Suhaib Webb – AlMuhasibi’s The Rights of Allah (Part One)

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The title Islam is not a precedent and is not a precedent, with various sources and sources of the title Islam including the source of the book Salallahu alayhi wa sallam, the generation of teachers, and the generation of the first Muslims who gathered before the arrival of Islam. The speakers stress the importance of learning to handle conversations and praise before every major decision, avoiding praise in public, and being a good student to overcome heartaches and achieve success. The importance of learning to handle conversations and praise before every major decision, listening to the words "the words" and the ethic of Islam, and hush listing the words and listening to the words in order to understand what God is calling them is essential. The speaker provides guidance on learning to handle conversations and praise before every major decision, emphasizing the importance of listening to the words "the words" and the ethic of Islam, and offers a free scholarship for a student to study in Arabic.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hope everybody's doing well. I think that lens,

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yeah, may be causing some problems for

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the Instagram folks. So let me see if

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I can fix it. Hopefully I can. Alhamdulillah.

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as always, it's a blessing to be with

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each and every one of you. Alhamdulillah.

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Ask Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala to accept our

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efforts and welcome to our nightly session over

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the next few weeks. Alhamdulillah through our school

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the Swiss summer night session, Alhamdulillah.

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My apologies for being a little bit late,

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there were some technical issues but Alhamdulillah,

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is so merciful and

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kind, we're able

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to to get it handled

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So tonight we're going to start a text

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which is from the science of tasawaf, and

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we know sometimes we hear from people,

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online and other places that tasawaf is something

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people should avoid, tosolef is something that people

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should stay away from, that tosolef is a

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and so on and so forth. So number

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1, the word Bida, from Bada' means something

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that has no precedent.

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That's why it says,

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like I'm not the process of insult to

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akhaf. I am not the first

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messenger, meaning there have been messengers before him.

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Salallahu alayhi. So the idea of bada

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is something which is.

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Which does not have a precedent.

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And that's why one of the names of

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Allah who

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is Al Badia

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Badia was Samahu Wa

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Ta'ala says the originator,

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Al Badia,

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is the originator,

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The one who brought something from nothing.

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The one who brought something from nothing, it

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had no precedent.

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Like, for example, say to Adam, say to

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everything in creation,

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is the only one

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who can bring it into creation.

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So he's Al Badia,

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subhanahu wa ta'ala, the originator of the heavens

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and the earth.

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So the word

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is from this word,

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which means something which has no precedent. And

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that's very important,

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amongst Ahlus Sunnah, there are 2 opinions

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as to different types of bidah that we'll

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talk about in the future.

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But in order to say that something is

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that implies that it has no precedent.

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Someone's asking, are these recorded? Yes. They're recorded,

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and then they're, posted Hamda on my YouTube

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page. Thank you. Hila. May Allah bless you.

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Thank you for asking.

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the word I'll be there linguistically

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means something that has no precedent.

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majority of Sunni say that Bida

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is something which has no precedent

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in the text,

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in the practice, or the foundations of Islam.

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The practice of the prophet salallahu alaihi was

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or his companions.

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However, we have to be very careful because

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lays a be hood. Yeah. We can maybe

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talk about this in the future. Just because

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the prophet did not do something doesn't make

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it better immediately.

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But that's a broader discussion.

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So if we look at something like Tasawwuf,

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we have to ask ourselves within

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the Koran and within

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within the practices of the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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is there a precedent

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for the science of the soul of

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just like is there a precedent

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for the science of tawhid?

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Just like there is a precedent

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for the sira?

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Just like there is

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a precedent

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and language,

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and Tajweed,

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and and Hadith,

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all of those sciences, if you went

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to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam or you

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went to the Sahaba

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and you asked him about tawhid rubobia, tawhid

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uluhiya, tawhid Asma'i was sifat. If you ask

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them about Sifat Eshrine,

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if you were Ashari,

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they would have no idea what you're talking

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about. If you went to the Sahaba and

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you said,

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would have no idea what you're talking about.

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Those sciences

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out of the foundations.

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As the world became more complicated, as the

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of the world increased,

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the the need for pedagogy

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and the need

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to bring into a a form of a

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science to preserve orthodoxy

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became urgent. And that's why we divide historically

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the generations of early Muslims into the following

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Number 1 is jiru a semi.

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Jill semi,

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the generation

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that heard

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Khalas that's the Sahaba

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they heard

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from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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The 2nd generation is called Jiru Al Jammai.

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The generations that brought everything together, that begin

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to collect the opinions

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of Sayna Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam, that

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begin to collect the qira'at,

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that begin to collect,

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the authentic hadith, and and the language, and

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so many other sciences,

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right? They're called Jilu al Jam'i from like

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Jumwa to come together, so Jilu Jam'i the

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generation that collected.

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The 3rd generation that comes after them is

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And that 3rd generation is the generation of

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who begin to teach these sciences

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and create, you know, very strong systems of

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If we look at all of the different

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Islamic 33 Islamic Sciences or so,

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we see that one of them,

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definitely, a

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existed in the earliest times under different names,

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as we'll talk about in a second. And

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number 2, it has an also. It's not

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a bidah.

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The Quran encourages us to purify our hearts,

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successful is the one who purifies his rehearsal.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in the dua of

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Sayyidina Ibrahim and

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his son Sayyidina Ismail,

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They made the dua

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Our Lord dispatched to them a messenger

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who will recite your verses to them,

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teach them knowledge and wisdom, and purify them.

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The answer comes back though, a few pages

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Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala says,

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says,

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that Indeed,

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We have sent to you a Messenger

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from amongst yourselves,

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reciting our our book

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and purifying you. So pay attention.

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The answer

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of Ibrahim's Dua, the order changes.

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Ibrahim said, recite, and Ishmael, recite,

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teach, purify.

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The Dua is answered that Sayna Muhammad sallallahu

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alaihi wasallam

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will be dispatched.

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He will recite, and the first thing he

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will work on is the purification.

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The purification.

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So we see that SubhanAllah.

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That the way Allah answers Ibrahim by changing

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the order

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shows us that the importance

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that the prophet is sent with after till

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and after faith

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is purification of the soul.

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And that's why Allah

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everyone will

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except those who come to Allah with a

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heart which is

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full of tranquility and peace. And Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala mentions the outcome of dhikr

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should be a heart that's with Allah

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And Allah

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mentions that prayer without the heart is not

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the believers were successful those who have hushur

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in their salah,

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those who have reverence in their heart for

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says about the Sahaba,

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when the verses of the Quran

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were recited to them

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that their hearts were moved.

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And Allah

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when he prayed said in Ibrahim

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in the Quran he says

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he came to Allah with a sound heart.

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So do we have

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an from the text?

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I talked about asul last night. It's just

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have al hal and the asul

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of Hurma.

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Do we have a foundational text here that

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shows that purification of the

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heart is one of the crucial components of

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Allah says the eyes are not blind, what's

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blind is the heart.

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Also Sayyidina Muhammad

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he said in the sound hadith, which is

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actually a very beautiful hadith, you know.

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He said,

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That in the body there's a piece of

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flesh, if it's sound the whole body sound.

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If it's corrupted the whole body's corrupted, it's

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the heart.

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And there are numerous authentic narrations

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of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallamah that teach

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us about sincerity,

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hoping in Allah,

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fearing Allah, reliance on Allah,

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turning to Allah.

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What do we define tasawwuf as?

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Sheikh Islam, Sheikh Ahmed Zarook,

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Rahim Muhallahu Ta'ala,

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in his book, Allah,

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he said

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To turn to Allah in the best way.

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To turn to Allah in the best way,

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meaning on the way of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam.

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So that takes us to a quick question

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then why is there so much controversy

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Why do you find sometimes especially our salafi

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leaning brothers and sisters, I would say being

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very irresponsible,

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just as Sufis are irresponsible categorizing

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with this broad brunt, you know broad brush.

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This broad brush. All Sufis are wrong, all

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Sufis are deviant, all Sufis mizbidah.

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The best answer

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for our our Salafi,

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and brothers and sisters,

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is what

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Sheikh Islam Ibn Taymiyyah he said.

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Ibn Taymiyyah

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in his in his small essay called resettle

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to fakkara

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resettle to fakkara,

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this controversy

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and he says,

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He says in Majmu'afa

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which is a book that has a lot

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of problems because the one who rendered it

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from the Mahtutat made grievous

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mistakes, but in Majma'afa Tawah,

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Shaykh Imeer says,

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and if I remember correctly.

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So he said the people of Tasso of

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are divided into 3 groups. Number 1, those

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people that were caught up in,

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you know, untethering themselves from the Sharia. They

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were just about feeling

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you know kind of like western spirituality it's

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a high, it's all this kind of stuff

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and they do things which go against the

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Of course, these are people that no one

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agrees with. No one will say these are,

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orthodox Sufis.

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He says number 2 are the intellectual type

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Sufis who were overcome by Greek logic, and

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Greek philosophy, and really enamored by Persian philosophy,

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and Indian philosophy,

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and then they tried to insert this into

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the science of Ihsan,

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and he said also these people are wrong.

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But then listen to what he says. He

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he says as for those people

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who mastered

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Alhamdulillah the Sharia

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and mastered fiqh

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and mastered aqidah from the salaf

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and or sufis.

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He says

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What does he say? I'm quoting him.

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He said they are the best

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They are the best Muslims.

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So this argument that you find is because

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there are certainly bad examples of people who

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align with the soul of We find sometimes

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spiritual abuse happening in these groups. We find

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people harming themselves and cutting themselves and doing

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things, and so on and so forth.

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Of course, those are bad examples.

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But one of the people that Imam, if

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not, tell me, mentions

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as being a good example to take

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to Surwa from

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is Abu Abdulahi

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Al Harith ibn Asad

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Al Muhasibi

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Rahim O'Hazibi.

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And the Imam Al Muhasibi,

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he died around 243

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after Hijri.

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And the Imam al Muhasabi hamda I have

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Ijazah in this text if anyone's interested they

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can contact me. I can give them the

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Ijazah inshallah when we finish,

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But he wrote a large number of books

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about the science of Ihsaan. So just as

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Tajweed is the science of the Quran,

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When Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said,

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to worship Allah, do you see him even

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though don't you you you don't see him,

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you know he sees you.

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This is the science of Ihsan.

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Someone's asking me what do you think about

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Me, I would be very careful about joining

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a tariqa,

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especially if the tariqa

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puts the Shaykh

00:15:57 --> 00:15:58

in a pedestal

00:15:59 --> 00:16:00

which is unhealthy.

00:16:02 --> 00:16:04

But the best way as I was taught

00:16:04 --> 00:16:07

to achieve purification of the heart is to

00:16:07 --> 00:16:08

learn the deen,

00:16:10 --> 00:16:11

to learn the Quran,

00:16:12 --> 00:16:13

and to learn,

00:16:13 --> 00:16:15

you know, just the basics,

00:16:16 --> 00:16:17

and to learn worship.

00:16:18 --> 00:16:19

That's why SubhanAllah

00:16:19 --> 00:16:22

someone came to Uthman ibn Affair radiAllahu anhu

00:16:23 --> 00:16:24

and they asked him what is the best

00:16:24 --> 00:16:26

way to draw near to Allah?

00:16:27 --> 00:16:29

And he said the best way to draw

00:16:29 --> 00:16:30

nearer to Allah

00:16:31 --> 00:16:32

is with his words.

00:16:33 --> 00:16:35

So sometimes we need to be careful to

00:16:35 --> 00:16:37

those those different tariqa have,

00:16:38 --> 00:16:41

like, you know, systems of protection for the

00:16:41 --> 00:16:41


00:16:42 --> 00:16:45

is is the leader of the tariqa someone

00:16:45 --> 00:16:46

who's above Nasihah,

00:16:46 --> 00:16:47

is the leader of

00:16:48 --> 00:16:50

the somebody who's beyond any type of compliance

00:16:51 --> 00:16:51

he checks.

00:16:52 --> 00:16:53


00:16:54 --> 00:16:55


00:16:55 --> 00:16:57

that you should be careful of. Does that

00:16:58 --> 00:16:59

have a history of abuse,

00:16:59 --> 00:17:00

spiritual, financial,

00:17:01 --> 00:17:03

any any of those kind because it's a

00:17:03 --> 00:17:04

lot of power to give a person.

00:17:05 --> 00:17:06

So I would say,

00:17:07 --> 00:17:08


00:17:09 --> 00:17:11

and proceed you know wisely, but then make

00:17:11 --> 00:17:12


00:17:13 --> 00:17:14

the most important

00:17:15 --> 00:17:17

process because the Aqidah and the Sharia come

00:17:17 --> 00:17:18

before Tasawwuf.

00:17:21 --> 00:17:22

So Imam Abu

00:17:25 --> 00:17:28

Abdullahi al Harith al Muhasibi, he dies around

00:17:28 --> 00:17:30

243 after hijri. So he's from the Salaf

00:17:31 --> 00:17:32

and he wrote a really beautiful book that

00:17:32 --> 00:17:34

we're going to start tonight and we'll read

00:17:34 --> 00:17:36

from a little bit every Thursday inshallahuta'ala.

00:17:39 --> 00:17:41

And in this text, he

00:17:42 --> 00:17:44

helps us really support what we're doing on

00:17:44 --> 00:17:45

Tuesday nights,

00:17:45 --> 00:17:47

is to thinking about the rights of Allah.

00:17:48 --> 00:17:50

What are the rights that God has upon

00:17:50 --> 00:17:51


00:17:51 --> 00:17:53

You know, one of the challenges of the

00:17:53 --> 00:17:54

modern state

00:17:55 --> 00:17:57

is that the modern state system has made

00:17:57 --> 00:17:58

the state.

00:17:59 --> 00:18:01

What you think about in terms of rights

00:18:01 --> 00:18:02

that you give and get

00:18:03 --> 00:18:05

and sort of taken us away from thinking

00:18:05 --> 00:18:07

about the rights of Allah, especially under a

00:18:07 --> 00:18:08

secular system.

00:18:10 --> 00:18:13

So he begins, Rahim O Allahu Ta'ala, he

00:18:13 --> 00:18:14

says, Alhamdulillahi

00:18:19 --> 00:18:21

All praise is due to Allah before every

00:18:21 --> 00:18:22


00:18:22 --> 00:18:23


00:18:23 --> 00:18:25

You know sometimes if you feel like you're

00:18:25 --> 00:18:27

not able to keep up your worship

00:18:27 --> 00:18:28

or you're struggling

00:18:29 --> 00:18:32

in your iman and your Islam, or you

00:18:32 --> 00:18:34

feel guilty like you're not doing enough,

00:18:35 --> 00:18:35

just say Alhamdulillah.

00:18:37 --> 00:18:40

Wallahi, you know you you don't understand

00:18:40 --> 00:18:42

that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has

00:18:42 --> 00:18:43

said the most beloved

00:18:44 --> 00:18:46

people to Allah are the people of Alhamd.

00:18:49 --> 00:18:50

You know they just say Alhamdulillah.

00:18:51 --> 00:18:54

And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam he said

00:18:54 --> 00:18:55

that saying Alhamdulillah

00:18:55 --> 00:18:57

will fill your scales for you.

00:18:58 --> 00:19:00

And you know, SubhanAllah, we had a Sheikh

00:19:00 --> 00:19:02

in Morocco in Fess

00:19:03 --> 00:19:04

who was quadriplegic.

00:19:05 --> 00:19:06

He suffered

00:19:07 --> 00:19:08

a serious,

00:19:10 --> 00:19:12

challenge to his health and he became quadriplegic,

00:19:12 --> 00:19:14

and he had to sit flat,

00:19:15 --> 00:19:15

you know,

00:19:16 --> 00:19:18

and he would just say Alhamdulillah,

00:19:19 --> 00:19:19


00:19:21 --> 00:19:21


00:19:22 --> 00:19:23


00:19:23 --> 00:19:25

and he said Alhamdulillah,

00:19:25 --> 00:19:27

all praise be to God,

00:19:28 --> 00:19:29

all praise be

00:19:30 --> 00:19:31

to God.

00:19:31 --> 00:19:32

So much

00:19:32 --> 00:19:35

that somebody said man, why are you always

00:19:35 --> 00:19:36

saying Alhamdulillah?

00:19:37 --> 00:19:39

And he said I say Alhamdulillah,

00:19:40 --> 00:19:43

all praise be to God because God guided

00:19:43 --> 00:19:45

me to say it all praise be to

00:19:45 --> 00:19:45


00:19:46 --> 00:19:48

Like Alqool Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah.

00:19:51 --> 00:19:53

Like I say Alhamdulillah because Allah guided me

00:19:53 --> 00:19:55

to say Alhamdulillah. And Imam Shafi'i

00:19:56 --> 00:19:58

radiAllahu anhu used to say Alhamdulillah

00:19:59 --> 00:20:01

praise be to Allah, who guided me to

00:20:01 --> 00:20:04

say praise be to Allah and because he

00:20:04 --> 00:20:06

guided me to say praise be to Allah,

00:20:07 --> 00:20:09

I have to say praise be to Allah

00:20:10 --> 00:20:10


00:20:11 --> 00:20:13

So Imam al Muhasibi he begins, Alhamdulillahi

00:20:14 --> 00:20:14


00:20:15 --> 00:20:15


00:20:16 --> 00:20:18

before anything can be said Alhamdulillah.

00:20:24 --> 00:20:26

And in front of every hope and every

00:20:27 --> 00:20:27


00:20:28 --> 00:20:29

is Alhamdulillah.

00:20:29 --> 00:20:31

Everyone should be typing and saying Alhamdulillah.

00:20:32 --> 00:20:33


00:20:33 --> 00:20:35

How many chats you join

00:20:35 --> 00:20:38

attacking people, talking bad about people, slandering people.

00:20:39 --> 00:20:41

This chat is the chat of Alhamd

00:20:41 --> 00:20:42

or Salawat.

00:20:43 --> 00:20:44

This is

00:20:44 --> 00:20:46

the gathering of Alhamdulillah,

00:20:46 --> 00:20:47

remembering Allah,

00:20:48 --> 00:20:51

remembering Saydna Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi wa Salamat remembering

00:20:51 --> 00:20:52

our brothers and sisters.

00:20:53 --> 00:20:56

In Gaza who even though they're being bombed

00:20:56 --> 00:20:57

and they're under rubble,

00:20:57 --> 00:20:58

they say Alhamdulillah,

00:20:59 --> 00:21:01

Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu wa Rakwad

00:21:01 --> 00:21:02

Rabil Abillah.

00:21:06 --> 00:21:07

Then he says,

00:21:08 --> 00:21:10

all praise is due to Allah before every

00:21:10 --> 00:21:12

speech and in front of every desire and

00:21:12 --> 00:21:12


00:21:14 --> 00:21:15

in front of every hope, young.

00:21:17 --> 00:21:19

And I'm asking brothers in the in the

00:21:19 --> 00:21:21

comments, this is the same thing every time

00:21:21 --> 00:21:24

talking about even out of me, talking about

00:21:24 --> 00:21:26

this. Just listen to the lesson, man.

00:21:26 --> 00:21:28

You're not here to teach. If you're here

00:21:28 --> 00:21:30

to teach, that's a bad intention. You should

00:21:30 --> 00:21:31

be here to study.

00:21:31 --> 00:21:34

It's a very poor quality of a person

00:21:35 --> 00:21:37

that you're in the comments arguing about people

00:21:37 --> 00:21:40

who died 700 years ago that you never

00:21:40 --> 00:21:40


00:21:41 --> 00:21:42

And you need to be careful what you

00:21:42 --> 00:21:45

say about them, whether it's right or wrong.

00:21:45 --> 00:21:47

But the best thing when it comes to

00:21:47 --> 00:21:47

the dead,

00:21:48 --> 00:21:49

we say about the dead

00:21:52 --> 00:21:55

You know Allah will deal with them. Rahim

00:21:55 --> 00:21:55


00:21:56 --> 00:21:57

Allah will deal with them.

00:21:57 --> 00:21:59

But focus on

00:21:59 --> 00:22:02

the lesson not on Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Arabi,

00:22:02 --> 00:22:03


00:22:03 --> 00:22:05

This is all a trick

00:22:05 --> 00:22:07

to take you away from what is really

00:22:07 --> 00:22:08


00:22:08 --> 00:22:10

It's like somebody that has a really nice

00:22:10 --> 00:22:12

meal in front of them,

00:22:12 --> 00:22:15

and they're worried about like the glass, what

00:22:15 --> 00:22:16

kind of glass is the water in.

00:22:18 --> 00:22:19

So Alhamdulillah,

00:22:20 --> 00:22:22

I'm gonna ask, and I'm the teacher here,

00:22:22 --> 00:22:23

I don't need you to be arguing with

00:22:23 --> 00:22:24

people in the comments,

00:22:25 --> 00:22:28

nobody's talking to you, do your own life,

00:22:28 --> 00:22:30

discuss these issues, but if you come here,

00:22:30 --> 00:22:32

you come here to learn, you come here

00:22:32 --> 00:22:34

to praise Allah, you come here to send

00:22:34 --> 00:22:37

salawat upon the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallamah, you

00:22:37 --> 00:22:37

come to help somebody,

00:22:38 --> 00:22:40

and you come to amplify what's going on

00:22:40 --> 00:22:42

in the Muslim world. That's it. And if

00:22:42 --> 00:22:43

I see it I'm just gonna have to

00:22:43 --> 00:22:46

ask people to leave man, Because this is

00:22:46 --> 00:22:48

the same thing. I've been Muslim for 32

00:22:48 --> 00:22:51

years. This even to me, Ghazali, even Arabi,

00:22:51 --> 00:22:53

ain't got nobody nowhere.

00:22:54 --> 00:22:56

It's a waste of time man, and that's

00:22:56 --> 00:22:58

why intelligence agencies use it.

00:23:00 --> 00:23:00


00:23:01 --> 00:23:03

focus on the lesson, man. Be a good

00:23:03 --> 00:23:04


00:23:04 --> 00:23:06

And in fact, the sign that someone's off

00:23:06 --> 00:23:08

in the comments arguing it, it's a sign

00:23:08 --> 00:23:10

that they're not really serious about learning. And

00:23:10 --> 00:23:11

maybe it's not the person you wanna take

00:23:11 --> 00:23:13

your knowledge from because they don't have the

00:23:13 --> 00:23:15

adab to conduct themselves

00:23:15 --> 00:23:17

properly in a class.

00:23:18 --> 00:23:19

So he says all praise is due to

00:23:19 --> 00:23:22

Allah for every before every speech

00:23:23 --> 00:23:26

and in front of every desire and question.

00:23:27 --> 00:23:29

For every significant matter

00:23:29 --> 00:23:31

that does not begin with praise be to

00:23:31 --> 00:23:32


00:23:32 --> 00:23:33

and his remembrance

00:23:34 --> 00:23:35

is severed,

00:23:35 --> 00:23:37

amputated from Barakah.

00:23:38 --> 00:23:38


00:23:38 --> 00:23:40

So now we can think like one thing

00:23:40 --> 00:23:41

we learned today,

00:23:41 --> 00:23:44

tomorrow we're gonna go out somewhere, maybe we

00:23:44 --> 00:23:46

go with our friends, we go to

00:23:46 --> 00:23:48

we go to school, we go to work,

00:23:48 --> 00:23:49

say Alhamdulillah.

00:23:51 --> 00:23:52

Because when you say Alhamdulillah,

00:23:53 --> 00:23:54


00:23:54 --> 00:23:54

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah,

00:23:56 --> 00:23:57

you're you're putting barakah

00:23:59 --> 00:24:00

in your life.

00:24:03 --> 00:24:05

Remember me? I remember you. Like can you

00:24:05 --> 00:24:06


00:24:06 --> 00:24:08

Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying your name.

00:24:10 --> 00:24:11

It's like you may be having the worst

00:24:11 --> 00:24:12

day of your life.

00:24:13 --> 00:24:15

You may feel like it's the worst day

00:24:15 --> 00:24:16

of your life.

00:24:17 --> 00:24:20

But somehow you found the strength to say

00:24:20 --> 00:24:21


00:24:21 --> 00:24:23

and then Allah mentioned you.

00:24:23 --> 00:24:25

How could it be the worst day of

00:24:25 --> 00:24:26

your life?

00:24:26 --> 00:24:29

And the hadith of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi

00:24:29 --> 00:24:31

Wasallamah that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says that

00:24:31 --> 00:24:34

when my servant remembers me alone, I remember

00:24:34 --> 00:24:37

them alone, When they remember me in a

00:24:37 --> 00:24:39

gathering, I remember them in a gathering better

00:24:39 --> 00:24:40

than theirs.

00:24:40 --> 00:24:41


00:24:45 --> 00:24:47

And the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasalam said,

00:24:57 --> 00:25:00

That every important issue that does not begin

00:25:00 --> 00:25:01

with Alhamdulillah

00:25:01 --> 00:25:02

is devoid

00:25:03 --> 00:25:04

of blessing.

00:25:07 --> 00:25:09

He says so anytime someone begins something well

00:25:09 --> 00:25:10

saying Alhamdulillah,

00:25:12 --> 00:25:13

it is cut off

00:25:13 --> 00:25:14

from blessing,

00:25:15 --> 00:25:16

lacks continuity

00:25:17 --> 00:25:19

as is being narrated by Sayedna Muhammad

00:25:20 --> 00:25:21

sallallahu alaihi wasalam.

00:25:40 --> 00:25:40


00:25:41 --> 00:25:43

he says so all praise is due to

00:25:43 --> 00:25:43


00:25:44 --> 00:25:44

the first

00:25:45 --> 00:25:46

and the eternal.

00:25:50 --> 00:25:51

The one that has no beginning and no

00:25:51 --> 00:25:53

end. If the dunya breaks your heart,

00:25:54 --> 00:25:57

one person asked me how to overcome heartache.

00:25:57 --> 00:25:59

First of all, it's normal. It's not bad

00:25:59 --> 00:26:02

to feel pain that if you lost out

00:26:02 --> 00:26:03

on something that you loved.

00:26:04 --> 00:26:04

That's normal.

00:26:06 --> 00:26:08

But the person asks, how do you overcome

00:26:08 --> 00:26:09


00:26:09 --> 00:26:12

One of the easiest ways to overcome a

00:26:12 --> 00:26:13

heartache attached to the dunya

00:26:14 --> 00:26:16

is to attach

00:26:16 --> 00:26:17

your heart to Acuna.

00:26:19 --> 00:26:21

Because if the heart is attached to akhirah,

00:26:21 --> 00:26:23

it will make it a little bit easier.

00:26:25 --> 00:26:26

It will make it a little bit easier.

00:26:26 --> 00:26:29

That's why Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said to

00:26:29 --> 00:26:31

Sayna Muhammad Sallallahu Wa'hi Wa'arihi Wasallam,

00:26:33 --> 00:26:36

what a soul for you Atika Rubuka Fa'at

00:26:36 --> 00:26:36


00:26:37 --> 00:26:38

In the akhira

00:26:39 --> 00:26:40

you will be happy.

00:26:40 --> 00:26:42

In the akhira

00:26:42 --> 00:26:43

you will be content.

00:26:46 --> 00:26:48

So tie yourself to the akhira.

00:26:49 --> 00:26:51

One of the easiest ways to do that

00:26:51 --> 00:26:53

is remember that Allah is Al Awalwal akhir

00:27:00 --> 00:27:01

The first and the last, he has no

00:27:01 --> 00:27:03

beginning no ending. Imam ibn Abhisaid

00:27:04 --> 00:27:05

In his Risada he says

00:27:09 --> 00:27:11

Even Abi Zaid he says in his Risada

00:27:11 --> 00:27:12

which we had to learn.

00:27:16 --> 00:27:17

His firstness has no beginning.

00:27:21 --> 00:27:22


00:27:22 --> 00:27:24

And his ending has no end.

00:27:25 --> 00:27:28

Why would a Muslim allow anything from the

00:27:28 --> 00:27:30

dunya to occupy their heart?

00:27:31 --> 00:27:32

It is unworthy.

00:27:33 --> 00:27:33

It's unworthy

00:27:34 --> 00:27:36

of the heart that says La ilaha illallah.

00:27:37 --> 00:27:38

The stars and celebrities

00:27:39 --> 00:27:40

that you know

00:27:44 --> 00:27:45

I don't know how to translate

00:27:48 --> 00:27:51

You know these waves of fitin coming to

00:27:51 --> 00:27:53

the hearts of young Muslims, this celebrity,

00:27:54 --> 00:27:55

this purse, these shoes,

00:27:56 --> 00:27:57

this, foundation.

00:27:58 --> 00:28:00

Even we find some people using Islam for

00:28:00 --> 00:28:01


00:28:01 --> 00:28:03

SubhanAllah using Islam for dunya, and you see

00:28:03 --> 00:28:05

it in their conduct, how they interact with

00:28:05 --> 00:28:07

women, how they interact with with men, how

00:28:07 --> 00:28:09

they interact with other people,

00:28:10 --> 00:28:12

that's indicative of a heart it's attached to

00:28:12 --> 00:28:14

dunya, but when someone knows

00:28:26 --> 00:28:28

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

00:28:30 --> 00:28:31

Whoever whoever

00:28:32 --> 00:28:34

knows that their heart is not going to

00:28:34 --> 00:28:36

be attached to anything but Allah.

00:28:37 --> 00:28:39

And so the the the trip to dunya

00:28:39 --> 00:28:40

is easier.

00:28:41 --> 00:28:41

So he says,

00:28:42 --> 00:28:44

Al Awwal Al Qadeem

00:28:44 --> 00:28:45

Al Adilam Yazal

00:28:46 --> 00:28:49

the first and the last who has always

00:28:49 --> 00:28:49


00:28:56 --> 00:28:56


00:28:57 --> 00:28:58

and and nothing has

00:28:59 --> 00:29:02

the right of this description except Allah.

00:29:03 --> 00:29:04


00:29:05 --> 00:29:06

Allah was,

00:29:07 --> 00:29:08


00:29:08 --> 00:29:09

and will be

00:29:14 --> 00:29:15


00:29:16 --> 00:29:16


00:29:17 --> 00:29:18

and nothing was with him.

00:29:27 --> 00:29:28

And then he began

00:29:28 --> 00:29:30

the creation of everything

00:29:30 --> 00:29:32

without any cause

00:29:33 --> 00:29:35

and he brought everything into existence

00:29:36 --> 00:29:37

without any causation.

00:29:38 --> 00:29:41

That's why a Sheikh Ahmad ad Dardir he

00:29:41 --> 00:29:41


00:29:45 --> 00:29:46


00:29:47 --> 00:29:48

the in the Al Khuduri,

00:29:50 --> 00:29:51

Sheikh Ahmad Dardir

00:29:53 --> 00:29:53

He says

00:29:56 --> 00:29:58

whoever says that, you know, the creation

00:29:59 --> 00:30:02

is because of a cause or mother nature

00:30:03 --> 00:30:04

caused itself

00:30:05 --> 00:30:06

evolution, for example,

00:30:10 --> 00:30:10

this is disbelief.

00:30:11 --> 00:30:12

Then we say

00:30:17 --> 00:30:20

He created everything not from something or for

00:30:20 --> 00:30:21

any reason.

00:30:24 --> 00:30:26

And then he says about those things

00:30:27 --> 00:30:29

were with him before there was nothing with

00:30:29 --> 00:30:29


00:30:31 --> 00:30:32

So Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la

00:30:33 --> 00:30:36

originated everything, everything you see around you came

00:30:36 --> 00:30:36

from and

00:30:42 --> 00:30:44

And He brought it into existence

00:30:44 --> 00:30:45

and decreed

00:30:45 --> 00:30:47

how it will function

00:30:48 --> 00:30:49

as he willed.

00:30:51 --> 00:30:53

So there's no partners with him in his

00:30:53 --> 00:30:54


00:30:58 --> 00:30:59


00:30:59 --> 00:31:00

and everything

00:31:00 --> 00:31:03

except Allah is his slave and owned by

00:31:03 --> 00:31:04


00:31:04 --> 00:31:05

That includes us.

00:31:07 --> 00:31:09

So when you disobey Allah with your eyes,

00:31:10 --> 00:31:11

you don't own your eye.

00:31:11 --> 00:31:14

When I disobey Allah with my heart, I

00:31:14 --> 00:31:17

don't own my heart. In Allah hashtaraamin

00:31:17 --> 00:31:18

al mu'mineen

00:31:19 --> 00:31:19

and fusahum

00:31:20 --> 00:31:20


00:31:21 --> 00:31:22

bi ana lahumuljannah.

00:31:23 --> 00:31:25

Allah says in the Quran he purchased the

00:31:25 --> 00:31:26


00:31:27 --> 00:31:29

and the wealth of the believers

00:31:30 --> 00:31:31

for Jannah.

00:31:33 --> 00:31:35

So imagine using what someone gave you in

00:31:35 --> 00:31:36

a way they didn't

00:31:38 --> 00:31:40

permit you to use it. Like if you

00:31:40 --> 00:31:42

rent a home from somebody, you don't destroy

00:31:42 --> 00:31:43

their house.

00:31:44 --> 00:31:47

If you rent a property from somebody, you

00:31:47 --> 00:31:49

don't corrupt their property. You're very careful.

00:31:50 --> 00:31:51

Your body

00:31:52 --> 00:31:53

is a rental.

00:31:55 --> 00:31:57

Your eyes are a rental.

00:31:58 --> 00:31:59

Your handsomeness,

00:31:59 --> 00:32:00

your beauty,

00:32:01 --> 00:32:02

whatever you have,

00:32:06 --> 00:32:07

You're renting it.

00:32:08 --> 00:32:09

And what's the price

00:32:09 --> 00:32:11

if you rent it correctly?

00:32:12 --> 00:32:13

A bad.

00:32:15 --> 00:32:17

Is worship and obedience.

00:32:23 --> 00:32:24

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

00:32:25 --> 00:32:26

created us

00:32:26 --> 00:32:28

as a generous blessing from himself.

00:32:38 --> 00:32:39


00:32:40 --> 00:32:42

And and that Allah aided us and helped

00:32:42 --> 00:32:43


00:32:43 --> 00:32:46

in ways that we could never calculate.

00:32:47 --> 00:32:48

Just imagine

00:32:48 --> 00:32:50

how long you can hold your breath.

00:32:51 --> 00:32:52

How much would you pay

00:32:53 --> 00:32:56

if, like, you couldn't breathe just for that

00:32:56 --> 00:32:56

one breath?

00:32:57 --> 00:33:00

Imagine if your eyes couldn't blink for like

00:33:00 --> 00:33:03

4 minutes, they would begin to dry out

00:33:03 --> 00:33:05

and eventually they would turn to powder and

00:33:05 --> 00:33:06

fall out of your head.

00:33:07 --> 00:33:09

Do you make the lotion that is, you

00:33:09 --> 00:33:11

know, lubricating your eyes?

00:33:13 --> 00:33:15

The toxins on your tongue

00:33:15 --> 00:33:17

that your body is filtering out for you.

00:33:17 --> 00:33:19

Do you have any control over those things?

00:33:21 --> 00:33:23

So we have to ask people, especially in

00:33:23 --> 00:33:25

today's world, why they're so unhappy,

00:33:26 --> 00:33:29

because they're worshiping the wrong thing, And usually,

00:33:29 --> 00:33:30

what they're worshiping is themselves.

00:33:35 --> 00:33:36

There's no god except me.

00:33:37 --> 00:33:38

But Islam says,

00:33:44 --> 00:33:44

So he says,

00:33:53 --> 00:33:55

and for that reason Allah we say Alhamdulillah.

00:34:11 --> 00:34:11


00:34:13 --> 00:34:16

has this right because the honor of his

00:34:16 --> 00:34:17

existence and the transcendence

00:34:17 --> 00:34:19

of his being,

00:34:20 --> 00:34:22

he's the only one you say,

00:34:30 --> 00:34:31

and then he says, so therefore we seek

00:34:31 --> 00:34:34

guidance from Allah, and we seek the help

00:34:34 --> 00:34:35

of Allah,

00:34:35 --> 00:34:37

and we trust in Allah wa sallallahu

00:34:39 --> 00:34:39


00:34:41 --> 00:34:42

wa sallam and he says, and we send

00:34:42 --> 00:34:45

peace and blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu

00:34:45 --> 00:34:46

alaihi wa sallam,

00:34:47 --> 00:34:47

his family

00:34:48 --> 00:34:50

and his blessed companions. Next week we'll talk

00:34:50 --> 00:34:51

about Ashura

00:34:52 --> 00:34:55

and the martyrdom of Sayna Imam Al Hussein.

00:34:56 --> 00:34:58

RadiAllahu Ta'ala Anhu.

00:34:59 --> 00:35:01

The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam has said an

00:35:01 --> 00:35:04

authentic Hadith which Ahlul Sunnah why now we

00:35:04 --> 00:35:06

have a Hadith with Isna al Shaikhi.

00:35:08 --> 00:35:11

The Hadith of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

00:35:11 --> 00:35:12

where he says,

00:35:16 --> 00:35:18

Alayd al Sahim, related by Imam Tabrani

00:35:19 --> 00:35:21

that the prophet said whoever loved Hussain

00:35:22 --> 00:35:23

Allah loved them.

00:35:27 --> 00:35:29

Then the begins his text and this is

00:35:29 --> 00:35:31

the last part we'll read and then we'll

00:35:31 --> 00:35:32

stop. He says,

00:35:34 --> 00:35:35

and after I've understood

00:35:36 --> 00:35:38

all that you ask about, he's answering the

00:35:38 --> 00:35:40

questions people ask him about the rights of

00:35:40 --> 00:35:41


00:35:42 --> 00:35:44

In an age where there's an election and

00:35:44 --> 00:35:46

there's so much going on, everybody's thinking about

00:35:46 --> 00:35:49

everybody's rights except the Haqq of Allah upon

00:35:49 --> 00:35:50

us. What is the Haqq of Allah on

00:35:50 --> 00:35:51


00:35:51 --> 00:35:52

That's the first Haqq.

00:35:55 --> 00:35:56

So he says,

00:36:00 --> 00:36:01

he said, you know,

00:36:02 --> 00:36:03


00:36:04 --> 00:36:04


00:36:06 --> 00:36:08

I have understood what you've asked me.

00:36:15 --> 00:36:18

And he said, therefore, before answering your questions,

00:36:18 --> 00:36:20

I wish to advise you Before I get

00:36:20 --> 00:36:22

into the answer about the rights of God,

00:36:23 --> 00:36:25

there's something very important that I need to

00:36:25 --> 00:36:26

start with first, and this is the way

00:36:26 --> 00:36:27

of the ulema.

00:36:27 --> 00:36:30

That the ulema, if they know that there

00:36:30 --> 00:36:32

are steps needed to get to a hole,

00:36:32 --> 00:36:34

they start with the steps before you get

00:36:34 --> 00:36:35

to the hole.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:37

Because they understand without the steps,

00:36:38 --> 00:36:40

it won't happen. The whole is contingent on

00:36:40 --> 00:36:42

those particulars. So this is what im an

00:36:42 --> 00:36:44

imam al Muhasibi does. He says, before I

00:36:44 --> 00:36:46

start to talk to you about the rights

00:36:46 --> 00:36:46

of God,

00:36:47 --> 00:36:49

let me talk to you about something which

00:36:49 --> 00:36:50

is crucial

00:36:51 --> 00:36:52

in that process,

00:36:54 --> 00:36:56

And that is what

00:36:56 --> 00:36:58

her snow listima.

00:37:00 --> 00:37:01

Being a good

00:37:03 --> 00:37:03


00:37:06 --> 00:37:07

To listen correctly.

00:37:19 --> 00:37:20

To be a good listener,

00:37:21 --> 00:37:23

so that you may comprehend

00:37:23 --> 00:37:25

Allah's call,

00:37:25 --> 00:37:28

what Allah is calling you to.

00:37:28 --> 00:37:30

Because if I don't listen well,

00:37:32 --> 00:37:33

then how can I respond?

00:37:34 --> 00:37:37

That's why when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

00:37:37 --> 00:37:39

described the Sahaba,

00:37:39 --> 00:37:40

he doesn't say

00:37:45 --> 00:37:47

Those who listen to the best of speech,

00:37:47 --> 00:37:48

the Quran

00:37:56 --> 00:37:58

You have nomadic. He's a great writer in

00:37:58 --> 00:38:00

Lamia Tal Afari.

00:38:00 --> 00:38:01

It's a poem we memorized

00:38:02 --> 00:38:03

about conjugations.

00:38:04 --> 00:38:04

He says,

00:38:13 --> 00:38:14

And if you understand

00:38:15 --> 00:38:18

the morphology of words, the doors of the

00:38:18 --> 00:38:19

language will open to you. Why does Allah

00:38:19 --> 00:38:21

describe the Sahaba? He doesn't say,

00:38:22 --> 00:38:23

he says,

00:38:26 --> 00:38:27

to feed why?

00:38:31 --> 00:38:33

I'm Eshari, of course my pronunciation has to

00:38:33 --> 00:38:34

be good, we had to learn the 7

00:38:34 --> 00:38:36

qiraatmen, Masha'Allah, Alhamdulillah,

00:38:36 --> 00:38:38

meant Azharat Afasaha,

00:38:38 --> 00:38:39


00:38:41 --> 00:38:42

But he says,

00:38:45 --> 00:38:47

That the sahaba don't just listen,

00:38:48 --> 00:38:49

Yasma'oon means haphazardly.

00:38:50 --> 00:38:51


00:38:51 --> 00:38:52

means when they heard the Quran

00:38:53 --> 00:38:54

they're like this,

00:38:56 --> 00:38:58

they're like this. That's why Anas ibn Malik

00:38:58 --> 00:38:58

Quran said

00:38:59 --> 00:39:00

the Sahaba they're like,

00:39:01 --> 00:39:02

like the the birds

00:39:03 --> 00:39:04

sitting on the scarecrow.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:08

Like they were so quiet that birds could

00:39:08 --> 00:39:09

sit on them.

00:39:10 --> 00:39:11

So that's why I said earlier arguing in

00:39:11 --> 00:39:13

the comments about this sheikh, that sheikh, this

00:39:13 --> 00:39:14


00:39:19 --> 00:39:20

You're not listening

00:39:21 --> 00:39:22

and the assumption is I don't need to

00:39:22 --> 00:39:24

listen, you know what, I just need to

00:39:24 --> 00:39:24


00:39:25 --> 00:39:27

That's why Imam Ibn Hazm said, if you

00:39:27 --> 00:39:28

go to a class and you start to

00:39:28 --> 00:39:31

argue and talk while people are teaching, this

00:39:31 --> 00:39:32

is a sign that you're not a good

00:39:32 --> 00:39:34

student because you don't think you need to

00:39:34 --> 00:39:35

learn. You don't need to

00:39:38 --> 00:39:40

listen. So he says,

00:39:40 --> 00:39:41

the first thing

00:39:48 --> 00:39:50

Before before I get into the discussion that

00:39:50 --> 00:39:52

you ask me, there's something that I need

00:39:52 --> 00:39:55

to direct your attention to, and it's more

00:39:55 --> 00:39:55


00:39:56 --> 00:39:58

to attain what I'm going to talk about.

00:39:58 --> 00:39:59

It is contingent,

00:40:00 --> 00:40:01

and that is hushlistima,

00:40:02 --> 00:40:03

to be a good listener.

00:40:05 --> 00:40:07

May Allah make your anxiety easy, Omar, and

00:40:08 --> 00:40:10

help you with panic attacks we pray for

00:40:11 --> 00:40:12

you. Anyone who needs dua requests

00:40:13 --> 00:40:14

feel free that's important.

00:40:19 --> 00:40:22

So that you can understand what God is

00:40:22 --> 00:40:23

calling you to

00:40:23 --> 00:40:25

you have to be a good listener.

00:40:26 --> 00:40:26

So he says,

00:40:28 --> 00:40:29

so present

00:40:29 --> 00:40:30

good listening

00:40:31 --> 00:40:33

in front of everything I am about to

00:40:33 --> 00:40:34

tell you.

00:40:36 --> 00:40:37

So that Allah will

00:40:38 --> 00:40:39

benefit you.

00:40:48 --> 00:40:49


00:40:49 --> 00:40:51

If you put good listening in front of

00:40:51 --> 00:40:53

everything I'm about to say, perhaps Allah will

00:40:53 --> 00:40:55

benefit you in your attempt

00:40:56 --> 00:40:58

to shepherd and look after the rights of

00:40:58 --> 00:40:59


00:41:03 --> 00:41:04

And to establish

00:41:04 --> 00:41:06

those rights in your life.

00:41:28 --> 00:41:30

He said, For Allah the Exalted has informed

00:41:30 --> 00:41:32

us in the Quran that whoever listens as

00:41:32 --> 00:41:34

Allah loves and is pleased with,

00:41:35 --> 00:41:36

there will be a that

00:41:37 --> 00:41:38

will transform

00:41:39 --> 00:41:40

that person.

00:41:40 --> 00:41:43

There will be an experience with what they're

00:41:43 --> 00:41:44

listening because they're listening to light.

00:41:45 --> 00:41:47

And light can only remove darkness.

00:41:47 --> 00:41:49

So now if I'm focused on the light,

00:41:49 --> 00:41:50

which is the Quran,

00:41:50 --> 00:41:52

because the Quran is Nur,

00:41:53 --> 00:41:55

and I'm listening correctly, then this will be

00:41:57 --> 00:41:59

not just Dhikr. And if you speak Arabic,

00:42:11 --> 00:42:12

It's very different.

00:42:13 --> 00:42:15

It says that whoever does that is going

00:42:15 --> 00:42:17

to be a transformative

00:42:17 --> 00:42:19

remembrance of the Qur'an.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:21

It's not just information, it's transformation.

00:42:23 --> 00:42:25

Meaning He will take heed,

00:42:25 --> 00:42:27

and she will take heed,

00:42:27 --> 00:42:30

and they will change their lives, and they

00:42:30 --> 00:42:30

will be transformed

00:42:31 --> 00:42:33

because they listen correctly.

00:42:34 --> 00:42:36

When Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala names something for

00:42:36 --> 00:42:37

one of His creations,

00:42:39 --> 00:42:41

it as is, it as

00:42:41 --> 00:42:43

though he named it

00:42:44 --> 00:42:46

in a way that he when Allah

00:42:46 --> 00:42:48

takes your attention to something like this form

00:42:48 --> 00:42:49

of listening,

00:42:49 --> 00:42:52

it's meant to make you pause and think

00:42:53 --> 00:42:55

and investigate it,

00:42:55 --> 00:42:57

and that's why in the Quran as we

00:42:57 --> 00:42:57


00:43:02 --> 00:43:03

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says in the 50th

00:43:03 --> 00:43:05

chapter, this is the verse you should study

00:43:05 --> 00:43:07

for the week, you should memorize this verse.

00:43:07 --> 00:43:09

Whoever memorizes this verse and contacts me, I

00:43:09 --> 00:43:12

will give you a free scholarship, lifetime scholarship

00:43:12 --> 00:43:13

to my school,

00:43:15 --> 00:43:16

for the rest of your life B'Nila.

00:43:18 --> 00:43:20

That's verse 37 from Shotkaf,

00:43:21 --> 00:43:22

that's the verse, you don't have to memorize

00:43:22 --> 00:43:24

in Arabic, if you don't speak Arabic you

00:43:24 --> 00:43:26

can memorize it in any language it's easy

00:43:26 --> 00:43:26

for you,

00:43:27 --> 00:43:28

don't worry about that.

00:43:29 --> 00:43:30

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says about

00:43:31 --> 00:43:33

the adeb of a good listener.

00:43:36 --> 00:43:38

Indeed this is a grand reminder.

00:43:42 --> 00:43:44

And it starts, check it out, for the

00:43:44 --> 00:43:46

one who has a heart, we say like

00:43:46 --> 00:43:48

the one who gives their heart, their heart

00:43:48 --> 00:43:49

is in the listening.

00:43:50 --> 00:43:52

Their heart is present in the dhikr.

00:43:53 --> 00:43:54

That's why Allah says

00:43:56 --> 00:43:59

the Quran has sent for the living. Ibn

00:43:59 --> 00:44:00

Uayim said,

00:44:01 --> 00:44:03

The one whose heart is alive.

00:44:10 --> 00:44:11


00:44:12 --> 00:44:14

That indeed this is a grand reminder for

00:44:14 --> 00:44:15

the one that has a heart. We know

00:44:15 --> 00:44:18

the word Khalib heart is Maqlooba, may Allah

00:44:18 --> 00:44:19

Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

00:44:19 --> 00:44:21

bless the people of Maqlooba,

00:44:21 --> 00:44:22


00:44:22 --> 00:44:24

How ironic the people of Maqlooba

00:44:25 --> 00:44:25

are doing

00:44:26 --> 00:44:27

you know,

00:44:29 --> 00:44:31

they're the ones turning the whole earth upside

00:44:31 --> 00:44:31

down Alhamdulillah.

00:44:32 --> 00:44:33

May Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la give them

00:44:34 --> 00:44:35

freedom and justice,

00:44:36 --> 00:44:37

and protect them and destroy their enemies.

00:44:39 --> 00:44:40

So he says

00:44:43 --> 00:44:45

so the heart is always changing,

00:44:45 --> 00:44:47

that's why it's called Qalb, like Maqloob,

00:44:50 --> 00:44:52

so when someone's listening and focused,

00:44:52 --> 00:44:54

they they kept that heart stable,

00:44:55 --> 00:44:57

it's not going like this. The kalb

00:44:58 --> 00:44:58


00:45:00 --> 00:45:02

So the first when I'm listening, my heart

00:45:02 --> 00:45:03

is there.

00:45:06 --> 00:45:07

Al Al Qasamaha

00:45:07 --> 00:45:10

Here's Balaha Balaha Tohuran Istia'arayani

00:45:10 --> 00:45:13

or it's like they threw their hearing

00:45:14 --> 00:45:15

They threw their hearing.

00:45:17 --> 00:45:18

They like boom.

00:45:19 --> 00:45:21

So that not only listening with their heart

00:45:21 --> 00:45:23

but their ears are listening.

00:45:35 --> 00:45:36

So the person,

00:45:36 --> 00:45:37


00:45:38 --> 00:45:39


00:45:39 --> 00:45:41

are listening with their heart,

00:45:41 --> 00:45:42

listening with their ears,

00:45:43 --> 00:45:44

and they're present

00:45:44 --> 00:45:45

completely with their body.

00:45:47 --> 00:45:49

That's why Imam al Muhasbhi says about this

00:45:49 --> 00:45:50


00:46:01 --> 00:46:03

You need that person, their intellect is present,

00:46:04 --> 00:46:07

their focus, their listening, their ears, their heart,

00:46:07 --> 00:46:07

their body.

00:46:11 --> 00:46:11


00:46:12 --> 00:46:13

witnessing with the heart.

00:46:18 --> 00:46:20

Their hearts not talking about anything else.

00:46:21 --> 00:46:24

And that person's not they're present, but they're

00:46:24 --> 00:46:26

fully present. They're not present and not present.

00:46:27 --> 00:46:29

Years ago in the Azhar as I finish,

00:46:29 --> 00:46:30

it's a funny story,

00:46:30 --> 00:46:32

and Usuda Fakkwe had a great teacher, Sheikh

00:46:32 --> 00:46:34

Salah Zaydan Alaher Hamu,

00:46:38 --> 00:46:39

And in that class is a very hard

00:46:39 --> 00:46:41

class, Usul al Fakk is the hardest class

00:46:41 --> 00:46:42

I ever took in my life.

00:46:43 --> 00:46:45

And there was an Indonesian brother, he always

00:46:45 --> 00:46:46

used to sit in the front, Masha'Allah.

00:46:47 --> 00:46:49

And one day the professor in the Eshar

00:46:49 --> 00:46:51

asked him a question. This is in 2006

00:46:52 --> 00:46:54

and the Indonesian brother, he gave like a

00:46:54 --> 00:46:55


00:46:55 --> 00:46:58

it was off, right? Masalams to a Masjid

00:46:58 --> 00:47:00

Nur in Wichita, man, much love, much love.

00:47:00 --> 00:47:02

And Sheikh Abdulrahman, right? And

00:47:04 --> 00:47:05

that brother,

00:47:06 --> 00:47:09

when the professor asked him the question,

00:47:09 --> 00:47:11

the brother couldn't answer.

00:47:11 --> 00:47:13

And then doctor Zaidani said to him,

00:47:14 --> 00:47:16

what's your name? He said his name. Where

00:47:16 --> 00:47:18

are you from? I'm from Indonesia. He said,

00:47:18 --> 00:47:19

Which city? Jakarta.

00:47:19 --> 00:47:22

Then Sheikh, Doctor. Zaidani said something beautiful, he

00:47:22 --> 00:47:23


00:47:28 --> 00:47:30

Is your body here in Jakarta?

00:47:30 --> 00:47:32

He said, Wallahi Ustaz, my body is in

00:47:32 --> 00:47:33


00:47:34 --> 00:47:34

And then

00:47:35 --> 00:47:36

Sheikh Zayed then

00:47:37 --> 00:47:38

he said,

00:47:43 --> 00:47:45

Is your mind and heart in Cairo or

00:47:45 --> 00:47:47

in Jakarta? And he said, wallahiustad, I'm sorry.

00:47:47 --> 00:47:49

My mind and heart is in Indonesia.

00:47:50 --> 00:47:51

It was like funny, it was a nice

00:47:51 --> 00:47:52

way to teach him a lesson, but the

00:47:52 --> 00:47:54

point is we could be, we could be

00:47:54 --> 00:47:55


00:47:56 --> 00:47:57

and not hear things.

00:47:58 --> 00:47:59

We could be present, and our mind could

00:47:59 --> 00:48:00

be somewhere else.

00:48:01 --> 00:48:03

So we'll stop here. Next week, insha Allah,

00:48:03 --> 00:48:06

we'll continue, but that's your assignment to try

00:48:06 --> 00:48:08

to learn this verse, chapter 50 verse 37,

00:48:10 --> 00:48:12

achieving remembering through listening is what we'll talk

00:48:12 --> 00:48:13

about next week. How do we, how do

00:48:13 --> 00:48:15

we gain from listening? Like what what is

00:48:15 --> 00:48:17

the steps to being a good listener so

00:48:17 --> 00:48:19

we can gain from the Quran, we can

00:48:19 --> 00:48:21

gain from dhikr, we can gain from listening

00:48:21 --> 00:48:22

to the world around us.

00:48:23 --> 00:48:25

InshaAllah we ask Allah Subhanahu

00:48:29 --> 00:48:30

Wa Ta'ala

00:49:14 --> 00:49:16

how they can support, you can join my

00:49:16 --> 00:49:16


00:49:17 --> 00:49:17


00:49:18 --> 00:49:20

a month for all of our classes.

00:49:21 --> 00:49:23

And I think you'll really enjoy it, so

00:49:23 --> 00:49:25

you can visit

00:49:27 --> 00:49:28

00:49:29 --> 00:49:31

Insha'Allah, we'll see you on Tuesday

00:49:31 --> 00:49:32


00:49:32 --> 00:49:35

this time 11:15 New York City time.

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