateurs giving and he's coming up with different ways to distract Musashi Suleiman the people? Most are they said, I'm answered, he said, The Lord of the heavens and the earth, and that between

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them, if you should be convinced that our own set to those around him, do you not hear, Musa said, your Lord and the Lord, have your first forefathers that Arlen said, Indeed, your messenger who has been sent to you is mad. Most artists, and again, he doesn't care about what our own is saying. He says, Lord of the east and the west, and that between them, if you were to reason, so most artists and does not take any of this personally, he doesn't get angry. He doesn't get distracted by what Frauen is trying to distract him with. He's focused on conveying his message, for our own said, for our own got annoyed. He said, If you take a god other than me, I will show the place you among those

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imprisoned with artists that I've said, even if I brought you proof manifest that our own said, then bring it if you should be up the truthful. So most artists and I'm through his staff, and suddenly it was a serpent manifest. And he drew out his hand there upon it was white for the observers that are on set to the eminent ones around him. Indeed, this is a learned magician, Subhan Allah, He wants to drive you out of your land by his magic. So what do you advise? Well, sorry, listen, I'm never said that I am here to expel you or to take over your civilization. All he said was let them Bunny is not your goal, set them free, but yet for our own called the miracles magic, and he said

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that this man has some hidden agenda. They said postpone the matter of him and his brother, and send them on the city's gathers, who will bring you every learned skilled magician. So the magicians were assembled for the appointment of a well known day, and it was set to the people will you congregate, that we might follow the magicians if they are the predominant and when the magicians arrived, they're set to fit our own. Is there indeed for us a reward if we are the predominant Subhanallah first thing the magicians demanded what's in it for us? He said yes. And indeed you will then be of those near to me. Well, sorry. I said I'm set to them throw whatever you will throw so the through

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their ropes and their staffs and said by the might have fit our own beer is that if our own indeed It is we who are predominant

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And we shouldn't say such things. Beer is it so and so? No It should only be beer is a tiller he will kurata he in fact, even when we are in pain, we are taught to say Bismillah r all the beer is Attila. He will contra to him and surely my ad to what we had. And we should say the seven times. This is the best pain medication. Then Musashi served through his staff, and at once it devoured what they were what they falsified. So the magician fell down in frustration to Allah because they knew they understood. They said, We have believed in the Lord of the worlds, the Lord of Musa and Harun for our own got really upset. He said, You believed Moosa before I gave you permission.

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Indeed, he is your leader who has taught you magic Subhan Allah, and he is his imagination is running wild. If he just accepted the truth as it was, he would be at so much peace, but you are going to know I will surely cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, and I will surely crucify you all. The Magician said lel, blade, no harm, whatever, indeed to our Lord, we will return. You see the strength of even of a man truly, you know, it takes a person's fear away. Yes, a person feels afraid. But then because of a man, their fear subsides, they're able to look at the big picture, and they're able to rely upon Allah subhanaw taala. They said, Indeed, we aspire that our

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Lord will forgive us our sins, because we were the first of the believers. And we inspire to Moosa traveled by night with my servants make the hyjal leave at night, indeed, you will be pursued than fit our own scent among the city's gathers and said, Indeed, those are but a small band. And indeed, they are enraging us this bunny is so ill, they have fled, and they're not they're not that many, and they have made us very angry. And indeed, We are a cautious society. So you know what, we're going to preserve our civilization we're going to go catch them, and we're going to bring them back. So we remove them from gardens and springs and treasures and honorable station, thus, and we cause

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to inherited the children of Israel he, so they pursued them at sunrise, and when the two companies saw one another, because remember, now the bunny is flailing right in front of the water. They don't know which way to go. And behind them now is all for our own and his great army, the companions of most artists and I'm said indeed we are to be overtaken inanimate raccoon. That's it. We're doomed. Call a killer. Most artists that I've said no way in Mr. Era be indeed with me as my Lord say a dean, He will guide me Masada, his Salaam is the Prophet of Allah. And look at his level of faith and his hope in Allah soprano. Darn that even though on one side is the water and on the other side

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is that our own and his army? Any How do you escape? Do you go up? Do you fly somehow? Do you dig into the earth somehow in escape, which which way is the way out? You don't see any way I'll let you know that Allah subhanaw taala is there and Allah will make away so remember when

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you had your level Maharajah whoever fears Allah and Allah subhanaw taala certainly creates a way out for them. And Allah subhanaw taala provides them from where they cannot even expect from where they cannot even imagine. So sometimes the taqwa of Allah means not losing hope. It means believing in the promise of Allah, having this year keen that my Lord will not abandon me. So Mousavi said I'm said in memory or be say a dean. And what happened then? for Ohio una de la Moosa, a new Ribeiro sock and then we inspire to Moosa strike with your staff, the sea and parted and each portion was like a great towering mountain. This was a miracle. But this miracle came about when when Musa

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alayhis salaam affirmed his faith in Allah subhanaw taala. He said, in a Maria be with me is my Lord, and remember, Maria of Allah, that Allah subhanaw taala is with his servants. He is Markham. aina methacholine he is with you, and he knows what you're doing wherever you are, you cannot exist without him. You cannot exist you cannot live you cannot do anything without his helping you and enabling you without his allowing you But remember, there is our Maria general Maria for all servants. But then there's the house the special Maria the special help of Allah soprano tada for his special servants, just as the Prophet sallallahu earlier said in the cave, he said let the

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huizen in the lahoma honor that Oh, Abubakar, don't be sad. Allah is with us and Allah subhana wa tada helped him in the cave and here Masada has set up he

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It's trapped between our own and the water. And he says, Allah is with me. And Allah helped him how that the sea was parted, and we advanced there to the pursuer. So most artists, somebody is slightly they went into the path through the water, and for their own and his army pursued them. And we saved Moosa and those with him all together, then we drowned the others. You see, it is important that we call upon Allah subhanaw taala at such times, and that can only be when we believe in the might of Allah, the perfection of Allah and His mercy. And that is what is mentioned here. Indeed, and that is a sign a lesson but most of them who are not to be believers, and indeed your Lord, he's the

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Exalted in Might the merciful. We can only call upon Allah subhanaw taala to at such times when we realize that our Lord is a disease, that our Lord is Allah hain, who is a disease, Allah zS is the one who is mighty who overcomes everything, and none can overcome him. And Aziz is the exalted so none can reach his greatness, the unparalleled, so none is like him. And who is laheem remember a Rahim the difference between the name of our Haman of a man of Rahim signifies Allah subhanaw taala has special mercy to words the believing servants. So what happened over here most artists and found himself trapped, but he called upon Allah and Allah subhanaw taala created a way out for him because

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he is a zzS capable. He is a Rahim he's Especially Merciful towards his believing servants, it will pay him said that there is no door that Allah closes with his wisdom, except that he opens to with his mercy to with his mercy. And look at what happened over here. Two mercies came upon Masada, his salon. One is that yes, he found his way out. And the other was that his enemy fit our own was drowned. So that was also Allah subhanaw taala has mercy. What do I lay him never Ibrahim and recite to them the news of Ibrahim, when he said to his father and his people, what is it that you worship? They said we worship idols and remain to them devoted? He said, do they hear you when you supplicate

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or do they benefit you? Or do they harm? Very solid questions, real questions, they said, but we found our father is doing thus. He said then do you see what you have been worshipping? Are you just going to follow them? Or are you going to think about it yourself? Also, you and your ancient forefathers? Indeed they are enemies to me except the Lord of the worlds so I worship only the Lord of the worlds Who is he? And lady Hello Connie for Hua Dini, who created me and He it is Who guides me one lady who are you very moody way a skinny, and it is he who feeds me and gives me drink what either material to for who is Feeny. And when I am ill, it is he who cures me. I am ill because

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generally we fall ill because of our own ignorance, our own desires. So who is it that heals us? It is Allah subhanaw taala who heals, whether it is a spiritual, emotional or physical problems. Allah subhanaw taala is the one who heals. A man came and said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Rajaram forgive. I am a newbie meaning I'm a man who who heals people and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah Habib, it is Allah who heals. But unter Rajan Rafiq, you are just a kind of person, a gentle person, whereas healing, it actually comes from Allah subhanaw taala only. And this is why when we are ill, yes, we take the medication and we go to the doctor, etc. But

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we believe that the real healing comes from who it actually comes from Allah, not from the means. And this is why in illness we make Dora IMSA Hilbert sabanas bedika, Shiva laka, scheef Allahu Illa, anta that in your hand is healing Allah and no one can remove this ailment except you. So remember, Allah is the one who gives healing to his servants through means and also without means, sometimes, there you know, Allah subhanaw taala gives healing to his servants through means that they can see that they can understand that like medication, Yanni, it makes sense. For example, this was the deficiency in the body, you know, and you take a medication to make up for that deficiency and now

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and hamdulillah body is fine, right? You understand the process, but then last month or sometimes heals His servants through ways that we cannot fully comprehend. Like for example, your Cobra and serums eyes in he had become blind. And how is it that his vision was restored, not with medication, not with surgery, but with the shirt of use of his setup, so panela so it is Allah who he

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He is the source of healing. So this is why we should call upon Allah subhanaw taala that Oh Allah heal me, will Allah give me Shiva? Once a child was brought to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that child's arm had gotten terribly burnt. So the Prophet sallallahu earlier Sunnah would apply his you know, he applied his saliva on the burn, and he made the offer that child is an inhabitable sort of bananas wish fee under share fee, sorry as he bill but sort of bananas wash fee and the Shafi last Shiva Illa, Shiva oak, Shiva and layer you heard the Russa coma. So these are the hours that we can find in you know, different books, different apps, and these are the hours that we

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should use. Because as we can see, these days, we don't always have a pill, have a treatment for every, you know, sickness. We we don't have a vaccine for every sickness we don't, we don't have the means always. So healing is truly in the hands of Allah subhanaw taala never, ever forget that and who will cause me to die, and then Bring me to life and who I aspire that he will forgive me my sin on the Day of Recompense. This door is also very important that Oh Allah, I hope that you will forgive me my sins on the Day of Judgment. We learn that there was a man who Shami bin Molina, who did many works of charity and he was famous for his philanthropy, but he never said this. There are

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there are bill fairly hotly to Medina. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that his deeds will not benefit him. Then Ibrahim Ali said I may draw he said Rob be heavily hookman while happening asylee hain My Lord grant me authority, Grant me wisdom and join me with the righteous, what a beautiful day Ah, Grant me hokum, wisdom, the ability to do the right thing at the right time, to make the right decisions to be decisive. And so often in our lives, we suffer because we are indecisive, or because we're constantly making wrong decisions. And you know, indecision can really become a guinea it can really make us extremely anxious. So it's important that we ask Allah

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subhanaw taala that Oh Allah grant me hokum, and then he prayed for righteous company in this life, and in the next life, because good friends are really a blessing. You feel secure around them, you feel at ease around them, which I lisanna slither can fill a hearing, and grant me a reputation of honor among later generations, meaning that after I am gone, I am still mentioned in a good way that people people take me as a good example, a model and this this should be lisanna slader, clean, any truthful, not false, not that people think that I am so righteous, but my reality is completely different. No, the Santa's sleeping with your alima water 30 jannetty. Noreen, and place me among

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the inheritors of the Gardens of Pleasure, and forgive my father, indeed, he has been of those astray and do not disgrace me on the day, they are all resurrected, meaning saved me from being humiliated because of my father and this is why his father will not come on the Day of Judgment. In his own forum, a lost parent, I will change this form so that it would not hurt Ibrahim on his senem the day when there will not benefit anyone wealth or children. Illa Allah be colbyn Saleem, but only one who comes to Allah with a sound heart. And this is why our ultimate focus in this life should be the health of our hearts. We are very, very obsessed with the health of our wealth, the well being

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of our wealth, the growth of our wealth, and that of our children. Yes, that is important. This is a man of the last time God has given us but our hearts deserves a lot of attention also, because on the Day of Judgment, that is what will benefit us. And this is why the you know, with the Prophet sallallahu Ernest and I'm told us that the Eman of the slave cannot be upright until his heart is upright. So if the heart is sound, the body is sound in this life, the actions will be good in the grave, a person will be safe, and in the hereafter also, the person will be saved because we learned that in the grave. Any person's good deeds will protect him from the punishment. So those good deeds

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a person is only able to do them if the heart is good. So our well being depends on the well being of our hearts. So it is important that we do something about that. And the question is what is the sound heart. Due to Sally has Cindy he explains that the psyllium heart the sound heart has five characteristics. The first is that it has a slimmer meaning that it has become submissive to Allah. It

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has a slimmer Leela. Secondly, that it has selama led to Barry rasulillah that it has given itself up to meaning it has given authority to the command of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Thirdly, that it has assessed lemma likova illa. He will call it that it has completely resigned and surrendered itself to Allah's decree, meaning it is completely accepting of Allah subhanaw taala his decisions, then fourthly, it has Salima min Cooley, Maya Clara, who are Neela he will decree that it has escaped and has become safe by getting away from everything that comes between it and Allah and His remembrance. And then finally, the fifth is that it has Salah, meaning

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Salah Odia Allah that it has reconciled with itself and with the friends of Allah subhanaw taala. So this is a saline heart that has surrendered to Allah that has accepted the authority of the Messenger of Allah that has fully resigned to the decree of Allah, and that it has fled from everything, for that comes between it and Allah subhanaw taala and then it has made peace with the righteous servants of Allah also. So we learned that the Prophet sallallahu earlier Sunnah was asked in which people are the best. And he said the best of people is every person who has a clean heart and a truthful tongue. And he said mahangu middle cult. So the people said we know but truthful

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tongue is but what is mahama will call What is this clean heart? He said, Every heart that is God fearing because it has surrender to Allah, and it is clean in which is no sin, rebellion, hatred, or jealousy, any neither is he angry with the decree of Allah, noisy angry with the friends of Allah, rather, it is at peace. So a person who is at peace here will be at peace there. And remember Salim is also someone who has survived, meaning a snake bitten but they didn't die because of that. And yes, there are trials in this life difficulties very, very painful situations in this life, but when a person holds on to Allah subhanaw taala they remember that Allah is there. So they yeah tassimo

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Billa and he clings to Allah holds on to Allah, then such a person survives. And that is what we need. And that is what we should pray for was a Luca colbyn. Salim Anurag. Give me a heart that is sound. Some of the righteous, they would say that the soundness of the heart is with five things. And what is that, first of all, the recitation of the Quran with reflection. Secondly, eating little meaning keeping the heart empty, sorry, keeping the stomach empty, meaning allowing your stomach to be empty at certain times. Thirdly, praying in the night, standing in prayer in the night, then at the liberal bishoff, the liberal bissa, meaning

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calling upon Allah subhanaw taala, with humility at the time of sohus. And then finally, being in the company of the righteous. These are things that help a person have a clean heart, and paradise will be brought near that day to the righteous and Hellfire will be brought forth for the deviator is and it will be set to them. Where are those you used to worship other than Allah? Can they help you or help themselves? So they will be overturned into Hellfire they and the deviator is and the soldiers of Iblees all together? Who are the soldiers of police those who follow Him, they will say while they dispute they're in By Allah, we were indeed in manifest error. When we equated you with

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the Lord of the worlds then they will admit, and no one misguided us except the criminals. So now we have no intercessors and not a devoted friend will also do can have him then if we only had a return to the world, and could be of the believers, indeed in that is a sign but most of them were not to be believers, and indeed your Lord, He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful, the people of New denied the messengers, when their brother new set to them, will you not fear Allah? Indeed I am to you a trustworthy messenger, Sophia, Allah and obey me and I do not ask you for it any payment. My payment is only from the Lord of the worlds so if your Allah and obey me, they said, should we

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believe you while you are followed by the lowest class of people? He said, and what is my knowledge of what they used to do? their account is only upon my Lord, if you could perceive and I am not one to drive away the believers. I am only a clear Warner. They said if you do not desist, oh no, you will surely be of those who are stoned we will kill you. He said my lord indeed my people have

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have denied me, then judge between me and them with decisive judgment and save me and those with me of the believers. So we saved him and those with him in the lead and ship, then we drowned thereafter. The remaining ones, indeed and that is a sign, but most of them were not to be believers and indeed your Lord, He is the Exalted in Might the merciful are the denied the messengers when their brotherhood set to them, will you not fear Allah? Indeed I am to you a trustworthy messenger, Sophia, Allah and obey me. And I do not ask you for it any payment. My payment is only from the Lord of the worlds Do you construct on every elevation is sign amusing yourselves, and you're just

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preoccupied with worldly things, and take for yourselves palaces and fortresses that you might abide eternally, meaning you have made your homes such that, you know, as if you are going to live here forever. So all of your focus on attention and your time and energy and resources, and your mental, you know, capacity, all of it is dedicated to your homes, are you going to abide here eternally, and when you strike, you strike as tyrants. So if you're alive, obey me, and fear he who provided you with that which, you know, provided you with grazing livestock and children and gardens and springs. Indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a terrible day. Look at their response, they said, It is

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all the same to us. Whether you advise us or are not of the advisors, we are not going to listen to you. This is not but the custom of the former pupils, and we are not to be punished. You're just you know, saying this to make us afraid we don't believe you. And they denied him. So we destroyed them, indeed, and that is a sign but most of them were not to be believers, and indeed your Lord, He is the Exalted in Might the merciful again, this has been repeated, some will deny the messengers, when their brother SAW said to them, will you not fear Allah? Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy messenger, Sofia, Allah and obey me. And I do not ask you for it any payment. My payment is only

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from the Lord of the worlds to takuna FEMA hoonah. Armenian? Will you be left in what is here secure from death? Beating? Do you think you're going to live here forever in this security, it's not going to last forever. You think you're going to be here forever within gardens and springs and fields of crops and palm trees with softened fruit, and you carve out of the mountains homes with skill. So fear Allah and obey me and do not obey the order of the transgressors, who cause corruption in the land and do not amend meaning your role models should be those who do is law, meaning who make amends. Now those who cause corruption, they said, You are only of those affected by magic, you are

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but a man like ourselves. So bring the sign if you should be of the truthful, he said, this is a she camel for her as a time of drink. And for you as a time of drink each on a known day. They had to take turns, and do not touch her with harm, lest you be seized by the punishment of a terrible day. But they didn't care. They hamstrung her, and so became regretful, and the punishment sees them indeed, and that is a sign but most of them were not to be believers, and indeed your Lord, He is the Exalted in Might the merciful. The people of Luke denied the messengers, when their brother Luke said to them, will you not fear Allah? Indeed I am to you are trustworthy messenger, Sophia, Allah

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and obey me and I do not ask you for it to any payment. My payment is only from the Lord of the worlds. Do you approach males among the worlds and leave what your Lord has created for you as mates, but you are a people transgressing? Remember, if the haraam is tempting, it is accessible, it doesn't mean that you are obligated or you are being compelled to indulge in it. No, Allah subhanaw taala tests us with different desires and with different options that are made available to us. So it is up to us what we choose. And that is what we will be held accountable for. We will not be held accountable for the desire that we have in our heart, because that is not always by choice. We will

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be held accountable for the choices that we make. They said if you do not desist or lose, you will surely be of those evicted, we will kick you out, you will not be allowed to stay here. He said indeed I am to word your deed of those who detest it. He said I do not accept this action of yours. I detest this deed of yours. And this is very important for every believer. My Lord saved me and my family from the consequences of what they do. So we saved him and his family, all except an old woman among those who remained behind any she was a woman. She didn't participate in this deed herself, but because she agreed with it, she supported it. She was destroyed with them.

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Then we destroyed the others, and we rained upon them a rain of stones and evil was the reign of those who were warned, indeed, and that is a sign, but most of them were not to be believers, and indeed your Lord, He is the exalted might, the Merciful. The Companions of the thicket of the forest denied the messengers, when sure I upset to them, will you not fear Allah, indeed, I am to you a trustworthy messenger, Sophia, Allah and obey me. If you look at these stories, any the same message was given by prophet after prophet after Prophet, and I do not ask you for it to any payment. My payment is only from the Lord of the worlds give full measure, and do not be of those who cause

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loss, meaning don't cheat, don't be dishonest, and weigh with an even balance, and do not deprive people of their do and do not commit abuse on Earth, spreading corruption, and fear he who created you and the former creation, they said, You are only of those affected by magic. The people also responded in the same way. Human Nature is the same. You are but a man like ourselves. And indeed, we think you are among the liars, you've just made all of this up yourself. So cause to fall upon us fragments of the sky. If you should be at the truthful fall. It'll be our alarm will be matar Malone. He said, My Lord is most knowing of what you do, and they denied him. So the punishment of

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the day of the black cloud sees them. Indeed, it was the punishment of a terrible day. In nifi. Valley color a woman can act federal homework meaning indeed, and that is a sign, but most of them were not to be believers. What a normal bacala who well, ours is a Rahim. And indeed your Lord, He is the Exalted in Might the merciful. These verses are repeated eight times in the surah. Eight times, that in the people of the past, and in the creation that is around you, there are signs, yet majority of the people fail to benefit from those signs. And these signs they reflect the might of Allah and the mercy of Allah both at the same time. But yet people fail to recognize their Lord.

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We're in the hula, Tansy, Laura Bella alameen. And indeed, the Quran is the revelation of the Lord of the worlds and this is enough virtue, that Allah is the one who has revealed this book. the trustworthy spirit has brought it down more virtue of this book, the best Angel delivered into jabril, when beginning the revelation process in the best month, in the best night of the year,

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upon your heart, which is the best part of the human body, liter Konami dalmunzie, in that you may be of the Warner's. So it was revealed upon the best of the creation, a human being, and among them also the best person Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, given to the best nation, in the best city, any this Quran is only virtuous, it's only important in every aspect. So truly unfortunate are those who fail to see the virtue of this Quran and thereby fail to benefit from the good which is in this Quran. In a clear Arabic language. And this shows us the importance of learning the Quran in Arabic because this is mentioned so many times in the Quran. So remember, the person who learns the Quran

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then and teaches it, the Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm so Cairo comb, Manta, Alamin, Quran, Allah, Allah, when the Quran is so important than any person who learns it, and then they teach it, even if it's just recitation of it any, then such a person becomes the best. And indeed, it is mentioned in the previous and indeed, it is mentioned in the scriptures or for former peoples meaning in the previous scriptures. Also, the good news of the final scripture was given, how important is this book then? And has it not been assigned to them, that it is recognized by the scholars of the children of Israel, he didn't want a carbon novel recognize it. And even if we had

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revealed it to one among the foreigners, meaning a non Arab, and he had recited it to them perfectly, they would still not have been believers in it. Thus have we inserted disbelief into the hearts of the criminals, they come up with one excuse or another. So they will not believe in it until they see the painful punishment, and it will come to them suddenly, while they perceive it not. And they will say, may we be reprieved? Can we have another chance? Can we have some time? So for our punishment, are they impatient, then Have you considered if we gave them enjoyment for years, and then there came to them that what they were promised, they would not be availed by the

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enjoyment with which they were provided. So no matter how long a person enjoys life in this world, it is not going to ultimately benefit a person. So our main goal should be the life of the Hereafter, and we did not destroy any city, except that it had Warners as a reminder, and never

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Have we been unjust and the devils have not brought the revelation down because this is what the people of Morocco would say. It is not allowable for them, nor would they be able, indeed they from its hearing are far removed meaning shall clean are kept away from even listening to the Quran. So do not invoke with Allah another day tea and thus be among the punished when there are Sheila carabin and warn your closest Kindred worry about them, tell them and the Prophet salallahu already sort of did warn his family right after this verse was revealed he got up and he went and he said all Quraysh Save yourselves I cannot save you from Allah. He said Albany abdomen if I cannot save

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you from Allah or abass I cannot save you all Sofia, I cannot save you or Fatima I cannot save you, you will have to save yourself. Warfield Jana Hakka and lower your wing to those who follow you of the believers we see that the Prophet sallallahu where it is and was given this instruction, many times in the Quran that be humble with the believers, meaning be approachable, don't be you know, up in the sky like a flying bird. You know Don't be so unapproachable and scary and arrogant that they're afraid to be around you rather welcome them. And if they disobey you then say indeed I am dissociated from what you are doing. What what Cal Allah Allah Aziza Rahim and rely upon the Exalted

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in Might, the Merciful. This is the ninth time the names Allah Aziz Rahim are appearing together in the suta. Earlier we learned what in Arabic Allahu Allah Aziza Rahim your Lord is indeed surely he is the mighty, the Merciful. And here it is said rely upon Allah Aziz of Rahim. Why? Because there is no safety except with Allah Aziz. Allah The Raka hanaa taco, who sees you when you arise, meaning when you get up, meaning from your sleep, or when you get up to stand before people to address them, or when you're standing in prayer. Allah is looking at you, what are called Luba coffee, saggi. Dean and your movement among those who prostrate, so he watches you when you're alone. He watches you

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when you are amongst people. And when you worship Allah in the who who was semi early him indeed he is the hearing the knowing the people of Makkah said that this Quran is just poetry. And that you know, some child teens have Jin they inspire Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam stuffit Allah, so it is said, shall I inform you upon whom the devils descend, they descend upon every sinful liar, the Prophet sallallahu already said, is not a liar, and you know him, they pass on what is heard, they pass on what is heard, meaning without any confirmation, and most of them are liars, and the poet's only the deviator is follow them, then remember, the poets were the, you know, the speakers of that

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time, and the people who are very famous, so only the deviator follow them, Do you not see that in every Valley they roam, meaning when they're saying their poetry, they talk about all sorts of random things, any in one sentence and one phrase, they will bring Every valley together in every aspect together, and that they say what they do not do, meaning what they say is not realistic at all, it is far from reality. And the Quran is not like that, except those poets who believe and do righteous deeds and remember Allah often and defend after they were wronged, and those who have wronged are going to know what kind of return they will be returned. So we see that apparently, it

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seems that poetry is being condemned. But remember that all poetry is not bad. Because poetry can actually be very, very effective. It can be excellent for self expression, and also for teaching important concepts. And this is why we see that there were people at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who are great poets, and when they use that poetry in the way of Allah, to defend Islam, to defend the Prophet, sallAllahu wasallam any that was, that was welcomed. But when people used poetry, to, you know, to just waste their time, and to delve into, you know, useless things, then this kind of poetry is what is being condemned over here. So the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it is better for a man to fill the inside of his body with pus, than to fill it with poetry. And this is something that we need to be careful about also, because you see the songs that we listen to, the rhymes that we listen to, they get stuck in our head. So at one time, you know, either it's those, those soundtracks or those songs that are playing in your head or it is the words of Allah soprano Tada. So be careful of what you listen to, because that will certainly have an impact on your thinking. soula to naml Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim, porcine, these are the verses of the Quran and a clear book as guidance and good time.

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For the believers, this is the Quran who then will be SRA, who established prayer and gives a cat and of the Hereafter, they are certain in faith. These are the people who benefit from the Quran. On the contrary, indeed for those who do not believe in the Hereafter, we have made pleasing to them their deeds, so they wander blindly. Those are the ones for whom there will be the worst of punishment in the here and in the hereafter. They are the greatest losers, why? Because they never prepared for it. And indeed, you receive the Quran, from who is specially from the one who is Hakeem and Eileen, who is wise and knowing, you see how over and over again, through different ways we are

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being taught the worth, the status, the importance of the book of Allah, that this Quran is from Allah, Who is Hakeem, who is Eileen, in it, this is not the word of a human being, this is the word of Allah, and Allah is most wise. And he he is the one who has decided everything for you about you in your life and in this world. This is his hokum which prevails, and he is I named he is knowing of everything. Do you doubt his words? Any you have hesitation in accepting and following and reading his words? Kenny, what why deprive yourself. If Carla musante early he mentioned when Moosa said to his family, indeed I have perceived if fire, I will bring you from their information, or will bring

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you a burning torch that you may warm yourselves. And this is a testament to the care that Musashi Salaam had for those around him, how he took care of his family, and then after that his people, but when he came to it, he was called, bless it is whoever is at the fire, and whoever is around it was super hannula hero Billa alameen. And Exalted is Allah, Lord of the worlds Subhana Allah healer, Bill Allah mean, this is also a way in which we can glorify Allah subhanaw taala. Generally when we say this, we are who we say Subhan Allah, or Subhana Allah He will be handy Subhan Allah Hill, Arlene, and this is also a way Subhan Allah ittle bit our enemy. In fact, we learn that the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say this in the night, that in the night, Robbie, I've been carby. He said that I could. I would sometimes spend the night outside the door of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And I could hear him saying in the night Subhan Allah, you're a biller, Allah mean, and he would repeat that for a while. So we should also repeat these words, especially when we're trying to fall asleep. Almost Indeed, it is I Allah, the Exalted in Might the wise, and he was told throw down your staff, but when he saw it reading, as if it were a snake, he saw it moving, as if it were a snake, he turned in flight and did not return. Allah said almost Fear not,

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indeed, in my presence, the messengers Do not fear. Otherwise, he who wrongs then substitutes good for evil. Indeed, I am Forgiving and Merciful, was on Instagram, he had made a huge mistake in his past, he had killed a man by accident. And any person who you know who, who is very honest, who is, you know, honest with themselves a person of good conscience, any for them, if they're mistakes, they linger on, they don't just forget about them. So, it is as if, you know, his, his mistake was being hinted at that you don't need to be afraid now because yes, you made a mistake, but then you substituted it with good, you replace that evil with something good. So a person who follows a bad

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deed with a good one, or who fixes the mistake that he made, that Allah subhanaw taala is Forgiving and Merciful towards them. And this is any It is so encouraging, because we cannot be perfect. We will definitely make mistakes any there's mistakes we make unintentionally, accidentally. We meant to do something else and we ended up doing something else because we're human, we're completely imperfect. But then look at the way out that Allah subhanaw taala has created for us Illa Allah Allah, so mubadala Hassan and BARDA su replace that evil with something good and put your hand into the opening of your garment. It will come out white without disease. These are among the nine signs

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you will take to fit our own and his people. Indeed they have been a people defiantly disobedient, but when they're came to them, our visible signs this and this is obvious magic, and they rejected them. While their inner selves were convinced they're off. They knew inside that it was true. It was not magic. They knew inside that this was divine. This was miracle but

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They still rejected out of injustice and arrogance. So see how was the end of the corrupters? Well, Tina, there were there was Sulayman or ilma. And we had certainly given to the wood and so a man knowledge Subhana Allah, Allah had given them many blessings, they were kings, they were prophets. They had their own unique strengths and miracles that Allah subhanaw taala had blessed them with. But out of all the things what's the first thing that is mentioned here? The fact that Allah gave them knowledge. So remember, the blessing the virtue of knowledge is above other blessings. You need knowledge is more important to other blessings that you have been given. This is why the Prophet

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sallallahu Urdu Sunnah was told what were called, are busy near ilma that say, Oh, my lord increased me in my knowledge. Abood I don't know the Longhorn, who narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah in the dunya, Mullah. Runa unquestionably, indeed the world is cursed, what is in it is cursed, except for the vicar of Allah, the remembrance of Allah and what is conducive to that meeting what helps you what is an assistant to you in remembering Allah in worshiping Him, and why Lehman omata or Lehman and a knowledgeable person, and the person who is learning the person who is studying, any bs people are not cursed, otherwise everything else in the world, it is Monday Runa

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it is cursed, which means that you know, it is attached with problems and discomfort, and, and all of that, and it is something whose benefit will not benefit who whose benefit will not continue for long. But when it comes to knowledge, and when it comes to the vicar of Allah, then this is something he that will continue to benefit a person forever. So the last panel tada mentioned that wouldn't serve a man and the fact that Allah gave them knowledge and they said, praise is due to Allah, who has favored us over many of his believing servants, they were given a and real aim is that a person remains humble to Allah. This is real knowledge that a person thanks and praises

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Allah. Knowledge doesn't mean that a person does not have time for ibadah know, when a person is truly knowledgeable than they worship Allah, they glorify and praise Allah. When a person is truly knowledgeable, they understand that what they know is from Allah, so they remain humble. And so a man inherited their wood. He said, Oh people, we have been taught the language of birds, upon Allah, and we have been given from all things. Indeed, this is evident bounty. You see, he is telling his people that Allah has given us these privileges. He is not boasting here. He's not making them proud here. Rather, he is reminding them that this is unfuckable Moby, this is Allah's evident favor on

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us, that we should not take for granted. And gathered for such a man where his soldiers of the jinn and men and birds, what a massive army that must have been. And they were marching in rows, meaning they were organized, it was not a random crowd.

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Until when they came upon the Valley of the ends, and and said, Oh, and enter your dwellings, that you will not be crushed by such a man and his soldiers while they perceive not Subhan Allah and and recognized so a man early his solo. And remember that an end colony is actually a nation among the nations that glorify Allah. That is how the prophets Allah who already said and described it. So this and you know, it didn't blame instalay man or listen, Emmet said that perhaps they will trample over you while they perceive No, because they're not able to see you see a man or a son and because Allah made him hear the conversation of the end. So the man already said, I'm smiled, amused at her

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speech. And this shows is that the prophets of Allah would smile. Even the prophets of Allah who are using it would would smile a lot. In fact, he would smile more than anyone else, and he would love but occasionally, sometimes he would laugh to the point that his molar is could be seen, but never with his mouth open so wide, that his uvula could be could be seen. So remember, lol laughing out loud. This is not from the Sunnah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he did not laugh massage Mian meaning as if his all his entire body was involved like you know, really laughing uncontrollably that was not the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so smiling is a Sunnah

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it is an act of charity. It doesn't break your fast, however, smiling must be according to the Sunnah also. So so they might not listen, smiled. He was amused at her speech and said, My Lord

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BLC Ernie and ash colinear Medical Letty and Antalya, we're on our way early the year. We're on our metal solly handlebar what are the syllabi Raj medical theory by the Casali hain? He said, My Lord, enable me, you control me to be grateful for your favor which you have bestowed upon me. As if he is asking Allah, Allah, you control me that I don't want to become arrogant. So allow me to be grateful for your favor which you have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and allow me to do righteousness of which you approve. And this should be our concern that we do actions which Allah subhanaw taala is pleased with, and admit me by your mercy into the ranks of your righteous servants, what a great

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king and look at his humility. And he took attendance of the birds and said, Why do I not see the hoopoe? Or is he among the absent meaning he noticed one bird who would it was missing

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Subhanallah I will surely punish him with a severe punishment or slaughter him until unless he brings me clear authorization. So we see that such a minor SLM, he was a great king of a great kingdom. But he was also very, very vigilant, and very, very aware. And he was also very firm about the rules. But the hoopoe, the Hood Hood stayed not long and said, I have encompassed in knowledge that which you have not encompassed and I have come to you from Subbu with certain news. Indeed, I found there a woman ruling them and she has been given of all things and she has a great throne. I found her and her people prostrating to the sun instead of Allah, and shaitan has made their deeds

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pleasing to them, and averted them from his way, so they are not guided. And so they do not prostrate to Allah, who brings forth what is hidden within the heavens and the earth, and knows what you conceal and what you declare a law, there is no day to accept Him, Lord of the great throne, Subhana Allah, this is a bird and look at the birds observation. Birds are truly fascinating creatures and their vision, their observation, and it's amazing, because he had said, a help to be male and to have to be, I have encompassed what you did not encompass. And really birds are able to see what we are not able to see. Amazing. So a man earlier Sam said, we will see whether you were

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truthful, or were of the liars, meaning we will investigate, take this letter of mine and deliver it to them, then leave them and see what answer they will return. She said Oh, eminent ones, indeed to me has been delivered a noble letter. Indeed it is from such a man. And indeed it reads In the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. So please, when you send a letter, give a note to someone send a message, make sure that you I you know, identify yourself. So they matter. Listen, I've said this is from slay man, and begin with the name of Allah. And what was the message, be not hearted, be not arrogant with me, but come to me in submission as Muslims, because remember,

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he was a prophet of Allah. And so he invited them over here from a position of strength and power, because that is what Allah subhanaw taala had given him. She said, Oh, eminent once advised me in your in my affair, I would not decide a matter until you witness for me, she takes their suggestions. And this is so important if you really want to rule people, if you really want to not rule people, any, if you want to lead them truly lead them, you know, lead their hearts, then it is important that everybody feels heard. And everybody feels involved. It should not be a dictatorship, even at home, you know, sometimes what happens is that when it comes to cooking food, you know, we

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just prepare whatever we want. And we tell people well, you know what, too bad like it or leave it any take people's suggestions, get them to be on the same page, whether it is a small matter or a big one. So we can see how she's not hasty she's very deliberate. They said, We are men of strength, and have great military might, but the command is yours. So see what you will command, we will accept your decision. She said, Indeed, Kings, when they enter a city, they ruin it, and render the honor of its people humbled, and thus do they do so it's better to come to some agreement, some kind of compromise instead of conflict. But indeed, I will send to them a gift and see with what reply

02:14:27 --> 02:15:00

the messengers will return. Again, we see that she is also very deliberate. She's not hasty, but others that may Allah have mercy on her. She was very wise, both in Schick and in Islam. And they've been our basketball doula horn who said that she said this. She said to her people, that if such a man accepts the gift, that he is an average kink, and then you can easily fight him. But if he doesn't accept it, that he is different than he is really a prophet, as he says, so we will obey him then. So when they came to sell a man he said, do you provide me with wealth, but what Allah has given

02:15:00 --> 02:15:38

He is better than what he has given you. Meaning I'm not in need of this wealth of yours these gifts. Rather it is you who rejoice in your gift returned to them for we will surely come to them with soldiers that they will be powerless to encounter. And we will surely expel them they're from in humiliation and they will be debased. So a man already Salaam said, Oh, assembly of gin, which of you will bring me her throne before they come to me in submission, a powerful one from among the gene said, I will bring it to you before you rise from your place. And indeed I am for this task, strong and trustworthy. Meaning you can trust me I am capable of this. And I can bring it to you,

02:15:39 --> 02:16:22

within you know, a couple of hours before you get up from this meeting of yours. But then said one who had knowledge from the Scripture, and levier in the who Elmo mineral Kitab he said, I will bring it to you before your glands returns to you meaning within a blink. You see, there in knowledge is better than physical power, because one is able to accomplish with knowledge, what they cannot accomplish with physical power alone. So it is said that this was gibreel, who had knowledge of the Book of the Scripture, and that is how he's praised over here. And when Sulayman saw the throne placed before him, he said this is from the favor of my Lord had them in fugly Robbie. This is

02:16:22 --> 02:17:06

entirely Allah's favor on me, I am neither worthy of it, nor capable of it on my own, nor have I done anything because of which I deserve this favor of my Lord, this is truly his favor upon me. And why is this favor given to me to test me whether I will be grateful or ungrateful, and whoever is grateful, his gratitude is only for the benefit of himself. And whoever is ungrateful than indeed my lord is free of need and generous. So we see here that at the Hadoop will be near Mattila talking about the blessing of Allah. Remember, this is part of gratitude, and not talking about Allah's blessings shows that we don't recognize them, that we are not acknowledging them, he said disguise

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for her her throne, we will see whether she will be guided to truth or will be of those who is not guided, you see that. So the manner in Assam is very deliberate, and he is constantly testing. And we see that the Queen of Sheba also she was also very deliberate. So when she arrived, it was said to her is your throne like this, she said, It is as though it was it. And so we see over here, that any sort of manner in a salon showed her a miracle, by having the throne brought before she arrived. And we were given knowledge before her and we have been Muslims in submission to Allah, and that which he was worshiping other than Allah had averted her.

02:17:51 --> 02:18:32

And that and that which he was worshiping other than Allah had averted her meaning before from submitting to Allah. Indeed, she was from a disbelieving people. And that is why she was like that, but once she came to know of the truth, what happened, she was told enter the palace, but when she saw it, she thought it was a body of water, and uncovered her sins to wade through. Because, again, we see she was not hasty. She was very deliberate and careful. I'm sure not an early homeowner. So he said, Indeed, it is a palace whose floor is made smooth with glass and it was so shiny, that it was reflecting the image. So she thought it was wet. She said, My Lord, indeed, I have wronged

02:18:32 --> 02:19:13

myself. And I submit with the Sulaiman to the Lord of the worlds. So here, yes, you recognize the superiority of a man early cinema. But she didn't just surrender. She believed in Allah, she recognized the superiority of Allah subhanaw taala. And this is what the prophets came to do. Whatever they had, they use their power, their privilege, their resources to help people recognize the greatness of Allah subhanaw taala, not their own personal glory. And we had certainly sent to some of their brothers slyly saying, worship Allah. And at once they were two parties conflicting. He said, All my people, why are you impatient for evil instead of good? Why do you not seek

02:19:13 --> 02:19:49

forgiveness of Allah that you may receive mercy, they said, We consider you a bad omen, you and those with you. He said, Your Omen is with Allah, rather you are people being tested. And there were in the city nine family heads causing corruption in the land and not amending its affairs. They said take a mutual oath by Allah, that we will kill him by night, he and his family, then we will say to his executer, we did not witness the destruction of his family, we will lie and indeed we are truthful, and they plan to plan and we plan to plan while they perceive not. And the people of Morocco came up with a very similar plan to kill the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but then

02:19:49 --> 02:19:59

look, how was the outcome of their plan? They failed, that we destroyed them and there are people all the prophets of Allah who are using them also. He fled mcca he left Makkah in peace Institute

02:20:01 --> 02:20:11

So those are their houses desolate because of the wrong they had done. Indeed, and that is a sign for people who know. You see here how we attend bml Wella mu Ibn our boss said,

02:20:12 --> 02:20:37

I find in Allah's book that injustice destroys homes, and he recited this verse. So remember injustice, oppression is something unlawful, and it ruins the family. So any kind of injustice whether it is verbal, or it is physical, against a spouse or children, it is not going to allow the house or the family to stay together just as injustice destroys.

02:20:38 --> 02:21:19

And we saved those who believed and used to fear Allah and mentioned loot when he said to his people, do you commit immorality while you are seeing? Do you indeed approach men with desire instead of women rather, you are a people behaving ignorantly. But the answer of his people was not except that they said, expel the family of loot from your city. Indeed, there are people who keep themselves pure. So we saved him and his family except for his wife. We destined her to be of those who remain behind and we rained upon them a rain of stones and evil was the rain of those who were worn, coolly Al Hamdulillah say All Praise be to Allah wa salam o Nana Eva de Hillary, no stuffer,

02:21:19 --> 02:22:01

and may peace be upon His servants whom he has chosen, Allah who hired on a my usually call and ask them is Allah better or what they associate with him? So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is taught to say this, and we should also say this, that first all praises to Allah, and then Peace and blessings upon Allah has chosen servants. Why, why should we say this, especially when you know a hook by our speech is because to seek the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala and generally also, this is a fact that we should remember that Allah subhanaw taala when he sent messengers, he sent messengers to guide people. So all praise to Allah for his kindness for his mercy for his

02:22:01 --> 02:22:31

generosity, and all and maleness panel to bless those people who endured such great difficulty who were so patient in conveying God's message to mankind was Allah mana Allah He by the healer Deena stuffer Allahumma salli wa sallam ala nabina Muhammad wa ala early Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam inshallah will conclude over here subhanak Allah Homer will be handed a Chateau Allah ilaha illa Anta, a selfie recorder to buoy Lake wa salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

02:22:44 --> 02:22:47

We'll be laying in a shade on urging Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

02:22:48 --> 02:22:54

is actually the holy sister Tamia Alhamdulillah very enlightening session and we look forward to tomorrow's session

02:22:56 --> 02:22:58

I'm very lucky students I will be

02:23:00 --> 02:23:04

in short learn enabling your chatting we'll have a quick discussion

02:23:05 --> 02:23:17

in Africa cellular so you can eat and my bad vowels in English a Panera Jean smilla rahmanir rahim rubbish roughly so do you silly. I'm Maria Hello melissani of tahu Bali

02:23:23 --> 02:23:24

Slavonic or

02:23:36 --> 02:23:38

just 19 Mashallah.

02:23:44 --> 02:23:49

So inshallah let's look at a couple of ayat from today's lesson

02:23:51 --> 02:23:52

we're going to look at

02:23:53 --> 02:23:59

the bad man Okay, so sudo for on time number 63

02:24:05 --> 02:24:15

and the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily and when they ignorant address them harshly they say words of peace

02:24:18 --> 02:24:23

Okay, so let's find out is describing his special servants

02:24:25 --> 02:24:42

MLS my lawmakers among these special people. So let's see what are their qualities because if we want to be among them, we have to adopt their qualities. Okay, so the first quality was that they walk upon the earth easily.

02:24:43 --> 02:24:45

Okay, so the people have a rough man.

02:24:47 --> 02:24:59

They are special because Allah Subhana Allah is calling them his servants. Okay, they're attributed to the Most Merciful and because of their qualities

02:25:00 --> 02:25:11

Okay, so those who walk upon the earth easily Okay, so they walk humbly and they're not arrogant in their walk. Have you ever seen someone who walks arrogantly

02:25:13 --> 02:25:16

they have a very different walk.

02:25:17 --> 02:25:18

Right like

02:25:21 --> 02:25:25

the sometimes you see the certain gangs together

02:25:26 --> 02:25:29

right? They have a very different walks upon Allah.

02:25:32 --> 02:25:34

Yeah, there was some issue with

02:25:35 --> 02:25:52

the Facebook page so we weren't able to connect, but inshallah hopefully it'll be fixed by tomorrow. Yeah, stiff neck high. held up highs of another head, chest outward. Raise neck stomping hard. very stiff.

02:25:55 --> 02:26:01

Yeah, yes. And sometimes Yeah, they don't acknowledge people kind of look down on everyone around them

02:26:03 --> 02:26:09

as one of us on my last $1 remove these characteristics from us if we have them.

02:26:11 --> 02:26:30

So then we need to kind of you know, see how am I walking? Right? Yes, very proud. Very proud. Right. So these eye otter for us to check ourselves but we can learn from looking at other people right seeing how other people are walking, and then inshallah we can

02:26:31 --> 02:26:41

judge ourselves right because the purpose is to judge ourselves and to fix ourselves. Right so we shouldn't be walking in a way where we look sick either.

02:26:42 --> 02:26:55

Right where we're hunched over bend over, bent over but we should be walking in a moderate way. I mean, I mean yes, believers are mirrors to each other

02:26:57 --> 02:26:59

humbly Yes, they lower the gaze

02:27:00 --> 02:27:03

guys not looking around here and there

02:27:04 --> 02:27:16

you know taking in all the sides what our business what's not our business? Yeah, not bringing attention to themselves. Yes, balanced. And then they walk carefully. What does it mean to walk carefully

02:27:18 --> 02:27:19

to see where they're stepping

02:27:22 --> 02:27:23

to not

02:27:24 --> 02:27:28

finally bump into other people to not

02:27:30 --> 02:27:47

you know, walk in such a way but we're hurting people. We're not paying any attention. Yeah, look where we're going. not hurting anyone. not hurting the plants. Very true. Gently, not noisily not blocking others with dignity. Yes, not danger even in insects one.

02:27:48 --> 02:27:55

Remove things harmful in the path of people carrying out caring about the environment with tranquility.

02:27:57 --> 02:28:10

Yes, even pushing people on the machine is very true. Measure the hydrometer if ever, shallow, everyone gets a chance to go. And if you've been there how much pushing is there to get to any place?

02:28:15 --> 02:28:34

Yes, lots of handler and then to walk moderately right. Not as a pilot in a rush all the time nor so slow that Subhanallah people have to keep walking around us but in a moderate pace. Yeah, not cutting in lines right. Don't disturb the pigeons while they're eating is one of the

02:28:36 --> 02:28:38

children like to run into birds. Yes, very true.

02:28:39 --> 02:28:44

Easy light not stomping the foot down. So that will come under walking gently

02:28:46 --> 02:28:58

suggests upon Allah walking in a pace where we are aware of what's going on around us. And at the same time get to our destination.

02:29:04 --> 02:29:05

Okay, soccer.

02:29:06 --> 02:29:08

Yeah, smiling at people.

02:29:09 --> 02:29:26

Yes, walk gently to the masjid during congregation. Don't walk in a way where they seek attention. Yes. And that's a good point. That when we are late for Salah at the masjid. What should we do? Let's say that your mom has started. Sisters. Amy has mentioned this in one of the lectures already.

02:29:30 --> 02:29:43

Yes, walk normally don't rush. Right? No need to run. A lot of people run. Right and when you get to your Salah if you've been running, then you have to catch your breath. Right. So anyway, you can pay attention.

02:29:45 --> 02:29:51

Yes, yes, clicking heels on the ground. Very good. reminder to wear shoes that are quiet.

02:29:52 --> 02:29:55

right because then the heels also attract attention.

02:29:56 --> 02:29:59

Yes, and enter in a way where you don't disturb others.

02:30:00 --> 02:30:22

Got Mashallah, you guys are excellent. Allah Mubarak. Okay, so we look at the walk of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, okay, this is gathered from different sources. So the prophets allowes sallallahu sallam, he did not shuffle his feet. Okay, so he wasn't shuffling his feet on the ground, but he raised them firmly when taking a step.

02:30:23 --> 02:30:34

Right. So this also Subhanallah ruins our shoes, right when we're shuffling our feet all the time. Good point, no catwalk to attract other people's attentions.

02:30:36 --> 02:31:24

Okay, and then, while walking, he did not sway either to the right or to the left, but would walk leaning slightly forward when going up an incline. So, some people, they move their arms a lot when they walk, right. It's fine if it's just on your side, and it's moving. But sometimes people are moving their arm so much that somehow they're hitting other people on their sides, right? So we see the promises and I'm would walk straight, and he would walk slightly leaning forward. Like he's going up an incline. Okay, and then he would never walk completely upright, nor would he walk rapidly. Okay, so slightly humbled. But I'm not in a rush. Right. So the prophesies on them. We can

02:31:24 --> 02:31:41

say timed everything, so that he was not rushing anywhere, right, we don't find in the Sierra, that he was rushing to get somewhere that he was late to get somewhere. Right, everything was done with Subhanallah sukoon. Right, everything was done with planning and on time.

02:31:44 --> 02:31:51

However, he could cover long distances in a short period of time. So regardless of

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how far the distance was, because of the way he would walk,

02:31:58 --> 02:32:20

and because of the grace of Allah, Allah upon him, he was able to cover long distances in a short period of time. So analyze ourselves. Right. So how do I move around? Or my shoes noisy? Are my arms all over the place? am I standing so upright that I'm looking down on others?

02:32:21 --> 02:32:28

Or am I so bent over that I look sick? Because that's not humbleness. Right. That's not humbleness. manella.

02:32:32 --> 02:32:44

Patience is the key to success. Yes, Raisa the rabbit and the turtle. Very true. So how do I walk? But then how do I drive? Right? How is our driving? Are we constantly

02:32:45 --> 02:33:00

in a rush? Right? Do we leave late all the time so that we're rushing on the road, we're cutting people off? And what you may have noticed about us when we leave somewhere late, that we're very irritated.

02:33:01 --> 02:33:04

Ever seen anyone who's in a hurry to get somewhere

02:33:06 --> 02:33:14

else on the road, how they drive and how they're cursing all the other drivers on the road? And somehow they're just driving speed limit?

02:33:17 --> 02:33:19

Yes, they honk a lot.

02:33:20 --> 02:33:38

Yeah, leave 15 minutes before and drive with ease. Screaming Yes. putting themselves and others at risk. Yes. So we all do this, right? We all are in a rush. And then we are stressed, right? And so then everything around us just looks wrong.

02:33:40 --> 02:33:41

needs to leave on time.

02:33:42 --> 02:34:19

Give us give ourselves plenty of time. A lot of times people don't calculate, even though they're very good at calculating. Okay, I need to leave at so and so time. So I'm not late, they don't calculate the amount of time it takes to get from the house, into the car. Right? Maybe your car's parked somewhere outside. So then you need to put in that time as well. Right. So if it takes you 20 minutes to get somewhere, then if you leave 20 minutes before then you're already late. Because you didn't calculate the time that it took to get from home to the car or to get from your

02:34:20 --> 02:34:37

even if your car is in the garage to pack your car and get the garage door open and get out right. So add an extra 10 minutes if you only need 20 minutes to get somewhere. Perfect. Then add 10 minutes right so that inshallah you're not

02:34:38 --> 02:34:38


02:34:40 --> 02:34:59

Yes, gentle, dignified with tranquility. There's no harsh tension, the walk lenient and straight, easy and light. Yeah, that's true last minute. diaper change is very true. It happens all the time. Right. So something that we need to just, we don't calculate all of these things.

02:35:00 --> 02:35:01

All right, so maybe I need to

02:35:03 --> 02:35:22

set it up so that I'm leaving, you know, 40 minutes earlier if I have to get somewhere in 20 minutes. That way if something happens, I'm not stressed. Right I have 10 minutes to get something done through me made thicker of a less peninsula. It opens up the way

02:35:24 --> 02:35:27

by Alaska very true. Keeps us calm.

02:35:29 --> 02:35:32

let people go by Yes. Don't practice road rage.

02:35:34 --> 02:35:45

Okay, and so, the next part of that is when the ignorant addressed them harshly. So who is an ignorant person? There was many examples given in that the fear today.

02:35:49 --> 02:36:02

Yes, it could be a child sometimes. Yes. Someone who doesn't know right? So someone who has lack of knowledge. Maybe they're just supposed to love foolish malice, but they'll protect all of us from

02:36:03 --> 02:36:04

such a mind.

02:36:06 --> 02:36:09

Yes, person who knows. But anger overtakes them, right.

02:36:11 --> 02:36:19

From a lean point of view yes for on was ignorant. He recognized the truth. Right. He recognized the truth, but he didn't accept it.

02:36:20 --> 02:36:22

Yes, some with anger issues.

02:36:23 --> 02:36:37

It's possible. Yeah. Some people who work for us could be ignorant overstress people? Yes. And then how do they probably address the people? They are very coarse. They're very harsh.

02:36:39 --> 02:36:48

Yeah, in polite youth. Yes. So it could be the seniors very true. people away from the Koran. They use foul language.

02:36:49 --> 02:36:57

Yes, so some another thing for us to check great. SubhanAllah do I behave like an ignorant person?

02:36:58 --> 02:37:19

Hey, do I become stubborn? When someone's telling me something? I just out of stubbornness sometimes even though they people know what the right thing is to do. They're just being stubborn then Subhanallah? Again, it's ignorance right? Or do I behave like a foolish person even though I know what the right thing to do is? Or the right thing to say is?

02:37:20 --> 02:37:32

Okay, and how often do I behave ignorantly because I'm stressed hide in my course and on my harsh how do we behave with let's say our family members during class?

02:37:33 --> 02:37:42

A lot of us we sit down for a class but then if a family member needs something that will become so irritated

02:37:43 --> 02:37:48

and that is the absolute opposite of how a student of Quran should be

02:37:50 --> 02:37:59

you tell the kids right now I'm in class, why are you bothering me or our spouses? Right? Or if our parents need something

02:38:01 --> 02:38:05

so let's make sure that we do not behave like the ignorant

02:38:09 --> 02:38:25

your sister and noisy during class so now we know that we have to respond in a way that doesn't show that we are a jahaz right? ignorant Yeah, locked the door get out. So how to look. So inshallah something to practice upon.

02:38:27 --> 02:38:43

And what do they do when they come across such people they say words of peace. Okay, so what is Salaam? So how should we respond to someone else who we come across? That is behaving like an ignorant person? We need to watch our words.

02:38:44 --> 02:39:03

Right? We need to make sure that we are not Subhanallah coming down to the same level. Right? If we're saying you're someone's behaving like an ignorant person, then Subhan Allah when they use bad words, we use bad words as well, then we're behaving the same way. We are also behaving like an ignorant person.

02:39:04 --> 02:39:25

Right? If they are shouting, and we're saying Oh, you're behaving like an ignorant person, and Subhanallah we shout back at them, then we are also the same, right? So we're not trying to match or outdo an ignorant person, right? We are trying to inshallah follow this idea and say words of peace. Yes. Stay calm.

02:39:27 --> 02:39:49

It's, yeah, exactly. We have to return the bad with the good. So make sure our words are clean. Make sure we're using gentle words, peaceful words. And if that is not working, then we need to leave. Right. And sometimes saying Salaam works if you're in a place and sometimes you just have to show peace from your attitude.

02:39:51 --> 02:39:52


02:39:53 --> 02:39:59

And so either way, we stay calm, we stay peaceful, and if it's something that needs to be addressed, and we come back

02:40:00 --> 02:40:00

to that?

02:40:03 --> 02:40:04


02:40:06 --> 02:40:28

Very true. So let's quickly look at a story. And some of you may have heard this, but a reminder is always beneficial for the believer. So this is a garbage truck story. One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane, when suddenly a black car jumped out of the parking space right in front of us.

02:40:30 --> 02:40:54

My taxi driver slammed on his brakes skidded and missed the other car by just inches. The driver of the other car, whipped his head around and started yelling at us. Okay, so, so kinda like they're driving in the right lane. And this car jumps out at them from a parking space. Okay, so the taxi driver slams his brakes and Subhanallah

02:40:56 --> 02:41:48

barely misses the car by inches and the driver is yelling at them. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was really friendly. So I asked, why did why did you just do that this guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital. This is where my taxi driver taught me what I now call the law of the garbage truck. He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage full of frustration, full of anger and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it. And sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just smile wave, wish them well and move on. Don't take their garbage and spread

02:41:48 --> 02:41:52

it to other people at work at home or on the streets.

02:41:55 --> 02:42:25

Very interesting, isn't this. So people what do they do? They keep collecting everyone's garbage. And then they have to dump it somewhere. So something for us to Subhanallah analyze ourselves on. Did I have a bad day at work? Now? Do I go come home? And Subhanallah dump the garbage on my family. Right or did I have a bad day at school? So I'm in a bad mood. So now I dumped the garbage on my siblings.

02:42:28 --> 02:42:29

Yes, so

02:42:31 --> 02:42:40

just because someone dumped their garbage on us doesn't mean we have to pick up the garbage. Right? Let it fall don't pick it up.

02:42:42 --> 02:42:46

Don't take that garbage and walk around with it and go dumping it on other people.

02:42:48 --> 02:43:07

Yes, don't be the slave of your mood. Exactly. Okay. Alhamdulillah So does that qualify everyone for your participation under my excellent excellent reflections from all of you? Lost by the increase all of you and knowledge and may we inshallah meet again in the best state of human and health

02:43:11 --> 02:43:17

subhanak Allah will be humbling I should La Ilaha Illa and Stafford according to bhulekh salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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