Suhaib Webb – The Masses Creed 12 God in Islam

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The majority of theroents of Islam, theroents of theology, are based on affirming the existence of God. Theroents do not allow individuals to be separated from theology, but rather to be part of a community. Theroents also allow individuals to have a close personal relationship with God, which is a responsibility that is recognized in theroents. Theroents also allow individuals to have a powerful personal relationship with God, which is a responsibility that is recognized in theroents.
AI: Transcript ©
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So last time we were talking about conclusions,

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right? And we said that the conclusions whether

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right? The obligation for that thing to exist

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or the inconceivable inconceivable

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that the thing could exist or

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maybe, maybe not. Both all three of those

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fall under 2 types. Right? Which

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that means that it's self evident or

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that it needs evidence, it needs.

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Now what do you think the majority of

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the scholars of said

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God falls under, right? Is it? Is it,

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you know,

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an obligation intellectually to affirm that?

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Is it

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a inconceivable

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or is it possible? So the majority of

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our scholars said that Allah's

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existence is

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But what kind of do you think it

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is Self evident

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or needing?

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If you say that it's self evident, then

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I would respond and say, then why did

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Allah send books and prophets?

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Why would he call them proofs? What are

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they proving?

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They're proving his existence.

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So for that reason,

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the majority of our scholars

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were brave enough to admit that God's existence

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is not

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self evident. And again, this runs counter to

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the idea

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people who have serious issues with God. Right?

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And the idea that Islam is anti intellectual

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because our scholars believe that God's

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the obligation

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to affirm God intellectually

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rests on proofs and responses,

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what are called barahin and hujj.

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So that right there goes back to the

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notion of why the aqal,

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why the intellect,

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the use of the intellect

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is the first obligation.

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But just look how amazing our scholars were,

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man, that they would take people from.

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Right? From Wajib Akli, we're gonna talk about

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those who needed it,

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They would take them from that first

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and then they would arrive here

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at wajib,

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and this is how they married

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respect for the intellect

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with respect for the sacred.

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So what did I just say one more

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time is by by starting out with the

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idea that belief in God

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is an intellectual obligation that is based on

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acquiring knowledge and affirming that knowledge and ultimately

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digesting that knowledge.

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That leads to then accepting the fact that

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it's an obligation religiously.

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So that's how they responded

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to the

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Neo Pagan, that's

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how they responded to the Hellenistic and Pagan

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incursions into the Muslim world

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and kept it balanced. And you just really

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have to be blown away by what they

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did. So in order to do that, instead

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of teaching theology, how many of you have

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studied it where you learn all the differences

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of the * and then you learn about

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was this position correct or wrong, or was

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this imam right or wrong?

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The majority of

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for over a 1000 years simply taught people

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They did not go into the specific details

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of theology.

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And there were reasons for doing that. Number

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1 is they wanted to help people avoid

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differences over theology.

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You know, if we look at the Western

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Muslim community

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and how theology has been taught, we have

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to ask ourselves, the were

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divided, they learned belief, and they became brothers

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and sisters.

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We were brothers and sisters. We took a

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course here and there, and we left enemies.

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What's the outcome of them learning when

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its job is to unite us with God,

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right, in the sense of affirming his and

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uniting us with one another as a community

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and then using that to calibrate us to

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be in the service

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of humanity. Right? So the first was to

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help people avoid the theological differences that scholars

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were busy with because they knew that people

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may turn these differences into means of harming

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each other and fighting the ummah. Imam

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said that all of my students succeeded

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except those who started their studies by learning

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the differences of the early scholars.

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One time imam ibn Taymiyyah received a letter

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from some people,

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who said to him, you know,

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we are actually physically fighting over what is

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the meaning of God rising on his throne.

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And he wrote back and didn't say anything

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about the rising of the throne thing. He

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said, why are you guys fighting each other?

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Right? So to protect the ummah

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differences that would lead to them fighting each

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other. So now we have to ask ourselves,

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people who are teaching theology

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in a way that causes us to turn

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against each other as a religious community.

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We have to be suspect of that methodology

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because the outcome of theology

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should be that we love each other more,

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we have more mercy towards each other, and

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then we are more committed to healing our

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fractured world and a a world which is

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The second thing is the reason they taught

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qualities about God is to create a relationship

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with God that preserved 2 things. And I

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want you to remember these words.

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You need to remember them transcendence,

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which in Arabic would be right?

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That Allah is not like anything and there's

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nothing like Allah.

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And the trick of that is preserving that

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while also preserving

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his nearness,

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his Korba.

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So, you know, that's a daunting task, right,

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to to affirm something being

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being omnipotent,

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know but at the same time having a

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clear close

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relationship with that object

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so scholars set out to do that Allah

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right there's nothing like Allah but then Allah

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I'm close to you,

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right? So affirming transcendence

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with closeness without sacrificing either or is a

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challenge, right? Some religions give god so much

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that there's no personal relationship with him.

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Others in order to make him so personal

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have turned him into like a statue or

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an idol, right, without affirming his transcendence.

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And that's where we see the beauty of

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Islamic theology.

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And the third and final thing is to

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teach a theology

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that prepares people for public

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Right? The goal of theology

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is to pair it, prepare us to have

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very powerful personal relationship with Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala as the prophet

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should I not be thankful to Allah praying

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in the night?

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But at the same time it prepares us

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for public life. Allah says

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Right sit to the people.

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Right so the idea of

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You're sent for the benefit of the people

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and that is

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so you're sent for the benefit of people

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that's the outcome of

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So again, our scholars recognize that Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala is known,

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right? It's an obligation to affirm it intellectually,

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but based on what

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proofs and responses,

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Quran, sunnah, the world around us, and so

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on and so forth. That's logic as well

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as the sacred. So they married them both

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in an age where both of those are

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so divided.

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What an incredible opportunity to learn this theology

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and heal a fractured world. And then we

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talked about why they taught these qualities that

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we're gonna talk about instead of beginning into

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the finite,

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excuse me, the the the, you know, the

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issues of theology

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for those three reasons. We'll talk more about

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this inshallah in the future

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Muhammad and perhaps some of our brothers and

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sisters that are out there teaching will understand

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the responsibility

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of keeping the community together,

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right, not dividing the community.

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