Shadee Elmasry – Why PROPHET MUSA is mentioned the MOST in the Quran

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The similarities between Prophet Muhammad Christina and Prophet Luca volumes are discussed, including the importance of having good relations with one's religion to avoid similar mistakes and the history of the conflict caused by a lack of trust in the people they are supposed to fight. The conflict is caused by a lack of knowledge about the history of the conflict, leading to a sense of fear and discomfort. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu is a prophet in projections according to the Bible, and the conflict is caused by a lack of knowledge about the history of the conflict.
AI: Transcript ©
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Why is the Prophet Musa mentioned so much in the Quran? Amazing

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question why? And the answer to that is Prophet Musa alayhis.

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Salaam shares many, many similarities with the Prophet

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Muhammad Sallallahu when he was salam, and so by revealing verses

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about the Prophet Musa, the prophets I send them can take

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analogy from that take lessons from that and get strengthened

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from that because what Musa suffered, and what the prophets

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suffered a very similar, Musa had trouble with the Pharaoh the

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prophet had trouble with Quraysh Prophet Musa says followers made

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many mistakes as followers, they were not good followers. These

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verses are revealed so that the Muslims could read them and avoid

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the same mistakes. Very simple answer to that, for example, an

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example of that is how many questions they kept asking. And

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Allah advised the Muslims are commanded the Muslims let us know

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and Russia and tour de la quinta Zuko. Oh, Sahaba Oh, companions

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Don't be like the followers of Moses. They were such bad

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followers. They would keep asking question after question after

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question after question. Whereas the Quran says, oh, companions

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don't ask about things, that if you get the answer for it, you

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might not like the answer. They would harm you. The followers of

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Musa said in Bentota book of Akkad Tila go you and your God and fight

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we're not fighting in the Hoonah chi Dune, we're sitting right

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here. Can you believe that? You guys just saw the Red Sea? Your

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clothes is still wet from the Red Sea? You're talking about to your

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prophet like that? Are you nuts? What? Something's wrong with your

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heads. You literally just saw the Red Sea.

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Open up, you walked right through it with your own bodies, looking

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right and left. How long is that walk take at least 2530 minutes in

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our time. At the very least, if not more. So you're literally

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watching and looking then while you're crossing the Red Sea. You

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as you said, Oh, Moses, we can't see our relatives, because they

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were there each of the 12 tribes and the Red Sea actually opened in

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12 areas.

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Musa Alisa can't believe this. Are you actually complaining? None of

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this is impossible. You cannot possibly the Red Seas opened up

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for you. You cannot possibly the Red Seas opening for each one of

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your tribes. And you still found a way to complain you are unreal,

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unbelievable. And what did they say they say almost we can't see

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our relatives we can't see each other. So Allah Tada cut windows

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for them in the middle of the water. So you have the water came

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up made walls, so that they could walk through on top of that

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windows opened up so they could look and see that each other and

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the other tribes and feel. And the only reason that Allah accepted

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that is that this good relations and concern about your relatives

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concerned about your tribe concerned about your family is a

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good thing. Then they got to the opposite side and they saw the

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frown drowning. Then they said oh Moses, we saw him go under the

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water. But we're so worried maybe he has some kind of strength that

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he was able to swim back to the other side. So Allah Tata calls

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the body of Fatone just to rise up Sure. And they all literally

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looked at the dead body of the pharaoh, then it went back into

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the water. Yet after seeing all of that, they're going to now say

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when Allah says go and fight for your land, no, fight these enemies

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of yours. To take to claim the promised land, you are actually

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going to say if hub and our book Africa Tila in her Hanukkah I

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Something is deeply, deeply wrong with the mentality of anybody who

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witnesses that one miracle are all those miracles, the biggest

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miracle in the world at that point. And if you think about a

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miracle, what other miracle let's say before Islam, before the

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Quran, what other miracle was witnessed by that many hundreds of

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1000s of people

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None None. No miracle was witnessed by that many hundreds of

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1000s of people from the time of Adam it Saddam until the time of

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the prophets of Allah when he sent him the splitting of the Red Seas,

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the greatest miracle in terms of massiveness of it and literally

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mountains made out of water. The effects of it killing the most

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powerful regime on the earth. Pharaoh in his own his military

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the whole military killed in one day drowns

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three, the number of people who saw it, this is nobody can deny

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it. If you're living at that time, nobody can deny that the number of

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people who saw it

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for you you need to see it you're in it you're literally in it

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you're literally walking in the bed of the Red Sea. And you can

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probably touch those the water as its as it's up there. Yet you're

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gonna come and say go you and your God and fight and we're sitting

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here. So Quran reveals all these stories live with a b2b to make

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your heart strong, to make your heart strong and to realize that

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so look at look at Moses face

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Your followers are far better than that. Nothing that the Muslims

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ever came did was ever came close to that and to sit to be assigned

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to Muslims. Look what they did. Don't ever do this. Don't ever

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come close to this. So what did the Sahaba say?

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At the Battle of beds are the companions were not expected to

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fight the battle of beds. And most of them were unsolved meaning they

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were people from yesterday, meaning they had no experience

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with Christ. They had not fought anything with Christ, they had no

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business with Kadesh price did not anger them or upset them or steal

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from them or kill them or abuse them. So the prophesy setting them

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realize this that this was not supposed to be a fight a war, a

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battle. And Ansara This is not what we contracted them. We

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contracted that you would help protect the profit in Medina, not

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outside Medina.

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So the prophesy centum wanted to see how they felt. So he gathered

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all the Sahaba and he said, Tell me all your opinions about what's

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about to happen. This battle of beds. Of course, Abubaker stood up

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almost stood up and the prophesy said, that's not really what he

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wanted to he wanted to hear from the unsought. Finally, one of the

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unsolved sat stood up and recognize this is what the prophet

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wants to hear from us. He said, Oh, Mr. Vela, if you're worried

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about us, we will not be like the bene Surah Eve who said you go in

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your Lord and fight and we're sitting right here. We say go you

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your Lord, and we're with you fighting Subhan Allah, so the bene

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of Surah Eid. This is why so many verses are revealed about Prophet

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Moses and the sons of Israel.

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Because of how many examples we could take from them because the

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Prophet was loaded. Saddam was bringing a new law to a new to a

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to his people. He spent the first half 13 years facing an enemy.

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Second half establishing the law. What it Prophet Musa had first

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half fighting the Pharaoh second half establishing the law with his

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people dealing with his people. Prophets I send them was very

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similar. No other prophet lived like this. David and David and

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Solomon they are a country was already established. Ibrahim Ali

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Salam didn't have people. He only had a few followers at the end of

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his life. That's it, no law, no heat, and some rituals and some

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basic rules. That's it. Prophet Noah did not rule his people. So

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the most parallel prophet to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam

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in terms of mission is Musa, the most parallel in terms of

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personality. Character is Prophet Ibrahim out a synonym. And the one

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that he interacts with in terms of his OMA is Prophet ASA, this

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Prophet Isa becomes a member of the OMA Muhammad Sallallahu

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sallam, while not losing his status as a prophet, of course,

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but not acting, not acting as a Prophet from the aspect of

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bringing a new law. Of course, he acts as a prophet in miracles and

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those things, yes, he can. He can act as a prophet in that respect.

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But in terms of bringing a new law no

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