Shadee Elmasry – Who is Khidr A.S What Was His Law

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses various topics related to the legal system of the Sharia and mentions various people who have different laws. They also mention various people who have claimed to be living on their own legal system and discuss the importance of their actions in protecting their lives. The conversation is difficult to follow and the speaker suggests collecting a booklet of the simplified legal system.
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in certain fields, in a certain dimension,

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and here, there is something else, you could probably spend a whole

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livestream on here, but there's not much.

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I don't want to say there's no benefit, but

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it doesn't necessarily apply to us because he's got his own law. And

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the parts about him that are that are beautiful. They're related,

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they're into the category of Macassar fats, and Castor fats of

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Alma, who have said that kid that lives until the battles of the end

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times and he dies in one of the battles of the end of time by the

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at the end of the dungeon, and that he lives half of his life is

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in this dunya and the other half is almost as if in the Bozak or

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And that he does not eat his food is thicker. So he has his own law.

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Just like we said earlier, Sedna, Isa Meriam, he has his own law,

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His own law in that law, I don't mean Sharia, I mean, physically.

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In his reality, he can resurrect the dead, He can do all these

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modules and that nobody else did. Okay, he can go and be lifted into

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the sky into the heavens for over 1000 years and come back.

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No one else does this. So kids are at a Salam is in the dunya. And

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that he is said about him, that he's everywhere where there's a

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calamity and his job is to roam the Earth, helping people and he

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attends the gatherings of knowledge in the gatherings of

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dick in a spirit of helping the Muslims

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and when one scholar I heard talking he said if you ever want

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to see could go to any relief site

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go to relief like now there's an earthquake in Morocco. That

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happened last Friday, May Allah Tala protect

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the country from ever having any, you know, After Effects, or all

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the side effects and all the deaths May Allah Tada have mercy

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upon all those who passed away and make the martyrs shahada to death

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of a murderer. But they say that

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in any of those relief sites, good that is there. And Allah knows

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best. But I personally believe those few. But it's not a belief

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that is Aki that we can prove. It's just their claim, but knowing

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who they are and their stature, and how many reports from the

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scholars that good that is seen.

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So I personally accept it.

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Right. But again, we can't make a Aki to write it's their claim. And

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when, when a truthful person makes a claim, it's up to you to believe

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him or not.

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And there are so many, so many scholars that said, color can be

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seen. Okay, what is the law of the law that hid their lives by is

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physically speaking, he doesn't need he doesn't live with, with

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what we need, the human needs that we have, he doesn't have. Okay.

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Secondly, that he takes different forms to take different forms.

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Yeah. And he takes the form of a very modest form, usually, that

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people would no pay no attention to, in whatever culture it is.

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They would look like just fit in. secondly, thirdly, that he has

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shown if future events, when he has shown them, it's a sign for

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him to to try to stop it.

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So what he's shown is not the future, it's a possible future.

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Okay. It's a possible future. Or it's a future for one person, but

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he could protect another person from it. So for example, he was

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shown that there's going to be a

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pirate or a king and oppressive King taking ships. So that's a

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fact it's not going to change. But he can protect the weak fishermen

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from that, how, by breaking their ship making them stay home for a

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few days, while that King passes by. That's an example of that.

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That's what I mean that he is living on his own law.

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And the reason I say that is I'm not gonna say it's irrelevant for

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us, or unimportant because he has mentioned the Quran and therefore

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he's important, very important, but what I'm saying is that

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there's no Shetty from kinder to us, and there's no certainty

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absolute certainty about the nature of his life.

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Okay, the air or the claims from the Alama that he lives on until

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the end, the battles of End Times

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But big I'm sure we can collect a you know pretty decent sized

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booklet of the scholars

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who established that their lives like this and I'm pretty sure that

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CLT has an essay on it could you look that up? That will be really

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fascinating to read

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how it is a little Nether little bit of a nugget on said no good

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okay and secondly the answer to the saying that did was Moses

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Moses correct drink great yet well he was answering he was answering

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according to his knowledge so according to my knowledge I'm the

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most knowledgeable person on earth okay

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all right.

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So the all these are we call my courage, understandings how do we

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bring two things together and you have to get a macabre edge away

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out from contradiction.

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