Shadee Elmasry – Why Follow a Madhab

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker is discussing the importance of following one's own ideas and not trusting oneself. They argue that one should not worry too much about what is publicly known and focus on what one knows instead. The speaker also mentions that one should not worry too much about what is publicly presented, as it is only the way one is made.
AI: Transcript ©
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Why can we follow what makes sense to us instead of follow one

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method? Because your sense should not be trusted? Why did you do the

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same thing? If you get cancer? Why don't you the same thing for

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engineering? Why don't you do the same thing for anything else? Why

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you trust yourself so much? And it's not an insult to the brother?

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My chef told me the same thing, not worried about what you know

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that you don't know. I'm worried about what you imagine yourself to

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know to have understood. One kind of person to begin to do is you're

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not going to ever do it to your itchy head is to see which scholar

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is most worthy of following which method what is the actual

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requirement for someone to become a Muslim to become which to head

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you meet to become master of the Arabic language master of the

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entire Quran and its recitations master of Hadith, master of will

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Zulu, master of the sayings of the self all the sayings of the

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companions all the saying of the next generation, the Maliki, I

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have not declared them which dead since the year 800 After the

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hijra, so 650 years

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