Suhaib Webb – The Prophetic Side of History

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of belief in actions and the need for it to benefit society. He uses the example of the Prophet's message about forgiveness and calls for action to bring light to the root causes of evil. The speaker encourages Muslims to continue pursuing their prophetic call to action and remind those who know that their knowledge is only based on what is spoken.
AI: Transcript ©
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Subhanallah. I,

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was lucky to read Sahih al Bukhari with,

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doctor Salas Sultan, who now

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has continued to be in prison uncharged,

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in Egypt,

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and we have not forgotten about him. May

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Allah free him. But one of the things

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that he taught me is in the chapter

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where the Prophet

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read the Quran to say that, Gabriel,

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Angel Gabriel in the month of Ramadan,

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and that according to Ibn Abbas, the Prophet

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would become more generous.

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And what Doctor. Solas Sultan taught me was

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that the knowledge should lead to action,

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that true religious knowledge

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should lead someone

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to actions that benefit society. So in this

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case, generosity, of course,

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extended by the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam. So

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this is just glad tidings to all of

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those brothers and sisters that are continuing to

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to amplify,

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and in a prophetic voice, scream as Muslims

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to gain the attention of what's happening in

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Gaza and what's happening to the Palestinians,

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as well as all of our true allies

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and friends.

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And also a reminder that religious knowledge, which

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is not coupled with the voice of justice

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and pushing for truth

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and pushing to change a fractured world and

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to heal it,

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will be against a person.

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As the prophet

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said that knowledge is of 2

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types, the knowledge of the lisan, the knowledge

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of what is just spoken,

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and then the knowledge which leads to action.

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And then he said, salallahu alayhi wasalamah,

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that the knowledge which is just kept on

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the tongue is Hujatullah,

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is the proof of Allah against a person.

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So I want to encourage everyone to continue,

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especially those of us who are Muslims in

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this prophetic voice of calling towards justice

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and to remind those who know who are

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for some reason

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that their knowledge, if it doesn't translate into

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may indeed be a proof against them.

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