Suhaib Webb – The Masses Creed 4 The Prophets Family Companions & Innovation

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the use of the word " bidah," which refers to the actions of the creator. The sheikh explains that the meaning of " bidah is not a union, but rather a division of the words " madmomood," " matmood," and "theological." The speaker also discusses the importance of not being a member of the religious writing community and the need for people to be aware of the importance of knowledge and learning.
AI: Transcript ©
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Let's pick up the 4th line now of

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the incredible poem that we're reading,

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Akilu Ta'awem, and I want you to understand

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something that up until this point,

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all the sheikh is doing is going through

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the introduction. The actual book hasn't started, and

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this is the last line of the introduction.

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And he says,

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and what he says is and this this

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wow right here, you see it? And And

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over here, I translate it as and,

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is actually called

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and that means a conjunction.

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and what that means is that it is

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related, of course, to the sentence that came

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before it. So peace and blessings upon the

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and peace and blessings be upon the family

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of Sayedina Muhammad

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alaihi wasalam,

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or Sahabihi,

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his companions,

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and whoever follows the truth. Now the family

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of the prophet are his wives, his children,

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Abdul Muttalib, and Bani Hashim according to the

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majority of their ulama.

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And to love them and to honor them

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and to respect them

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is from one of the pillars of iman.

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That's why it's mentioned in the books of

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mainstream theology.

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Right? Well, Sahibihi

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are the companions of the prophet salallahu alaihi

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wa sallam, and the word Sahib actually means

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to rub together, like, to the point that

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we we our dirt touches each other. Like,

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we mix dirt. We used to say in

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the nineties, yo, that's my dirty.

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Right? Kind of the same way. Right? So

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are companions, and it's whoever saw the prophet

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and believed in the prophet when they saw

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him, meaning they were Muslim, and died as

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a Muslim.

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And that's why Imam Suyuti

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says that the greatest Sahabi is Sayid Nai'isah

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because on the night of Islam i'raj,

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he saw the prophet, he believed in the

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prophet, sayid Nai'isah was alive,

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and Jesus will come back and die as

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a Muslim. SubhanAllah.

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whoever follows.

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The way of the true religion,

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and let's talk about that word

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for a minute. It's right here. You can

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see it, the big controversy

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because the word

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is from the word,

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and that word, of course, is the word

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which leads to.

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Right? And we see that there are a

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lot of people out there claiming

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that everything is,

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and there are other people out there that

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say nothing is,

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and we need to be balanced. Right? But

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the reason the sheikh put

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in this line is if to say that

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can only happen

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in the fundamentals,

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the usul

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of the religion.

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And not only the that agreed upon like

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right, like Hajj,

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like Tawhid.

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Those are fundamental things. Right? The Quran being

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But where Akhida,

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where Bida doesn't happen and where most Muslims

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tend to,

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its usage

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are in issues of.

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Right? Because when we hear the word,

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the word means

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means that the mind was involved, that scholarship

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was involved. There was an engagement

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in a text or the absence of a

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text, and that's why imam Al Haramain says

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that fiqh is synonymous with differences.

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When we entered Al Azhar, we were told

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meaning that fiqh is going to to really

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engage a lot of different opinions and ideas,

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But, unfortunately, we see the untrained,

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and perhaps the the immature, you know, turning

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everything under the sun into bida, which is

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not bida. For example,

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they will say that, you know,

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can you put your hands on your chest

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or not? Well, that's a bidah. It's not

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bida. Can you pray 20 or 8 rakat

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tarawee? That doesn't fall under bida. Right? What

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falls under bida are issues related to the

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of religion,

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not the issues of legitimate

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discourse. It's very important for you when you

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engage your community

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to be someone who brings about unity,

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not disunity.

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The second thing is that for someone to

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be a muftareh means they have to do

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it on purpose, and that's why he uses

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that form because that form

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in Arabic, mubtareh, is from Ifta

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Ifta Allah,

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And and that form actually implies that the

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person knowingly

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and purposefully

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did something. But if someone falls into bida

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on accident, we don't go around and label

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them innovators.

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So let's quickly

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go over bidah. The word bidah is from

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the word bada',

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to do something that has no precedent,

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to bring something from nothing.

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So we Allah, for example, his name is

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Al Badia.

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That's an I n at the end over

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there. You can't see it. Right? Because Allah

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brings things from nothing. He creates from nothing.

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So when something is a bidah in religion,

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that means

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it has no text

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or no action of the

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to support it or the.

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That's the first thing.

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Number 2 is

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it means that it fell

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in the issues of the fundamentals that I

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talked about earlier, not in the issues of.

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In the issues

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of, not to do.

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All of those things fall under legitimate

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Right? The third thing is that the scholars

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differed over their conceptualization

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Some said every innovation in the religion is

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and that is the minority of scholars.

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The majority who followed Imam al Shafi'i

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said that bidah is divided into madmoomah

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and mahmura,

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commendable in this light. We'll talk about that

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in in the future, but what I want

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you to remember now is that issues of

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scholarly difference

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do not fall under the term

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Now let's repeat this last line a few

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times in the introduction before we start the

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text. The sheikh,

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he says.

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There's something else I want you to pay

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attention to

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really quickly,

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and that is the word.

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We have

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in Islam.

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Oh, this pen is giving me the blues.

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We have tuck lead.

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And the word tuck lead means to follow

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someone without knowing why.

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Right? And there's times when that's an obligation.

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We'll talk about that in the future.

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The other word we have is is is

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really important.

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And the word that's 9 right there. The

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word it's about means to follow someone with

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evidences, to know why you're following them. So

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the sheikh is saying that the most honorable

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person is the one who knows why they

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follow the prophet, knows why they follow his

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family, know why knows why they follow his

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companions, right, knows why they do what they

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do as if to say the importance

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of knowledge.

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Right? Allah says.

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Allah says. Allah will raise the people of

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knowledge. So in this last line, we took

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importance of sending peace and blessings upon the

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prophet's family, his companions,

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learning and acquiring religious literacy, and we also

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talked about briefly the idea of biddah

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being careful of people who misuse the concept

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This completes the introduction of the poem.

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The next chapter, Insha'Allah, that will start will

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begin a discussion about God,

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the intellect,

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and how the intellect and the sacred work

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