Suhaib Webb – Lesson Ten Awareness & Contemplation

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of working hard and praying at night to purify and work on one's heart. They also mention the importance of contemplation and the value of working hard to achieve one's goals. The speaker provides examples of how people of different cultures can increase their physical activity and their love for Allah through contemplation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome back to our 1st season here of

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Sanitation of the Soul here at Twist level

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1. And what we're thinking about now is

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applying I I'm with you. I don't do

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all this, so don't get it twisted.

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I do my best just like everybody else.

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So I'm with you as we as we

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do this together.

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We're we're now learning things that we wanna

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begin to introduce

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incrementally into our lives. I don't want you

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to take all these things and suddenly,

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you know, put them in at once. Take

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certain things that we've mentioned here, whether it's

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fear, and hope,

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you name it, resilience,

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being pleased with the lost plan.

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Take those things and slowly put them into

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your life until they become habits.

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Now as we finish up the section, the

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sheikh, he said,

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Right? That, you know, you want to

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you want to purify and work on your

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heart. I want to work on my heart.

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Right? Wanna free your heart of other things

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other than Allah.

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How do we do that? He said, Biljiddi.

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Right? Working hard.

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bil ashari.

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In particular, praying at night. Now, he's going

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to continue with the other action items that

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formulate the ingredients

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of what it means to work hard.

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Right? How do we bring meaning to that

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abstraction? So

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is like a box, and now he's giving

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us the ingredients. The first was

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to work hard, establish the obligations,

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and then to start to pray at night

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Then he says,

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Al fikr means to contemplate,

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to think.

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To think. We're gonna talk about that in

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a second.

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To remember.

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So this this this the next two qualities

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after working hard, praying at night are fikr,

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Thinking about Allah, thinking about blessings, thinking about

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our own inadequacies.

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Anything that is going to bring about a

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what a remembrance of the next Zikr. So

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we say 'Al Fikra Abu Zikr.'

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Right? Fikr is the father of dhikr.

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He quotes, Imam al Khazari, the the the

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one of the

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people who wrote an explanation of this book.

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He says something really nice. He

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says that Allah praises

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and recognizes the great qualities of those people

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who contemplate

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and remember in too many places in the

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Quran to mention. He gives an example. Allah

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says in Surat Ani Imran, verse number 191,

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he says, who remember Allah

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lying, standing, sitting on their sides,

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and ponder.

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And they say, your Lord you did not

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create this for nothing. Save us from the

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Then he mentions, this is the quote of

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Imam, which is really a beautiful quote. He

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and indeed

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the fruit of contemplation.

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Right? That the fruit of contemplation

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is knowledge

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and new ideas and concepts

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that weren't there before. So like a new

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understanding, a new awakening.

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Because if the knowledge reaches the heart,

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then the state of the heart is going

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to change.

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And if the state of the heart changes,

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then the accent change. And here he's talking

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about, of course, in the positive sense, not

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the negative sense.

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Wallahi, it's very beautiful what Imam

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Abuhamad says, rahimohallahu

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ta'ala says,

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fikr contemplation

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is is the key to all good,

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and the beginning of all good.

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Good fiqr,

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fiqr Mahmood.

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says because, you know, this is what's gonna

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cause someone to move from something which is

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disliked and hated to something which is beloved

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and guide that person to be able to

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take the fruit of their knowledge

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and to apply

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the best of what they know.

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Here's a few examples of what we should

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be contemplating about. An imam,

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which is his tafsir of the Quran.

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He says, I believe about, verse 191

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in sort,

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Al Imran.

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He says,

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That that

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is contextual.

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Each of us may have different things that

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we're thinking about that bring life to our

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hearts and our relationship to Allah. So there's

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not like one thing.

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So Imam al Qushari says,

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So he said people who are, indifferent to

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this world, the zahideen.

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What do they think about?

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They think about the fact that this world

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is going to perish. They think about the

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the the the morbid value of this world,

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and how people work so hard to achieve

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these things that aren't gonna last. So that

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increases them in zuhit,

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Increases them in that healthy indifference.

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Protects them from opulence.

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The contemplation of worshipers.

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And so the people of worship, they think

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about how amazing the rewards of worship are.

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Right? In this life and the next. So

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that increases

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their active active activity,

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their aggressiveness

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in doing good, and their hope in doing

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And and the people who know Allah,

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they they they contemplate on the blessings of

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His favors and His blessings.

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And that increases them in the love of

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Allah. Subhanahu wa ta'ala. I'm gonna read it

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one more time.

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Akbar. It's a beautiful man. So the people

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of Zuhd, they think about how, you know,

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the real value of this world that increases

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indifference to it. The people of worship, they

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think about

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the beautiful blessings of worship, so it increases

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their activity

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and their enthusiasm for worship.

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And the people who know Allah, they think

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about his blessings, subhanahu wa ta'ala, and increases

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them and their love

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for Allahu subhanahu

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wa ta'ala. We're gonna stop here. Next time

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we'll talk about zikr baraklafikum,

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sallallahu wa salamu alaykum

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That's okay, man.

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