Suhaib Webb – Shaytan & PeerPressure

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the story of Sayeda Adam, a enemy of the people of the city. He gives a brief overview of Sayeda's understanding of critical mass and peer pressure, as well as the power of real unity and sharing. The speaker also mentions activities they can take to overcome tricks of shaytan and appreciate the power of real unity.
AI: Transcript ©
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Powerful lessons from the story of Sayeda Adam

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that we take from our enemy who is

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Shaitan, of course, a

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clear enemy

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because you can learn a lot from the

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strategy of your enemy.

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The first is he understands the power of

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critical mass and the Jamaa

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and appearing as though you're in a group.

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And that's why he shape shifts and becomes

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in the appearance of an angel, even though

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he's a jinn

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to gain information.

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The second is he understands the power of

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peer pressure and persuasion. So when he speaks

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to Adam and his wife in the 7th

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chapter of the Quran,

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he uses a plural form,

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I am from a large group of those

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who understand that eating from the tree

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is best for you. So we unpacked this

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last week at Swiss and talked about it

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with young learners. And below in the short

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letter I sent out to parents,

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we give some

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activities we can all do to overcome the

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tricks of shaytan and also appreciate

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the power of real unity and being together.

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