Sulaiman Moola – Need Of The Hour

Sulaiman Moola
AI: Summary ©
The return of Islam to Afghanistan has been a focus of political and media attention. The speakers emphasize the importance of finding a partner and finding a man, as well as the negative consequences of actions and the importance of honoring one's words. They also discuss the natural beauty of Islam, including the desire for people to show respect for people from other cultures. The transcript describes a group of individuals focused on the return of Islam to America, expressing frustration with the lack of progress and the natural beauty of Islam. They stress the importance of showing respect for people from other cultures and highlighting the natural beauty of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulillah

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in Alhamdulillah, enough meadow and a stallion going to struggle through one

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day when we learn him in Sudan fusina

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Dr. Medina, my de la vida Medina homie homi Bhabha, who?

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When I said when

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I was sorry

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when I said wanna say Donna, Donna Mohammed Abu or pseudo

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Quran Allah God will come Hamid

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ministry Ponyo Jamie Bismillah your Walkman you're a long Latina

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Latina yes Dr.

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Phil camasta Philip and Nadine amin cabela him. What are you Mike Keenan aliquam da da da da da da da da da da da

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da da

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da da una Nila una BC. Woman cassava de lica una eco hormonal first.

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McAllen OBO Salam O Allah alayhi wa sallam Madhava de la jolla woman a de la bella Menzel. Allah in a sonata La Jolla, Allah in a sonata LA.

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Oh, come upon his soda.

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Soda de la Mola NaVi wasaga para su Luna bu will carry one up Nuala de kameena shahidi, Natasha Kadena Hamdulillah, Bella Demi, honorable Ana microm, respected brothers, elders, mothers and sisters, the oma once again finds itself in the midst of a crisis such a period such an era, perhaps unprecedented. A time in an era, where in the oppressed cannot be called the victim wherein the tyrant cannot be called an oppressor. Where actions are justified and reactions are criticized with a murderer knows not why he's murdering the murdered knows not why he's been murdered Laia drill party will FEMA Patel well, tool FEMA put in a time when the voices of throws are suppressed and the

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truthful ones are marginalized when lies and falsehood is being promoted. And in the midst of this crisis in the midst of this challenge that you stole in on the oma that is straining on the oma the challenges of the preservation of Eman are intensifying. Hence the Quran says Wanaka fraternal Latina Min cappellini Allah men Allah Allah Dena Sadako Allah Monica we been indeed a law tested the nations that preceded you, so Allah could make known those that was sincere and Allah could expose those that will allow us wa sobre como Takayama hanifa be given in la una meaning when IANA mela de Nana firpo and the challenge that stared at the Muslim mind the barrel of offer let us not forget

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the last thing is it was to make known those that was sincere and it was also there to expose those that were false. And hence the current happenings also makes us know makes it known to us that the challenge and the test that is coming upon the oma is straining upon the oma safely we can see you and I are living in a time from which our prep on his predecessors had asked the law protection against the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said Allahu Allah you directly sama known Allahu Allah you directly is Amano, la you typography Hillary What are you stuffy human and alien? Allah let me not live up to see an era where divine guidance is ignored Allah let me not live up to see an era where

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shamelessness becomes the order of the day. Brothers you and I find ourselves in the midst of this very error. The only thing from which we can take solace ease that what is to come is worse than what we experienced in cedra mahavihara Yolanda said my Rufus Zamani, Naaman, carrozza man in komaba woman Kumara mangalam Yaki, that what we consider noble in our times was considered a sin in the previous times. maruf was a man in Amman carrozza, man and woman Kuru Maru Zamani, lamb Yachty. And what we consider a vise and a sin and transgression today, rest assured in the years to come, this will be considered pious, virtuous and noble. There was a time which I can recall when a youngster

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walk in a machine with a hearing on his ear. Then all good news went on to him the poor Chinese of course what has happened to him which family he comes from? Allah forgive today This has become part of the miscellaneous of our Masjid we use with earrings in our message. The other day a young boy came to me he touched my heart and He brought tears in my eyes, a boy at the age of 10. He says one on I want to ask you a question. Tell me What punishment has unlocked for that male who is here is Tell me What punishment has allowed me. But there's one and I mentioned that if we will not stand up Allah will replace us. I got back a month ago from us.

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As I landed in Perth amongst the first people to receive us was a young boy by the name of Solomon, and Australian revert in the young prime of his life Subhan Allah. In fact, my last meal was at his house before we left from day to Sydney. In his 20s Allah gave him he died he accepted Islam. He kept on reading the fuzzier man at home for two years after after he accepted Islam. And after two years his wife decided to accept Islam was of Italian origin, both husband and wife, the wife is in absolute a job. The young boy is an absolute descendant of Nabi sallallahu wasallam. And he's such an example that when I looked at the simplicity of his house, it brought tears to my eyes. We left

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Perth we flew to Sydney it's a long flight is about four hours, we got to Sydney it was on about a certain time we performed outside the airport. And then after the program was just I was briefed on the program that we will be going to the masjid there will be a lecture after Mother's Day after will be snacks after each other via lecture. There will be supper in the morning can be a lecture in and onward flight. So I even made a suggestion I said can we just rearrange it maybe we have snacks now and then we can have the lecture. So the host told me that apparently the brother that has invited you he's fasting so I said her anyway whatever us wisdom is I'm hungry but I respect his

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whatever his intentions are. After McGriff, Salah my program was over. So we went to this brother's house we had snacks at his place, a young Australian reverts in the prime of his life in his 20s So after that, we had our snacks and we left from there to another place in Sydney for my for the program. I asked one of the brothers that were with me you know this brother Mashallah he was passed in what what what fast was he keeping? It wasn't a young maybe what what should not what not? Well, he said after the brother accepted Islam for the first three years he could not fast he found it very difficult. But Allah gave him since he died now he's making fun of all those three years fast.

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You will be astounded to know how many of our sisters have bizarre of the past sitting on their shoulders for years.

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You will be shocked to know how many sisters have and yeah, a young boy in the prime of his life and Australian revert and first in 90 days consecutively.

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So really the current crisis that has come upon the oma and has stalled upon the soma, when Satan Abu Bakar the man who passed away signal Maria Lansing few couplets and he said

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he said the Hubba levina a boon for dunya olika salomo latuda kyren Alicia in Elijah Lee bada boom horombo in mirabito, we saw him walk the floor, Ulema will say tamo then listen, those whom were honored, cherished, revered, have left this world and they moved on. So then he addressed the word he said, Listen, my companion and my leader Abu Bakar has gone. Don't ever try to tempt me and mislead me and began me with your temptations. My condition was Abubakar was like a child that was been circled by his mother. And suddenly his mother died tragically, and he had to be instantly weaned off his chest of his mother. Can you imagine the anxiety the agony of that child satana Homer

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says that the sudden death of Abubakar I am like a child that is left where to be weaned off instantly. And that is my same condition.

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In Nia Ravi solly him what the flow your Moodle Famo when they say that now speaking of Abubakar the Allahu anhu Satan Ahmad even as Ilana looked at Bilaal, and then he started recording the difficulties that belong to the Alon who went through and when reviving the devotion of Beloved, he could not exclude the contribution of a co worker of the law. In fact, Dean in its essence if we study the life, or we study our Deen we cannot exclude Sahaba from the equation and we cannot exclude Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu summary. Villani, looked at Milan. And while thinking of Milan he thought of Abu Bakar so he said just Allah hi Ron and Villa Lin wasafi. Here it can you observe Aki

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Hanwha by gently just Allahu COVID-19 wa sahbihi

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wa Jalla Li ashy yet and Hama Phoebe la Lim so at what am IA Rama pasa lottery Beto at an amoeba Cody he said it to be an a la hora behala monthly fee to Looney Looney phenom aku shreeka Rahmani Min 345 ba ba, ba ba ba you know Sinha Mousavi sadhana Genie for yarrabah Ibrahim Allah Buddha, you know Sinha musawah Isa Genie from Allah tably he said just a long run and bellarine wasafi here it may Allah reward and grant a wonderful, handsome reward on behalf of belong in the likes of belong to Ababa, karate.

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Allow one who who purchased the freedom of Bilal watsa fucky Hanwha by gently and in the same breath May Allah disgrace fucking Hebrew Madeira, who was the uncle of Abuja and likewise Abuja, ashy yet and hammarby. So, Phoebe loudly, they intended the nasty plot against villain. While I'm yada yada, luckily and they did not even display the courtesy of in any ordinary human obscene logic and intellect. For the simple reason Beto, he did he have a bell anime, because he believed in the oneness of Allah, and He justified the finality of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and hence been unsaid for EA to Looney up to Looney for them to strike up a rough man, even

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if they choose to murder me, let them do what they sow deem correct. However, I will never ascribe partners with a law regardless what this human demands from me.

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But there's the price of preserving a man at every juncture was different in the Battle of whether it was the sacrifice of their lives and their wealth, and so on. I explained and explored the condition of today via the current happenings across the globe compels us compels us that we return back to our sources. And we study Quran and Hadith objectively and passionately and we understand what is the demand of the day and what does Allah want from us?

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Sabah camrys, one Allahu taala image man in alchemy niharika Viola one who comes to visit regularly salat wa salam.

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O Allah had favored them. One day nearly salat wa salam gave a talk to the Sahaba so they all became emotional and they started crying.

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Hazard zadara the alarm was also present he could not cry for some reason. So he came to nearly ceremony so don't be over LA I regret the fact that my heart could not cry when you gave a talk. And I often say that amongst the harbor the one that could not cry was the odd one. Just as Allah forbid in our gatherings the one that cries is the odd one.

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The one that cries is the odd one people look at him by is your right is everything okay? What's happening?

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And in Sahaba, the one that could not cry was the odd one. So he said only we have allowed is the matter I could not cry. Now VR is Salatu was Salam said Subhana Allah

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jumeau de nine min cosmetical wakasa local min castrato No, no ministerial mode when you see on remote min Tony Lama, ml Min COVID dunya dunya Katya, the neck of tears is because of hard heartedness. And hard heartedness is because of excessive spending. And excessive spending only comes about when a man becomes ambitious in this world. And a man only becomes ambitious in this world when he loves this world. And when he embraces this world, it is the mother of all evils.

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While other times the world is so desperate today for fame, the world is so desperate for fame people are exceedingly evil to be recognized. You get the fittest man in the world, just to come on record with the longest needs just to come on record. And we are currently sitting with a Bossa Nova sitting with Julian and opposer walks by sybrina A Serato, Samson samza Abu Dhabi la salle de Molina de la, your companion abuser happens to walk by I guess he didn't identify and recognize me. However, if he had greeted me I would have responded promptly to his greetings. So now Vianney Salaam said Atari boo yah jabril you know, abuser. So gibreel is salatu salam answered and he said

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one levy Botha cabal Hakuna BIA I swear by that Allah who chose you for profit would abuser is more famous in the sky has been the law The time has come that we be recognized by the melodica The time has come that we've been saved in a unitary system was swallowed by the fish photon. olho mouline takanobu Mooney falola Anna, who can Amina Musa lella visa fee bajo de la Yomi yoga Hassan Allah says he was sought out and he had done an act that was worthy of blame marine at that time signal Eunice supplicates Allah Allah Monica you know who this is? So the angel said so tomorrow's mean balladins arriba we know that the voice but we're not familiar with the location we know the voice

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but we're not familiar with the location. So unless it this is myself and Eunice. So the interest said your prophet the famous common UNICEF nematode was sent to Nando in Mosul. Sala said yes, they said Oh Allah if it is that person, then we are very familiar with his voice. we collectively unanimously intercede except his intercession Allah and grant him deliverance.

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Others today you find it is a sad reality. It is a sad reality. People have contexts in the parliament, people have contact in the business world. People have contexts in everything but there are so many people that

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Don't have contact with the learner then the pioneers can when the janaza is nine in the house, there isn't one person to lead the genesis of that man.

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They don't have close contact with any pious learned scholar, that there isn't one person to perform the genesis of that person.

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So anyway,

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he comes to nabire Salatu was salam, and levier risotto, some ASIMO. sobre la vaca

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so he said want to be over la we are believers, now via a Salam said substantiate your claim. You're a believer proves to me that you are a believer.

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Today we have different different symbols that we claim to say that we have believers, and we console ourselves on the grounds of this identity that we are Muslims.

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We have now is recent, this year in the tsunami, I had the opportunity to go there when this catastrophe came. And there were 1000s of people that were aligned and mass graves had to be done. One of the greatest symbols through which Muslims were identified, by virtue of which they were privileged what Hussein and Jenna's animus was the beard

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as it will bear me out, how they were identified was the beard, the Islamic dressing, and that is by virtue of that they enjoyed the correct muzzle and they enjoyed Salah

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in this very recent times.

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So now VOA Salaam Alaikum I believe, prove to me that you're a believer. He said Hamza Surah Taha sletten Hudson Amata NaVi ha constant amaratunga Bihar Rosado consulta la pena behalf Elijah helia, wa Halina in Alon illa Anta Nana rasulillah whatever you will I can give you 15 qualities to prove to you that I'm a believer.

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Ask yourself today if we are asked what is the proof that we are believers comes from Americana. We have five we heard from your five we heard from your messengers and fight we had from the very air of darkness, but we only need to respect it and revere it. However, if you choose to forbid us from it, we will abstain from it. Maybe only saddam said when we through your 15 qualities which you refer to the qualities of a man or a woman facility can be harder to find qualities I told you. So they said only Viva La Marina and Amina Villa to believe on the oneness of Allah, Allah equity the angels of Allah waka to be the books of the prophets of Allah.

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Allah did good in bed comes from Allah. Everything comes from Allah.

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In our fleet of angel Murphy who Allah intima score, we're in Managua in El Mundo, LA and tomato, oh my brother if you accept my proposal, and you grant my visa or you approved my job, then in essence Allah has approved it however you will be appreciated. But if you refuse it in essence, Allah has declined however you'll be excused. What you might not have enough money who Allah and tomato, Paula malcomson Latin American BMR Rosalie What did you hear from my messengers? A Moroccan Masha Allah, Allah illallah wa to believe in the oneness of Allah, one of the most solid mokuba to establish the salah, when you add this is a cartel and to discharge this occur when assume Sri Ramana and to

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observe the past in the month of Ramadan, when I heard gel beta in his, in his Sybil and to perform the hyperbolic gun says the means in the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Tell me the five qualities that you have from the era of darkness. Listen to this brothers. He says this was found in us from the era of darkness. But we held on to it after we accepted Islam.

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When shefali Indra Pema Humala was released from Malta, you read the episode of Malta when he was imprisoned, a very, very emotional episode in the lives of our predecessors. And amongst the first groups that he addressed after he is released, going back to the 1920s was a group of theologians and Allah.

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And he said, during my stay, and during my captivity, I gave much thought to the decline of the soma. And I reflected at length over the pitiful condition of this oma and I have safely arrived at two conclusions. And this was a gathering of alama hundreds of theologians. Can you imagine the anxiety the statement had around amongst them?

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A man who was a great scholar of his time.

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He said, After much thought I have safely come to the conclusion that we have two problems. Number one, we've deserted and abandoned the Quran. And number two, our internal fighting, which of course is the result of the first He further said an oma that could have been a billion strong, unfortunately has fragmented into billion segments.

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And Omar that could have been it is a sad page of our history. It is a sad reality. The internal bickering of the soma the

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dissension, the division of this oma is indeed a sad reality.

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And let me end by saying when I'm discussing this year, which family is free from family politics, the minimum in today's time, I often say, We seldom meet, we seldom socialize. I think in today's times on the seldom occasions when we meet, if we can say good words, then two, we've done a lot. We've achieved a great amount. We seldom meet and when we meet also, it's nasty comments, or you lost your way.

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How you ended up here.

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So we met at a janazah We met at a wedding, it was after yours. Let that be polite. What was the Unity Sahaba had a mom nobody makes mention of it in in the commentary of Muslim Sharif. Jerry rebny. Abdullah pajarito de la Mohan, who says, Biafra nebia Salatu was Salam Allen mystery liquidly Muslim, I pledged to nearly Salam that I will be faithful to every Muslim. It was the pledge I made.

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And I said, I will live by this pledge. So one day he sent one of his servants to purchase a horse. mm Noah speaks about it in the history of Muslim Sharif.

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So he sent his servant to go and purchase a house. And the servant went, purchase the house for 400 Good Hands came back gave it to Jerry. Jerry Rolando said, No, no, I think you've paid too little.

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I think you've deprived the man of his do take me back to the owner. Where have you heard of such people?

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So anyway, Jenny, Lee Alonso goes back to the owner to the farm wherever it was. He says, Listen, I send myself in any purchase bought from you says correct.

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So Jared said you know what, I think you've underpriced this year I need to pay you more so he said no problem pay if you want to pay more give whatever you want to give welcome So instead what to make it 500 generally, I'm gonna say no, don't make it more he says or at 600 he said make it more doesn't make it seven. He said no making more. So he said ordinary w 800. He said already at 800 Yeah, heavens. So anyways, he comes out someone meets him congratulate him ability bottle horses. Yes what you paid 800 I could have got you two for the price. He said I also could get two for this price. However, I had pledged to nearly Salaam that I will be loyal to every Muslim and loyalty to

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my brother at this juncture demand that I give him more than what he deserved.

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Please this o'clock in the treatment of the soma.

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Please this character in the businessman of the soma. Allah has given you such talent, Allah has given you such an opportunity and through that Allah will give you such Berkut alpha and he will he Armada metaphoric for inside the tower bayona barakallahu Murphy vailima ma ma ma ma

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ma beyond this, identify the false and liberalism's boys with that transaction, lie distort manipulate and deceive and nearly salons burqa is out of the transaction.

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So many salons is one of those five qualities. It says shukran

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shukran de la paz sobre la bella was citko female Latina La La be merill para watarrka shama de Ville masiva Eva, da da

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da da gratitude on moments of prosperity. Allah has favored us so much. Like the poet says, Allah you have given me so much.

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Every time I fell short, in my gratitude, you increase your boundaries, can he beat up Syria so Djibouti Fatah, as if the recipe of more was in gratitudes?

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As if the recipe of more is in gratitude Allah

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every time I fell short Allah you increase canny bit duck Syria so Djibouti

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as if you want more be ungrateful, there is how you dealt with me Allah

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Asakura anger raha gratitude on moments of prosperity? What sobre el Bella and patience and perseverance in moments of difficulty

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saving Are you willing Salatu was salam, what difficulties came upon him?

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Instead of Gambia it is written how he persevered in that difficulty.

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One day his wife met with a doctor who it was shut down in the form of a doctor. And now when a person is sick, he would go to any length for pure, and this doctor told a rough man, that was the wife of sabena ubay Salatu was Salam. She was from the descendants of use of a Salatu was Salam ala sakata hunting in Morocco. Hi, Anthony. Amata he was a hottie. He was Amana bootsy he, he will Halina Masada Shakira, Shackleton Sameera, she was a pillar of support in his difficulties. And she stood by his side even in prosperity and she was a unique woman. She literally was mercy Her name was Rockman

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She was the granddaughter of Satan a use of a salat wa salam. So one day she met this doctor, the doctor said, Listen, I will cure your husband. I only need one thing he must acknowledge me and say, You know what, Doc, you've cured me. That's all I need nothing more. She said taken. She had not fully comprehended the implications of this statement. She came home she told my husband you know what Demetri is sorted out. I met with a doctor. He's promised to cure you only one thing he wants acknowledgement. said now you've got up and he said that he's the devil. And that is a statement of shame. And if I have accused me, I will bless you 100 times because of what you've said.

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His wife does he make dua to Allah that Allah must kill you?

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He tells his wife Oh, my wife, how long did we enjoy prosperity? So she says 80 years? How long is the largest terrace? She said eight years? He answered. Stephanie and atropine Allahu Allah, Allah he omaka to feed him would he? Like me he 80 years of prosperity and Allah tested me for eight years. I'm shy to ask Allah that 80 years of difficulty less than maybe I have the guts to ask Allah.

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What sukru

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Allah was super female watching ilica honesty in moments of meeting in la Santa Fe Tommy's is to harbor in the first volume days

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when Satan offers a finding his father yamamura Yolanda making his way

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from Mecca to Medina on the way they were intercepted by Abuja. sabudana has the way you have to visit we're going to Medina. This was just before the Battle of Abuja said if you're going to Medina, you will add to the numbers of the Muslims so we won't release you because you will fight against us.

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So they follow the Ilana said my word I won't join the ranks of the Muslims and fight against you. He said you give me your word you say I give you my word. Anyway, a Buddha released was a part of the alano as he gets to Medina nabire salam is leaving.

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What is about our terminology katabami Amina maka

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Allahu Sami on honey. What is about our terminology katabami me Nina maka Teton, Allah who sent me on

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either hamato

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de la la la la la la la la familia de Nino Philippines the pitch of ba ba Salam is on the outskirts of Medina even further. When the Muslims are few in number. They barely had 70 horses two cameras few swords. So was a part of the unknown when his father in law we want to join you and generate the data want to be able to launder away Abu Jamal intercepted us and we had an argument with him and we told him just to earn our release we pledge that we will not join you but obviously that was just so that we can earn our release but we want you now we joined him via his salon said you gave Abu Jamal your word you cannot join me.

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You gave Abu Jamal your word you cannot join at a time when the Muslims needed at the most when reinforcement was absolutely everything when participation in butter Buhari Sharif moto Dona Petrin fi komatsuna la jabril Sedona we have Allah How do you view the participants of

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the Vla Sam said this they are more senior than the other Sahaba sociability Salam Salaam San Joaquin Valley command shahida bedroom in Alameda. This is the Sahaba who participated in butter are more senior than the other Sahaba de la eco who descended to eight the Muslims are more senior than the other side the other melodica

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What did the prophets Allah says, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Masha,

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Allah, those who participated in whether Allah has forgiven all your sins, now via de Santo Abuja atoll Jose for the learner, you gave Abuja, your word you cannot join us. In the end of Satan Afro zenphoto, the alano and his father Yamamoto, the Alabama, Alabama, both were exempted and excluded from weather simply because they had committed and given their word to a country of Abuja.

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You and I will find all flexibility and all concession to accommodate and to adjust and to do whatever we want to. But this is what's a typical female attorney to understand to honor your word, what rather be more real,

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and to express joy and happiness on the positive decisions of faith? This is let's say that the Atlanta says which was a common quality in Sahaba, on the Divine Decree of a law, what my ally has decided, for me, I am happy with it.

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Brothers when a child makes and every day he comes home and he says, Papa, you didn't buy me this and he tells his mother or you cook this, and he moans and groans and my friend did this and my friend's father bought him. Then sometimes in a foot of anger, we say listen, from tomorrow, you must tell your friend's father that he's your father and you his son

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and you tell that until

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She must go for you and that's your mother. When if that's your frustration because your child is moaning on what you give him designed for him, I'm afraid your Allah tells you the same when you move on what Allah designs for you.

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Mullah Mira da da da da da da da da da dee, da da da da Vinci ye.

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Mullah Mira da da da da, da da da la familia.

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The one who is not pleased on what I decided for him, and was not patiently endure what I put in he put in his path that he considers me incapable of being Allah telling him to look for a better Allah who deals more justly with him.

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Your business is not flourishing, your children are rebellious. Everything of yours is wrong. Don't you think when the child also moans and groans that comes to a point where you first that comes to a point where you also explode Allah says the very same thing man Shaka musi button lesson that behavior in nama your score.

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If you mon on what Allah decided you questioning authority

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and happiness enjoy on the decisions of today. What are Kisha Matangi, masiva, let will and we will never directly join is the tragedy of our enemies, nevermind our relatives.

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Today the world has accused us we've been accused of many plans. We've been accused of many plots, and it's important we seize every platform to clear the air. Our aim and our objective is to obey your law. We have no other goals we have no other aims. Satan aliotti a man who says whenever the Muslims fought law for the Kandahar boom, let me know.

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Whenever the Muslims fought it was for one of two reasons. Either the Dean was temple or the land was invaded. There has never been another war that the Muslims have ever fought.

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What Turkish Amata Bill masiva da da da we will never ever rejoice. The life or the loss of every life is precious to us. We honor revere and respect life in every form.

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In fact, the life of an unborn child is precious to us. Hence abortion is not part of our Deen abortion is forbidden. Life is precious and valuable in every form. What are the keys shamatha will Mercy by either bill Abba we will never rejoin us on any calamity on any difficulty on any tragedy. When the Prophet sallallahu Sallam heard this from Alabama, he said fuqaha avacado A yaku MVR minha Salima Safa. If there were any automa of my own It is these if they were anyone that was close to the galaxy of Umbria It is these he then smiled and he said you have 15 let me give you another five Leah kumala la hola como la la la la. Then Allah completed by 20 lotsa Gemma Omar la Cologne, y la

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turban omala tuscano on while at an alpha Sophie modern anggota Zoo loan what topo La La La La La La

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La La La La Kowloon don't gather that food which you won't eat

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don't make your job more difficult. Obviously some held the hand of even a hammer and they walked into one garden he picked up a date and he ate it. He said Monica Yamanaka libnah Homer join me he said last year he also de la I don't think I have any inclination now to be honest Salam said well for you perhaps it's a matter of choice inclination or this inclination. Here it is dead hunger for days have gone nothing has entered the belly of your Navy. But let me tell you even a homer k fabryka Homer Ada pata feito mean yes, but what is presented to him a time is to come on mama when one one will store the provisions of a year

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latach mahoma taco palatable nomada tuscano don't bulldoze homes in which you will not love. My sister doesn't own her roof above her house. But I have a house in Paris and a house in London and in a cottage in New York and wanted this beach and wanted that beach only to visited once a year and my own blood sister doesn't own a roof. my nephews don't have basic food. Have I done justice to the wealth that Allah has given me? Have I discharged the obligation? While I have many assets attached to my name, my own relatives don't have a basic rule of Will I not be answerable to my Creator. That's up and

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down but something you won't love to say we're not an alpha Sophie Masada nanometers alone. Don't waste your ability in in channeling it in vine and competing with one another in a matter which you will leave which you will leave tomorrow you will leave this year don't compete in the trivial things of this world. focus towards after prepare towards that it is your ultimate about brothers. Well now when we look at the current crisis that is staring at the oma is 100 spoke about

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They be I just want to briefly run you through a few things regarding the life of Sahaba. It is important we relate to those lives and we deduce we did use, we create an equation between our life and we navigate our lives from the way they lived.

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Would they be I was at a time

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when there was no loss of health, there was no loss of wealth. The challenge of the hour was the suppression of emotions. That was the price of a via to preserve a man at that time was suppressing the emotions. The Vla surround sees a vision. Maybe only Salaam sees a vision, what is the vision that he is making? onra we know the anxiety that Sahaba had the desire that they have inerrancy to the Sahaba although the dream was not explicit, that is going to happen immediately. It was it's human nature in the night you dreamt about money you think in the morning it will be that it's human nature whatever dream you have, you want it to materialize immediately.

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And this was the practice of nabire salon when he had a dream he would narrate it in viscosity of the first volume on page 75 with reference to tell me the scary things. One day I was in Nashville with the landowner his daddy Serato Sam came late for further unlike us, Allah give us he died today. come late for further Allah forgive

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me hurry Sam came late Sahaba patiently waited Sega Masud The sun was about to rise, and suddenly they'll be over luckyme the joke was a comment was given Salah was performed. And after Amaz was over he said listen remain seated amasa hobbyzone mahabis aenean kumala dot. Let me tell you what delayed me today. Let me tell you what delayed me. This is also a very big principle of Islam. It's a Kumar

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that avoid the locations of accusation. Don't pick as Muslims it is not correct for us to conduct ourselves in any way which will compromise our dignity [email protected] has written we are obliged to respect the laws of our state. And he said violation of a traffic light is just not an offense to the law but is equally an offense to your dean and a man.

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These are his words. So we should not conduct ourselves in any way which will compromise our dignity more so in this climate of hostility when the action of one Muslim is taken to be the reflection of Islam in its entirety. We've got to conduct ourselves with absolute maturity

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in a dignified in a responsible in a mature way.

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It is it is of absolute importance. Nonetheless nabire salaam came late. So immediately he cleared the air he said let me tell you why I came late. Let me tell you why. mk lay the famous Hadith in Bukhari on the occasion of erotica when he was speaking to his beloved wife, Sophia de la. And then somebody walked past so as they seem to be early, some in seclusion, so they became uncomfortable. A discreet relation between the NaVi over line is honorable console, and we happen to pass by it's awkward, it's uncomfortable. So the heysen database lhaviyani Sam said Allah is likoma stop and pause and come back.

00:38:08 --> 00:38:12

Now here is something just for your information. This is my legal wife Sophia.

00:38:13 --> 00:38:28

So this should only be over la we will never do have we even against you. Why are you clearing the air that really celebrated I respect what you say. But let it not be that the devil injects an evil thought in your heart regarding your Navy your Eman will be in jeopardy. la de da da da

00:38:30 --> 00:38:33

da da da da da da da da

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da da da ba ba ba ba ba Padilla Milan Latina de la luna Minh Camilla Wanda when Debbie speaks to you don't consider it like anyone ordinary speaking. Nonetheless in the beauty salon said I stood up in last night. I performed Budo Sally tumaco dearly and I started performing Salah in my Salah. I went into a trance and in that Salah suddenly I seen my alarm in the most beautiful appearance I seen my Allah my Allah said Dr. Mohammad

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in Bari cerveza diva in under the Bible, so that in case of Sabah say we were performing them as being really strong and suddenly he leaned forward and then he went back. So often as we said, Only we have a law we seen your gesture inclining forward. Now we are a salon said yes, I went into the gardens of gentlemen and I seen a branch and I was about to pluck some some dates and some grapes and if I had to pluck it local to mean homeopathy dounia you would have eaten from that bunch till the day of the omelets.

00:39:32 --> 00:39:55

So I see my ally in the most beautiful appearance by Angela said what are the angels above you discussing? Oh Mohammed I said I don't know a lot three times. Then Allah put his hand on my chest. Obviously that is not a sharpie. Ha, well, Ahuja donica, Maja pulu ada Mona What do you mean? Oh, Jen latonya Imani Kira, Tanya, Tara B. Amin was fubo for Houma.

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catani. The poet says, what are we attorney

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Amaya punto de la luna William de novo gelatin Imani Kira Tanya Dara, B amine was fo that my Allah has the hands as he said. And as it befits His Majesty, it is only right hands there's nothing like left in the entire law. And of course it is beyond our comprehension and we we accept it as it is as befits the majesty of Allah and Allah is spending through their hands on his creation. But nonetheless, as a result of that, particularly couldn't to say the heavens became exposed to meet the discussion of the angels became apparent to me. Allah said what are they discussing? I said Allah they are discussing those actions through which a person sins will be forgiven material

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abdominal trauma, walking towards the massage setting in the masjid and they are discussing the rewards or those actions by virtue of which a person's rewards will be activated. Then Allah told me, he said I'm studying the Sahaba Allah told me sylia Muhammad, Muhammad asked me what you want. Imagine you sit in what an officer you sit in with a president you sit down with someone their private discrete meeting and he says What do you want all your your the needs of yourself your family will just come before you immediately it will cloud your mind if you can set your job here you can secure this year you can be at a ceremony and he made a lot of money as a local family.

00:41:16 --> 00:41:17

botanical Monica

00:41:18 --> 00:41:28

Misaki one takfiri water harmony what is our tobacco minifit nathon fatawa funny enough to Allah Khomeini Luca hogback

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family yo Corleone la Allah give me the perpetual love of good actions unlike let me detest and dislike all sons a lot are learned we love the poor associate myself with the poor and die with the poor a lot when you decide to test your servants and you decide to put challenges upon them a lot definitely before those tests comes

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a lot let me before those tests comes. Bala brothers we seen the time that has come before us. White people, white people passionately envy the time of

00:42:00 --> 00:42:22

Mr. Modi. Let us not forget that error is coupled with the job and the fitting of the job is the greatest of fitness maumoon Aruna Haroon, we have this notion and we have this wrong perception that when we will see that john, we will identify him by his appearance. So we will see that he is one is in our in our so we will identify and we say what is the job this is how he looks on the

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run from him. Who doesn't know the fitna of this woman is a woman who doesn't know the feeling of this woman with his interest who doesn't know the fitting of the somatic Xena who is abstaining on the grounds of knowledge.

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I will tell you the hands of interest now but when you walk in your shop in a businessman comes in he tells you forgotten and forgotten are all the warnings of daddy. Let us come out of this delusion that on the grounds of the information we have regarding the job we are protected.

00:42:50 --> 00:43:00

Who doesn't know these are fitness? Which man doesn't know this is haram. Yet the temptation the demands are overwhelming was deplorable said in the opportunity to be fitna

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way near infinity Salah Allah here Nisa is

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when a visionary passion was volumen honey what can nothing alpha Tirumala UT you seen there have difficulty you and you you know you enjoy it, but I'm afraid it comes in era of prosperity and I doubt you'll able to withstand these challenges massively Jubilee steady, who was on the moon Bill Hader it is those woman with respect to my sisters.

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It is those women who love is naritasan waspa Liam and who will insist on wearing the fine garments of silk this fine silk garments of sharm in Yemen But honey they will tell you the wealthy husband working leftenant Fatih, Ramallah UT and they will burden the poor husband which is beyond that debt wealth which is beyond his ability. They say a successful man is one who can earn more than his wife spends. And a successful woman is one who can find such a man.

00:44:01 --> 00:44:01

What can

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only be an hour long when you decide to just take me away, nonetheless then the viola scene this drill procedure is important we refer to these Allah, it is important we deduce our guidance and navigate our way through the lens of Saba.

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aviary Sonam prepares the Sahaba and they leave

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and the vlsm makes it known that our intention is over and nothing else. He makes a general announcement and he says that we will be leaving it is Monday it is the beginning of Bill cada he performs his hoser puts on his clothes from our mother's womb Mr. Ma joins him he ascends his password that was his camel and they leave from Makkah at 35 they put on the forearm as the CO forget the news that the Muslims that come in.

00:44:44 --> 00:45:00

They decide they call the Persian meeting and they say at no cost the Muslims will enter. They decide to dispatch certain invoice in different directions. They send Holly delivery to a place called Camille and they send the famous tribe of five of Benita TIFF to a place called Belinda and this is

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Locate the Muslims transmit the movement but we won't allow them into Makkah as the Muslims advanced nabire Samson's beschriebenen Sofia and rhodiola one who could go and see what is happening and come in ready to me, Bishop of the Allahu comes and he says these people are ready for war. So he comes back to the barracks and said oh no we will lead this nation is ready on walk nabire salaam said he said that was have destroyed these people. He didn't want to give up fighting. wars have destroyed these people. Yet they do not want to give up it is time we coming to some common grounds we negotiate the way forward. Nonetheless, as they advance they come close to a place in the valley

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Samson abetik nabeshima The Allahu anhu he comes with his army and he stands at a particular location highly dependable ladies on the opposite side.

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College was not a Muslim, is they get the the time of Zod nearly sometimes belenko doesn't. Today no mas is not in our functions. namaz is not in our occasions. And Sahaba didn't leave no mas in battle. And we want that same help of a law in the Battle of Katsuya that was in was martyred in the Battle of civil war as the new Yeoman.

00:46:03 --> 00:46:07

So the Sahaba decided now the battle that was in has been martyred who will give us on

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every savvy said I will give us on it became an issue of contention. No Sahabi wanted to forfeit donnovan in the midst of the battle while the ferocious but they decided to call up virgin Matura

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we take pride in domestic

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the contentious issue of water metolius the contentious issue is not welcomed as an COVID de la cabra the contentious one in all the contentious the way it is my primary invite to my daughter's occasion she'll feel insulted if I send a card. It's my prior to the contentious

00:46:44 --> 00:46:57

one in all the contentious the way it is my pride to invite to my daughter's occasion she'll feel insulted if I send a guard it's my pride to invite towards my son's this meeting but it is an insult to invite towards Allah

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so then they decided to grow up lots and the one whose name was allotted he was privileged otherwise they weren't ready to part with that.

00:47:07 --> 00:47:18

We got some we got Allahumma phillimore Vinny alhama phillimore de Allah homophilic Alma de ALLAH forgive the Muslims of Satan Omar cetera kanaya Rasul Allah and

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it looks like to secure this honor of forgiveness on your tongue we'll throw swords to give us some

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people will throw swords to give us an after you leave us because everybody will want to be forgiven. Now via a some said con la Omar

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Saman una de la la

00:47:39 --> 00:48:02

la la. No, no, no, no, no No Omar, don't base stone base those that are to come on this golden era. What do you say this is my time. A time is to come the Amazon will be designated for the downtrodden category of my own Ma and rest assure that flesh is forbidden on Johanna Basilica de Houma la vida holla now

00:48:07 --> 00:48:26

so that was the pride the Muslim was murdered immediately. This is what had happened. The time of silica willandra de la casa de la is performed. Now what had happened brothers every time is the Muslims came on this four day behind I'm going to create an equation as they came to spy, they got exposure to Islamic culture.

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So you will see as I will tell you briefly they came as spies and they returned as Sahaba

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they came as invoice and they return this believers. They came as mother own and they return as Ravi Allah one

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way because they got exposed to Islam, Allah forgive those that are interacting with us and not getting exposed to Islamic culture.

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we seen it happening. People went as journalists in certain places and they came out as believers.

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They went as news reporters and they came out as believers This is Alice Dewey's

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so as they were performing Salah Khalid started observing he wasn't a Muslim at that time. Holly didn't

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haven't started for this month. How did he know when

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he after the salon was over? He said, You know what, we missed an opportunity. These people were in Salah when they were in prostration that was the time to strike.

00:49:29 --> 00:49:35

That was the time but don't worry. I know these Muslims didn't have another prayer very soon. Kadena. What did you say?

00:49:37 --> 00:49:59

You read the Allah speaks about the nine qualities Allah speaks about him. Or to Linda Rodriguez and him and Canada Malema Benny, either to Tina Alinea, tuna Kawasaki Ronnie. Allah speaks of nine qualities of the light now versus I don't even know his criticize any copied in the Quran like this copy. And in that Allah says one is illegitimate. So he comes to his mother in law

00:50:00 --> 00:50:22

Jelani is written he says in Mohammed was a funny bit is specified in Article One Aveda Mohammed Sasson has his Quran has identified nine weaknesses of mine. I can relate to the first eight, but the ninth one says I'm illegitimate, oh, my mother dead, the dead diverges your infidelity Speak up, because the Quran of Muhammad will never lie.

00:50:24 --> 00:50:37

Speak up because the Quran of Muhammad will never lie. The Quran of Muhammad says I'm an illegitimate child. I considered this man as my biological father. But Mohammed Quran says I'm illegitimate. So she says yes, in abakada Nina,

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I could not have children from this very man who you consider to be your biological father, and hence I gave access to another person and you are actually a child and the offspring of that particular man. And then after that I got married to this man. So Khalid said no, I know these people will pray very soon. So this was the plot. Khalid at the time was a Muslim. They made the plot immediately jabril came down. Y la quinta fame Fanta La MaMa salata para Tompa if atone minimum makeover Yakuza snohetta Juan de dolphin Nico Nomura eco Echo, you seen the term different ways of Serato Whoa, full detail explained that only be able to let a plot into strike in numbers. So be

00:51:22 --> 00:51:28

alert. And Allah has made adjustment in concession that insula one group will perform one will God

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anyway, they go ahead. after July, they go ahead, they come to this place where they via the Kamala aviary Sam sits down. Sava say Hola, tilaka Swan, that what is wrong?

00:51:43 --> 00:51:57

Imagine the anxiety of Sahaba clouded by this fear that we are a sunset no Hubba Sahaba so to feel that Allah wouldn't allow the elephants to go beyond your that Allah doesn't allow this camera to go forwards. Now you bought the flight in in detail your technical faults.

00:51:58 --> 00:52:00

That was the technical fault of that date.

00:52:03 --> 00:52:03


00:52:05 --> 00:52:42

the Confirm took the different locations where there was water, the Muslims, they left them with a place where there was no water. Just imagined Sahaba you know we have our local problems we have our domestic problems then we have the international crisis. And then we can't we don't know where to put ourselves in this entire equation. Look at the suppression of emotions look at what clouded Sahaba look at them maturity look at the vision look at the understanding look at their priorities. What was clouding what was resting on their minds anxiety of Amara I possibly cannot translate in words. You know when Libyan a tsunami left Makkah, a monkey versus a burst revealed before he drank

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a month anniversary is the first reveal after this verse was revealed between Makkah and Medina in Allah the Quran Allah wa ala Muhammad, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam took an unusual path from Mecca to Medina. And then this road joint with the common route going back to Makkah. So when his gaze fell on the road, he became emotional and he started crying. And he looked at that road in he tears, and he made Saba cry, and he looked at the road going back to Makkah, he said one life they had not compelled me to leave your MCI wouldn't have put my foot on any other lens gibril descended in the journey of Indra. And these verses were revealed that Allah who made Quran for us upon you will soon

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return you victorious into Medina. So how can words describe the aspiration of Sahaba the emotion of Sahaba

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anyway, maybe it started with some comes there, there is no water. Father, the Son the mentality that he should say the knot in the belly something such as arrow and he drops it into the water the water comes brimming up the water comes brimming up Sahaba drain the A they seem to everything. The kuffaar decided to send the invoice and Buddha livanova Buddha live never comes he sits down with VOA salat wa salam.

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Salam said Jean, Mary, Martha Marian, we've come to make Amara in northern Nigeria. We have no intentions to fight, go back. Tell them we are peace loving people. We have no ulterior motives.

00:54:13 --> 00:54:24

Anyway, he goes back he sits down with the people he tells him but every time he is they were coming. They were getting exposure to Islamic culture. They were seeing the Muslims how they learn. They were seeing the Muslims how they conducted themselves.

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So he goes back.

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He tells his people listen, this man is very polite. I think we should give them access into Makkah. They said no, no, no, we don't need to hear stories like this. Yeah. This is not what we want to go from here. Buddha in America left these people and he accepted Islam.

00:54:40 --> 00:55:00

They decided to send the second person always remember Saudi Arabia misquote comes, what loves Sahaba had been a very solemn alright number salute says that and then he starts talking to navionics and as he's talking to me about some of the benefits he he has the beard of Nova Scotia pushed his hand and he said Listen, you talk you talk with respect. Listen, you talk to you.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:15

Talk with respect, love what they do in a sauna. We know the who was the Jewish rabbi. Long story is very long, just briefly, I want you to one point through it. Anyway, he came, he was he was studying the life of nebbia. A lot of people are studying the lives of the Muslims today, a

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lot of people now when I was in Australia, there was a group that wanted to base themselves that must be an official group that were coming from some organization. And they said, We want to stay in a Muslim house and we want to stay in a Muslim mosque. And we want to just make more common Muslim culture and make known to people you know, what are Muslim beliefs? How do they conduct themselves? Now you ask ourselves, can we can we say on a go to this mosquito go to that house? Where is in the time of nabire salatu salam, a captive came? And he said I was trying to the polar and when I walked in that Hamas, there wasn't a man I hated more than Mohammed. And by the third morning there wasn't

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a human I love more than Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam there wasn't in three days what was that environment in three days in Texel factual data Meanwhile, internal content shocking. Now VR is self esteem, Osama samama What do you have? What's up? What's your take? He said, Listen, if you kill, then my blood won't be cheap revenge will take but if you overlook, I guess you will be acknowledged and you'll be appreciated. Now there is an upset athlete who who listened release him. He said take me to this man I want to accept this deal.

00:56:20 --> 00:56:22

Intellectual structural data mean what

00:56:23 --> 00:57:02

a shocker. So what do I do no matter what comes he sits down. But when he sits down, he gets exposed to the culture of nabire salaam. And he gets more impressed his focus goes away from the negotiation and he gets captured by how they are conducting themselves. He goes back to the people who said listen before I report on a different note man what a discipline nation what discipline on a different note before I tell you what developed on that before I tell you about my legal interaction and my development and my economic ties and all those other social political strength Let me tell you what law he matana from a new format and he lava coffee coffee really mean home fidella Coffee

00:57:02 --> 00:57:39

Haha, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, listen, when that man only intense spitting the 100 to grab his saliva fidella cubby ha What's up? What did he take the hand and they smear it on their body? What is that? what occurred at lunala? What do he when he performs ablution they fight for that water for either amerihome imitator amerihome when he commands they respond or ma You don't even know Lehman level, they will never dare look, they gaze they will never develop their gaze. You know, it brings me to the incident of Satan now, even after the alarm on who is known as the minister who conquered Egypt.

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And this is something for us to reflect over brothers. We all have a dark pass we have a gloomy pass Allah forgive us. Allah forgive us and Allah protect us Allah protect us onwards.

00:57:50 --> 00:58:16

What is the what is our fellow tiberi but in fearful machine, what is our fellow tiberi but in FY 18, one of seudah electro bionic human novel illa Huwa por la in la de la paz balama. Ronnie, when you are sitting in seclusion, in your ego provokes you towards sin, then remind yourself that Allah was created darkness is fully observant and watching what I have done.

00:58:17 --> 00:58:24

What is our fellow tiberi but in FY 18, one of seudah Tony lactobionic inaugural

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satana Hamrick nostrovia lon speaking on the aspect of respect of nearly Salatu was Salam we claim to have respect we, I often say we cannot understand the love that Sahaba head for nabire salam for the simple reason we haven't loved any human to the extent that Sahaba love navia Islam never met loving him so much. I haven't loved my parents no my wife nor my children. I haven't tasted love to the extreme and the extent that Sahaba enjoyed with nearly Salam so how can we relate it to anyone? How can we create a massage or parable I can't say they love nebbia listen like how you love your wife or like how you love your this one oh you love that one? We cannot today ALLAH forgive also you

00:59:08 --> 00:59:31

know person say he loves his wife. But nobody Sam said that the youth will never entertain now who is the youth who doesn't mind stranger speaking to his wife? They say this father went to buy a horse so he's petting the horse you know very gently and everything. So the son has the father did you petting the horse? What is it? He says no my son I want to buy the horse. So when you buy it you pet the animal he says oh then I'm afraid the neighbor wants to buy Mom

00:59:35 --> 00:59:36

I'm afraid the neighbor wants to buy mom.

00:59:38 --> 01:00:00

What what has happened to this woman that it introduces his females to strangers. You're proud over your car. You're obsessed over your property's yours obsessed over other things and your woman folk you live them? Let's be honest. So Nana manikarnika bellicon shipper and receiver in their army, their army hatanaka

01:00:00 --> 01:00:05

Java bean that's about to move home and and

01:00:07 --> 01:00:18

you will follow those that preceded you to such an extreme that if they entered a lizard to hold which is totally contrary to logic which contradicts sanity but because they did it you will do it

01:00:21 --> 01:00:39

they use whenever entered and now we use the pride of this man. So the love that Sahaba had is unparalleled. Anyway say the nominee of Nazareth Yolanda says in the throes of death Allahu Akbar, in the throes of death what a death brothers we don't know Allah grant is a good bet, unlike grants is a good death

01:00:40 --> 01:00:42

as the poet says, our law

01:00:44 --> 01:00:45

interfere interfere in

01:00:47 --> 01:01:26

our lives you forgive forgive all our sins, and have belief in Medina it must occur on some metaphysical field but the way Allah make me amongst the fortunate people ilaha illa Genie min goodness Ethan Fanta a la una Mola. Jimmy Allah forgive me from difficulties you are my guardian in the guardian of humanity in a Hina Genie min coolness Ethan Fanta Allahu namobuddha. Jamie happily Phil Medina theories can have you been Medina it is gone from Madison and Phil but he blessed me with sustenance in Medina and ultimately make me amongst the fortunate people who sleep beneath the soil of Medina. Satan Ahmed Ignace is in the throes of death. His son comes there. He drops his head

01:01:26 --> 01:01:51

on the floor, and he tells his son, the son consoles the father of my father, Allah gave you What a life what an enviable life Senate is yours. I don't know how many times the BLE Salam said myself and Ahmed even asked myself and Ahmed even asked on a viola Oh my father, you are one on your way to gender. So he said Listen, my son Listen, listen, listen. That is not all to my life. There is something to my life which you know, not

01:01:52 --> 01:02:25

in the country, but in Salah. It was a period of my life which you know not for at one moment and as you may have heard in avocado lamb rasulillah there was a period of my life which I hated the number one love the most for me to Allah tilaka taba callicoon to me early now. If I died in that time, then I was destined for jahannam from Madonna Allahu islamophobe Lenin Lockwood Islam in my heart Fertitta Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam I said in his company I told him absurd to me not gonna be able to give me your right hand this way when it comes in Muslim also this portion

01:02:26 --> 01:03:04

here is some took out his hand. Then I pulled my hand back I said only we have a lot. I will accept Islam provided Allah forgives all my sins provided Allah forgives all my sins. But regret is sometimes I said I think I cry I asked Allah How often do we think about what will happen to us when we stand before a lot of lately lately him I left them in a vanilla we feel that we him. Someone said it's so beautiful, the pleasure the pious deriving disturbing the knights and making god what law is greater than what the what youngsters derive in the heart of a club with a strange woman on the left and a bottle of wine in the hands. We've tasted the fake pleasure. It's time we trace the

01:03:04 --> 01:03:28

true pleasure. He says when I came to LA Salaam I loved him so much. I used to sit in his company every day just on the aspect of respect for those who ale to another Houma top to the anila aku tipo de la de novo. I used to sit daily his company but if somebody had to ask me or describe maybe a salon, I would have told him I'm afraid I don't have the courage to lift my gaze to the blessitt face

01:03:30 --> 01:04:08

Sahaba hit oblateness at bnab therapy who stepped there whose name comes in the chapters of Azzam in the VR is Sam passed away he came to the Kaabah after he said Oh la la la la la these eyes were good to see your nebby your newbies gone. Let it be that the last site was your newbie own last * my days. Allah sees my site focus focus or over la took his site away so that the last he saw was nearly Salatu was Salam there anyway, wavenet Massoud goes back to the people. He says, You know what allows a man to make Omar they say no. He also accepts Islam. They send a third person even alpha, no negotiations, they send a fourth person nothing comes. That's when the Vla Sam decides to

01:04:08 --> 01:04:50

send Satan out of Monrovia llamando liberalism gave him two tasks as explained in great detail. I want to explore the one who told him go to Makkah negotiate the safe passage formula and then go to the poor Muslims that are suffering in Makkah, and tell them that our to answer with them and tell them to patiently endure the difficulties that are coming upon them soon Allah will make an opening for them. And today we make dua for the Muslims across the globe. And we convey to them the sentiments of near a Salaam that wherever you are my brother in whatever difficulties that are coming upon you persevere and patiently endure. Do not desert your NaVi do not forsake your Iman do

01:04:50 --> 01:04:59

not abandon your deen soon Allah will make an opening with is that in respect and dignity, Satan our man goes and as he comes

01:05:00 --> 01:05:37

abani Vanessa he takes him in he also accepts Islam, one after the other to accepting Islam. And as one of the explained in the interim this happened the rumor regarding the assassination of Satan I was mundo de Allahu taala. Who said now with Monrovia laundries didn't return safe. Look at the emotions of Sahaba the delay in going for hombre already the price of preserving a man is different at every juncture. And at this time a law passed just give us a time when they have to give the health and well and they were time when they to suppress the emotions Sayidina Abdullah Abdullah Abdullah Edna obey you

01:05:38 --> 01:05:53

have to like no bathing suit we know the need of the monopoly and his son Abdullah was a genuine sabi he comes to nebulae Sam Sedona Viva La Bella Vani and naka torito katella Abdullah even a FEMA Bella Convo I was informed that you intend killing my father because of what he has done

01:05:54 --> 01:06:32

I don't have any objections you what you feel is the right that is your choice. I only have one request for including the firewall and more me ask me Louis karasawa if what I heard is correct, you leave that does to me I will be heading and put his head in your neck. Not because I hate my father Allah knows I love my father. But what was it? I'm afraid out of my sentiments you will give this task to someone else respecting me because it will be emotional. That person will promptly comply. to please you by killing me my father becoming beloved in your eyes and hatred in my eyes which I don't want to miss happen. How can I hate someone you love?

01:06:34 --> 01:07:02

How can I hate someone you love that men will kill my father filata Donnie nuptse Andorra alacati Abdullah Abdullah niobium shiftiness my emotions don't allow me to see the murder of my father walking around. I'm a human, I'll be captured by sentiments. The only way out of this dilemma is you leave it to me I can hate myself if you hate him and put his head in your lap before nearly Salaam could answer gibreel answered in the form of Quran. lotto may or may not have been like he won the

01:07:03 --> 01:07:09

lotto camino Nabila, he went to Milan city, UVA.

01:07:11 --> 01:07:38

The law, you will not find the true believers befriending those that are at enmity with Allah even if they happen to be their own fathers and their brothers revita Buddha with some passes by the House of one savvy looks at the wall. He says Whose house is the Sahaba said he understood the symptoms of disapproval. The next time he passes by its level with the ground. He has the Saba there was a house so want to be over law we mentioned to the man that you weren't very happy so he leveled it with the gun.

01:07:39 --> 01:07:54

Now we had a strong crypto the last week one brother came to me. He said when I'm setting my TV, and I've decided to get it out of my house, not just have one thing to ask me and my wife we're arguing can we use the money so I want the ruling from you.

01:07:56 --> 01:08:27

So he says I said our first time because the value is I got to one was a big set and it was over 10,000 Darwin is a mini set and that one is only about 2000 right so is about 12,000 but anyway I want to get rid of both on this world of put this hadith in my mind a lot with this hadith in my mind as you listen to one. When you decide you decide to marry Samson the Sahaba had a gold ring in his hand. aviary Some said yummy. affetto Camila Tamati Minh and not some of us want to keep flames of janome on the hands. So now we are going to get out in trapeze.

01:08:29 --> 01:08:54

Then the BLE Salaam went away someone told him he was wonderful. Listen, the wearisome is gone. Take the ring you can keep giving your life to a you don't have to wait Sally. He said la Hulu waka Tara Haku Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam doesn't let it lie and let it go when my hubby has detested it, why must I touch it? What I told him give it and let it go. Don't make profit out of it. Don't make money out of it. Let it go from your heart.

01:08:55 --> 01:08:56

Let it go from your hearts.

01:08:58 --> 01:09:06

So the emotions of Sahaba the emotions of Sahaba in this entire incident. Anyway fair. What do I remember?

01:09:08 --> 01:09:18

We spoke about what do I do Massoud he accepts Islam. As they they they continue Buddha. It never comes he returns. Alright, so the few of them came in this interim. But nothing happened.

01:09:20 --> 01:09:38

Seven hours, Monrovia long returns as we spoke about it. And after seven hours from under the amount of return there was such calmness, there was some form of understanding. So he'll then comes this is the critical juncture. So a liberal hammer. And he comes near his senses looks and looks at someone I mean, American there's some hope. Yeah.

01:09:39 --> 01:09:55

So even if the hammer comes around, says or bring the paper, let's sign the documents and wrap up this whole thing. As the paper is brought, maybe it starts with some C's, right? This is an agreement between Allah between the Nabhi of Allah and the co founder of Makkah.

01:09:56 --> 01:10:00

So first, the first argument was right in the Name of Allah, the Most

01:10:00 --> 01:10:04

Kinda most merciful so so if mama says we don't consider Allah to be kind and merciful

01:10:06 --> 01:10:09

you don't write that you write in the name of Allah leave your fancy titles

01:10:10 --> 01:10:15

leave your fancy titles so maybe on a Samsung or HTC raise it Sava said no no he

01:10:16 --> 01:10:44

said no he said only Viola How can we how can we compromise let me just just become we need to move ahead here. You see how the emotions were tested as I was mentioning the price what what does the man demand from us now? What is the law one from us now my friend Devin I gave a beautiful example that today it is just it is not obedience. So what happens then is going from raw is going from the film raw masala going from the film raw because there's a bizarre humara but he's missing

01:10:47 --> 01:10:53

so it is it is the Dean of does but not the Dean of compliance is not out to obey Allah because the tickets are cheap.

01:10:54 --> 01:11:05

Because there's a good package available not out of the love of maca not out of the patient of meeting the Vla Sam hence he comes to Makkah and Medina and he doesn't respect those places. He comes that close and he doesn't respect.

01:11:09 --> 01:11:11

So nobody Sam says erase it.

01:11:12 --> 01:11:27

Nobody Sam said show me nearly somebody raises it. Then they write in the name of Allah. Then the BLS announces right this is an agreement between Mohammed Salah Sam and the co founder of Makkah, is that low now Allah Monica Rasulullah Masada Nana Masato Tanaka, niobate our argument is you're not a prophet.

01:11:29 --> 01:11:36

So it is that the tempers started flaring Savas emotions when I say now Omar said if that's the attitude the salt will decide.

01:11:38 --> 01:11:48

Number eight Sam said calm down calm down. We need we need serenity to rain not emotions to dominate. We need serenity to rain not emotions to dominate.

01:11:49 --> 01:12:16

understand what's going to bring what's gonna help the situation. What's going to benefit the situation. Now we are in Serato Sam says okay show it to me. And leberecht Salatu was Salam erases it. And he said I am going to be over la even if you choose to deny, or Jaco Latina cafaro Samora Salah waiuku la vena cava Runa Samora Salah palooka Shahi

01:12:18 --> 01:12:19

woman named

01:12:20 --> 01:12:33

Nikita Why did they choose to deny your Prophet would tell them oh Muhammad we justify your see in one Quran in Hakeem in Mecca laminal Marisa Lee, you are amongst the prophets. You are amongst the prophets

01:12:34 --> 01:12:47

as they busy deciding this year, then they say look here you cannot make ombre this year. Whatever happens you go back say now more gotta be Sedona be over LA. No, what's up what's up? Yeah.

01:12:48 --> 01:13:13

Nevada sunset come down. Here is sunset. Allow us allow us we'll make three days we out. They said no no hombre is a non negotiable issue. Now VR is something and then we are accused that we don't have peace. And the world says we don't love peace. You show me what which nation in its history has been down in has been so flexible to bring about peace and to bring about serenity on this earth other than that we are a Salaam in the Sahaba

01:13:17 --> 01:13:22

we are not peace lovers. This is our history. This is this is our our 30

01:13:24 --> 01:13:25

at any cost.

01:13:26 --> 01:13:33

Now via a cinema grid as long as the laws of Atlanta temples, we will have peace we will come to common ground.

01:13:34 --> 01:14:19

In this condition about general Rhea lon who comes young Sophia coup de in his shackles dragging himself and he drops himself at the at the mercy of the Muslims. And he says all Muslims while you return would never listen to Medina or lol mushrikeen aka digital muslimah. Will you allow your naked eye to see me going back to Makkah once again to be subjected to the worst form of torture. Brothers you see footage and you start crying. You see footage a lot make it easy for the Muslims across the globe. You become emotional. You cannot contain yourself Saba satunya the Kaaba is kilometres away, and diametric is clouded the cafaro not budging and it will general before them can

01:14:19 --> 01:14:21

worse describe the emotions of Sahaba

01:14:23 --> 01:14:38

can worse describe the emotions of Sahaba what went through them? What provocation what stirring, but yet how they have contained themselves. What control amongst them. We are a salon said listen, and the father it is. So he is the father

01:14:39 --> 01:14:48

that we are at sunset so he'll allow that one one x one exemption. He said Mohammed if you talk of Abu jandal we skip this entire agreements

01:14:50 --> 01:14:59

is Sam said I humbly implore you he said the next time you speak I can sell this. Now we are in some settable Jungle I've tried my level best. But for now there isn't much opening

01:15:00 --> 01:15:09

Please persevere and patiently bear soon Allah will make an opening for you. Can we imagine at that juncture what went through Sahaba

01:15:10 --> 01:15:30

O'Meara Delano hood we know. We know when when hottie Edna Abby belta had only died bounced. The secret of Libya is Salam regarding the invasion of Makkah. And through revelation in Surah mustafina v Strom was informed and when he came before, he said, Danny Adriano Carmona

01:15:32 --> 01:15:39

onebyone let me be hit this man not nearly Samson Walker, Sangeeta Padron Omar, Omar is a Muslim is a Sahabi is a better participant slowly.

01:15:41 --> 01:15:52

Can you imagine what went through Omar now it is time that Omar understands what Allah wants from us. It is time we do that which will bring us close to Allah. Emotions never have they never will help.

01:15:54 --> 01:16:00

Let's send it to the rain and let compliance to align is the income about emotions and then we cannot get up for further

01:16:01 --> 01:16:04

carrying weights. If we cannot carry the blanket

01:16:06 --> 01:16:11

brothers, it's time we come on to he thought it's time we come into the obedience of Allah.

01:16:14 --> 01:16:17

Anyway that the entire thing was was was wrapped up.

01:16:18 --> 01:16:25

And then nebulous and I'm told the Sahaba that all right now shave your head. Not one Sahabi stood up

01:16:26 --> 01:17:10

to him swallow my mother or my sister. If you only know the talent Allah has given you you are that very person who rescued a Navy and the greatness of Navy in such a critical crisis. At this, this confusion it was none other than oma Salma, who took in a sermon said listen, your Sahaba don't choose to disobey you It's just that last wee bit of hope that they're going to make Amara once they shave it's over. They latching on to that last but but what I do suggest is perhaps you shave your head and then they will understand that they will comply. So maybe it sounds a shame and the Sahaba comply. The revised of Buhari says hatanaka the battle to home yocto Nova Nova man they were so

01:17:10 --> 01:17:17

eaten up he was so torn apart. They were so finished they felt like you know choking one another.

01:17:19 --> 01:17:48

They didn't know which way to turn. And that's not all the test is not over. The return from the no hombre total agreement to the kuffaar algo jungle goes back in that particular condition. Everything surrendered. They barely leave in gibril the sense in Patna like a movie Nah. Enough, like affect her movie Nah. Leon serrana comma Houma Takayama means Ambika Manta,

01:17:49 --> 01:17:57

Aviva. We've given you open victory. Omar Sedona we have a line in two minutes of your time. Can I take you aside and talk to you?

01:17:59 --> 01:18:15

Today Sam said what is it Omar talk? He said Oh no. Viola, let me get my fix in order. Let me understand reality. understandability Allah, how can I be a firm? Are you Mohammed the Navy of Allah? We are a subsidiary of Allah. And the Sunnah. To whom?

01:18:17 --> 01:19:02

Are we not following the truth while the following falsehood? Maybe some said You're right. Elisa catalana, Phil jannetty, waka Finn, nor am I correct in saying those that died on our side. Amata is one of those that died on the opposite side in Ghana Libya is Salam said Wes, he said we're gonna be over London. Where is the victory and what's the why if we humble funnyman, not did the NEA Why have we second Why have we given up over la Sampson Omar I am the Navy over law and I'll never disobey Him. I'm the Navy of Allah and I will never just obey Him. But as in one rewrite the rate of control on man say the numbers Omar said it was so painful for me. Lo and the Nabi alayhi salatu salam Amara

01:19:02 --> 01:19:09

la Amira for Sana, Sana Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam masamoto la taco

01:19:10 --> 01:19:41

if then to be over my head to make someone else in charge on this critical juncture and this bit of peace treaty, and that particular leader and Amir had to conduct himself like how the Vla saddam did, I would have never able to hold my horses, I would have never able to control myself. I would have openly tell him you know what, I can't listen to you. But it was the number nine hand side to contain myself. And so behind the law, here's one I mentioned even in this apparent mistake of Homer there was was dumb. Allah had his plan.

01:19:43 --> 01:19:59

Scholars right scholars, right, that there hasn't been any campaign or any Treaty, which led to more people accepting Islam than the peace treaty of Arabia. No better no agreement. What was the vision of nobility

01:20:00 --> 01:20:18

What was the integrity? What was the maturity of Libya is salatu salam. It wasn't long after that, that Allah brought that picture. What I eaten NASA colonna feeding in La Jolla, Florida. When people came in droves Indian people came into droves. Indeed, Satan Amara, the Alon who said, the way

01:20:20 --> 01:20:38

to live Arnica Mala. When I gained my consciousness and my emotions settle down, my emotions settle down. And I realized what I was saying. And I realized to who I was talking, that I raised my voice before nabire salaam. I said, Omar,

01:20:39 --> 01:21:02

you taking the courage to raise your voice before Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. He said for the rest of my life I regretted I lamented, and I freed slaves and I gave charity but in the end Also, I'm afraid that when I stand before a law if a law tells me Omar you raised your voice before my nebby I have nothing in no one to shelter me.

01:21:04 --> 01:21:06

Brothers these were Sahaba

01:21:07 --> 01:21:17

Allah acaba if a genie the measly humio Jerry Rosa damascena Alma D'Amico, clearly our life has to come into Dean, I was addressing a group of youth and I told them

01:21:20 --> 01:22:00

that before we get the wrong conclusion, why the help of Allah is not coming. Satan a homer at this critical juncture, certain question filtered through his mind, so that things bothered him and hence he revealed it to nabire salam, before certain things bother us and we wonder why and how what's the delay despite such great great challenges, going see with the youth of this ummah is congregating this very hour and you will know why the help of Allah is in delay. Go and see my brother in law be my witness you will cry if you have a shred or thread of a man. Go and see how my brothers are dressing go and see how my sisters are dressing go and see how they revealing their modesty and go

01:22:00 --> 01:22:18

and see how they attract in Alice azab mana bras approximately lolly used to say while the world is boasting that now they've invented a craft and they are traveling at the speed let them not forget they're now contaminated the overload so what Guna so Xena is taking place in Madeira wine has been consuming a

01:22:20 --> 01:22:42

while it is an innovation and it is a contribution that them not forget it is also a form of contamination. They contaminated the land now even the a is contaminated. I was flying back from New York one day, it was the 31st of December 1 of January. I was sleeping nobody really flies 12 o'clock they started celebrating in midair. I thought it was turbulence.

01:22:44 --> 01:22:49

12 o'clock, and they went on American time in South African time. So double neerja

01:22:51 --> 01:23:30

go and see where the woman's congregate in one line. You will know why this woman is going through such strain. Really brothers This woman has taken a lot of strain. You know father telling his child that my son my health doesn't permit now for me to see you being disobedient. I can't I cannot handle the shock. I can't handle the pressure nor the tension. Voila the hour on the summit is so dark is so critical. unlawful entertainment was ever forbidden. But in the current crisis I don't see leeway even for lawful entertainment when this is the order of the day and the name of Eros still drinks the blood of my children and the land of Palestine still brings the blood of my sister

01:23:30 --> 01:24:05

to you'll still find time sitting at around places do you still find time wasting your time behind this game and that game? How will we answer before law it is time this almost stands up it is time this oma forgets his internal bickering embraces one another makes his goal common and that is to obey Allah tala. We make broth of Almighty Allah. Did he make it easy for the Muslims across the globe? Wherever the Muslims are Latin and make it easy. It is time we reflect Islam again. Let me categorically say we have no hidden agenda. We have no hidden plans. What are the sub bernadina? Don't I mean don't lie.

01:24:07 --> 01:24:44

We respect people from other faiths. We show them Alhambra lavon Callahan, Liliana Wilson zero Levin casati Lana, show them what are the teachings of Islam? Show them the honor the respect and you will see as I've always said, We don't need to beautify Islam. It has its natural beauty. Yes, we have to undo the contamination we have put upon it. We don't need to polish it. It has its natural sparkle. It has this natural attraction. The last thing but which I always conclude is if we cannot become ambassadors to this day that has not become obstacles to this day was dominant in monogamy.

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