Suhaib Webb – The Power of Ma’rifah Discovering True Repentance and Bravery in Allah Inspirational Reminder

Suhaib Webb
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The last example, alhamdulillah, that we'll mention is somebody that has ma'rifah of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, is not only someone who is repenting and turning back to Allah. Also, brave, they don't sell out. They're not blinded by the intimidation of this dunya. Because they know that Allah
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The last example, alhamdulillah, that we'll mention

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is somebody that has ma'rifah of Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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is not only someone who

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is repenting and turning back to Allah.

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Also, brave, they don't sell out. They're not

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blinded by the intimidation of this dunya. Because

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know that Allah

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