Suhaib Webb – Did Imam Malik Conspire With The Ommayids & Other Questions

Suhaib Webb
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The speaker discusses the reasons behind the loss of the land of the Madur, including the loss of the region's religion, the loss of the Legacy Legacy umightamen, and the lack of authentic narratives from the initial publicity. The speaker provides answers to these questions, including the idea that the region's collaboration with the Nos'is was a mistake, the lack of authentic narratives from Sayidina Adi Karamalawaj, and the lack of knowledge from the region's parents.
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Assalamu alaikum. We're

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here in Granata in Andalusia. Interestingly enough, right,

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the answers that I'm about to give

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are kind of contextually appropriate for this moment.

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Not only was this the land of the

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Madoces, right, in general, but also

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disunity is what caused us to lose this

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land. Muslims have always lost because of themselves.

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And that disunity is very important. It rots

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at our ability to gather collective strength.

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And also it is important to defend the

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Imamatic and the institutions

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of the ilm because without the ulema

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and the institutions of knowledge,

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we're left with absolutely nothing, man. And that's

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why we have to be very careful and

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that's why the scholars said be very careful

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of those people who constantly try to undermine

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those institutions in the ulama.

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But there are a number of things that

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have been said about Imam Malik that demand

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an answer. And this also is not an

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attack against the Shia brothers and sisters. I

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believe that pragmatic unity

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and recognized differences are key to success of

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the Muslim Ummah.

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But let's start with a few of these.

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Number 1,

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the idea that Imam Malik radiAllahu an who

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like, collaborated with the Amo'is when he wrote

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the Mu'ata

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to spread a certain type of understanding.

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The Amo'is disappeared in 132 after Hijri. It's

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upon that Imam Malik

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wrote the Mu'ata around 147 after Hijri. And

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it's certain, as Sheikh Abu Fattah Barood mentions,

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that he finished it in 158 after history.

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So that's impossible.

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Like, there's no way that he would have

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met them and been able to do that.

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Chronologically, that makes no sense.

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The second concern is that he did not

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narrate from the family of the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam.

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However, there are numerous ahadith

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with the senate

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from Ja'far ibn Muhammad

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radiallahu anhu from his father, Muhammad al Bakr,

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in the Muwata,

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that Imam Malik narrated from them, and he

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considered them both authentic narrators, alhamdulillahirabbah. I mean,

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of course, they're Imams of the Ummah.

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The last is that Imam Malik did not

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narrate Hadith

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about Saydna Adi

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Again this is a mistake.

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Oftentimes what I see is that people don't

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have the knowledge.

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They haven't actually studied the books. They haven't

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gone through the books.

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They haven't reviewed the books. They haven't sat

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with their ulama.

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But I actually noted

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in studying the Mu'ta,

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21 narrations.

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Of Sayidina Imam Malik

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back to Sayidina Adi Karamalawaj.

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So those are some answers I hope they

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help Barakalahu. Now, last month, I thought it'd

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help us, especially in this moment, to appreciate

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what happens

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when disunity takes us over and we weaken

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our ranks.

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