Shadee Elmasry – Lesson 2 w Guided Reading of Surat al Fatiha

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of finding the right words in proper pronunciation, creating a dictionary for a word, and identifying the meaning behind certain characters. They provide examples and references for each character, emphasizing the need to avoid mistakes and identifying letters in suits and clothing. The importance of reading the text book for clarification is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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We're now on the second set. And that is bat that now the plate.

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The main shape of the letter of an Arabic letter is they call that

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the global part of the letter and the known as the local

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part of the letter. So today, we're looking here at bap, ta, and

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that and they're pretty much very easy letters to deal with. Now

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let's look at how they begin to Word. So let's start with the bet.

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They begin a word with a tooth and, that would be the bet,

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and then the Tet. Okay, and then set.

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Okay, so that's how they would begin and then you would type in

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the rest of your word, whatever you want to write. Okay, so that's

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how they begin the word in the middle, it's very easy as well,

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your, let's say, you're writing whatever you're writing, and then

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you type in bet, and then you continue writing what you want. So

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you end up merely with a tooth and the dot under the tooth, okay, a

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dot just under the tooth.

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And it's the same for to.

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And the same for thet. Okay, you continue. So you have your letters

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under your teeth and your dots above the teeth or under the

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teeth, okay? And sometimes people put the you'll find it in the gap

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guide, not directly under the tooth, right as it's sewn here.

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And sometimes you'll find it in that gap area where my mouse is

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where I'm highlighting right here. Okay, so that's the letter in the

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middle. Now, at the end, you got your text and your words, and then

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you write your bet. Okay, you're going to make a tooth and another

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tooth, right?

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Again, that.

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Okay? And then again, and then you got your threat. All right, you

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got your threat.

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So, that's really how simple it is. I mean, we're going to start

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looking at it here and we're gonna start looking at suits.

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Alright, so now let's look at some vocabulary words.

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I can erase this. And

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one word that consists of what we looked at before, including bat as

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well as F whoa and, and yeah, all right. From those words, we can

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make a very simple word tab. Alright. taba

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means to he repented, it's a past tense verb for he repented. Okay,

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so add that to your vocab list. Another one is bait, very simple

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word mainly made up of the bat, the and the TEP. And that means

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house translates as house. Okay? All right. So that's two vocab

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words very easy. Put them on note cards, or in a in a notebook. And,

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and the more you see words, that's how you benefit you see words and

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you remember them. Alright, so and we'll, we'll be reviewing these

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later on. So let's put this down here with the rest of the vocab.

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And let's take a look now

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at pseudotyped FATCA. And try to find the letters that we looked

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at. So here you have Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, and see if I can

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highlight I can't really highlight here.

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My mouse is moving around the bat. And you see here, this is a bat.

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All right, with the dot and your that's a customer short vowel. So

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there's your there's your first letter. There's your bat. Alright,

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let's look for an Elif next there. And it's really easy to to spot.

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There is another Elif. Okay, there's another LF. Very easy to

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spot. Okay, what else is in this that we know? Actually, let's just

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do edits first. Here's another edit. Easy. There's another edit.

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Easy, this little feature here that is actually a dagger edit.

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It's an edit in pronunciation, but the first scribes of the Quran did

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not write the Elif. So a dagger little dagger edifice is placed

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there. Okay, let's keep looking for adults. There's another Elif

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there is another Elif. Okay, another dagger ended right there.

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And this is sort of too fat to have, by the way, another Elif I

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mean, Elif is really easy to find another and if we're the hems

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underneath it yakka. Now we'll do another edit with the M's

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underneath it. Yep, and then another edit here, as well as the

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ACA. So you note here that in this word e yakka. It means unto you,

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okay? And this word here, you have your NF, your Yep. And then

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followed by an edit and the NF receives a connection but doesn't

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give a connection. This is a really good example. I wonder if

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we zoom in and probably be more blurry. But let's just do it

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anyway. Oh, that's horrible. That is horrible. I mean, I've been

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searching all day for for a Quran

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in a PDF format, and haven't been able to find it. Just the image of

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the most Huff itself. I can't even find that all day. So we're going

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to have to work with this fuzzy one. It's okay.

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Got unfortunately, it's unfortunate but this is what we

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have. So let's just do it instead of waiting and finagling and

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trying to download a million things and we never get anything

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done, let's just do it. And okay, so it's a little bit

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blurry. That's alright. We're not no one's gonna die. He haven't.

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Uh, yeah, here, followed by an F, and then F doesn't connect behind

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it. Okay, so here this word consists of LF with Hamza. Yeah.

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And if f, so 123 Out of the four we've studied so far. Okay, let's

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keep looking for F there's another Elif and other Elif. Okay, another

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Elif Dena, and then another elephant this word here, Dana,

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dental stood up and Mr. beam so a set LF again, dagger lf you might

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be wondering what this little symbol is above the F here as set

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up. It is the what's called the Westlaw or Westlaw is a symbol

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where it that f is there really just to let the recitation float.

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Okay, so you're not supposed to say Dana as syrup. You're supposed

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to say dinner sit up. Alright, so let it flow.

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All right, another edit here at Mr. Cream, a dagger F syrup

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Alladhina Elif n m. And if I let him ride Elmo Dooby again that was

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law is met instead of saying evade Elmo, Adobe, you say a little

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Marvel movie. So the worst law was the word was that means that

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connection a connector. So you want to connect why you didn't

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model do you don't want to say right, Elmo? Do we have a real

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Marvel movie? Are they hint what and this is lamb and if we haven't

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learned this letter, but it's lamb and connected to isn't Elif, and

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then Elif, again, a ball lien. And then this LF here has a dagger on

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top of it, which is, I'm sorry, not a dagger, but the tilde. And

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this tilde. This mark here that my mouse is pointing out is,

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indicates that there's an extension which is called a

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method. And a method is something you'll learn in touch when we do

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those videos. When a ball lean guy you're supposed to extend it four

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to six beats, or four to six counts, and they usually count by

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moving their fingers. All right, what up ball Lin? Right four to

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six. So that's your edit now let's look at Wells and well remember

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it's a continent NFL. Alright, so I'm glad I'm on the heap no wells

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there. I'm doing battle blood. I mean, I think they're Amanda

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Rahim. Yom Yom. This well was acting as

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a consonant not as well. It's not you it's Yom. So the this one was

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acting as a consonant. You're not gonna move to what this is the

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word which is the conjunction which we talked about in the first

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video that it's and good what

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Auntie we worship and until we seek help,

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and then a set up and mystery. No was there so that the Lydian and

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I'm Talia him right in Malibu. Here we got our first vowel. Well,

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Mughal doobie Holly. Whoo. All right, there's our first vowel of

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using the letter. Oh, and then what a Balint again, conjunction

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meaning and which is called half outfielder. Now, in grammar,

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basically, it's the same, it's the word conjunction how to follow up

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a letter or a particle that is a conjunction. So not this means

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other than the path of the righteous other than the path of

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the cursed and the astray. Okay? Those who earn God's wrath and

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those who are astray, wet is connecting the two. Alright, so

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there's your ad if Well, now let's look for yet. And here we go.

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim right here. Rahim is a Yeah, acting as the

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vowel Rahim. And you see it's got a tooth and it's two dots. Man, I

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really wish we could have had a more crisp version of them

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Publication Akoto popular is the Quran and you can't get a crisp

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PDF or image. I mean, I've downloaded like three or four but

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they're just not crisp. They're they're fuzzy. And hamdu Lillahi

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Rabbil Alameen. Again, yeah, as a vowel E, and you see that meme.

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And then just more like for calligraphic purposes. The, yeah,

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it's sort of elevated here. That's more of a calligraphic thing.

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Okay. It's not really a necessary thing there for the writing. So

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meme yet known, and it's just lifted for calligraphic purposes.

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So this here is the first spike the first tooth of the and there's

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the second two of the I'm on the Rahim, another one. Good. There is

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your spike. And then he extended it out more for again for sake of

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calligraphy. He extended the out guide before hitting before

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writing the meme. So there's your tooth with your two dots. Malik em

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here is acting as a consonant. Yealm and a dean again, tooth,

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tooth and two dots. And that's your consonant yet

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Sorry vowel Yep, yeah can I will do an E. Again here that yeah is

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acting as a consonant Nestene is acting as a vowel right there two

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dots and then also often missteps II again two dots very popular

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letter that you find at the end of words. Yep. High percentage letter

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so not Levine again. Yeah as a vowel. And I'm gonna lay him I lay

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him here is a acting as a consonant. You're not saying i Li

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him using lay him. So the is acting as a walk away here not as

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an E. Again evaluated also as a consonant.

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Evaluating my Luba, I lay him again, I lay him, same word as

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that we just looked at

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is a consonant with a ball lien. There is also a vowel, right again

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at the end of the word. So that's Elif wo, and yet from the first

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lesson now let's look for a bat and FET. So we're looking for one

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dot under a letter. That's simple, right? Here's one, the first

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letter of the Quran but and of course, you know that the

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Chevy's and Hemby these are the only two methods that consider the

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bet to be

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served Bismillah R Rahman Rahim to be part of the data. The other two

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methods don't they consider the fact that to start with 100 a lot

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of baloney

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so we're looking for one dot and here's it here it is. Rob Lord has

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one dot under the bat and he made it a little bit bigger and didn't

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really finish off the tooth again, that's more artistic than anything

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else out up. I mean,

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hey, Malika Medina nothing there yet. Now, boo. There it is in the

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middle of the word but in the middle of the word now, but that

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with a Dhama. Now go do what you can to stay in

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the game so that the Latina and I'm Daddy environmental will be

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there. Again, back by itself. Why is it by itself because the well

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doesn't give connection. The well as we said receives connection

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doesn't give connection. So the bat ends up being by itself, and

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the calligrapher who was Ottoman law, the one who actually wrote

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this by hand, this is handwritten, by the way.

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The Quran that you see, of course, the you're getting the Codex,

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obviously, that's printed, but the original Codex was handwritten.

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Each idea was written on a large paper. Alright, really large paper

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and then they were put together, okay? In on huge pages, they were

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put together and then that was made into a codex. And then of

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course, printed all over in different size formats, etc. Okay,

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colors, etc.

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Alright, so there's your bet by itself. And that's it. That's the

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only other bet in the pseudo let's like, take a look at

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that. Now we're looking for two dots above the line and there's

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nothing here nothing here. Nothing here. You're gonna do we're gonna

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step there it is. There's our first step. The tower makes its

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debut in the Quran in Iowa number five. Yeah, can I will do it.

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Yeah, Katniss Tet. I mean, right there. There is what you're

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looking at, and it's one spike, and then you move on to the next

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letter, and this letter Zion, which we'll learn later on.

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And then I'll set up on was pm, again, another tip, again, you got

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your one tooth, and you move on to the next letter right away that's

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in the middle of the word, you initiate the first tooth, and then

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you put your dots on top of that, or slightly to the left of that,

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and then you just move on to the next letter you don't make you

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don't close out the tooth. And then now we have here and um,

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we have here on the, in the seventh verse here, the third word

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of the seventh verse, you have to at the end of the word and you get

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a good display very clear display here that tat under the word it

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gets both teeth and the two dots

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in the middle that didn't invite me anymore. So that's it. There's

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only one two and three Tez inserts in fact now let's look for that

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fat you're looking for three dots above the letter something that

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I'm in that 100 A lot of blood I mean nothing here. Manda Rahim

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nothing here manicure Medina nothing here yeah can I do I can

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Stein nothing there that also help them stuffy nothing there so tell

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it you know and I'm done him?

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No, no letter that so there you go. We looked at

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identify the letters in suits and fat. So the point is that you read

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Quran eventually. So you're not gonna you're only going to do that

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by regularly looking at the Quran. You actually have to, on a regular

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basis be gazing and looking upon the pages of the Quran. Alright,

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so that's that's a wrap for lesson number two. We've now covered Elif

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well, and yet the long vowels as well as bet that the first of

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eight pairings of sister letters some of them are three

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In fact only the first to about two thirds or three and then the

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rest are two. So there's triplets and then after that twins got

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being only two letters says distinguished by one dot for each.

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Alright so that's a wrap is that Kamala Clipsal Hanukkah Lahoma we

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have to consider

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whole body of all

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