Shadee Elmasry – Lesson 8 ayn ghayn + Humaza, Asr

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various writing topics including "way" and "wayamm" in writing processes, "yeah" and "wayamm" in writing processes, and "back-to-school" to encourage people to be aware of what is happening in their body. They also mention various examples and examples of words and phrases used in different context, including "ftuff" and "ftuff" in Arabic for various purposes, and "what" and "what is" in Arabic for various purposes. The transcript also touches on various topics such as wealth, relationships, and culture, and mentions various examples and examples of words and phrases used in different context, including "ftuff" and "ftuff" in Arabic for various purposes.
AI: Transcript ©
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have letters and we I told you that there are after Jeem Haha,

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sorry, bad tatha that's triplets set of triplets. But and, and then

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Jeem Ha ha, now you have eight pairs, these are triplets then you

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have eight pairs. Got Jim haha, that that. And then rob and Zane.

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Seen and sheen.

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And but

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and then what we just studied last time, which was BA and VA, now you

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have that's 123456 i and then I am in the vein. And that's what we're

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upon today. And I ended the day and are tricky, because the

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beginning of the 18th can come like so it looks like so that's

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the beginning of the vein, the stomach goes away.

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Stomach pain goes away. And in the middle, it has a unique shape.

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Like so. Okay, it comes in and you you point it out like this and you

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wrap it around, it's one of those letters that has nothing to do

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with the middle shape has nothing to do with how it actually looks.

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And then the end of the iron looks like so. But in the Quran, it

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looks very different. So when we get to let's go to the sewer that

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we're going to study right now. All right, here it is, in a levy

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Gemma Jeem meme, I mean, that's aimed at the end of the word

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Gemma. Okay, and it's with your throat, all right. And it's also

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one of those harder letters, but does exist in other languages. And

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got now sometimes though, you will find the ain written at the end of

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the word with the open shape, the shape that looks like sort of the

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backwards number three, okay. And if you notice that Arabs when they

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try to transliterate in text, when they write text messaging, they'll

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put the number three instead of Iein. I'm not I've never really

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got into those types of things, but

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they're right, the number three instead of the letter Iein. Right,

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because it's like a backwards three.

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So you'll find that the aim is unique in that it's front, it's

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middle, and end don't end by itself. And here it is by itself.

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Okay, so you can take a look, they don't really look similar. Okay?

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And that's the tricky part here. All right, it's quite tricky. When

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you're studying when, when you're when you're you're reading

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learning to read is this letter here, the iron, okay? So not only

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is the pronunciation of the iron difficult, nine is difficult from

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the pronunciation element. And when you study it, unlike the

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right, beginning, middle and end, it's the same, there's a very

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straightforward script here, it's I mean, in the beginning is open,

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closed in the middle, close at the end and open by itself and

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sometimes at the end, it's open to Okay, sometimes they just put this

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letter here, the the wilds alone, they tack that on top of the, at

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the end of the letter, okay, or at the end of the word. And then the

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letter of vein

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is not easy and it's pronunciation again, okay, again, from the top

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of the throat. Alright, and again.

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Now let's get to our breeding

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sort of dilemmas

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Waylon luckily Homas Attila Lomasa All right, you notice that this 10

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ween guy

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this double dama

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is sometimes written into and sometimes written in one with a

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wrapping around it.

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Okay, and this is the same way for them to distinguish that own sound

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whether or not it will be have it become it will enter into the next

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letter or whether or not it will be pronounced. So if it's wrapped

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up when you see that it's wrapped up, so thumb and like a circle

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around it, a semi circle around it. That means you do pronounce

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the noon you would say way you learn okay.

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There is another one in the Surah like that.

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But when it's separated then it means a bomb.

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Alright, that you go straight into the next letter. So in this one

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it's way lol equally homeless. You notice we don't you don't hear the

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noon. You don't hear Waylon you say way lol equally homothetic

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Lomasa way lol liquid. So that's called the ROM and like I said

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earlier, all the rules of Tajweed is to make a flow in the

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All right, anytime that our two letters that are similar together

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come together, right? They're similar in where they come out

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from the mouth, one eats the other, because you don't need that

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redundancy. So one will eat the other. And in this case, the lamb

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swallows the noon, noon and lamb both occur by the top tip of the

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tongue touching the top of the mouth. So to have two of them

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together is redundant and difficult on the mouth. So what

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you're simply going to have is one entering into the other way lowly

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Cooley whom has a tail Lomasa. And again here, okay, like we said

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earlier, if it's parallel, you do pronounce the 10. Wean, if it's

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if it's not parallel, then you don't. And here you don't houmas

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that till Lomasa. Okay. And here's parallel, so that if you were to

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pronounce the word, a levy, you would say, Lomas tin, Allah, the

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reason being is that noon sounds and then the noon sound here is

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not from the same area as the edit. So there's no conflict.

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Right? There's no conflict. Like you can't have to have the same

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type of personalities, right?

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Working together, they're not going to work together. Like if

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you have to go getters that want to be in control, and take risks.

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They can't be partners, right? You can't have two control freaks

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being partners, there's going to be a fight. So you need someone

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with a more laid back attitude. And you need someone with a you

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know, someone who's more the Get your aggressive person and you got

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your laid back person, right. So you have a they fit like a puzzle

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piece. Likewise, sounds, they need to be different. If they're

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different, then they could each be pronounced. But if they're the

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same, coming from the same part of the mouth, then one has to enter

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into the other. You can only have one. And that's the purpose behind

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what we're going to study intend to eat. And we're here still

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studying the alphabet. But at least when we get to teach we'd

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because I'm giving you these little teasers or these little

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intros about Tajweed. Alright, how to recite the Quran, you'll be

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able to get it, it won't be too difficult for you. So here we got

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Homas at Tyndall Lomasa tin Lomax Zed Tinnell Lily. And remember

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this is the Westlaw means you don't say Elodie, so you would say

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Lomasa, Tyndale Levy, the worst law here this little sod means you

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don't pronounce F, you go straight into it. It's a placeholder.

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Lomasa T nil Levy. Okay, this is the word allele, which is

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grammatically called the Westlaw which is a connector or sorry,

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it's Massud

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which is a

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connector letter and it means which or whom depending if it's

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not not alive, it's which and if it is a living thing, it's home.

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In this case it's home. So way lonely equally home as long as at

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Worlds everyone who back bites, okay? And makes gestures What is

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it limbs Alhamdulillah limbs is backed by things through gestures,

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gestures, with your eyes gestures with your eyebrows with your face.

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Alright? So it's backbiting without actually saying it just by

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your facial gestures, rolling your eyes behind people's back etcetera

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etcetera. Alevi Gemma Milan. Here you have two eyes. Okay, Gemma

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Here again, the customer is broken up while I did and he counted his

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wealth. He collected wealth and he counted Alright, it's good to have

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wealth but I mean, if it's leading you to be to go against to feel

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that you're too bold that you're bold enough to go against Allah

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subhanaw taala then you have a problem. So here's your iron at

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the beginning of the word and you of course you're dead.

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Two data's in a row and you note the one that's connected has to

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you have to make the back first than the seat and the one that's

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not you just make it as you see it here.

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Yeah, Cebu again yet. Had tucked under the symbol and NEMA Allahu

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Akbar leather, that his wealth is going to make him go on forever

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that you're never going to be destroyed. Okay, color. No. Color

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is word meaning no. Liam by then Phil, hold on. We're going to

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study this later is what we talked about before it's called a club

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when the noon second no vowel meets the bat that does have a

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vowel. You end up

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having an awkward connection. Leon by then, right. So it just so now

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here's the opposite. Now, you have two letters that are so far apart

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in their pronunciation, and this meme brings them together. All

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right, noon, and Beth. So you

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noon is the tip of the tongue at the top of the mouth and then bet

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is the two lips coming together. So this is actually coming in

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between so actually makes it flow Kela Liam but then Phil Hakama.

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Again, this is fi in.

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And this is the worst, like, you're not gonna pronounce this.

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So you're gonna say, Phil, hold on, Phil, hold on. And there's

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your thoughts. Again in the middle of the word, women at the Rock

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Mahatama MANDARAKE. You'll see this many times who's going to

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inform you right who will make you know what the Hakama is? Okay, now

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will lie Hill Moncada. Right the fire out Allah created Muqtada

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means it's lit, it's ready to go. I mean, it's just waiting for

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customers. And trust me this aids that we have in store is going to

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be packed.

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And Letty Pollio al F EDA. Er right? It's as if this fire wants

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to know what's in your heart so it could get you even more right the

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Bolero which means

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to peek into look to be aware of the belly oh, here's your aim at

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the end of the word to be aware of the Badil Allah LF either Allah is

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on or upon it could be abstract the on or physically on. If either

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the hearts The urge is the heart you hear the name Fawad right for

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ad it's actually good. And it is pluralized as F either

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the hearts this it says if this fire knows what what what was in

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your heart the whole time in Now I lay him solder Fiamma the moment

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all right in the hair. I lay him Masada it is now these this word

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here. Masada and Fiamma Duma that this has is really an explanation

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of ultimate because it held them as not just any fire. It's a

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fire. It's like something that it's something that crushes okay

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that which crushes and hold them okay, and even when you when it's

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a word that's used in Arabic for regular usage like crushing

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you know certain things for food, right? You gotta crush something,

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right and make it into a crush it and then like coffee beans, you

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got to crush it, and then use it. So in the LA Masada means it's

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right, it's closing in on them. It's something that is coming down

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upon them. Fiamma Duma data in what form in columns. I'm a

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mama data extended columns.

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Okay, so it's coming down on them in columns. All right, so that

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it's crushing them down in that manner in columns. All right. So

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you can just imagine that actually, a lot of things that do

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crush are like that. They're like teeth, and columns on one side,

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and then columns in the spaces filling in those spaces, and they

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come together and they crushed. So that's what's going to happen to

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some people. Right? And when you see some people in this world, you

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know why this surah was revealed? I mean, what kind of fate someone

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like Stalin you think is was just going to get a slap on the wrist?

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After all the people he killed? And this isn't even talking about

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murder? This is talking about people who mock and not

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mocking in itself is not necessarily an issue.

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Because it depends who you mock. Okay, it's whom you mock? If you

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mocking the Messenger of Allah, if you're mocking the Prophet Isa

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neurite it says a lot. So in any event, this is the rains we only

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had a couple Scogan Gemma. Wow, that's to

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Allah is the most popular iron that you'll find. It's going to be

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on all over the place Allah upon. Then we had Hamid here, I lay him

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upon them. Hi, Allah, and him. So this is a great example of why you

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have something called Elif MACURA, which is Elif in the form of a yet

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Okay, so the word is Allah. All right, but when you add a suffix

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it becomes a yet so therefore you're given the dual letter as is

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you're given it in as pronounced as an LF but it's in the in its

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backup. Alright, so that if a subject comes in the the letter

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Yeah, is already ready to be used, then becomes I lay him right upon

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them. Okay, upon them, and most other we said is coming down.

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Okay, I lay him.

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Let's take this sort of because it's short. Well, awesome. All

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Again, right there. We haven't seen a vein yet.

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Well, os

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OS it is the time.

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General meaning for time.

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Not like what time is it? But epochs are eras. So this is

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awesome. This is an era of technology, for example, right? In

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Santa Fe hosts, rarely the human being Luffy This is Lamb of

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emphasis. Certainly he is for sure, surely he is. Right fi.

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Again, fat yet, if he hosts he's in Las Illa except this is a very

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popular word you should no means ill. Or it means except Alladhina

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amanu those who believed and what I mean Oh, slightly had this

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almost over 70 times comes in the Quran, this phrase, M and o Amina

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sought out they believed and did good deeds, you have to do good.

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Right as well as believe there's no point to believe and not do

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good or vice versa. Doing good but you have no Amen. And Allah

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subhanaw taala. So why are you doing the good must be for the

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dunya only, okay. I mean, they did. There's the Iein in the

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beginning of the word, Assad hat, the good deeds, what are also and

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they encouraged or advised, will help people to the truth. Again,

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this is the lamb and the wavelet are sitting on the ledge.

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Remember, we don't you don't bring anything in from the back. You see

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the heart or the wavelet or sits on this ledge right here. It happy

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whatsoever. So the sub no other rains to also is to advise or

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recommend the truth, and patients. Why is that? Because oftentimes

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when you say the truth, you get blowback. And therefore patience

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is needed thereafter. All right, so that'll be it for the 18th and

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the 18th. And again, and of course when we see the veins going

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forward in the future, we'll print them out. But you know, you

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realize you're starting to have a number of letters and we're only

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we only have a few letters left. So soon, you'll know all the

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letters and then it's just a matter of practice, practice,

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practice, practice. Alright, so no money

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