Shadee Elmasry – Levels of Forgiveness

Shadee Elmasry
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The speaker discusses the different levels of forgiveness, including forgiveness of the act, removal of a stain, and transformation of a bad deed into a good one. They explain that these deeds are not erased but rather replaced with new deeds that make one forget about them. The goal is to make one the best person to help people who have fallen into these types of deeds.
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The levels of forgiveness are different. The first level is the

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forgiveness of the act. The second one is the removal of the stain

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that the Act puts on the heart. The third one is to make one,

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forget about it completely. And even the minute it can maybe order

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to erase it from your book of deeds, and you yourself may even

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forget what you used to do. Talk to a lot of guys used to go to

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clubs and say, I can't even remember what the songs are. I

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can't remember who I hung out with. I can't remember the names

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of the liquor that he used to drink, I cannot remember it. The

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new rule came into his heart so much that it literally erased the

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memory of these things. fourth level is to transform the bad deed

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into a good deed. And how does that happen? That happens because

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in those bad deeds, you did learn something about life. You did

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learn something about the club life now you're the best person to

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help people who have fallen into it. Those bad deeds now, not only

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are they erased, they're actually swapped. Now, it's a good deed

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because you're using what you learned at that time, from those

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deeds to help the people who have fallen into those states.

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