Tahir Wyatt – Islam, George Floyd & America’s Racism

Tahir Wyatt
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss issues related to racism and oppression in America, including the loss of data and the use of race as a social construct. They acknowledge the importance of protecting one's well-being and emphasize the need for proactive engagement with community leaders. They also touch on the potential solutions to resolving racism and addiction issues, including addressing the "weAKening of the mentality of the people" and "weAKening of the mentality of the people."
AI: Transcript ©
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We have two issues here the

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the killing. People like to call it the death. I like to call it the killing of Boyd in Minneapolis. Yeah. And then the looting and the state we are in right now.

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So I guess we have two issues to address, a white man killing an African American.

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The stereotyping and

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all of that and discrimination and race. Can you get us enlightened on where Islam stands on the subject of race and discrimination and colors, and all of that?

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Hello, Lionel galantamine was shadow nine allowed inside of Hanoi shadow under Mohammed Abdullah watersoluble battle mean, somebody was telling me you know, Mohammed, while early he was suffering, here's my you know,

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there's so much that can be said on this topic.

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And I guess they're beginning with the statement of a loss of data.

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Where he tells us a number is in a * of an upcoming decade when there was an

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elite out of all in economic command a lie It's Cancun. Last man's Alice's Oh, mankind, we have created you from a male and a female and we have made you tribes to nations and peoples so that you could get to know one another. The most noble of you in the sight of Allah

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is the one who has the most taqwa is the one who fears of loss out of the most one who's most conscious of his loss of Hannah who was added.

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So, building on that our Prophet Isaiah Salatu was Salam and one of his most famous sermons and that is what's wrong with that. his farewell sermon on his farewell Hajj, the prophet Isaiah Salatu, was sitting emphasized this point. And he told this oma that there is no father,

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for an Arab over a non Arab or a non Arab over an Arab or a black person, or white person or white person, a black person, except bit tougher. And the bottom line is that our gauge and how we look at who is better than another person, that gauge is tuck was not based on ethnicity. It's not based on race, which is actually different than ethnicity, right? Because race is a social construct. And a lot of people don't really understand that

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a person who in America may be considered to be a black person in Saudi Arabia may be considered to be white. A lot of people can understand that but it's it's that it's because race is a construct is a social construct. And it's different from from ethnicity. So, that being said, when we look at the the cons, we don't deny that people are of different ethnicities, but that's not what we that's not how we judge them. And and and so that is when we come from the Islamic standpoint, something that we have to look at, and there's so much more that can be said on that. on that particular topic. The prophet Isaiah Salatu was said m said to one of his campaigns were said to another one campaigns he

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said, you know, you haven't sold that and you son of a black woman, right? The promise alive his son of said in in the FECA. Jamia, I have some some traits, you know of Jamia like that's before Islam, I think that that that's not something that is acceptable from the Islamic standpoint. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to interrupt you. Is it Abu Dhabi VLAN, right. We know the root of the Hadith and Muslim but it doesn't mean Yeah. And the reason why and so pandologic Karim, you'll see this throughout the son of the Prophet it was sent in, sometimes you'll find in in the more authentic narrations. They won't name the people for two reasons. Number one, so that we maintain the

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let's just say the dignity of the companions of the messengers align it with some of that nothing comes in our minds that we would look at them as being anything less than what they are, there are people who have lost fans out and said about them rather than Allah who I mean, what I'll do is illustrate that is pleased with them and they are pleased with him. If a person reaches Reba lost habitat, there's nothing after that, in fact, the people of gender, you know, when they're given everything that they could possibly imagine anything that they could ask for and the last time I asked them, should I give you more and they said, What more

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We get this. And Allah Subhana Allah says, The ribeye or my, my pleasure, so that I will never cut it from everything. And I will never be, you know, angry or displeased with you after that at all. I mean, that's the greatest net of all the pleasure of Allah. Fantastic. So anyway, so that's one thing, just to keep the status of the companions. The second thing is, is that the lesson does not need names, right? We get the lesson from this hadith without knowing who exactly, you know, the Sahabi was, well all tied to Adam. So the point here being is that our Prophet it is salatu salam clarified that judging people based off of the color of their skin is generally a period is no other

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way to look at.

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And so this is something that was very important for us to to understand. I think that and so that was your first question, right? Yeah, but I don't want to go too far. Fine. But let me Is it fear doctor taught her to accuse all the white police officers of racism? Of course not. Okay. Yeah. That you painting anybody with a broad brush is not fair. Right? So if we were to come and say, you know, all white police officers in America are racist. And that would be totally unjust. I mean, I'm sure we we probably know, personally white police officers who are not racist.

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At the same time, to ignore that there's actually a,

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a system, that is a problem, right? So so we're seeing, okay, this week is George Floyd, the, the the week before as somebody else? The year before? It's it's, you know, Michael Brown the year before, it's Eric Garner, and then after that, and before that, and hundreds of unarmed black people being killed by white cops. Are we accusing all of them? racism? is a trend. Yeah. But then you see a trend? Yeah, right. It really doesn't

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it? For us, I think as Muslims, the issue is looking at justice.

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Because all of this comes under the category of No. And as, as Muslims, we're supposed to be people who stand for justice. And it doesn't matter because unfortunately, shakeri you know, we have two ends of the coin. Here we have some of our own who are uneducated, right? And so they just have a disdain for the whole system. And they say, Well, you know, and rightly they may bring up that. Are you getting mad about a black person who who's being killed by the cops? And you're not mad about the Muslims who are being oppressed? And you're not mad about the Rohingya Muslims? Who are Yani Subhana Allah have been the genocide of you know, that has pushed them out the Muslims of Palestine

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who have faced decades of oppression right and Muslims now the Kashmiri Muslims right? I mean to the end of it shakes your hand a lot. You look at the the oppression that is facing the Muslims around the globe. And so they say, Well, how can you come in, you know, you're getting upset about one black person who was killed and it's he's not even Muslim. And it's like, now we got a timeout here. We have a timer that we we who live in America,

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this thing hits us close to home. And it's oppression no matter what way you look at it. It's transgression is total again, and it's people going beyond the limits. And if we feel like we can just be spectators, and just sit on the sidelines and watch it play out. We don't feel any way about it. And we're watching this Mongkok, because it's mocha, this is evil. It's an it's, you know, it's it comes under that broad category of being unjust and injustice. If we don't speak out about it, if we don't speak out about it, then what's going to happen is that we're going to be the next victims. I mean, let and

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the the other thing is that, should we be also talking about, you know, what is happening to the Muslims around the world? Absolutely. Right. But we're, this is the reality of how the American system works. If if we're an insular community, we're not involved in anything else. And we just kind of act like, you know, we're our own community, and we don't have anything else to do with the community around us. We're not going to have a voice to even talk about what's going on, you know, with the Muslims and other places. Of course, we can still make that and do as a powerful weapon of the believers. But when we talk about making social change, and we have to be

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Part of the system in which we live or the community overall slum, Dr. Farr, you know, as you, you know, you teach us that came actually to treat racism and in an existing Arabia at the time

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and we find ourselves, you know, Muslims living in America and we benefit from America as Muslims. You know, this is the place where we live and have children and I want it to be a better place for all of us. And that should be our saying that right there we want America to be a better place for everybody. Yes Ebrahim ideas Salatu was sent in when he went into Mecca. He said, Baba JAL head beneden Amina, no, no, he, oh my lord make this a safe place, please this Yanni. This was what one of his first two eyes upon entering Mecca, because we're lucky if you have chaos and violence and so forth, how can a person truly practice their faith?

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Those are not the ideal circumstances, let's just put it like that those are not the ideal circumstances to be able to practice your faith to raise the next generation and in a manner that is pleasing to Allah parents Allah to construct the houses of Allah to call to Allah. In fact, allies would call the Treaty of who? davia right. He called it set him albina

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a manifest victory. Now who did they who did they fight and treated for David? Nobody. But But he called it a victory because it it was peace, it established peace, which was what they want it because with the peace than the profit, it slides into campaigns, they have to worry about defending themselves, they don't have to worry about defend them just to just to enlighten a lot of the viewers, to the fat brothers and sisters in Islam was actually revealed right after the truce or for the via was established. A lot of Muslims, especially the Arab Muslim, so Panama mistakenly the I for a while I thought that, that it was revealed because of because of the Right, right. That's

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right. So this was right. This is actually the two years. Yeah, two years before settlement. Yeah. And this was the 48th chapter of the Quran. So for those who want to go back and just read it for themselves. And the point, the point is that a lot as a joke, called it a manifest victory, there was no fighting. In fact, if you look at the treaty, it acts almost like it's almost as a good example. It looks like it's in favor of Christ and against the Muslims. But the fact that the fighting stopped and it was peace, right? The Muslims felt safe now we can call to a loss of habitat without any obstacles. Right? So we we as a people, if we're going to follow the prophets of Allah

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and and our allies will tell told our Prophet Muhammad's line it was Sunday so teviot military Ibrahima hanifa. Follow the way of Ibrahim his militia his deed Hannifin, which was my

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electro he I need that he he moved away from shift and towards the tawheed of Allah Subhana tada the pure worship of Allah spent out alone. He told our prophet to follow what

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he says upon into Mecca, make it safe, yada, be make it safe, right. So we're looking, we're looking where we are, if we're Muslims, that safety should be a concern. No, and not just for the Muslims before the land. Yes, yes. As a whole does. Dr. Taha

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I recall that incident I think it's more dogmatic if I'm not mistaken. When the Prophet sallallahu Sallam sent out the live Nabeel, I have to, I believe that I had to assess the taxes of certain community in Medina without, you know, naming. And they try to bribe him. And, you know, this may, you know, ignite your hate towards the individuals. And he actually said that he actually said this made me you know, but you know what, I'm going to be just unfair. Islam in a way differentiate because some people, some individuals living in America, they are somehow ingrained into racism because of the way that they were brought up. Islam draws the line between what you have in your

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heart and the way that you treat others. Can you shed some light on this, please you know that well, because somehow somewhat you know, the love or may not come handy, some people actually struggle to come out of the, you know, the way that they were brought up. Right. What is the bottom line is that the profit it is selected? I guess the first days Well, I agree, man. naccho Shanna

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Allah Allah, Allah. Do

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you know? Yeah. So So even if we look at prior to that, because that's, that's a sort of telnet you know, and sort of to Nisa Yeah, you have NES uno COVID where Mina Yeah.

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Yeah, you already know Kunal COVID. Amina bill Christie shuhada. And the net. Well lo and fusi. Come now. Right and this is the item Nisa. No. Oh, you who believe stand firmly for justice stand firmly for justice. And it's, it's clear, right? It must be allowed Taylor. No. He said that when one of you hears Yeah, you're Latina em, and then give it his full attention legit year to a totally. So we can't just roll over these act and act like they're not there stand firmly for justice witnesses for a loss of hands on it, even if it is against yourselves, or against your parents or against your relatives, the Who does that? Who goes to court testifies against themselves, right? So a lost

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parents, Allah He is telling us to be people who stand firmly for justice. And then and I have

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to stand for a lot and be witnesses. Just witness things justly be fair and the way that you did you? Did you watch that video of George Floyd yourself? I know. It's

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disturbing, man. Yeah. And what's and so. Okay, so I'll tie it into that point. Which is that, if you witness it, right, which I mean, you're actually watching Subhana. Allah, I think the part that was most disturbing is that he had his hand in his pocket. If you have your hand in your pocket and get sitting on your knee and going, so you got your knee on somebody's neck, that means you're not under duress, you're not fearing for your life. You're not. So the aggression was totally unwarranted. It was totally unwarranted, right? So. So what you what you see from that, is that there had to be something going on in this man's head, that made him feel like it was okay to do a

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slow execution of a man on camera. Right? Like, what what's what's actually going on through this head? So like you mentioned, it's because people have been programmed a certain way to totally devalue the life of these people, right? So

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when it's not just black people, they devalue the lives of other people who are just not like them at all, even if they brown are different shades of brown. Right? So

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how do we deal with that from an Islamic perspective?

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The first thing is, I think is very important.

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For number one, for every Muslim, who fears a loss of habitat and believes in the law, and the last day, to do a real assessment of themselves, and say, Where do I stand on this issue?

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Do I really believe, as the Prophet it is lactobacillus told us that there is no father and he there's no virtue that a white man has over a black man or a black man's or a white man, except with Tucker, do I really believe that?

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And And if not, how do I overcome my own prejudices, my own biases, acknowledge the fact that racism exists because some people act like it's not a thing, even even in our own communities. Dr. Boyle, you know, many times I you know, I hear a lot of brothers, especially from the African American community.

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They detected Islam the way that Malik Shabazz, you know, when he traveled and, and but when they go into our massages, and they see, the old blue speaking would be, even though we all speak English and the Arab speaking, they feel in a way, so we have it even in our own communities. That that's one manifestation of it. So people feel ostracized in these in these other communities when they go. When they when they go to the other communities, they feel ostracized, because they don't feel welcomed.

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But but it definitely goes, it goes beyond that. So some people and I'm why the reason why I'm telling you it goes beyond this. It's not just about skin color, even the even the Africans who migrated to America, look at Black people in America differently. What Why can't you all get ahead? You know, why are you living in abject poverty? Why? You know, you guys don't study hard enough. You don't work hard enough. You don't, right. I mean, these are all stereotypes, that that exist

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or these

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Just violent people are to the end of it. Look, this stuff has been ingrained in the American mind for time. And I'm telling you based on studies, there are books that that white supremacy is read until today will be still okay. I mean, they still there. I mean, I'm, I'm saying that this is an education that has been put into the system, it's not just, you look at representation, it wasn't until, you know, very recently, that you could find positive images of, you know, black people in mainstream media.

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I mean, so, it's, it's a very, look, I don't want to go into a whole long spiel, but but racism is a lot deeper than just the fact that I won't marry this guy to my daughter, because of his skin color, it's allowed deeper than that, you know, it's a lot deeper than that. And racism, I mean, just just shake cream, if you'll allow me, you know, some of the scholars that deal with this topic, I'm talking about sociologists and so forth, you know, they break it down, they say, Look, you've got, you've got interpersonal racism, right. So that's the way that this group looks at that group, the way that white people look at Black people the way that, you know, Latinos may look at White people,

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and vice versa, okay. And so there's a, there may be racism there, then there's internalized racism, which is real for a lot of people. So they themselves have views about themselves that had been taught to them by the dominant culture of society. And so they look down on themselves, they may look down on their own people that's internalized. There's what now they are calling institutional racism, systemic racism, right? So it's built into the system. So panela.

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And this is real,

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the way that certain schools will not, you know, accept a person because of the color they give, they give preference to a white student over a black student or a white student over Latino students, so forth. Well, I'm sorry, go ahead. No, and then and then the last thing is, is structural racism. So as all of the hundreds of years of that here in a society that now make it so difficult for a person to to overcome, you know, the disadvantages of being of a particular race? Can you just shed some light on on on the reaction? You know, you get people who were quarantined for Columbian for almost two months. And then you know, there is some financial economy, economy

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issues in the country. And then now you see people reacting taking advantage of a situation

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in the in the in a bad way. I mean, like they were not too bad did not do good.

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Yeah, two wrongs don't make a right.

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So, so that's correct. And what's happening? I mean, vandalism, shattering windows setting police cars on fire, I think it is.

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Who pays for police cars? The taxpayers? The taxpayers, right? I'm going on burning. I paid for it. Now. I'm burning. I mean,

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but but you gotta understand something. What? What drives the people today, what you're hearing is these people crying because it's like a baby, right? The baby can't tell you that I'm hungry. baby can't tell you I need my diaper change. baby can't tell you whatever else might be wrong and pain. So they just cry.

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asking these people, we as a whole we don't know what to do about the situation. You're seeing, like literally seeing a person get executed

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on on social media, slow death to not not a shot, not not one of the ones where the police officer could come and say I thought he had a gun. And so he shot him and no, he put his knee on his next million books were written to describe that 10 minutes video, I don't think it would have done any justice to No, no. And that's what I'm saying. So So what I'm saying is, you get people now who are watching just the execution of an individual by people. And that's another problem. You see people get executed, but by the state or somebody who's supposed to be protecting you.

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That that for a lot of people, they don't know what to do about it. And so what do they do? They're crying. That's what they're doing when they go break those windows and stuff. Like it doesn't justify it. I'm not trying to justify it.

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But But that's also not switch the narrative to the protests and forget why they protest

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Right. And then we have to look at constructive ways of, of addressing this issue. And because you don't want to do this to things you don't want to do. You don't want to go down and join a protest and, and start looting places. Like here in Philadelphia last night. It was crazy. I mean, besides the fact that they, you know, were lighting cop cars on fire. I mean, like they were going into commercial institutions, you know, breaking the windows looting the place, you see guys walking down the street with, you know, Nike shoe boxes. And I mean, it was it was crazy. Now, interestingly enough, according to the police themselves, the people who were doing the looting and the people who

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they arrested they not even Philadelphia. So we have to ask people coming from before what and what are they trying to do? And what is their main aim? Are these people working for other entities and trying to take away the spotlight on what actually happened right and now put the spotlight on on the looting itself? And then you know, I mean, this agent provocateur tours and this type of stuff. This is longtime tactics of certain agencies, but the point America is afraid of Sharia Dr. White and

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Well, yeah, they've been wasting time. And here is protection of the soul that yes, that's George Floyd. And the protection of the wealth, the individual wealth, which is moving imagine Islam offers ways to deal with the state of Islam also empowers the victims. Right? Right. So when we look at when we look at the Eliza Joe says in the Quran, welcome finicky saucy.

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Yeah, well back in, you know,

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I, when, when when I was younger.

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I used to I used to I had actually I saw I saw a button one time, I used to own a button. Actually, when people used to wear buttons back in the day, you probably might I don't know, if you were in America, it was like back in the 80s. Man, I wasn't in Egypt

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sees the way people used to wear buttons to make like political statements. So this button said, How can you kill people? to show people that killing people is wrong? How can you kill people to show people that killing people? But it is profound. But But let me tell you something. They were actually speaking out against capital punishment. Oh, okay. No,

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no, we're saying that. So what they what they want to say is as the state they were against the death penalty now, but but stay with me there. I think that because they're looking at the way that America Institute's the death penalty, which is disproportionately against people of color, which a lot of times is without substantial evidence, which many times based on later evidence now like because there's a lot more ability to test the DNA and things like that you find that there are people on death row wrongly convicted. I mean, they're ready to go kill people who didn't actually commit a crime, that thing get in the American context.

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Fighting against death row may be something that's a that's a good event, but right, but now look at this from an Islamic perspective. We say no, no, no,

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no, no. Killing that person who killed somebody

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is actually saving life. A lot of life. It's saving life. Subhan Allah, Allah, saucy, walakum silky sauce, he hides

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his life now in this fear of retribution. So somebody might come and say, wait a minute, wait a minute, this guy killed somebody.

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Now you killed him. So now two people are dead instead of just one person. What do you mean is life as the scholars of Tafseer have mentioned, the ruling itself has stopped so many people from doing their initial impulse, which may be I'm just gonna kill this guy. And then they say, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. What's the punishment for killing? It's not it's not dependent? All you get a good lawyer, you know, you can be out in 10 years. No, no, no, no, you kill somebody. This is going to be the right is the right context of the usage of the term scare tactic that I yeah. It's the right the right context. That's right. And it is so so what happens is through through this

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through key sauce through this fair retribution, then what happens is it's it serves as that as a inhibitor as an obstacle. It stops people from wanting to to carry out their their impulse. Stay with me safely. But on the other side of that, let's just say it does happen. Let's say there's somebody

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they kill somebody

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who has the right to say we don't want that.

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person to die?

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Well, you dumped it will leave them No, no, the person who the William dem his mother alone, Danny, his, his, his family member, or her family member for that matter was killed. Correct. So So what happens then so this person is, is on the side of the oppressed. And now, the Sharia of Allah Subhana Allah empowers that person, because now they have the power to either say, you know what,

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I want to see that victimizer dealt with I want to see that person who oppressed me dealt with by the evening, I can do even more they can say, or they can say we forgive them, we'll take the blood money. My point, my point in saying all of that is that there are a lot of Muslims who want to know what they can do about all of this. You know what, and I feel like one of the things that's not being done enough, you know, a lot of people say, Oh, we identify with the victim. Right.

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But But the reality is, is are you addressing the victimizer? You You live in the suburbs? You went to school with with these with the dominant society, the victimizers, the the oppressors, you know them, you work with them you are you addressing them? Are you talking to them about this problem? Yeah, it makes me happy to see some very prominent people in this society.

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speak out against what they've seen and speak out against speak out against the institutional racism. But in the Muslim community, we have to we have to do better. We have to be young, our Prophet Isaiah,

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Evan, come on, cut off a year we'll be getting right whoever for monsoon season, he will ever change it with his hand. If you don't have the authority, you're not somebody it's not under your jurisdiction. For MLM you still hear from Billy Sandy, and whoever cannot do it with his hand and let him do it with his tongue, use your use your pen, speak out against What's happening? Well, my name is still there. And if even if a person can't do that for because he, then what is hard, Danny, let him let him not like what he's seeing. Let him not, you know, be totally disengaged and just say, you know, forget about it. Well, my name is certificate company with a barcode image that is

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the weakest of faith, if we're not bothered by what we're seeing.

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Or in fact, we say we don't care. I've actually I've actually somebody sent me some clips of Muslims just saying, you know, I don't I don't care about what happened at that. That to me shows that there's something lacking in faith allies with just a quantum hydro button. Next, tap Madonna Bill Maher who attend hona and amonkar. You are the best nation that has brought forth for mankind. But But what's the first thing that he mentioned that you command? That was good to you prohibit that, which is mooncup. And again, our Deen revolves around this concept of of justice, the

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ultimate justice, the ultimate justice is so he know right now. But that's the Justice that's between the left hand side and his servant and the ultimate injustice, his ship. And he that we associate a partner with the left hand side, even though he's the one who created us, but again, the deen revolves around that, right? So this concept of justice is is super important, you know, from the Islamic perspective, and we recognize justice as being something that is between us and allows parents out, even ourselves the way we react with ourselves, right? So with the with the segment of the law, tiger and hotel, Apple duck down to the low end, in the in the bed, the Nika, Nika How can

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your own body has a right over you have to be just to yourself, but then also just with the creation of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And that is not just some internal thing. Yeah, we can't be like certain groups, you know, where they distinguished between themselves and the Gentiles.

00:34:00 --> 00:34:20

When it comes to justice, Justice is established with the creation of a lost mentality, even with animals, even with the environment, that the only things that are not even living this, there's a level of justice that we have to have a lot. I know we have just a couple of minutes. Yes. Can you give us action plan?

00:34:21 --> 00:34:26

If you're on an individual living in a community, which is shattered by the

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racism by the

00:34:30 --> 00:34:53

what can you do as a Muslim within the larger community, not just your own community? I think that we have to, I mean, it's difficult right now in the COVID. Era, right? But I think that we have to open our doors and listen, no, like, we have to be willing to listen, don't think, why do we feel like we have the answers for everybody else?

00:34:54 --> 00:34:59

You know, the reality is, is that most of our communities are somewhat mixed, right?

00:35:00 --> 00:35:47

Even if the majority of the message is a, let's just say as a Pakistani majority or it is, you know, some type of Philistines, Egypt, mixed majority, there's still African American people come to CMS, right? Here's a mouth open up the door. Right? Hear them out? And then the broader community, what what type of what can we do? What can we do to help the cause as a whole? What do you want to see from us? Right? But but the ultimate solution to security is to talk to them about the beauty of Islam. You know, we've gotten away from that. You mentioned, you mentioned Malcolm X earlier, and I forget exactly the reason why you were talking about Malcolm X but a layup hammer.

00:35:48 --> 00:35:51

I mean, once one thing that he talked about one hedge,

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he said that Islam offers the solution to the race problem in America. And that was echoed by other authors who said that Islam offers the solution to the two biggest problems in America, the race problem, and alcoholism. So, so when you look at it, Islam, we have solutions, oh, represent that the issue is where we have to be a little more active and taking those solutions to people and and and saying, look, this is where Islam stands on the issues of race and racism, on the issue of judging people and creating almost a caste system, which shouldn't exist. But you know, we don't call it a caste system like they have and like they had or still have in India, but it is what it

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is, you know, it's basically like, if you're born with a certain skin color, then you're at this level of the totem pole. Again, so in terms of an action plan, here's the thing. We have to we have to first acknowledge that there's a problem. We can't go around and saying, Oh, no, I'm a Muslim, and I believe in everything to process. I'm saying I'm colorblind. But behind closed doors, Christopher law, this is what happens behind closed doors. You know, you You shouldn't hug a black person because they have a lift of Jay Hillier who has left, Montez leftover Jay helia.

00:37:20 --> 00:37:32

Leftover Jay, so so so the first thing I mean, we have to admit that there's a problem, we have to be educated. Right? I mean, we have to take steps to interact with,

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you know, with the people in our in our own masters who have for too long not been heard, understand their pain, and say, Look, what do you believe are some of the, you know, solutions to these problems? Hear them out and Charlottetown and come up with collective solutions? Well, let me tell you something. I think that if there was a quick answer, and we could just all come up, we could just say yeah, this is the solution to the problem. Well, it would have been solved already. No, this is a this is a problem that took a long time that's develop. Yeah. And it's going to take time to unravel. You know, I think we have to be more proactive. We need to be involved with the

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community at large. We we can't be these insular. You know, many of us have adopted monasticism. We become monks. Right. And we just like I'm just gonna stay in the masjid. I'm just gonna worship Allah subhana wa tada all day every day, which is beautiful. It really is a beautiful thing to be able to worship Allah. But that wasn't the Sunnah of the Prophet it is like to sit in, and allies are actually in the towards the end of sorts of Heidi. He spoke out about the Christians who became monks, the followers of a Saudi

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tether who had

00:38:49 --> 00:39:26

they were the ones who invented it and brought it into the religion it wasn't we didn't write that for them. So you don't divorce yourself totally from the dunya and you can't do that you live in a society be a part of it be a part be an agent of change. The Prophet I didn't select was selling told us as Muslims when you see something as that right change it No, no, he didn't say sit on the sidelines and you know, watch stuff happen. So a lot of times I use the protocol of changing you know, kindness and legality No, I'm I'm grateful to Allah subhana wa Taala then then someone then to you for

00:39:27 --> 00:39:31

we really wanted to hear from you on this issue. Was

00:39:34 --> 00:39:37

the life like convenient to select

00:39:39 --> 00:39:40

a life at waco said our

00:39:43 --> 00:39:47

stuff really? Does that a lot here. We are.

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