Tahir Wyatt – Ramadan 2018 – 15 – Vows to other than Allah

Tahir Wyatt
AI: Summary ©
The importance of staying up late and protecting one's health is emphasized, as well as the negative consequences of fulfilling parliament promises and touching things in public. Prayer and not touching things in public is also emphasized. The speakers stress the importance of studying the Bible and learning its teachings in order to understand the events that occur during prayer, as well as the large event happening soon.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yo yo Medina, in my bag today, which is the fourth of June 2018, corresponding to the 19th of Ramadan 1439. I want to begin just by talking about the last 10 nights, because as you know, tomorrow is going to be the 20th day. And so the night is the 21st night, which marks the beginning of the last 10 nights. So tomorrow night marks the beginning of the last 10 nights for everybody who began fasting on Thursday.

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And so it's important for us to recognize that whatever you've been doing up to this point, reading the Quran on a daily basis, praying at night, watching your tongue during the daytime, making sure that you're protecting your fast from anything that would cause it any deficiencies, all of the things that you have been doing extra, since Ramadan has begun. They have to go to the next level starting tomorrow night. Because everything that Allah subhana wa tada has blessed us to do this far is in preparation for seeking out Laila to Qatar.

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And that is why I showed all the allaahu China and China and I said that when the last 10 began, the process of aligning with some of them would exert himself in them like he would do at no other time.

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What that means is that you may exert yourself to the point that on the EEG, you're totally done, you're tired, maybe even sick or whatever, but you're going to push yourself through these 10 in a way that you have not done for any other time of the year. There's nothing else more important than that. And you can think at other times during the year, when you stayed up all night for some calls, when you had to go out of your way to do this or do that. Right now is the time to go out of your way

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to please Allah subhana wa Tada. And to put those deposits of good deeds for the hereafter. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam would exert himself, like he would no other time of the year. And he

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also said he that definitely Elijah, when the last 10 would enter Africa, Laila, who is someone who has spent his night in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And what is understood from Elena who it means that he stayed up the entire night. Now, staying up the entire night may work for some people, it may not work for other people in each of you knows yourself. So if you need to get a 30 minute nap, at some point during the night, so that you can continue with the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala, then do so you don't want to get to the point where you're so tired, that when you get into SharePoint or your, your institute, everybody else goes up and you stay down, not

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because you're dead. But because you sleep. You don't want to do that. You don't want to get to that point. And so you have to be able to measure what works for you. But just know that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam pushed himself. It's not and again, when you when you think about it, pushing yourself does not mean you take it easy, and just do what comes easy. Start with the promise it some did. And it wasn't like, Oh, this was just easy for the Prophet, I didn't select him. And in fact, the last few months, it may have made it easy for him. But the point is, instead, as I showed you last time, he did jihad, and it was a struggle. And that's what we're saying here is that it's not

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about what comes easy to you, I'm just gonna take it easy and whatever comes easy to me during the last 10 nights now, you have to struggle you have to push yourself, you have to work hard. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam

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was shut them zero. And the the literal translation of that is that he tightened up his his arm, the izhar is the lower garment that you wear. And that has two interpretations. One is that he avoided any contact with his wives. You tie the lower part that's it, there's nothing happening. And the other possible interpretation of that is similar to the way we say in English, roll up your sleeves, you get serious, shut them down, we tied up, this is up and he got serious, more serious than he was in the prior nights. And then she says what a cover level and he would wake up his family. And in here we have an important point. And that is that the prophet SAW the light he was some of them did

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not want those who he was directly responsible for and those whom he loved. He didn't want them to miss the opportunity of benefiting from those 10 nights

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and that's because

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In those 10 nights is a night that is better than 1000 months

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later to Add to Home and Alicia is the last panel data says that the night of huddle is better than 1000 months. And I don't think that we normally take the time to consider what that means

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in one night, and One Nights, the worship that you do during that night

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is as if you've worship Allah subhana wa tada with that same worship for 1000 months.

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And if we translate that

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and we translate that into our currencies, our commodities, okay.

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What does a person what would you say a person is a good wage for a person to make for working at night, a night right now.

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A night right now starts at what time seven o'clock, approximately, and ends at four o'clock. Right? So we're talking about nine hours. That's the other thing. Laila till Qatar doesn't start after he shed it doesn't start with Tata weird, it starts at Monday.

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Whatever night it is, it starts at McDonald's. And so you have to be ready to take advantage of the opportunity that leaders have because it offers you from the time of mother's tomorrow. Okay, so let's just say that's nine hours that a person works, what's a fair wage or nine hours?

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Let's just say it was something maybe not that not that great of a week.

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$100 X, okay, that's fine. Now

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that that's in one night, he made $100. But now it's not $100 for the night, now you multiply that by at least 10 to 700. Because the last kind of data automatically increases your good beats where you by 10 to 700 times. So let's go with the minimum, which is 10. So now we're at what $1,000 Okay. But now, it's not about

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what you get in a night. It's not about what you get in the night.

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Because it's about a month. So now it's $30,000. Okay.

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But now, that's multiplied by 1000. Because it's better than working for 1000 months. So that's 30 million.

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It went from what $100. So what 30 million? Do we understand that that's not even really on your radar, to be able to make an investment of $100 and automatically get a return of 30 million. That's just not really conceivable. So now, let's just look at it like this.

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You recite the Quran.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that for each letter that you read, there are 10, there's a hessonite, one has to be actually emphatic that you get a reward for every letter. And then that letter is multiply 10 times over because of like we already talked about. So for one letter that you recite or later to cut it, just think about it. So you start off with 10. And then that gets multiplied by 30, because it's the month. So that's 300. Right. And then that gets multiplied by 1000. For one letters, and a lot of reading the grind. The point is, the point is and fuck the law. Last year, we were low balling, because the loss of data is the most generous, and his

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bouncing is expensive. And we can never imagine what a loss of * Jada has in store for those who strive to please him somehow.

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Okay, the point is just to kind of get an idea in your mind, you don't want to waste any time, once leaving, so cutting stars, you don't want to waste any time to the best of your ability, you want to eat less, because you don't want to take that time eating. You want to keep your tongue wet with the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala trying to read the Quran as much as possible. You want to give charity give generously throughout the last 10 nights. And if you're here and you can't find anybody here, you don't know what the situation is should we give to these people or not? Maybe you have a way that you can support your local message back home online. Maybe you have somebody back home that

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can give on your behalf and you pay them back. But the point is, you want to try to give something every night. During the last 10 nights of Ramadan. You want to be generous. So think about it like this. We've got we've got reading the Brian. We've got being generous with your wealth. We've got keeping your tongue wet with the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala when you're not receiving that

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On and one of the most important things that you can do on layer two

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is standing in prayer.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the best prayer after the free law, and he after the obligatory prayers is the night prayer. Like to buy a Muslim, that the best prayer is the night prayer and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Men comma Lila terracotta he men and YT seven movie Radha who mentor, Lyndon B he will ever stands in prayer. During the night of al Qaeda, Goofy Allah who Maritza Kadima made them believe that his previous sins will be forgiven. And so the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is encouraging us on later to Qatar, to stand in prayer. So, just to advise those who may not know, starting from tomorrow night,

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when taraweeh is prayed, which it is not going to be great, but subtly

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on tomorrow night, not tonight, but Tuesday night, tomorrow night.

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When you stand up, when you ask the chef and you pray total with the winter, prayer is not going to be great. So they're going to pray 20 rock acts and then they and then they're going to disperse and then they're going to come back at one o'clock or perhaps 1245 depends.

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And then they're going to pray 10 Records and they these rockets are going to be longer than the ones that are praying for total week, the recitation is going to be longer the record and Jude are going to have a bit more

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calmness with them inshallah, and want to slow it down a little bit. And then you're going to pray with it with those 10.

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All right, that brings up a question that a lot of people ask. And that is two questions. Number one, is it permissible to pray more than 11 records?

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And number two, is coming back for 200 what they call 200 prayer, is that something that is some is it permissible, so on and so forth? Like

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I don't want to take a lot of time to address these issues. Because

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whether you think it's something or not, it's happening.

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So my point was just to mention, the fact that it's happening, that this is what is going to be done here and the mention of the profit It is sad to say, but number two is that the Sunnah of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is not known by reading one Hadith.

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And then making a decision based on one heavy student of the prophet Isaiah Salatu. Salam in any given subject is known by gathering the text that deal with that particular subject. First, that's first and foremost, that the texts have to be gathered, not that you take one Heidi, like the head either it shall not be alone time, when she said that the prophet SAW you saw them never pray more than 11 right past and then you stop. That's the only thing you know, as if there's nobody else that ever talked about the end of the prophet Isaiah Salatu, saying, as if the prophets of light he was someone who himself did not talk about. And so that is not a proper methodology of understanding

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Islam. It's not a proper methodology of approaching texts, to take one text,

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unless that is the only text that deals with a particular subject. But as long as there are other texts that deal with the subject, then we need to gather them, we need to look at them. And more importantly, we need to look at how were these texts understood by those who were with the province of light, it was Southern when the revelation was revealed? That is the Sahaba. How did they? What did they do with that information that they had from the Prophet? Some A lot of it was something and then you can look at those who came after them from the scholars of Hadith and the scholars of Islam in general, and see how they understood these hidden. So anyway, the point here is what?

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That there is no doubt whatsoever, that it is permissible to pray more than 11 records for pm only. That is not even a point of contention. Nor was it a point of contention amongst the early scholars that we have to wait, am I allowed to either and other early scholars of Islam mentioned that there was each man amongst the early scholars, the Sahaba and the Tabby, that there is no limit to the night prayer. And as long as we have an early consensus, if somebody comes 500 years later, 1000 years later, and they say nobody had enough of it, she says and we say pump the brakes, go back and look at how the seller understood those texts. And don't you come now and try to understand it.

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independently of the other text. And so what do we do now in this situation where we have the best of you along with China and who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for pray the night prayer 13 rakaats. So now, the person who wants to make more than 11 Records, the bid, if not sooner, is going to say, Well, this is how we can interpret that maybe they would have to light records to process it someone used to start this prayer offer prayer offer.

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If he prayed to records, even if they like, aren't they still to records.

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And it's still more than 11 fighting. So therefore we understand that I should not be alone China and had talked about what happened in her house. She talked about what happened in her house into the problem selling selling when he was with her did not pray more than 11 Records. And that again, is according to her knowledge, she was not awake all of the time, when the Prophet said it was something free, as other headings indicate. And that's not to take anything away from the knowledge of the mother of the believers, or the Allahu taala. And because she was from the most knowledgeable of the companions of the messengers in light of itself, but the point is, that if other people from

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the companions have affirmed that the prophet SAW you celebrate more than 11, then the fact of the matter is you pray for them. And it's really that simple. To go a step further, the man who came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he asked him, How do I pray the night prayer? How do I pray the night for now we have a statement of our Prophet

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the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, when answering that question, but before I go here,

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Effie wishing,

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as well. Have we ever met before? Okay.

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Are you pretty awesome? Yeah. So Pamela hasn't failed yet.

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Haha. Do you pray? ICER? Did you hear what he just said? What did he say? He said for rakats. For records.

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Did he tell me you face the pillow? You say Allahu Akbar. And then you recite so little facha Did he say that? He said pray for reicast A man came to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And he said, How do I pray the night prayer? How do I pray the night prayer.

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The prophets like Selim did not say you face the fibula, you say Allahu Akbar who said the night prayers, pray two by two.

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And if one of you fears that fudgier is going to enter, then let him pray one for witches. The prophets like some did not give him a limit. Had there been a limit that man did not know how to pray the night pray he didn't know the number of records to pray.

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Had there been a limit it was would have been wagging upon the practice of lighting with someone to clarify at that time.

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Otherwise, we are accusing the Prophet sallallahu wasallam of not conveying the deen of Allah Subhana Allah and that is hot.

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So there is no doubt and this is why the early scholars were saying in fact 11 Records was not known not in methionine Timothy

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and Medina and this messed him up until the time of me mathematic and even after that they prayed 36 rockets

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and Mecca date great 20

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he may America him Hello Tyler was asked by the Khalifa gang to take take it down just a little bit. And he said they've been doing this in the mention of the province of vitamin Sunnah for over 100 years. I am not going to come now and change that. And they left it at 36 during his time mm hm you know loads adamant says the same thing about Mecca. Not that he was asked to reduce it, but that the people affected have been paying to have been praying 20 from the time of the Sahaba, or at least the time with the tamina. They have many narrations with the Tevye where they would pray a number of various numbers of rockets.

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And that is why I have an empty bottle.

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Rahim Allahu Allah, who's the great Maliki scholar he said that is a consensus amongst the scholars that there is no limit to how much is praying in the night for it. So how many rockets there are in the night prayer and even tell me about him Ola, Addison, something similar. And he said that anybody that believes that there is a limit to the number of rock Asprey for the night career that he is mistaking. So that's number one. So that we don't get caught up in the fact that they are going to be praying 33 rock guys, starting from tomorrow night, and that we should strive our best to join in with the rest of the believers in pray. Fight. The second issue related to the night

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prayer is the issue of praying a certain amount and then stopping, maybe leaving the message and then coming back and praying again.

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And that is what is known in the language of the foot behind is a tacky salon.

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In other words, to break to go home and then to come back. And some of the early scholars of Islam discouraged

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Practice, they didn't like that. Pray one time. And, and that's it. And other early scholars are saying from amongst the tabbing, as well at the same time they permitted. And so again, when you have these types of situations where you have the early scholars of Islam that are debating about a particular topic is going to be very hard for Latin scholars to come to a firm conclusion.

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And it doesn't seem to be anything in Islam, that would prohibit us from doing that, except for the fact that the Prophet sallallaahu, Selim himself did not do it for the fact that you find a man from the Tabby who are practicing this and not just in one place. That's another thing you look at, is it only those are the man who were imbecile, only those who are the man who were in Sham who did or only know, it was why, why the practice, and therefore for those who do it today, and shall all data there is no harm. And that effect is more from a loss of 10 or more to add, as it also relates to the ninth grade. One thing we should not do is to get in the habit of leaving after a certain number

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of records.

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Because the problem is aligning with some service on the main enemy of good evil Oh, pm Allah, whoever prays with the man until his email is done. Then it will be written for him as if he prayed the entire night, as if he prayed the entire night. Some people say Well, yeah, but there's two commands, there's one for the first 10 and there's another for the second 10. But it's all one slot. And so it's similar to what would happen if the man was leaving the slot. And then he forgot that he didn't have will do, what is he gonna do? He's gonna pull somebody from behind it and finish leaving the slot. You say, No, I'm just gonna stop here because the man has done the man stop. No, it's the

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same salon. So as long as the same salon, that is what the profit is allowed to Sudan is referring to when he says praying until the demand is done. And that is that you pray the entire salon. So if you pray for an hour, and that's how long the prayer is, for example, the prayers an hour and a half and the man was done

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by you praying with him is written for you as if you upgrade the entire night. And that's something that you should strive to do. And, you know, not fall short and shallow ties. So we've covered the issue of reading the Quran. During the last 10 nights we've talked about generosity during the last 10 nights, we've talked about prayer, in the last 10 nights, we've talked about keeping your tongue wet with the remembrance of Allah subhana wa tada and from that remembrance of Allah subhana wa tada and sometimes it is one of the best forms of remembering a lot as a gel is to make

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is to make dua and we've been focusing on that for the last I don't know week or so, the the

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importance of making the month of Ramadan a month of adapt. So yesterday, we started with the do I that sounds a bit heavy, what costs while the alarm tired and who was from the 10 who were promised paradise.

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He married this Heidi. And he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to teach us these words, the way that one would learn in the key tab, the way that one would learn when he is sitting with his sheep teaching him how to write. In other words, the prophet SAW something took his time and teaching us these words. He was diligent in teaching us these words. He checked them to make sure that we were saying them properly. All right, and other narrations of this heavy, desirable party size of inevitable concepts. They are Musab inside even everyone costs Musab the son of Saturday will cost said that our father's side used to teach us these words, the way that a young

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man would learn how to rank in the tech daddy when he was in primary school, whatever, the nursery,

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so these words are what leave them in Selma.

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Alabama in the

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movie coming

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will probably

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have the authority of sign up we will pass on the Aloha who said seek refuge in Allah using words with which the prompted

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us to seek refuge in Allah. Allah verily I seek refuge in You from an cowardice I seek refuge in You from an open okay.

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So yesterday, yesterday we covered those two points. A llama in the out of the week, Amina jubin, who will become in a book. All right. I seek refuge in You Allah from cowardice. A Muslim is not a coward. A Muslim does not back

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down from doing what is right because his heart is attached to Allah subhana wa tada and it's not attached to the creation and what breeds cowardice is what? What breeds cowardice is when a person's heart is attached to the creation, get his fear. But why is it fear? Why does he fear he fears because he hopes something from someone or he is scared that something will happen to him from someone.

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You understand he either wants to get something from someone or he wants to repel some possible evil that may happen from someone from one of the creation when his heart is attached to Allah Subhana Allah, He is fearing the lies that Magellan is hoping in the lives of Magellan so therefore he is courageous. And he's not a coward. And so the prophet Isaiah so that was Samson, along with me, I mean, and gentlemen, Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from cowardice what I mean, and I seek refuge in You from stinginess from being a miser. And again, this is the same quality a person has to recognize that whatever you give for Eliza gel, Eliza gel is going to give back to you multiple

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times over more than you could ever imagine. So, why would a person be stingy? If in fact, he recognizes that Eliza gel is the one and woman's hands is the heavens and earth, everything belongs to a last transaction anyway. And that is why Larissa gel calls her a cotton Hasson that you give a good loan to Allah subhana wa tada and Eliza though he has prohibited Rebeck for us, Danny, I can't give you $10 as a loan until you give me back 15 but Eliza gel Riba is permissible for him. So if you give a lies with your tenant gives you back 700, he gives you back 7000.

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So here,

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some kind of love the idea of not being stingy. Why, because it shows that there is some, some deficiency in your belief that allows parents either will actually reward you for whatever it is that you put forth. And the worst form of stinginess, is to withhold those things that allows for our data has obligated upon to not give us a cat, to, to not know how to give a cat because you have the ability to learn. If you don't know what to do, you can come at the end of the year and ask someone in your locality or even on the internet or otherwise and say how do I fix the cat? This is what I earned in the last year. These are my savings, this is my surplus. Well, what am I suppose to

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do? It's not beyond your reach. But if you would hold that that is a form that is the worst form of being a miser. Likewise, withholding spending on your children and your wife and your parents if necessary. All of this is indicative of a person who is stingy and we seek refuge in Allah Subhana, which Adam from being stingy. And so these are things that we should incorporate did this fly especially number one, because you don't have to worry about its authenticity, it just is too hard. Number two is because of the care that the prophet SAW you saw him took and teaching signs of an annual cost this and the care that he took and teaching his his children is a very clear indication

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that this is important to memorize now.

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So now we're going to go on to the last three we covered those two yesterday, seeking refuge in the law from cowardice and from stinginess. And I seek refuge in You from being returned disabilities and I seek refuge late Sunday Sunday while the Vika and

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ILA are very Roman while the weaker doesn't say mean and all that or just says no like well I mean and like the early Roman so yesterday we took a weaker me right that everybody get that down. We'll do Vika min Okay. Now this part of the do i is and all right. Let me hear you say and

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again and all right death, Isla r le Romo

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right mean and all right that our belly Roman All right. What that means is I seek refuge

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in being returned to a decrepit state.

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Okay, so when someone is we say someone is old and decrepit. What do what does that mean here are the Roma here means the most efficient state of men

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and not vegetative, but almost to that point. So you see that some people get to such an old age, that they are no longer to do anything for themselves.

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And we all see people like this. Now if they need to use the bathroom, they can't use the bathroom by themselves. They have to

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diapers the way that children wear diapers and someone has to change them.

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If they are Muslim, and they need to make will do, they can't make the do by himself, somebody has to come in and make will do for them. If you talk to them, they don't know what they're talking about, they'll tell you things that don't make sense. This is our little oma. And we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala, from going to a state like that. And that normally happens by for two, from two things. Number one, from some kind of accident that affects the brain.

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And number two, simply from being a very old age. Okay. And so here, when you're seeking refuge in a loss turns out, in other words, death is better for you than being returned to that age. And returned here, because the word returned is used. It wasn't that you were that age at one point, and now you're going back and you're being returned to that age, it means that the life of man has stages, you've gone through stages, you start on and your mother's womb, and then you come out. And when you come out, you don't know anything. At that time.

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You don't know anything.

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And what happens now, when a person gets to that particular age, they don't know anything anymore. If you ask them what their name is, they couldn't tell you what's the date, they don't know, right? Now, they may you tell them, I'm your son,

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I'm your son for them.

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And then they say, Okay, and then you come back two hours later, and they say Who are you

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this is going back to the state, like like a child. Except it's even worse. And it is the most deficient statement. And the worst state that that a person can be in in terms of their in terms of their physical and mental health.

00:31:49 --> 00:31:55

So we seek refuge in Allah subhanaw taala, from going back to that sleep, because a person in that state becomes a,

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an extreme burden on on their family most of the time. And maybe maybe they become such a burden on the family. And their family has become so enable of taking care of them, that they put them in a in a home for people that are like that, but then guess what happens to the family. A lot of times they feel guilty about it, they feel guilty. So they have between either physical burnout, mental burnout and emotional stress. And so you seek refuge in a loss of data from ever getting to a state where you are like this, because at this point, you cannot fulfill your purpose in life, which is to what

00:32:36 --> 00:32:37

is the worship of a loss of

00:32:39 --> 00:32:48

a child is different, that child now is going from a stage where they know nothing, but they're increasing the knowledge on a daily basis.

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And then they get to a point where they become worshippers of a loss of habitat. A person who goes back to that state doesn't have any hope like that. That person now has lost their faculties, their whole purpose of existence no longer ceases to be because they cannot worship alive anymore at this point, all of the obligations that have all of the obligations have been lifted because they no longer have the mental or physical capacity to be worshipers of philosophy without and at that point, that is better for them. And it doesn't mean that you induce death does not mean that and the whole concept of euthanasia and these types of things would have to be dealt with at a different

00:33:31 --> 00:33:38

time. It does not mean that it does not mean that we can initiate that when a lion wants to take a person's soul and they'll take their soul.

00:33:39 --> 00:33:43

But it does mean that we seek refuge in a lot from getting to that state.

00:33:44 --> 00:33:47

And they seek refuge in You by who can say the first three.

00:33:49 --> 00:33:53

Who can say the first thing a llama in the beaker. meningioma

00:33:55 --> 00:33:56

keep it all while the weekend

00:33:58 --> 00:33:59

while the big man

00:34:05 --> 00:34:21

men and Raja ILA man, why would you be coming in Raja Illa? out? No more man. Next, as I seek refuge in You from eternity dunya trials of this world what are the weaker mean fits naturally to me

00:34:22 --> 00:34:29

while the weaker men fitting it into union that was easier right? Say it's a men fits their

00:34:30 --> 00:34:32

men fits the take dunia

00:34:33 --> 00:34:42

man and fix Nigeria from the trials. The tribulations of life from the temptations out of this life.

00:34:44 --> 00:34:46

And allies origin says in the grind

00:34:47 --> 00:34:49

in the work the law he had

00:34:51 --> 00:35:00

the promise of a law was true. And what is that promise that promises that you will die that you will stand in

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front of him subhana wa Tada. And that you will answer for what you have done in this life and know why the law he has the promise of a law is true for lead to one knuckle higher to dunya. So don't be deceived by the life of this word. Don't be deceived by the life of this world.

00:35:23 --> 00:35:25

Well, I ever won that formula.

00:35:26 --> 00:35:29

And don't let the chief deceiver Yanni say fine, deceive you.

00:35:31 --> 00:35:48

And that's what happens to a lot of people unless you seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala, from the fitness of this life, because what happens in this life, what happens here, and this life is that there's so many distractions, from the purpose of life.

00:35:49 --> 00:35:57

There's so many things that take you away from what you are actually here for, which is the worship of alarms accountable attack.

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Your spouse may be a fitness, your children may be a fitness, your wealth may be a fitness, and for a lot of people, their wealth is a fitness. For a lot of people, their money is a fitness for them. A fitness in the sense that it does what is a triumph for them, it takes them away from the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala they'll miss a lot of Juma for their wealth.

00:36:24 --> 00:36:26

They'll Miss Salah period,

00:36:28 --> 00:36:29

days at a time for their wealth.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:37

They won't pay there's a cat which is doing their wealth, because they want more wealth.

00:36:39 --> 00:36:54

Once they get more, doesn't necessarily mean that they are happier because they have more no it means they have more busy trying to make sure that they keep the new wealth that they've acquired, and figure out a way to sustain it and growth.

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And so they become busy with their wealth. And if you all remember we talked about the idols of the hearts.

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And then as it all came by him alongside I mentioned that

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every person

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has an idol that is in their heart that has to be broken. It has to be destroyed for you to be a true and pure worship of Allah subhana wa tada and that it may be huge and difficult to overcome it and may be small with other people all dependent.

00:37:28 --> 00:37:36

But I'll hustle and bustle Riva homologs address isn't dissimilar on this particular topic. And he said he put me on my chin sunnen

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when Santa mo had him, a man he said that every oma has an idol. In the idol of this woman, as well as

00:37:48 --> 00:37:58

the idol of this woman as well. That means people worship their wealth, the prophet Isaiah, so it was Sam said, he said to dinner times after dinner,

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and he's wretched,

00:38:01 --> 00:38:13

miserable, the one who worships the dinar and the one who worships to deter him. worshipers of golden silver How do you know when you worship something when you give it preference over other things.

00:38:15 --> 00:38:19

Giving your wealth preference over your deed is a problem.

00:38:20 --> 00:38:38

It's a problem. When you give your wealth preference over pleasing Allah subhana wa tada and you allow us to take you down a path that is displeasing to Allah subhanaw taala. In fact, the person may even do something that they know is haram or they they and they believe is haram. But because it brings them more money, they do it

00:38:40 --> 00:39:06

because they want more. And so that is a form of worship. Of that that doesn't mean that this person is not a Muslim. No, I say. But that's a form of worshipping other than Allah Subhana who wants to add it. And so we have to be aware of the fits now, of this dunion, the fitting of dystonia is real. And it comes in those two forms shubo hat and shadow act, because the fitting of the dounia may come in the form of misinformation.

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It may come in the form of

00:39:12 --> 00:39:13

your children,

00:39:14 --> 00:39:25

your relatives, who study different philosophies, and who are now shaky about the belief in the last panel which is fitment is done.

00:39:26 --> 00:39:48

As to the fixing of this dummy. And many times we expose ourselves to the sweeteners not even something that we have to do. But we expose ourselves to the sweetener when you seek refuge in Allah subhana wa tada from the fitting of this dunya be anything that takes you away from that take you away from being exposed to those things, which are going to make you doubt the very existence of a creator which is

00:39:50 --> 00:39:50

in prejudice.

00:39:52 --> 00:39:58

And then the fitness of shadow wet which are less than the temptations

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And perhaps there is not a time that has come upon the

00:40:06 --> 00:40:15

oma where the temptations have been as they are today. The prophet Isaiah salatu salam said multifocal alikum it's not poverty that I feel for you are

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00:40:18 --> 00:40:19

from the dunya satola

00:40:21 --> 00:40:51

Jr is going to come live for you, you watch as well. And with that wealth, you're going to do things that are displeasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we have to seek refuge in Allah subhanaw taala from the fixing of the dunya. And that is the fourth thing. So number one is joven cowardice. Number two is a book, which is stinginess. Number three is men and orator either out of the box, choose to return back to a decrepit state.

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And number four is to seek refuge in a lot from the fitness of this journey. We got the four in English, right? Sure, because if you don't know them in Arabic, you just can say it in English, but make sure you seek reference to the last data from these things. Now. That's one and

00:41:09 --> 00:41:55

the punishment of the grade and we seek represent a loss of power to Allah from adapt, will cover. And in some narrations of this hadn't been fixed until cover, and fits them until cover is the question is that a person is asked in his grave, who is your Lord, who is your prophet and what is your dean in the eye that will cover his real Yeah, that will cover is real, you know, that a person will face in his in his grave, either bliss and happiness, for he faces punishment from a loss of data and this is before the punishment of the Fire. Now read with the shape said about the 345 inshallah, and again, this reading is from the book,

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at the end well as car, which is understanding, an explanation of certain do eyes, and ethicon to the Florida liquid, which was written by a shake up the design of the muscle and better happy to allow him to add it. And this particular series was translated by

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another one of our shades Edwin Mohammed of the ocean.

00:42:22 --> 00:42:54

The third, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to say same, and they seek refuge in You from being returned to senility, or in one reaches a point of old age, which returns him to be like an infant. And in terms of the weakness of his intellect, is having little understanding and physical frailty, right. So here, this person now who goes back to that state, he says, It's like going back to being an infant's both in mental capacity and physical capacity, frailty, they can't do anything for themselves,

00:42:56 --> 00:43:25

being returned disabilities and conditioned which is nullifies that which is a human being was created for once you go back to that form, it nullifies the whole purpose of your creation, you were created to worship Allah subhanaw taala. And once you get to that state, then a person can't worship Eliza Adele anymore in terms of knowledge and learning, and in terms of performing the outward and inner acts of worship in the most perfect fashion. For this reason, seeking refuge from this condition of stability is necessary.

00:43:26 --> 00:43:47

And one of the most high said, as the law has created you and then he will cause you to die. And there are some more setback disability, so that they know nothing after having known much which is different from the children, the children know after having not known and this person doesn't know after having known

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of course, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is saying, as I seek refuge in You from dunya the trials of this world that entails seeking refuge from the trials of the worldly life, as its trials include its Shahada desires, which from among its appearances, that it distracts the person from Allah the Most High, Okay, so here's the thing. And you see when you The point is, when you're making these do eyes, you should be thinking about what they mean when you ask the law to protect you and you seek His refuge. From fifth to junior from the trials of this life. You're actually seeking refuge in Allah from everything that distracts you from his worship, for everything that

00:44:37 --> 00:44:39

distraction from his worship,

00:44:40 --> 00:44:46

and also removes the heart and alternativos from the heart that desperation to witness the bounties of payment from Allah.

00:44:49 --> 00:44:50

Just read number five,

00:44:51 --> 00:44:55

the fifth the prophets of Allah alayhi wa sallam is saying and

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

the punishment of the greed which means I seek refuge in You

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The punishment or torment of degree, which is a punishment that afflicts the soul and the body is

00:45:06 --> 00:45:11

provided in between the life of this world and the life of the hereafter for those who deserve it.

00:45:12 --> 00:46:00

This is like what the laws are most concerning the Pharaoh and his beautiful, while an enormous and competent sparrows, people, the fire, they are exposed to it morning and afternoon, Danny, they're the people of fair fit our own and his people right now are being exposed to punishments. Right now, man, and done the day when the hour will be established and all the day as the hour been established? No, it hasn't been established. Oh, otherwise wouldn't be talking. Rewind that go back start from the beginning of that. While an evil dormant encompasses various people, the fire, they are exposed to it morning and as they're being exposed right now to torment morning and evening,

00:46:01 --> 00:46:06

morning and evening. Well yoma to whom was sad, and when the hour is established.

00:46:09 --> 00:46:44

When the hour will be established, it will be sent to the angels Cosmo was able to enter the severest tournament, right that is when they will enter the actual fire. So this is the punishment that they are facing right now is obviously the punishment of the grave. It's a punishment that precedes the punishment of the Fire what he hasn't been that that's the loss of penalty to protect us from both the punishment of the grave and the punishment of the Fire as the loss of kind of what to add. Just as sad of inevitable costs taught us this lab from the province of London was some of the as the loss of cannabinoids added to protect us from stinginess, and protect us from cowardice

00:46:44 --> 00:46:52

and to protect us from going back to a decrepit state and to protect us from the fitna of this dunya in the fitness of the public men.

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00:46:55 --> 00:47:06

In this seeking refuge is approved for the confirmation of the existence of punishment to the grave, and that it is a reality and contradiction arose from the misguided people who deny the

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man. Okay, and with that in shallow Tada.

00:47:12 --> 00:47:30

I'm debating whether to move on to chapter 12. Or just open up for questions. Because yesterday, many people had a lot of different questions. It wasn't enough time to take if we take chapter 12 is only going to be about 15 minutes because it's a short chapter so we can cover it and still take two questions like

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chapter 12. Now read the title. It's a very short chapter

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to other than,

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like, here, this chapter and keytab until he the author Rahim, mahalo tada says that vowing to other than Allah is an act of shooting. So the first thing that we have to do in order to understand this particular chapter, which is to clarify that all of our vows, that if we vow to do something, that it has to be a loss of hand, which is the first thing that we need to do is understand the definition, what is the vow? What does that mean to vow? And so, a vow is when you make a solemn promise to do something.

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If I make a solemn promises Stern, a firm promise that I am going to do something whether that thing is good or bad. That is called a vowel linguistically, from a from a definition, lexical standpoint, from the standpoint of Islam, from the Sharia perspective, a vow is to make a voluntary act, binding upon oneself, to make a voluntary act, binding upon oneself by using the following form. You might say, for example,

00:48:52 --> 00:49:00

Oh Allah, I vow to you too fast every Monday of the rest of the year.

00:49:01 --> 00:49:28

Oh, live bouncing you too fast every Monday of the rest of the year. Okay. And that's about what are you doing here? You're taking a voluntary Act, which is to do what too fast on Mondays? And now you have made it binding upon yourself to do this for the rest of the year. Are we clear on the concept? Okay, that is one way. And that is what they call a an open vow.

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Or an unrestricted vowel meaning that you haven't tied this vowel to you haven't made it conditional. You have not made the vowel conditional. So this is an unconditional valve. There. There's another type of bow which is a conditional type of valve. This is when you say something like, oh, love, you blessed me to pass this test.

00:49:54 --> 00:49:57

Then I'm going to slaughter a sheep.

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59

Oh Allah.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

You cure

00:50:02 --> 00:50:06

my mother, I will make 80 calf and the profits of sg

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1439, something like that. So why do we call it a conditional bound, because the act is not going to be carried out that the activity bed is only going to be carried out if a loss of hand was added decrees that the thing was going to happen that he said that he wanted to add, you understand. So if you don't pass the test, then you're not going to start at the sheet. In a, your mother is not cured, then you're not going to do it, you're not going to make a T calf and dimension of the profit. And it's a lot to say.

00:50:47 --> 00:50:53

Like, we understand the concept of bowing with a vow is, okay, so you're making something

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you're taking in voluntary act, and you're now making it binding, a bind yourself. This is what a vow is, from the Islamic standpoint, and this practice was very common amongst the idol worshipers of old where they would make these kind of bows to a lance will lose one minute, and so on and so forth. As we've discussed, and even today, those who venerate certain shrines and tombs and so forth, they'll go and they'll say, oh, say Ed Fuller,

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was evil in it, if my mother is cured, then I will slaughter a sheep for you. All right, this is a bow, but it is a vow to other than Allah subhana wa Tada. And so the chapter that we're dealing with right now is to clarify that you bow to other than Allah subhana wa tada is an act of shooting.

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Before we actually get to the the evidence that is mentioned by the men,

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it should be stated

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that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, there are a number of hobbies

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that mentioned that the practice of law while he was selling never had it necessary, that the prophets of Allah who it was seldom prohibited,

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make the making of vows.

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And this is prohibited.

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And there are three different narrations

00:52:30 --> 00:52:36

where the prophets have lived in some way or three different variations of this. So in one of the prophets of light, he was selling them set.

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And the hula, you like do hola Yo, do Shane and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that it doesn't repel anything.

00:52:47 --> 00:52:48

What does that mean?

00:52:50 --> 00:52:52

That when you say Oh Allah,

00:52:53 --> 00:52:55

if you cure my mother,

00:52:56 --> 00:53:03

Oh Allah, if you allow me to pass this exam, I will do such and such. The Nether

00:53:04 --> 00:53:08

doesn't have the ability to push away the degree of the last panel time.

00:53:09 --> 00:53:21

So whatever was going to happen was going to happen whether you made a vow or not. This was the process like Saddam Hussein. And another variation of the of that idea. He says in the hula, you cut the movie and what are you.

00:53:22 --> 00:53:38

So it doesn't bring forth anything, nor does it delay anything. It doesn't hasten anything for you. Your mom was going to be cured, whether you made the vow or not, at the time that she was cured, it's not going to hasten anything, it's not going to work. It's not going to delay anything.

00:53:40 --> 00:53:47

And in the most telling of these narrations, the promise of lightning was sort of said in the main stuff I do believe in and but here,

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it is a way of making the one who is stingy, give up something.

00:53:55 --> 00:54:01

This is what a bow is. So now this person that you think about, you think about what's happening here.

00:54:03 --> 00:54:05

This person says,

00:54:06 --> 00:54:10

Oh Allah, Oh Allah. If you

00:54:11 --> 00:54:13

blessed me with twins,

00:54:14 --> 00:54:15

less than the twins,

00:54:16 --> 00:54:20

then I will slaughter five cameras

00:54:21 --> 00:54:22

for you.

00:54:24 --> 00:54:26

And if he doesn't get to witness what's going to happen,

00:54:27 --> 00:54:36

the person is not going to sacrifice five camels. Or he says let's just let's do one better. Let's do another one. He says I'm going to feed

00:54:37 --> 00:54:39

1000 poor people.

00:54:40 --> 00:54:42

A great activity guy. Like

00:54:43 --> 00:54:50

he doesn't have twins. So what? So he doesn't feed the 1014.

00:54:52 --> 00:54:59

He does have twins. He does fy 2014. In other words, he was so stingy with himself that he had in his

00:55:00 --> 00:55:03

Mind, he has to get something from a law in order for him to get.

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And so

00:55:08 --> 00:55:55

the Prophet sallallahu wasallam never had he prohibited bounce, the prohibited acts and then the other man in Liberty he prohibited. Now, some of the scholars of Islam say that that restriction or that prohibition, the prohibition of method is for that type of Nether it's for the conditional Nether. It's why. And that's because there's a degree of not that this person has as soon as bumbler evil thoughts about last minute data, but there is a degree of not giving the last panel with either his estimation, or putting a giving a last minute data the status that he deserves. Because allies were jealous of Kareem, and he'll give you without you doing that type of transaction. That's what

00:55:55 --> 00:56:17

you would do with somebody else. Okay, listen, I need you to do something for me, what do you want me to do for you type of thing, that's, that's what we do with each other. That's the kind of relationships we have, there's one of mutual benefit, right? This person has been taxing the relationship with them is a taxing relationship, you usually do what cut them off, there has to be some kind of mutual benefit Alliance, which doesn't get any benefit from them.

00:56:18 --> 00:56:28

And so it says if you don't recognize allies with Joe's generosity, when you do that type of that type of transaction, if you will,

00:56:29 --> 00:56:53

the so So, this is why many of the scholars mentioned that the restriction of the prohibition of another is restricted to this kind of nothing. It is the unconditioned, it is the conditional vow, as for the vow, where one simply says, as a means of encouraging himself, he says, He says,

00:56:54 --> 00:57:02

It is my duty to Allah. And this is another way that people make vows. It's my duty to Allah too fast every Monday for the rest of 2018.

00:57:04 --> 00:57:07

That they say that this one is permissible that there is no

00:57:08 --> 00:57:15

that this is not what the prophet SAW you saw on prohibited. But last time it was best, even this one is not something that a person should do.

00:57:17 --> 00:57:56

Because you don't know what's going to happen to you will you have the ability to fulfill that vow that you've made an app, so just push yourself without making a vow and allowing him to add his father's yz he is bounties of many analyzer which I will open up your chest. If you take those steps towards Allah Subhana. Allah will open up your chest and they make it easy for you to do those things. They will make you love what you are doing. And once you love to do something that it ceases to become difficult, it's not a job anymore. As they say, not Oh, I don't work. Yeah, some people do. What's your job? Don't worry. I'm doing what I love to do. So it's not a job for me. And so when

00:57:56 --> 00:58:05

you get to that point with the bads of a lawsuit is no longer. It doesn't feel like work. Do you look forward to fasting on Mondays? Just like people look forward to Ramadan.

00:58:07 --> 00:58:19

Look at that, you know, non Muslims don't understand that. They look at you and they say what do you say? Like, we love when Robert that comes. They like what you love not eating and drinking for 16 hours a day. Yeah, we love it.

00:58:20 --> 00:58:43

We love Ramadan. So blessing from Allah stands out. But that can't be understood except for the person that tasted taste the sweetness of this event in his mind, Panama. Now so. So this concept of method was not something that was particularly encouraged by the prophet, I didn't select the same. In fact, what seems to be clear is that it is something that is discouraged in Islam.

00:58:46 --> 00:58:55

At the same time, and then we'll move on to the to the two eyes in the Hadith. At the same time, there is no doubt that another is an activity that

00:58:57 --> 00:59:06

why even that person who makes it conditional, he says Oh Allah, Oh Allah, if you do such and such, for me, I'll do such and such.

00:59:07 --> 00:59:45

That person recognizes a loss turns out his ability to do whatever it is that he's asking, I lost my job to do, whether it's curious mother blessing with twins and bless his wife with a child, you know, today that he recognized the loss of his ability. And so he asks a loss of hematology based on that ability. That's a bad that's a bad thing from a from from two standpoints. That is they're recognizing the lies of intelligibility, and they're asking the loss of data. And this is a form of event and they're hoping that ultramarathoner will do what aligns with your will answer that so so all of this is is a form of event.

00:59:48 --> 00:59:59

You wouldn't have been necessary. Una Yeoman, Colonel Chopra who was simply wrong. They fulfilled their vows of widespread terror. they fulfill their vows

01:00:00 --> 01:00:08

they fulfill their vows and they fear a Day of widespread terror. Anybody you heard this, this verse before?

01:00:10 --> 01:00:13

You flew in have been necessity when you cough. When do you usually hear that?

01:00:17 --> 01:00:58

A lot of people hear it on July because the man recites, sorted, sorted and sorted and insane. onto my nuts and sorted insane. And ultra data says in Aurora Yes. nobuna mean caixin kanamycin cafetera. Right. This is saying start at this point in Iran, who are the Abra the righteous in the pious they drink from a cup, which is mixed with campers fault. It's so the cup they say is actually Why? Because we know that the believers will have wine that does not intoxicate the mind and here

01:00:59 --> 01:01:02

and it's mixed it's it has a pleasant fragrance.

01:01:04 --> 01:01:16

Cannabis as well, as probably a bad effect. You don't have to have Gilan. Right? A spring from which the service of Allah will drink and it will be flowing abundantly.

01:01:18 --> 01:02:03

Who are the servants of Allah? Who are these everon? Who are these pious people? Elijah del, the first description that he mentioned is about them, you fool, nothing, nothing. they fulfill their vows we have half a minute, Yeoman kana SHABOOM, Sophia, and they fear a Day in which the terror is widespread on that day. So they fear a loss of hands out and they fear that wreck that reckoning and they fulfill their vows type. What do we understand from this, then, that from the qualities of the epiroc, the people have, who are pious is that they fulfill their vows. This is from the quality of the abrar.

01:02:05 --> 01:02:31

Time, and allies who are jealous doing what praising them for doing that, I want you to understand this, if allies would yell praises someone for doing something, then that something is an activity better than something is an act of event. So fulfilling your vows, therefore, is an act of worship. We clear on this. If it is an act of worship,

01:02:32 --> 01:02:55

and it's done for other than Allah, it is called what should if it's done for last minute, and it's gone until he is called to him. So this is why we understand from here, as the author says, that to vow to other than a law is shift the understanding ever from this eye is that to vow to Allah, is he better, and therefore to do it for other than Allah Subhana Allah is should not

01:03:01 --> 01:03:01

be necessary.

01:03:04 --> 01:03:09

Whatever you spend in charity, or whatever, while you make, surely Allah knows that,

01:03:10 --> 01:03:35

like, whatever you spend in charity, or whatever value make, surely Allah knows it's like, how do we benefit from this, that this is an activity that? Well, the way we benefit it is that when we have data in the Quran, you should pay attention to this as you read them for if you read them for an illustrative data, we talk about an act of worship,

01:03:36 --> 01:03:40

or loss of data may talk about some sins that a person commits.

01:03:41 --> 01:03:53

that a person is doing something that is corruption in the land, and then allies will jail mentions that he is Eileen Habib, that he is all knowing they're all aware, or he mentioned that he is he knows what you do.

01:03:54 --> 01:04:09

And here lots of hands, it says in the lie. Yeah, I know, a lot of nosy allies are jealous, not just telling us that he knows it for the sake of us knowing that he knows. He's telling us so that we know he will reward us or punish us accordingly.

01:04:10 --> 01:04:38

And so here, vows are mentioned with Southern and southern is an activity bed and allies with Gil tells us that he knows about it. In other words, he's going to reward you for it, he's going to reward you for it. And if allies will reward you for something that means that that thing that he is rewarding you for is either an obligation or it is nice to have something that you've been encouraged to do. In other words, it is an act of event.

01:04:39 --> 01:04:46

And so once we establish that it's an act of event that we establish that it has to be for Allah subhana wa tada alone and I other than Him not

01:04:49 --> 01:04:50

recorded that last lesson.

01:04:52 --> 01:04:59

Whoever vows to obey Allah should obey Him, but He vows to disobey Allah should not disobey and what does that

01:05:00 --> 01:05:01

vow to disobey Allah.

01:05:06 --> 01:05:12

Well, how does that look? How would somebody vow to disobey a loss penalty?

01:05:13 --> 01:05:55

I mean, would that even be? Would that make sense? I will live up to my mom, I'm gonna rob a bank? Not really, does that make sense? What does it mean that somebody vows to disobey Allah subhanaw taala. Many times what may happen is that because a person is ignorant, a person is actually ignorant of the Islamic rulings of certain things, they may vow to do something that is in fact disobedience to illustrate that even though they're not recognizing it at the time, that it is disobedience to a lot of time. All right, so I should only allow China and have reports to the prophets of lightning with some said here. Whoever vows to obey Allah, Allah, I vow to you too, or

01:05:56 --> 01:05:59

it is my duty to you too fast. You know,

01:06:00 --> 01:06:34

next week, seven days next week, oh Lord is my duty to you to feed. I recognize it as my duty to you to feed 104 people or whatever it is, that is a vow to obey Allah Subhana Allah, whoever does a vow of obedience, fell utair who then let him be obedient, that is, let him fulfill that vow. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is commanding us to fulfill our vows. If the prophesied some commands us to fulfill a vow, than the thing that he is commanding us to do is an act of eBay.

01:06:35 --> 01:06:48

And an act of event it has to be for our last hands out alone, and it cannot be for other than the law of which rather than a loss of knowledge, either it is. And this is why the author has said that whoever vows to

01:06:49 --> 01:06:59

whoever vows to other than a loss of human data has committed an act of should take here, just a couple of things I want to mention. That is that

01:07:00 --> 01:07:02

this is from those strangest

01:07:04 --> 01:07:06

subjects in fifth

01:07:08 --> 01:07:09

is the subject of another

01:07:12 --> 01:07:17

hobby, Rahim Allah, Allah, one of the early scholars of Hadith. And he explained it

01:07:19 --> 01:07:25

he said that another men were even 56 from the strange aspects of

01:07:27 --> 01:07:40

and that is because that the nether to start off with that is the nether in the first place is something that is discouraged. It's not it's not encouraged to do, we're not encouraged to do nothing.

01:07:41 --> 01:07:45

Yet fulfilling it is an activity bed

01:07:46 --> 01:07:53

at the same time, so it's one of the strangest, sort of the strangest aspects of, of, in any event.

01:07:54 --> 01:08:34

Like I said, this, this is a short chapter, the chapter that deals with nothing, but it falls along the same lines of what we've been studying. Because what we're talking about is making sure that our hearts remain attached to Allah Subhana, WA Tada, and a loss of Hannah Watada alone. And all of these things that we are covering are things that will take us away from our hearts being attached to a law and the law alone. So sometimes people might look at and they say this is to tap into heat. But only the first five or six chapters deal with so heat, everything else does this shirt, that shirt, this shirt, this shirt, okay? As you know, and anything else that you do, when you want to

01:08:34 --> 01:09:19

perfect that thing. Not only do you have to know what it is that you're trying to perfect, you have to know everything else that takes away from the perfection of that thing that you're trying to do. You have to be aware of all of the things that could possibly attack this thing that you're trying to perfect and protect. And so this is why we're studying the most common forms of those individual activities or actions that need to take away from a person to me and that may make a person is to heat the fish and Allah subhanahu wa tada knows best to swallow some of Avada and it'd be nice to have before before we get to any questions I just want to mention, I want to recall something who

01:09:19 --> 01:09:25

remembers the things that we mentioned you should focus on in the last 10 nights of Ramadan?

01:09:26 --> 01:09:29

Okay, I'll let you cheat and work as a group. Yes. Yeah.

01:09:31 --> 01:09:32

Okay, reciting the Quran.

01:09:35 --> 01:09:37

sadaqa giving charity Yes.

01:09:41 --> 01:09:45

And do I and Salah like, excellent. It was one thing

01:09:46 --> 01:09:51

that I did not mention. And it's important to mention at this point

01:09:52 --> 01:09:56

and that is the bad of a lazy calf

01:09:59 --> 01:09:59


01:10:00 --> 01:10:05

And a person should strive to do a T calf on an annual basis if possible.

01:10:07 --> 01:10:08

And if not,

01:10:10 --> 01:10:14

let's we need to deal with the root cause of it together. Okay? It

01:10:16 --> 01:10:19

does not have to be 10 nights. That's number one.

01:10:20 --> 01:10:25

A night, a day and a night for it to care is considered to be at care.

01:10:27 --> 01:10:28

So that we know

01:10:29 --> 01:10:36

Ayesha, while the alarm turned and said that when the last night's game in the province on light or southern will meet at camp

01:10:37 --> 01:10:45

and that when he died his wives me Is he can act to him. That is they made it to Captain domestic as well man in their homes.

01:10:46 --> 01:11:28

And so it is the Sunnah of our Prophet Isaiah select to Sudan to make he can and he managed somebody or him Allahu Tada. He said, how strange it is that the people of our time have abandoned this recently, he has already died when 124 after the hitchman Yanni a little over 100 years after the death of the Prophet so it was something he said, he said how strange it is that the people of our time has left have abandoned this rate. So number eight, you can indeed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not leave it off after making his you know, once the Prophet is selected with sin and made his little to Medina, he never left off making it kept him he kept every single year.

01:11:29 --> 01:11:40

And the reason why the province of Leiden was so then restricted is to get to the last 10 nights of Ramadan is because the purpose of that anti gang,

01:11:41 --> 01:12:08

or the main objective was that of that he was seeking out later to Qatar, to be in a total state of a bandit for laser to cut. And the objective of that he can is total seclusion. That is that a person isolates himself that a person gets rid of all distractions, and he focuses on his relationship with Allah subhana wa Tada. So what you see some of the people doing he can, when all of the boys get together,

01:12:09 --> 01:12:15

and we hang out. And we call it anti cat that's not anti cat that's just sleeping in the message.

01:12:16 --> 01:12:40

We hang out, we eat together. And at the nighttime, we sleep when other people are praying, we, you know, kick in between the prayers and we talked, we talked about old times, and good times, and New Times and everything else. And some people do, or you got the guys on his phone, on the internet, social media, so on and so forth. That is not it, he kept that is not the objective of it, he kept

01:12:42 --> 01:12:48

the objective. As you can see, from the word ACA, which means to stay

01:12:49 --> 01:12:55

secluded with something or to, to stick to something, if you will, you're sticking to the message

01:12:57 --> 01:13:39

with the purpose of worshipping Allah Subhana, WA tada alone, with getting rid of all of those other distractions, making sure that your heart is attached to him to the data. And so a person should strive to do this. If you can't do it all 10 nights, that's fine. If you can do it Nine Nights, if you can do it, one night, two nights, but the push yourself to experience that is important. To push yourself to experience that is a very important thing, especially if you have the time to do it. And many of you because you're here you're not working and whatever your situation may be, you may have that opportunity and you should push yourself to do the decathlete nighttime. And when you're in it,

01:13:39 --> 01:13:41

you can't you're just doing those things that we talked about besides

01:13:43 --> 01:13:46

remembering the loss of data making God

01:13:47 --> 01:13:49

praying and so on and so forth.

01:13:50 --> 01:13:51


01:13:52 --> 01:13:53

any questions?

01:14:02 --> 01:14:09

The questioner says how do we distinguish or differentiate between beliefs?

01:14:13 --> 01:14:20

beliefs and if and superstitious? But how do we distinguish between belief systems?

01:14:22 --> 01:14:59

For us, we believe in whatever Allah subhana wa Taala has informed us, and whatever the Prophet it is, so it was Sam has informed us because all of that is revelation. And revelation is that does not contain superstition. Whereas superstition is that which is supernatural. In other words, we have no way of verifying. But we also don't have any revelation that that verifies. So people, for example, will have superstitions about numbers. The number 13 people have superstitions about for, you know doing certain things if you walk under the ladder that's going to bring misfortune Well, you don't have any

01:15:00 --> 01:15:24

The evidence for that. So anything that is beyond the ability to prove naturally, in other words, it's a supernatural phenomenon or claim. And it doesn't have any revelation to proven that that is considered to be superstition. For those things that we have revelation to prove, then this is this is belief as part of our IP then and it's not superstition.

01:15:31 --> 01:15:44

Like, so. humbling that that's a good question. I'm glad you asked that. And I hope people pay attention to the answer, the questioner says, and the last 10 nights of Ramadan, when we're seeking later to cut

01:15:45 --> 01:15:47

his prayer better,

01:15:48 --> 01:15:49

or his tail off better.

01:15:52 --> 01:16:00

Obviously, this only applies to the people who are affected because you can't make to offer any other can't be the only thing that you can make to offer with the camera.

01:16:02 --> 01:16:05

And the answer is without a doubt, no question, prayers.

01:16:06 --> 01:16:15

Man, the prophet Isaiah salatu salam segment Kama later, amen, I want to say that whoever stands in prayer in the night lever to

01:16:19 --> 01:16:29

whoever stands in prayer, and later to cuddle with faith and Allah Subhana Allah is seeking his reward, then all of his previous sins will be forgiven. That's number one.

01:16:30 --> 01:16:54

Number two, is that the prayer has a limited time. It's restricted to a certain time period. And this is the part I want you to understand about any bed that the gentleman because it's restricted to that specific time, it takes precedence over other forms of event, even if those other forms of event that may be deemed to be better.

01:16:56 --> 01:16:57

Okay, so for example,

01:16:59 --> 01:17:02

what's better? reciting the Quran

01:17:03 --> 01:17:05

or saying Subhana Allah.

01:17:06 --> 01:17:10

Beside in the crime, there is no dickin that is better than the recitation of the crime.

01:17:12 --> 01:17:20

In record, what's better, saying, Suppan, I'll be allowed in or reciting a bribe.

01:17:22 --> 01:17:47

That cannot be allowed, because it's restricted to that particular position in the prayer restricted to that particular time. In any event, when we have certain acts of worship, that are restricted to times, places, conditions and so forth, then that is going to set that activity that is going to take precedence over any other activity by that set time. Hello.

01:17:50 --> 01:17:51

Mom and,

01:17:52 --> 01:17:52


01:18:10 --> 01:18:10

Very good.

01:18:19 --> 01:18:27

Question. It's a great question. So the question that says that the majority of us here listening to you don't understand the Arabic language.

01:18:28 --> 01:19:15

And therefore, what I'd like to know is, what's better to do or later to cut it? Is it better to read the Quran in Arabic, right? Or is it better for me to read a translation of the Quran and actually understand the Quran. And to be honest with you, I can't say that either one of them is better than the other. What I'll say is this, strive to do both. And whatever is closer to your heart at that particular time, do it. Because in general, in general, the bad and that stems from the heart, and that makes the heart feel better and closer to a loss account added than that is the better that is better for you at that particular time. So if you feel that reading the translation

01:19:15 --> 01:19:45

of the Quran, and actually understanding, you're getting a good understanding, and again, you know, as I mentioned previously, it's important to do our best to learn the Arabic language and to try to understand the crime but here to read the read to to read the translation of the crime, and actually feel like you're understanding what Allah subhanaw taala is saying, and you're getting a lot of benefit from that. And you feel that that is more beneficial for you at that particular time than reading the Quran in Arabic, so be it

01:19:46 --> 01:19:59

but don't neglect in totality, reading the Quran and Arabic and getting the blessings of of reading each of those letters. And hopefully understanding some of what you're reading you may come across certain words in the Koran

01:20:00 --> 01:20:22

As you're reading, and you start seeing agenda, an apartment, a lot of food, and you understand that, and it may, though you're not going to understand like you're reading in your native language, you may get some form of understanding. So you look for that you look for that balance. But again, that balance is going to be balanced. What's going to be in the scales was was closer to your heart at that particular time below.

01:20:39 --> 01:20:57

Understood, understood, so the question is about those who during the last 10 nights of Ramadan, they focused on they focus on the odd nights, the 21st 23rd 25th 2729 and other nights is like, I take that I'll take it easy.

01:20:59 --> 01:21:02

So the Prophet alayhi salatu salam

01:21:05 --> 01:21:37

defined for us, or said in definitive terms, the Laila to Qatar isn't the last time around. So headin Sahil McCarty, with a practice of law he was sunset, eat me suha which international and he seek for it in the odd nights of the last 10 nights. There's another Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said seek for it

01:21:38 --> 01:21:40

when seven remain,

01:21:41 --> 01:21:53

when it's also sorry, when seven remain, when five remain, when three remain when the night remains. And so, many of the scholars have said that

01:21:54 --> 01:21:56

if the if the

01:21:59 --> 01:22:02

the month is a full month, meaning it goes 30 days,

01:22:03 --> 01:22:08

then seven remaining is actually the 24th night

01:22:09 --> 01:22:13

2420 520-627-2829 30

01:22:16 --> 01:22:18

so what seven remaining

01:22:19 --> 01:22:21

is actually the 24th night

01:22:22 --> 01:22:33

and this was the opinion of shaking the 17 year old data and others for the scholars is that it is not necessarily on a night night the Laila to cousin might be on an evening night.

01:22:34 --> 01:22:47

And so you strive and your worship of Allah subhana wa tada the entire the entirety of the last 10 nights even though the headings normally allow their enrollment, the province of law it was some of them

01:22:49 --> 01:22:49

said that

01:22:51 --> 01:22:57

if you if, if you are too preoccupied

01:22:58 --> 01:23:32

to strive in the in the first couple nights, then don't allow yourself to be preoccupied with the last of those nights. So what do we gain from that we gain from that it could be any of the 10 is most likely on the odd nights. It's most likely on the latter of the odd nights meaning the 25th 27th to 29th. But it can be any of them and a loss of habitat as best as the loss of Hamlet's added to the form amongst those who witnessed Lila toccata and will stand them in spite him. No, it's a seven man read.

01:23:39 --> 01:23:41

Let you know,

01:23:42 --> 01:23:49

the questions. The question says, Is it okay when praying tada we're in the actual prayer to

01:23:50 --> 01:24:05

follow in the track to hold the Mazel Tov and following the the translation of what is being recited. And the answer to that is no analyst pantalla knows best. And that's because the scholars in general

01:24:08 --> 01:24:14

in terms of the fatality, highly discourage anyone from holding anything during the prayer.

01:24:16 --> 01:24:45

And you shouldn't be holding anything during the prayer. The only exception to that rule is the Imam himself, if he has to hold the most half because he's not his hip is not good enough to lead the people in prayer. And perhaps a person standing behind him who was holding the must have to correct him they are fatality that mentioned that everyone else is highly discouraged from holding anything in their hands while in the prayer as best I can hear that, but

01:24:49 --> 01:24:53

is the limit for how many times a person can perform is to come up with the same thing

01:24:54 --> 01:24:58

that I'm aware of. There's no limit However, what I know from the

01:24:59 --> 01:25:00

data from the

01:25:00 --> 01:25:27

actions of some of the campaign's or the messages some lady was telling us that they would do it three times that they will perform sell out to the stepfather three times to the same for the same thing. So I'm not aware that there is a limit for that. And a person's panela Danny at the end of the day is staccato is what is a prayer. And so there is no harm in repeating that prayer until whatever it is that you are looking to do becomes clear to you and Allah subhana wa tada knows best. We know that at one go.

01:25:37 --> 01:26:11

So the question is, if I have already made a home run, and then I come to Medina, and then I'm going back to Mecca, can I make another omelet? And the answer is without a doubt, you can make another owner because you've gone outside of the meat cots, you're going outside of them you caught the Medina in fact is your ID or labor is actually the furthest to be caught from Mecca. So you want outside of the clock, and then you come back in. There's no harm in doing that whatsoever. And there I don't even know that there's a difference of opinion amongst the scholars in that particular issue. There was an opinion lines, and those who do not go outside of me cons. So they go to

01:26:11 --> 01:26:22

measure, it shows something like that, but no the way that you described it, which is to come outside of the class and then go back in. That's permissible. May Allah bless you, man, and then not here.

01:26:42 --> 01:26:42


01:26:44 --> 01:26:56

So just just to clarify what's going to happen here and the mention of the property Lancelot was named some of the other large msgid is that they're going to pray 20 Records right after he shed, and they call that a lot taller.

01:26:58 --> 01:27:07

Then they're going to disperse. They're going to come back at 1245 or one o'clock, and they're going to pray again. They call that prayer tahajjud.

01:27:08 --> 01:27:29

Just so that we're clear. Anything that you pray, from voluntary prayer, after salicylate shut up until fudger, as Paul can relate, even to even taraweeh as part of pmla. That's number one. Number two, so Hadoop is the name of the prayer that is free after having slept.

01:27:31 --> 01:27:40

So that prayer is called to Hadoop. So they call it to Hadoop, but a lot of people haven't even gone to sleep. So it's, it's pm, but even total which is to fight

01:27:41 --> 01:27:42


01:27:43 --> 01:27:46

the best thing to do is to pray both

01:27:47 --> 01:28:09

is to pray this and that. If a person has to choose one or the other than the one that is better is the one that is the later one. And that is because it'll be during the last third of the night. And that part of the night is better than the first part of the night. So a person is only going to pray one for whatever reason. And the choosing the latter one is better below.

01:28:18 --> 01:28:21

And the prayer Can you be with both hands?

01:28:26 --> 01:28:26


01:28:28 --> 01:28:29

up me shaking

01:28:31 --> 01:28:31


01:28:44 --> 01:28:51

Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. So you're saying, okay, so you're saying during the prayer, is it okay to, you know,

01:28:53 --> 01:29:07

messing with your clothes and things like this, that it doesn't, it doesn't invalidate the prayer. That does not invalidate your prayer. However, it does show that there's a lack of assured in the prayer, recognizing that, you know, some Hannah law some of the

01:29:08 --> 01:29:42

you read some of the stories, and if it wasn't for the fact that it came from so many different angles, you would almost not believe some of the things that some of them stung by a scorpion insolite did not move until the salon was over. I mean, so the crusher that they had in their prayer was just different. And they weren't, you know, a person who was doing all this, it means that they are not in tune with the actual prayer and the fact that they're standing in front of a loss of animal time. So, But to answer your question, it does not invalidate your prayer doesn't mean that the person has to pray all over him and then you don't show

01:29:49 --> 01:29:49


01:29:55 --> 01:29:59

Yeah, okay. Okay. Okay. Excellent. Okay, so the question is

01:30:00 --> 01:30:35

is asking, Is it permissible to follow more than one minute basically, right? So is it permissible to follow them in their body? Ma'am, I have met and one thing in the men, Abu hanifa. And another thing. So the answer to that is that Allah Subhana, Allah will ask us on the Day of Judgment man, that gentleman was sitting, what have you answered from what the prophets have come? And a great illustration of that is going to the pfitzner, that you are going to be tested with your greatness. Who is your Lord? Who is your brother? Who is your rock? Who is your nebby? What is your deen? So you're going to be asked about the Prophet Muhammad, it is Salatu was Salam.

01:30:37 --> 01:30:56

We are not held accountable as Muslims for following any particular method or following all of the methods or any of them, is it permissible to follow a method, if it person, if that is the way that a person the easiest way for a person to learn to follow a method to study a method, and that's not a problem.

01:30:57 --> 01:31:23

That's not a problem to study and to, for a person who is going beyond that level. That is that they've gone to a level where they have the ability to look into certain texts, and understand how scholars arrived at their conclusions. And they feel that this opinion of a different method than the one that they originally studied, is closer to the truth.

01:31:24 --> 01:31:52

Because now they're looking at it and they see that Wait a minute, even the opinion that my man has is not the majority opinion. And there are evidences from the Quran and Sunnah they seem to indicate that this is the correct opinion, then they follow that they follow what they believe is correct, because the last payment data did not hold us accountable for following email akhmat, or Evel Knievel, or wherever thought or any body of thought didn't have is not one of the main forte, but the point is, we're not held accountable for that.

01:31:53 --> 01:32:13

Similarly, we don't go to the other extreme and say, Ah, you can't study them and have you know, everybody has to go back to the text for themselves. Everybody doesn't have that ability to look through the legal means of how you get to a certain ruling, it's not enough just to say, yeah, we just want to follow, like we just covered like we just covered so pantalon

01:32:14 --> 01:32:34

China, and I said that the problem is my son didn't pray more than 11 Records. So you'll get somebody that says, You can't pray 111 rocks, and that's better. Even though there is no scholar early scholars from Islam ever that agree with that opinion. And so not Malik, not Abu hanifa that Chevron that even asthma

01:32:35 --> 01:32:48

or any of these schools or any of the ones who will with them agree with that opinion. And so you'll find a person now that totally what happens now is this is a total rejection of the scholarship of Islam

01:32:49 --> 01:32:54

to come say now I am going to just follow this text for myself.

01:32:55 --> 01:33:13

Now that's it that's a rejection of the method through which Islam was transmitted to us, it was transmitted through the companions to the Tabby to their students, and then it was canonized if you will in these in these former that even though you know at the Doherty school as well has its

01:33:14 --> 01:33:41

it has its legitimacy, many points. So anyway, the point is that yes, you can follow more than one method. In fact, for most people, you will follow more than one method especially if you go ask a Mufti something because that Mufti has to give you a fair trial based on what he believes is correct. In front of Allah subhana wa tada and it may not be from your mother and your you have to follow that.

01:33:42 --> 01:34:00

Okay. So, yeah, in general, the what is what is totally frowned upon in Islam is what is known as tempura, of glucose. In other words, the person goes to each method have any looks for the concessions in the method.

01:34:01 --> 01:34:26

So this madhhab is allowed to do this. And then this method is allowed to do that and he says, oh, and this I'm, I'm happy because maybe this holiday, so and then this Doherty because music is Hello, which music is not allowed in any of the form of that and by the way, but in the dark at motherhood. So now now they've already and that you see and so they pick from here from here and from here to make everything allow men to tap back because

01:34:28 --> 01:34:43

like, like, like the scholar said, Whoever goes around following the concessions of the mme to Zen duck and he's falling into hypocrisy, Toronto, but we have to stop here satanic Aloma Abrahamic shadow lane and stuff like that.

01:34:45 --> 01:34:46

This is useful, Michael

Lecture in Shaykh Tahir Wyatt’s (PhD) Ramadan series from the Prophet’s Masjid Madinah.

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