Shadee Elmasry – Studying Islam Don’t Let This Happen to You! Hysaw

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The importance of seeking personalized knowledge and regurgitating it for one's own pleasure is emphasized in seeking one's own clarity in life. The goal is to become people of hotkey of reality of experience and only be Allah and only Allah in your acquisition of seeking knowledge, whether you go across seas, whether you're sitting with Dr. Shadi, whether you're sitting with me, whether you're sitting with shake up the cream, yah, yah, Shaykh, or whether you're sitting with me, no. The goal is to become people of hotkey of reality of experience and only be Allah and only Allah in your acquisition of seeking knowledge, whether you go across seas, whether you're sitting with Shadi, whether you're sitting with me, whether you're sitting with shake up the cream, yah, yah, Shaykh, or whether you're sitting with me, no. The goal is to become people of hotkey of reality of experience and only be Allah and only Allah in your acquisition of seeking knowledge, whether
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What would you say is the point of seeking knowledge to become closer

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to Allah? That's it. If your reason for anything else I

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question, you know, why do I say that? Could you say no, but what

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about my community? The thing is, when you say you're coming to

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teach for your community, what you're doing is you're opening up

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yourself, you're setting up the stage for your ego to become

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bigger than it needs to be SubhanAllah. You understand? So

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when you come back, some brothers not be very honest, some brothers

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come home, and they expect to be treated a certain kind of way. I

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hate being called shake. It wasn't wasn't till recently, I heard

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Sheikh Muhammad and anyway, he said, I call people shift out of

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respect, if any, he said anybody who has received some form of

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Islamic teaching, I refer to them as ship but not shakez in an

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island. Because the majority of you are not alums. You are not of

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the early amount. And I thought about that for a second. I said,

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Okay, I can accept that. Because I don't like being called chef,

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because I'm not a chef. I haven't spent 20 years of my life in

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studies. You know what I'm saying? I sometimes the one of my Algerian

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teachers, he says, what is an lm n, is when someone asks you a

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question. And you're flipping through the pages of the book in

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your mind, to find the muscle to find the answer to the situation

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that's been given you. Not someone who says, Hold on, let me get back

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to you. I'm gonna check my books. And he's got this massive library.

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I'm gonna check my books, bro, I'll be back. That's not an

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He told me that Ireland is not a person who takes a lot of books

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and studies. He takes one book, and he has Massey's read it over

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500 times. He said, that is an island. So my thing is, is that

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when we're looking at people who, who like to profess that there are

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people of knowledge, a lot of things just get opened up brother

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that are dangerous. So your goal has to be Allah and only Allah, in

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your acquisition of seeking knowledge, whether you go across

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seas, whether you're sitting with Dr. Shadi, whether you're sitting

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with me, whether you're sitting with shake up the cream, yah, yah,

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Shaykh, Yahya, Rhodus, whomever, whomever Allah puts you, in front

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of, no matter who that person is, your intention has to be for the

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pleasure of Allah to become closer to Allah to understand, because

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another thing we have to become people have you Balliol Jeffrey

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said this, we have to become people of hotkey of reality of

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experience. Now, people are sutra, the people who look the part, I've

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got a few beautiful words. And I've learned a few things. I read

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a couple of Hadith, but nothing has been eternalized. You

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understand brother, I mean, I can go on and on with this. I think

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you kind of got it at this point. But it has to be internalized. So

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when we speak, we're not speaking because we read something and

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we're regurgitating knowledge. We're speaking from the point of

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view of experience. And I even myself, I'm still at all these

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years of being removed from tutoring, because I left him in

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2003. Now, that doesn't mean you've arrived, the student really

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becomes a student when they start teaching Subhanallah because

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that's when you really start learning because now you're gonna

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get hit with things you weren't taught in class, or you weren't

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expecting or maybe that day you didn't show up, or you didn't pay

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attention, or whatever the case may be. Now you got to go and find

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some answers.

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You know what I'm saying? Now you can you say, I don't know, are you

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going to be one of those people that don't try and answer anyways,

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and then find out you were wrong and have to come back home

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brother, I'm sorry. Last time I told you this last week, I mean,

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which happens, it happens. So Hamdulillah. But my thing is, is

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that I want for all those who are thinking about studying who are

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actively studying, you got to watch your egos. You got to stay

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sincere. And this has to be for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala

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really, it has to be about the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and

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your personal development with Allah. And if Allah chooses you to

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be one who disseminate this knowledge and Allahu Akbar, but

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there are a lot of people who have gone to train and you don't know

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anything about them. And it's not about oh, like, like, our beloved

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doctor here has said that they may do are not to be seen. No, no. I

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can tell you right now that ain't the case. They came, they got what

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they came there for and they left and just being honest, you know,

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some people come to determine stuff just so they can say I was

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with the Hubei of those one brother particularly. Tell

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everybody I was Habib's top student.

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You've been there cumulatively, six months, if that cumulatively,

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if that one did how what? How do you become student? You know, and

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what's funny to us is that the FBI, the FBI of all tell us, the

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ones who sit in the front row are the sickest ones. Subhanallah

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they're the ones who have the most they're the sick

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is once it's the ones that are far away, they're the closest to us.

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And they all say this. And it's not trying to be, you know, like,

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you know, to say something nice about the people sitting far away.

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This is a reality is and will Amel Wadala knowledge and well I'm a

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works so you can't just learn and not do you have to do what you

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learn. In other words you become what you learn you become the

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experience, what Dawa then there's the Dawa part. And that was given,

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like we said many, many different ways. Many of our scholars of the

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old used to sit literally sit in the back at different gatherings

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and not say a word until they heard something wrong. Then they

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will say something and they said they did speak. Everyone in the

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room knew who the real fuck he was. I'm not looking to do that.

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But I do sit in the back and I'm quiet. I'm not always when I come

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in and gathers. I'm not trying to sit up in the front. I'm trying to

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be in the back.

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That's what I've learned. And I understand it. Don't want to be in

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the front. I don't like being the amount of thought too much

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It just is it sorry, it is safer.

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Safer. Thank you. So So I'll give you a long as I keep because I

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really holistically want you and everyone else listening to

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understand that this is not about becoming famous or popular. Not

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saying that that was your intention or that was part of your

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question or what you were thinking but as what can happen is what can

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happen to a lot of people you

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