Shadee Elmasry – MARRIAGE ADVICE every MUSLIM MAN needs to hear

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers stress the importance of focusing on core values and family life, rather than just making gifts and sensitivity. They suggest finding a person in a position of strength, finding a person in agreement with their dean's views, and finding their way of life to be happy and safe. The speakers emphasize the need for a methodology to overcome fear and anxiety in relationships and maintain healthy relationships.
AI: Transcript ©
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Here's a rule of thumb, you don't play games and things that are

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extremely serious in life. If you get those things down, right, you

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don't have to worry about anything else. If you take the certain core

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things, and you just focus on them and get them, right. The first one

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is your iman and your Akita. And the people you surround yourself

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with. The second one is your family life. Yeah, make sure that

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family life everyone is happy in that family. And one of the I

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remember, I was reading, I think it was Jeff. Yeah, he wrote a

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wedding. Yeah, he said, even a medic said, the intelligent one, I

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believe he said, the real man is the one who makes himself the most

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lovable person in his house. What do you mean? You can make yourself

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lovable, the prophesy sounds to give gifts, sensitivity also, not

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not talking about things you know, is going to hurt them. Not

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laughing at things you know, is gonna hurt them. Like oftentimes,

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some guys laugh about this, I'm gonna take a second wife, like

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you're hurting somebody, you may think it's funny, and you say I'm

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not just a joke. But you're, it's a sensitivity, right? Sensitivity

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is one way to earn a lot of love, and your family, generosity,

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forgiveness, and all. Ultimately, you gotta give away a lot of time.

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There is an article in New York Times, The Curse of the new

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generation is the amount of success they have at their hands.

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They have so many opportunities, there's no room for kids. And in

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some cases, so much success. There's no room for a spouse, no

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room for marriage. Some people are so good at school, they go on from

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school to medical school, they're so good. And they get offer all

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the fellowships, and they get all the way up to, you know, the

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highest levels in their fields, because they're so smart. But

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there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Because now,

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those offers are almost too good to refuse. But the moment you

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accept it, you're actually refusing marriage. And that's what

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happens. And then what happens when you invest in those, and

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you're 40 years old, and you're not married? Are you even marriage

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a bowl? Honestly, you're probably your first marriage is going to be

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a dry run, that's a disaster, you're gonna have to learn all the

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lessons hit age 40, you're stuck in your ways, do you know how much

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hassle that just a baby is gonna cause to you. And you may feel

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like I can't take my foot off the pedal, I gotta keep going. But the

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baby's going to take away a lot of your time. Do you have to make a

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choice, I'm telling you get things right, in your homes and your dean

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first, in your dean, pick someone who's agrees with your dean, I'll

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tell you where Dean doesn't matter where neither of them care. But if

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both of them care, they need to be on the right opinion in the same

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opinion. Otherwise, in anything, like if you if you're both

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political people, you can't be opposed the care so much about

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certain views, you have to have the same views, right? Certain

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things. My theory, certain things in marriage have to be the same

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view. And certain things should be opposite. The same view should be

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in the core things. The opposite view should be in temperament.

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Like I rush, and she thinks, right?

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Like that temperament, those things? Do you make a perfect

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pair? And both? Can your kids also get to see the spectrum? But main

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views, religious views, whatever you care about, has to be the

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same. Gotta be in agreement on this right? Or else you're gonna

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have a clash. You get that your dean right. And when you guys get

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married, you gotta know what to put out.

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Ahead of your of marriage is only Dean. That's it, nothing else

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should be ahead of career should not be ahead of it.

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Parents, in a sense to a to an area where if, if it's not taken

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away from someone else's rights, that's their condition. So for

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example, a dad cannot say to his son,

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I need you to come and join me. We're going on a trip. Oh, but

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yeah, but my kids need me here. Don't worry about that come or a

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wife Oh, Dad cannot say I need you to divorce this guy, he's a bum

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complete. Divorce has got or he says to the Son, you need to

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divorce this woman or the usually it's the mother tells her son, get

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rid of this woman. There's rights for other people. So you need to

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be with them provided that it doesn't aggress upon someone

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else's rights, your job with your family, with your parents, as as

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Allah says, they may have been in Dec algebra when they reach old

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age with you.

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So a man who will be responsible for his mother father and in the

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absence of a son for his in laws that his in laws to also shift

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like, yeah, you notice that a lot of people in marriages The reason

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doesn't work out is because they're not the same people gonna

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have the same thing. That's what you need to both be on the same

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page you need to have Okay, when we have a disagreement, where do

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we go back to? So you see in the modern day and age, right, you

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have like this person's operating on this framework, and the

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husband's on

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a different framework. So when you disagree, it's like, how do you

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solve a problem? You have to have the same result. Meaning, when

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there is a question in life, where do we go back to write the

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questions about life question about right and wrong? What's our

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resource? We don't have to know the answers. But we have to know

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the resource. Like this is the law book right here. If when there's a

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dispute about right and wrong, here's where we go. And then there

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needs there's some there's not going to be in the law book, like,

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which school are we going to go to? It's not going to be in the

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dean? Which specific thing are we going to do? Which home are we

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going to get? Which neighbors are we going to choose to live next to

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all those types of things. So now you need a methodology. And I'm

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telling you, the best methodology is one of the heart which is

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sensitivity to the person in front of you care more about that others

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than yourself? Right? If you always care about yourself, that's

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the abode of business. That's the abode of the marketplace. That's

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the state to be in in the marketplace, when I go to the

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market is not going to do charity.

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When you go put your resume out to interview at a job, it's not

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charity, to say, You know what?

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I'm going to scrap the interview. You take the job, no one does

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that. Right. That's why the contracts in Islam or manyatta

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show or webinars mukarram. Now, sure, I'm coming from myself. And

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there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing immoral about

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that. Nothing Islamic about that. Maybe animal karma is we're coming

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together on a deal, but I'm willing to forego most of what's

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mine. But I'm and I'm gonna give you extra. That's what our shoe

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taught us. Check my Bucha beep teaches this.

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In Bevin, Nika. And he says Octone medneo. Allen mukarram. Right.

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And, and that's what's most important. So it's not just about

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what is my rights, you're gonna get your rights, but you're not

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going to be happy. There's a big difference in getting your rights

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and being happy. Allah subhanaw taala promised the Arabian

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peninsula that He will fill them because the draw of Ibrahim, he

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will overflow them with resources. Do they have the resources or not?

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Yes. Are they happy or not? Are they successful or not? They're

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not successful. Right? Yeah, they're successful have resources.

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But are is it an improvement to their deen and the OMA? No, it's

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not. So there's one thing about getting your rights is nothing

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about being happy. And being happy in your home. It's all about being

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selfless. The main things in life are your faith, your family and

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your finances. F D if you get these things and you treat them

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right with Allah to Allah, you'd be safe with everything else. You

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don't have to worry about anything else after that. Your your Eman

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and your Elpida your marriage and your household and your family.

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And then your finances. That could mess a person's life up. Gotta

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have a way of earning. Right and you got to give it time every day.

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I'm telling you the way

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