Shadee Elmasry – Salawat on the Prophet EP. 19 Ramadan 2024

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a video on Salah on the Prophet and how it inspires them to hear about it. They also talk about the use of the word fog on the Prophet and how it describes good things, including a man who joined a WhatsApp group and started to practice disputes with the Prophet. The importance of peace and having a good day is emphasized, along with the use of waqas in Islam, including the word Islam for reference.
AI: Transcript ©
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During COVID, I was listening to a lot of videos on Salah on the

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Prophet sallallahu It was sudden him and I came upon a video about

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a man. This man was a Somali man living in East Africa and he had a

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lot of problems. He had problems with his wealth. He had problems

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with his marriage. He had problems with his kits, he had problems. In

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his job. He said, everywhere I turned my life was all problems.

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And he began like many Muslim su desperately to seek a solution

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from Allah subhanaw taala. And he went in, as so many of us do, and

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start typing in Google solutions to problems da so he came upon a

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WhatsApp group that was advertised online, he joined the WhatsApp

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group, Whatsapp group, I'm telling you this story, because

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contemporary stories move us more even though past stories, the

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guidance is more pure, but contemporary stories living in the

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world that we live in, it's more moving more inspiring. So this

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man, he gets on the WhatsApp group. The Whatsapp group is all

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about salah on the Prophet, they share different expressions of

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Salah on the Prophet, they encourage people to do it, they

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send reminders, cetera and he's joined this group and he started

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doing it. Now first of all, what is Salah on the prophets, Allah on

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the prophet is something that is said by Allah, by the angels and

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by us the wording in the meaning of Salah on the prophet the salah

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is a gap is a word that expresses all of the words of the following

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mercy, blessing, increased rank. Everything good is summarized in

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the word Salah. So it's not just mercy, otherwise we'd say mercy.

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It's not just Baraka Baraka is increase, it's not just

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purification, or otherwise we'd say these other words, right? So

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the ones that say, Salah on the Prophet, yesh, medical heif. It

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gathers all of these good things, and it edits an elevation of rec

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and everything else. And Salam is the opposite now, the removal and

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being at peace or being safe from all bad things. So this everything

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good and the removal of everything bad. So when Allah subhanaw taala

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does this and he says, in the law, Hamid Agha saloon, Allah Nibi,

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Allah and His angels makes Allah when Allah does this, it's an

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elevation of rank for the prophets of Allah what He was, and all

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those blessings when we do it, because Allah commands us in the

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same verse to do it. Yeah, you're letting ammonoids Sondrio Allah He

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was selling which is Lima, then we are taking from that we are taking

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from all that good that came to the Prophet we are taking, this is

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why the Prophet peace be upon him said Allah gives and I distribute.

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Allah gives all this goodness to the Prophet and is distributed to

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Us, By Us, following him, including making salah upon him.

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So now this man, he said, I started doing it. And really every

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time my mind would go to my concerns, and my worries, and my

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problems, I'd say stop, go to salon, the prophet. And he said, I

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started to do it. Really I felt odd. The first time I didn't know

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what I was doing. But very soon, I was doing 100 a day, very soon I

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was doing 500 a day. Very soon. I was doing 1000 A day without me

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realizing I was forgetting my problems and they were being

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solved to one at a time. He took him a year by a year he said one

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day I said to myself, I'm going to do 10,000 Salah on the Prophet he

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did 10,001 day I'm going to do 15,000 Salah on the Prophet Can

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you imagine this 15,000 Salam than the Prophet peace be upon him. He

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said in that day, it was a Joomla around also time. We're gonna get

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to that in a later video said his wife came in the room. While he

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was doing 15,000 Subtle watts on the Prophet almost finished the 15

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before Mikado, his wife came in, sat on the bed and said, What has

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happened to us in the past year, all the problems that we had, they

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went away one at a time without me even realizing that's exactly

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corresponding to the time that he started his Salah on the messenger

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so la vida he was son, come here you have the action of that man

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reflected in the Hadith of the prophets of Allah he was suddenly

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comes from obey being cat. Maybe God said, I do one quarter of my

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extra devotions, I have made it salah upon you. The Prophet said

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good and if you increase better, he said then 1/3 He said good and

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if you increase it better than one half, he said good and if you

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increase it better, he said then all of it. I'm going to make all

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my extra time my extra worship, of course obeys a half of the Quran.

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So after reviewing the Quran, Salah on the prof that's all I'm

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gonna do after what he has to do. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam said he then took for hummock way or for liquor them

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took for humble way. Oh for lack of them book. All of your concerns

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will be gone and all of your

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sins will be gone. As a result of this, this many, many of the IRF

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fina Villa those who are very pious and close to Allah say, if

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you want your DUA answered, make much Salah on the Prophet because

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it is observed reality that the people who make much Salah on the

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Prophet all the prayers are always answered. One of them even said

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before he makes dropped when just thinking about something, Allah

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answers it for him all as a result. It's as if it says if

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Allah said to him, don't worry about asking, stay busy with

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salah. That's why Allah gives it to him before he even asks Don't

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be distracted by asking for matters of this world. Stick to

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salon, the prophets I said I'm gonna answer you before you even

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ask. You're doing one of the most lofty vicars that there is, after

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the Quran, the salah on the messenger, how do I do this? The

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simplest form is to say Allah who must suddenly wa salam ala

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Muhammad Ali, Muhammad, because this is what we say in the

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Shabbat, some Allah added wasabi, la masala ala Sayidina Muhammad

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you were early he was sacked, be he was salam. And you can shorten

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this all Allahumma suddenly was Salim Ali. Because in the Quran,

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Allah uses the pronoun so we can use the pronoun long was suddenly

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was salam ala just as Allah says yeah hola denote Solu alayhi wa

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Sunni Muslim. So this is how you do it. And the ultimate said the,

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the least of much is 300. Because Allah says with kulula The Quran

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cathedra remember Allah with much remembrance. So what is much the

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automat said it seems to be 300 yet, what if someone says how can

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I make sell on the Prophet and ignore Allah? This is one of the

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most foolish statements he can shed on putting your head. Are you

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making Salah on Suriname on the prophet except because Allah

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commanded us to And aren't you beginning your Salah and Sudan by

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saying the word Allah whom every Salah on the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa Salam is obedience and remembrance of Allah. They're

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never to be separated. If you liked the video that you just

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watched, subscribe to our YouTube channel, click the bell for

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