Shadee Elmasry – Numerical Miracle in the Quran Changed the Mind of an Atheist

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker describes a story about a man who stayed in a cave for 300 years and eventually found a way to stay there for another 300 years. The story suggests that people should not be afraid of what they think of them and should not be afraid of what they think of them. The story also mentions that people who have no intention of changing their position may find something special.
AI: Transcript ©
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Listen to this by atheist guy in Arabic, you know the Arabs have

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Now they have atheist now, he pointed out and he said, What

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rational person would believe that the youth of the cave spent 309

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years sleeping?

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Our thing, sorted KEF is a story about some youth. And these youth

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lived in ancient times. And they were believers, they fled their

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And they they were seeking refuge in a cave. They slept for 300

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years, and add nine more. They slept for 309 years. Now, an

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atheist, wrote or called I contacted out today Mullica Hill,

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the Syrian,

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intellectual, very knowledgeable and brings out he does a great job

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in Dawa, to be honest with you, my, my dad sends me his stuff all

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the time. That's how I discovered him. So he reaches a lot of

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people. And he said, Are you serious, you believe you're an

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engineer, you believe that someone lives for 309 years and sleeps

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retention in nine years. So he went in, and he he then decided to

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look into the story of the people of the cave. And he said, I looked

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in knowing for sure that we will come upon something that is

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digests, it stops people from this, from what they're saying,

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the falsehood that they're saying, keep in mind, or update on our

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belief is not based upon these things. You believe in the truth

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because of a lot of other things. But those things when you discover

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some miracle in nature, or some very unique thing in nature, it

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increases your human. And that's what it is, for us this numerous

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this numerical observations, let's call them that numerical

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observations in the Quran.

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If they don't really strengthen you, and sort of make you say,

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subhanAllah, this is the word of Allah, this is not the word no

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human being could have offered this, then something's wrong with

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I hate to put it that way. But that's how it is. Well, when he

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studied this, he discovered something that the word that they

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remained, which is the issue at hand, how could you remain for 309

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years is levy thought. And that word Levy, who

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comes in this passage six times.

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And he noticed that this word is not used like this in any other

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sutra, it's used the root and it has different,

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you know, derivations, is in the Quran, not that many times, but

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it's in the Quran. But none of them in one word, repeated all

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over. So he took from this, and he said,

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There has to be something about this. Like that word, it's going

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to revolve around that. So he closed off the passage from the

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first mention of the word libido, to the last mention of the word

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Levy. Again, levy two means to remain which is the issue at hand.

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How could you remain sleeping for 309 years, and who remember he's

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interested in numerology, no more numeric observation of the Quran.

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So he counted from one to the other. And found the number of

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words is exactly 309 words. There are 309 words.

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In the passage that describes they're staying in the cave.

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That's, that's what he came out with. And he immediately called

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back contacted back this person. And that actually sparked the

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person leaving his atheism. He's an Arab, from Muslim background.

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So he, he came back, actually, to the truth, just from this, so you

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can't tell me that that has no, no use. Now, when you count these

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words, the well is a huff, but it is a word. whereas all the other

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hoof particles like fat, Beth Lee, they're all connected to the word.

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So they're treated as part of the word, but the well is not treated

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as part of its separate. Okay? So when you count them, that's how it

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is. Another thing people need to know is that Lola, is one word in

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the Arabic language. The word Lola is, is a one word, even though

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it's consists of two different words was a compound word, right?

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Every language has compound words, right? Here's the thing people

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say, well, the prophet never spoke about the numerical miracles in

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the Quran. That's actually a proof that he is not the author of it.

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Because if you were the author of all sorts of neat riddles and gems

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in the book, wouldn't you give a hint, right, you wouldn't want to

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die and people not knowing that this is there, you would give a

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Now, there's another thing that is totally amazing here. I love this

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part. It's a little extra when you get to the end of this. So it says

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they stayed in the cave for 300 years.

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FM it's unseen is the 299 and the 300 word. And then the ISS was

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dead Bucha. And then at nine more, right and they they had nine more

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cool Allahu Allah movie Malibu that's nine words. So literally

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the 300 The word 300 is a 300 word. So even in the like the

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construction of the of the the words together to put this passage

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together, the 300 matches with the 300. And the 309 matches one word

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for every year that they lived. So, point being here is that

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whenever any of these people such as some of these extremist

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Protestant evangelicals, who just have nothing to do except attack

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Islam, they love to attack Islam. And I used to say, I'm not even

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answering this stuff. It's nonsense. No, I changed my

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position. I actually now believe whatsoever they say, if you think

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hard enough, you're gonna find something special there.

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