Suhaib Webb – Theology & Quietism

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of not getting involved in religion and not feeling fear. He uses the hadith of the prophet sallali alaihi, which warns people not to get involved until the bottom of the boat has been drilled. He also mentions the importance of not trying to project a jacked up-romanticology on people.
AI: Transcript ©
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One of the things I recall during the

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Arab Spring was,

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people would say, like, getting involved. I was

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on Egypt in Egypt at that time. It's

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like fitness, stay away, don't get involved.

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Don't invest in the social issues.

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Model for us what it means to be

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a rabani,

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an alim,

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and a haraki.

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Someone that is knowledgeable

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and someone that is engaged, and he gave

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his life in the Arab Spring

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for the the cause of of Egyptian freedom

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in Egyptian people.

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But I'm reminded now because of what's going

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on. People telling people not to get involved

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in the name of religion using the throw

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and the turban to master insecurities of their

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Just say you're scared, bro.

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Just say you don't wanna get involved, but

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don't try to project some kind of jacked

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theology on the people. Just be quiet.

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Some questions, the best answer is silence for

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But just remember the hadith of the prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wasalam related by Imam Al Tirmidi.

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We relate that with Isnat back to the

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prophet sallallahu alaihi wasalam, 13 different asaneet

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who warned us about those people on the

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People at the bottom, people at the top.

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People at the bottom ask for water. Help

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us. Help us. We're in need.

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And the people at the top ignore them.

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And until the people at the bottom drill

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a hole in the boat

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and sink everybody.

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Let that sink in.

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