Suhaib Webb – Sending Zakat Overseas

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the issue of sending a car overseas for people suffering from a deadly disease. They also mention the general opinion that transferring saka beyond the distance is considered acceptable if there is an emergency. The speaker advises people to distributefe in their local community and consider giving a portion of the profit to overseas charities.
AI: Transcript ©
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Thank you for asking these questions. It's a

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great question. So can you send your zakatomel

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overseas? Same thing, by the way, for zakat

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al fitr.

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Can it be sent overseas for people who

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are suffering?

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SUNY legal scholars

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generally discourage their practum practice of transferring

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zakat beyond the distance at which we're allowed

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to join the prayers.

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Although, honestly, the evidence for that is not

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strong, man, with respect,

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to that position.

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And there's some variation in the application of

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that within schools.

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Right? In the Maliki tradition, the Maliki Med

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while generally it agrees with the other schools,

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there is an exception

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attributed to Abdul Ahmed ibn Qasem, who's a

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student of the Imam Malik and other students

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of Imam Malik, not just him, and relied

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upon for fatwa,

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and that is transferring saka beyond the distance

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to join prayers is deemed acceptable if there

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is an emergency in that area.

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also had held this opinion, and Khalil addresses

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it in his Muqtasr.

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But Sakhnun said if the authorities are aware

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of a significant need in other religion now

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we have no authority. We have no amir.

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So we each and every one of us

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has to make this decision for ourselves.

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They are permitted to allocate a portion of

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the obligatory zakat for those areas. So I

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encourage people to do both, give locally and

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give international.

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In situations of need, if it's essential to

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give precedence

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because it's essential to give precedence to aiding

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those in distress. Again, we talk about the

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axiom a lot. Right? Al Maqaseh tuqaddim arawasa'irihah.

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The objective is giving precedence over.

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As every Muslim, Sahin al says, should look

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out for their fellow Muslim

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and not neglect them or leave them in

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And now we see in the situation, the

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after the the bombing of those workers, and

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we see the shutting down of

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different, you know, charitable,

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agencies, this this genocide that's happening, this starvation

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that's happening, and then in Sudan, you have

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a famine

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Well, man, you know, this is not something

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for which there's a moral dilemma to make

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a call. So based on that and due

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to the devastation overseas, I advise you, me

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personally, to distribute zakat amongst the needy in

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your local community and also

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consider giving a portion of zakat to people

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This is also supported by the generality of

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the verse that

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that zakat is for the poor. It doesn't

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restrict. This is am, and there's no

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if you take

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with me. It's very universal. There's no restriction

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As well as the narrations

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of Sayna Mo'ath which,

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Buhari mentions, you know,

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he distributed the zakat he took from Yemen

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to people in Medina.

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And there's a lot of discussions about that,

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but that's the general meaning as Al Hafiz

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ibn Hajar mentions that this is highly probable,

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that that's what it meant. Took the zakat

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from people in Yemen and distributed to the

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underserved in Medina.

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Also, make sure that when you are

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designating your zakat to be sent overseas, you

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tell the charity that you're donating to this

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is the katul man.

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Like, you have to do that.

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