Shadee Elmasry – The Meaning of alSirt alMustaqm

Shadee Elmasry
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The transcript is a conversation between a Muslim team and a seraph team discussing the meaning of a word. The seraph team explains that the word "ENThr himself" means "by the way" and the Muslim team uses it to describe themselves. The seraph team emphasizes the importance of not letting things happen in a straight path and the need for effort to stay in the position of the team.
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Dual Muslim. Alright, Allah serata Musa team is dinner Serratos, the

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team we're in Nicoletta de la Surat, and Mr. Team. So what is

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this word Musa P mean? Mr. Team is not a straight path, as it's

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oftentimes described us. It's not a straight path. What the straight

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path? If you advance very early on in your life, you could just stop.

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You could put the car in neutral. You can the current Park. No, and

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most of them is the uphill path.

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It's like this. Not straight. And Mr. theme, just like the word calm

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to get up to be horizontal.

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Sorry, vertical. So the word was the theme has the implication of

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some vertical pneus to it. Now, why is this critical to us?

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Because if there's some vertical pneus to the path, you can't stop.

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If you put it in neutral, what's going to happen? You're gonna roll

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back down. Right, you're gonna roll back down. So even just to

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stay in the position you're in, in terms of Dean, it takes effort, if

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not okay, evil Joe Zia. He said, There is no stasis in the dunya

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you are never two days in a row upon the same Amen. Your Eman is

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always either going to be increasing or decreasing your head

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and your state in relation to Allah and the deen is always

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either increasing or decreasing. So this is a Seraph and Mr. Theme

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half of his team, stay put and have somebody and what did he do?

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He bolted up north in one and it two nights went from south of

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