Shadee Elmasry – Ya’juj & Ma’juj Who are they and where

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a group of individuals discussing the origin of the name barrier barrier. They mention that the population of the area is vast and that some people believe that the population is actually the result of a time machine. They also mention that some people claim to be from the area, but it's unclear if they are from the region or from other parts of the world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, so when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that for every 1001 would enter Paradise, then the Muslims said,

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well, then we seems like there's very little hope. He said no,

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because the bulk of the 999 from them are the bulk is George and

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George. So that that's there are many, many, many people. Yeah, Jim

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and George are many people, okay? Their populations are vast. And of

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course they live and die. And, and and it's amazing is one of these

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seen on it's one of the baby ads that are only temporarily unseen.

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It's only unseen by the people from the from little carnations

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time until say, no Asus time. Between that period of time.

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They're vague for us. They're unknown to us, the unseen for us,

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man, we believe that they're under the ground somewhere in the caves

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of those mountains as some people say in the caucus mountains.

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Some people say in the areas now where it's so snowy and cold, that

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no people can, can go is not inhabited place one of those

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uninhabited place under the ground that they are living in canyons

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and caves their wallets out of Adam but there's something that we

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take on faith as for the belief that they are the Mongols or the

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Tatars or the Turks. While this is completely ridiculous and

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unsubstantiated reason being is that they come in the era of

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Prophet ASA Medina, Prophet ASA Madame will come before yet Judah

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made huge

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