Shadee Elmasry – Remembering what the Prophet went through

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of characters and symbols.
AI: Transcript ©
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Surah two kraja abnormals very unhappy Harada Cara, Cara Abuja

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Halia for Mohammed watch her who been suffering

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unbelievable, unbelievably

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good. Tequila Nam for Karla wala to Lhasa la Righto ye Faro la

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Anala raka t he will offer on our Jehovah Torah

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Abuja Hill. He says * yaffle, Muhammad bajo bein this Mohammed

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put his face in the ground stuff that Allah has.

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amongst you. Is that was it does he do this in public?

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Right in the heart?

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People said yes, he does. He comes in he prays for call. I swear by

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lads and by Oza.

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If I see him do this, I will ride on his neck and I will ride Allah

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raka Bochy, on his neck will offer an overthrow and I'm going to dig

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his face in the dirt. And I'll Allah kill in the internal Altova

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