Shady Alsuleiman – Amazing Miracles Of Muhammad – P1

Shady Alsuleiman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the multiple miracles of the Prophet Muhammad sallal, including blessing month, status of his name, and various miracles. They also discuss the use of words like "verbal" and "verbal" to describe the glory of the Prophet. The history of the Prophet's followers, including the god, beast, and beast, and the followers of the beast, is also discussed. The importance of the Bible's power to protect sacred books and the Day of Judgment is emphasized, along with the historical backlash over the use of the title "na'am de la ilaha."
AI: Transcript ©
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Oh praise God, Allah subhana wa tada I'm pleased to be upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I testify that there's no god except a lion and justify them Hamad is the Prophet and the Messenger of Allah brothers and sisters, I think Allah subhanaw taala for this blessing together in a gathering that we get together for the sake of Allah to please Allah, and to remind ourselves of Allah subhanaw taala especially after the blessing month of the month of Ramadan, in which I asked Allah subhana wa Taala at this very moment to accept your worship in the month of Ramadan and to make you from amongst those who continue worshiping him after the month of Ramadan and as you continue to be

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steadfast after the month of Ramadan manera bellami tonight insha Allah We shall start a new series, a series that we want to discuss and talk about the different miracles of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on I know a lot of people get excited when they hear this topic, the like to know about the different miracles of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but it's not about the excitement of knowing the different miracles of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam It is about knowing the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And what Allah subhanho wa Taala had listed the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and what Allah

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subhana wa Taala had honor the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with

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so it's not just about for us to be excited about listening to the different miracles of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has appeared on his hands. It's about knowing the status of the Prophet Muhammad SAW cinema last count I blessed him our lives origin honor Diem Allah subhanaw taala privileged team. And Allah subhanho wa Taala had strengthened all the prophets and the messengers before the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salam with different miracles, which we call them our desert and the word merges or means a miracle that comes with a challenge. In Arabic. The word mortgages are mean something that's miraculous, and at the same time, a house the status of a

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challenge, no one can come up with something like it otherwise, there's not. Otherwise there's no reason for you to call it a mortgage ism. We only call something a miracle because people can't come up with something like if someone else can come up with something like it, then it's no longer considered to be a miracle. So a miracle is when there is a miraculous side of it. And at the same time, it becomes challenging. Others can't come up with something like it.

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And Allah subhana wa tada sent prophets and messengers before the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, each one of them Allah subhanho wa Taala had strengthened and Allah subhanaw taala had consolidated with a miracle, and the different miracles from nonprofits and other diffa Allah subhanaw taala gave one prophet one miracle different time of the Prophet, one Prophet, another miracle different to the Prophet before him or after him different to the Prophet that's, that came before him well different to the Prophet that came after him. So Allah subhanho wa Taala consolidates the prophets and messengers with different miracles to authenticate the coup. So the

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purpose of the miracle is to authenticate the core of the prophets and messengers. So when Allah subhanho wa Taala makes a pee on the hands of Musa alayhis salaam, the stick turning into a snake and Allah subhanaw taala opening the scene and turning into a dry platform for the people of Israel to walk over Allah subhanho wa Taala consolidates the prophets and messengers was such miracles to authenticate a call from Allah Subhana Allah that been sent from Allah azzawajal and this is the proof and evidence that I am a prophet and messenger from Allah. Because no one can proclaim to be a prophet, a messenger from Allah subhanaw taala but when a prophet I message that comes with a

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miracle, that not only it is miraculous, but at the same time, no one no one can defy it. No one can challenge it. Then the authenticates the call of the Prophet and Messenger.

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And so prophets and messengers, Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed with one miracle other prophets and messengers, Allah subhanaw taala blessed with more than one miracle some prophets and messengers came with one on two and three and four and even 10 miracles, and the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had the most miracles appearing on his hands sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had the most miracles appearing and taking place on his hands as he is sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the last prophet missing john he is the seal of the prophets and messengers are no prophet and messenger after him. And as I mentioned to you the word more design in Arabic In which what we use for the

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word miracle it means that something that Allah subhana wa Taala had sent and may appear on the hands of a prophet and messenger. So we only refer to a miracle appearing on the hands of a prophet and messenger as if it's a miracle that has appeared on the

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Hands of a righteous person All right, our pious person, then we call it a kerama said the word marches, or is it restricted or confined to a miracle appearing on the hands of a prophet and a messenger? If a miracle does appear on the hands of a righteous man or a pious man, we'll call it kurama. Over call it karma. Karma is also a miracle by a specific miracle that appears on the hands of a righteous person, our pious person.

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Now, the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was blessed by Allah subhanho wa Taala. With a number of miracles some of the scholars had combined and gathered the number of miracles that have appeared on the hands of the Prophet Mohammed Al Salam and exceeds over 70 obviously, when it comes to this subject, you hear some authentic hadith and authentic narrations that say that the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salah had something like this appearing on his hands on the Prophet Mohammed Salim had this miracle, what are we going to mention inshallah, in this series, we're only going to mention the miracles which are authentic and that had been authenticated by the scholars and the

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great Allah in the past or him Allah tala. Now the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had miracles before the prophecy, and the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had miracles after the prophecy. So in the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he was a man that Allah subhana wa Taala had blessed with great mentors and great integrity with the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam received the first revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala for him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to go out in the public and say he is a prophet and messenger by the age of 40. So all the way up to the age of 40. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not a prophet, until

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the age of 40, with a prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam received his first revelation from Eliza's origin. And that's when the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam became 40 until up to the age of 63, is when the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away. So from the day of birth of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, all the way up to he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had reached the age of 40 sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not a prophet, then from the age of 40, to 63 years, until his death sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that was the duration and the face of the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the reason I mentioned are

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divided into two different stages or two different phases, a phase before the prophecy, and that's from birth to 40 years old. And then from the phase of prophecy to death, that's from 40 to 63 is out is because some miracles had appeared on the hands of the Prophet Mohammed Salah lolly or selam before the prophecy, some miracles have emerged on the hands of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before the prophecy. And those miracles, the scholars refer to them as Rojas indications of the prophecy. So whenever a miracle appears on the hands of a man, to be a prophet in the future, we refer to that miracle as an indication or a sign to the prophecy of this man, like

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how Allah subhanaw taala made a pee on the hands of rissalah insula, when he was just a baby, he dies all the laws of Hyderabad I made him speak. That's a miracle. But that miracle took place before he was a prophet because you need to be over the age of maturity of puberty for you to be called a prophet, a messenger and that's what the scholars have agreed on all the majority of the scholars go with this opinion. So the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had miracles appearing on his hands, and emerged on him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before the prophecies such miracle that took place when he was only seven years old, when he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was

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under the care of had a Messiah, and he was sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the desert, two men in the disguise of two men. By the way, originally, angels they took the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam opened his heart. In other words, they done a heart surgery to the Prophet Mohammed Salah took a portion which is considered to be the portion of the shape on or the lack of the shape of took out his house, and a lot of them washed in a utensil or in a pot made out of gold. And then they put the heart of the problem homosassa back into his body sallallahu wasallam. That's a miracle with an authentic hadith that there's no disagreement over this miracle taking place on the hands of

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the Prophet Mohammed Salah, but that miracle took place on the hands of the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam. When he was seven years old, we do not refer to it as more desert rather, we'll refer to it as Eros. And the difference between marches and has even though both of them are miracles, and even though both of them are from Allah subhana wa Tada. And even though both of them carry the miraculous aspect to it, but what took place before the prophecy, the other one took place after the prophecy, the one that takes place during the prophecy and outcomes

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prophecy that comes to authenticate the goal of this prophet messenger, the miracle that takes place before the prophecy that comes to indicate that this person or This boy is going to be a prophet in the future. So the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam experienced miracles before the prophecy and Cecil Allahu Allah, experienced miracles after the prophecy, Allah is salatu wa salam, and both of them are called miracles. However, one will refer in Arabic as Medusa, which is a miracle that came to consolidate and strengthen and authenticate this man to be a proper messenger. The other one comes to indicate that this man is a prophet and messenger, one we call an Arabic

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Marja, which means miracle, the other one we call it house, which means a miraculous invocation to the prophecy of this person and this man

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insha Allah in this series, we'll talk about some of the miracles that took place before the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the rest of the miracles which are the vast majority of miracles. 90% of the miracles took place after the prophecy of the problem, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and again, my brothers and my sisters were not here just to entertain ourselves by listening to some of the amazing miracles of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had experienced and will emerge on the hands of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we are here to realize the status, the Honorable status of the Prophet Mohammed

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the honor the last panel to address the problem, Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the first miracle begins with the miracle of the Quran. Allah Karim Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. That's the first miracle, the greatest miracle that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam had ever encountered that experience and the greatest miracle of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had ever received, which is the everlasting miracle to the Day of Judgment. It is the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the Holy Quran that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam which is the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala that's the chronically the greatest miracle. So with all the rest of the miracles that we're gonna be talking about, and the different types of miracles that we're gonna be talking about the greatest miracle the problem homosassa had ever ever experienced. It was the Quran, the Quran, the Book of Allah subhanaw taala. Now,

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with the miracles, my brothers and my sisters insha Allah, you realize that when we talk about the different miracles of the problem, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had experienced and had appeared on the hands of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Some of them are just verbal miracles like the Khurana Karim, but within the Parana Karim, the as the Parana Karim contains different types of miracles that we will address in sha Allah, Allah miracles which are information in the Prophet Muhammad, Allah, Allah has given other miracles which are tangible miracles that the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salah has made appear, obviously Allah subhanaw taala had

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made it up, but had made a pit on his hands. Allah is Salatu was salam, and the different types of miracles that inshallah we will be talking about and addressing throughout the series in the light Allah. So let us renew our intention. Why do you want to listen? And why do you want to hear and know more about the miracles of the hammer salado salon, I want to know more about the miracles of the problem.

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Not because of the excitement and the attraction of this topic, because I know it's exciting and it's attractive. And we'll experience that but because I want to know the status of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this great man that loss of power to Allah commanded me to take as a role model alayhi salatu wa sallam, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the greatest man to ever tread the face of this earth and this planet.

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And as I mentioned, my brothers and my sisters, we can call something a miracle if it can't be defined, we can call something a miracle if it can be challenged. If I come up with something that someone else can do, then that's no longer considered to be a miracle. That's why every prophet and messenger came with a miracle that no one else can come up with. Because if someone else can come up with it means that what this proper messenger had come up with is nothing new. There's nothing miraculous about it. There's nothing special about it. And that's why if you look at the different miracles of the prophets and the messengers, including the problem, Hamas, Allah, Allah, Allah,

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Allah, when they came with those miracles, the first thing that I put forward to the people is that challenge and defiance. If you think that I'm not the problem, the Messenger of Allah and you think that this is magic, if I could have come up with it, you couldn't come up with it. If I can come up with it, you also can come up with it. But obviously, whatever Allah subhanho wa Taala consolidates the prophets and messengers with whatever Allah subhanaw taala makes appear on the hands of the prophets and messengers, it is something that no one else can define. It is something that no one else can bring forward. And that's why when we spoke about the Quranic

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Get in it is the greatest miracle program.

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And it is the everlasting miracle the day of judgment that is the Chronicle in the book of Allah subhanaw taala revealed to Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam in Arabic, starting with sort of the ending was rottenness, and it is miraculous, not only in its wordings, but also in its content. And its understanding that support

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the claim is miraculous in in all its forms, not only in its content, not only in its meaning, but also in its wording. And that's what makes the Parana Kareem so unique. The Quranic idiom is a miracle it is a miracle with its eloquence. And that's something for us, especially when you are poor in the Arabic language. And I'm not saying every non Arab is put in the Arab language I'm talking about Arabs themselves are born in Arabic, Arab countries these days that are also poor in the Arabic the aport in Arabic grammar and understanding of the Arabic language so because we don't have the understanding of the pure Arabic language and we're talking about the classical Arabic

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language, it becomes very hard for us sometimes to understand how miraculous the Quran the Quran is. But once you start understanding the Polonica understand the Arabic grammar and understand the eloquence of the Arabic language you realize that the

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miraculous in its wordings it certainly reckless in its content, it's miraculous in its eloquence, something that Allah subhana wa Taala had challenged mankind not only to bring an entire for all of the Quranic Arabic Allah subhanaw taala even said even if you could even bring 10 verses of the Quran

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there are more than 6342 verses in the Quran Karim Allah subhana wa tada puts the challenge them and Allah so just saying, if you can't even bring an entire list bring 10 verses like that. And Allah subhanaw taala says, You will never ever come up with something like the Quranic enema. No one can ever come up with the Quran

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anymore, because he can't compare what Allah subhanaw taala says to a human being says

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that's why the Parana Karim is the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala and is the words of Allah azza wa jal, it's not the words of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam hamdulillah salat wa salam has nothing to do

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with the wordings and the meanings of the Quran, the Quran, the Quran, he can employ words and buy meanings from Allah subhanho wa Taala that's what we believe. We believe everything that Allah subhanaw taala had mentioned nothing is being said but Allah subhanaw taala in a way that suits His glory and majesty and the meanings from Allah azza wa jal Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had no input. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had no input in putting the chronicling together in wording in meaning not even as the scholar said, not even the structure of the Quranic or even the structure of the verses and the structure of the chapters and the naming of the sower. Everything

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came from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Even though the naming of the sower is a debatable issue and topic amongst the scholars in the past, however, the structure of the Quranic getting the verses, and the words and the meaning are all from Allah subhana wa tada for the last panel dynamic, this poor onigiri a miraculous book to the Day of Judgment. So Pamela, sometimes I think about it. And sometimes I start contemplating the last panel that had blessed me with

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a lot of help me with this great book, which is a great miracle in my house, but unfortunately we treat the rest of the books on the on the on the shelf.

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We treat the chronic aim of the rest of the books on the shelf, which read this book, most of the rest of the books have the creation of Allah subhanaw taala The Chronicle name is a miracle from Allah azza wa jal upon a miracle from Allah subhanaw taala. Panos Allah is Allah blessed us to be from amongst those who are the bearers of the Fulani Karim, here are the caretakers of the Quran. And Allah subhanaw taala blessed us to be from amongst those who read the Quran the Quran or recite the Quran again, this is a great blessing from Allah subhanaw taala upon us all. That's why my brothers and my sisters, the Quran, the Quran is the greatest miracle that the Prophet Mohammed

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salario sentiment ever received. And that miracle from the miraculous aspect of it, Allah subhanaw taala made this onigiri master the Day of Judgment, that's another miraculous aspect to the whole army carrying the protection and the preservation of the Parana carry, but Allah Subhana Allah subhanaw taala he says, in an hour and a half ago, we are the ones who has renewed the Quranic idiom, and we are the ones who shall preserve and protect the Quranic meaning. So this is another miraculous aspect to the Parana Kareem has been preserved and looked after by Allah subhanaw taala from the tomos revealed upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam till our time to the Day of

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till our time to the day of judgment and no one can distort the Chronicle. No one can alter the algorithm, no one can change the

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onigiri why because it's been preserved by Allah subhanaw taala normalized origin, that within itself is a miracle. Once you've got the rest of the other sacred books that are not preserved, but lots of panatela

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promise, the preservation of the sacred books and that's why we believe we believe in the Torah, we do believe in the in the Bible and the energy we believe in not palms, or which is the Buddha with Allah Islam.

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We believe in that. And we do believe in all those

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around and the word super means books. So we do believe in all that we believe in the support of the Buddha in Salah, which is palms. And that was the book that was revealed upon the Buddha Salah from Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And the thing is that we do believe at the same time is that those books have been distorted. We believe in them. We believe in the power of living, we believe in the engine. But we believe that those books have been distorted, they've been changed, they've been altered. However, the Chronicle will continue to be the way it is the day of judgment. Why? Because one of its miraculous aspects to it is the loss of power to Allah promises preservation to the Day of Judgment. So that's one miraculous side to the antiquarian, that it's been preserved by Allah subhanaw taala, and continued to be preserved, but lies origin to the Day of Judgment, the other miraculous signs of Armageddon,

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its wording, its eloquence. And again, I'll go back and say that we will never ever understand how eloquent Armageddon is until we understand the Arabic language. And that's what Allah subhanaw taala challenge the entire main counter the damn gentlemen, for them not to bring an entire course,

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to bring at least 10 verses of the Quran, Allah Kareem

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Kareem in its wording. It's miraculous. And it's eloquence. It's not amazing. Usually when someone publishes or writes a book or offers a book, later on, anyone can can come later on and then they could remove one word and replace it with a better word. But if you remove one letter, you will never ever find a better replacement for that letter. You will never ever why because it's perfect. Every word in every sentence in every paragraph in reverse, is there 100% perfectly.

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And the harmony between the words and the verses and the sower is just amazing.

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Her the Quran Allah Kareem connects a lynx with one another. It's something amazing it makes it impossible for an ordinary or any human being, no matter how genius this human being is, no matter how smart this human being is, including Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam to compile a book like the Chronicle, it's impossible. Why? Because this books from Allah subhanaw taala. So the wordings of the Quranic and in the eloquence of the Quranic name is also amazing. The other amazing thing is the rhetoric, the rhetorical aspect, and side of the parameter is also amazing. The bulahdelah the understanding the wording, the expression, what allows the panel to have and how allies expresses

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something's in Napoleonic idiom is just amazing. It is something that's beyond a normal human being to grasp something beyond the human being to come up with. And that's why the poor Chanukah within it. So it's Bulava. It's understanding its expression, its wordings is just amazing. That within itself is a miracle. But unfortunately, because of our weakness, and our shortcoming when it comes to the Arabic language, we don't understand that we don't see it, we don't value it. People only value things when they understand them. People value things when they understand them. That's why a little child a baby doesn't value 100 bucks because it doesn't understand the value of $100 and to

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us because we are so weak in our Arabic language we do not value the Quranic Arabic because we don't understand the Quranic name the way it should be understood, but if we understood the Quranic and even if we had the Arabic language and the eloquence of the Arabic language would have value the American name even the non believers used to commend or used to praise the Quranic getting used to hear it we are talking about the most severe of enemies to the problem. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whenever they used to hear verses from the Quran, Allah Kareem whenever they say the problem, Hama Salalah alayhi wa sallam reciting in reverse upon them, they used to be amazed. They

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used to be amazed to the antiquarian. There used to be amazed why because they understood the Arabic language and they knew that those words makes it impossible for any human being ordinary person to put them together or compile them. That's impossible.

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And that's why you'll find many different durations about the reaction of the leaders and the chiefs of corporations. I used to hate some of the verses of the problem Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam being recited upon them, they used to get amazed they used to be so astonished and arrogant.

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wound with the structure of the Chronicle in the wording of the Parana Karim. Allah Karim is miracle is miraculous and its wording. It's miraculous in his content. It's miraculous and expression. And also, it's miraculous in the information that the bionic limb gives us, such as what Allah subhanaw taala speaks about, when he talks about the previous nations and the Paris nations in history. What did the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, a man who lived in the middle of a desert he lived in Christ, have never never read when he gets a precise information about previous nations. That's something that you just can't compile or grasp. Just like the the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam received this revelation from Allah subhanaw taala, in which Allah subhanaw taala had mentioned to the Prophet a Salatu was Salam in Nakuru, Anika remember the previous nations and some stories about the previous nations and the Paris nations are so detailed that will make it impossible for a human being to get the information from anywhere, especially from the time of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and during the time of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam, where did someone like Mohammed Salah lawless from the middle of the Arabian Peninsula, from the middle of the desert from Piraeus? Where did the Somaliland get so precise information about the

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previous nations such as the nation of law such as the notion of Adam such as the notion of Ibrahim Musa Lisa and the rest of the province and the parish nations before the problem Hamas on the Lahore legal center, went to the processor and get such precise information. It will make it impossible or make it impossible for anyone to come up with something so precise, if it wasn't from Allah Subhana Allah says, Allah Karim in its content, and what las panatela makes mentioned about the previous nations, that within itself is a miracle.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala not only spoke about the past of Allah subhanaw taala also spoke about the future. There are many verses in Napoleonic Karim Allah subhanaw taala speaks about the future and whatever last era Donna had mentioned about the future next 100% when the future came. So that's another miraculous aspect to the chronically chronic anemia is also miraculous. nakoda. Arnica is also miraculous in its content and its inflammation. Also, the chronic kidney is miraculous, and it's legislation, the perfect legislation of the Sharia, how you live your life as a personal as a as a personal life, how to live your life as an individual, how to live your life with your family,

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how to live your life, with your closest people, how to live your life with the Muslims, with the non Muslims, how to live your life with everyone and everything and everything around you. So that within itself is a miraculous aspect of the Quranic name in which Allah Subhana Allah teaches us how to live our life, the perfection of the Sharia, or the perfection of the legislation of the Sharia. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in Napoleonic game how do we live our life? And how do we deal with those matters in different aspects in different matters in our life? So this is something that Allah subhanaw taala mentions in Nepal, Allah Karim. Also the Quran, Allah Kareem is miraculous in its

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achievements. So we are talking about things that recent technology recent science, recent findings had discovered while the Chronicle had spoken about 1500 years ago. So scientifically, the Parana Kareem did mentioned. Issues then mentioned matters that we are talking about after 1500 years, it's been discovered. And that's another topic within itself when we talk about the scientific facts that's been discovered recently in our day and age, in which the Prophet Mohammed Salah, lohani or Sanam had received a revelation from Allah subhana wa Tada. So the first and number one and primary miracle that a lot of Allah subhanaw taala had sent to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and

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appeared on the hands of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam it is the Chronicle. That's something that we need to make very clear, something that we need to make very clear from the very beginning that the greatest miracle the problem hamazon had ever received. It was the miracle of the Quran occurring, the miracle of the Sacred Book of Allah subhanaw taala upon Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam Mashallah, with that we'll leave it to you. We'll continue more inshallah, in the following Monday's asked a lot of panel data except from me and I and asked a lot of Zota to make us from almost doesn't listen here and act upon with a listen. He's a political on 100 Misha de la ilaha illa. De

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