Suhaib Webb – The Oklahoma Bible Bill

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 discusses the impact of a bill passed in Oklahoma that will force the Bible to be taught in public school systems, particularly Muslims andiling Jews. He also mentions the success of the Oklahoma Senate's anti-sharia bill and the lack of alignment with their religion. He introduces his man, Adam Soltani, who is the executive director of Care Oklahoma.
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm not sure many of you are aware

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that last week in Oklahoma, they passed actually

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a bill

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that will force the bible to be taught

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in public school systems. So that's gonna impact

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Hindus, Jews,

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you name it. Christians who don't align with

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their form of Christianity. So tonight, I'm going

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to be talking with Adam Soltani,

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my man who is executive director of Care

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Oklahoma who's on the ground dealing with this

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directly over the years. One of the states

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founded in 1907, actually where I was born,

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who passed an anti Sharia bill some years

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ago right here in the United States of

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America. Things are not what they seem.

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